Thursday, September 27, 2012

Native Americans rally around President Obama.

Courtesy of  the LA Times:  

At a July fundraiser in the elegant Mandarin Oriental hotel near Washington's Tidal Basin, President Obama met with some of his most steadfast supporters — two dozen political and business leaders eager to write sizable checks to help keep him in the White House. 

All were leaders of Native American tribes, who pressed their issues with a president they say is attuned to their needs. 

Bill John Baker, principal chief of the Cherokee Nation, told Obama his Oklahoma tribe was owed $50 million for its costs of administering federal health services. 

"He said, 'Let me look into this and see what we can do,'" Baker recalled. A week later, he received a letter from the White House pledging to follow up. A White House spokesman said the administration had been reaching out to many tribes on the same issue. 

"President Obama is a promise keeper," Baker said. "He promised that he would work with Indian country, that he would help us, and he has done that at every turn." 

The tribes have shown their gratitude, giving at least $2.5 million to Obama's reelection campaign through the end of July — far outstripping their donations in other recent presidential elections, according to data provided by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.

As some of you know I have written before about the support that the President enjoys from our indigenous population, which I find extraordinarily impressive.

I am not sure I can articulate exactly why, but for some reason the very fact that these people, who have suffered for so many generations at the hands of the white invaders, now feel they have a champion with this much derided half black man, somehow feels like some sort of kismet to me.

It is also, by the way, yet another indication that this President of ours keeps his promises. At least when the Republicans don't block him from doing so.


  1. Anonymous4:24 AM


    Your comments remind me of that priceless scene in Blazing Saddles:

  2. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Ppffthh!! What these folk need is moar cookiez.
    God be glorified.

    1. Whaaaa?6:33 AM

      I hope you are being snarky and not yet another, sigh, predictable tea taliban racist.

      And, who's god? Allah, Abraham, Ganesha, Buddha, Zeus, etc.

      If there is such a thing as God, I doubt it's human or in human form. Especially as a fair haired, white skinned, blue, gray, green eyed, mature male. And why does God and Jesus both have long hair. Are they hippies? (That's my snark). I've never seen Jesus or white God depicted with a crew cut, as a skinhead, or bald or balding.

    2. Anonymous7:38 AM

      That's snark aimed at Sarah Palin bringing a plate of cookies to a village of starving people.

  3. Anonymous5:09 AM

    I 110% agree with you G, my heart just bursts with joy when ever there is a story covering this

    I found this list very impressive and a good resource to refer to when discussing the election and someone says they are “disappointed” and not sure they want to vote for President Obama again.

    Imagine what he can do in a second term - and if we can give him a democratic congress and senate that actually cares about this country - the possibilities are endless :)

  4. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Samuel L. Jackson to Apathetic Voters: "Wake the F**k Up!"

  5. Anonymous5:50 AM

    So nice.

    Another reason to want this President for another term. He is a unifier. He tries to keep his promises, he sincerely cares about people. He enjoys defending all groups, of course, yes, as best he can considering the blockades against him. He and his family don't whine about personal verbal attacks, or talk openly about their personal problems. They don't have a condescending attitude towards anyone. It shows in the way they behave in public, and the way they speak. There's no guile in their words, ever, despite the guile that's been thrown their way (thanks to people like Palin).

    I just don't get how the Republican congressman and leaders on the 'right' go on Fox (Sununu comes to mind among the many others) who disparage POTUS. Now, many were mean to President Bush, in editorials and commentary, but I never heard them actually speak about him with total disregard on any cable news channel the way they do with President Obama, and in addition, to the way they disparage the First Lady Michele.

    Having a couple in the White House who must have known, at some time in their lives, what it's like to be on the outside looking in, they easily and readily accept and tolerate others who've historically been ignored and hurt by an intolerant attitude.

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      I so admire President and Mrs. Obama. I cannot believe the awful things that have been said about them during the past four years by the right. It is embarrassing as hell to the majority of us.

      I've often wondered how they keep their cool. It must have something to do w/being raised black as I'm sure they've had to bite their tongues throughout their lives.

      I so admire them. I heard today that Romney is going to take the approach of President Obama being a liar in the debate with plans to imply that issue throughout the debate. What a jerk! Think they are going to try and put President Obama on the defensive before the debates even begin. As usual President Obama remains steady and cool and makes absolutely no mention of the debates...he's so steady in his handling of the presidency. Romney is exactly the opposite and a friggin' mess - plus he's a nasty man!

