Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Congratulations to Levi and Sunny! Update!

Courtesy of TMZ:

 Levi Johnston's new girlfriend just popped ... we found out she just gave birth to a healthy baby girl in Wasilla, Alaska ... and the kid's name -- Breeze Beretta Johnston. 

Breeze Beretta was born at 5:28 AM at Matsu Regional Hospital. She's 6 pounds 15 ounces and, at 19 inches, considerably longer than the standard-issue Beretta.

I am happy for Levi.  He really needs something positive in his life after all of the crap the Palins put him through. (You can leave your own congratulations for the happy couple over at his Facebook page by clicking here.)

I guess this is a good of a place as any to give you some update on how things are going for Levi and his attempts to get more time with Tripp.

After Levi got his new lawyer on the case, and after Bristol's poor parenting was shown on national television for all to see, she became MUCH more reasonable (Apparently Bristol claimed that NEITHER of them could really afford lawyers right now. Hah!) and has let Levi see Tripp a couple of time now.

However I still don't trust that things have changed in any permanent way and have offered my advice through third parties that Levi continue working toward a better legal agreement. One that will force Bristol to honor HER side of the deal this time.

Personally I am sure that Tripp would like to meet his little sister and hope that arrangements were made for him to do so. But knowing the Palins, THIS is just the kind of thing they would keep from happening.

Update: Bristol responds to news of the arrival of baby Breeze:

 "Sent them some flowers today when I heard the news!" Bristol exclusively emailed E! News. "Wish them the best, Tripp will be excited to hold her! :)"


  1. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Here's an anniversary to celebrate: The start of the Sarah Palin takedown by the TV press,0,1753876.story

  2. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Congratulations to the darling couple!! Levi deserves so much better than what he got from the Palin clan...I'm sure his life is going to be so much better. They deserve their happiness!!!

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Congratulations to everyone. Sunny now has something Bristles does NOT have - a baby whose birthday can be celebrated on the correct day!!!

  4. Happy Birthday Miss Breeze Johnston!

    May you look like your mother, be your father's best teacher, and bask in the knowledge that so many in the world celebrate your arrival here.

    1. Wonderfully stated, Nyah!

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      And here's hoping your trailer trash parents don't make a cheap whore out of you before you're 16.

    3. Anonymous3:55 PM

      BOOOOOOOOOOOOO to you. I guess you really know what trailor trash is!

      10 cats

    4. fromthediagonal4:04 PM

      @anon 3:18...
      Don't know who you are, but just take some deep breaths and get over your anger, will you please?

    5. Anonymous4:50 PM

      @3:18 - speaking from experience, Bitchtol?

    6. 3:18- my, my. Usually the hateful comments might as well be rubber stamped "vomited forth by Kristy Patullo".

      But this one- hmmm. I think we may actually have a Bristol in our midst-ol, guys!

      Because only she or her venemous but simpleminded mother would have SO little control over their jealousy, they'd stoop to basically calling a NEWBORN BABY GIRL a whore.

      Today Breeze is but a wee tiny girl, the whole of herself fits perfectly in her daddy's hands or on her mommy's shoulder. But one day she will be a young woman, wide eyed with shock at the horrible things small minded, jealous people said about her and about her family.

      I only hope the thousands who celebrate the awe inspiring thing that is a brand new human being diminish the few shriveled hearts who are so far away from the purity and love that arrives with a new little one, they can't even remember what it looks like.

      People like Sarah and Bristol think everyone is or should be jealous of them. They think they "have it all".

      But at the end of the day, who's really "rich"?

      Levi and Sunny both have jobs. Real jobs where an honest wage is paid for an honest effort. Both have loving families who are only too happy to support the young family in every way possible. They have a beautiful child- maybe not planned, but celebrated so sincerely and anticipated SO eagerly once they knew she was on her way.

      What do Sarah and Bristol have?
      Well, Sarah has the knowledge she forced Bristol onto the national stage as not a young woman but a CHILD, to try and project an image everyone knew was as hollow as Sarah's recycled talking points. Sarah has a "reality" show wherein she paraded her family about for the sake of a check. Bristol has lots of money from literally selling her son- from staging paparazzi shots with Tripp which net her thousands each to recording a television show built around her small son and the inexcusable way she parents him.

