Sunday, September 02, 2012

President Obama shows his class, while Conservatives scramble to cover their ass. Update!

President Obama meets Sisssy Spacek in Charlottesville,Virginia
Courtesy of USA Today:  

President Obama wants to make it clear that, in his own words, "I am a huge Clint Eastwood fan." 

"He is a great actor, and an even better director," the president said in an interview with USA TODAY aboard Air Force One, on his way to campaign rallies in Iowa Saturday. "I think the last few movies that he's made have been terrific. 

However, Obama seemed less eager to review Eastwood's latest performance, on stage at the Republican National Convention Thursday. The 82-year-old Hollywood icon preceded Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney with a rambling 12-minute improvisation that included a rude "interview" with an empty chair purportedly occupied by an invisible Obama. 

Was he offended? 

"One thing about being president or running for president — if you're easily offended, you should probably choose another profession." Obama said with a smile. He said there would be no effort to counter with a similar stunt at the Democratic National Convention, which opens in Charlotte Tuesday. 

"I think we'll be playing this pretty straight," he said.

In my opinion this is very magnanimous of  the President.  Especially since he may be just about the ONLY Democrat willing to give Eastwood a pass on this.

But what can we say? The guy is just too classy to take the easy shot.

However that has not stopped conservative Teabagger types from trying to turn a negative into some bizarre positive, by actually embracing Eastwood's empty chair rant, and turning it into a metaphor for, well...something.

This from a website where the teabagging never ends:

In reaction to Clint Eastwood’s “Invisible Obama,” one of our readers, Foxyladi, suggested this great idea and WTPOTUS are going with it! Put an Empty Chair on your front lawn! The empty chair for the empty suit! No lawn? Put it on your apartment balcony or add one in front of your office building. No chair? Help the economy and buy one! Any old chair will do! Think of the possibilities! 

Spread this idea far and wide! Tweet it or twitter it – whatever one does. Add the idea to all the social media networks i.e., Facebook. Send the idea to your Tea Party and blog it everywhere! As she said, “Who needs a political sign when this says it all!” Visualize neighborhood homes all having an empty chair sitting on their lawn! It doesn’t matter what kind of chair it is, just any chair will do.

So rather than have to admit that Clint Eastwood used an empty chair to steal Mitt Romney's big night away from him, and hope that people will forget about it before election day, THESE morons are going out of their way to make sure that people keep on talking about it right up until November.

You know I don't often get to say this but this time I think I agree with the dipshits.

Good plan! No really!

Keep up the good work. As Charlie Sheen would say, "You're WINNING!"

Update: It appears that Mittens himself is NOT so willing to provide cover for Eastwood, which is why he made damn sure the actor/director appears NOWHERE in the ad that the Romney campaign created from the footage taken at the convention.


  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Thanks Tea Baggery. Here is my response to the empty chair. Chairs are for sitters. Our POTUS isn't a sitter. He's a doer. He's too busy to sit.

    1. i imagine most of these people already have toilets on their front lawn, so really, they consider this an "upgrade"

  2. Better off an "empty chair" than another Bush.

    And yea.....he's too busy to sit....that is why the chair is empty.

  3. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Unbelievable stupidity, although quite typical.

    EVERYbody has some sort of chair outside their residence, already.

    So, maybe we should start a satirical comeback movement:

    If you support President Obama, place a mailbox near your home!

    1. OMG i am SO doing that!

    2. Anonymous7:17 PM

      This is about as stupid as when Palin wanted everyone to pull over on the road to Teabaggish.

    3. Anonymous11:07 PM

      You know, that's exactly what I thought. You know the baggers will think ANY empty lawn chair is a "symbol". I've got 4 on my patio and 1 on my front porch. Been there for over 20 years.

      I am happy to report that the "Mailbox for Obama" is going great in my (Red state) neighborhood! Practically 100% participation! Obama 2012!

    4. Anonymous4:08 AM

      Imagine the imagery! Remember how effective it was?! How about the Earthquake effort to get her to run? Or the petition to force the RNC to make her a headliner? What? None of that worked?

