Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bill O'Reilly dangles red meat in front of Sarah Palin's cage door with predictable results. Update!

O'Reilly starts off the interview (What game of dice did HE lose to end up interviewing this sideshow pinhead by the way?) by playing Laura Ingraham's admonition to the Republicans that if they cannot win the election while running against Obama's economic record that they should just shut down the party, and then asking the Grizzled Mama if she agrees.

Silly question, of course she does! (After all hasn't she been talking about a third party for months now?)

 "Come on Republicans, if you can't get this fire lit underneath this base and get them convinced that...uh...Barack Obama's lack of a plan to get us out of these economically woeful times...if...if..if you can't get your message through that filter of the media then we're in a world of hurt."

O'Reilly then asks what Palin thinks the Republicans SHOULD be doing. (You know because her ideas have worked so well in the past.)

"We're not explaining to the rest of America who thinks they're going to get a bunch of free stuff from Obama that you have a choice. You either get free stuff or you get freedom, you can't have both and you need to make a choice. And if we could explain and get that message through to people that 'there ain't no such thing as a free lunch' and that we are an insolvent nation when you consider us being sixteen trillion dollars in debt, we're broke. We can't keep continuing down this path. Well again we're in a world of hurt if we can't get that explanation to the public, to the voters, regarding what the choices are and.."

O'Reilly then asks if it is possible to drive that message home when half of Americans receive some assistance from the government (Palin's so-called "free stuff.")

"Well it's possible that we are so far down that road Bill that yes the majority of Americans could potentially vote to continue that nonsense, yes." (This last part was stated while O'Reilly was talking over her and he ends his statement by saying the population is changing in Obama's favor.)

O'Reilly then goes on to ask The Lunatic from Lake Lucille if the Romney campaign should attack the President in a "more personal way" and use buzzwords like "incompetent," "dangerous," and "socialist."

Like throwing raw meat to a feral Tasmanian Dipshit, this causes Palin to virtually foam at the mouth, and she lurches to the attack.

"Well when they're not JUST buzzwords, those are accurate descriptions of our Commander-in-Chief, yes! He should be very aggressive and should be ADAMANT in his attacks on Obama's record, which is so dismal. His plan, or lack of a plan, of Obama's, to get us out of these woeful times. Yes, he needs to be SEVERELY aggressive in his articulation." (Pretty sure that "severely" comment, is a dig at Romney's self description that he is "severely conservative" by the way. Nasty bitch can't help herself.)

Here O'Reilly tries to slide a word in edgewise but Palin is frothing and refuses to stop gnawing on the President's leg.

"But listen you know you bring up those demographics, and what they're representing in terms of perhaps wanting some free stuff, you have to remember America is still center right, Proof of that is, look at how Obama has to couch his message, he has to lie, to pretend he's for fiscal sanity and strong national defense, and those center right positions that the vast majority of Americans stand for, Obama has to pretend like he is that in order to get that...that base."

So in Palin's worldview it is the PRESIDENT who is the liar? Projecting much crazy lady?

Personally I think that the Romney campaign should listen to Wasilla's Wailing Wendigo. After all WHO knows more about the seductive qualities of free stuff than SHE does? And when it comes to vicious attacks on a person's character, well hell she wrote the book! (Well she signed ghostwritten copies of the book anyhow.)

Look, the Romney campaign is losing anyhow, why NOT invite this political albatross aboard their campaign dinghy? Then when it sinks into the inky depths they can simply blame it on her.

Worked for the McCain campaign.

P.S. For some reason I cannot link to the video in the traditional manner, but if you check the first comment down below you can cut and paste it from there. This is strange, I have never had this difficulty before.

Update: Okay I was only joking about Romney taking Palin's advice, but it seems that they are kind of doing just that:  

After saying earlier that Sept. 11 was not the day to criticize President Obama on foreign-policy matters, Mitt Romney late on Tuesday issued a statement blasting the Obama administration for a statement from the U.S. Embassy in Cairo expressing what it characterized as sympathy for Muslims upset by anti-Muslim activity in the United States. But the GOP nominee apparently confused the sequence of events. 

Romney called the statement the administration's first response to the violent protests and the attacks that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three others. However, the embassy statement was issued before those events, according to The New York Times.

 I saw Romney attempting to rationalize this statement this morning, but it was in fact an EPIC FAIL!

We just lost our Libyan Ambassador and three other Americans, so this is going to make Romney look like the insensitive prick that most of us already know that he is.

Update: And yes it DOES appear that Romney was  following Palin's lead. Just check her Facebook page:

America can’t afford any more “leading from behind” in such a dangerous world. We already know that President Obama likes to “speak softly” to our enemies. If he doesn’t have a “big stick” to carry, maybe it’s time for him to grow one.

Clearly sexualized language designed to get her more media attention. Truly a revolting woman!


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Jesus Heath Palin. Sarah, I dare you, double dog dare you, to "articulate" one felled policy of President Obama's, while providing even a hint at what kind of plan you would have superior to his.

    You've been saying the same old campaign losing crap for four years now, how is it even worth $100,000 a speaking gig and $1 million a year at Fox?

    What President Obama has done and what he has to give is worth four more years in the White House.

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      So the SKANK from Wasilla wants President Obama to grow a 'BIG GLEN RICE STICK'? She should say that to her 'PIMP DADDY TOAD' who has the 2-TONED 2 INCH PENIS. Hey Sarah, who 'RILLY' FATHERED TRACK? Where is Willow's new BABY? You are a 'FELLED' INCOMPETENT SORRY EXCUSE FOR A MOTHER WITH SERIOUS MENTAL PROBLEMS. You have the MOST UNEDUCATED FAMILY

    2. Anonymous8:59 AM

      She must be sexually unsatisfied and frustrated with Toad's limpy, wimpy stick for her to use sexualized language like that.

      Maybe if someone with a big stick would just gratify/service this bitch she'd be a happier person and shut the eff up.

    3. Anonymous10:20 AM

      $100,000.00 speaking fee?

      $100,000.00 was her asking price.

      Sarah has never been paid $100,000.00 to speak anywhere.

    4. Anonymous2:16 PM

      All the Palins have received free healthcare from the moment they were born from the federal government while the rest of us pay pay for it! Didn't hear her bitching about that!

    5. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Nasty, grammatically incompetent bitch indeed. UNCLEAR PRONOUN REFERENT YOU PAlIN DIPSHIT.

  2. Anonymous6:27 AM

    She is an evil person who got a lot of people killed in AZ by putting target crosshairs on Gabby Giffords district in 2010. Her face now matches her ipersona.

  3. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Tasmanians are not dipshits. Obviously you don't get out much.

    1. Anonymous6:54 AM

      You're the one who doesn't get out much since you OBVIOUSLY never heard of the Tasmanian devil. Did your parents not let you watch cartoons? No wonder you're so bitter and hateful. Are you that dumb you couldn't figure out the Tasmanian Devil reference? Seriously?

