Though all female news anchors are required to look perfectly polished on air, it is widely acknowledged that women who appear on Fox take it to an entirely different level.
The subject of both admiration and ridicule, the network's women typically favour a heavily made-up aesthetic, that is unlike that of any of its rivals.
Now one writer has revealed exactly how the 'Fox Glam' look is realised, and what purpose it serves for the network.
She tells how the make-up artist commented that she favoured a 'natural look' before proceeding to outline the outside of her lips, coating her eyelids in so much shadow 'I felt I should be wearing a sash and tiara'.
Then, though she admitted to the hair stylist that she wore her hair curled under, it was flicked out regardless because it looked 'cuter'.
The 'Fox Glam' look, to the unfamiliar, is identified by heavily-applied make-up. Plenty of bronzer and gloss are de rigueur, as are false lashes and eyeliner.
And it does not stop at make-up. Fox women typically wear figure-hugging garments in bright colours that work well on high-definition TV screens.
Well that seems awfully sexist in this day and age. How in the hell do they justify objectifying their female co-workers?
They blame it on the viewers of course.
Fox's male viewers, in particular, tend to be older than those of other networks and so are attracted to women who are a little 'brighter', make-up artist Meli Pennington says. 'The Republican Party welcomes looks in a woman - Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Nikki Haley - and so does Fox'
She tells Ms Mundy: 'They’re definitely pandering to a male audience... You think of Hugh Hefner’s girlfriends. As he [gets] older, they all get brighter and blonder.
'Look at Anna Nicole Smith. It’s like the large-print edition of women.' (Seriously? They use Anna Nicole Smith and Hefner's "girlfriends" as their blueprint? Jesus no wonder!)
As for Fox's female viewers, sociologist Catherine Hakim argues that conservative women are more likely to embrace their 'erotic capital' - or, as Ms Mundy more bluntly puts it, 'using your looks to get ahead.'
Well if you don't have the brains, I guess you use whatever works. At least that's what they tell the girls in the Men's magazines.
So apparently the women on Fox News are caked with makeup so that their elderly viewers can see them simply as objects instead of as people. It must be such a joy to be a woman and work in that environment don'tcha think?
But here's a question. Why does Fox News trowel makeup onto MOST of their female "talent" until they look like creepy adult Kewpie dolls?
![]() |
Gretchen Carlson |
![]() |
Monica Crowley |
Megyn Kelly |
It's almost like they have no respect for her, find little value in having her appear on their program, and just wish she would crawl off and.......oh!
palin looks like a mannish boy.Probably to attract that certain segment of the FOX AUDIENCE THAT IS UNDECIDED ABOUT WHAT THEY ARE.
ReplyDeleteIts almost like she is the "Red headed step child" (no offense to real red-headed people) b/c really how do they allow her to appear like the above?
DeleteREALLY? It is so odd b/c all the other women of faux news are overblown kewpie dolls?
Is it b/c she is in AlassKa? No stinkin' make up for the ruff tuff Alasskan, Wallows has all the eyeliner Baldy needs!
All the Sarah Palin wigs needed...
All the Fug glasses...the fake eyelashes....the dumbassed pins, the red jacket,
the Bailey's and pills.
I think Faux news really hates her? Hey barstool fox news are the hat'rs not us!!! We don't let mama grisley appear on teevee looking like a drugged out street urchin!
Sarah Palin????
That's why Todd hooked up with Shailey Tripp in the first place. Sarah's jaw looks too manly.
Yep, when the Toad says Juicy, he is talking about Shay who "lights up his life"...!
DeleteTake that Baldy!
Sarah is a confused tranny granny.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is dolled up in that lower FOX picture. Without her makeup, Sarah looks like Sally Heath's twin sister.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha. The "girls" of Fox---dragging women kicking and screaming back to the fifties whether we want to revisit the decade or not.