      Not only do I know whose life I'D rather have- it is abundantly clear who turned their children into "whores".

    7. Anita Winecooler10:04 PM

      Nyah, you're the best!

      I only know you by reading your comments, and can tell you're a beautiful person, and will make an excellent mother some day. I wish the best for you and your fiancee'.

      I wanted to post this in your other post, but it got polluted by some lowlife.

    8. Anita, YOU are the best. I should change my name here to "Anita Anita Winecooler".

      What thread got polluted? Kristy is so prolific with her obsessively deranged brand of "support" for the Palins- sometimes you just never know.

    9. Anita Winecooler6:56 PM

      Yeah, that's who I meant, poor thing.

      Anyway, love reading your comments, don't change a thing!

  5. Congrats Sunny and Levi!

    Wishing you all the best.

  6. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Welcome, little baby, glad you are here safe and sound.

  7. Anonymous1:01 PM

    When Tripp is older he may chose to know his father after watching his mother whine and repeatedly declare she does not want to disciple him
    with all her treasured video used for Life's a Trip.

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Congratulations to the new parents and wishing the baby good health. I know she'll be loved and cared for properly unlike her half-brothers.

    2. WakeUpAmerica2:56 PM

      "disciple him"???? Cute pun, but I think it was unintended. Still funny.

    3. Anonymous3:33 PM

      HUH? Tripp is doing just fine! He's a very mature little lad and loved by all.

    4. Anonymous5:29 PM

      "disciple him"? Did I make a freudian slip? Lol Oops!

      Congrats to the new parents! I hope grandma Johnston heals and basks in the joy to spend time with Breeze.

  8. Anonymous1:13 PM

    What happened to Levi's published plans completed with photo with papers walking outside the courthouse (for which he was paid)to seek full custody? He needs to act on that.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      @ 1:13

      Just for today, are you able to wish Levi well, celebrate this new life and be grateful for a joyous day for Sunny, Levi, Breeze, Sherry, Sadie, their extended families and for Tripp?

      Just for today, keep the negativity at bay, please....

    2. Anonymous2:20 PM

      I second Anon 2:00 pm

      Motion passed!!

    3. Anonymous3:32 PM

      He doesn't need full custody. The current arrangement needs to be upheld and perhaps amended so he sees Tripp a bit more. The court wil never grant him FULL custody. Not when Tripp is healthy and happy and adjusts well. I'm sure as he ages, he will see Levi more. BRistol and Sunnys civil chat a bit ago gives me hope. At least Sunny understands she has no say in Tripp, which is why she has a baby.

      Best wishes to all. Little Tripp LOVES babies. Bristol is saying in her response. He will be thrilled.

    4. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Jealousy is an ugly thing;

      And so are you, Brisdull bitch.

  9. Anonymous1:35 PM

    f-off krusty
    or bristol you loser

  10. Anonymous1:43 PM

    The picture that came to my mind when I read this:

    The grin from ear to ear on Auntie Sadie!!!

    Levi will have to bodily throw her out of the hospital! She will not want to leave this new little bundle of joy!!

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      I hope she has a life and no longer lives SOLELY for another person's child.

    2. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Sadie is extremely intelligent. She's not getting preggers like the 'others' just because they think it's fun. Sadie knows what it entails.

      That she enjoys the baby and wants to be a part of it's life -- I think that's great. It shows the security and love of that family -- something that is missing from many families.

      You're ref that 'she no longer lives solely for another person's child' -- you're a fucktard having no clue.

    3. Chella4:17 PM

      Anon 3:30: loving your brothers children doesn't mean one has no life. I have no children of my own, but I adore my brothers daughter and I am a big part of her life. That doesn't mean I have no life.

  11. Congrats to the beautiful Sunny and Levi on the birth of little "Windy Gun" mean Breeze Beretta!

    HEY!! What's that loud shrieking noise??

    Oh...that's just Beefy's giant head exploding...nevermind! LOL!

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Yes Ditto cragrads to Levi & Sunny and bebe Breeze...So weird this morning I was wondering how Sunny was doing...
      Thanks for updating us G...

  12. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Welcome to the world Breeze Beretta Johnston!

  13. Anonymous2:12 PM

    It's wonderful news....but am I old-fashioned to wonder why marriage doesn't precede the baby carriage? If two people love each other and produce a child, isn't marriage vital for the new family?