      Like Sarah, he would spin in circles and get all worked up. I thought it was a perfect metaphor. Good job Gryph.

    2. I think anon 633 was being snarky-- kinda like when people say it's an insult to dogs/minotaurs/naked mole rats to suggest SarAh looks like one

  4. My links on the blog are not working.

    Let's see if it works better here.

    1. Anonymous6:51 AM

      Maybe even the internet "tubes" cannot stand her screechy voice anymore.

    2. Anonymous7:25 AM

      I get "ACCESS DENIED" at my work computer, damn, the must have figured out FOX sucks too!!

  5. Anonymous6:36 AM

    LOL her head is so big. When is she gonna get that fixed? Seriously its very distracting.

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      It's on its way to exploding...this November.

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Have they FINALLY stopped calling her "governor"?? Maybe Billo demanded it be changed before he lowered himself to "interview" her. They call her a contributor, but all she contributes are insults which go nowhere. Maybe she should start giving advice on mothering, since she failed at that also, too.

  6. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Where's Tri-G?
    When did Sarah's amniotic fluid start leaking?
    Where's Tri-G's birth certificate?
    What's Trippp's real birthday?

    1. Better yet: does trig receive any benefits from the government? (

  7. Anonymous6:38 AM

    "free stuff"?

    Crazy dipshit is pissed she has missed out on "free staff" from the RNC.

  8. Anonymous6:39 AM

    No such thing as a free lunch, unless it's a campaign event where the Grifter In Chief is serving up the free stuff.

    Come meet Sarah Palin and Kirk Adams and turn in your early ballot.

    Kirk and Sarah will be serving the food as a way of saying thank you for all the support and encouraging people to get out and vote.

    Accompanied with the food will be refreshments, live music and several other local candidates.

    Gates open at 3:30pm

    Free Food and entertainment begins at 4:00 pm


    Could they say "free" enough? Did SarahPAC pucker up tighter than a drum when they asked her to pay for it?

    By the way, how did Kirk Adams do after all this effort, even wearing his shirt on Fox News in a national interview?

    "Matt Salmon beats Kirk Adams for GOP nod in Arizona's 5th District"

    Your girl Sarah Steelman lost also too, not such a king-maker are ya you old hateful bag.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Anonymous6:39 AM;
      According to your quote on the word "free". It was only mentioned once. Did I miss something?

  9. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Sarah The Retard's word of the day: 'woeful'

    and of course she uses it wrong

    1. With all those chemicals in her system you can't expect her to read the one-a-day vocab calendar all the way through!

  10. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Sarah wore her old red wedge shoes at Kirk Adams event.

    Still hasn't learned how to dress. Wearing a horizontal stripe cotton shirt with a dressy skirt?

    Oh I get it, red, white and blue. She's so patriotic.

  11. Anonymous6:43 AM

  12. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Palin is getting personal when she talks about growing one. She must be obsessed due to Todd's short comings but this is not the time for her to lose total control. Her senseless attack on our President, his cabinet and policy is way out of line. More in tune with anarchists.

    9/11/12 9/12/12 Facebook: "We already know that President Obama likes to “speak softly” to our enemies. If he doesn’t have a “big stick” to carry, maybe it’s time for him to grow one." - Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      SHE really said that! That our President needed to grow a "big stick?"

      That does it.... She is obsessed with "man parts" it seems, and her worst dis is to claim a man lacks said parts.

      I wonder why she is so obsessed with Man Parts?

    2. Oh, now... Scarah knows all about the stick.
      (Think "Glen Rice.")

    3. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Sure Sara...just as soon as you grow A PAIR!

    4. Again, with her perverted, sexualized, emasculating language toward a man. What is wrong with her? Never mind, it is pretty obvious.

      She long ago lost any right whatsoever to whine about a sexist media.

    5. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Stupid Sarah, President Obama doesn't speak at all but carries a big stick...he got Osama Bin sexually repressed c*nt.

    6. And I would be more than happy to help that adorable Barry grow his stick. Anytime.

    7. Anonymous11:41 AM

      She has the mentality of a 7th grader!!! Reducing herself to dick size jokes and 'mean girl' tactics... She truly is filthy white trash
      Oh, and when she bitches about people getting free stuff, remind this hag that her family has been getting free healthcare from Alaska FOREVER.
      She is such a cucking funt!

    8. Anonymous12:13 PM

      How did she and Romney learn so fast about the attacks?

      Isn't Sarah usually slow making comments like that?

      U.S. Ambassador To Libya, And 3 Embassy Staffers Killed In Attack On American Consulate In Benghazi

    9. abbafan2:14 PM

      With all her rhetoric having a sexual overtone, one tends to wonder if Creepy Chuckles got his rocks off and humped her in her youth; all that underwear that couldn't be found. Heaths and Palins are sick fucks!

  13. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Actually Obama is already center right.
    If he was this radical lefty that the right thinks he is, drugs would be legal, there would be a single payer health care system, banksters would have been prosecuted, all the troops would be home already, Gitmo would be shuttered, torturers would be prosecuted, drones would not be used, etc, etc, etc. Those would be true left policies. The repub tea party is delusional if they think Obama is a radical leftist socialist.

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      I don't believe he is center right. I put him center, slightly left publicly; harder left in private (although still not too hard left). Obama couldn't do any of those things you list on his own and it's unreasonable to expect he would. I do wish he was more vocal in support of everything you list and that he would work to make those changes. I'm willing to give him credit for what he has done and have some faith that changes in congress and a second Obama term will result in a much more progressive policy.

    2. Boscoe9:24 AM

      @ 6:44
      EXACTLY! It just shows how cynical and manipulative the Republicans have become in their desperation to "win" at any cost. The fact that their "construct Obama" doesn't even hold up to the lightest scrutiny, yet millions believe it's true, is frightening and depressing.

      I'd LOVE for someone to ask Palin or Billo for some examples of "felled socialist policies" or "free stuff".

    3. Rattletrap11:13 AM

      Great comment, 6:44.

      But, Geebus 9:21, some of you Democrats insist on overestimating the power of the POTUS.

      America is full of one-issue voters. If you don´t do what they want, they stop liking you. They don´t look at the big picture. Iḿ not accusing you of falling into this category - I´m just tired of hearing about ¨What he is going to do.¨ What you see is what you get.

      And what you get is a great American.


  14. jcinco6:45 AM

    thanks, was just going to comment about that! "Free stuff" what an eloquent speaker" she

  15. Boscoe6:48 AM

    Wow... Billo goes right down the racist wormhole...

    "The demographics are changing in Obama's favor"? What can that possibly mean other than "the lazy brown people are multiplying like rabbits and soon the hard working, fiscally responsible white people will be extinct"?

    What's astonishing to me is the way these dipshits quote the number of people not paying taxes without ever addressing WHY they're not paying taxes. They prefer to leave it to the braindead Faux viewer to assume half the country is lazy and on some sort of parasitic gravy train living the high life at their expense. And those Faux viewers are getting whipped into an "anti-socialist" frenzy probably while opening their social(ist) security check and grousing about how much Medicare coverage is costing them.

