Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Believe it or not Jay Leno, yes THAT Jay Leno, may have conducted the most revealing interview with Mitt Romney yet.

Once again I find myself impressed with how Matthews is conducting himself during this election cycle.  It is as if he has now decided to channel Will McAvoy from Newsroom.

I love how the Republican apologist, John Feehery, cannot even begin to really justify Romney's rationalizations. Matthews and Bob Shrum easily made him their little bitch by the end of this segment.

 Jay Leno, whoda thunk it?


  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Are you sure that's Jay Leno? Looks familiar, I believe that's Bristol Palin?

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Jay's hair isclean,unlike a greasy Palins. always

  2. Anonymous3:25 PM

    As a resident of Massachusetts who stopped working to raise my children, then became ill, and, after several years, could not pay the $12,000 in premiums for private insurance, we went without anything.
    THEN Romneycare came along. It's not perfect by any means. But I know that all of my fellow citizens in the Commonwealth have access to health care, no matter what their circumstance.
    Romney seemed to say that "we" -- "they" -- would examine each circumstance to see if someone were worthy of being able to see a doctor. If "they" decided someone hadn't "played the game" as the
    Republicans dictate, then they lose: no health care. Talk about death panels!
    Obamacare is one of the most important, progressive steps taken in this country in decades. That Romney now rejects his very own plan is telling. A man with no backbone, and no soul.

  3. Sally in MI3:56 PM

    It's pretty lame when a comedian can outsmart a 'really smart successful businessman' like Mitt, huh? Can hardly wait for the debates, when people who know nothing about what's been going on finally get a glimpse of what the GOP has become. Oh, and why is Ryan suddenly fighting for his House seat? Surely he still believes he and Mitt will win...or not.

  4. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Leno did a really good job and really put Romney on the spot. I'll bet Romney or Ryan won't go back on his show until after the elections, if Leno decides to invite them after the elections. Matthew's is right, the Democrat's need to put this in a commercial and run it continuously. Now that Romney has said it he can't back down without being a flip flopper again.

    1. Where are they going to go?

      Letterman? I think he was instrumental in taking down McCain-Palin.

      Rmoney won't get mercy from any of the others either. Kimmel, Ferguson, O'Brien, Fallon?

      Sorry, but Leno was his best be for soft ball. Turns out he can't catch, can't throw and can't hit. Wonder if he can run?

  5. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Gryphen, maybe this is why Chris Matthews is channeling Will McAvoy...

    The saying goes "like father, like son," but in the case of Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews," and his actor son, Thomas, this has taken on new meaning. While his father's career is as host and commentator on real TV news shows, Thomas's latest acting job is pretending to work on one as part of the cast of Aaron Sorkin's new HBO show "The Newsroom."



    1. Well, I'd say Chris Matthews has probably been watching every episode of The Newsroom.

      Is he a little embarrassed about what his profession and he himself have become? Maybe doing a little atonement?

      It would be great if more so called journalists had their consciences tweaked by The Newsroom and started to work at being much better at their jobs.

  6. Anonymous4:22 PM

    The problem with Romney is that he either doesn't know how health insurance works, or he thinks everyone else doesn't. The truth is, if someone works for Company A and develops cancer/asthma/pick a condition, then goes to work for Company B, or is self-employed, or unemployed, then he has a pre-existing condition and is screwed. Or if a kid grows up with asthma, or cancer, or whatever, then gets too old to be on his parents' insurance, he has a preexisting condition and is screwed. Romney makes it sound like these people are freeloaders who only go looking for health insurance when they get sick. What an ass.

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      He knows how it works. He just could care less about people who aren't of his status, or in his family or cult

  7. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Lego crazy hair was on Bill o Reilly few mts ago. The video is on mediaite.com

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Unreal!! Was Bill easy on her??

  8. Leno may be a Republican but he's not stupid. He may have very personal reasons not to support Romney. He just took the opportunity to make his point.

    1. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Leno is a Democrat.

  9. Anonymous5:40 PM

    o/t Saran and Bill

    1. Uh...RAM posted some crazy ass shit on Baldy's FB tonight!

      She was babbling about Arab Spring...Muslim Brotherhood...seeing Cairo from her front porch or some such shit!

