Saturday, September 29, 2012

The only hope that Republicans have of winning the White House in 2012 is to spread lies. So they are doubling down on that.

Courtesy of Gawker:  

Typical Florida political story of the day: an answering machine captured a call  from a volunteer with the Republican Party of Clay County, FL, who was reaching out to potential voters with several important lies about the upcoming presidential election. 

"Yall sound like yall are senior citizens, right? Yeah. You don't want Obama. You really don' want Obama. Because he'll get rid of your Medicare. You might as well say goodbye to it." 

"I don't know if you've done any research on Obama or not, but he is a Muslim... if he had his way, we'd be a socialistic country." 

"Pay attention to Fox News."

"Pay attention to Fox News." Of course how ELSE can you be dumbed down enough to vote for Mitt Romney?

Apparently the  Clay County GOP told the St. Augustine Record that the worker has "gone off script completely."

Yeah, does anybody buy that?

Me either.

In fact I would really like to get a look at this "script." Something tells me we would see references to Fox News and lies about Obama all over the damn thing.

(P.S. You can hear this phone call for yourself by clicking the Gawker link.)


  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Oh, and he'll take away your guns, put your children in Muslim indoctrination camps, cancel Christmas as a national holiday, put the devil on our money...This is what passes as 'news' on Fox News. This is seriously what these neaderthals believe..People. This is frightening, that this is what passes as national discourse on issues.

  2. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Sarah Palin is trending on Yahoo. Is she selling a new diet plan?

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      It's called the BRB diet. Bulemia, Red Bull, and barbituates.

  3. Gryph -- I thought you might find this interesting. Seems Mitt's looking to deliver the debate "line of the evening" with the help of Fox News. Personally, I can't wait to see how he fucks this up.

    1. Sally in MI4:23 PM

      Oh please. What's he going to do, pretend Obama's podium has no one standing beside it?

    2. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Romney memorizing some 'zingers' to get the crowd laughing at Obama. Please. Zingers? Like Reagan's "There you go again" to Carter?
      I don't think, but I could be wrong, that Obama would stoop that low to just try and get in some zingers when so much is on the line. We're talking our country, our future and Romney wants to score points in the debate with some 'zingers' against the president.

  4. Anonymous1:11 PM

    What I don't understand - why is it legal to spread lies like this or to tell lies in any political ad on TV or the radio or anywhere else? I don't see why freedom of speech allows the freedom to lie indiscriminately.

  5. Durham1:16 PM

    I'll bet he probably did go off script. I live in Florida and I'm a strong Obama supporter, but there are some idiots like that in both party's. I volunteered to do phone canvassing for Obama here in Florida, and I was really surprised and discouraged by how poorly the Democrats were organized. My first task was to help out doing phone calls in a private home, and during the whole time I was on the phone most of the others were just socializing. It was so bad I couldn't hear the people on the other end of the line. We also had a very loose script that most people didn't follow very closely. I decided that night that I was done. But then they talked me back into later and acknowledge they had a problem. The person who told me this also ask if I would be willing to the work on my own. I said yes, we had a short meeting, and she gave me instructions on how to get on their web site to get the information I needed. I then had problems logging into their web site and I called at three times and left messages, without ever getting any response back. That totally did it for me.

  6. Anonymous1:17 PM

    To have to witness the fear and ignorance prevalent among uninformed voters is truly disheartening. Hopefully, there are enough educated folk who are intelligent enough to understand how important it is that President Obama remain in the White House for another four years. Romney as President & leader of the free world is just too bizarre to consider. The Bush debacle was bad enough and made the U.S. a laughing stock throughout the world; a Romney Presidency would be even worse.

  7. Anonymous1:23 PM

    The hatred of some for our first African American President is astounding...I feel ashamed of the racists and the dirty tricks republicans in this country.

    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Yes, I agree. It's been non-stop since he started running in early 08. Unbelievable. The racists have come out in force. They were always there, of course, but with Barack Obama, they are out in the open.
      What I can't get over is that in my state, Tennessee, there have been Republican politicians, elected to office, who have forwarded racist, filthy emails to their constituents! Of course, they get caught and called out and 'apologize' but my freaking gosh, it's only because they were called out on it!

  8. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Sad but true.

    However, if those receiving the calls are foolish enough to vote for Romney, they get what they deserve. I actually had to say this to an elderly neighbor who thought Mitt was the answer to the anti-Christ Obama. Once she figured out that the ones who are really out to screw her are Fox News and the RNC, she told me she will not be voting at all this year.

    I told her that Fox News is an American version of Pravda, a propaganda arm used in Russia during communism. That resonated with her big time.

    She can't vote Democrat as a lifelong Republican but she refuses to cast a vote for a pair that plan to screw her til the cows come home.

    On a related note, my friend told me today that her mother who is a big Fox News watcher was finally convinced by her family that Fox News IS an arm of the RNC and they don't give a shit about her or anyone like her.

    She too plans to sit out this election. One granny at a time....LOL. I am hearing more and more of these types of stories. They won't vote for Obama but they definitely won't be voting for the Repubs either. Works for me.

  9. Not What You Want to Hear1:27 PM

    Well, there IS the possibility that the fool was simply incapable of exerting the terrific mental focus and effort needed to stay on script. We're talking rightwingers here.

    1. Leland3:36 PM

      Yep! Reading is so DAMNED hard, don't you know?

  10. Durham1:29 PM

    I decided to return and leave another comment after I heard the recording. The person making the call for the Republicans sounds like one of our typical red neck. She honestly probably doesn't know any better herself. She is just repeating what she's heard from the far right pundits, or from Sea4Pee, and no doubt believes what she is saying. She is probably just another one of the Tea Party members who are extremely gullible and undereducated. And if you asked her, she would probably tell you what a true patriot and intelligent person Palin is.

  11. Sally in MI4:21 PM

    My sister in Ohio would believe every word of this call. She has a high school diploma, is quite well read, but spends her time on far right wing blogs, with predictable results. I refuse to deal with her on her preferred outlet, Facebook, so I sent her an email detailing where she was dead wrong. She claimed I called her a racist (never even came up, although she probably is) and all sorts of other dire predictions about Obama's 2nd term. This is the same 50 year old who was positive in 2008 that Obama would tax her to death, end her job, and the US would become socialist. She hates the ACA because 'people should work for what they get.' Anyway, I wish she'd sit out, but at least my mom will cancel out her vote in OH. She's already sent for her absentee ballot.

  12. Anita Winecooler8:16 PM

    How telling that Fox News is the weapon of choice for spreading santorum about President Obama. I guess Sarah Palin's facebook posts are too "intellectual" for these folks to follow.

    Trying to scare seniors with lies is par for the course.

  13. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Anyone else noticing that the trend to the rightwing lies, is to blame the President for something that Romney and Ryan are hoping to do?

    If I hear of one being that "Obama wants to lower the taxes on the rich" I'll know I'm correct on this.


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