      Great, now all these naggers are going to have to deal with hagglers wanting to buy or steal their chairs in the lamest yard sales ever.

  4. Sarah's only comment was that the chair wouldn't hold Chris Krispy Creme's "big" ass.

    Sarah Palin, keepin' it classy, as always.

  5. Sharon4:18 PM

    It is pretty obvious that when the cry baby whiner Trump's master plan of firing the president as the mystery surprise went viral...this was their alternative. Just knowing how pissed off he must have been is heart warming enough...but watching Clint upstage him in this grotesque manner is just priceless. Your previous post of Jon Stewart said it all and knowing our beloved president would never use that kind of language just sends it home. When they say the average American doesn't care about foreign policy, that is bullshit. I want this intelligent, classy, scientific believer, global culture em bracer man to represent me in the world.

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Trump can't fire our President.

    2. He planned to 'fire' the Prez in a skit.

      Eastwood also can't 'talk' to the President as he did in his silly presentation either as after a couple of those hateful words and spittle, he might end up having to finish it from a prone position on the floor with a secret service agent's foot squarely placed on his scrawny hateful backside.

  6. "if you're easily offended, you should probably choose another profession"

    Statement of the year - a few GOP politicians - well wannabe ones, or has-been ones - who demand apologies for anything less than being told how wonderful they are should take note.

  7. Anonymous4:27 PM

    I like the picture that appeared on my FB page: back-view of President Obama sitting in a chair, with the caption "this chair is occupied".

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      And that is the chair that really matters!

  8. Anonymous4:27 PM

    "I may be off my rocker but at least I am not talking to it"

    1. fromthediagonal5:17 PM

      @anon 4:27... my sentiment entirely!

  9. I was appalled at Eastwood's seemingly demented riff at the time -- but the more I think about it, the more I think it was a double-triple-cross by an old man who still has a shot or two left in his old six-shooter.

    Eastwood spaghetti westerns and some of his period pieces had a theme of retribution throughout, and since he directed quite a few after the Italian movies, I suspect that's a reflection of his own thinking.

    I think he might have hatched this little skit not too long after he was vilified by the RWNJs, after the Chrysler car commercial. I think his riff was intended to skewer the GOP more than it was to help or hurt President Obama.

    Not only did the GOP get played then, they're still thinking with their lizard brains, as the update above shows.

    1. Well, he *did* get the sentiment:

      Tell Mitt to fuck himself


  10. The enthusiastic response to Eastwood's "We own this country" statement (particularly after noting his sadness about the millions of unemployed) reminds me once again of the confusion afflicting the minds of many.

    Imagine (if you will) me looking at an empty chair representing Mr. Eastwood.

    "Who's this "we" who owns the country, Clint?"

    "Perhaps you meant the Huis in Shanghai and Beijing who've been buying our debt?"

    "If you were referring to Americans, the "we" who (mainly) own the country are only 1% of those living here."

    "Let's call them "they".

    "You see, Clint, "they" are the ones who haven't been doing a great job."

    "They, more and more lately, are behaving like absentee landlords who value the nation in dollars, bamboozled by those bankers who only think Capitalism should work when they're profitable."

    "Clint, this nation's value transcends money and if you can't see ain't just the chair that's empty."

    "We don't own the country, We ARE the country."

    I'd like to imagine him glaring for a bit, and then saying, with a sigh, "I reckon so," because I believe the man who directed all those great films just might listen to reason.

    "C'mon Clint, make my day!"

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Eastwood meant that 'whites' own this country. He was talking about white people. As a person of color, I find that very offensive.

    2. Anonymous8:45 PM

      6:41 -
      Actually, I think he was referring to the rich, male, conservative, Christian (of the proper denomination) whites who own this country.

      I may be white, but I'm an agnostic, female, liberal, lower middle class, union member and teacher from NY. Believe me, while race is clearly a significant motivation for their hatred of President Obama, they don't like me much either!


