Saturday, September 15, 2012

You know it really is too bad that President Obama is only running for election here in America. If he were to run for President of earth he would win in a landslide.

Courtesy of

A straw poll of people in more than 30 countries shows U.S. President Barack Obama would win by a landslide if they were allowed to vote in the U.S. election. 

The poll conducted for United Press International by CVOTER International/WIN-Gallup International found the strongest support for Obama in Iceland, Netherlands, Portugal, Germany and Ireland while Republican challenger Mitt Romney's highest support was found in Israel, Pakistan, Georgia, Macedonia and China. 

The poll queried more than 26,000 men and women outside the United States. Sixty-three percent of those queried said the U.S. president has a high or very high impact on their lives while 29 percent discounted the impact and 9 percent said they were uncertain or didn't know. 

Asked if they would like to vote in the United States, 42 percent said yes, with the percentage rising to 46 percent among those less than 30 years of age. 

If U.S. elections were a global affair, 63 percent said they would vote and 81 percent said they would support Obama, compared to 19 percent for Romney. Among U.S. voters, the two candidates are separated by only 3-5 percentage points, recent polls have indicated, giving Obama the edge. 

"In 29 of the 32 countries polled, Obama's rating for policies and competence is 55 percent and above, the lowest figure being in Pakistan," the pollsters said. "In seven countries, the approval for his policies and competence is in the 90s, and in another nine it is in the 80s." 

You know the funny thing is that among progressives this information makes Obama seem even MORE desirable, while with the Right Wing it simply makes him seem un-American and suspect.

If only Americas could see him without the filter of Fox News and Right Wing radio skewing their perceptions.


  1. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I have election fatigue! I can't wait for the election to be over...I know that things seem to be going Obama's way, but I'm worried about the stealing of vote! And I'm worried that all this Middle East unrest will turn out Romney voters!

    And I know there are a lot of people turning out to Obama rallies, but in POLLS, GOPers are MORE likely to say that they're going to vote than Dems are.

    However, the one thing that is making me feel a little okay is the amount of GOP bleed Romney is experiencing. I saw one poll where something like 20 percent of Republicans were planning to vote for Obama...I think for Dems, it's 13 percent!

    On the other hand! I'm worried that these Republicans aren't spread out evenly and that they're all, mainly in blue states!


    I really want this election to be over so I get on with my life!

    1. linda4:37 PM

      i feel the same way -- constantly stressed out. it doesn't help that my right wing relative argue with me daily on facebook with words that are so insane that it's hard to know how to respond. and to know that there are so many others like them with no way of addressing issues with them logically. i, too, want it over. and i can't help but think obama will win, but i worry that i'm wrong.

    2. Don't try to fight 24/7, Linda. We need our first team to have fresh legs for the 4th quarter. Just rotate out of the front line and take a break.

      Some of the B-team players will appreciate your having confidence in them to carry the load a little bit. We're not as interested in going undefeated as we are in winning when it counts in November.

      Let the "little people" on the opposition feel like they win a "squirmish" every now and again so they don't quit and pout and try to take the ball home so we can't play. When we get a little winded, the competition is bent over holding their knees and sucking wind. We don't have it locked up yet, but I like our team and I like where we are right now.

      Just remember we're on the right side of history and right now we're ahead. I wouldn't trade places with the baggers and neocons right now, and I wouldn't want them on this side either. The baggers and their constant complaining--- many of them hate their own candidate more than ours. They won't be happy, win or lose.

      That's a helluva thing if u ask me. They're either gonna get 4more years of the scary Blah or either a RINO is going to win a miracle comeback. I'd say it sucks to be a Repug right now.

    3. Anonymous3:02 AM

      Just unfriend the stupid idiot and your problem will be solved.

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    The people overseas could not stand W, either, and they were right about him!! Remember the headline in the UK newspaper "How could 54 million people be SO DUMB?" Too bad the "values voters" in the US can not see through all the BS. O/T How is the book tour going for Chuckles and Chuckles Jr.?

  3. Anonymous1:50 PM

    So Muslim, communist and non-Christian countries prefer Mitt?
    That's very telling.

