Sunday, August 19, 2012

They try to hide among us but their spelling always give the Teabaggers away.

Can I just say I am NOT surprised that this shows up on a Ford pickup truck?

Ten to one they have either a rebel flag or a gun rack in the window as well.


  1. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I thought Bristol's truck was black. When did she paint it red?

  2. Anonymous2:12 PM

    My guess is that they have both.

  3. Not nice with the Ford crack! Not so long ago in our sub-division in TX our neighbor flew the pirate flag along with the rebel flag. He had a small lake in his yard and built an Hawaiian type hut with accounting for taste. He eventually was good again..but if we all thought alike how dull life would be. Wonder where this buy parks his truck?

  4. Anonymous2:26 PM

    This is not a one-party problem. I see countless people here misuse their, they're, know, no, your, you're and misspell things constantly.

    These posts do nothing to further your political agenda, especially since you as a blogger refuse to write objectively and treat both parties fairly.

    1. Bullshit, you are talking about slight spelling mistakes in a comments section of a blog.

      This bumper sticker had to be created, then edited for errors, then hundreds of them printed, and then this one purchased, all while missing an obvious and glaring mistake.

      You know sort of like how they chose Sarah Palin in '08.

    2. slipstream2:37 PM

      Are you saying Griffin made a misteak?

    3. emrysa2:38 PM

      oh I see the life of the party has arrived!

    4. "you as a blogger refuse to write objectively and treat both parties fairly"
      He's a blogger as you clearly know and state, dumbass. He is not a newscaster. Blogs are by definition opinion pieces. What a stupid complaint.

    5. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Kristy Patullo hates liberal bloggers, but can't seem to quit them.

    6. Anonymous4:36 PM

      ... only in Amercia!
      h/t to the Romney campaign advertisement).


    7. Kimosabe4:53 PM

      My excuse is that fat figners on a teeny iPhone. Don't think that applies on a truck!

    8. Anonymous5:23 PM

      The truck owner's misteak wasn't buying a Ford truck. His wife drives their Dodge Durango SUV that got side-swiped the other day, but basically all she and the other driver did was trade a little paint. In fact, putting two of these big-ass bumper stickers on the passenger side completely covered up all of the scratches. You can't even tell she had a little incident, and her husband didn't even notice.

    9. Anonymous6:37 PM

      "Fair & Balanced" ? Quess what, this is not FAUX News. The intent of the blog is well advertised. If you don't like it, move on.

      On the other hand, if you are looking for actual fair and balanced critical analysis of the news similar to the days of Edward R. Murrow perhaps you should you could start a petition demanding the major news networks return to the practice of providing a fair and balanced analysis of current events. I would sign something like that.

    10. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Kimosabe 4:53 PM

      Exactly. But when my iPhone starts auto-correcting my words to the "Tea Party" spelling format, I'm going to get an Android. Or something.

    11. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Here Krusty.
      You haven't been out of your room all week and I know you must be hungry and tired of eating all those damn Cheetos and Snickers bars. I'm full, so why don't you take a break and finish eating misteak. It's cooked medium-well, how you used to like yours before this Sarah thing took over.

      Your Mom (Remember me?)

  5. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Fuck you 2:26. You sound like a pompous ass!!! Stay off the blog if you don't like how we spell!! I don't go to your blogs as I'm afraid I'll catch whatever you have!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  6. emrysa2:37 PM

    LOL gryphen I drive a ford pickup my friend, and if you were behind me you'd be treated with a thoughtful phrase from bob marley!

  7. Spoken like a true moran!

    (I'm surprised there aren't truck nuts hanging in the back.)

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      The truck nuts were there and then they saw Sarah Palin.

    2. Anonymous5:19 PM

      A coworker pointed out a bulletin board at work on which the goal to Strive for Perfection
      spelled perfection incorrectly:)

    3. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Crystal, the driver's wife might've read Quitter Twitter's book on managing family affairs and maybe she keeps his goulies in her purse, also, too.

  8. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Great story about how Romney & wife failed to leave a tip when getting a hot chocolate at the Barnes & Noble -- but Romney offerred his undrunk portion of hot chocolate to the employees behind the counter.

