Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Just imagine.

I hate today for it seems that this is the one time that I can find NO respite from the constant bombardment of images designed to bring back the horror of that terrible day which quite literally changed our country forever and shocked me so much that I was unable to stop watching the footage of the towers falling for almost five days straight.

And it does not help that there are those who use today as a way of pimping their patriotism, and promoting themselves, while accusing those who are trying to heal from that devastating day as "no longer caring."

You know like this idiot:

We remember that eleven years ago today nearly three thousand of our fellow Americans were killed by evil men. (NOT evil men, rather men of a very powerful religious faith who believed that what they were doing was desired by their God.) Every year on the anniversary of 9-11, we read out the names of those who died and comfort their families, and at military recruiting centers throughout the country, young men and women choose this day to enlist to serve their fellow Americans and ensure that something like this never happens again. While some try to move on with their lives and let the tragedy of that day recede in their memories, our men and women in uniform remain ever vigilant for us. 

Today, let’s take time to remember the victims of September 11. Let’s say a prayer for their families. Let’s comfort their children left behind. And let’s also remember our men and women in uniform who enlist to protect us from tragedies like this. Let’s remember that American troops are still fighting in Afghanistan now, and they’re dying this year at an average of one a day. Let’s never forget the heavy price they pay to keep us free.

 - Sarah Palin 

Opportunistic bitch!

The image above may upset many of you, but you cannot deny its inherent truth.

It was blind faith that led to such a devastating tragedy.  And it is NOT swarthy desert people who pray to Allah that we should fear, but rather ANYBODY who puts their intellect on hold and makes life altering decisions based solely on a fundamental belief, with no evidence to back it up.

And whether those people are Muslim, Christian, Hindu, or even Buddhists, they present a danger to themselves and everybody else on this planet, especially since there is no rational means by which to reason with them or change their potentially dangerous point of view.

I fear nothing in this life as much as I fear those convinced that they are acting under the direction of their God.


  1. If, as she says, one American (on average) is dying every day in Afghanistan, how does she explain the one suicide a day of military men (those having served or are now serving)? Does how the government treat them when they return have anything to do with this devastating waste?

    Why is nobody is talking about this?

    "The 2012 active-duty suicide total of 154 through June 3 compares to 130 in the same period last year, an 18 per cent increase. And it's more than the 136.2 [!] suicides that the Pentagon had projected for this period based on the trend from 2001-2011. This year's January-May total is up 25 per cent from two years ago, and it is 16 per cent ahead of the pace for 2009, which ended with the highest yearly total thus far.

    "Suicide totals have exceeded U.S. combat deaths in Afghanistan in earlier periods, including for the full years 2008 and 2009."

    http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2012/06/07/us-soldier-suicide-war.html (A Canadian news station -- the CBC)

    1. Anonymous5:07 AM

      Unfortunately the attitude on this is also the attitude on anti-abortion. They are against abortion, but they don't care anything about the child after it is born. They simply want to cut funds for "entitlements and privledges". They want wars, but don't care about how it affects the soldiers and their famlies and see no need to fund any treatment needs. Then they proclaim themselves to be Christians. This is not in keeping with the teachings of the Christ I know.

  2. Anonymous1:22 PM

    9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out
    (Free 1-hour version - PBS)

    Public Broadcasting Station, Colorado Public Television (cpt12.org), have courageously thrust themselves at the forefront of our nation's public service media network. CPT12 recently aired this powerful and controversial film as a featured premium during their Summer fundraising campaign. The PBS national website then posted the re-broadcast which quickly became one of their "Most Watched" as well as "Most Shared" programs on PBS. 
 We are approaching the 11th year since that fateful day in September and more and more people are becoming aware that they haven't gotten the whole story on 9/11.

    Over 1700 architects & engineers are leading the way at AE911TRUTH, with dozens of additional professionals joining them in this documentary to put their careers on the line in their demand for a new independent investigation. High-rise architects, structural engineers, scientists, physicists, chemists, scholars, educators, firefighters, forensic fire engineers, demolition experts and others have put together a ground-breaking scientific assessment of the events at the World Trade Center. The sudden, complete collapse of the third skyscraper on 9/11, WTC Building 7 at 5:20pm, is now being seen around the world as "the smoking gun" which disproves the official story about 9/11. These experts also introduce additional "overwhelming evidence" for a controlled demolition hypothesis at WTC which is disturbing to say the least.

    The film does not speculate, and empathizes with viewers by also presenting the most popular segment of the film, which introduces the professional perspectives of eight psychologists who explain some of the reasons why it is so hard for people to face the scientific evidence. This is the most scientific and compelling 9/11 documentary film to date, containing vital information that demands action from all of us. We can no longer afford to ignore the World Trade Center evidence.