    3. People make a huge mistake in hero worshipping people based on their work.

  11. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Well, all I can say is that Democratic voters are PROUD of all their previous Presidents. Never have they had to completely ignore a two term President at their biggest rally of each 4 years. The repubs. did not want W there, or even mentioned since his "reign" was a total disaster. No Cheney, either. Had Condoleeza been WHITE, she would not have been invited to talk. She was a token, that is all. President Obama has the audacity (in their eyes) to be intelligent, well spoken, great husband and father, and loved by millions both here and overseas. He is a CLASS ACT, along with our beautiful FLOTUS and their great girls.

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      You just described exactly why the GOP has to make stuff up and lie about President Obama's record. If they told the truth about the POTUS, they would be campaigning for his re-election.

    2. Did Mitch McConnell appear at the convention? Boner and Cantor were both no-shows.

      Only the American Association of Professional Grave Robbers and Family Pet Kidnappers has a lower approval rating than Congress, but not by much.

      If 15% of Americans believe that the earth is flat and that tiny alien spaceships flying around nasal passages is the cause of sneezing, what does it say about Congress when only 10% of Americans approve of the job they're doing? Couple that with the 80%-90% re-election rate of incumbents and the whole system starts to look insane.

  12. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I have a feeling Clint will be responding positively and respectfully to the President's gracious statement.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Eastwood does not have the class to respond graciously.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      No one who would do that in the first place would have the grace to be gracious at this point and even if he did, it would be too little, too late.

      Clint already laid himself bare.

    3. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Eh, you're probably right about that. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. His presentation at the RNC was pathetic and classless if he was willing to do that, he may just have fallen into John Voight territory.

    4. Anonymous8:49 PM

      The moment he implied that the Invisible President said "F-U", I lost whatever respect I might have previously had for the man.

      There is NOTHING he can say that will make up for that complete and total lack of respect for the office of the President.

  13. Boscoe5:48 PM

    I think it's beautiful that the teabaggers are embracing this. It is brilliantly symbolic of the non-existent Kenyan-Muslim-socialist-cyborg-vampire-whatever Obama that they've created in their empty little minds.

  14. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Teabaggers live in an alternate reality. I feel sorry for them. They are all mentally ill stupid racists. I hope their head explode across the nation on November 6th when President Obama is re-elected.

  15. OTRant: Folks, i'm battle-weary tonight from reading and responding to my fellow Tennesseans; the RW variety. One of them even uses extremelyextremeextremist as a screen name lol.

    I've asked them why the ten lowest income states are in the bag for Romney. I've pointed out that Tennesseans, along with their fellow poor state residents, need things like teachers and firemen and policemen and disaster relief.

    Bottom line: They truly are for AnyBodyButObama. For this i am saddened by them and embarrassed for them.

    Thanks for letting me vent :)

    1. Anonymous11:38 PM

      If by some deranged chance Rmoney wins, I will shed not one tear for these asshats when their lifeline squeezes shut. All of those effing red states that have somehow decided that welfare is only distributed to minorities and 'certainly' not for 'them'.

      Several of my local friends in OR have children w/children who depend on the system and they all despise President Obama. Food stamps, WIC, Oregon healthcare system and other means of generous family aid. Two of them very proudly take all these handouts while being paid under the table by local contractors. They also all seem to know just how much 'reported' income they must claim each year to qualify for maximum Federal EIC benefit. Of course, the 'boss' takes a cut off the top of their hourly pay to make this all work and that they 'hate' but go along cause it benefits them more in the long run. Scoundrels all and I recently reported one project to the appropriate State agency with names of three workers who I know have been on the job from the beginning. I hope they do their job and investigate further. I will feel a bit bad if their children lose benefits or security but that's the risk these folks take with their children's welfare.

  16. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Gryph, I don't think the President was giving Eastwood a pass. He is just rising above that BS, and taking the high road, as he always does.

  17. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Don't assume they know what a "metaphor" is....

  18. Anonymous6:53 PM

    "One thing about being president or running for president — if you're easily offended, you should probably choose another profession."