    All I'm saying is that maybe if the "conservatives" hadn't trashed the world's economy, there'd be fewer Americans on "the government dole".

    And apparently what THEY'RE saying is that if we could just finish turning America into a giant third-world sweatshop for the rich, the 90% could go back to dying earlier the way they used to in the good old days and then we'd have fewer people on "the government dole".

  16. Anonymous6:50 AM

    ROFL she's still bitter about her losing the election for McCain. A devastating defeat for the quitter she just can't get over. Face it Sarah Lou, you'll never be good enough for America so just sit down and shut up. Your voice has literally zero effect on anybody. You change no minds, you sway no opinions. You're ineffective and useless.

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      She crass and crude and has no clue as to how she is perceived by rational thinking Americans.

  17. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Boy, is she running on fumes. But hey, her check is in the mail. There are still a few bozos out there holding up her calendar with one hand.

  18. JenniferinVA6:56 AM

    Please post your objections to her sleazy need to score political points on her facebook page. She's truly disgusting.

  19. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I find Sarah Palin's broadcasts nauseating.

  20. Randall7:00 AM

    Why didn't Sarah say that at the RNC?

    ...oh, that's right, nevermind.

  21. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Really, this is nothing else that needs to be said about this despicable creature. Let her continue to wallow in her own venom. History is writing her obituary every time she bares her fangs. RIH (rest in hell) BITCH.

  22. Anonymous7:03 AM

    "Sarah Palin unleashed one of her patented, context-free, buzzword laden Facebook posts early this morning. Long before the smoke cleared in Libya, she was ginning up her masses; the perpetually angry people who still can’t believe THAT man, was somehow elected president. She’s made a tidy profit during the Obama presidency."

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Good link and I "liked" it.

  23. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Screech goes overboard on facebook, telling the president to grow a big stick:

    Apparently President Obama can’t see Egypt and Libya from his house. On the anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks ever perpetrated on America, our embassy in Cairo and our consulate in Benghazi were attacked by violent Islamic mobs. In Cairo, they scaled the walls of our embassy, destroyed our flag, and replaced it with a black Islamic banner. In Benghazi, the armed gunmen set fire to our consulate and killed an American staff member. The Islamic radicals claim that these attacks are in protest to some film criticizing Islam. In response to this, the U.S. embassy in Cairo issued a statement that was so outrageous many of us thought it must be a satire. The embassy actually apologized to the violent mob attacking us, and it even went so far as to chastise those who use free speech to “hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.” (Funny, the current administration has no problem hurting the “religious feelings” of Catholics.)

    But where is the president’s statement about this? These countries represent his much touted “Arab Spring.” How’s that Arab Spring working out for us now? Have we received an apology yet from our “friends” in the Muslim Brotherhood for the assault on our embassy?

    It’s about time our president stood up for America and condemned these Islamic extremists. I realize there must be a lot on his mind these days – what with our economy’s abysmal jobless numbers and Moody’s new warning about yet another downgrade to our nation’s credit rating due to the current administration’s failure to come up with a credible deficit reduction plan. And, of course, he has a busy schedule – with all those rounds of golf, softball interviews with the “Pimp with the Limp,” and fundraising dinners with his corporate cronies. But our nation’s security should be of utmost importance to our Commander-in-chief. America can’t afford any more “leading from behind” in such a dangerous world. We already know that President Obama likes to “speak softly” to our enemies. If he doesn’t have a “big stick” to carry, maybe it’s time for him to grow one.

    - Sarah Palin

    she is repulsive

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Well, now Sarah, the embassy statement was made before the attacks and was made because of an anti-Muslim film that had really offended the locals. The statement was NOT made in response to the attacks on Americans embassy and consular officials. When will Sarah Palin "grow" a brain or even a few brain cells? When will Fox News decide to join the rest of the human race and tell the truth once in a while?

    2. Anonymous8:15 AM

      Who is Sarah referencing by "Pimp with a Limp"? I've never heard the term before. What does it mean?

    3. (IMO) This statement goes so far beyond crossing the line with her sexual fixation ! If not the million in appropriate references she's made over the years, THIS statement, to our POTUS, no less, is just far too revealing about pooor Scarah's bent psyche.

      ...and she probably felt proud of herself when she posted it. Gah.

    4. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Repulsive and vulgar.

    5. Anonymous9:05 AM

      She believes the way McCain does - BOMB the living HELL out of every country in the ME, except Israel.

    6. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Pimp With a Limp is a Florida DJ - apparently President Obama did an interview with him yesterday.

    7. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Pimp with a limp is a dj in Florida and Obama was on his show the other day. Whatever--Palin is sick and vulgar.

    8. I thought it was Toad after being hit with a can of peaches aimed at the fridge.

    9. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Wow. Can we say “classless”?

      Yes, Sarah. You are right. You and your family will never be good enough for this country. (Hats off to Levi!)

    10. Anonymous12:37 PM

      I want to punch her in the throat.

  24. Anonymous7:05 AM

    You sshould put this picture up of Romney leaving his presser today. Disgusting

    UK Lady.

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Looks like the same shit eating grin Sarah had when she finished her "I quit" speech.

    2. Olivia8:20 AM

      It does look exactly the same as the quitter's smirk.
      Look that that face, I can just see the brain tape running through his head.
      "This is it, I won.-I finally made the statement that makes Obama look bad. WhoooHoooo! I'm the new president, I'm the winner, YeeHaa!"

      What a complete dickhead he is and he just proved it to the world. He just became the male Sarah Palin. I can't wait to see how he tries to backpedal on this.

    3. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Mitt Romney is a successful business man, not a leader. He lacks the sensitivity, maturity, and wisdom to lead.

      This picture proves it.

    4. Cracklin Charlie8:35 AM

      I really don't like to hate people. I am having a very hard time with this today.

      This creature (Romney) has no business even commenting on this tragedy. He is a vile, despicable, revolting PIECE OF SHIT!

  25. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Well, Palin just posted on her Facebook page (we all knew it was coming) and HuffPost has an article on it:

    She is the most disgusting person to walk this earth. God help her keep out of the depths of hell, because she sure seems determined to get there.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      "The president needs to grow a big stick.."
      Again, why is this hag so preoccupied with male genitals, especially President Obama's?

    2. Anonymous8:14 AM

      The world will go up in a big puff of smoke because of the stupid, ignorant, hateful antics of people like Terry Jones and Sarah Palin and their meddling. She is already riling them up at her fb and as usual, it's all about Obama:


      "..he is forcing Catholics to provide contraception and forcing tax payers to pay for abortions!! great analysis Sarah! Hippocratic! coward!"

      There is another spewing 2nd amendment rights and hunters and ex military will take on Iran to protect this country, and so on. Each lunatic with their own beef against the "Muslim President", (Obama)

      Haven't heard much from them yet about the Ambassador that was killed. These people are traitors to this country.