    If Romney thought the employees were desparate enough for food that they would relish the idea of drinking his leftover hot chocolate - why couldn't he spare a buck or even the change as a tip for their drinks?

    1. Maybe he's like royalty (in his own head) and never carries money? (The minions deal with anything so sordid as the exchange of currency.)

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      I don't tip cashier types either. However, I'm not a kajillionaire.
      EW! Offering someone the rest of your drink is disgusting.

    3. Anonymous6:11 PM

      It's probably not my most resourceful habit I've developed but after having a couple of nieces hustle as baristas in high school and into college, I always leave the change if it's more than 50 cents and grumble and leave a dollar otherwise.

      But then again, I always overtip breakfast waitresses about twice the standard 15-20%, because it tends to start my day right and theirs, too, and tipping a couple of extra dollars on a $10 or $12 check shouldn't break me unless I'm going crazy spending elsewhere. If this costs me $50-60 a year, I can live with doing without whatever that buys knowing that I'm putting it in the hands of someone who is busting their ass to make theirs and their loved ones' lives a little better. There's a limit to what I can do or will do, but I figure if everybody encourages one another by being kind, generous, and courteous, we all benefit because we're all in this together. Plus I have confidence that they'll do the same and pass it on to others as well when they have the opportunity, especially when they've been on the receiving end.

      I always tried to use those little opportunities as a teaching moment with my son. When he was 6 or 7 we started going to eat breakfast on Saturday or Sunday mornings real early, and I'd read the paper and chat with a couple of the regulars and enjoy my coffee after my meal. I always let my son pay for the meal and then give the tip to the waitress and tell her how much we enjoyed our food and her serving us.

      Now, 10+ years later, I'm proud to see him do the same with his own money that he earns hopping tables while he's not in class. He's learned to stay home and save his money if he can't afford to do something, but to recognize good service and reward it. He makes more money than most of his peers, which he attributes to focusing on the customers instead of how much he's making or how hard he has to work. He still makes the dean's list, which I'm proud of because I see him learning to manage his time and he realizes the importance of money management, too.

      Offering someone the rest of my drink is something I would never do. I'll offer to split my desert or offer a bite before I cut into it, but Mitt has no clue offering the rest of his drink like that. I think he "just doesn't know any better".

    4. Anonymous7:39 PM

      Mormons can't have chocolate! It contains caffeine! If Mitt even drank one drop of his proffered leftover hot chocolate he's done lost his place on the magical mormon planet!!!

  9. Anonymous2:48 PM

    The republicans are the biggest wieners I mean whiners!

  10. Anonymous2:51 PM


    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Npw print it up and put it on a bumper sticker. I'd put it on my Chevy.

    2. Anonymous6:24 PM

      A bumper sticker like that would look awesome on my Subaru.

    3. Anonymous8:49 PM

      A small one for the back of my girlfriend's helmet she wears riding her scooter. I can't call it a motorcycle without laughing. It's a scoooo-ter. lol
      I'll also draw her a tatoo with a sharpee I <3 SARAH next time she falls asleep watching a movie.

  11. Anonymous2:53 PM

    As an American patriot, before the teapotty twisted those words and used it as synonyms of anti American seceesssionists.
    I am very p\dis appointed that our service means so little against theses anti-American terrorists.

  12. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Poor palinbots, the pool is squrinking each and every daymaller and smaller the drain that holds the palinbot

  13. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Looks like a Tennessee license plate. Sometimes I believe I am the only progressive in the entire state! Talk about low information voter. They are here for sure.

    1. Pssst: The meetings are Tuesday nights at your local Buddy's Bar-B-Q !;)

      Okay... not really, but i wish that we could have clandestine progressive meetings. We could video in all the other progressive groups at all the other Buddy's.

    2. Anonymous3:54 PM

      I was shocked it wasn't South Carolina.

    3. Anonymous5:01 PM

      I'm just happy it wasn't Texas for a change... though I have seen similar stickers on vehicles with Texas plates.

    4. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Amen. 3:02
      I guess there's two of us in TN.

    5. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Make that three us living near a Buddy's Bar-B-Q.

  14. Sally in MI3:03 PM

    I don't tip at my Barnes and Noble. I have never noticed a tip jar either. Guess I thought the hefty price covered their wages.
    But offering a used cup to someone is totally gross. Can these two make it through one day with no gaffes?

