Friday, October 19, 2012

A not so gentle reminder.

If you don't do all that you can in support of our President, THIS is who will be running our country for the next four years.

If THAT does not scare you enough to loosen your bladder then you my friend have not been paying attention.

We have to fight for our rights, stand for our beliefs, and vote like the future of our country depended on it. Because it does.


  1. angela2:15 AM

    He looks like a red eyed rat. Which is how he would govern.

  2. Randall2:19 AM

    "I will create 12 million jobs..."
    "The Government can NOT create jobs..."
    "I will create 12 million jobs..."
    "The Government cannot create jobs!"
    "I will create 12 million jobs..."
    "The Government CAN NOT create jobs!"

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      This is reason enough to not vote for Mitt.

  3. Mitt Romney would make a great game-show host and he even has a name that's perfect for the job (remember Wink Martindale?).

    President of the United States...well, not so much.

  4. If progressives do not stop eating their own, Rick Santorum's "tingle down his spine" about a GOP sweep of the White House, the House of Representatives and the US Senate will become a frightening reality. Then they have only themselves to thank for the loss of freedoms that they currently enjoy. They will find themselves in the country of forced religion, forced pregnancies (since contraceptives may become illegal and women will lose all say about their health and bodies). Roe vs. Wade will be in memory only. Women's rights will dramatically revert to 1950's standards. Muslims and other non-Christian people may be at risk of persecution. The 1% will thrive at the expense of the 99%. Education and health care will dramitically shift and Medicare will no longer provide the safety net for millions of elderly citizens. It's time for progressive thinkers to stop talking about their "disappointment" that they didn't get all that they wanted when they elected President Obama (a sentiment that I do not share). This President has worked tirelessly for the benefit of all Americans. He has tried to compromise to get things done, just as he was elected to do. Now is a time to celebrate his achievements and victories and not whine about his first debate performance which ways a mere 90 minutes in his four years as commander in chief.

    1. Anonymous5:41 AM

      Thank you for a wonderful comment. The worse enemy of the Dems are the Dems.

    2. Anonymous5:55 AM

      Remember that many citizens throughout the nation have already voted. I have and it was a delight marking my ballot AGAIN for Obama and Biden. The Romney/Ryan ticket scares the hell out of me!

    3. vegaslib10:05 AM

      I'm voting first thing in the morning, first day of early voting in my state!!!

      From what I have heard, democrats are voting early in much larger numbers. Let's keep it up till E day!

    4. Anita Winecooler6:46 PM

      Great Comment, pj. I'm sick and tired of hearing people whine and kvetch, piss and moan, gnash their teeth and wring their hands over what Obama hasn't yet done.

      I voted for Obama as President, the job he ran to do, not Obama, the omnipotent omniscient one.

  5. Willard says, "I am riding the white horse," Damnit !

  6. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Mitt would be much worse than W, which is hard to phantom: this nation may not recover from 4 years of this heartless sociopath.

    Someone said in the RMS that instead of a president the US would get a BOSS.... BTW Nate Silver (NYT) has a good take on GALLUP's goofy new numbers.

  7. Anonymous4:57 AM

    That is a scary look, but it is made hilarious by the fact that Mittens is wearing entirely too much blush. Going Rouge!

  8. Sharon5:02 AM

    When you consider the Mormon religion rules for women...marry young, pop out as many babies ASAP, and OBEY your husband...oh yeah, this is the face Lady Ann was facing. She has said more than once about his temper problem, mental health stability even now according to the son, talk about the total opposite from no drama Obama. This is boardroom CEO bossman evil man and don't cross me.
    Somehow, I still feel this guy is even worse than Bush and McCain...heartless and evil.

  9. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Hey $arah! Do you really think that raging religious nutcase named Romney would ever give you a cabinet post after you dumped word salad all over the airwaves in 2008-2009?

    Oh, that's right, you'd rather host dinners and make $30,000 for bloviating in front of Christian supremacist gatherings.

  10. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Willard is W with ambition.

  11. Willard, face it... you're a prick. And no, I don't mean that in a good way. Take a break. Very soon you'll have PLENTY of time to contemplate whether or not you're going to allow yourself a three-peat by getting your ass kicked by Hillary in 2016.