    3. One can only imagine...and shudder....what references she would have no doubt made if Hillary Clinton had won in 2008. Palin has no kinship with either gender, being an equal opportunity spewer. She's simply a one-dimensional individual.

    4. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:27 AM

      Anon @ 8:14--the quasi-human dipshits who idolize the Warrior Gurl of the Frozen North and her wacky pals would SALIVATE over the prospect of our world going up in a nuclear puff, unfortunately. They don't give a rat's ass about the consequences for their kids, grandkids, families, friends, small animals, America, the future of the world--as long as Saint Sarah leads the mouth breathers through the nuke fallout to Jaybus and the blissful afterlife they so richly deserve. After all, they're SO much more sanctimonious, uh, better than the rest of us.

      A neat little ditty from the great Tom Lehrer:

  26. It's been amusing me that most of the "base" she plays to are the very people who LOVE free stuff. and they aren't that worried about their freedom. It's the sort of asinine "information" FauxNews viewers take as gospel. Maybe she'll convince enough of them they'll get free stuff that the very base that are the only Romney/Ryan supporters will spin off and vote for Obama and 'free stuff'. Seriously, these are not deep thinkers we're talking about.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      "Pete Petretich" from the cult site c4p has commented that he has been getting food stamps and other aid for years he claims he cannot find employment..because he's white! Reverse discrimination and such.

    2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:00 AM

      Anon@8:03 am--And yet dear Petey will never see the irony of all that Big Gubmint Socialist cash money he gets, right?

    3. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Heck, Palin loves free stuff. Remember when she dragged her girls to Oscar Week and they raided one of the goody sites...walked out with thousands in free stuff. And she has done no work for three years and become a millionaire. Hmmm...where are Sarah's tax returns?

  27. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Sarah Palin - the most evil and inept 'non christian' from Wasilla, AK. They can have her! And, hell does await the battleax!

  28. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Must be tough when they have to bring out Noted foreign policy expert "I can see Russia" Palin. Looks like she even drug out a 20o8 costume for the event.

    Hey Sarah, where is Trig's birth certificate?

  29. Sharon7:32 AM

    It is so heartbreaking to watch the news of Chris Stevens murder, and the unbelievable krap being spewed by Robme and Palin. Neither of them have any right to comment about any of this, it is beyond disgusting. The Libyan and Egyptian people have the same problem we do....the majority of their people are trying to form a democracy, and they both have that hate filled violent faction that wants to destroy our GOP. All of this is due to a horrific film against the prophet Mohammad on the internet, made in CA and backed by that nutjob Terry Jones pastor in FLA.
    How Obama has to deal with all this is beyond my feeble mind. If this isn't treason I don't know what it. These people simply live to hate.

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      You are so right, Sharon. At the end of President Obama's statement this morning, as he was walking out, a reporter shouted "Is this an act of war?" Poor President Obama - I would have wanted to turn around and punch the reporter in the nose. What happened last night were outrageous acts and it will be dealt with, I have no doubt about it. But rabble rousing by reporters in the Rose Garden does not help any kind of delicate diplomatic situation. Maybe the reporter should look up Terry Jones and ask him how guilty he feels for what happened last night.

    2. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Maybe that reporter should volunteer to enlist and go there? All the Jewish people in THIS country who want the US to invade Iran (so they do not have to) should also enlist and join the fight. They are so eager to have other people's kids go to war.

    3. Anonymous10:46 AM

      All the Jewish people??? What an idiot you are. Is John McCain Jewish? What about Dick Cheny? You are out of touch and anti-semitic in your comments.
      It also shows how naive you are about Iran.
      Many Jews and Israelis do not want war with Iran.
      And perhaps if the higher ups in Iran would stop saying they plan on wiping out Israel as soon as they get a nuclear weapon, than Israel wouldn't feel threatened at all. Iran also makes similar comments about America and the UK.

      I'm a diehard liberal and I just wince when I read ignorant comments like yours. Pretending Iran is not a threat, or a threat to only Jews, or that all Jews want to bomb Iran is frank stupidity and a complete lack of awareness of the complexity of the issue.

      And those of you who love to state how Iran is not a threat, might want to read history books and listen carefully to Irans verbal threats. During WWIi millions of Americans ignored what was happening in Germany and called it a Jewish problem. For years this went on while millions of Jews & nonJews were being gassed to death. Hitler threatened too and many ignored him.
      Don't be so stupid or naive. It would be one thing if Iran wasn't threatening but they are ALL the time.

      You are either anti-Semitic, uninformed, stupid naive or all of the above.

    4. Anonymous10:47 AM

      What makes you think Jews want other peoples kids to go to war. What a sick and hateful comment.

    5. Anonymous12:33 PM

      How did Romney and Palin know to jump in on this so fast? It looks like it was planned. Who?

      Why would Jewish/Christian extremists be in the mid east promoting something that they know is insulting and would bring out violence?

  30. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Romney doubled down in a presser this AM. And smirked while doing it. The guy is a sociopath.

    Unarmed people died far from home while serving their country. Normal people give thoughts to their families and leave the USA's immediate response to the commander-in-chief and his advisers. But, for Romney, it's an opportunity to make political points. He is a monster.

  31. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Sorry to link to the Sea, but it is so shocking to see both what Ms Palin felt was appropriate to say about the volatile situation in the Mid-East, and then to read what her sycophants have to say in response: Her final line is appalling.

    So disturbing that they don't see they are part of the same ideological continuum as the rioters in Egypt and Libya.


  32. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Sarah's going sexual again!

    Obama Needs To Grow 'Big Stick'

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:26 AM

      I wish the President would take a big stick upside her head.

    2. Anonymous8:55 AM

      She really wishes Teeny Weenie Todd would "grow a big stick"

    3. Anonymous9:10 AM

      If Toady had a big stick to satisfy her she wouldn't talk like this...

  33. Beldar J Conehead7:46 AM

    Not so fast there, Mr. Fancy Pants Alaska Librul Blogger!! Mittens does not need The Screechy Wretch's(tm) advice on how to fuck up a campaign! He's quite incompetent enough to lose this election on his own, thank you very much!

    If you had even the SLIGHTEST understanding of severe conservative political strateegery - which you obviously do not - you would NOT be so quick to criticize Mittens' latest campaign gambit of clumsily slamming the White House's reaction to the tragic killings of U.S. diplomats in Libya, including our ambassador.

    In the big-money, faced-paced, rough and also tumble, hurly-burly, topsy-turvy, hustly-bustly, high-stakes game of national politics, what Mittens has undertaken is known as "The Douchebag Offensive". Also known as "The Offensive Douchebag", but that may be a bit too "inside baseball" for you and the last few straggling readers of your defunct blog.

