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Photo courtesy of the Obama Diary. |
Well that View appearance was prerecorded, and what the President actually did yesterday was to give two incredibly important speeches, in between dealing with the problems of our country and the multiple crises erupting overseas.
I shared the UN speech with you yesterday, but I feel that the one he gave at the Clinton Global Initiative was just as important, so I have embedded it below.
Now this speech is about human trafficking and slavery in other countries, a renewed focus on what is happening right here in the United States, as well as what the Obama administration is doing about it.
In other words, Todd Palin might feel his sphincter puckering up while watching this speech. Because the President is now putting more resources into finding these traffickers in human cargo and brutal pimps and making it a priority to bring them to justice.
Perhaps its time for some of us to send the administration another copy of "Boys will be Boys."
The shop that trims my hair also trims the hair of some prostitutes, female and male (I live in Nevada), and overhearing their gossip is entertaining in the extreme. These are willing freelance adult prostitutes. There will always be that kind of thing.
ReplyDeleteI am one hundred percent for destroying pimps. I might go easier on the nicer johns.
The Mustang Ranch sent out goodwill (?) playing cards to everyone in Storey County one Christmas. My daughter grabbed mine and ran back to Minneapolis, laughing all the way. I think my husband still has his somewhere.
ReplyDeleteAnother great speech. These are the types of initiatives that will make us exceptional in the eyes or other countries and people around the world. IMO, this is one more step to our country regaining its status as the preeminent super power leading the world to positive change.
ReplyDeleteThis makes me really proud. I anticipate we will see more and more of this type of world leadership by our country during President Obama's 2nd term, as opposed to relying on bullying tactics and trying to instill fear with the war machine, which has been used ineffectively by other administrations in the past.
ReplyDeleteI saw a clip from Romney Ryan yesterday. Where Romney tried to lead the crowd in chanting Romney Ryan instead of Sarah err Ryan.
Now at DailyKos this clip was shown on Morning Joe today.
"September 26, 2012 - On MSNBC's Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough reacts to a clip of Mitt Romney by covering his face and saying "Sweet Jesus."
Haha get a fork.
That was so painfully funny! And then Joe trying to remember who the Mother of God was. You know Joe, Mary.
Thanks for the video link. This ranks right up there with Chris Matthews' "Oh God!" Bobby Jindal moment during the 2009 GOP State of the Union rebuttal. Here's a GREAT comment just posted by someone under the youtube video:
Love The Fetus, Hate The Child.
Love the Business, Hate the Worker
Love The Soldier, Hate The Vet.
Love America, Hate Americans.
Love Theocracy, Hate Democracy
Fight back against them, VOTE!
Was Joe trying to pray? I am a little confused about what he was trying to say.
DeleteRomney in the original clip was trying to keep the crowd from chanting Ryan Ryan when they were both standing there!
DeleteJust like 2008!
Crowd Chants, "Sarah! Sarah!" At McCain/Palin Event www.cbsnews.com/8301-502443_162-4401208-502443.html
I know that feeling. A facepalm is all you can do. Joe's a "good" Catholic Repug on camera, but I have a feeling he lets loose when the red light goes off.
DeleteAt least Joe is honest about the situation. There is never any doubt that he's a partisan Republican, but I can listen to him because he's not a total lying shill who asks his audience to disregard all of the polls and any news which isn't favorable to the GOP. I disagree with him more often than I agree with him, but he's civil and most of the time he shoots straight, even if his opinion is "wrong".
Both Mitt Romney and John McCain can cure your insomnia in about 2 minutes if you can stand them that long.
That was rich! My husband watches his show all the time, so I get bits and pieces while getting ready for work, getting the kids on their way etc. Today, I laughed so hard because Mika kept a straight face, not wanting to "rub salt into the wound", but you could tell her inner child was jumping for joy.
DeleteWhen Joe covered his face and tried to remember the words, I lost it.
He's an acquired taste, but I do have to give him credit. He's one Republican who knows diplomacy and compromise are key to governance. What I never understood was why he blew air up that racist scumbag Buchanan asshole he allowed to opine on his show.
I love our President! He is so much better than all the Republicans in high office back in D.C./Congress.