ReplyDeleteOkay, the sad sack Palin thing is just mean Gryphen. You know that Sarah's bangs are just there to cover "the mark" on her forehead (as the Louisiana mother from one of your previous posts said). And Sarah can't get her hair blond like Roger's Ailes' females because the polyester wigs won't take bleach. Also--just because her pasty visage is covered with troweled theatrical make-up left over from an old Wasilla High School production of Phantom of the Opera doesn't mean she can't be hosed down and clothed by a professional every once in a while.
The fact is, for those "older" men that comprise the FAUX News audience, though Megyn Kelly may be their dream girl Palin represents the one they're most likely to pick up at closing time for a one night stand. Fantasy versus reality.
ReplyDeletePicture rating in order of appearance:
ReplyDelete1. Meh, hate the hair, Brady Bunch mom. No thanks.
2. Hot, doable girl-next-door with an attitude
3. Slutty, rough looking (get the whips out baby!)
4. Hag, has been, frump. Granddad wouldn't hit it and he's a Hefner type guy (a real slut went through 6 wives.)
This is possibly the funniest post ever on IM. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteGryphen .. Sarah will be in revenge mode after seeing this post.
ReplyDeleteWhen you wake up tomorrow, expect to find Rafalca's head in your bed.
You have no respect for the troops!
ReplyDeleteTrack is fighting for Sarah's freedom to look like that.
You've put your finger on something seriously weird here.
ReplyDeleteBut on the other hand, I know a psychopath who is so convinced that she always looks attractive, that she pays no attention to her clothes or hair, and is often quite unkempt.
In the case of SP, she has lots of people telling her how beautiful she is. And I think someone mentioned in an earlier post that she probably gets the money for makeup and clothes, and keeps it.
It is rather pathetic how Fox treats the female on-air staff. All of these women are easy to dismiss as " bimbos" based on appearance alone, yet I know that several of them, specifically Gretchen & Megyn, have advanced degrees.... I guess they've embraced their true function at Fox: eye candy "inspiration" for the old guys.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Sarah should move to NYC and let Rupert & Roger tart her up a bit too.... I just hope they'll spring for some speech lessons at the same time! Then she might b able to transition from "shrill dill" to "real deal."
Have you noticed Greta lately? It looks like it is time to put her back up on the rack again for another tune-up, and oil change. She is starting to look more and more like old Granny Piglin every day. Just goes to show, when you lay down with dogs, (or interview them) you get up haggard, and with fleas.
DeleteI wouldn't blame Fox News for Sarah's appearance. This woman is a multi-millionaire. She was a former governor and ran for VP of the United States in 2008, she should dress and act like it!
ReplyDeleteThose ghastly wigs, Moe Howard bangs, and thick
glasses just won't do.
Ouch! That last line was a zinger!
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for the refrigerator.
Yikes, that contrast from blonde bimbos to Grandma Grizzly is quite jarring. I guess we here on IM get immune to Sarah's rapidly derteriorating looks, but when you put her next to some of those Fox chicks, she really looks hideous. The only one more gross than Sarah is perhaps her buddy Greta, but even THAT is a close call.
ReplyDeleteI guess Faux has to have a token fugly. They think they can fool their audience into thinking those are the intelligent ones.
DeleteThen $carah opens her mouth and that illusion bites the dust.
DeleteIt's quite shocking how greed, ambition, hate, and downright nastiness have aged the old bat in four years, isn't it? There's nothing soft nor feminine left of her.
ReplyDeleteWhat did you gain from it, Sarah? Worldwide ridicule. Deservedly so.
As to why they allow themselves to be used this way? I think the word is narcissism. (Perhaps not the ONLY reason, but right up there in the top two or three. Money probably is the main draw.)
ReplyDeleteIt just occurred to me that maybe Republican women use their looks to get ahead because they're not allowed to use their minds. Therefore, the most attractive women (but not the smartest) rise to the top in the party.
ReplyDeleteTodd, "Sarah, I want to titty fuck Megyn, can you arrange it?"
ReplyDeleteSarah, "Todd, your 4 inch dick is too short for that"
Gryphen do you even read these comments before you publish them?
DeleteGarcola, scary isn't it. These people are as classless and nasty mean girl as Sarah. But they don't care what hypocrites they are because they simply hate Sarah. You know like the President Obama haters who talk about his ears or call Michelle fat. But they have every justification/excuse for this hypocrisy and misogyny--look how Sarah talks about the President etc.