    1. Chella4:23 PM

      If the parents are in love and live together, I don't see marriage are nessesary for a healthy family. My best friend has two children with her boyfriend. They have been together for 12 years, and don't intend on getting married, but they have an incredibly happy family, and do intend on being 'together forever'

    2. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Actually, no, it's not.

    3. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Frankly, no. Marriage was pretty necessary fr "ownership" of the vagina and uterus, to protect family inheritance - at least theoretically;-) With the advent of paternity tests - fulltime ownership (by the male) of the uterus via marriage contract, really isn't necessary.

      And yes, I'm a baby boomer, who was pondering my own tendency to think as you do the other day, too.

  14. Congratulations to the entire Johnston family and Sunny's family, too. May this baby bring joy, joy and more joy.

  15. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Congrats to Sunny and Levi on the birth of your Lil girl Breeze.
    I bet she is beautiful, I doubt 2 gorgeous people could make an ugly baby if they tried :)

  16. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Fox News poll: Obama has lead over Romney in post-convention poll

    An increase in support from women as well as independents gives Barack Obama a post-convention advantage over challenger Mitt Romney. The president receives a five percentage-point bounce among women and a 12-point bounce among independents, in a Fox News poll released Wednesday.

    Overall, the Obama-Biden ticket tops the Romney-Ryan ticket by 48 to 43 percent among likely voters. The president’s advantage is within the poll’s margin of sampling error.

    That’s a four-point “convention bounce” for Obama among likely voters. Before the conventions, Romney edged Obama by one point (45-44 percent, August 19-21, 2012).

    Meanwhile, Romney supporters were 10 points more likely than Obama supporters to say it is “extremely” important their candidate wins (64 percent to 54 percent) before the conventions. That enthusiasm edge has evaporated. Now, 63 percent of Romney supporters and 62 percent of Obama supporters believe it is extremely important their candidate wins.

    Obama leads Romney among all women by 14 points and unmarried women by 38 points. The president also tops the Republican among those with annual income below $50,000 (+18 points), young voters under age 30 (+25 points) and black voters (+89 points).

    Romney bests Obama among men (+6 points), white voters (+12 points), voters who regularly attend religious services (+11 points), Southerners (+18 points) and working-class white voters (+22 points).

    The conventions helped a number of undecided independents pick a candidate. Before the Republican convention in Tampa, independents backed Romney by a 10-point margin (42-32 percent) and 26 percent were undecided. Today independents go for Obama by 5 points (44-39 percent) and 17 percent are undecided.

    Obama’s personal favorable rating also improves -- up two points to 53 percent since the conventions. Romney’s favorable rating holds steady at 49 percent.

    The poll finds the president has a significant advantage on most issues and candidate traits. Voters trust Obama more than Romney on foreign policy (+15 points), education (+14 points), Medicare (+11 points), health care (+9 points) and terrorism (+8 points).

    Read more:

  17. Anonymous2:53 PM

    After seeing the photos of the expectant mother lovingly cradling an evil looking rifle alongside her naked pregnant belly, I wish that poor baby all the best. She is being born to parents who not only think that is an appealing image, they are such big fans of gun violence that they named her after a fucking gun.

    Seriously, we trash Chuck Heath for the piles of animal bones decorating his house, but I don't see where these two are any better.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      What about naming a child after your father's favorite prostitute??

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      3:17PM, guns are deadly and summon images of death and destruction (and psychopathic tiny-dicked freaks like Chuck Heath). Prostitutes summon images of sex. That usually isn't deadly.

      Also, Shailey Tripp may have been a prostitute, but she was also a victim. I don't see the equivalency between her and a gun.

    3. Anonymous4:04 PM

      You obviously are not members of the NRA like the Palin's and probably like Levy. Your generalization that all guns are used for violence is misplaced and has no basis in fact. Levy is a hunter and like many in Alaska hunting contributes to their subsistence. Rifles are particularly are generally used for hunting, and with the exception of assault rifles are not commonly used in violence. I have no idea why they would name their child after a rifle, it's not something I would do, besides Barretta makes very high quality products which again are not commonly used in violence because of their costs. In other words, their not Saturday night specials.