    1. Nikogriego2:15 PM

      Also, check out any of the various videos and articles from this comprehensive site:


      You will be surprised and shocked.

    2. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Not to mention the complete lack of debris in PA. We shot that plane down; it did not crash.

    3. I am asking this as someone who has done no research on EITHER side- but wouldn't an airplane shot down and an airplane that crashed down hit the ground in similar circumstances?

      Also, regarding debris- I read that jet fuel gains more than 3,000% velocity when it moves at a high rate of speed. Is it not possible (either way it happened) that the propulsion behind the jet fuel caused it to hit the ground and then bounce back of due to all the speed and weight behind it, thus vaporizing everything in its path?

  3. Anonymous1:34 PM

    "I support the troops!" has replaced "The check is in the mail" as the most often repeated lie, lately.

    In second place, is "I'm a CHRISTIAN, goddam it."

    To support the troops is not to simply SAY you do, but to push for their safe withdrawal from a "war" that has no purpose, and no apparent ending.

    It is not in voting AGAINST any bills in congress that are aimed to assist returning vets in finding suitable employment, nor is it to deny them funding made necessary by their plight, of having risked their lives in the service of the military.

    It certainly is not in voting against legislation designed to help the first responders of the 9-ll debacle being remembered on this date...nor is it in voting FOR the locked-armed Republicans who stood firmly against any such passage of bills.

    And to cloak oneself in the self righteous garb of being a loudly proclaimed follower of Jesus Christ, yet do absolutely NOTHING to ever indicate a belief in His teachings, is a sin in and of itself.

    While the Lord is slow to anger, the Bible is quite clear that He completely despised those who stood in pride of themselves, as if somehow above others.

    We can only imagine the disdain He feels, for the likes of the Palins of the world, who spit in the face of his teachings, while claiming to be able to channel His voice.

    Truly pathetic.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      I personally support the troops through my tax dollars; it pays their salary. Is that not what everyone does? Isn't that enough?

    2. Leland4:00 PM

      2:22? I am going to be nice and assume you are truly sincere in asking that question.

      Having served during Vietnam (DURING, not IN) as a volunteer in the service, I can say for certain - through personal experience and that of friends - the answer to your question is a resounding NO!

      Do you ever say "Thank you" to a Vet?

      When you see them in a restaurant, do you offer to buy them a meal as a thank you?

      Do you ever go to a parade in their honor?

      Do you ever ask them if they are getting the proper care for their wounds, be they physical or otherwise?

      Do you ever wonder if perhaps we are ACTUALLY rewarding them with the promises we have traditionally made to our soldiers, sailors and airmen? Again, the answer is NO!

      Just keep in mind that these men and women are willing to lay down their lives - and many unfortunately do just that - and then think about your question again.

      Please don't confuse this question with the question concerning war in general. That is a different question entirely.

  4. Anonymous1:59 PM

    As I've said many times, 1:34 - Sarah Palin has a place awaiting her in hell. She is the furthest thing from being a christian that there is and she's projected her horrible deeds and actions for the past four years.

    The best news we will all get is when she is totally cast aside and not published anywhere in our media - which is slowly, but surely coming!

  5. Anonymous2:02 PM

    It's about time that the media openly-explored the forensic question that no one asked that day: "What were their motives?"

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      It's also about time the the media to explore some of the "unexplained mysteries" surrounding that day, including the presence of nano explosives in the debris and photos showing possible bombs strapped to the bottom of the airliners, not to mention what looked like a controlled demolition of Buidling #7. There are so many unanswered questions from that day and our Government owes us an explanation for some of the findings that point directly TO our Government of being the perpetrators of 9/11

  6. Not What You Want to Hear2:19 PM

    And so a day that was meant to pay tribute to lost Americans has once again been hijacked by Sarah Palin's potshots, this time, at her own party's president nominee.

    Gryphen, you made this possible by posting her message. Why?

    As for imagining a day with no religion, you give people like the 9/11 murderers - and for that matter, Sarah Palin - too much credit. You seem to believe if there was no such thing as religion they would be merciful, compassionate, moral people.

    I beg to differ. Religion is just the vehicle they use to carry out their hate.

    1. THANK YOU, nwywth. If they didn't use religion as an excuse, it would damn sure be something else.

    2. Leland4:03 PM

      I will repeat what I am constantly saying: Fanaticism for ANY REASON is dangerous.

      And I literally mean ANY reason!

    3. Not What You Want to Hear4:11 PM

      You're welcome. I was going to say something on the thread you have going with Gryphen, but really, what more can I add? His mind is firmly snapped shut on the subject.

      But for anyone else on the fence about whether we should blame religion for all our woes, I'd just remind them that Stalin wasn't particularly religious, and he murdered tens of millions of his own country men. I don't remember World War II being particularly religious-based, either, and look how many people lost their lives to it.