DeleteI want to believe "our side" is more caring, thoughtful and intelligent, but you would not know it from some of the comments here.
Gryphen promised in January to tone down the hate in the comments section but he hasn't.
Attacks coming in 1,2 3..... NO I'm not Kristy..
Some people just enjoy attacking others. They think it's fun. Whatever. Either we can ignore it or not read here because it won't change.
Anonymous8:00 AM
DeleteWe KNOW you're not Krusty..."OneJerk/Dobie"! You keep writing the same shit over and over but still you persist in reading these "nasty comments" about Baldy and what does that say about YOU?
Me thinks you love reading all the bashing that goes on certainly complain about it enough! LOL!! And the same for you "GarGoyle"!
Y'all know a Baldy post is going to have these types of here's a tip...don't click on the comments of the Baldy post and you won't have to worry about "our side"....LOL!!!
Oopps cue the "concern trolls"...
DeleteLike I said yesterday, you are free to start your own blog, and CONTROL IT!
We know you are not Krusty dobie.
Poor Sarah. I feel so sorry for her these days.
ReplyDeleteHere Sarah is, trying to save the civilized world from the terr'ists, socialists, ObamaCare, Libruls, the Establishment, the Eastern E-leets, Muslims, israel-hating, AmerCun Flag hatin, Occupy hippies--- too busy to even consider going to Tampa to headline her party's coronation of its presidential candidate, where she was REALLY invited to speak to a national television audience in prime time. And boy, did the GOP REALLY want Sarah in front of those cameras. Yessiree, they surely did. You could tell. But she's too busy with her schedule in Alaska.
I bet you didn't know she has a speech to give in New Orleans in October, did you? And yes, she's getting paid. One hundred thousand dollars. Or maybe 5 million, I'm not saying exactly how much because she's a private citizen and it's nobody's business how much the Kochs pay her. Or whoever might be paying her if its not Americans For Prosperity or some other non-profit educational 501c (4) organization. Plus expenses including bendy straws and Diet DP's.. See, you didn't know that. Like I said, she's real busy.
So just leave Sarah alone. She's just trying to be a private citizen, a typical hard-working Alaskan frontier shoot-at-a-caribou-till-u-finally-hit-it hockey mom and devoted, home-made (not store-bought) cookie-baking stay-at-home wife, home-schoolong her children and protecting them and the family's privacy from a vulturous Lamestream Media and ObamaCare's Death Panels and Libruls.
And the nerve of some people. Greta Van Whatever-the-fuck-her-name-is gets HER name on the list of 100 Most Powerful Women and SARAH is omitted? Now you've done it. Sarah's not retreating this time. She's reloading. She's mad as hell and she's not going to take this disrespectin' shit anymore, Roger Ailes and Milt Romney and Barak Hoosain Obama.
Oh no. You just wait until she heals a little bit from another elective cosmetic facial surgery next week while all of the Republican RINOS and celebrities are all doing their celebrity press conferences and fancy speechifying and talking to the Lamestream pundints. As you read this, Sarah is sitting in the recliner, bandages and gauze wrapped around her face and bald head, just sitting and thinking and scheming.
Sarah will NOT be ignored, Dan. But she's too busy right now to know if shes being ignored. So you better be paying attention to her. Or else.
Brilliant, just brilliant!
DeleteYou forgot to mention the Naylin Paylin chick in Tampa, the porn stripper....
DeleteThat must burn her a$$ big time! But hey, y'all know that serra is a big time job creatin' person so generous, that porn stars and Tina Fey and Julianne Moore, all those librils copying HER and getting paid big bucks to do it and the toad is whining that he wants to go to Tampa, and see the Porn star...and whoops, he dodges another can being flung from Serra's hand, God damn you tawd, Tawd, TAWD!? TAWD! I'M MELTING TAWD!!!
Tawd was last seen boarding a Alaska Airlines to Tampa...heh, "got to see that lisa chick, and she is smart also too"!!! "I read on IM about her..."
