Sunday, August 05, 2012

The famous "Wild Ride" interview revisited, and analyzed. Let's see what we might learn, shall we? Update!

A while back a reader sent me this rather interesting e-mail which included the original interview with Palin concerning her "wild ride" accompanied by an analysis of her words. I found it rather interesting and thought I would share it with all of you today. .

Here it is in full (With the e-mailer's name removed, of course.) 

Hello Gryphen. I know you've covered the wild ride a hundred times, but I took part of Sarah's interview and applied statement analysis to it. I hope you can use it. Statement Analysis is the most accurate way of determining if a person is lying in a verbal or written statement. A person cannot give a lengthy deceptive statement without revealing that it is a lie. This is because people will always word their statement based on all their knowledge. Therefore, their statement may contain information they did not intend to share. This is the transcript from the Wild Ride interview with Sarah Palin. The statement analysis is in italics and the sensitivity indicators are highlighted red.

(Since I tend to put everything that I don't personally write in italics I decided to use quotation marks to identify the analysis instead.)

Transcript of Palin Interview 

Reporter: I was hoping you could walk us through a little bit about kind of what happened because he came earlier that you thought and not when and where. 

Palin: And, uh, he wasn’t due for 4 or 5 weeks later and um, while I was at the energy conference. I felt perfectly fine but uh, had thought maybe a few things were starting to progress a little bit that perhaps there was an idea there that he might come early. So I called my doctor at about uh four in the morning in Texas and um I said ya know I’m gonna stay for the day here at the energy conference - have a speech that I was determined to give at one o’clock that afternoon and, um, had Todd check on a couple of flights that were earlier than we had scheduled. I decided it would be ok to, um, skip the reception that night that we’d already by that time have taken care of our meetings and my speech. So Todd checked on flights. A flight allowed us to get out a little earlier than we had planned. 

" Her use of the word "I"-- I was at the energy conference. I felt fine. I called my doctor. I said I'm gonna stay. I was determined. I decided. This is distancing between her and her husband and leads an analyst to wonder if Todd was present with her during those times she described. When she changes the pronoun from "I" to "we" it indicates when they were actually together (after the meetings and speech). By repeating twice that Todd was checking on early flights, she shows us this topic is sensitive to her, which indicates deception. Sarah says, "I was at the energy conference, I felt perfectly fine." These are true statements; there are no unnecessary words added in and no effort made by the subject to clarify them as she feels the need to do with Todd checking on flights. Reader: note that she uses "he" to refer to Trig. She does not use his name or any kind of pet name or nickname, which suggests that she is not at this time close to Trig on an emotional level."

Skipped the reception and, um, called my doctor before I got on the plane to say, ‘Yea, we think that we will come home a few hours early,’ and, uh, she said ‘OK call when you land and I’ll check you out.’ But none of my babies had been early and being my fifth child I know what labor feels like (laughing) and if I had felt at all that I was really engaged in uh, labor activities I would not have desired to fly and, um, get back uh, to deliver in Alaska. But anyway, so no real huge labor signs. Landed in, uh, in Anchorage at about10:30. Got out to the valley at 11:30 and she met us at the hospital, checked me out and said, ‘Um, Yea you look, you may have it um tonight or in the morning.’ And it was smooth, it was relatively easy, in fact it was very easy, the easiest of all of them because he was so tiny. And, um, it’s just been absolutely wonderful. It was all, it just all seemed meant to be… the logistics and everything else just worked out so perfectly and to us he’s absolutely perfect, too. 

"Note that her narration changed from her deciding, her coming home has changed to "we." Also note the missing pronoun for "skipped the reception and called my doctor." This indicates deception because she has skipped a large chunk of time. She is not being led by questions, she is free-editing her own story and for some reason decides to go straight from Todd checking on flights to skipping the reception and getting on the plane. Judging from her use of pronouns, we can determine that she was not alone when she arrived at the hospital. However, she gives no indicators as to who she was with."

"She refers to her other children as"my babies," not "our babies, which is very telling. She then refers to Trig as her "fifth child." For those well-versed in Statement Analysis, when someone uses the word "child," it is associated with risk, danger, harm, and abuse. It is not called baby abuse/kid abuse, it is called child abuse. Trig is not her baby like her other children have been, he is simply her fifth child. She starts out by describing her labor as relatively easy, and then corrects herself by saying it was not just easy, not just very easy, but very very easy. When the subject uses these qualifiers, she is telling us she wants us to believe them. From this sentence we can say that his birth was not very easy." 

Reporter: Of course you’re back to work already today and actually signed a bill that day, right? 

Palin: That day, yeah, staff came out to the hospital and I signed a bill there so I could uh make sure we transmitted that in time and then uh here today also yeah, we have some energy updates I didn’t want to miss so that was good. Look at him he’s just doing so well and it’s been easy and relaxing and again it all seems just meant to be this way. 

"Please note that any use of "so, since, therefore, because" shows a reason why something did or did not take place. This indicates sensitivity. She had no reason to explain why she signed the bill but offers us a lengthy response as to why she did. Again, Trig is mentioned using only he/him pronouns. He has not yet been mentioned with a name/term of endearment/nickname by his mother. "Meant to be" indicates that God is controlling the situation (freeing her from all guilt) and that God is the only person who can judge her alleged actions." 

Reporter: You said you felt some signs of labor, what were those signs? 

Palin: Well not contractions so much because I had Braxton Hicks contractions for months as every pregnant woman does, and nothing real painful but just knowing that, um, it was feeling like, I may not um, be able to be pregnant a whole another four or five weeks knowing that it would be not a bother to call our doctor and let her know. 

"And um she’s delivered how many babies over the year did she say? Extra words in describing that not just she, but all pregnant women have Braxton Hicks for months. This indicates sensitivity concerning her labor. She says she was not in pain and not having contractions which would have alerted her. She goes on to say knowing that she may not be able to be pregnant and corrects herself halfway through by saying it was feeling like she may not be able to be pregnant for much longer. Her first response indicates that she knew Trig was close to being delivered. She gives no indication as to what alerted her to this. This is also the first time that "my doctor" has been referred to as "our doctor," why the change? Sarah then asks how many babies CBJ has delivered over the year; it is a specific time frame (the year) that she changes to a couple of decades in her next breath. 

Todd: Lots 

Palin: A lot. It’s been a couple of decades of her delivering babies. We knew to call her and just get her advice and, um, from there we again decided to skip the energy conference reception and come on home and get checked out. 

"She says "we knew to call her" but in her first paragraph she said that she called the doctor herself. Usually the person dialing the phone makes the statement that they were the one who called. In her whole paragraph she indicated she was alone when she called to talk to her doctor. Was the decision-making in reference to phoning the doctor made over text messaging? She also says "we again decided to skip the energy conference." Who is "we?" In her first paragraph, she describes herself as making the initial decision, indicating that Todd had nothing to do with the decision. Her priorities are also telegraphed by her saying "come home and get checked out." Getting back home was paramount to her getting checked out." 

Reporter: So did your water break? 

"Readers note that this is a very straightforward question. It is a yes/no answer. The strongest statement Palin could make to answer this truthfully would be to say "Yes, my water broke" or "No, my water did not break." She does neither of these." 

Palin: Well, if you must know more of those type of details, but, um… 

Reporter: Well, your dad said that and I saw him say it so that’s why I asked. 

Palin: Well that was again if, if I must get personal, technical about this at the same time, um, it was one, it was a sign that I knew, um, could lead to uh, labor being uh kind of kicked in there was any kind of, um, amniotic leaking, amniotic fluid leaking, so when, when that happened we decided OK let’s call her. 

"This response is incredibly sensitive to Palin. She telegraphs this by repeating words: if if, personal technical it was one it was a sign, amniotic leaking amniotic fluid leaking, so when when that happened. This shows she does not want to answer the question and indicates deception. Her use of synonyms with regards to "personal, technical" also indicates sensitivity. Is the question personal or is it technical? One implies she shouldn't have to answer it and the other implies it's too difficult to answer it. She was asked, did your water break and answered that "I knew [amniotic leaking] could lead to labor being kicked in. When that happened we decided OK let's call [the doctor]." She again states that "we decided" to call CBJ, although she does not indicate that anyone was with her when she called, only that there was another person who helped her make the decision to call. 