      Christianity and for that matter, other faiths, do a great deal of good in this world. The number of people who are going around murdering and harming in the name of religion is comparatively miniscule. But that doesn't fit in with the athiest world view, so it's either ignored or flatout denied.

    4. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Dictators make themselves into their own God (didn't Hitchens say that about Stalin?).

    5. Anonymous7:23 PM

      "I beg to differ. Religion is just the vehicle they use to carry out their hate."


      You'd think rational thinking people should realize that w/o religion, people would just coach their fighting for power in other terms. It is the coward's answer to say "oh, if we get rid of religion..."

      Yeah, last I checked, that's 1) never going to happen, so why not focus on reality? 2) What happens even if that succeeded? People just suddenly stop fighting over resources because God doesn't exist?

      Any current conflict can be boiled down to one side wanting something the other has. Period. Palestine/Israel? Kashmir? The Congo? Land, oil, water... maybe we should just get rid of all natural resources?

      Please. At the end of the day, only low information idiot fundies believe it's ACTUALLY about God.

    6. Anonymous10:33 PM

      >>The number of people who are going around murdering and harming in the name of religion is comparatively miniscule.

      Well, that actually is NOT the case as you will find here:

      In short, 809 million people have died in religious wars. That’s nearly a billion people.

      Oftentimes, a retort is that secular ideals and Godless Communism have killed many more. It is true that Stalin, among others, slaughtered his own people by the millions during the industrialization of Soviet Russia. By comparison, 209 million have died in the name of Communism. Some 62 million died during World War II, civilian and military, on all sides. Conclusively, more people have died in the name of religion than in the name of Communism or Hitler, or the two combined times two.


      Death Tolls for the Multicides of the 20th Century


    7. Not What You Want to Hear3:48 AM

      Anon 10:33, I believe you misread my post. If not, I am unclear on how your statistic about people who have died in religious wars disproves my statement that more people of faith are doing good things in the world today than those who are committing murder?

      Also, when I remind people about Stalin, I'm not trying to refute an argument so much as I'm trying to make it understood how dangerous it is to assume the eradication of religion will end most widespread violence and wars.

  7. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Gryphen, this is O/T but these article made me feel so much better about my concerns about the massive amount of money that is being funneled into this campaign by RMoney and his minions. This made me breathe a sigh of relief, maybe it will you and your readers do the same:

    Why Romney's Money Advantage is No Game-Changer

    There are good reasons to doubt whether Romney will get his money’s worth. Most of Romney’s ads are geared toward attacking the president’s performance, but Obama has been president for four years and voters have a settled impression of his character and record. The stability of Obama’s approval ratings are highly consistent with an electorate that has largely made up its mind about the President. A recent poll even shows that the public knows it’s made up its mind: According to Pew Research, 90 percent of registered voters say they already know what they need to know about Obama.


    Romney Needs a Miracle to Win the Presidential Cash Dash

    As it now stands, Romney needs to raise $135 million* more than Obama over the next two months to come out on top. If the 2008 election is any indication, Romney will need a miracle to make that happen. "It just seems impossible that Romney could catch Obama," says Allison, who tracks presidential fundraising.

    In the 2008 election, Obama's fundraising was in high gear in the race's final two months. He and the Democrats raised a record $192 million in September, and another $100 million-plus in October. Obama ultimately set the record for presidential fundraising in 2008 with nearly $750 million, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

    Obama may not reach his 2008 heights, but even if he comes close, he can guarantee Romney won't beat him. The most Romney and the Republicans have raised in a single month is August's $111 million—not close to what they'll need to move ahead of Obama in September and October.


    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      An asshole with a lot of money is a rich asshole. He can spend a lot of money, and there are a lot of people ready to take his money. Money can't buy respectability, and money can't buy you love. Only a fool mistakes the crowd of asskissers around a rich man for the rich man's friends.

      The real ruination of the Republican party might be when they spend a billion dollars and fail to buy Moronic Mitt the Mormon Etch-A-Sketch and his buttbuddy Lyin' Paul Ryan the Whitehouse.

  8. Anonymous2:20 PM

    On Sept. 11, I was working in a target. To the north and the south of me people died. and none of us in my building knew if we would be next. For three days I couldn't go home. Idiots like George Bush (who spent that terrible day flying aimlessly around in his airplane) and Sarah Palin (who's never done a patriotic thing in her sorry life) disgust me.

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      My husband was right near ground zero when the first plane hit. He was damned lucky. I didn't hear from him for a few hours after the fact (I actually got a call from his sister who let me know he was ok but couldn't get through because of all the cell phone activity). He ended up staying the night in NYC because he couldn't get across to NJ, then had nightmares for days.

      George Bush made sure his friends from Saudi Arabia got out of the country quickly and without hassle, proceeded to use the death of all those people for his own gain and fed into the fear of Americans.

