Sunday, September 02, 2012

The Newsroom: The episode where a tragic shooting occurs in Arizona. (NSFW language.)

You know the thing about this clip is that as emotionally manipulative as it is, we all know that some version of this was actually playing out in newsrooms all over the country.

They are playing a Newsroom marathon right now, so the fact that I am not going to get to see a new episode tonight is kind of irritating me. So I thought I would share the above clip with all of you so that you can see for yourselves why it is a show worth spending your Sunday evening watching. (Yes despite the fact that the often immature relationship issues detract from the storyline. I am kind of hoping they fix that in season two.)

Anyhow I hope all of you are having a great Labor day weekend, and are preparing yourselves for an inspiring Democratic convention next week. (One thing we know, it CAN'T come off worse than the Republican convention!)

Namaste my friends.


  1. Anonymous6:38 PM

    This is basically everything in a nutshell. If you choose to deride it, that's your prerogative, though a stupid decision.

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Sun Myung Moon is dead.

    2. Anonymous8:30 PM

      "Everything" as in one right-winger's hysterical opinion? Oh, OK. Thanks. It's useful for . . . nothing.

    3. That article was published more than two weeks ago and that was before the republican convention, where the shameless mendacity and outright lunacy of the republican party in its present form was put on full display for all Americans to see. If you choose to deny that fact, that's your prerogative, but I doubt that the majority of American voters are that stupid. After all, they weren't stupid enough in the last election to put the likes of Sarah Palin, who perfectly epitomizes the mendacity and lunacy of the current republican party, anywhere near the presidency.

    4. Anonymous10:22 PM

      Yep, Lyin' Ryan! Please, can I have more! NOT!

  2. Karen in SoCal7:18 PM

    Anyone who cites the Washington Times as "everything in a nutshell" isn't too bright. Is that you, Sarah?

    Thanks for the clip, Gryphen. I don't get HBO so I'm missing out on this show. Jeff Daniels is terrific.

    1. What makes you think Scarah would read teh Washington Times? Someone would have had to have found that article for her. Maybe even have read it to her. Then explained it.

    2. I don't get HBO either.

      But I found The Newsroom online for free. There are some annoying ads you need to close but eventually you do get to the window with the broadcast.

      I've watched every episode this way. Love the show.

  3. Anonymous7:34 PM

    My husband and I live in Costa Rica. Because all you folks had lauded "The Newsroom" we waited for it to show up on HBO down here -- and we have NOT been disappointed! There's what you might call a "time delay" before it's broadcast down here -- we just watched Episode 5 (Egypt-Wisconsin-more Koch Bros.).

    (Having worked in radio "back in the day" when it was music not talk, I think there's some reality with the "immature relationship issues" ... )

  4. Anonymous7:45 PM

    I don't want to "air" this opinion on Facebook, as I know it will make a few heads explode, so I'm going to burden YOU guys with it (this IS a political website, after all)...

    My takeaway from watching some of the Republican convention, was:

    1. Romney and Ryan will be better leaders, the reasons given being that neither of them are President Obama.

    2. The Republican economic plan will work better. No details were disclosed, but the main thing is that it will not be President Obama's plan.

    3. More jobs will appear if Romney/Ryan form the Executive Branch. The number of those jobs was chosen as 12 million (the same as was already forecast to come about, if President Obama remains in office).

    My impression is that even I would be a better leader, better at improving the economy, and at least as good a job creator, if I ran for office, as I'm not President Obama, either. (I thought the qualifications would be a lot more stringent than just not being someone else.)

    Be glad it has never occurred to me to even try...if I made it, my first act would be to imprison the members of the 112th Congress, for treason.

    1. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Excellent points.

    2. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Don't forget Bush/Cheney and all.

    3. Anonymous10:21 PM

      WTF. I read your first point and stopped. 1) From your writing it appears that you are illiterate. 2) There are many political blogs and websites where hatred for Obama is as strong as yours so knock yourself out, just not here. 3)What does this have to do with the topic?

    4. Anonymous10:46 PM

      Hey, 10:21--read it again. This is from someone who is simply stating his impression of the tone and stupidity of the RNC overall message, he/she is NOT a Republican supporter.

      Also, @ ANON 7:45: it's fine with me if it's OT. Sometimes I feel like IM is the only place where I can freely express my far left leanings.

    5. Anonymous10:57 PM

      Anon 10:21, your snark detector is malfunctioning. Please have it fixed and then apologize.

    6. Anonymous11:08 PM

      Anonymous 10:21 PM:
      It was still funny, despite the singular/plural mismatches. Acting as if you didn't get the joke isn't really funny—just sad.

    7. How do you feel about Romney recently calling Russia the United State's "number one geo-political foe"?

      Romney is an imbecile who thinks his time playing financial games will translate to dealing with other countries. He only said that because of Russia's position in the oil infrastructure and the power they yield.