Todd: There’s a lot of new doctors out there on the streets in the last couple of days. 

"This is a sarcastic remark. It would seem to be aimed at the interviewer, since she was asking personal/technical questions." 

Palin: Yeah, that’s significant too. Todd said, uh, after getting a couple of comments he said that he said wow everybody’s a doctor, Everybody’s going to tell us what we could have should have done and even though these folks - especially the critics- they’re not doctors. They didn’t know the situation. They don’t know the situation. They, they certainly don’t know our doctor and the consultations that we’ve had with her. So we did nothing to put our child nor anyone else in danger, uh, going through this five times I know what labor is and, uh, I am not a glutton for pain and punishment. I would have never, um, wanted to travel if I had been fully engaged in labor. 

"That's significant too, she says. What is it significant to, especially since it was a facetious remark and not intended to be serious? The timing of this remark in this interview suggests that the doctor comment was significant to what she was just talking bout: her water breaking. This implies that she does not think discussion of her whether or not her water broke is significant. She states that "they didn't know the situation, they don't know the situation;" there is only one situation being questioned which is her labor. She indicates that there is not just a past situation, but also a present situation that people are unaware of. Presumably because they are not doctors, don't know CBJ, and were not present during consults. Consultations is plural, meaning they had more than one need to consult her. A consultation is not a prenatal appointment or testing." 

"Conclusion: there is marked deception indicated multiple times throughout her story. She does not refer to her newborn as her baby, a baby, by a nickname-- only as her "fifth child" or "child." She uses pausing fillers like "um, uh, yeah" more than thirty times in this section of the interview, this indicates she is not recalling an actual memory but has to think of what she's going to say. Her ums and uhs stop entirely when she gets defensive and angry about people acting like doctors. She is genuinely upset. They start up again as soon as she mentions that they did nothing to put their child in danger. Does this interview give proof that Sarah Palin did not give birth to Trig Palin? Sadly, no. It does indicate that she is lying throughout the entire interview concerning the Wild Ride, however. Does it give proof that Sarah has a poor relationship with her husband and her fifth child by using distancing language? (Skeptics please remember that if Trig was adopted, he's legally a Palin) Yes. I know that many mothers, nurses, doctors, and Trig Truthers have already decided that the Wild Ride was a load of Palin crap. But hopefully this analysis gives us a few more clues as to certain nuances in the Palin clan."

Now I did not conduct this analysis myself, so I a cannot vouch for its accuracy, but in my opinion it makes some rather striking points that I thought would be interesting to discuss.

So what did you think?

P.S. Here is a video of the interview courtesy of Palingates for you to use for reference.

Update: Apparently this analysis has already been posted at Sarah's Scandals a couple of weeks ago. I apologize for not providing a link, or giving them credit, but I was not aware of that fact when I posted this. This does happen from time to time, and since I don't get the chance to visit everybody's blog I really have no idea.

Anyhow it certainly cannot hurt to have something like this show up more than one place.


  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Linguistics has some incredibly powerful tools for finding deception. The weird Palin speech patterns are pretty much based on the fact that she's usually lying. The roundabouts, loop-ti-loops, weird pauses, rewordings, odd word choices, word salad. All deception indicators.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      I agree: in the context of her own idiosyncratic speech patterns, the actual content of her message is often hard to understand even at the most basic level. Those chaotic run-on sentences ALONE point to either some functional cognitive impairment, systemic deception, or some combination of the two. I've come to the conclusion that she lies reflexively, compulsively AND that she has much to hide, as she acts out both narcissism and sociopathology both over time and in all areas of her life. It's the only thing that makes sense.

    2. Anonymous12:05 PM

      She lies like she breaths. Haltingly, breathily, screeching and badly.

    3. Anonymous12:15 PM

      I had a psych professor who was the best cold reader I've ever seen. She could spot a lie a hundred miles away. During one class demonstration, she had a group of us make true and false statements, then told the class which were lies, and what our various "tells" were. That's why the *visual* of the interview is just as important as the statement analysis--all the micro-responses in her face & eyes.

    4. Anonymous12:18 PM

      The thing about lying, and if you lie as much as she does this is exponential, is that you have to constantly be thinking on your feet as you tell any wild ass tale. If I simply tell you what I did this afternoon, it takes very little thought. If I start spinning some crazy yarn then I start having to take into account all the ways I could be found out, and that requires time. "I went to the store and got icecream," takes very little thought. Spinning out some yarn about little green men taking my ice cream back to andromeda galaxy, things get um, uh, well they mighta been just like it went up and green, you know like it reminds me of a lake in they just the lights kinda like well, ice cream they don't have that out there. When hooked up to an MRI a liar can be spotted instantly because it takes all the brain's effort to mentally check and recheck and calibrate and recalibrate. That's what we hear her doing all of the time. Some people are a lot more skilled at it is all. Like I said, effort of the entire brain and hers is pretty tiny.

    5. Anita Winecooler6:39 PM

      So true, especially when she "slipped" at a speech and said Trig was born in Anchorage.

    6. Anonymous7:16 PM

      Interestingly, I have known psychopathic liars that never faulter in a single statement: the lies just roll off the tongue like the god given truth. How does this realate to Sarah Palin stumbling through her "story"? God only knows, but it sure sounds like she is making it up as she goes and she is not a very good liar. :)

  2. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Whatever was in Romney's tax returns was so bad the McCain campaign went with the woman that faked a pregnancy.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Great point! They must have thought it far easier to conceal the Palin lies ("who is going to question the mother of a 4 month old special needs child and not sound mean and callous!!") than it would be to pass Mitt off as a fine citizen who helps his country.
      I had read that analysis elsewhere, but it was interesting tos ee it again. That Sarah thinks she got away with this...time's not your friend, Sarah. And by the way, where IS Trig this summer? Swimming in that dead lake all by himself?

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      What a sick man that John McCain.

    3. Anonymous10:26 AM
      Whatever was in Romney's tax returns was so bad the McCain campaign went with the woman that faked a pregnancy.

      And they would have gotten away with it to if it wasn't for the...INTERNET!

    4. Thank goodness for that series of tubes!

    5. Anonymous6:09 PM

      The tubes Romney is using are plugged. The internet will unplug them or rMONEY will quit, also too,him being more and more like Sarah Palin who should have been an object lesson.

    6. Anonymous7:22 PM

      B.S. The McCain one time Steve Schmidt took the credit...chose Palin because they (he) thought she was HOT! End of story.

      Palin = Sexual attraction to men and women = VOtes. That is what "they" (the GOP ) thought of the American public. :) What do you expect? George W. Bush had already been elected twice. So what is the difference?

  3. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Like all things Palin, I'd give it four Pinnochios

    1. WakeUpAmerica11:05 AM

      Perfect description.

  4. Irishgirl10:44 AM

    Very interesting analysis. Notice how she says that she is not a glutton for pain and punishment. Why would she regard labour as punishment? Also, she never even mentions the welfare of the child she is supposedly carrying. It is as usual, all about her.

    1. WakeUpAmerica11:06 AM

      Well, Irishgirl, honestly after 35 hours of labour, I called it punishment too. LOL

    2. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Well, remember, in her rewrite of history she made sure to write that when she awoke to feeling something was very wrong and it made her realize she loved this baby more than anything in the world - just not enough to put his welfare above her stupid energy speech which I'm sure sounded exactly the same as any populist with a very superficial grasp of energy production and use in this country.

    3. Irishgirl12:10 PM

      Ha, I had my first baby in September,and the doctors and nurses kept saying to all of us in the labour ward - well you were all having a great time last Christmas! :)

    4. Anonymous12:29 PM

      I've had a baby or seven, but I've never considered the labour part to be punishment. No, that comes later when they're teenagers. ;)

      But seriously, *if* she had really been pregnant, she SHOULD have emotionally bonded with her baby by 7 months. She surely would have already known his gender and would have discussed names. She would have felt his movements and been excited to share the experience. Certainly after he had been born and welcomed into their home, she wouldn't continue to refer to the baby as "it" or "he." Contrast the level of maternal affection with that of Trig's new siblings, or even her own possessive behavior with Piper.