      Sarah Palin shouldn't even be brought into the equation, she is so inconsequential in terms of the tragedy. Unfortunately, she continues to pollute this country with her brand of willful ignorance. She makes me sick.

    2. Bush Cheney asleep and drunk at the wheel or worse3:38 PM

      I met on a few occasions many years before a WTC victim. A close friend was close friends with the victim.

      The victim's family got their war on, played right along with Bush and Cheney's Afghanistan and Iraq schemes. It was very disturbing to watch. Remember his orphan children and support your country and kick ass and take names in every country the Republicans wanted.

      I suppose there might be more orphans of KIA US servicemen and US servicewomen than from the original 911 by now. Even if the wars were completely ended today and everyone came home, our servicemen and women will keep dying early because of their service injuries for decades to come.

    3. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Bush and Cheney should have been, and still should be, put on trial (they'd be found guilty, I'm sure!) and then hung from the rafters. Countries in Europe would be after them in a heartbeat should they go into their borders. That, in itself, should tell Americans something!

      They are a disgrace as to being Americans much less the past leaders of our country. They moved us into wars that were not necessary, with horrid costs that have created more hardship to our citizens. Plus, many young men and women have been killed and many have returned to our country w/physical problems that will haunt them for life!

      Plus, all the taxpayer money that was spent on Cheney's heart problems should not have been done. I would have been more than happy having him die a natural death since he wasn't prosecuted.

      I'm thankful we have President Obama and VP Joe Biden trying to clean up their multiple disasters.

    4. Anonymous8:03 PM

      >>The number of people who are going around murdering and harming in the name of religion is comparatively miniscule.

      Well, that actually is NOT the case as you will find here:

      In short, 809 million people have died in religious wars. That’s nearly a billion people.

      Oftentimes, a retort is that secular ideals and Godless Communism have killed many more. It is true that Stalin, among others, slaughtered his own people by the millions during the industrialization of Soviet Russia. By comparison, 209 million have died in the name of Communism. Some 62 million died during World War II, civilian and military, on all sides. Conclusively, more people have died in the name of religion than in the name of Communism or Hitler, or the two combined times two.


      Death Tolls for the Multicides of the 20th Century


  9. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I found the whole "Patriot Day" them hollow. Yes it was horrifying that over 3000 people died that day- but it's not the largest loss of life in a clash of cultures, not even on this continent. What about all the native peoples exterminated by us "Christian" white folks because they were in our way? OK because their skin was dark?

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      I not in disagreement with you and I think "patriot day" is the exact wrong thing to call anything having to do with what happened on Sept 11th, but there's room in my heart and mind for all kinds of remeberences.

  10. Gryphen, of ALL the posts you have done about faith and religion (two things which you still mightily confuse with each other), I have never once said or even felt you should take a post down.

    But I think you should take this post down.

    Your statement that it was "religion" and not "evil men" who killed 3,000 Americans is the most ignorant, off-base, unenlightened thing I have EVER heard you say.

    Gryphen, it wasn't a bible that slit the throats of eight pilots.

    It wasn't a statue of Bhudda that took flight school lessons in preparation for hijacking.

    It wasn't a Quran that steered a 767 toward the manhattan skyline and instantly killed hundreds of beloved fathers, sisters, mothers, brothers, sons, daughters, and friends.

    You know who it was, Gryphen? Exactly who you said it wasn't.

    It was EVIL MEN. EVIL, evil, EVIL FUCKING ***MEN***.

    And nothing an anti-religion zealot says can change that. These men didn't join al qaeda because of religion or faith, they joined because of HATRED.

    Normally I can agree to disagree, Gryphen. You know damn well you've hardly had a more vocal supporter than me. But you are taking my FAITH in a historical figure who simply said to love one another and care for the least of these- and saying it's the same as the blind, raging hatred which led those terrorists to slaughter all those innocents.

    You have become that which you say you despise- someone so enamored of a single opinion or belief, you use it to justify illogical statements and abject zealotry.

    I understand the high running emotions of today are difficult to process and the grief is hard to carry for all these long years. But I truly hope you reconsider this one, Gryphen. You invalidate all you have claimed the immoral minority is here for if you allow this post to stand as it is.

    1. If these men had not believed that they were on a holy mission and that they would be rewarded for their sacrifice in the afterlife, it simply would not have happened.


    2. Gryphen, I think you are totally wrong. That's like saying if Colan Powell hadn't gone on TV and convinced us all there really WERE wmd's around every corner in Iraq, the war wouldn't have happened.

      GWB wanted that longed-for pat on the head by daddy and NO MATTER WHAT- we were GOING to declare war on Iraq. 9/11 was a patsy in that regard. Bush wanted the war, had wanted it from day one, and now had the perfect opportunity to get it.