    That lesson should apply to anyone running for public office, or wanting to be in the public eye via celebrity. As Harry Truman said, "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen."

    Now, who does that bring to mind? Bristol (and Nancy) had to post a do-over following each Tripp episode. I shouldn't have cried. I shouldn't have called Willow names. I should think before I act like a kid. Oh, I forgot, I am raising a kid and he is picking up my bad habits and language. Can't you see that I'm sticking my tongue out at you?

    I wonder where Bristol picked up her sensitive reaction to every criticism-- oh, yes, it was Sarah. Following the Arizona shootings, Roger Ailes told Sarah to "lie low." Instead, she issued her blood libel video. I'm sure that they told her that everyone has to come together and stop that Tea Party Third Party crap. Sarah doesn't take advice, but she is insulted if she is mention in a joke.

  19. Anonymous7:37 PM

    OT I heard from a close marathon man his outrage and the bligosphere if runners their ire about Ryan lying. I hear and read the tide has turned for this lie is a kind of game changer that Ryan can not be believed about anything. People have withdrawn the politics pass (all pols lie) now identifying Ryan as a person not to be believed about anything.

    I was LMAO that it took a lie about something average Joe's could relate to to smash the VP's credibility to pieces. Newsday tore Ryan a new one feature his big convention speech lies because of his marathon lie. He crossed a line the masses deem despicable.

  20. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Here in Louisiana many homes have an old recliner and an overstuffed chair outside.Teabagger heaven.

  21. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I don't remember where I saw it, but one of the best comments I've seen online in a while was a suggested bumper sticker that read:

    Obama/Biden 2012
    We're not perfect but they're crazy!

  22. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Their chair campaign will be as successful as when Sarah Palin asked Americans to stop their cars on the side of a highway?

  23. Anonymous11:09 PM

    I'm not sure everyone would agree with the GOP's obsession of empty chairs...,_May_2012.jpg

  24. Anonymous3:57 AM

    There is a video posted where the chair speaks. It is hilarious. It says it's mic was turned off.I will look for the link when I get home but in other news those over at Twitchy are calling for today to be empty chair day.

  25. I could be oh-so-wrong but I still think that there's at least a possibility that Eastwood's stunt was punking Romney and the GOP/TeaBaggers. He is FOR gun control, supports LGBT issues, supports ecology issues, was for bailing out GM and was for the stimulus. How can he be for all those issues and still be for Romney? Even though I know he endorsed Romney this past summer which is baffling. That stunt upstaged Mitt Romney and will never be forgotten. He embarrassed the campaign by showing up their incompetence.

    I know President Obama has too much class to use the profanity that Eastwood used, but I say pretty much the same things that Eastwood said to my TV every time I listen to Romney or Ryan or any of their surrogates. Maybe in his 82 YO mind he was putting into InvisibleObama's mouth what (Eastwood) himself would like to say to Romney.

    Just a thought and I'll repeat I could be oh-so-wrong.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Have you ever thought that perhaps Eastwood is a white supremacist, and thinks the President is not supposed to be in that office? Remember Eastwood did say, 'we built this country". He was talking about white people. BUT of course that is a lie.

  26. @emptyChair needs its own Twitter/Facebook so it can fight back against the RNC stunt. It's mic was turned off! It never got paid for appearing! It was slandered by being called the Prez's chair when really it was a backstage prop! So much pressure and negative paparazzi attention on an innocent chair.

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      #invisibleObama is the site for the chair;
      it has over 60k followers

    2. hedgewytch8:55 AM

      LMAO! Maybe we can offer the chair it's own reality show?

  27. Anonymous9:08 AM

    They should put an empty suit on that chair of theirs (to represent their empty candidate, Romney).

  28. Anita Winecooler5:54 PM

    The President did the right thing. In the meantime, commercials for Clint's new movie are out, just in time for the DNC Convention and news cycle, reminding people over and over about this stunt.

    I think Karma must be a Democrat.


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