      Something's definitely wrong with her story.

    5. Anonymous1:52 PM

      …she SHOULD have emotionally bonded with her baby by 7 months.

      But when you have those seven months retroactively it's different. Sorta like being a Massachusetts resident for seven years retroactively.

  5. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Most obvious fact is....what aspiring politician would risk giving birth on a commercial airline? Imagine the cell phone pictures of Sarah spread eagle in an isle squirting out a Downs Baby. What better press than to have a delivery in a Texas hospital surronded by swarms of adoring fans. That's why this story holds no water ...err...amniotic fluid. Total BS and impossible. Drip...drip....drip...

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Yes, that WOULD be the most obvious fact, if it weren't for an even MORE obvious fact (which had not provably emerged at the time this interview happened): Palin WAS NOT PREGNANT!

      I keep repeating one of my favorite Audrey quotes. In discussing the wild ride and all the hideous possibilities, including lots of info about the mess and risks of childbirth, Audrey asked "So why was SP not afraid of these possibilities? Why, for the very same reason **I** am not afraid of them happening to ME when I board a plane: because I know I am not pregnant!"

      And now we too know for a fact that SP was not pregnant: the Mar 14 photo (and other photos) that show her totally flat profile 5 weeks before she claimed to give birth to a 6+ pound baby. Medical miracle? Or HOAX?

      I think our knowing, now, for sure, that it was a hoax, makes reading this analysis all the more interesting.

    2. comeonpeople5:22 PM

      Add in the Gusty photo taken allegedly a few weeks later and you KNOW it's a hoax.

    3. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Add all of that info above AND the fact that the security detail that usually is assigned to a sitting governor was told that they were not needed on this little trip to Texas. Why not? Because then the Palins would have too many people to bribe to keep quiet about Sarah not really being pregnant. What a fraud and what a hoax indeed!

  6. Anonymous10:51 AM

    She is back dragging Piper and willow around:

    last pic Piper in Roxy t-shirt.

    1. Check out Piper's crossed arms and big ass SCOWL on her face! Baldy lied to her AGAIN!

      And Baldy's outfit! I guess there are no IRONS in the entire state of Iowa...and who wears WHITE to a BBQ?? An anorexic who doesn't eat I guess.

    2. Anonymous11:07 AM

      She is covered up. Maybe she can listen to others. Poor Piper, that stance. She does not look too pleased. She must love being a prop and being kept on short leash. Lucky Trig. Hope he is with real parent. None of the Palins have parenting ability.

    3. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Piper is PISSED because there will be no grifting left for her.

      No reality show, no fake book deal, no DWTS and no speaking gigs.

      Piper, being Sarah's youngest child, will miss all the easy money.

      Piper .. life sucks almost as much as your mom and dad.

    4. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Is it Willer in the sun dress looking pregnant?

      Is there a baby on board or is she just a fatso now?

    5. Anonymous12:08 PM

      I went to the link & looked at the pix. Wow, what a difference in how Sarah looks now compared to the Trig photo shown above. She just looks awful now. *Much* more attractive in the Trig photo than now. Still think her meeting up with Betheny Frankel sealed the anorexia deal.

    6. Anonymous12:31 PM

      $arah = Rose Thompson Hovick

    7. Anonymous12:31 PM

      That is not Willow in the sundress.

    8. linda2:17 PM

      despite being un-ironed, sarah's outfit looked more appropriate than her usual get-ups. that outfit is not low cut and she doesn't have a mini-skirt on. not sure about her shoes as i can't see them. no- i would NOT wear white to a barbecue unless i did not intend to eat. however, the outfit is worlds better than that stupid superman shirt she had on a couple of days ago. as a former iowan, i will go so far as to say that her outfit was appropriately iowa casual dress for a woman of her age at an event where she did not know people.

    9. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Well, the huge, fake tits made another appearance, but I don't think her clothes look un-ironed. Actually, they look pretty good considering the pants and shirt are probably cotton and she'd been sitting in a car for what might have been a long drive.

      There are plenty of legitimate things to criticize about the Palins without being ridiculous about it and criticizing things that could be said, in all likelihood, about everyone who leaves comments on this blog. Most people wear cotton clothes in the summer, and even when ironed, if you sit for any length of time or engage in any activity, they're going to wrinkle. So what?

      Think about 100% linen! Even wrinkled, there's nothing better and it looks great either way.

    10. WakeUpAmerica3:59 PM

      come on, Gina. It was a huge improvement over the last appearance she made.

    11. Anonymous4:40 PM

      You can still see the 5+ inch CFMP heels.

    12. Anonymous6:07 PM

      @2:17 I agree that the outfit is appropriate for August in the midwest. How come there are no brown people there? Also, Sarah's hands match the rest of her skin color in this photo.

    13. Anonymous6:35 PM

      I've been a doubter on the rumors of Willow being pregnant, but after looking at the last photo that includes Willow I am absolutely convinced she is. Eventually, we should know one way of the other. What ever happened to talk that she was getting married? Did she get married or did they breakup? Did they talk about getting married because they found out she was pregnant?

      If she is pregnant, it will be fun to hear the excuses the C4P idiots will have.

    14. Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

      Yeah, Sarah drove all the way from Alaska in a cotton outfit, Think about it, people, it makes perfect sense! Of course it's wrinkled, it's summer for gripe's sake! Sheesh! The Palins ALWAYS drive for hours wearing cotton. They're just normal folks like everyone else, they don't have garment bags nor rent hotel rooms.

      Ligten up! Remember that democrat astornaut lady who drove for hours in Depends? No one mentioned how wrinkled her clothes were.

    15. Anonymous8:47 PM

      They don't rent hotel rooms?? Where have you been? Check out her PAC reports, or the pics of her and Piper coming out of the hotel last summer. You know, the one where Sarah apologizes for Piper pushing a reporter, and she tries (and fails) to force Piper to give the reporters flowers.

    16. Anonymous8:50 PM

      @Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

      Lots of times it's hard to tell if someone might be having a worse day than you are, but one way I've learned not to find out is by pointing out a wrinkle or a fashion faux pas by a lady who's in a hurry and under duress. "Honey, I was only kidding" doesn't fix that worth a damn.

    17. Anonymous10:36 PM

      @Anita Winecooler6:59pm:

      No one suggested that the Palins drove "all the way from Alaska." Even if they had spent the night at a hotel nearby, if you are wearing 100% cotton, your clothes would still be wrinkled by sitting in a car on the way to the BBQ. The fact remains, her clothes don't look that wrinkled and continuing to harp on that issue is just stupid.

      I realize that when it comes to the Palins, who I detest as much as anyone, some people who leave comments on this blog refuse to let facts and reality get in the way of their crazy, wild, exaggerated, blind, nutty delusions about them. How does that make what you say any more credible than the lies and other exaggerated crap that the Palins are always spewing?

      As I stated before, there are enough negatives about the trashy Palin family without making up delusional criticism out of thin air.

  7. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Excellent. Thank you so much for everything you do.

    A Palin or one of the assistants could benefit from others journey.

  8. WakeUpAmerica11:04 AM

    I think you should email the person who made this analysis and ask what makes the person qualified to do the analysis in the first place. It sounds great, but is it credible. Obviously, tha analysis is telling us things we WANT to hear, so many people here and at the original site where it was posted believe it. Was the analysis done by an expert or by a graduate of the Reader's Digest School of Spies?

    1. Doesn't matter who did it. It's just an interesting exercise that underscores what most of us already know: Sarah Palin has [so far] gotten away with a monumental lie. The lie is so huge that [so far] no one seems to know how to convincingly display it.

    2. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Whatever the credentials, we know that SP was not pregnant, so the analysis of lying is correct. Unlike the usual case, where one is trying to decide whether there is a lie involved, and using this technique. THEN, it would be important to know credentials or track record.