Bye, Bye baldy...!!!!
There's nothing left to say. You NAILED it!
DeleteShesToast5:57 AM
DeleteBWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA to the whole damn comment! That was AWESOME!
My only thing is...WTF will Baldy look like after this next go round of plastic surgery? What can she possibly tweak on that mannish face of hers? What is she telling her surgeon?
"Listen up Doc...I need to look EVEN more like a MAN!" "Toad thinks because he was playing soldier boy that he's the man in the relationship and I need you show him that he's WRONG!"
Good old Baldy...still bringing laughs to one and all since 2008! LOL!!
The reason that the Foxes on Fox look like that is a distraction. Pay no attention to the lies that are told on that network. The beautifully made up gals do represent the Republican thinking-- women are pretty objects but when it comes to managing them, men know best. I also don't know what Greta is doing on that network. She's smart, but her face has so much botox in it that she can't move her mouth and she slurs her words.
ReplyDeleteIIRC, Greta underwent plastic surgery and it was botched, badly. Her face is now so asymmetrical, and she looks like a stroke victim.
She did it because of ageism (she was "between jobs," IIRC.)
No Greta already had a crooked face BEFORE her plastic surgery. It wasn't botched, it actually made her look better, beleive it or not. I used to watch her on the MSNBC Geraldo show or something I forgot, and I remember when she had the dramatic transformation. But she was already lopsided in her smile and face prior to it.
DeleteIt's an old trick- think Tokyo Rose. When women speak, too many guys let the visuals warp the words they are hearing.
DeleteYeah, that's right, Gryphen, you go right ahead. You and your little librul bolshevik blog buddies can think what you want, but I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that Roger Ails insists that the appearance of the Fox Tarts has almost nothing to do with horny old men masturbating in their vibrating Lay-Z-Boi recliners. It has EVERYTHING to do with the daily naked staff meetings.
ReplyDeleteLOL Fox Tarts! Too funny!
DeleteFunny post. I never, ever, watch Fox so don't know those women. I only watch the clips you post on here (and usually with the sound off).
ReplyDeleteMakes me wonder, though, how really awful Greta must look if she looks this bad with all the work of those make up people! Like Bristol, I hope she was able to sue the plastic surgeons, as they sure did fuck her face up. I remember her from when shew as a real reporter, before she sold her soul to the devil, and I didn't think she looked that bad..her mouth sure wasn't all crooked. Sad that she felt she had to screw her face up to be taken seriously, when, just the opposite happened. Now, I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth.
I think college journalism classes should study her and how bad decision.
Greta WAS actually an attractive woman before the botched plastic surgery. I remember her being a field reporter on CNN, and she was a decent journalist. I guess she had no choice but to sell her soul to Fox.
DeleteReal reporters don't need to be attractive, Maria Shriver and Martha Radditz and Christien Amanpour are examples of REAL women who do excellent jobs.
We are not privy to the agreement between Palin and Fox about her appearance. Yet I hold Palin accountable for her lack of polished professional appearance including appearances on Fox in windbreakers or workout jackets. Quite often Palin's clothes do not fit properly either like the artificial hair.
ReplyDeleteI do know that I value professionalism and decorum. Palin may be 'rogue', the exception, attracting people who value screw the rules, have Peg Bundy as their fashion icon, rebellious anti socials. Her supporters seem to feel better about themselves and fantasize it could be them dressed to clean house run to Costco and squeeze in being on tv too after a run.
Palin reminds me of women I have known that shop for labels/brands not for the qualities, colors or characteristics of the apparel but to impress nanny boo boo I have am better than you. They are obluvious to how they look, what is flattering, lack grooming, focused in one upmanship. Some buy what someone else has believing they will look as good without considering physical differences.
Palin can't learn.
Whoa there, a bit of nitpicking on the definitions is needed. TeaTHUGlicans are herd animal conformists, not barrier breaking non-conformists.