      No matter what- 9/11 or no 9/11...Bush WOULD HAVE found a way to justify putting Saddam's beard in his trophy case.

      And these EVIL men so hated America, THEY would have found a reason, too. Saying they were only doing it for the "72 virgins" is ridiculous. If it hadn't been "Allah" then it would have been "America's treatment of Iraqi citizens" or "pillaging middle eastern oil fields".

      And THAT is where you can say "period".

      I'm not saying they didn't believe it was a "holy mission"- but you know their hatred for America was SO deep, they would have MADE a "reason".

      For you to say it wouldn't have happened, the end- is simplistic and naive.

      BUT- thank you for putting my comment through. I wasn't sure you would and I appreciate it.

    3. Beldar J Conehead3:47 PM

      Nyah, I have basically nothing to add to this discussion except that I respect and admire your passion while still agreeing with Gryphen's core message.

      Your references to evil, faith, and historical religious figures pose HUGE fundamental philosophical questions and deserve respectful venues for discussion. Maybe this forum is that venue, maybe it isnt.

      I'm glad your voice is heard here and I hope your comments continue to appear. (Not to put words in his mouth, but despite the disagreement on principle, I'm guessing The G-Man feels the same way)

    4. Anonymous4:46 PM

      I both agree and disagree with you Nyah (and always appreciate your voice). It's true these were "evil" men, but the form of their evil and most likely the extent of it resulted from religion.

      Religion is an extremely powerful force, filled with demands, punishments, and rewards. You'd be hard pressed to find something so strongly and widely influential, both good and bad (nationality can also be as powerful, but it is often tinged with religion or some nebulous morality with religious underpinnings).

      So, while I agree that these men would have gotten themselves into some kind of trouble, perhaps violence criminal trouble, they would not have taken these extreme actions without the influence and promise from their religion.

    5. fromthediagonal4:51 PM

      Nyah, regarding your second post, I would like to add another thought to your comments and have a question for you, as well as Gryphen and Beldar:

      As you correctly point out in the first three paragraphs, our "fearless leaders" of that time convinced the world that Saddam was somehow involved with the attacks on the World Trade Center, and that there were WMD in Iraq that just had to be destroyed along with the dictator. They even produced pictures of those supposed production facilities of said chemical weapons of mass destruction.

      So what would you call these politicians who sent their own citizen into a war based upon nothing but lies and hatreds?
      Who defied the Geneva Convention in horrendous ways?
      Who were unconcerned about "collateral damage"?
      Whose civilian contractors profited greatly
      from the generosity of the contracts while the soldiers suffered from unarmored humvees? Need I go on?

      I do have a term for them, and it resonates with the Nuremberg Trials of 1945.

    6. Beldar J. Conehead5:31 PM

      Well, Diagonal, there you go. You may go on, but already you've made a good case for condemning a semi-elected president of this country as 'an evil man'. A condemnation, by the way, I wholeheartedly endorse.

      The problem is, that religious people tend to see Evil and Good as absolutes and there's simply no evidence to support that view.

      "Good" and "Evil" are terms no less relative and subjective than "tall" and "short" or "warm" and "cool". One man's evil-doer is another's esteemed martyr. Most religions claim to have the secret to defining objective standards of 'good' and 'evil' but their only 'evidence' is circular references to their own texts of questionable origins. That's just not good enough.

      Bush (pttuhh! I spit on the ground!) believed his unnecessary war was essentially a Jeebus-approved modern day xtian crusade and the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks justified their heinous crimes as necessary jihadi tactics under asymmetric battle conditions. Both despicable.

      As to 1945? Is all the evidence in on the extent to which the RCC facilitated if not colluded with Der Fuhrer to try to make Europe a Jew/Gypsy/Homo/Retard/Intellectual-free zone?

      Is it a battle of good against evil or just human nature essentially unchanged for 30,000 years? I know where I stand on the matter....

    7. fromthediagonal6:05 PM

      ... and so do I, Beldar. It is not merely human nature, but in all living beings there is a certain percentage that not only thrives on the Will to Power, but on dominance above and beyond that which is necessary to survival. As you say, essentially nature unchanged for millennia, no matter how technologically advanced we may become. They still burn us Freethinkers, they merely use different methods.

      As to your second-to-last paragraph, I think there is a plenty of evidence of collusion in the ideas of "purity of the species".

      I find it interesting how those seem to fit together hand-in-glove.

    8. Beldar J. Conehead8:10 PM

      "...but in all living beings there is a certain percentage that..."

      I like it. Diagonal, perhaps you've come close to expressing the ultimate key to understanding nature - human and other - in this one spare statement.

      If I may?

      "In all living beings there is a certain percentage that... does absolutely anything and everything possible in an attempt - deliberate or not, beneficial or not, good or bad, likely to succeed or not, ultimately successful or not - to thrive."