  4. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I love this picture. You can see that he actually cares, really cares, about the youth in this country. He is a very compassionate man and he has staked his entire presidency on providing affordable heath care to every American. I cannot love this man more and respect him more..

  5. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Speaking for myself, I would rather have Obama as Prime Minister of Canada than Stephen Harper.

  6. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Neocons Slither Back

    ...Ryan bemoaned “the slaughter of brave dissidents in Syria. Mobs storming American embassies and consulates. Iran four years closer to gaining a nuclear weapon. Israel, our best ally in the region, treated with indifference bordering on contempt by the Obama administration.” American foreign policy, he said, “needs moral clarity and firmness of purpose.”

    Ryan was moving his mouth, but the voice was the neocon puppet master Dan Senor. The hawkish Romney adviser has been secunded to manage the running mate and graft a Manichaean worldview onto the foreign affairs neophyte.

    A moral, muscular foreign policy; a disdain for weakness and diplomacy; a duty to invade and bomb Israel’s neighbors; a divine right to pre-emption — it’s all ominously familiar.

    You can draw a direct line from the hyperpower manifesto of the Project for the New American Century, which the neocons, abetted by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, used to prod an insecure and uninformed president into invading Iraq — a wildly misguided attempt to intimidate Arabs through the shock of overwhelming force. How’s that going for us?

    After 9/11, the neocons captured one Republican president who was naïve about the world. Now, amid contagious Arab rage sparked on the 11th anniversary of 9/11, they have captured another would-be Republican president and vice president, both jejeune about the world.

    Senor is emblematic of how much trouble America blundered into in the Middle East — trillions wasted, so many lives and limbs lost — because of how little we fathom the culture and sectarian politics. We’re still stumbling in the dark. We not only don’t know who our allies and enemies are, we don’t know who our allies’ and enemies’ allies and enemies are.

    As the spokesman for Paul Bremer during the Iraq occupation, Senor helped perpetrate one of the biggest foreign policy bungles in American history. The clueless desert viceroys summarily disbanded the Iraqi Army, forced de-Baathification, stood frozen in denial as thugs looted ministries and museums, deluded themselves about the growing insurgency, and misled reporters with their Panglossian scenarios of progress.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      I heard a snippet of Romney saying that his view of Iran is the same as Obama's and that he wouldn't go to war with them unless they get a nuke -- HE'S LYING! He's saying the same things about Iran as W. said about Iraq in 2000 -- and he has the same advisors!

    2. That would be about as stupid as George W. Bush. WTF about Pakistan? Israel doesn't have the ability to fight the entire Middle East so they will try to pick a fight for us to have to fight.

      I never let my little brother get his ass completely whipped, but I did wait to step in to save his butt about the 5th time I had to get into a fight strictly because of his smart mouth.

      An amazing thing happened after that. He started getting along with the kid who he had been telling me had been picking on him. Even though I won or fought to a draw every time, I still got a bloody nose and busted lip because my bro wasn't smart enough to give a bunch of grief to someone I could just go over and scare or punch once and be done with it.

      Let Israel pay for everything they break or we have to blow up on their behalf, and they'll vote Bibi's bully ass out of office, or agree to pay for the wars with THEIR tax dollars. And I don't ever want to hear any of that same old lying shit about the oil paying for the war. It doesn't happen that way. Never has. Never will. The oligarchs will pocket the war profits and WE the people pay for the war. Fuck all that noise.

      If the neocons are expecting us to let them keep on until it's okay, it ain't gonna happen. Mitt is their puppet because he has no spine nor any integrity.

  7. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I hope this makes national news!! I so like President Obama and VP Bide4n! I respect them both and have absolutely none of the same feelings for ANY of the Republicans that get thrown in our faces across the nation. They are one sorry, sorry bunch on all levels of government!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  8. Cracklin Charlie3:20 PM

    Now do you see why they didn't want us to elect a "community organizer"?

    We're all one big community.

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Nice way to put it. Thanks!

    2. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Good call! WHen we all work together as a community ... we the people of the community come out on top. :0) Not what the corps want to see happen.

  9. Here is the link to the Vanity Fair article on President was such a great read that I only read to page 4 (it's 9 pages long...sorry Baldy!)went to the store and bought the magazine!