      Simply put, before you make any more ridiculous comments not based on fact, I would stop making any more comments since you obviously are not knowledgable about firearms and the facts surrounding their use, particularly in hunting.

    4. Anonymous5:15 PM

      4:04, hunting is killing animals. Therefore, hunters are killers.

      Take your guns and shove them up your ass.

    5. Anonymous6:21 PM

      So I guess all the cattle, pigs, and chickens we kill everyday for food does't count. Also reading your reply it seems you're a little sensitive to criticism.

  18. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Can we compare Lego hair bump to Sunnys?

  19. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Still don't like the name but at least she isn't named after a prostitute like Tripp.

  20. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Sarah Palin Tells Romney To Get Personal – Updated Wth FB Diatribe and Romney Smirk

  21. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Congratulations Sunny and Levi and your families! I am absolutely positive your baby will be just as gorgeous as her mother!

  22. Anonymous3:22 PM

    A BIG CONGRATS! to Levi and Sunny on the birth of their little girl. I'm so happy for them.
    Sorry, I'm not a member of Facebook and it would not let me read what Levi had to say unless I joined up. *sigh* (no I will not join Facebook again)

  23. Anonymous3:37 PM

    CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW FAMILY. I hope Tripp will be able to join them soon in welcoming the new sister. He must be so happy.

    This may explain some of what troubles Bristol and Sarah. Not that Sarah had Trig, but as she protects her image as a mother and her daughters image as virgin reborn and all.

    Children as punishment from their god who plans every little thing for them.

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      I don't understand their logic. If you are already a woman that has chosen abortion to end an unwanted pregnancy then you would presumably have no qualms over ending the pregnancy of a genetically questionable fetus. Put it this way, if abortion is an option I can guarantee that most women would not give birth to a disabled child.

      These evangelicals, where do they come up with this crap?

  24. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Bristol is not smart enough (seriously) to think of and say we both can't afford lawyers". She can afford a lawyer now far more than Levy. The Palin family also probably has a lawyer on retainer that probably does lots of work for them already. Bristol strategy is simply to allow more time to pass before she might have to go to court. The longer she can keep Levi from going to court the better off she'll be. Chances are very high her lawyer told her to say that and told her that what happened on her show will hurt her, The big question is Levy smart enough to know that, even though his lawyer has probably already told him. The problem with Levy, at least as it appears to me, is Levy is too trusting and doesn't like any conflict in his life. As long as Levy thinks everything is running along smoothly he's happy. But, Levy obviously is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and will let people run all over him. He knows deep down inside not to trust the Palin's, but is easily persuaded and manipulated by them is just unwilling to stand up for himself.

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Levi, like the jeans...

  25. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Congrats to Levi and Sunny on the new little one. All negatives aside, I wish them the best from now on.


  26. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I agree with previous comments that Bristol is only playing nice now that Levi has grown a pair.

    "If he doesn’t have a “big stick” to carry, maybe it’s time for him to grow one." -Sarah Palin

    Levi has grown a Big One and is going after Bristol! We know Bristol doesn't want to battle Levi in court and have to testify under oath and reveal her nasty habits and bad parenting.

    "Soooooo let's be adult about this Levi, you win! Okay I have to go dancing now."

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Where is my armadillo costume?

  27. Anonymous4:45 PM

    What a beautiful young lady. Sunny doesn't have that big Palin melon head like Piper, Willow and Bristol.

  28. Anonymous4:47 PM

    How much do you want to bet Levi's and Sunny's little girl won't grow up to be a homophobic brat that sticks her tongue out at adults.

  29. Anonymous5:32 PM

    "Sent them some flowers today when I heard the news!" Bristol exclusively emailed E! News. "Wish them the best, Tripp will be excited to hold her! :)"

    1. I can understand why Bristol sent flowers to Levi and Sunny -- they are friends. Always have been. Levi was kind enough to attend the RNC and pretend like he was Bristol's fiance.

      Levi has always said, "Sarah was like a mother to me." I believe that. All the phoney court papers passed around -- all the act-and-react -- all just to create drama and "money" for tabloid stories and whatever they could sell.


    2. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Ahh Ginger 8:37 pm that was so sweet. Go fuck yourself Ginger aka Bristol. We aint buying it.

    3. Anonymous9:26 PM

      My first thought when I read about Bristol sending flowers was that she did it just so she could sell the story "exclusively" to E!.