      It still needs some work, I suppose, but your statement to which I added a small bit of detail might go a much longer way to explaining how life 'works' than to imagine a grey-bearded old man sitting on a cloud pulling levers and pushing buttons to control every single organism on the planet.

      Perhaps another way to say it is that Nature throws everything at the wall all the time (through mutations and other variations) for every species and with the likelihood that SOMETHING will work even when external conditions change, each specie's chance of survival is improved.

      I have more details in my upcoming book "Nature and Evolution for Absolute Certifiable Morons" 1162pg (The title is subject to change as my publisher claims it only tests well among... absolute certifiable morons. We'll see...)

    9. fromthediagonal6:34 AM

      Thanks, Beldar...
      Don't know if you will read this, as it is now far down the line of posts, but I like your line of thought. It mirrors mine, and that is always gratifying, HA!

  11. Anonymous2:58 PM

    "Opportunistic bitch!" Yeah, she's all that. She said she'd take advantage of all those doors that have opened up to her and her family...she's a fame-seeking, absolutely worthless piece of crap that has succeeded because of her looks.
    She's brainless but chose politics to gain her entrance into the celebrity circuit after failing as a beauty queen. I'm so utterly tired of this vapid, totally devoid of an ounce of intelligence human being...

  12. Did Sarah include a link where "good Americans" can donate to her fake PAC? Because Serra doesn't lift her huge butch wrap-around celebrity sunglasses to say "Hello" without putting her hand out for a tip.

    Sarah is so fake, even when she's being paid.

    Fake patriotism
    Fake "Combat Mom"
    Fake hunting/outdoors expert
    Fake religulous bitch (now the bitch part ain't fake)
    Fake friendly with people she just met
    Fake basketball star
    Fake energy expert
    Fake author
    Fake politician
    Fake foreign policy analyst
    Fake columnist
    Fake half-marathon
    Fake political analyst
    Fake pregnancy with Tri-G
    Fake advocate for special-needs children
    Fake hair, face and tits

  13. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Religion is a crutch used by simple-minded people who cannot accept the fact that they will die someday. So will their parents, their children, their cute little dog Sugar Bear...
    Religion is the cause of more death and destruction in the world and continues to be today. Everybody's 'god' is better than the other guy's. My god can beat up your god!
    It's disgusting and it sickens me.

  14. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I agree with your statement after her signoff! Like she is anything but scum under my shoe. Where are the words for Giffords, sp? huh....exactly. old hag.

  15. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I hope Sarah Palin's parents, who flew to New York and were employed as rat catchers at the landfill after 9/11, cannot ever benefit from any first responders' aid.

    After all, they're already living on government pensions and Medicare.

  16. Beldar J Conehead3:35 PM

    "And it is NOT swarthy desert people who pray to Allah that we should fear, but rather ANYBODY who puts their intellect on hold and makes life altering decisions based solely on a fundamental belief, with no evidence to back it up."

    Well, that about sums it all up, dont it...

    Meanwhile read here (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/11/opinion/the-bush-white-house-was-deaf-to-9-11-warnings.html) about how President/War Criminal George W. Sack O'Shit ignored security alarms all summer long in 2001...

    1. fromthediagonal4:56 PM

      Well, Beldar, I just asked you, Gryphen and Nyah up-thread what you would call our "fearless leaders" of that time.
      You have it right.

  17. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Gryph puts up a great post about how there's no god or devil and then half the posters here wish Sarah a visit to hell?
    Such hypocrisy.
    For thousands of years people have been worshipping one god or another and in all this time, nothing has come forth to show there's ever even been a single one.
    No great miracles. No parting of seas or people living 900 years old.
    Talking to the air and believing some magnificent and kind being hears us?
    We silly humans are conditioned to think in terms of ultimate punishment or reward.
    If you really believe in god, then you probably believe suicides go to hell.
    So with all our armed forces suicides, surely you can now agree that "good" fighters go to hell?
    What does that tell you about wars and religion other than the two don't mix?

  18. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I've never quite understood why we are in the Middle East "fighting for our Freedoms". One would logically conclude that our "Freedoms" are what we enjoy here in the good old USA, on American Soil, and last I checked no one had invaded American turf. We are fighting over there for something but it's certainly not our "Freedoms". Oil, perhaps?

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Oil...plus the fact that the Bible was written over there and the US is Israel's lap dog(because "The Bible says so" or something like that).That's about it.

  19. Anonymous4:07 PM

    She's gotta make everything all about herself.

    Me, me, me. She never knows when to shut up and observe a moment of silence.

  20. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Sara is just being herself. In Sarah’s small, selfish mind, anyone else’s personal tragedy is a great opportunity for Sarah to grandstand. And it’s just another chance to try to suck up some cash from those who worship her as their false idol. She’s so selfish and distasteful.