      I don't know how President Obama will be able to keep his cool. I just keep remembering how good he is on his feet, which I'm sure is going to be needed when dealing w/Romney. I know I've wished I could deck Romney throughout this election process. I don't know how he can be debated w/constantly changing his positions and lying about things. None of us know where he stands on anything and I'm sure the President doesn't really either. Could it be that Romney has done this all on purpose, just to make it more difficult for our President? He's pretty sneaky - could be!

      President Obama and John Kerry (his coach) are sharp guys and have been around the block, so I'm sure they have been preparing for the many varied scenarios. I suspect President Obama will be able to throw Romney off course easier. When Romney talks too long he screws himself up.

      The debates will be very interesting to watch there is no doubt.

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  6. Anonymous6:14 AM

    The Boston Globe came out with a editorial saying that Scott Brown should apologize for his dumbass, clueless staffer who used offensive, stereotype gestures to mock Elizabeth Warren.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Scott Brown should apologize for the words he used in the debate w/Elizabeth Warren. He was the one that brought up the race issue implying she isn't indian because she doesn't look it.

      I so hope the asshole is voted out of Congress. I've never heard a racist be so obvious about his feelings. I do not believe his staff put on the display they did w/o his knowing it. Plus, he didn't apologize for his staff. The guy is a first class jerk!

      Yea, Elizabeth Warren!!!

  7. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Samuel Jackson Video Tells Obama Voters ‘Wake The F— Up!’

  8. Anonymous6:26 AM

    As proud member of my tribe I can tell you this is exactly how our counsel of the bands feels.
    One of the most important thing to our Tribal culture is honesty. And unfortunately President Obama is the FIRST president to ever, and I mean ever uphold our rights and be trustworthy.

    Little Rabbit
    Proud member of the Fond Du Lac band of Ojibwe

  9. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I know in states like SD, the Native counties were blue. I've always wondered what could or would be done to alleviate the poverty, and felt sad for them. I live in a rural, high-poverty area, and the people here think they are in Romney's financial bracket and think they'll benefit from his programs (like that tax break for multi-millionaires). Last time, the McCain/Palin signs were few and far between, even though Obama lost the county. I remember driving past a rusted-out, heap of junk trailer with a McCain sign. Our entire state (TN) went red, so there havn't been very many changes for the better, just more people getting welfare, but not too many jobs coming into the area. Plus, we now have voter id laws.

  10. Sharon6:55 AM

    This is yet a perfect example of our great prez....what you see is what you get. Native Americans have endured like the blacks with slavery, when you hear the "white" GOP go on about real americans...makes you sick. The Eskimos to be included although they don't teach anything about them in our history classes. Our white history is horrific as greedy bastards in every sense, the entitled few under the cloak of religion. The Obamas are role models for the world....the only race he sees is the human race.

  11. hedgewytch8:32 AM

    It seems to me that many of the villages, the tribal councils themselves,the actual native people, here in Alaska and in the lower 48 tend to be Democratic. But as we saw in the last Senatorial election with Murkowski's machinations on her "independent" ticket and the political lobbying going on with the Native Corp's leaders - who almost always vote Republican. (See 2012 AFN)

    It's a very serious dichotomy. You can't have the people in the communities voting for Democratic principles and leaders while the Native Corporate heads are voting GOP -because that's the best bet for the big corps to retain their power and wealth.

  12. Anonymous8:44 AM

    These enriched entities are smart, they donate to both parties. I don't know if it is equal, but each party gets their dole.

  13. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Thank you, Mr. President for being so inclusive to everyone. I speak as a part Cherokee - much the same as Elizabeth Warren. I don't appear indian as many people don't in our world today.

    I will be voting for you and VP Biden again and look forward to marking my ballot.

  14. Randall3:51 PM

    "He promised that he would work with Indian country..."

    I get a kick out of it when I hear an Indian say "Indian" because of all the "Native American" crap I hear all the time.

    I live in South Dakota. I was born between two Indian Reservations. Although I'm an old white guy, at one point in my life I used to live on an Indian Reservation. We were the only white family on the res.

    All my friends were Indians.
    All my enemies were Indians.

    My roommate in college was my best friend and an Indian.

    And yet... sometimes when I say "Indian" - I'm corrected by some PC asshole.

    So, as I say, when I hear an Indian say "Indian"
    ...I smile to myself.


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