    Meanwhile, give Sarah a call. Maybe she can help you find some work in Hollywood on a game show or two. Can you dance or shoot a rifle? Ah, don't worry about it, neither can Sarah. You'll do fine, Mitt.

  12. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Have you guys seen this. Lawrence O calling out Tagg for threatening the President.

    1. Anonymous5:52 AM

      I did! Lawrence was pissed at the disrespect shown by that kid (who is in his 40's!) to the President. Lawrence indicated the President never called Romney a 'liar' (said stuff like - you are not correct, that is not true!) in the second debate but that he, Lawrence, had been calling Romney a 'liar' for a year! Basically, challenged the kid to come and duke it out w/him if he had the gutts! Cracked me up! I think it is pretty obviious that the Romneys are nothing more than bullies and I so hope they do NOT end up in the White House!

    2. vegaslib10:07 AM

      That was so totally awesome. Reminded me a little of Olbermann. What are the odds the little shit will take him up on the dare? He'll run like the little chicken shit that are all the Romneys.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:51 PM

      He was great, and no, Taggert wouldn't dare take him up on it, he might break a nail, or even worse, a sweat!

  13. Anonymous5:35 AM

    That pic of Romney shows a man full of rage and evil.

  14. Crystal Sage5:48 AM

    Mitt is Dubya without booze and coffee. No wonder he's so miserable. Even his so-called "jokes" at the Al Smith dinner were nasty - except the first joke about them sitting around in dinner clothes at home. That was funny. The others? Not so much. OTOH, President Obama killed!

    Also loved O'Donnell's dare to preppy Tagg. And the prez was also on Dave Letterman. Friend watched it and said that Obama rocked. He certainly did on TDS which runs at the same time in my market.

    And the Mittster was afraid to go on The View. Sent his wife and bodyguard Deathstare Josh.

  15. Anonymous6:09 AM

    He looks drugged..bloodshot eyes and large pupils.

    1. Dis Gusted8:14 AM

      he is probably on drugs and he shares them with his wife

  16. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Looks at that picture and imagine living in a house with that arrogant control freak. You're making me feel sorry for Ann and those boys...he looks demonic!

  17. Meh's death stare gives me the willies! We now know where his son learned that from! I feel sorry for those wives! One of the sons...the doctor son...doesn't have any kids...he has a wife but NO kids! How does that work in the Mormon world?

    The Rmoney's remind me of that great Tennesse William play..."Cat on a Hot Tin Roof". Is Meh, Big Daddy holding all the money? Remember the wife who was pregnant and being shitty to Elizabeth Taylor(who was absolutely gorgeous then)because she hadn't had any kids?

    And Paul Newman's character(ohh lalala!) is the doctor son who's wife doesn't have any kids...and come to find out the son was...GAY!

    Well at least that was my interpretation of the movie! LOL!!!

    1. Dis Gusted8:15 AM

      gossip says they are all sterile and have to do the IVF route for children.

      maybe a DNA test on Ben?

    2. Crystal Sage8:26 AM

      The doctor Son of Mitt gives off a gay vibe. He's the outlier of the family in more ways than one. Doesn't even look like them.

  18. Anonymous6:59 AM

    He looks like Charlie Sheen!

  19. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Yikes. Mitt's stare and the latest polls. Obama down considerably? What gives? Conservatives rallying around Romney??
    Gryphen: Can you give us any words of wisdom this morning to counter this? I mean, this is really depressing me today.
    Even my local newspaper (The Tennessean) came out and endorsed Romney. It always endorses Democrats. It gleefully endorsed Obama in 2008, Kerry in 2004, Gore in 2000. Something's afoot and it's smelling pretty bad.

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Seriously? How old are you? Wake up, pay attention and have some faith, President Obama is already winning! We did not elect President Obama so that we can send him home before our work is through, to elect an evil man who is 10 times worse than George Bush! Screw the polls, they mean nothing at this point, the RW media told you for weeks that they were going to start "skewing the polls" because they were whining that our side was doing that because we were ahead! That's what they do! They screamed about "voter fraud" and "voter suppression" because they fully intended to commit it if they could! And look, they got busted doing just that. President Obama knows what they are about, his campaign has always been prepared for it, and their ground game is astonishing! If everyone pulls together and does their part, mainly VOTING, we will win this thing! Don't lose heart, we're almost there! Our President isn't done yet and neither is America! Take heart, we are gonna win this thing!