    3. WakeUpAmerica12:59 PM

      Unless you are merely interested in rumor and fantasy, it certainly does matter whether the analysis is credible or not. I made the same comment at Sarah's Scandals when it was posted, and I have yet to hear whether or not the "analyzer" is a professional or not.

    4. Anonymous2:33 PM

      WUA: you can judge for yourself whether the analysis is credible or not, because we already know the overall conclusion: of course SP was lying, making it all up. Because she was not pregnant.

      But, like you, I too would be interested in credentials.

    5. Ailsa7:57 PM

      Me too and I would be grateful for citations of papers about deception theory.

  9. I picked upon all the delayers: Um, Uh, etc.

    But this is a lot more detailed analysis.

    I'd say this was done by a professional, someone who is trained to analyze the veracity of statements.

    Gryphen, can you at least reveal if this was put forth by a trained professional in the science of speech analysis?

  10. Interesting, but most people who view this blog regularly have thought Palin is involved in a monumental lie from day one, way back in August or whenever, 2008. She didn't appear in photos to be 7+months pregnant when she announced it, an ADN reporter undertook to find facts for the story and was rebuffed by the Palins, there was a CBC interview in which the interviewee stated widespread doubt about her story, the doctor hasn't been heard from since the "event", journalists have been reluctant to pick up the story, and so on, ad nauseum. When will it ever end. Who will finally ask the pertinent questions in the relevant forum?

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Media Insider recently commented at IM that there is definitely a MSM blackout on asking ". . . the pertinent questions in the relevant forum."

    2. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Maybe "Bill", the commenter on that link from the Iowa republican story with all the pictures, will get his wish for a Palin run for the presidency in 2016 and she will be vetted then? Hopefully she and Todd will be wearing orange jumpsuits by then.

  11. Anonymous11:28 AM

    um...and, uh,, uh, in...Um, Yea ..But anyway, so no real huge labor signs. Landed in, uh. yeah, staff came...uh here today also yeah...just meant to be this way...just knowing that, um, it was feeling like, I may not, could lead to uh, labor being uh.............

    Why didn't she just keep her pie hole shut? This makes me detest McCain even more. A traitor of America and American people. I would like him to go where this tape is played over and over to the end of his eternity.

  12. vegaslib11:31 AM

    I think, that for a supposed Journalist graduate, that she could at least know how to use the English language. She sounds like she didn't finish the fifth grade.

  13. Anonymous11:55 AM

    It never fails to astound me that this woman has gotten as far as she has in life with the way she speaks, writes, attacks and snarks. With Todd doing it in case she's missed the lead. And her daughters too.

    WHO speaks like this and makes a living at it also too there?

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      I was thinking the same thing! She is completely inarticulate. The answer to the water-breaking question alone ought to convince everyone in the world both that she did not give birth to Trig and that she doesn't have two brain cells to rub together.

  14. Anonymous12:03 PM

    someone else already posted this a few weeks ago.

  15. Anonymous12:06 PM

    And in Pain world, this blog represents the lamestream media and it's making stuff up again that is so sorry state that Track fights for.

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      12:06 PM Your posting lacks clarity, are you in need of more SCHOOLING? Are you one of those Palin High School Dropouts? Track is not 'FIGHTING', Driving for the Top Brass is far away from the front lines. Stop with the Fake Hero story.

    2. Anonymous4:08 PM

      We all fight for it, every single day.

    3. Anonymous6:55 PM

      You guys don't catch the obvious clues of snark?

  16. Anonymous12:07 PM

    You really should give credit where credit is due. Don't go turning into other bloggers we know too well.

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      I'm sure it was just a simple oversight -no duplicity intended. It's probably a good thing to put the story out there again, too. With all the focus on Bristol lately and both her and Todd in the next few months, the fake pregnancy story has kind of moved to the back burner. Maybe this will breathe some new life into it.

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Nice update. I'm sure it was an oversight, but before it gets ugly, best to do an update.

  17. Anonymous12:10 PM

    WHERE'S TRI-G?????

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      With his family? Why do you care? When his parents are out of town, he has a babysitter like all children do.

    2. Anonymous2:18 PM

      The difference is that most real parents try to stay IN town more than they are OUT of town.

    3. comeonpeople5:31 PM

      Left behind, that's where.
      Tri-G was Sarah's "sure thing" that was gonna make her VP. Except she didn't win and now she is stuck with him. She is royally pissed. Sarah is a lying sack of shit. Remember in Going Rogue she wrote that "concern for Tri-G overwhelmed me" . Yeah right.

    4. Dis Gusted7:40 PM

      he lives at bible church with his mummy and grandparents.

  18. Anonymous12:30 PM

    It never ceases to shock me when all I do is post "my cousin worked in Neo-Natal at Anchorage in 2001-2008" on a pro-palin blog/facebook page, etc., and I am immediately BANNED. Hmm. (that's sarcasm btw) :) Oh how they are so very afraid. I can't wait for my cuz to RETIRE and not be afraid of losing her job.

    1. WakeUpAmerica12:56 PM

      Hmm! Pretty sure I've read this exact comment a time or two before on one of these blogs.

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Keep talking genius. People can spot liars from a mile away.

    3. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Yup, I've read it before too. So the comments were NOT banned. The commenter will have to tell us more if s/he is to be believed.

    4. Olivia2:44 PM

      Anonymous @12:58 PM said
      Keep talking genius. People can spot liars from a mile away.

      Hence the whole point of this and so many other posts. We all recognize Sarah's lies from a mile away. Who is the genius???

    5. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Comments of mine have never been banned from this blog or other blogs where most of us believe that Palin is lying. They only get wiped clean when I post on Bristol's Blog, Sea of Pee and of course Palin's FB page. (banned since the beginning) :) There are many people out there who KNOW the truth. Unfortunately it has to be a waiting game because it's easy to lose your job if you talk. Eventually it will all come out, but people won't even care any more. I hope that's not the case.

    6. MissSunshine4:27 PM

      The whole Palin clan story is an exquisitely slow train-wreck. I expect DECADES will pass as pieces of this puzzle come to light.

      When her daughters grow up and free themselves of their controlling mom.

      When her political appointees are finally out of office.

      When enough presidential elections come and go, and it becomes clear even to her most wild-eyed devotees that SP is no more fit to hold office than a two-year old brat.

      As SP's inner circle ages and hopefully gains wisdom and courage, I expect more threads of SP's web of deceit to be revealed.

  19. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Did Sarah ever decide if Trig was born in Wasilla or Anchorage? What was her final say on that?

    O/T but Palin's tragic psycho scary lifestyle
    Ms Hall, 56, said: ‘I think it is bad that we have as role models people who are scary to small children.

    'I’m definitely not going to have plastic surgery. I think it’s a sickness. I see people who have had work done and I don’t even recognise them. They’re like monsters, scary!’

    The 90-minute programme, which will be screened in the UK this autumn, features veteran supermodels such as Hall, Christie Brinkley and Christy Turlington talking about the dangers of drugs, eating disorders and the pressures to stay young-looking in an industry obsessed by youth.

  20. Most of the analysis here is very interesting; some of it doesn't make sense to me but I respect the effort.

    "Statement Analysis is the most accurate way of determining if a person is lying in a verbal or written statement. A person cannot give a lengthy deceptive statement without revealing that it is a lie. This is because people will always word their statement based on all their knowledge. Therefore, their statement may contain information they did not intend to share."

    This is taken verbatim from the Mark McClish website.

    Did Mark McClish do this analysis? If not, perhaps he would. It might significantly help the effort to hold Palin accountable if a respected expert would go on the record. I'd also love to hear an expert opinion on Palin's statement in the Elan Frank belly-smacking video and in the John Ziegler interview, “Uh...quite absurd is-was my interpretation of what was being said especially about my own pregnancy...."

    1. WakeUpAmerica3:54 PM

      Well, now that's an interesting find. Good work. I don't need to know the name of the analyzer, but it would be nice if Gryphen could verify that the person is someone trained in this kind of analysis.