    The behind the scenes and access that this reporter received is truly phenomenal!


    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      A Journalist With Rare Access to Obama

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Thank you for the link!

  10. Anonymous5:07 PM

    And, meanwhile, the three-year-old goes to white supremacist land. Anyone surprised?

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    1. Oh dear! Where to start!! What was up with the sunshine damn near in her face?? And the DIY video in her KITCHEN!!

      She looks SICKLY and DESPERATE! The begging at the end was too funny! Giving out the phone number over and over and over...and then the repeating of Rudy Guiliani and Steve those old goats are any kind of draw...notice they are two asses who attempted to run for did Baldy get lumped in with them?

      What are they paying her with...plastic surgery vouchers! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Maybe she'll stop off in Moscow and pick up her "diploma" after all these years. 2016 and all that....also too.

    3. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Gina, did you see this description of her? OMG, I'm gagging.

      Sarah Palin

      Inspiring Lives: A Message of Resilience and Hope

      Capturing the hearts and minds of millions of Americans as the 2008 Republican Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin continues to use her voice to inspire and connect with others from all walks of life. Holding steadfast to her convictions while in the midst of personal and professional challenges—including her landmark political career—Palin lets her values be her compass as she navigates her role on the global stage with grace. The many roles she has embraced in her life—devoted wife, military mom, public servant and champion for children with special needs—have given her a far-reaching perspective into the struggles we all face. Meeting with people from around the world since coming onto the national stage in 2008 has further enriched her life and given her a unique vantage point from which she shares the importance of looking for the best in everyone. Attracting record-breaking crowds, Palin’s inspirational message of resilience and hope, combined with her warm personality, will touch the spirit of each audience member and remind them that the best possible life is never out of reach.

    4. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Record breaking crowds? Grace? Devoted wife? Looking for the best? SNORT! What are they NOW marketing her as? The white Oprah? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    5. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Say what? I guess I have been much to preoccupied with current world events to have any idea what this is all about?

    6. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Gagging is right! I of course could not let this injustice stand...therefore I had to...


      Baldy Palin

      Insipid Life: A Message of Retardness and Hoeing

      Capturing the nickel and dimes and the twisted minds of millions of Teabaggers as the 2008 Republican Vice Presidential candidate mistake, Baldy Palin continues to use her screechy voice to assualt and scare all walks of life. Holding steadfast to word salads while in the midst of grifting a personal fortune---including quitting her political career---Palin lets her grifting be her compass as she fucks up her role on the global stage with stupidity. The many voices she hears in her head guides her life---devoted cheater, fake military mom, publicity whore and stealer of children with special needs---have given her more than she deserves. Meeting with paid people from around world since clawing and crawling on the national stage in 2008 has further enriched her bank account and given her a unique vantage point from which she screeches out the importance of looking like a man. Attracting record-breaking KKK crowds, Palin's awful speeches of the same shit different day, combined with her narrcassitic personality, will scare the shit out of each paid sucker and remind them the best possible escape is never pay to see this fool again.

      There all fixed now! LOL!!

    7. Anita Winecooler10:47 PM

      Is that a DENT in the right fridge door?


      Too Funny

  11. Irishgirl5:43 PM

    Obama 2012
    From Ireland.

    I do my bit!

  12. Anonymous5:44 PM

    My husband's family are British. They frequently tell us how much they respect and like President Obama; my sister-in-law even came over to the US in 2008 just so that she could attend one of his campaign rallies with us. For the life of them, they cannot understand why the Obama/Romney polls are so close. They see Romney as a rank amateur pretending to be an expert in all things. The recent happenings in North Africa and the Middle East convince them (and us)even more that a world without President Obama is a more frightening place.

  13. Anonymous7:47 PM

    If the rest of the free world thinks President Obama rocks...and he does ...does that mean that the USA is the most racist nation in the free world?

    That is just gross...

  14. Anonymous8:09 PM

    How coincident.

    Last night, I dreamt of Queen Elizabeth declaring "Long Live President Obama". Some in the British public questioned the propriety of her statement. But others, more insightful, realized she was merely recognizing his global reach.

  15. Anita Winecooler10:49 PM

    President of the World

    Imagine that!


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