      A real President that REALLY wanted the best for the US would triple investment into alternative energy R&D, and make the US the leaders of the world in a new category. Turn oil into salt.

      (Anony 7:45, you must be from one of the poor states.)

    8. The "takeaway" writer12:00 AM

      Its sad when people read your carefully worded comments, so quickly, and obviously distracted by something else, and get the opposite freaking meaning from them.

      Maybe before we let ourselves angrily reply to something another has written, we should at LEAST re-read what it said, in order to avoid sounding like a complete moron.

      I wondered if by wording that little rant in a snarky way, if someone would get the wrong idea. "Nah," I thought, "nobody's that stupid."


    9. Chella1:28 AM

      Anon 10:12am: be sure to turny your snark-o-meter on, and also try reading past the first point. Your response makes you look silt, this was well placed sarcasm/

    10. Anonymous6:12 AM

      OOPS. I sincerely apologize. It sounded so much like a real teabagger that after I read the initial point, I fired off a response! I'll be more careful next time!

    11. Ah, the Repub1%can't Party. The party if Truthiness.

      All hail Colbert for giving us a truly useful term for this condition.

    12. Is It Over Yet?11:23 AM

      (I thought the qualifications would be a lot more stringent than just not being someone else.)

      This is the reason Sarah Palin got elected Governor. She WASN'T Frank Murkowski! FACT.

      Learn from Alaskans...there are much better reasons to vote or not vote for someone than who they are not.

  5. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Man I wish I had HBO to watch this show! Thanks for the snippet teases!

    1. Try here:

  6. It was emotional - not sure why it generated the troll comments - they are sure weird.

    Got to say - however - it is nice to write the news in hindsight. Most of the country thought Gabby had died - little did they know what a fighter she is - everyone knows it now. My saddest thoughts, as always, return to the little lass who went to meet her congresswoman. When I was nine, I did the same thing - it was not a life threatening event, there were no guns.

  7. Anonymous8:59 PM

    @7:45 too bad you like people who talk to empty chairs. Vote for whomever you like; the President will be re-elected. Follow Nate Silver for the data.

    1. Anonymous11:57 PM

      Try reading the entire post before getting all defensive.

    2. Chella2:11 AM

      It was a sarcastic post, if you read it correctly.

  8. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I doubt that bitch Queen Esther ever gives Gabby a thought. It IS on her hands.

  9. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Amazing acting and including Cold Play's song was brilliant.

  10. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Love, love, love Newsroom. I'm willing to look over the romantic triangles and am hoping they lose that in Season 2. The writing in this show is amazing. They had me with Will's rant on the very first show and it was nicely tied up on the last show of the season. LOVE this show.

  11. Anonymous6:47 AM

    That is one fantastic series! I'm looking forward to season 2. I even like the personal stuff. After all, even in newsrooms, as in stores, factories, offices and campuses all over the world, there is romance and there are personalities and there are complications. Life is like that.

  12. Anonymous7:07 AM


  13. Chenagrrl8:33 AM

    I wish.

    "You know the thing about this clip is that as emotionally manipulative as it is, we all know that some version of this was actually playing out in newsrooms all over the country."

  14. Anonymous9:07 AM an "oops, I read it wrong, sorry."

    Can you just imagine how rare that comment would be, on a rightwinger site? (Where the belief is that GOD has ordained each and every hateful spew of opinion, so never has to be apologized for!)

    Thanks, people of I.M.

    --the takeaway commenter

  15. I also don't get The Newsroom as I don't get HBO. But on the recommendations of you I found a place online to view it for free. (I hope it doesn't get shut down as now I'm hooked and I need a place to see season 2.)

    I understand why the media gave the first ep such poor reviews. Not comfortable having such a mirror held up to your face and seeing your shortcomings. I'd like to think that this show could impact the way news is reported and that we might see a swing in a more positive direction back to the golden age when news was news and it was unbiased and true.

    That said, I think The Newsroom is really starting to hit it's stride. In 10 short episodes it is settling in. That is huge since network shows often take 18-20 to finally settle.

    I am so glad HBO gave this show a home and renewed it already.

  16. Anita Winecooler6:27 PM

    I love this show! The choice of "Fix You" juxtaposed to the deletion of the dates under Gabby's Photo added to the emotional impact.

    I'll be buying the entire series on dvd, it's that good!

  17. I just wanted to stop by and tell you that your post and this clip inspired me to watch The Newsroom, and I’m so happy I did! Prior to watching the show, I had heard many mixed reviews from around the internet, my friends, family and DISH coworkers, so I just didn’t know what to think! I’m glad I came to my senses and started watching it because it is unlike anything else on TV! I’m just lucky that every episode was available on, along with tons of other shows (most don’t need a subscription to watch), or else I would’ve had no idea what I was missing! The intelligent reflection on our society is a message that everyone should listen carefully to.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.