    2. Anonymous6:59 PM

      She is a head-pounding crazy-ass talker. I'd love for her to have the nerve to face a real journalist that would rub her nose in all the lies.

  21. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I've always thought this picture was taken with a baby doll. The hat is the puppy hat.the puppy that was being talked about is, the baby doll.

    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      I agree. There's something unnatural looking about the baby. I was also struck by the way Sarah looks in the picture. She actually looked healthy and pretty. The contrast between her appearance then and the way she looks today, only 4 years later is an object lesson in what hate and anger, combined with an unhealthy diet can do. No amount of plastic surgery can fix that. She looks 15 - 20 years older today than she did in 2008.

  22. Ummm .. Gryphen, you have hit a nerve again with this post. Babygate (like Romney's taxes) will not go away. Oh, it may not be on the front burner as much as the tax issue, but when she increases her public presence, as she is doing now, then this issue, story, fairytale, needs to be brought into the light again as you have done ... and as I said, you have hit a nerve and the nerve is raw, and desperate.

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Yes. Also Bristol has on her own made her personality and inability to care for her child clear. People can see for themselves. Not so much liking either of them as they are known to be liars and tricksters. With so much false about body work to boot. Not so eager to help them cover up and lie about fooling all the voters. Messing with our political system. Making fools and suckers of good trusting Americans. Taking money with their tricks.

  23. Something worse--more emotionally distancing--than referring to Trig as 'he' or 'child':

    ‘Um, Yea you look, you may have IT um tonight or in the morning.’

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      How mean and nasty does one have to be to name the child after his affliction: Tri-G? The public is just too, too trusting of this bitch! What a fraud and a huckster! Wonder how all those suckers are going to feel when they find out that they have been taken? I wouldn't want to be Palin strolling the streets of Anywhere, USA. liable to be a "blood libel".

  24. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Even with counting how many times Sarah said "I" the facts of the wild ride just don't hold up. They did not switch to an earlier flight. They took the one that was origionay booked. No doctor would advise a 40+woman expecting a special needs child, in labor prematurely to stay there and give a speech, th be followed by 12 hous of tra el to return home. SRH passed up a hospital in Anchorage with neonatal facilities to deliver at MatSu which laked those facilities. Nothing in her story makes sense.

    1. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Also airline personnel couldn't tell she was pregnant. If she were wearing the empathy belly on the flight as in the one on TV news interview a couple of days before then she would not have been allowed to fly. She wasn't pregnant, never happened.

  25. You hear that desperate Palin people who are posting desperate defenses here .. it is NOT going away!

  26. Anonymous1:57 PM

    For me, the "tell" has always been this part of Palin's statement:

    "Palin: And, uh, he wasn’t due for 4 or 5 weeks later and um..."

    Any mother who has just delivered a premature infant knows EXACTLY how premature he is. There's no "4 or 5 weeks" about it. At that point, she's so tired of being pregnant, she's counting down the days. And when a child is born premature, there's a big difference between 4 or 5 weeks. She's fumbling because it's a lie. It's why in later speeches she suddenly started claiming she was only 7 months pregnant when she went into labor. The truth is easy to remember; a lie, not so much.

    And of course, in typical Palin fashion, she's mangled the sentence, which should have been, "he wasn't due for another 4 or 5 weeks". Why is that "later" stuck in there?

    1. My 22 year-old child was 2.5 weeks early;

      My 24 year-old child was 2 days late;

      My 28 year-old child was 4 days late;

      My 32 year-old child was 2 days late;

      My 34 year-old child was 2 weeks late.

      See how i did that? And i've smoked a lot of weed in between and since those times :)

      Methinks $arah is smoking something stronger than pot and it's caught her pants on fire.

      (don't ever put the money you're gonna need to live on in a certificate of deposit that you carefully plotted to mature on your baby's due date ~ in case that baby comes early, even though all the others were late)

    2. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Even though you kept track of all 5 of your births did you ever take into consideration Zero Population Growth (ZPG) whereby you only have two children, one to replace you and one to replace your mate? This is the formula that will allow the Earth to sustain humankind for a longer period.

    3. Anonymous3:48 PM

      H&F you are so right! My 35 year old was 13 days late, 31 year old 6 days late, 23 year old 10 days late. I'm an engineer and keep fastidious records :)

    4. Anony 3:31 ~

      a) I didn't keep track; i can never forget.

      b) Please accept my apology on behalf of my issue and myself for gunking up the world. At least as adults they're all busy making the world a better place, even though as teenagers ~ not so much...

    5. Anony 3:48 ~

      ... bet you remember how long each labor was, too, and other things like 1) saddle block, 2) saddle block, 3) natural, 4) pit and epidural, 5) epidural.

      Those details are burned into your brain and that's why every RILL American woman's ears perked up and called bull shit on the world's most prolific liar when $he acknowledged Chucky's bragging about what a woman $he was to fly with leaking amniotic fluid.

      If $he had said that her dad got it wrong and we never heard that outlandish story from her lying lips, i'm sure $he would have slipped up like that again, really soon.

    6. Anonymous5:50 PM

      First was butt-first, that's burned into my memory 40 years later.

    7. Anita Winecooler8:13 PM

      Our 22 year old was 8 days late, our 20 year old was nine days late and our 15 year old was three weeks early. All three were born on the 12th day of their respective birth months.

      Anon 3:31
      If "zpg" is your bag, more power to you, but don't question other people's reproductive choices.

    8. Anonymous5:16 PM

      So true! We moms all know the due date and the actual date like it is burned into our DNA. Sarah Palin is lying or she is a straight-up mother from hell. She sounded disengaged. And the crap about the staff coming to the hospital to sign a bill? Totally unnecessary, just a lot of “Look how important I am” self-grooming behavior. What a horrible person.

  27. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Did she say she had Trig several weeks early? How come he weighed over 6 pounds. Also, why did she wait in Texas and also fly in a plane when she knew he had Downs and why was he taken home the next day after birth with no professional care for his heart?

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Because it's all made up -- a lie, or rather a lot of lies.

  28. AKRNHSNC2:19 PM

    There's not a doubt in my mind that Sarah lied throughout the entire Wild Ride story. Her use of "it" in describing Trig was also highly unusual for a mother-to-be, especially one that knows the sex of the child prior to delivery. She said,‘Um, Yea you look, you may have it um tonight or in the morning.’

    Her claim that the birth was easy was Sarah's little joke to herself. There's not a woman I know that would claim an induced birth via Pitocin is easy, no matter what size the baby is. A child over six pounds is not a breeze to deliver, no matter if you have four prior children. She may have been told that Trig's birth was induced and decided to use it as her own birth experience despite not understanding just what it would mean as far as increasing pain. She stupidly says it was an easy birth, proving she was clueless as to what she was saying.

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      No matter what SP says in this interview or how she said it, we know it is a fabrication by looking at the Mar 14 photo (and other photos), which shows her to be not pregnant beyond a doubt.

      The analysis is very interesting, but it is not proof. Ditto calling your bay "it." It is the photo that is the proof. Confirming the mountain of circumstantial data and intuitive opinion -- all of which points in the same direction: Sarah Palin hoaxed us.

    2. Anonymous3:13 PM

      The birth was easy and her tight abs were rectangular. She was so proud of that pillow belly they filmed for her. She is a clown, a dark ugly one.

    3. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Great points.

    4. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Sarah first began wearing scarves in her teary-eyed February photo with Todd, with her wearing a giant orange scarf. I think she may have had Trig, but very premature and without proper pre-natal care. She began wearing the scarves to "fake a pregnancy" that was already over and done with. Trig would have had to have been in Seattle to get the care that he would have needed as a 26 week premature Down infant. I think she was teary and scarf-wearing because she knew he would most likely live and had to account for him when he go out of the hospital.

    5. No Anonymous 3:34 that is also bullshit.

      Look it wasn't JUST that Palin did not look pregnant right around the time of Trig's birth, she NEVER looked pregnant!

      Don't you think if there HAD been a time when she DID look pregnant that somebody who knew her, or a staff member, might have said "You know she did not look pregnant around March or April but boy she sure was plump around Christmas time?"