    Now, some may argue that throughout history - going back to pre-Roman times, in fact - the Douchebag Offensive has been tried countless times while never actually succeeding and technically that is correct. But you and your little librul bolshevik blog buddies have to admit one thing: it sure is fun to watch Mittens bumblefuck his way to humiliating defeat and political oblivion!

    and THAT is why I have officially endorsed the 2012 GOP Dream Team ticket of Willard Millard Mittens "Mittens" Rmoney and That Other Guy for presdient and vice presdient of Amercia!!!

    ps, That Other Guy is starting a re-election ad campaign in his Wisconsin congressional district so that he at least has that government job waiting for him, just in case, you know, that whole VEEP thang doesnt work out as originally planned...

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:24 AM

      Thank you, Mr. B J Conehead!

      I needed that!

    2. hedgewytch9:52 AM

      Definitely get a gold star today Beldar for that one. Definitely.

    3. fromthediagonal10:07 AM

      Man, you said a mouthful!
      I agree, we needed a bit of levity on this revolting day. That perverted preacher and the equally perverted bitch should hold hands with R&R as they all take a long walk off her short pier in Lake Lucille... a cold chemical bath might clean up some of their sickeningly overheated rhetoric.

    4. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:07 AM

      Mr. BJC--

      Face it, all Blabbering Mittsy lacks is a big strap-on like General Palin obviously has. All Amercia needs is a huge hunk of heavy, vibrating rubber to beat back those pesky foreign (ugh! ick!) countries.

      --Proud to be a Bolshevik in Brooklyn

    5. LMAO (Seriously!)

  34. lostinmn7:53 AM

    Once again with the sexual comments from Sara. She must have been abused and never received treatment. She is a very sick and frightening woman. At the same time you are spot on that Mitt seems to be channeling his inner Sara these days. More and more that comes from his mouth seems to be paralleling similar crap Sara pulled.

    The good news is the Media on both sides of the aisle is savaging Mitt for his naked politicizing of the murder of a US Ambassador. Whether they bother to smack Sara down as well is up for grabs. I did note that she was referred to as "social media" person rather than a failed politician. The media seems to have found the box to put her in. At least it's not a pine one.

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      She'll end up in the pine box of her own narcisstic doing. And sooner than later.

  35. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Comments from Maddow's blog:

    It occurs to me that Romney's campaign saying yesterday that foreign policy is a distraction and a "shiny object" followed by an embassy attack is approaching equivalency with McCain saying "the fundamentals of the economy are sound" followed by the economic collapse in 2008. That was pretty much the moment that put the nail in the McCain campaign's coffin... could the same be said for Romney?

    One can only hope.

    Exactly! And almost four years to the day.

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Do you think McCain believed "the fundamentals of the economy are sound"?

  36. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Re: Mitten's Epic Fail.

    It's these moments that add to my suspicion that he really doesn't want to win.

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Don't you wonder? And Ryan is now payig for ads in WI about retaining his House seat.

  37. Anonymous8:05 AM

  38. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Mitt happy about the death of a fellow American overseas. Help it go viral!

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      That is as negative and hateful as Sarah's comments. I'm sure he isn't happy an American is dead. Isn't there enough about Mitt to criticize without stooping to that level?

  39. Anonymous8:13 AM

    At least on this FOX deal w/Palin's name, they didn't show her as the governor (little 'g' on purpose - 'quitter'!) of Alaska. It's about time!!!

  40. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Christian Teahadists - Muslim Jihadists - what's the difference?

    This is what happens when religious freaks insist on no separation of church and state and wish to insert THEIR religion into law on all the people. The ones in America who twist & spin our first amendment into an attack on their "freedoms" and who manufacture a "war" on religion and Christmas are just WRONG WRONG WRONG!!

  41. Cracklin Charlie8:23 AM


    Most perfect moniker ever. I can't talk about this right now, I am filled with anger over this "statement", and I might say something I shouldn't. What is wrong with this woman? Has she no shame?

    Her day of judgement will last an eternity.

  42. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I hope Romney taking this tragedy as a political opportunity to bash his opponent, President Obama, comes back and bites him in the @ss 10 X over. Shame on Mr. Romney.

  43. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Behind the curtains a more chaotic and rash picture emerges.

    The statement from the Romney campaign was initially released by Romney press secretary Andrea Saul at 10:09 PM — but under an embargo until midnight on September 12th. In other words, it was embargoed until September 11th was over.

    Then a few minutes later at 10:24 PM the embargo was lifted and reporters were told they could use the statement immediately. There was no clear explanation of the change.

    Bear in mind, this was all happening while attacks on US personnel abroad were ongoing. According to a statement released this morning by the White House, the President was told last night that Ambassador Chris Stevens was unaccounted for. Only this morning did he learn that Stevens had died in the attacks that were on-going last night.

  44. Anonymous8:27 AM

    OT, Gryphen, but this is something that needs more exposure: Five more charged in military militia case.

    The money quote is "I'm a proud Republican," Joiner said. "I will not make any comments about this on the record until I am in court." Progressives have to hang this like a placard of shame around the right wing's neck. Unbelievably, even Fox is carrying the story:

    1. fromthediagonal11:50 AM

      Oh, did Joiner maybe watch too much of the coverage of the murderous rampage of Bervik in Norway, all in the name of defending racial/ethnic/nordic purity?

      Bervik had his big, unapologetic speeches in court, still believing in that he could spread his Nordic Uebermensch mythology to a wider audience... and he probably did.

      Sick Bastards all!

      Mind you though, that the Uebermensch superiority complex also extends to other races and ethnicities. If it were possible to convince them to study archeological and evolutionary history, they would be mortified to discover that they as well are "mutts" (to use the self deprecating words of then Candidate Obama to describe his own heritage).

  45. Anonymous8:28 AM

    She knows nothing about any subject presented to her. Her 'UNWED TEEN-MOTHER' daughters(WILLOW recently, and BRISTOL MANY TIMES) are just like her. They all constantly seek the 'BIG STICK'. They BREED like RATS.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      So did old is she now 17? ...bless Sarah with a grandson or daughter? Can we expect pictures in PEOPLE or will this one be locked up in the baby farm with the rest of the little Palins?

    2. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Yes, Wasilla is exactly as you described.

      Been there, seen that, that's EXACTLY why I left so many years ago. Couldn't take it anymore for both my sanity and the quality of life of my family. I've NEVER regretted seeing Wasilla in my rear-view mirror.

      The only thing I miss is Alaska's beautiful scenery especially its mountains and glaciers. But that's what airline tickets are for when I need to go up for a refreshing pause from the Lower 48.

      If you watch "Honey Boo Boo", then you're watching a parody of the Palin tribe. Again, it really IS that bad.

  46. Anonymous8:35 AM

    It is time for all Americans to put all of these ignorant ideologues, regardless of party affiliation,in check. We will no longer stand for partisan rhetoric of any kind, that harms our citizens. Freedom of speech is being used by these COWARDS, as simply a means of tearing down this country. Willard proved today, that he is not fit for the office of the presidency. It is time for us to take these dangerous talking heads off the airways. They all need to be treated as threats to American security, and our global interest. Enough is enough.