      And this part had me scratching my head trying to figure out when did the Toad interview the President??

      "And, of course, he has a busy schedule – with all those rounds of golf, softball interviews with the “Pimp with the Limp,” and fundraising dinners with his corporate cronies."

      WTF...Baldy/RAM done lost the last of their marbles with this shit!

      Here's the link for the those who have a strong stomach!


    2. One more thing about Baldy's FB post...I think she had some Glen "BabyOil" Rice on the brain with this line...

      "We already know that President Obama likes to “speak softly” to our enemies. If he doesn’t have a “big stick” to carry, maybe it’s time for him to grow one."

      "big stick"


      Oh Baldy...always thinking like a prostitute huh! LOL!!!

    3. Anita Winecooler9:39 PM

      LOL That's really pathetic! Wonder if Ram gets paid in ho ho's or postage?

      Of course it's all about sex and pimps
      Look who she married!

    4. Anonymous2:12 AM

      Oh my. Sounds like she's obsessing over the President's junk again....

  10. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Panic mode...


  11. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Fuck Sarah. I don't want to hear Sarah crap when I click on a non-Sarah story. Wait till the story posts and then comment.

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      I agree. She is a sick bitch. Why give her ant attention at all. No one else is.

  12. Anonymous6:36 PM

    You know, you are forced, by LAW (at least in my state) to carry at the minimum Liability Insurance on your car.
    You don't plan on getting into an accident.
    No one plans on it.
    There are people who have NEVER gotten into a car accident, but they carry insurance.
    What is so wrong with having an insurance program like that?
    I really like my idea for healthcare....
    It is a lot like car insurance...
    If you want to purchase "full coverage" great...get it for you and your family with a low dedt.
    If you want to have only the government sponsored insurance, check a box on your employment forms to have $6 from every check sent to the gov insurance program. With this you get yearly physicals and "liability" type coverage..but you have SOME SORT OF INSURANCE!!! It would be like paying into the SS or Medicare system. If you choose full coverage thru your employer, you don't pay the requirement. But the moment you are uninsured, the money comes out of your check. And it would have a cobra-type option should you lose your job. Smokers pay more, people who are over-weight pay in a little more. I don't see anything wrong with this. People would feel more invested in their healthcare.

    1. Anonymous4:05 AM

      I like it! I also think they should expand Medicare for people under 65 -- though if you ARE under 65, you have to pay, based on income and health factors. AND I think they should open up vet clinics for family of veterans.

  13. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Sherrif Joe had to cancel his antiAmerican teabagger birther hatefest,they couldn't sell enough ten fricking dollar tickets. Their big pull in was Pat Boone. They had a 2600 seats to sell and they couldn't get enough baggers in Maricopa county to go on with it.

    Hehehe there aren't even 2000 baggers in AZ!!

  14. Anita Winecooler9:45 PM

    Jay Leno, huh? Who'd have thunk it? Thanks for the link, I haven't watched Leno since he screwed Conan.

    Wow, "The other white chin" - maybe there's hope for Bri - Oh nevermind!

  15. Leno, Stewart, and others always tend to be dismissed as 'entertainers'.. Well surprise surprise.... They actually DO know how to press clowns like Rummy and the Monkey Queen until the stuffing comes out....

    BTW: Matthews son works on the program 'The Newsroom' and Matthews interviewed Jeff Daniels a few weeks ago on his program... I think Matthews does think he is Daniels character... Actually, if he could pull it off, that would be a good thing !!!!!

  16. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Newsroom....the best show ever!

  17. Anonymous5:42 AM

    There were some comments on Palin's FB post that apparently missed the moderator... lol
    "How can someone so stupid have so many fans?" "your fifteen minutes were up 4 years ago" LOL!!!
    It is fun to see that stuff on there because that is probably the most moderated FB page on the planet!!! For Sarah Palin, the only argument she is aware of is snark and sarcasm. Of course she 'went there' mentioning the President "grow" a big stick. She is in middle school doing dick jokes. Let's be honest, she does at least have the good taste to not do "mamma jokes" on him.
    Someone please slip her some pine sol in her soup....i honestly can't stomach anymore of this bitch.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.