    2. So sorry Anonymous7:01 AM that you feel so SCARED! And what Anonymous8:53 AM said is true..."Don't lose heart, we're almost there! Our President isn't done yet and neither is America! Take heart, we are gonna win this thing!".

      At least you haven't gotten to this point...exhibit A...convo at the Asylum by some patients today!

      "SusanWo4p 43 minutes ago
      I hope everyone has some plans for your family, should Romney win and the Obama Nation start torching cities, looting, rioting and hurting people.

      Especially those of you who live in the big city (Yankee 4 Palin???)

      Just have enough food and supplies to wait it out...

      barracuda43 7 minutes ago in reply to SusanWo4p
      Loaded and locked!

      Chris 33 minutes ago in reply to SusanWo4p
      Just got done buying $200 worth of ammo myself...

      Doubt I will use it for anything but target practice but you can never be too safe.

      I live in a smaller town so I don't really have too much to worry about but it is heavily democratic so you never know!"

      So...ummm...yeah...7:01AM try not to go down THEIR route and you should be okay!

    3. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Oh, I'm not giving up. In fact, I'm going early voting tomorrow.

      I know that when Obama was taking a big lead in the polls, the RW media were all up in arms about it, saying that polls don't matter. Now, however polls seem to be shifting towards Mittens and the RW media are running with it.

      I don't ever wade over the to C4Pee-ers crowd. Afraid my PC will catch a nasty virus!

      I'm behind our president 150%!

    4. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Perhaps the Tennessean has new conservative bosses. A newspaper in San Francisco endorsed Pres. Obama and it has never endorsed Dems in the past, this is its first time.

    5. Anita Winecooler7:03 PM

      Polls are temporary "snapshots" over time, are sometimes biased, and they often lag behind the true sentiment of the people. Some polls can only count information from land lines, how many people still have land lines?

      The important thing is to inhale and exhale (repeat), keep calm, and carry on.

      Don't boo, vote

  20. I don't want to be scared, but I am.

    I have been drinking so damn much due to the stress of this election - it may very well kill my GI tract.

    Irony Alert - The very real fear I have over a Mitt Romney presidency is probably equal to the fear that the GOP has been stoking over President Obama's election.

    But we know that only one of those BoogeyMen is real,

    right, Mittens?

    1. This election is going to give me ulcers!

  21. Anonymous7:23 AM

    "You just made it into a binder, Lady!"

  22. Ann Romney says Mitt has anger issues. I believe her.

  23. Chenagrrl8:00 AM

    Whoa, Mitten's eyes do seem a bit dilated for the light. That look reminds me of what James Lipton said in his drama review of the second debate: "Do you want a president, or a boss?"

  24. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Romney sure is channeling his inner Richard Nixon in that photo. I don't think we want a president with such obvious anger issues.
    Obama/Biden/Democratic Congress 2012

  25. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Someone referred to Romney's walk the other day as his "prancing shuffle." He does shuffle. It reminds me of dementia patients I used to take care of--and I do believe he has some dementia issues, especially with his changing positions. Ann covers up, I think.

    I also think he is abusive. Bullying is abuse, no matter what people call it--and he abuses in politics and business--and I bet his temper is hell at home.

  26. Anonymous10:02 AM

    He looks just like Christopher Lee as Dracula, who used to scare the crap out of me as a kid. He really, really does!!!!!!!

  27. vegaslib10:11 AM

    Put a picture of the Grinch next to Mitt's and see the resemblance. That man has no soul, no heart. He is pure evil in my opinion.

  28. Anita Winecooler7:26 PM

    He probably got a similar look when he watched Ann on "The View"

    Fist she divulges he has "anger issues", she loves "Women", when Mitt puts them in binders, now she says he'll drop out of politics if he loses.

    Now I see where they got the idea for "Willard" and the sequel "Ben".

    Sorry, Mitt, I don't scare easy, you're an entitled tool who's out of touch with reality, you're a bully and a liar.



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