DeleteThey look unkempt not as any kind of statement, but generally because of a lack of fashion sense, no aesthetics and laziness. These are the fools who buy their furniture "by the room," buy off the rack ant K and Walmart, and don't bother to look in the mirror or see if the clothing suits them. (holiday t-shirts and sweatsuits) There is no thought in their attire or anything else - they want to receive their opinions fully formed - they buy them wholesale from FAUX NOISE.
In contrast are the non-conformist ultra hip, see for some examples.
Show us that UI diploma, Sarah. Even if you have one, it's nothing to crow about. Ask John Bitney.
DeleteLooks like the GOP has wiped the Moose Turd from their shoes. Can we hope Faux News will be next?
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA!!! That last part cracked me up. Still laughing. Out loud. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteBristol and Sarah have no idea what their future holds.
DeleteGood find! Love Dlisted the extreme snark...I think IM is kind of like dlisted lite...FOR ADULTS ONLY!
Bless the concern trolls hearts...
Legitimate Rape by the Renegade Raging Grannies
Author: Vicki Ryder
Tune: "Zip-a-dee-doo-dah"
“Legitimate rape” is great birth control.
So says Todd Akin, and he oughta know.
If we are raped we can rest unafraid,
‘Cause we can’t get pregnant if forcibly laid.
Our female bodies are clever that way,
We only get pregnant when we say “okay.”
Doctors have told him, so it must be so,
The stork only comes if we don’t say “No!”
Rape won’t make babies and that is a fact;
There’s no global warming; the Earth’s really flat.
We heard it on FOX News so it must be true.
Well, Mr. Akin, we say “FUCK YOU!”
It’s Personal Now: Republican Women Explain Why They’re Voting Obama
I live in Pennsylvania, and this ad has been running at strategic times of the day when women usually watch television to get the news.
DeleteWe're bombarded all day long with Romeny's pac's divisive lies, and seeing Obama's ad makes such a stark difference, it actually attracts people's attention.
This is his response to the birther "joke", sheer brilliance!!
Entitled Pandering Pathological Liar Mitt Romney Adds Racism to His Resume
ReplyDelete...When Willard said he would achieve energy independence for all of North America, or that no-one asked to see his birth certificate, he really told Americans that he is a pandering racist who thinks too highly of himself when the reality is he is a desperate rich guy who expects the same adoration he commanded as a religious leader. His problem is that Americans are not transfixed by LDS religious fervor, and they demand a president who looks out for their interests, and it is the one thing Willard cannot deliver because he is a self-aggrandizing rich guy who is desperate for wealth and power, and the American people are on to him.
Mysterious Video Appears To Show Romney's Private Remarks On Chinese Labor Conditions
Now, now. Don't be mean. Sarah's feeble-mindedness and doddering judgment makes her sad hair and sourpuss face such an easy target these days. It's all over now, but she seems not to know it.
ReplyDeleteTampa: Seedy Host to Republican Coming-Out Party
ReplyDeleteA mobbed-up past, a surplus of strippers: Tampa’s got it all.
Romney May Outspend Obama but Not Beat Him in November Election
ReplyDeleteDemocrats say they’re worried about Romney and his super PAC backers outspending Obama this fall, but the president’s free publicity and massive early investments may give him the advantage at the ballot box.
Palin looks like a bitter hag. The faux news bunch look like tarts.
ReplyDeleteMakeup aside, anyone else notice that most every woman anchor/personality/reporter working for FOX are living Aryan ideals? That is nearly all are blonde (or dyed as such).
ReplyDeleteAlmost a eugenic quality to it all...
So if the found their male viewers liked to watch nekkid women suckin' on dick would they cover their mics with one, and take away their clothes?
ReplyDeleteHey this sounds an awful lot like what pimps do with their prostitutes. FoxPimpNews.
Well THAT puts the lie to it being FOX News with actual journalists, now doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteMaybe that is why Fox puts Palin on with Greata Van Sucky, so she thinks she can beat old Greta in any beauty contest. She doesn't want to be on with other women because she is too jealous to be compared with the other women.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous8:20 AM
DeleteNow THIS I have to completely agree with! I mean look at Baldy compared to the other "Blondes". Remember Baldy's two sisters were BLONDE and Baldy was this little brown it must piss the Baldster off to see how put together the Blondes are...but she still looks like "shit on a Sunday morning"!