      But it simply never happened, And to bend over backwards in a desperate attempt to find SOME way to say that Trig is her natural child is a waste of time. Period.

    6. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Uh, isn't that "it" CBJ's quote?

    7. Anonymous5:33 PM

      So Gryphen, where did Trig come from? You say it wasn't Bristol although she was missing in action during that time period. You dispute that it could have been Sarah, even delivering at 5 months. If you smack down every possible scenario regarding the genesis of Trig Palin then where did he come from? Who birthed him? If you know the answer please share, and if not, well, we'll just continue to speculate. An educated guess is much more productive than a blogger that either doesn't know and speculates himself, or publishes possible "icebergs" that never come to fruition. Either put up or shut up. Until you do our theories have as much credence as yours. Love and Hugs from Wasilla.

    8. Well usually only Palin-bots trot out the "iceberg" comment, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume you're an asshole and NOT a Palin-bot.

      I actually don't know exactly where Trig came from, though I have two working theories. However I am fairly certain that Bristol did not give birth to a baby in March or April. (Too many eyewitnesses have come forward.)I do however think she gave birth to a child earlier. however I am pretty sure (Though to be honest not absolutely certain these days)that the Trig(s?) we see today is/are not her biological child/ren.

      We can imagine all sorts of scenarios for who had him, or where he came from, but I try not to speculate too far past the information of which I am certain.

    9. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Gryphen, can you tell us WHY you don't think Trig is Bristol's child, delivered in December? It would explain so much, from the "breast reduction surgery" to the endless gifts showered on Bristol--but not Willow or Piper--by Sarah.

    10. Dis Gusted7:35 PM

      IMO it's because Bristol was pregnant and delivered a child, but not one with down syndrome. She delivered a child with an oxycontin addiction and FAS in 2007. TriG was borrowed for public appearances and is "virtually" adopted just like Chuckles Heath.

    11. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Bravo Gryphen! Way to bitch slap 3:34! ZING!! That left a red mark!!

  29. Irishgirl2:49 PM

    I had a Pitocin daughter was 5lbs 4oz.
    It was agony.

    Sarah Palin is a liar.

    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Sarah had a Trig who was delivered by Bristol!

    2. Maizen Blue2:22 PM

      I'm with you, Irishgirl. I needed to be induced for our first son. Pitocin is effective, but the pain almost defies description. It felt as if I had a single contraction that lasted for 45 excruciating minutes.

      I knew she was lying when she said it was an easy birth. Yeah, easy for YOU Sarah, but not for Trig's real mother if Pitocin was involved.

    3. Anonymous5:26 PM

      I am with you, a pit delivery is agony. Nobody says an induced labor is easy. UNLESS, Palin was pumped full of drugs which wouldn’t surprise me. She had no concern about this baby, she starved herself, she avoided thinking about being pregnant and she did not prepare her children for the person who would change their family dynamic. A Down's child is a family game changer. This child will never be entirely independent. So often siblings feel an enormous amount of responsibility toward their Down's sibling, and it follows them into adulthood and beyond. Never have I seen anyone expecting a Down’s child avoid preparing the rest of their family for this major event. Palin was in denial or she was not pregnant. She certainly showed a great deal of denial regarding an imminent reality. At best this personality characteristic did not bode well for a vice president candidate. What the hell was McCain thinking?

  30. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Oh, look, Princess Dumbass Of The Northwoods has come out to play again. This, of course, is a woman who couldn't have found a Marxist if the Politburo sat in her lap. Nevertheless, I think it's time for me to unlimber my most unrequited career goal - namely, to be the Don King of high-level political debate. So, Ok, Princess, here's the deal. You and Elizabeth Warren, 90 minutes on the economy, the parking lot at Caesar's. (Todd can pick up a couple of bucks working the valet stand.) National television. No notes, not even on your hand.

    Our lines are open.

    Read more:

    1. I just adore Charles Pierce.

      "Todd can pick up a couple of bucks working the valet stand."

      Too fucking funny!

  31. Anonymous4:46 PM

    No mother, no caring mother, would go on a trip from Alaska to Texas carrying a special-needs, or non-special-needs, baby in her seventh month for something as insignificant as an energy speech to a bunch of suits. Not if she put her child's health first. That's it. Period.
    All the rest of it is just trying to patch up the holes, make up stories, convince those who are too delicate to ask questions about this dubious "pregnancy" and then the much more dubious, and dangerous, flight.
    Any real mother would have gone to a first-class Texas hospital to find out what stage she was in and get medical advice about traveling. All other considerations would be put aside.
    Therefore, Sarah is either a terrible mother, a terrible liar, both, or a strange combination of the two. Certainly not to be trusted with children, and certainly not to be trusted with the rest of us -- either you Alaskans or the residents of the United States. She will stop at NOTHING for her own gain.

    1. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Re "no caring mother would go on a trip from Alaska to Texas carrying a special-needs, or non-special-needs, baby in her seventh month . . . ."

      And neither did Palin. Because she was not pregnant.

  32. comeonpeople5:16 PM

    The analysis is nice but not necessary. The whole story does not pass any reality check. No doctor would allow Pali to fly. No mother to be "desperate for this child" as Palin wrote in Going Rogue, would EVER not go to a doctor and get checked out when leaking amniotic fluid in a high risk 7th pregnancy carrying a DS fetus. It's all pure and utter bullshit. The more people who get to hear the story, though, the better. All it needs is more exposure.

    1. Dis Gusted7:32 PM

      there was no 4AM phone call to CBJ - there was no doctor approval needed because Simple Sarah was not pregnant and had not been pregnant since Piper.

      Todd did not check on earlier flights because they flew on the same scheduled flight as planned.

    2. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Right, Dis Gusted. No phone calls to CBJ, or -- if there were -- they talked about something else, because SP WAS NOT PREGNANT.

      Note that all the CBJ quotes are from SP, a documented chronic liar. CBJ has never really ever said a thing, except maybe once, with her lawyer present, and I'm not really sure about that. All the CBJ quotes are SP inventions. As the CBJ medical letter surely is, either forged or altered as one can readily see from various odd aspects of it that have been extensively discussed elsewhere.

    3. comeonpeople3:29 AM

      It does not matter to me that all the CBJ quotes are from Palin. CBJ has NOT come forward to clear her name,thus making her omplicit. What kind of idiot doctor allows herself to be used and abused like this??
      CBJ you owe the USA am explanation. Do it for your career. UW taught you better than this!

    4. Anonymous12:08 PM

      CBJ can't come forward or she would end up like Dar Miller and the fire. SHE, the "doctor" knows the truth.

      Do you think the Palins would pay her hush money? Or trust her not to tell the truth - a handshake? or implied threats? Which would the Palins choose?

      Sarah and all the Palins would be totally ruined if truth about babygate were known. I wonder how CBJ sleeps at night.

    5. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Does Tripp know the difference between what is "real" and what is "not real?" Children at his age live in a magical world - read any child psychology book - think back to your own childhood or other children you know at preschool level. So how does Tripp process what is happening to him - what's real or what's just for show?

  33. Anonymous5:37 PM

    People are wondering about Sarah Palin and her statements. She'll say things that does not sound right as long as it makes herself look good or the story changes depending on the day and time of the week and who she is talking to.

    Todd Palin seems to have the same problem with his word salad and his stories are hard to believe too. I read the comment below on another post of Immoral Minority and I too question whatever Todd is trying to spew.

    My problem is with this Stars Earn Stripes interview where all of a sudden Todd becomes patriotic and talks about doing this show because of the service soldiers do for our country and that his son proudly serves in the military.

    As told below in the IM comment, Todd starts to unintelligibly ramble something about his father and the Army and some garbage about if it wasn't for the Army he wouldn't be in Alaska but it was very hard to decipher.

    Now where did that story come from Todd? The Palins are known for constantly try to find something to hang their American patriotic hat on like the time when Sarah Palin proudly stood at a podium pounding her flat chest telling the world how her son is a combat vet (actually wasn't a combat vet) and how she raised a combat vet (actually Sarah raised a school bus brake line cutter).