  21. Several people have posted links or excerpts of materials which strongly suggest or outright claim the United States government was complicit in at least part of the 9/11 tragedy.

    I purposefully have always avoided these claims. I can literally hardly stand it that the government and US media entities are complicit in covering up Sarah Palin's fake pregnancy and Bristol Palin's fake UN-pregnancy. To think the US had a hand in little babies and whole families being vaporized by jet fuel- I just couldn't bear it.

    I am truly interested to know what other regulars here think about these claims. I thought the general public opinion was basically like Bill Maher's- he climbed up in the stands and bodily removed an audience member who suggested US complicity about 9/11.

    But now it seems like more and more people are speaking up and joining this same school of thought.

    You can reply anonymously if you want. But, no holds barred- what do you all think the truth is?

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      I have not seen unbiased evidence that has led me to believe the US was complicit in what happened. The theories run the continuum from "that's interesting," to "what the hell are you talking about you maniac?"

      I have, however, always believed Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld knew something was going to happen and did nothing. The look on Rumsfeld's face said to me, "Oh, shit!" I think they had a warning that there would be a terrorist attack on the US, perhaps even welcomed it because it would serve their purpose, but were surprised at the extent and damage and the sheer number of lives lost.

      I don't have proof of this. It's just a feeling I've always had (and it certainly is feasible given what we know about those three men).

    2. With eye-witness reports and analyses by engineers, pilots, architects and firefighters on both sides of this issue, I don't know what to think.

      The main reason I can't wholly accept the official report is the collapse of WTC 7. Not even the experts can provide a complete explanation of how this building pancaked, like a controlled demolition.

      I'm glad you asked the question. Certainly it needs to be addressed, but I get butterflies in my stomach when I see the images of that terrible day and I can't bring myself to follow the links.

      Kudos to you, too, for your comments about faith. A few days ago, Dude gave G a hint about false dilemmas, but it didn't appear to register.

    3. Anonymous5:27 PM

      It's in response to the Loose Change documentary

    4. emrysa8:36 PM

      put me in the truther category.

      while I don't think it was a government conspiracy, I suspect there is atleast one person in the government who knew about it - cheney. I don't know exactly what happened, but the official explanation doesn't add up. the collapse of wtc7, the lack of debris at the pentagon, the passport of one of the highjackers found in the street before the towers collapsed - these and many other things about this event require all logic be thrown out the window in order to accept the official explanation.

      in the world of the billionaires, 3000 lives is a small price to pay for more billions and power. and false flag operations are nothing new in human history.

    5. Anonymous12:00 AM

      I'm a regular here.

      There is no doubt in my mind that a mixture of incompetence, and picking the wrong people to run our foreign policy, played a big role in why 9-11 happened. These same people were directly responsible for why only Halliburton and the bastard brothers were the lucky ones after 9-11.

      The same people that put an incompetent hack like Micheal "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job" Brown in charge of FEMA put Douglas Feith in the #3 civilian post at the Pentagon. Behind only Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, Feith was Undersecretary of Defense for Policy beginning in July 2001.

      "Role In Going To War: As Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Feith spearheaded two secretive groups at the Pentagon — the Counter Terrorism Evaluation Group and the Office of Special Plans — that were instrumental in drawing up documents that explained the supposed ties between Saddam and al Qaeda. The groups were “created in order to find evidence of what Wolfowitz and his boss, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, believed to be true.” Colin Powell referred to Feith’s operation as the Gestapo. In Bob Woodward’s Plan of Attack, former CentCom Commander Gen. Tommy Franks called Feith the “f***ing stupidest guy on the face of the earth.” [LAT, 1/27/05; NYT, 4/28/04; New Yorker, 5/12/03; Plan of Attack, p.281]"


      Tommy Franks had military command of two of the major Bush-Cheney clusterfucks. The clusterfuck in Afghanistan and the clusterfuck in Iraq. So I suppose Tommy Franks had good reason to call Feith "the fucking stupidest guy on the face of the earth" when he did so.

      Digby's post yesterday says it well. I'm 100% with her update conclusion.

  22. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Sarah's no American patriot. In fact, I consider her to be neither.

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Sarah is nothing except about herself as well as her family. Those open doors she said God gave her were slammed shut and she STILL does not listen, yet continues to grift off low-information people who can least afford it.

      She is no Christian, she CERTAINLY is no patriot, and she certainly is getting her just desserts: RIDICULE.

  23. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I remember this day as the day Osama Bin Laden pulled us into two wars that squandered our blood and treasure and set the stage for the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression.

    Instead of reacting like he was a gnat, we started 2 wars.
    We gave him the stature and importance he was seeking and magnified his impact ten-fold.

