Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bill Clinton making the point that should be obvious to all.

And you know, that doesn't JUST go for politics.

Just last week we heard an equally intelligent and progressive point made by Hillary as well.

This is the kind of thinking that we need to have much, much more of in politics.


  1. A. J. Billings3:21 AM

    It's a great aspiration to think the religious groups of ALL persuasions will put comity, civility, and rational exercise of citizenship before doctrine, and belief.

    I don't see that ever happening in the USA, or anywhere else, even Sweden or Norway.

    As Mr Clinton so eloquently put it, ideology (or faith or religious doctrine) will always be first in the mind of the true believer.

    To quote the warmonger Donald Rumsfeld, any belief system is a "known known".

    Just ask "conservative" fundamentalists of any stripe, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, whatever.

    To these folks, G_d comes even before loyalty to spouse, children, family or country, resulting many times in the war, violence, hatred, and prejudice,
    that we see in every country, even in supposedly secular societies like USA and Europe.

  2. Anonymous4:48 AM

    I liked Jimmy Fallon's song at the DNC convention. Especially where he calls Michelle and Hillary the "Dream Team" for 2016! Now there are two women who could do anything.

  3. Sharon6:47 AM

    It would be my dream to have Hillary follow Obama...with Bill behind the scenes, that would be real progress. This country could bounce back with the progressive vision of inclusion, education and fairness....within my lifetime, I sure hope so.

  4. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Believe it or not, in science circles, something similar to ideology –– confirmation bias –– exists all too frequently. It is when a researcher "feels" they know the explanation for or answer to something without actually doing the experiment.

  5. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Well said points by the Clintons. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Beldar Jefferson Conehead9:09 AM

    "The problem with any ideology is that it gives the answer before you look at the evidence."

    Holy shit! That's it in a nutshell, isnt it? Who IS this guy and why doesnt HE run for president!!!

    Oh. Nevermnd.


  7. Of course, trying to live life as a nihilist (one without ideology) is akin to walking around in a fog.

    The issue, it seems to me, is choosing the right ideology, philosophy, or religion (choose the word which seems to have the last negative connotations).

    Even practicality is an ideology, one, to which I subscribe. See (or learn) what works and do that- William James called this way of thinking Pragmatism.

  8. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Billy boy seems to forget that very rarely do democrats assert statements that made practical sense. They are ALL about the ideal and hardly ever think about how things work in reality.

  9. Anonymous3:47 PM

    More goofy atheist graphics, huh?

    Bill is speaking out against extreme political ideology here and Hillary is speaking out against murder committed in the name of religion.

    These are religious people, you realize. Devout Christians, though flawed human beings - as we all are.

    Don't take their words out of context to fit your ideology.

  10. dorkenergy4:11 PM

    Kudos to the Former and Future POTUSs.

    @A. J. Billings -- "It's a great aspiration to think the religious groups of ALL persuasions will put comity, civility, and rational exercise of citizenship before doctrine, and belief. I don't see that ever happening in the USA …"

    It's an unending dynamic between extremism and moderation, fundamentalism/dogmatic literalism and pragmatism [add contrasts to suit].

    I'm up for it for the long haul, even to the point of seeking (or at least being open to) alliances with individuals, institutions, or discrete behaviors of "opponents".

    @Dude -- "Even practicality is an ideology, one, to which I subscribe."

    Bravo. (Note to self: the "the right" in "the right ideology" reminds me to question assumptions underlying "pragmatism".)

    1. Underlying assumptions of pragmatism, as described by James: 1) there is a material universe 2) humans apprehend this through their "streams of consciousness" 3) everyone's stream of consciousness is different 4) each person is capable of altering their modes of apprehension 5) each person's purpose narrows their conscious field of apprehension so choose your purposes wisely

    2. dorkenergy4:06 PM

      Understood. Note was self-reflective, mostly as a caution not to proclaim adherence with too firm a commitment as it might harden others' of different stripes to counter similarly.


  11. dorkenergy4:25 PM

    @Anonymous3:47 PM

    What if we see BC's and HC's suggestions in combination as tempering against extremist/fundamentalist ideologies of all types (religious, political, …)?

    Maybe that's the common ground here.


  12. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Hey what if these politicians' comments were repurposed to support my zealotry? It would be, like, a foregone conclusion! Perfect! Now let me say fuck so you know I am legit!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.