Saturday, September 29, 2012

Can you determine the outcome of an election via YouTube? Quite possibly.

It may not be exactly scientific, but I think it is certainly indicative of what is catching the attention of potential voters in this country.

And what they are paying attention to spells problems for a certain party and their flip-flopping candidate.


  1. PollyinAK7:00 AM

    These stats represent what I watched on youtube!! I'm glad to see most Americans are on the same wavelength. I think this is highly indicative of President Obama's support, as is the big crowds he draws on the campaign. A good reason for all of us to stay in the game for the slam dunk. Please don't get complacent.

  2. The only reason that Clint Eastwood's Talk to the Chair speech scored so high is the trainwreck factor. Most had to re-watch it because they could not believe what they saw.

    It certainly is encourage that people have watched the speeches and the "47% Video." Makes me think there is a distinct possibility for a landslide for Obama/Biden.

    Meanwhile, the voter suppression is going on full tilt. An obvious landslide and wins down ticket could bring back the House to the Dems and end the efforts of the GOP to steal the election.

    Please vote and get everyone you know to vote early if you can.

  3. Anonymous7:50 AM

    This is a fascinating new indicator -- no polls or pollsters or interface required.
    Rather than hoping that TV and radio ads, which hit passive consumers willy-nilly, this is an active way for potential voters to seek out the things important to them.
    Mitt and Ann Romney's speeches were barely blips. Michelle Obama held her own against people wanting to see the weirdness of Clint Eastwood. And then there were the big guns: Obama, Clinton, and Mitt's off-the-cuff, not at all ready for prime-time talk on the lazy 47% of the country who he doesn't, and won't, care about.
    These seven indicators tell it all, a month before the election, and as voting beginning.

  4. Sally in MI8:30 AM

    I wish we could vote early in MI, but the legislature is too busy enacting anti-abortion rules and sending emergency managers to take over minority towns. I am hoping we elect more progressives and get this country out of the rut the GOP wants to leave us in.

  5. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Mitt the liar.

  6. betsy s8:51 AM

    I worry more about the Diebold computers and the hackers.

  7. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Oh LOOK! Mittens is gonna pull a Sarah Palin!

    Mr. Romney’s team has concluded that debates are about creating moments and has equipped him with a series of 'zingers' that he has memorized and has been practicing on aides since August.

    This is truly lame, amazingly immature and stunningly desperate. Further is a small-minded, UNpresidential and further indication of just how out of his depth Romney is if he agrees to this sort of stunt.

    Now trending on Twitter:!/search/realtime/%23MittZingers

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      I knew Romney would have little nasty zingers. I just knew it. Ryan is too.

  8. Anonymous9:26 AM

    the 7-11 stores here in Seattle had a free coffee day here. Blue cups for Dems and Red for Repliscums. I understand this may have been nationwide. I would like to see the blue vs red cup count results!

    1. Anita Winecooler7:12 PM

      You can check daily on this site:

      It's 60 Obama 40 Mittens today

      They've done this the past four elections and were pretty accurate!

  9. Anita Winecooler7:05 PM

    I know it's not scientific by any means, but considering how popular you tube is, the conclusions drawn by this graph ARE indicative of public opionion. I'd rate Michelle's speech higher, but can understand the WTF? factor of the disaster of the empty chair's higher ratings than Mitt and Ann's speeches.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.