Baldy if you want to have your contract know what to do....say hello to a bottle of peroxide! LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteThey have to make the girls shinier, brighter 'cause all these old dudes have such poor eyesight they have to see something bright and sparkly to catch and keep their wandering attention.
ReplyDeleteMegyn Kelly.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, she doesn't get on my nerves at all when she is into her role as "Fox Anchor/Devil's advocate to common sense". She used to bug me as just a little blonde twit who didn't know jack shit, but she has grown on me, I think. One thing I do now realize is that she's very intelligent but confined somewhat to her role on that network. She's no Sean Hannity for sure but that's where I had her pegged.
I think my opinion of her began to soften when she became preggo the 1st time or maybe it was after she had the 1st baby, I don't know. But it seemed like sometime thereabouts she became like a regular human being.
Like I said, I'm not sure if it's her or me, because there are still a handful of gals on Fox that I wouldn't give a plug nickel for. Sarah Palin is the worst of the bunch, but she is entertaining to try to listen to, once you realize she doesn't know shit and has no clue she doesn't know shit. She's entertaining in a "constant eye roll" kind of way, not informative. Definitely not informative. lol
The "other" Fox women are well educated. Lawyers, Stanford graduates, etc. That they let themselves be objectified like that is sad. It's also sad that educated women have to talk to their audience like they're talking to children. And then there is $arah. Uneducated, unwilling to learn; a mean-girl spewing word salad nonsense every time she's on.
ReplyDeleteWell in defense of Fake News, there is only so much you can do to enhance old Piglin. You can put all the makeup and lipstick in the world on a PIG, but in the end she will still be a PIG.
ReplyDeleteYou'd think so, but the RNC did a pretty good job of "polishing that turd", it's been downhill at mach speed ever since.
DeleteSarah is not an anchor on Fox. Greta, Megan,& Kimberly are all attorneys.Greta and Kimberly left CNN to join Fox. Where did Megan come from?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the laughs, Gryphen. While reading and scrolling down, I was "waiting for it", and (as usual) you found the perfect shot for the punchline of an excellent post!
ReplyDeleteTheir obvious exploitation and objectifying women's looks for the "Viagra set" of mental midgets shows how they're desperate for attention. They just keep Sarah and Greta on so no one can call them "biased against fugly".
At any rate, no amount of make up can make up for the stupidity and hate these women allow themselves to be exploited as mouthpieces for the boss.
Does Fox care about Women? Where's the male "eye candy"? (Scratch that, Who wants to see Hannity or O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, and Glen Beck in budgie smugglers? (Speedos)
In spite of the risk of upsetting some women, I have to say that many, many men really don't like makeup at all.
ReplyDeletePiling on the lipstick, hairspray, eye shadow, foundation, bronzer and perfume is just a total turnoff for a LOT of guys.
Especially the perfume when it's so overdone you can tell who walked down the office hallway 10 minutes after the person has disappeared.
Ladies, please believe me, that you aren't going to impress most of us guys with heavy makeup
Of course if you enjoy looking like that for your own sake, more power to ya.
Back 30 years ago when I was a church goer, I noticed that many women came to services heavily made up, and I got the imression that they did that because it was part of being "fully dressed".
Personally, I think nothing ruins a woman's look like makeup of any kind.
Ok, you can throw things now :)
What's wrong with these pictures? Something looks odd? Must be the wonkie crossed eyed old tranny that looks out of place!
ReplyDeleteAnita Winecooler6:54 PM RNC did a pretty good job of "polishing that turd"
The RNC spent a lot of money polishing that turd and at the end when the turd couldn't deliver it was embarrassing that the RNC had to send lawyers to Wasilla to retrieve the GOP stolen goods the locusts from Wasilla ran off with.
Here is a music video that pokes fun at the right wing/fox news propaganda machine using attractive females to deliver their message to the is called "republican girl (man they're looking good)
ReplyDeleteit is a real hoot! (and an eye full!)