  47. Cracklin Charlie8:37 AM

    Who is the Pimp with a Limp?

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Does she mean a Pimp with a Limp dick? Is she describing her hubby Toad?

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      He's a Miami DJ.

      The interview was taped Sunday but not aired until yesterday.

    3. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Todd Palin??

    4. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Todd Palin is the LIMP WRIST PIMP that she knows so well. Sarah it is only your fault that you picked a WIMP to be your son Track's Step-Father. And Sarah is too afraid that PIMP DADDY TOAD will expose all of their SECRETS if she DIVORCES him. So you, Sarah, are just stuck with the TOAD. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.

    5. Anonymous9:34 AM

      He's a FL DJ that interviewed President Obama last weekend. The interview was suppose to air on Monday but for some reason wasn't aired until Tuesday breaking the agreement of no presidential politicking on 9/11. Man, the crazy lady is really obsessed with our President.

  48. Not What You Want to Hear8:50 AM

    What's next, is she going to show up on Fox wearing a hat that says "Girls rule, boys drool"?

    She has become such a poor role model for women. She reinforces every single stereotype of the ball busting woman who seethes with hatred for men that, ironically, rightwingers try to stick on feminists.

  49. Palin has historically made comments pertaining to men's genitalia or worded her comments to be taken as a slight against their sexual abilities, "limp" "little man" "impotent",etc., even once referring to President Obama not having the "cojones". This isn't part of her on-air persona, it's who she is. She really, REALLY hates men. Be prepared to enjoy more of this diatribe as she continues to lose her looks, the only avenue by which she has ever accomplished anything. Take from a woman: She's a ball breaker and, honestly?...most of us like our men intact.

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      When Bristol snidely rejected boyfriend Gino's offer to help her drive from Seattle to Alaska (after she kicked him out of the car in Arizona desert), he finally did the only thing he could do......he walked away.

      Her response: "really? You're going to walk away like a GIRL?" Toxic, man-hating Palin women.

    2. Ooooooh, yeah!

    3. Anonymous1:14 PM

      The Palins see men that aren't limp as pedophiles. Now that says something.

  50. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I can't believe it. Again, tragically, the Ambassador and staff violently died just hours ago, and Sarah wants attention. It's about MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME. With Sarah, the bodies are still warm and she's on the attack, blaming President Obama. Romney is no different.

    What crass, crude individuals the GOP exports.

    Sarah's interview last night; her voice was shaking with rage. She was on the defensive worried that Bill would pull a fast one on her, making her look stupid. He didn't have to. She is one bitter woman who contributes nothing to any discussion, but respond yes or no to the question and sway the topic onto more blame on the President. It's irrational, childish, unprofessional, uncouth, and it's a live view of a person coming undone. Throw her a bone.

    Her facebook rant referring to the big stick, and pimp with a limp? Is she saying the pimp is limp wristed......meaning the stereotype reference to gays? That was Sarah's call for immediate attention. She wants those offended by her 'pimp' remark to 'bring it on'. She loves to create controversy. I say to the media, just ignore her.

    1. Not What You Want to Hear9:25 AM

      You are so right. The bodies aren't even cold yet. Their families are numb with shock and more than anything, need a country to rally behind them in support and compassion.

      It is beyond my comprehension to understand anyone who would see this instead as an opportunity for themselves. And that goes for Romney's despicable attack, too.

  51. Anonymous9:13 AM

    So Sarah chastises the U.S. Embassy in Cairo for issuing a statement apologizing to the violent mob for the insulting You-Tube film criticizing Muslims.

    Would Sarah be so brave, sitting in the Egyptian Embassy, watching a mob of rioters who are burning the U.S. flag, heading towards her? Does she think she'd be brave enough to issue a statement demanding them to tolerate her free speech? NO! She'd be running like a scared rabbit out through the back door. She is SOOOOOO stupid. She, like Romney, would be insulting them left and right from their comfort zone, while the staff would be the targets of angry uncontrollable mobs. And she, like Romney, don't care about anyone else but themselves.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Remember that the Embassy statement, which had nothing to do with the US State Department, was made BEFORE the attacks. The State Department had the embassy take down the statement.

  52. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Sarah is still yearning for that 'BIG STICK' that she got from Glen Rice? Give it up, Sarah, nobody wants your ANOREXIC DIRTY ASS. Too bad that you don't have a 'BIG STICK' at home, BWAHAHAHA. Maybe Kyle will give you a Sample of what he gave Bristol.

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      But she does, it belongs to RAM.

  53. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Sarah Palin Literally Tells a Lie a Minute About Obama on Fox News

    On Fox News tonight Sarah Palin managed to tell 6 lies in 6 minutes about President Obama. Here is is a blow by blow debunking of all of Palin’s Obama lies.

  54. Anonymous9:24 AM

    1) I doubt that Sarah Palin knows that the phrase "speak softly and carry a big stick" was used by President Theodore Roosevelt, who would be appalled by her vulgarity and ignorance. What he'd say to her would be blistering. BTW, Sarah, he was a Republican -- and a proud Progressive.

    2) The Pimp with a Limp is some radio guy in Florida -- the President taped a short interview with him on Sunday, and it was supposed to be played on Monday, not Tuesday. The President, like Mitt Romney, speaks to local media when he's campaigning. I think it's rather poor judgment for Sarah to ever use the word "pimp" in any fashion. It only reminds us all that she has a pimp living right in her own house. She's lived off some of his illegal profits. But he's more a Pimp Who's a Wimp.

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      For those reading this blog that might not know about Todd Palin being a proven pimp - read the book authored by Shailey Tripp (notice the last name and that of a child within the Palin household!!!) identifying Todd as her pimp and selling his girls to others in Alaska and beyond. She also slept w/Todd and described his two-colored, small penis! "Boys Will be Boys" - a good read.

      The Palins have a sham for a marriage and have for years!!! Can you imagine bedding the cold fish, Sarah?

  55. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I think Screech is going nuts this week because Katie Couric's show debuted this week, she is so jealous

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Katie Couric is smart, cute and inviting. Know her new show is going to maintain great ratings.

      Sarah Palin could never have the same type show - she'd be a total disaster and we all know it.

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Sarah is a fucking failure at every.thing.

      And, shes uneducated, lazy and bitter.

  56. Irishgirl9:33 AM

    She is getting "some stick" on her FB page. Comments against her are being posted - she musn't be able to afford to pay people to delete the comments.

  57. Not What You Want to Hear9:33 AM

    One thing about this tragedy and the reaction to it. It clearly shows the difference between rightwingers and the rest of the country. Because on 9/11, when thousands of Americans were killed on American soil, this country's citizens put aside their differences, including their feelings about George Bush, and rallied behind the country and the president. At least until the neocons decided to take us into war against Iraq.

    But the bodies of our American embassy workers weren't even cold before the Republicans used the tragedy as a political attack against Barack Obama.