      Wonder how much money she got paid for the exclusive?

    4. Anonymous6:09 AM

      Ginger that's why Bristol PUBLICLY on NATIONAL TV completely trashed her son's father, saying she was going to find Tripp a new daddy, keeps calling her son Tripp Palin, etc. etc. So friendly.

  30. Sorry.

    He now has two children by two different mothers. He is married to neither of them. Exactly what job does he have? Is he able to provide for either of these children? (Considering the child support Bristol has demanded I'd say the answer is no a there would be nothing left over for his daughter.)

    If he is planning on marrying Sunny, then why didn't he marry her before his daughter was born? In fact, why didn't he marry her before they got pregnant.

    Two words come to mind and we've used them to describe the Palins. As far as I'm concerned, under these particular circumstances they apply to Levi too.

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Poor Brisket, this mst a really tough day for you.

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM

      You're so perfect.
      You've made no mistakes in your life.
      You're kids have made no mistakes.

      You're life must be a drag and a big fucking lie as you spew like someone died and made you god. Sorry to tell you == you're not. Your questions etc. -- none of your fucking business.

      The old saying comes to mind about stones and glass houses.

      You're probably the biggest lying bitch in AK. Well second -- after Palin.

      Fuck off. It's none of your fucking business in that you aren't paying any bills on behalf of Levi. He's not asked you for a fucking thing so therefore shut your piehole as you have no say in it. It's bitches like you that I love dressing down and I only wish I lived in AK and would take you down. Bitches like you need to learn lessons.

      You or your kid has probably whored themselves out. You've probably had them all screwing around. Different kid -- different father. It's usually those that have so much high and mighty to say that are the worse offenders.

    3. Anonymous6:06 AM

      The exact job that he has is ELECTRICIAN.

    4. Anonymous7:09 AM

      The birth of a wanted, healthy baby, to most people, is something to be celebrated even if the parents don't meet your personal lifestyle standards. The baby is barely a day is sad that you are writing her parents off as impoverished, unmarried losers without giving them a chance. I once enjoyed your comments, mlaiuppa, but the tone of this one seems nasty and judgmental.

    5. Anonymous at 8:06

      At least I learned from my mistakes instead of repeating them.

      Electrician? Already? Or still apprentice or journeyman. Electrician is a good trade as long as you stay the course to licensing. Even joining a union.

      And I'm glad Levi has finally dumped the counsel and found someone a bit more ethical, honest and aggressive.

      But I still maintain. He learned nothing from the Bristol affair and repeated it. The only difference is that Sunny and her family seem to have no political or social clout to punish Levi should they turn on him.

      How much is a marriage license? $10? $20? Courthouse, judge, done. Just sayin'.

  31. Cracklin Charlie6:04 PM

    Congratulations to Levi, Sunny, and Tripp on the birth of your daughter and sister. May you make many happy memories together!

  32. AKRNHSNC6:33 PM

    Of course, Bristol (who claims she has no privacy) had to email E!News to let them know she sent flowers to Sunny & Levi. She couldn't do it on her own privately, she had to pretend to show the world she was OK with the new baby. What a joke the Palin family is!

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      If a person gave a present to another person, why in hell do you need to advertise it to the media?

    2. Jeanabella3:31 AM

      That's what hypocrites do. Bristol is a phony & a coward. She backed away from her mean girl stance to keep Tripp away from his real father. She obviously backed down but she cannot be trusted to do what's right. She's still an adolescent who hasn't learned about integrity & never had an example set for her by the adults in her homelife. She can use Jesus to try to fool public but it won't help change her core. She is known by her history of bad behavior & ignorance. Hell, she didn't have a problem telling her son on a broadcast for all to see that she "going to find a better daddy" for Tripp! How is the girl a good mother? I would never trust her with a child, she's got the mind of a child & a mean one at that!
      Sarah has ruined Bristol & Bristol is letting it happen.
      Here's a hint Bristol, when you do something nice for someone, don't invite the paparazzi to witness it for the world to notice. It shows the world you're a poseur.

    3. comeonpeople7:10 AM

      Bristol is NOT a BRIGHT GIRL. But, she is a stupid mean girl with money.