    So how come Todd or Sarah never said that their son Track is following the tradition of his grandfather, Todd's father?
    Why is this the first time this was ever mentioned?
    Now that Todd stuck his foot in his mouth and opened the door, what is the relationship between Todd and his father? Todd's mother? Todd's siblings?

    How come we have never seen them together?
    We have never seen a picture of Todd's family?
    What about Bristol, Track, Willow, Piper and Trig, are there any old or recent pictures of them with Todd's parents?
    What about the relationship between Sarah and Todd's father? Never seen Todd's father with Sarah. Is Todd's father alive? What about Todd's mother? Is she alive? Do they both hate Sarah and her kids?

    Why is that Sarah never talked about Todd's father being in the Army or even mentioned his name?

    How come Todd's parents and family avoided Todd and Sarah during the McCain campaign?
    Were Todd's parents even invited to the SarahPAC paid for Palin Family Vacation to hear how Paul Revere warned the British as told by Sarah Palin?

    We know that Bristol keeps Tripp away from his Grandmother Johnston, does Bristol keep Tripp away from Todd's parents as well? Has anybody ever seen a picture of Tripp and Todd's parents and siblings?

    Now that all this is coming out, how come Track keeps his child away from Sarah and Todd?

    Something is definitely wrong in that family!


    Anonymous6:51 PM

    "... military goes back far my family because my dad moved to Alaska you know I in the military I wouldn't be here without the military..."

    I SHIT YOU NOT! That's what Todd said. Don't believe me go back and listen to it. You want a challenge, go back and try to write what Todd said. It was very difficult because he speaks word salad like Sarah.....


    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      "How come Todd's parents and family avoided Todd and Sarah?"

      If you were Todd's parents, would you want the Sarah Palin Plague or the Sarah Palin Curse?

      Would you want people to know that you are the grandparents to that borderline retarded girl seen on Life's A Tripp? Grandparents to home schooled Willow the Wild Child who has to go to hair school even though her parents are millionaires?

      Would you want your friends to know that your son is a pimp that had sex with his number one prostitute Shailey Tripp?

      Do you want people to know that the book Boys Will Be Boys which was written by a prostitute was about your son?

      Do you want people to know that it was your son's girlfriend Sarah Heath who had sex in her sister's college dorm room with a black out of state basketball player while your son was waiting for her (to finish with Glen Rice)?

      Could that be why Todd's parents and siblings has nothing to do with Sarah, Todd, Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, Tripp, Trig, Ruffles, the DWTS baby, the mono baby, Britta and Track's baby?

    2. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Todd where are your parents?

      Does Alaska need to put their faces on milk cartons so people will know who birthed the Wasilla pimp?

    3. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Why do posters seem so bothered by the fact that Sarah had sex with a "black man"? I've seen it come up so many times now. Is this really a problem for IM commenters?

      I can understand (I suppose) that some might get all sanctimonious about having sex before marriage (because I'm sure none of you have, right?) And I can (I suppose) understand why some might get on their holy soap box if she was engaged to Todd at the time - because men have certainly never been known to do that either, right? But why is the fact that the man was black so offensive that it must be pointed out over and over again?

      I have no high regard for Sarah, but to constantly condemn her for having having sex while she was a young, single woman in college really is out of line. Women do it all the time. Your daughters probably do it. These comments have as much legitimacy as Rush Limbaugh's remarks about Ms. Fluke.

      And the fact that the man is BLACK seems to make it a double sin. Why is this? Glen Rice has been a gentleman about the entire episode and neither he nor Sarah deserve to constantly have this brought up and thrown about. Isn't it time to grow up about this?

    4. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Read Joe's book about her own actions and comments she made to her friends afterwards. It's her own hypocrisy that makes it so pleasurable to point out.

      Plus, Sarah was supposed to be this hard-working, "newly-hatched" journalist working in her first job after graduating, um, no, actually "finishing" college.

      So what does she do the first time she has a professional assignment? She commits a major ethics violation by sleeping with the subject she was covering, a big no-no and grounds for termination.

      Sarah had no ethics then or now. She just knows what she wants and she pursues it, consequences be damned.

    5. Anonymous9:35 PM

      I agree with you.

    6. Anonymous10:18 PM

      "I have no high regard for Sarah, but to constantly condemn her for having having sex while she was a young, single woman in college really is out of line. "

      The problem with Sarah Heath screwing the black guy in her sister's dorm room is that Sarah was dating Todd at the time and Sarah was suppose to be working as a sports commentator but went AWOL and went bare back riding instead.

      Why mention that the guy Sarah screwed was black? I suppose people are rubbing it into Todd's face since it has been said that Todd and his buddies beat up a black kid in Wasilla just for being black.

    7. comeonpeople3:32 AM

      Probably Track Menard told Todd that he CAN NOT mention him on his lame reality show. Todd probably almost started talking about TRack, then remembered his orders and started babbling about another family member, his dad...yeah...that's the ticket....

  34. Anonymous5:37 PM

    How did such an effing nut case get to be running for second in command? John McCain should go to hell for not vetting this jack ass and her family! And today I'm sick of all the Sunday punditocracy saying Sarah is such a wizard at endorsing; she's 4 for 4 of the latest Teatards to get past their primaries. See, we still have a problem when the Republicans chose NOT to vet this criminally insane person. She just won't go away. She's such a coward! Why didn't she run for President in this election? Obama would have chewed her up and spit her out in the debates and then we would have been freed from ever having to see her or her family's putrid faces again!

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      If Sarah endorses Obama then Sarah will be 5 for 5 (not counting Sarah's losing endorsements like McCain, Newt, "Herb" Cain, Joe Miller, Christine O'Donnell and the rest of them losers).

  35. our lad5:38 PM

    Gawd, she is one shitty liar, is she not?

  36. Anonymous5:47 PM

    What happened to the kid supposedly born to Bristol when Bristol was sent away to live at her auntie's house for a while when Bristol was said to have the 9 month case of mono?

    Does Tripp have some more half siblings running around Alaska along with the baby Bristol supposedly had when she miraculously disappeared after her DWTS appearance?

    Why did Bristol fail to to go on the DWTS champion's tour? Did she run off to her auntie's house again with the 9 month mono disease again?

    That girl sure is sickly!

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Bristol sure is sickly, look at that massive growth - tumor growing under her mouth!

  37. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Bristol has chronic SPREAD THE LEGS DISEASE, and Willow Has caught it also.

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Runs in the family... Sally Heath, Sarah and Todd has it too.

    2. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Hope Piper doesn't catch it before junior high.

  38. Anita Winecooler6:35 PM

    The Wild Ride has always bothered me, and this particular interview pretty much sealed the deal with me that she faked the entire pregnancy.
    I loved the analysis, and agree with it on all points, but there's more to questions than answers.

    It's clear as a bell that she's making things up as she goes along. The fillers (um uh also) show that she's scanning a script in her brain, and reaching to Todd for a few "validations" is very telling.

    Add the "Letter" signed "your heavenly father", which rehashes the same lie, written months before with details like "That's why I made sure your birth was an easy one". Basically, she's saying God is in on the lie, and if it's ok for him, it's fine with her.

    I can tell you from experience, one woman can be pregnant multiple times, but never are they all the same, and rarely do they "fit" your schedule and plans so very perfectly.
    Leaking, dripping, dribbling, trickling, gushing amniotic fluid, with a premature fifth child known by amniocentesis to be high risk with special needs, especially with two "white outs" is more urgent than an energy speech in Texas. Labor doesn't just "kick in", it's part of the whole process.
    I wish there was a video of this interview, as much as the tape reveals, there's nothing better than watching a liar's eyes as they spin their tales.

    1. Dis Gusted7:29 PM

      plus the fact that Simple Sarah wrote the 'letter from GOD' a month before the child was delivered to her gives away her hoax.

  39. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Someone was writing about this on another Sarah thread.