  15. Anonymous3:12 PM

    It would have Tennessee plates, natch.

  16. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Except for the Ford remark you are right. Really it should be an old Chevy truck, not a Ford. They love those pos Chevy's down south in the red states.

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Hey! I love my Chevy and I'm a northerner. ;-)

    2. Anonymous9:07 AM

      Hey! I'm a TN Democrat and I drive a Chevy truck! Don't judge books by their covers! BTW: My Chevy ain't no POS, it is almost 25 years old & still going strong. I've never met a Chevy that didn't make it over 250k miles.

  17. hedgewytch3:25 PM

    I just have to wonder if this guy didn't order this sticker to be made (easy enough to do) and the printer deliberately made the, error, (maybe the printer's father works for Ford) and he just knew that the error wouldn't be noticed.

  18. That picture was probably taken in Knoxville, Tennessee ~ where everyone is friendly because everyone has guns.

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Guns make people friendly? LOL! Now we know why so many people end up being killed with guns. Just sayin...

  19. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Do they have Levy's in Tennessee? (TN plates). Just wondering. (Bye Bye Ms American Pie, drove my Chevy to the Levy, but .....dry)

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      levee - unless you were snarking - ?

  20. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I am a public school teacher. I teach 7th and 10th grade English. I teach spelling to those students. I hope that is not one of my former students. Talk about morons and idiots. Gryphen, ten to one that he or she watches Fox News, too.


    My GAY brother bought me a Ford Truck... made sure on his death bed that it was paid for...

    It displayed a GAY FLAG...

    not liking that you are dissing me because of the model car I drive.

    And for that matter, the shitty comments regarding the south are rather nasty.

    Discrimination in ALL of it's forms is ugly... I am SOUTHERN and PROUD of it, I am a DEMOCRAT and Proud of it, SHUT it you uglies.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Please put down the moonshine SOUTHERN and PROUD. Unless that's YOUR truck in the picture, Jesse is not talking about you.

    2. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Chill! Sorry for your loss, but there is absolutley nothing wrong with a Ford truck.

    3. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Nothing wrong with driving a truck. Nor being a Southerner. Nor Democrat. Nor progressive. Be nice to us, lots of us are on your side that you're dissin' when you paint with a brush too wide.

      Rest assured, if I see an idiot with a bumper sticker like that, I'm going to laugh at them regardless of the make of their vehicle. The kind of laugh where you shake your head from side to side and they wonder why you won't let them merge into traffic in front of you.

  22. WakeUpAmerica3:54 PM

    Dumber than dirt and they walk among us.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Yeah, they walk, but they drag their knuckles too. :)

  23. WakeUpAmerica3:59 PM

    Hey now! Don't be dragging GMC into the sewer with you and your Ford. LOL

  24. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Hey, We drive a Ford 150 truck with an Obama sticker on it, right in the middle of redneck South Carolina. Oh you know who I am.

  25. I love my Ford truck!

  26. Gryphen, I'm about to take my seat for the bill maher show at the bayou center- I have a "BILL- google IMMORAL MINORITY!" poster! This is a smallish venue compared to our other stadiums here so I don't know if they'll let me take it in. I will report back later!

    I hope his act has a heapin' helping of antipalinism.

    1. Can't wait to hear about it!

    2. JK-
      Well, they kiboshed my poster- said the LED lights I had in each corner (the stick on kind from the dollar store) would be too distracting.

      And then I felt there were parts of the show Bill Maher just tried to shock people with. Obviously one must expect off color humor and even some stuff venturing into dice-clay territory language wise, when seeing Maher. But I did feel like SOME of the things he said were simply so audience members would gasp in shock and think "oh, he did NOT JUST SAY THAT!!!"

      When I have more time after work I'll relay some of his best zingers- there were a few which had me laughing so hard I thought I was going to hyperventilate.

  27. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Now here is an example of a real misteak!

    Politico reports- Family values Reublicans getting wild in Israel! Nude swimming in the Sea of Galilee? SNAP!