  33. Anonymous7:11 PM

    "Sent them some flowers today when I heard the news!" Bristol exclusively emailed E! News. "Wish them the best, Tripp will be excited to hold her! :)"

    Ha Ha Ha that bulbous forehead skank really wants to get on Levi's good side!

    Bristol doesn't want to go to court!

    The question will Bristol's plan work after all these years of giving Levi the shaft?

  34. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Bristol is playing nice with Levi?

    Levi must know something really bad about Bristol that she doesn't want the world to hear about in their custody hearing!

  35. AkMom7:15 PM

    Congratulations to Sunny and Levi, welcome little Breeze!

    I do need to laugh at Alaska Dispatch's update on the birth......please read the first paragraph carefully.

    "Levi Johnston, best known for his relationship and short-lived stage engagement to first-daughter-in-waiting Bristol Palin, the mother of his first child Trigg, is now the proud father of a second child."

    I won't highlight anything, y'all can figure it out.
    (Screen shot saved just in case.)

    1. Anonymous9:49 PM

      Very interesting! And probably deliberate.

    2. comeonpeople3:08 AM

      OMG!! That's gonna leave a mark!!!
      Passive aggressive much Dispatch??
      Glad you got the screen shot. That's awesome!

    3. comeonpeople7:09 AM

      I guess the old old clue that Tripp was Tri-G before he was Tripp is really valid or TRi-G was Tripp before he was TRi-G. Bristol named the first premie Tripp, Sarah stole him and re-named him Tri-G thinking she was all cutesy. Then whenever the next baby was born, he got to be Bristol's "choice" of Tripp.
      That's my belief and I'm stickin' to it.

  36. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Could it be that Levi threatened to reveal how many babies Bristol really had so now she has changed her tune about Levi?

    Don't get fooled Levi!

    You grew a big one and now it's the time to use it, according to Sarah!

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Levi it's time to play Whack-A-Bristol with your new big stick.

      Can Bristol buy you off with some flowers?

  37. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Levi is smart to wait until Bristol is voted off DWTS. Any judge in any state will agree that Bristol is WORKING to support Tripp by being on DWTS. Jon Gosselin tried to take his kids away from Kate while she was doing DWTS. The judge agreed that Kate was WORKING to support her children. Frankly, Sunny needs to recover from the birth and she and Levi need alone time to adjust to a new baby.

  38. vegaslib8:05 PM

    While I tend to doubt anything a Palin says, I hope that Bristol actually did this. I hope for the sake of her son, she really does wish them well.

    However; I think what she is doing is trying to look good in the media after coming across as a psycho hose beast. I hope I'm wrong, but I believe the only reason she did this is because she wants to keep Tripp to herself.

    1. Anonymous6:04 AM

      IF she were sincere she would write a sincere blog post about forgiveness, not the BS one she wrote about Wayne Brady.

  39. Anonymous8:09 PM

    "Sent them some flowers today when I heard the news!" Bristol exclusively emailed E! News. "Wish them the best, Tripp will be excited to hold her! :)"

    See everybody has misjudged Bristol and tried to paint her like she was some kind of selfish mean witch. I hope everybody feels bad about all the nasty things they said about Bristol and see her the way she really is, a changed young lady.

    Is that what Bristol wants everybody to believe?
    Well young lady as the saying goes, "A leopard doesn't change its spots"! There is an ulterior motive to this announcement from Bristol. First of all Bristol what gives it away is that YOU notified the media to tell them what you did. Honest and sincere people don't donate to Good Will, to churches or disaster relief funds and then calls the media to tell them how much they donated and then pat themselves on the back!

    That's something Sarah Palin would do. Oops, I forgot you were raised by Sarah Palin.

    Maybe Levi will fall for it but the Immoral Minority readers and Rill Americans don't buy it.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:40 PM

      I'm sure Sunny will send an appropriate "thank you" note to Bristol, once she recovers and has some bonding time with her baby.

      Dearest Bristol,

      Thank You for the FTD "Thistle be Dandy" bouquet. Thistles and Dandelions made the dozens and dozens of long stem roses Levi gave me look so much better!

      Break a Leg!


  40. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Wanna know how sincere Bristol really is towards Levi?

    Someone from the media ask Bristol what is Tripp's name?

    Will Bristol say Tripp Johnston or Tripp Palin?