    Alaska Airlines

  40. Anonymous7:06 PM

    RNC speakers announced

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      "Romney has not named his vice presidential running mate, though that person will get a prime-time speaking slot. Noticeably absent from the headliner list are several VP contenders"

      Oh goody, Sarah Palin still has a chance to be Romney's vp since she hasn't been named as a speaker at the convention.

    2. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Oh goody, Sarah Palin still has a chance to be Romney's vp since she hasn't been named as a speaker at the convention.

      Ha Ha Ha you retards send that bitch your best.

  41. Anonymous7:14 PM

    What's the story on Sugar Mama Bristol and her trial husband Gino?

    Some say that fool asked The Chin to marry him after she dropped his ass off along some desolate Alaska road.

    Tell me Gino's mama that your crying bitch of a son did no such thing!

    Tell me that Alaska has real men up there who aren't Sarah's, Willow's and Bristol's little bitches!

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      I wonder if that was a test when Bristol left Gino on the road? Gino didn't get back at Bristol by telling her chin, baby and sex secrets and breaking the Palin Confidentiality Agreement so it looks like Gino passed and the wedding might be on?

      Will Sarah throw Bristol and Gino a big wedding reception like Sarah threw Track and Britta along side of that Alaska snowbank road?

    2. Anonymous10:09 PM

      I wonder if it was a script.You know made up for tv,not caring what it does to Tripp.Now,when they break up for real,think how much worse it will be for him.

    3. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Gino gives Bristol a promise ring to show that he promises to be faithful and loving. Bristol gives Gino a puppy so that he will learn responsibility.

      I hope for Gino's sake that this part of her "reality show" is in fact fake, cause Gino - she's got you by what's left of your manhood. And I hope you keep the dog. You KNOW what would happen to that dog if you left him with Bristol.

      Run Gino Run Away with what little dignity you have left! I hope at least you were well paid for this public humiliation. You know she probably won't be taking you to DWTS.... And she may pawn your ring like she did with Levi's....

      I wonder if Gino even watched Bristol's show....

  42. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Todd's parents, come out come out wherever you are.

    We forgive you for bringing that pervert into the world.

    The statute of limitations of for your crimes in being Todd's parents has passed.

    Its okay now to surface.

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Are Todd's parent married now?

    2. Anonymous10:20 PM

      Are Todd's parent married now?

      Don't ask Todd, he probably doesn't know what they look like anymore or where they live.

  43. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Does anybody know the last time Sarah's parents were seen with Todd's parents?

    Have they ever met?

    Has Todd's parents ever met their great grandchildren Trig, Tripp, Ruffles, DWTS baby, Mono baby and Track's baby?

  44. Anonymous8:20 PM

    You never hear anything about Todd's Dad. His mother was a golfer in the Anchorage area at one time, but from what I hear, she didn't mention Sarah to others.

    1. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Is it true that Sarah and Bristol were the golfers in the family?

      Is it true that everybody was getting a hole in one with those two and their middle names were Par One?

    2. Anonymous10:30 PM

      I wouldn't mention Sarah's name either.

  45. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Hey Todd has your parents ever been to your Arizona home?

    What about the new house next to your existing red 2 story house?

    Well, have they even been to the existing red 2 story house?

    Sorry I asked.

  46. Anonymous5:22 AM

    James F. Palin has addresses in Wasilla, Palmer, Anchorage, Ak and Palm Dessert, Ca. It looks like both he and Faye Palin did talks and supported Sarah's political aspirations.
    James F. Palin with Chuck Heath in Idaho
    Sarah Palin's Resignation Stuns Father-In-Law,,20289481,00.html

    Faye Palin ~ step mother,mod=14&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
    Sun City
    Patricia "Pat" (Palin) Hughes (1933-2011)
    OMFG --- The First Dud's parents live down the street from me -- To Palm Desert Country Club residents, Jim and Faye Palin are the nice couple who come down from Alaska to spend winters in the desert.
    Isn’t It Funny? (more on Palin family)

    I haven't seen anything about Jim Palin being in the meel-e-terry. I've seen Jim listed with 2 to 4 children. One a son in Dillingham, James. I think he had a DUI or something. I don't know who the mother's are. I've only heard of Todd's father having 2 marriages.

  47. Anonymous5:23 AM

  48. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I suspect the 4 AM call in Texas was FROM Sarah's doctor saying the baby had arrived IN Wasilla and all arrangements had been made for his "birth" and Sarah needed to get back post haste before the hospital crew returned to work the next day.

    1. ORIGINAL Flights!!!!!6:34 PM

      There is just one problem with that scenario-

      TODD DID NOT "check out later flights".

      They flew home on the ORIGINALLY BOOKED FLIGHT. Per Sarah's travel authorizations which were released as part of a FOIA request, the flights from Dallas to Seattle and Seattle to Anchorage were scheduled in advance, and they did NOT change.

      Sarah NEVER planned on going to that reception for two reasons- one, she knew there was no way at all to attend a formal function and wear her fake bump. You simply can't wear a black overcoat and loud scarf to a black tie ball. Two, they wanted to fly in and "have the baby" while all of Sarah's staff would think they got home late and went to bed. This way, there would be no chance her staffers could drop by for a hello at the hospital while Sarah was "in labor". The baby had to be born and already on his way home by the time governor's staff heard about the birth.

      I have always thought the fact that they took their ORIGINAL flights home coupled with the fact CBJ was not seen anywhere by anyone at the hospital that day nor was she on any duty roster would be enough for some media personality to decide (finally) to give this issue some attention.

      Obviously, I was sadly mistaken.

      Even without Palin's incredibly obvious lies in her "birth story", I would still know something didn't add up for this simple, logical conclusion-

      There is no way (NONE) a family physician would even be allowed to attend a high risk pregnancy. By virtue of her age ALONE, CBJ would have to remand Palin's care to an OBGYN. This is not my opinion or "what I think". This is standard, med school 101.

      Even if one were to suspend reality and say CBJ was attending Palin's pregnancy- and let her fly (would never happen), think about how the conversation would go according to Sarah-

      Sarah: I'm in Texas and it's 4AM here. My water just broke and I'm having contractions. But I have a speech I'm determined to give.

      CBJ, who pays a hefty price for malpractice insurance which DID NOT COVER HIGH RISK DELIVERIES-
      "well I know he's over a month early. And has Down syndrome. And that hole in his heart. And you are the governor. And you've had two pregnancy losses. And the cabin pressure in airplanes can cause premature labor. And you're being treated for hypertension, which can be fatal in laboring women.

      But nah, you don't need to get checked out. Now you go speechify and I'll see you when I see you!"

      Did. NOT. Happen. End of story. CBJ as a general practitioner wasn't covered by her insurance to attend high risk pregnancies much less births, and the hospital's insurance mandated high risk pregnancies be transferred out immediately. The same applies to Trig being premature- during one speech, Sarah says she goes into labor at "7 months". A 40 week pregnancy makes that 12 WEEKS EARLY. With Down syndrome, holes in his heart, and jaundice. And he GOES HOME THE NEXT DAY? Even if you go by her "5 weeks early" story line, it doesn't fly. As a 'standard care' facility, mat-su must immediately transfer any infant born pre "term". I've done my homework on this and found out in relation to the hospital's insurance policy, 'term' is anything after 37 weeks. They would NEVER have induced a pre term baby with pitocin which is known for causing labor complications. And it's not a matter of opinion- they simply WERE NOT ALLOWED TO in order to maintain their insurance and accreditation.

      I know Sarah was used to having strings pulled for her, but in this case it wouldn't happen. Neither CBJ nor Sarah was seen by ANYONE coming or going in the hospital and although this is just my opinion rather than the FACTS about CBJ's insurance, I believe they were not seen because they were simply not THERE.

  49. Your reader somehow forgot to attribute this to it's author, Mark McClish:

    "Statement Analysis is the most accurate way of determining if a person is lying in a verbal or written statement. A person cannot give a lengthy deceptive statement without revealing that it is a lie. This is because people will always word their statement based on all their knowledge. Therefore, their statement may contain information they did not intend to share."

  50. I think that's called palgiarism


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