    Exclusive: FBI probed GOP trip with drinking, nudity in Israel

    The FBI probed a late-night swim in the Sea of Galilee that involved drinking, numerous GOP freshmen lawmakers, top leadership staff – and one nude member of Congress, according to more than a dozen sources, including eyewitnesses.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Hey, no worries! They were REPUBLICANs so everything is just fine! Just boys been boys, ya know.

      We are just really lucky that they weren't a bunch of Democrats because there would be an internatinal crisis!

    2. Streaking in the sea of gallilee. Yeah. THAT'S "WJWD".

  28. Let's help the disadvantaged. I think Gryphen posted this photo before, but in case you missed it, it is perfect.

  29. Anonymous6:29 PM

    PEOPLE!! I don't think Gryphen is truly dissing Ford owners! It's more like the playful way Chevy owners say ford stands for Found On Road Dead, or Ford owners that have that sticker of the spiky haired kid peeing on a Chevy logo.

    I do not think he is seriously accusing everyone who drives a ford of being a tea bagging knuckle dragging cousin humping Palinbot!

    Proud F350 Dually with "one big ass" OBAMA/BIDEN sticker on the back.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Double Like! You nailed it. Subaru w/ Oboma/Biden stickers.

    2. Anonymous8:58 PM

      Oh come one, it's not what brand of truck you drive, it's the mere fact that it's a truck! Geez, people!

    3. Anonymous9:52 PM

      350 dually. You must Be pulling horse trailers. Or it's a farm work truck.

    4. I thought it was "Fix or Repair Daily"?

      Auto mechanic used to live across the street. That's what he called them. Don't remember what he called the Chevys but equally amusing.

    5. Anonymous9:45 AM

      9:52p yes you nailed it. Gotta have a dually to transport horses to events for autistic and down syndrome children to have equine therapy. Plus I feel like I own the road in this bad boy:)

  30. Sharon7:19 PM

    One only has to look back at those town hall meetings when Obamacare was being debated.....when the tea party came into being. You only had to read the signs to know who they were....I am just saying. It still holds true today and if you connect the dots....racist, bad speller, fox news addict, old, white = republican teabagger. To add injury to insult, "teabagger" is a gross homosexual act and the boston teaparty was taxation without representation, so even the inventor of the movement was a dumbass republican.

  31. Anita Winecooler8:10 PM

    It's all wrong! This teabagger forgot the brass bull testicles hanging from the rear, the silhouette mirror stripper decals, and the mandatory "Don't Tread on Me" piss yellow symbol.

    Do they have "Pep Boys" where they're from?

    1. Anonymous9:48 PM

      Not PepBoys. Autozone instead. But they're too corporate/PC to have really cool stuff like Bull Nuts. I can't find a pair anywhere and I'm not selling my Prius Hybrid to get me a truck until I can get me some bad-ass accessories.

      Now I can get all the bumper stickers and rebel flags and nekkid girlies on mud flaps that I need at the Truck Stop just off I-40 west of I-65 just outside Nashville. Plus you can get lap dances at the titty club next door. 2 songs for the price of 1 for $20 from 3-7pm with 2 dollar long necks.

      Not that I've even been there, you know, but there's a big ol porn shop rite there in the truck plaza, too. But I can't bust up in that place in my yellow Prius without getting my ass kicked, or worse, they might like me too much.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:47 PM

      Are you kidding? Prius's are babe magnets! Especially in yellow! Let you in on a secret - some of us ladies love gizmos that run on batteries and can switch from gas to self generated power without missing a beat. To quote Paris Hilton "That's Hawwwwt!"

      The gals at the truck stops and titty bars don't know a good thing when they see it!

  32. Anonymous9:43 PM

    What is a 'Misteak'? Is it one of those cloned meats? Where can I buy one?

  33. Where's the little faux scrotum hanging off the back bumper?

  34. About 639,000 results (0.32 second
    For tea party spelling errors. on Google images.

    Funny thing, there is a picture of Joe Miller, smiling away!!!!

  35. PalinsHoax5:25 AM

    According to the Romneyology language, there is another spelling error on the bumper sticker. It should read:

    One Big Ass Misteak AMERCIA

  36. Anita Winecooler7:49 PM

    No wonder the cows on Chick Fil A billboards write "eat more Chikin'" They need all the misteaks they can get!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.