  41. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Wow, the bots are really upset! Levi has moved on, but Bristol can't.... She is trolling for a Sugar Daddy. Good luck with that Bristol. After the way she and her family treated Levi, what MAN would want to be engaged in that family!

  42. Anonymous8:23 PM

    How come the Palin's had the state of Alaska seal their entire records including birth certificates and everything else?

    Is it of national importance to the United States of America? Importance to the security and well being of Alaska?

    Can anybody in Alaska request to have their records sealed?

    Who can unseal the Palin records?

    1. Yes, THANK YOU- why do all the Palins plus Tripp have a lock on their social security files, the kind of lock that not even ex secret service agents qualify for? The ONLY people to be granted this type of lock are certain former presidents and undercover CIA personnel.

      Not even ALL former presidents are granted this most high level of secrecy.

      But private citizen Todd Palin is.

      Private citizen Sarah Palin is.

      Bristol Palin and Willow Palin were both granted these social security locks as minors.

      Track Palin received this security lock while deployed.

      And most astonishingly, TRIG PALIN and TRIPP JOHNSTON have both had these extremely rare, high security locks. Two babies. Ex president Clinton? No. The babies at the Palin compound- YES.

      What on earth could a baby have attached to his SSN that is SO secret, it has the highest security lock available?

      The answer is obvious, of course. The ACTUAL BIRTHDAYS of each boy cannot be known or Sarah's house of cards would be falling flat.

      And of course they can't JUST have the SSN files of the babies locked. That would draw all manner of speculation. So the entire family was "locked".

      Much more attention needs to be paid to this astonishing issue.

    2. comeonpeople3:11 AM

      Damn right we need to keep the focus on this issue.
      Palin is killing herself with her own words, hte way we always knew she would. The media will eventually be able to say that the emperor is not wearing any clothes and expose babygate.

    3. Anonymous6:02 AM

      No birth record in Alaska is open to the public, nor are social security records. Sorry these conspiracy suggestions are pure BS and are exactly like the birther hysteria.

    4. Not talking about birth records. I'm talking about the social security file most every American has.

      The Palins' files have a high security lock which is usually only granted to certain ex presidents and former undercover operatives in the highest echelons of US government.

      After reading about this on Laura Novack's blog, I did some research into these file locks and trust me when I say this is NOT "conspiracy" or akin to birtherism.

      This is a major, major, MAJOR issue. It is absolutely unheard of for an infant to receive or even apply for these high-level locks.

      The true birth dates of the children and whom each child was born to are obviously secrets the Palins will go to any lengths in order to keep them secret.

    5. Anonymous7:03 AM

      anon 6:02
      Poor try.
      Not pure bullshit. Just another puzzle piece along with all the "flat Sarah" pictures scrubbed from the internet.
      Flat Sarah.
      I crack myself up.

    6. Anonymous7:50 PM

      "The Palins' files have a high security lock which is usually only granted to certain ex presidents and former undercover operatives in the highest echelons of US government. "

      Maybe the Palin got their records lock because they were the snitches who told on the Alaska militia?

  43. Anonymous8:27 PM

    There is something in Beefalo's past that she doesn't want the courts to find out.

    Bristol is runnin' scared!

  44. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Nancy French wrote a new post about her time with Romney- even the cforp people are smelling something rotten:

    "I'm sorry, but I STILL don't get this stuff. Nancy French, who worked for Romney, works for Bristol and Sarah still wasn't invited to the convention? Anyone else totally confused with this bull? You can't make this stuff up."

  45. Anita Winecooler10:14 PM

    Congratulations to Sunny and Levi on your new bundle of joy. THIS child will be loved and nurtured by her parents, aunt and grandmother. I hope Tripp gets half a chance to experience the same.

    In the mean time, there's stereo screetches echoing across a dead lake in Warsiller.

  46. comeonpeople3:13 AM

    I am glad that the baby and Sunny are both healthy!
    A full term healthy baby is such a blessing as opposed to a premature FAS or/or Tri-G newborn and a mother who got pregnant at a really young age.
    Huh Bristol?

  47. Holy crap. "Breeze Beretta"? What is it with these Wasilla hillbillies and their kids names? Is there ever a "John" or a "Mary" born up there?

    1. Sure.

      John Uzi Salmon and Mary Glock Blubber.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.