    These are dangerous, unhinged people.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      The Republicans didn't let up w/their bullshit even yesterday on 9/11. President Obama and VP Biden maintained their usual focus and stayed out of the crap on such an all important day.

      Republicans are going down as the majority don't want to put up w/their bull any longer.

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    2. lostinmn10:54 AM

      And let's not forget NBC who chose to show Kris Jenner's new boobs instead of cutting away for a moment of silence on 9/11. NBC reached a new low yesterday and showed their true neo-con colors. They are off my viewing list forever.

    3. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Yes, and for that one week, I could even stand to listen to Bush speak. We were all united. It is not Obama and Dems causing the deep divisions: it is GOP 'leaders' like Palin and Preibus and
      Romney and Cantor and McConnell and Christie: they all refuse to work with Democrats on a damn thing, then blame us when things aren't humming along to their specifications.
      Vote them all out. Progressives CAN make a difference, and we need to send the GOP a strong message this fall.

    4. Anonymous12:35 PM


    5. Anonymous1:20 PM

      When the president spoke this morning, before 11:00am Eastern time, not all of the families of those killed had been notified. Sometimes it takes time to track people down. Yet Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin lost not a nanosecond thinking of anything but trying to make rightwing political hay out of the attacks.

  58. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Romney is losing because he went full bagger. The crazy Obama stalker with a penis fetish is not helping.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Hahaha! The stalker with a "penis fetish" I love it that you nailed her!

  59. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Palin's comments are not getting any coverage due to Romney making such an idiotic statement about the horror of what occurred.

    Both of them are going down, down, down!!! Friggin' idiots!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Chris Matthews did a segment on her comments this afternoon. And predictably, tore her apart!

    2. Anonymous3:00 PM

      2:04 I would like to see that video.

      PoliticsNation: Sharpton and Rt Gen Wesley Clark did not mention her but ripped Mittens a new one.

  60. Anonymous9:55 AM


  61. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Terry Jones who was behind the film which ignited this riot ,was kicked out of Germany where he was practicing his psychotic brand of religion.

  62. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Lying Sarah Palin Somehow Finds The Dick Humor In Libya Tragedy

    As we pointed out earlier, the statement by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo was not a “response” to the violence that had already claimed one American life when Palin released her statement, it was made before any of the protests began. But aside from being a liar, Palin proves herself to be a callous ghoul, leaping to stuff every unrelated political issue she can think of into her exploitation of tragic American death, and glibly cracking wise even as more Americans were yet to be killed in the unfolding situation, even throwing in a dick joke at the end, for good measure.

    Give Palin credit for one thing, though. Unlike Gov. Romney, she was at least able to hold her stream of dim consciousness off until after the anniversary of the September 11th attacks had passed. For two whole minutes.

  63. The more she talks, the more obvious to anyone with a brain that she is a psychopath. Barely even capable of registering any comprehension of the magnitude of the international clusterfuck that is going on where PEOPLE HAVE DIED.

    And Mitt Romney taking his cues from this lunatic is proof positive that he should forfeit his bid for the Presidency in shame.'s 2008 all over again! When will these people learn that following Palin on any issue will only ever result in international humiliation?

    1. fromthediagonal11:24 AM

      CQAussie... it's 2008 all over again...

      Remember the old adage:
      "Insanity is doing the same think over and over and expecting a different outcome"?
      I (and probably a few million other voters) hope this still holds true.

  64. Anonymous10:18 AM

    There are no words to describe how despicable and vile this piece of vermine called $arahh paylin is.

  65. I am sick of Repubs war mongering. That is all.

  66. Anonymous10:25 AM

    LOL it went from from

    "Gov Sarah Palin" to "Fmr Gov Sarah Palin" and now it reads "Sarah Palin FOX News Contributor".

    What's next: "Sarah Palin Former FOX News Contributor"?

    Palin probably complained about the title Fmr Governor Sarah Palin

  67. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Well, now we're seeing the first moves in the GOP's September surprise.

    I have to recall the last time an Israeli filmmaker became involved in our electoral process.

    It was when Elan Frank came to Alaska to film a puff-piece documentary on Sarah Palin -- the "pregnant" governor of Alaska, who, three months later, became the "surprise" candidate for VP.

    And Palin is still on the political stage making trouble in 2012. Think carefully about who is pulling her strings.

  68. Anonymous10:29 AM

    from Mediaite:

    "As we pointed out earlier, the statement by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo was not a “response” to the violence that had already claimed one American life when Palin released her statement, it was made before any of the protests began. But aside from being a liar, Palin proves herself to be a callous ghoul, leaping to stuff every unrelated political issue she can think of into her exploitation of tragic American death, and glibly cracking wise even as more Americans were yet to be killed in the unfolding situation, even throwing in a dick joke at the end, for good measure.

    Give Palin credit for one thing, though. Unlike Gov. Romney, she was at least able to hold her stream of dim consciousness off until after the anniversary of the September 11th attacks had passed. For two whole minutes."

  69. Anonymous10:29 AM

    People keep saying that Willow had a baby. Where's the baby picture? How come we don't see Sarah with Willow's baby? Could it be that Willow's baby has a big melon head like Sarah, Bristol, Willow and Piper and they are ashamed of it?

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      How come Sarah and her daughter has big heads and small breasts and Todd has a little pecker and a girlie voice?

      Are the Palin genes retawded too?

    2. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Stupid comment..Gryphen why do you allow this???

  70. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Unbe-fuckin-lievable. That's all I can say. I'm dumbfounded that this is how she speaks in a serious, life-taking crisis.

  71. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Sarah Palin loves her some black dick. Is that why Todd has a two tone weenie? Sarah tried to dye Todd's baby outie to look like Glen Rice?

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Hey Todd does this sound familiar when you pulled your panties down in front of your prostitutes?


  72. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I am not a conspiracy theorist, and a very pragmatic person, but... I am getting a weird feeling about this film that supposedly sparked this outrage. Reading around today, weird things are coming out, like the film maker's name. People are now saying they are not sure if that is his real name, and he may not be Jewish. It is supposedly really low budget and horribly unprofessional, even though it had a $5 million dollar budget. It is weird. A small back compartment of my brain is wondering who really funded this movie? I don't want to mention names, but I can think of some pretty slimy people who would do almost anything to see President Obama have troubles in the fall that could effect the election. Things that make you go Hmmm.... I hope there are some good journalists trying to track this down.

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      I also heard that Richard Engle said it was a commando attack and not a spontaneous one. He said they had machine guns and who brings a machine gun to a demonstration? Ordinary citizens don't own that kind of weapons.

    2. Anonymous11:24 AM

      I was thinking the same thing. Very weird.

    3. Anonymous11:39 AM

      I had the very same thought! I have to wonder if Rove, et al, are behind this. I wouldn't put it past them. Despicable assholes.

      Southern Virginia Voter

  73. Anonymous10:44 AM

    If he doesn’t have a “big stick” to carry, maybe it’s time for him to grow one.