ReplyDeleteCan hardly wait until their butts are wiped clean when President Obama is reelected. Boy, are they gonna be pissed.
Romney and Ryan are horrible candidates and I sincerely hope Ryan is not reelected in his state - now that everyone has truly found out about him.
ReplyDeleteGryph, there's a research paper out saying that psychopaths have a poorer sense of smell than regular people. The higher their psychopathy scores, the worse they do smelling things.
Quick, someone get scratch and sniff tests over to the Palin compound.
If you've ever spent a few minutes standing next to Sarah Palin as she begins to perspire, even lightly, you'll believe the research is 100% credible. I guarantee that you will have a malodorous experience if you are even in the same room unless the air is being filtered and actively cycled with an updraft.
DeleteI do believe that Sarah obviously doesn't realize that she smells as bad as she does whenever she's been even a little "active", just walking casually a short distance from the car to inside a building or home.
There's no way to say it any more nicely than this: "When Sarah starts to glow, she starts to stink." Unfortunately, Sarah stinks a hundred times worse than most people, from the time when she first begins perspiring, and it gets progressively worse.
I guess either no one's ever wanted to suffer the wrath of her vengeance for saying something to her about it, or perhaps, someone tried to tell her anonymously, but she ignored them since she couldn't smell herself.
I know that I smell bad by the end of a 10K or an intense weight training session, coupled with conditioning, especially if I don't shower soon afterwards and then change into clean clothes. And I don't throw my workout apparel into a laundry basket or leave it in a gym bag either. If I happen to not be planning to run a load of clothes that evening, I'll hang up the workout clothes in the mud room over a lavatory where they can drip dry without getting other clothes damp that are waiting to be washed.
I've heard for a long time that Sarah might not have a sense of smell, because different people have said that her clothes stink. I'd heard rumblings of her using a lot of cocaine when she was younger, so I initially thought that might've affected her sense of smell. I assumed she was just not taking her clothes to the dry cleaners as regularly as she needed, and perhaps not hanging tailored jackets up to allow them to breathe after wearing them between cleanings.
But after hearing recently about that olfactory research, I'm convinced even more that it is even more validation that Sarah suffers from a psychopathic condition in addition to her general bitchiness.
Where is Shailey Tripp? If Todd's grievances against her were so great why have neither of them spoken to media about it? I'm a little tired of "she said, and he didn't say". If Todd Palin was guilty of doing anything other than putting some coin in the pocket of a desperate woman then bring it Shailey Tripp. Your book has no proof, yes, you wrote it, but did it happen? There is no reference, no collaborative proof. Bring it or shut up.
ReplyDeleteShapley brought it and Todd went silent. Only Palinbots believe otherwise. APD covered for Todd and you know it.
DeleteSara "STENCH" Palin.
ReplyDeleteI just had to share this comment to an article in the Seattle Times...
ReplyDeleteJune 19, 2009 3:41 PM
Climate change
Posted by Letters editor
Don't trust federal scientists' global-warming conclusions
The photo that accompanies the article, "Scientists: Global warming is real, and it is only getting worse," shows Michelle Obama holding a head of lettuce [seattletimes.com, Travel/Outdoors, June 17]. Global warming is not proven, and I don't want my tax money supporting legislation based on the "federal" scientists saying anything.
What in the world is a federal scientist? I prefer plain old scientist.
No politics, no alliances, no biases -- no federal. Who is handling the hiring? Who is paying a federal scientist? Why should we care?
Science is analytical and looks at theories. It tests hypotheses. We need policy based on evidence that is not tainted by nonscience.
Let's mix it up with all the academics and start avoiding the meddling Obamas.
-- Pam Schmoll, Bellevue
After watching this, ask yourself this one question-
ReplyDeleteWhy the hell doesn't Romney just quit?
The Clinton Global Initiative does amazing work. President Clinton's humanitarian and philanthropic accomplishments since he left office have only made my respect for him grow stronger.
President Obama's speech just blew me away. This man holds the highest office, and has restored our reputation worldwide after eight long years of fraud and lies that ruined our country's standing. President Obama is a man of and for the world, not just the United States.