    It was the day that signed the death certificates of countless people from our country, Iraq, Afghanistan, England, Australia, etc.

    All the other contributing factors to the financial crisis could have been averted or corrected by a fiscally healthy nation that hadn't funded two wars.

    It is one of the saddest days in our history because it all could have been so different, had we had leadership who had intentions other than oil, power, and prophesy fulfillment.

    1. I would say just as much as bin laden "pulled" us into two wars- Bush/Cheney PUSHED US into two wars.

      We could have, and SHOULD HAVE set up a task force to capture Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. We should have captured/killed them and left the tens of thousands of innocent civilians alone.

  24. Anonymous4:31 PM

    It's like she's wanting to use another national tragedy to promote her name, just like she MADE A FUCKING VIDEO ABOUT HERSELF to make herself the victim of the Tucson shooting, BEFORE the victims were honored with THEIR memorial and burial services.

    I'm so glad there are very few people who actually act the way she does once they finish middle school. She makes me nauseous.

  25. Anonymous4:35 PM

    3:53 I'm one that suspects Sarah Palin has a place awaiting her in hell.

    I'm not christian. The number of christians in the USA are dropping and I swear it is because of people like Sarah Palin who has screamed loud to the rafters that she is 'christian'! There are so many in the Republican party especially that are pushing religion and god down our throats and it is sickening. Sarah is not 'christian'! She doesn't live the 'christian' upbringing I had in a church and has spread nothing but hate, racism and evilness throughout the past recent years in Alaska and across the USA.

    She doesn't even attend church and that has been documented in the area of Alaska in which she lives.

    She is also a proven liar, fraud and to be totally unethical. That isn't a true 'christian' and there is no doubt about it.

    To hell with her!

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      I don't believe in hell, but I do believe in prison. Here's hoping Sarah Palin will find her "reward" here on Earth.

  26. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:59 PM

    Late to comment, but I have my own theories about that day. I feel we won't discover any shreds of the truth until one key person (who just got a new heart and shoots his hunting chums in the face) is finally laid to rest. Until then, we won't be able to begin to heal as a country. We've been dumbed-down and numb, but at least people who used to dismiss those nutsy conspiracy theories are now starting to ask questions. We're waking up. And puppet boy Mittsy is surrounding himself with the same cast of characters from the pseudo-reign of "Slappy" Bush.

    Get out and VOTE in November!

    Peace, guys. Thanks for a great post, Gryphen.

  27. Anonymous6:03 PM

    It's amazing that she finds the time to post on Facebook. After that brokered convention two weeks ago, I'd imagine most of her time is consumed with campaigning.

    Oh wait...

  28. Anyone notice how she keeps harping on those who enlist on 9/11 of a given year?

    I think Track has threatened her dumb skinny ass- no more fake bragging about him and his "combat" or who knows WHAT will fly out of his mouth, mother!

    But Sarah being Sarah just couldn't leave it alone- so she mentions people signing up on 9/11 knowing her drooling sycophants would chime in and say "didn't your own SON enlist on 9/11??!"

    So then she could simper on about how she was so PROUD to be the mom of a combat veteran, etc etc.

    She is absolutely repulsive.

  29. WakeUpAmerica7:00 PM

    I thought i was the only one who hated this day. BTW, I would these were men of PERVERTED faith just like the Christo-Nazis. There are many, many good Muslim people who should not be painted with the same brush as the terrorists. That being said, this day each year is really a celebration to promote bigotry and hatred IMHO.

  30. O/T I just saw a clip of Sarah on Bill O'Reilly tonight and she was rabid, talking about how the Romney campaign needs to be "more aggressive. Looked like the crazy lady that she is.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:56 PM


      yep, yep, yep

      She's particularly unhinged, out of her gourd yapping about Free Stuff, Freedom, and how Romney needs to get aggressive. (Got extra testosterone and steroid shots to lend him,
      Sarah?) and bill the bigot is calling for buzzwords like "socialist" etc.

  31. Anita Winecooler9:32 PM

    My first job out of College was in North Jersey, and had friends in NYC. The WTC towers always fascinated me. I can't count how many times I went to the rooftop observatory, the view was amazing. The architectural details were truly unique. Every morning I walked out the apartment building, and took in the skyline before schlepping off to work. They were always there.

    I knew no one who died or was injured, but that day I felt like everyone else, but we went as a family to see the rubble and pay our respects to those who died.
    I read all the comments, thanks Gryphen, and everyone. I don't believe in God, but can understand both sides of the discussion. To me, religion played a part, but it was a fanatical extremist perversion of religion.

  32. Even the poster you chose is dumb, Gryph, because the Towers came down over geopolitics not religion; the Arab (and Iran's more limited) issue with "the near enemy" is not Judaism but Zionism. Israel is seen as an outpost of western society.


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