    Maybe if Todd grew a Big One he wouldn't have that alto voice of his and would be able to pronounce helicopter instead of healiecopter?

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Toad not only needs to grow one, he needs to grow a pair as well.

    2. Anonymous10:51 AM

      If you diss Todd, are you dissing ALL men who have 6" ones? Because there's a reason the average is 5-6".

    3. Anonymous10:52 AM

      I think her speech writer is having some fun. It's not like these things are new. Men have been demeaning women since time began and still do it. HOW is this different?

      Oh that's right. Your precious democrat is untouchable, despite being one of the most deceptive Presidents in history.

    4. Anonymous10:52 AM
      I think her speech writer is having some fun. It's not like these things are new. Men have been demeaning women since time began and still do it. HOW is this different?
      Do you have the slightest notion how incredibly stupid you sound (and are)?! Her speech writer is having fun? With sex jokes? In regard to frightening attacks on our embassies abroad and the deaths of US citizens? How moronic can you be?

      Men have been doing it for years so why shouldn't women do it to men? Well, what a stupid attitude. Is this likely to make the world a better place? And of course, what better circumstance to use to make your stupid point, then over the tragically dead bodies of American citizens? So tasteful. So very Palin.

      It is so very, very, different, you cretinous dolt.

      Back up your stupid lying comment about the "most deceptive President in history" with facts or shut up. Or wait, of course, you have no facts. Or brains. Or morals. Or ethics.

    5. Poor sad Palin is just pissed that one very special part of our precious President is indeed 'untouchable'. It was always her way to get her way with men in the past and she's beyond crazy with frustration that in this case it won't work cause she's just not going to get access to the 'stick'. One more drop in her deep and overflowing fail pail.

    6. Anonymous1:02 PM

      hey fuk_tard @ 10:52,

      don't matter if the fraud skank slut's a Dem, Rep, or traitorous talibanesque AIP, $he's still a fraud skank ketamine addled slut

      oh and by the way, fuk off, eh

  74. Anonymous10:48 AM

    "Like throwing raw meat to a feral Tasmanian Dipshit"

    I love your analogies :)

  75. Anonymous10:48 AM

    1.) With Obama in the White House, Romney would potentially pay $40 million in taxes on his IRA balance upon withdrawal – or more as the balance continues to grow over the next five years.

    2.) If Romney wins the election, he has promised to enact steep income tax cuts, under which plan the top tier of income earners would start with a base rate of 28%before deductions.

    Thus, under his own tax plan, Romney would pay about $28.3 million in taxes – a savings of $11.7 million (just in IRA taxes, not counting other income sources).

  76. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I love how Sarah used the "walk softly..." line. She almost literally referenced it then made it work in this case.

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      "Almost literally"? What the fuck does that even mean?

  77. lostinmn10:52 AM

    Sara Palin is a traitorous piece of shit

  78. Anonymous10:53 AM

    "it’s time for him to grow one."

    How stupid, if anybody knows you can't just grow one that would be Bristol with her new Jay Leno chin implant and Sarah with her new false titties.

  79. emrysa10:59 AM

    revolting is the perfect word, gryphen.

  80. For once, Huffpo is a great read. There are a couple of articles featuring The Abominable Snowbimbo and the comments are merciless. Especially since people have more than figured out Palin's bizarre sexual obsessions.

    The consensus is that a) she has no business thinking about the president's stick growing, and b) she will never get to see his stick no matter how much she begs.

  81. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Could one person be more of a traitor than this woman? She is disgusting. Totally crazy, and has no filters at all. Who criticizes a President's sex organs? She must have been sexually abused as a child..she is just hooked on these references all the time. Frankly, it shows her for the ignorant bully she is, and Mitt for the same, as he is now taking advice for whomever writes this obscene stuff her her. I can't watch her. The lies since 2008 from her make my BP rise.

  82. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Sarah same ol same ol shit Palin. She's titled "news contributor". What does she actually contribute that's new(s)? Same tired, all talk, Obama bashing bitch that has absolutely no solutions for today's problems.

    Sit down Sarah, and shut the fuck up.

  83. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Maybe those are former 'fans' who are allowed access. I was blocked my first time there for daring to criticize her hair or something.

  84. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Smirking asshole.

  85. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I am literally lol'ing at huffington post

    one brilliant comment on there says
    "Is there not one hungry bear in Alaska?"

    That is priceless...
    Gryphen...please post a picture of Grizzled one with this statement...I am still laughing!!!

  86. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Hi $arah. Ever wonder why you're still living on a dead lake with a dead beat unemployed husband and lazy kids who party too much and get knocked up and don't go to school? Because you're not presidential material. Not by a long shot. Look around; you're still a quitter and you lost.

  87. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Breeze Beretta Johnston Born: Sunny Oglesby Gives Birth

    Well Bristol must be feeling 'J' for Levi dick is growing. LOL

  88. Anonymous12:25 PM

    This woman needs to get laid

    Anyone? anyone ?

    Bueller ?

    (I know it's tired and worn but sometimes I just can't help it)

  89. Anonymous12:40 PM

    If you watch the clip, you'll see she seems to have misplaced the Belmonts for this segment.

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      What happened, did the Belmonts spring a leak??

  90. Romney is leading from HIS "behind", and TheQuitterFromWasilla gets all of her talking points from her "behind".

  91. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Not to defend Rom or Palin but they may not have known about the attack on Christopher Stevens and staff. They may have only known to be out front on the US foreign policy, to act like they were ahead of our executive branch. They may have learned about the assinations after they made their calculated moves to diminish the US. This is gone past them bashing an individual President. They are bashing and destroying our country. Yes, they are traitors. They are kin to the people who made the movie and start the violence and killing.

    It is looking like this was planned. The RW religious extremists have been working on their part for a long, long time. Who knows who and what is said in those private circles. It does not take a rocket scientist to know if you go to Middle East and insult their religion what that means. Pastor Terry Jones is not an innocent crusader. He is an instigator, at best. I hope he gets it for his part in killing our diplomats. Anyone else that knew or encouraged those idiots as well.

    Was The Libyan Attack Planned?

  92. Anonymous1:44 PM

    This woman will never learn, and I sincerely hope that Rmoney continues to take her advice. I'm confident that, barring Deibold machine interference, the Dems are going to win big in November.

    Speaking of idiots and how they're perceived:

  93. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Chris Matthews did a segment on Sarah this afternoon. It was quite funny how he and his guests tore her apart.

  94. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Chris Matthews is reporting on the Lunatic and he is speechless! Chris Matthews speechless? Wow! He said O'Really was bear baiting Sarah. Good segment.

    My personal feeling is; now that Romney is losing and Faux News has decided what the hell, bring her on, it can't hurt now. Which if I am right is great news because they think Romney has already lost the election.

    My god though, she is scary and more unhinged by the day. IMO, the Kocksuckers are keeping her on the air. Sick & twisted people, is an understatement. I'm so weary of the republicans


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