Thursday, October 18, 2012

Just why DID Bristol Palin get kicked off Dancing with the Stars this week? You know besides the obvious reason?

The very picture of the dysfunctional American family.
There have been a lot of rumors as to WHY Bristol finally got voted off the show last Tuesday. Everything from "that was when her contract ran out," to "the producers were afraid that keeping her one any longer would permanently damage the show," to  "she was just too embarrassed to stay on any longer." However another possibility was that the OTHER contestants and pros were possibly complaining so aggressively that the producers simply had no other choice.

After all if some of the interviews with Mark Ballas are correct, it appears that neither Bristol NOR her ever controlling mother had any idea she was about to be kicked off. Remember Bristol was SO upset she could not even come out to meet the press afterward, and then there's this from Ballas: "Mama Palin was a little upset."

As I have said before Palin does not get just a LITTLE upset, so if she were angry enough about this that Mark heard about it, then it seems likely that she had NO idea Bristol was getting the old heave-ho.

So if this was not prearranged by the Palins then why did Bristol get the boot now instead of a week from now, or at the very beginning of the show when by all rights she should have been the first person kicked to the curb? And why would the producers risk pissing off one of the most vindictive people on the planet if they did not have to?

Perhaps this article from US Weekly provides some insight into that question?

Bristol Palin was shown the door on this past Tuesday's Dancing with the Stars -- but singer (and experienced dancer) Drew Lachey went home first, and vented backstage on Oct. 9 about that the single mom, 22, had outlasted him on the ABC smash. 

The 98 Degrees crooner, 36 -- who won season 2 of DWTS -- vented backstage and "threw a fit," a source tells Us Weekly. 

"He was complaining that Bristol has no talent and no reason to be there," the source continues of Lachey's rant against Sarah Palin's eldest, who made it to finale of season 11 back in 2010. 

According to the source, Lachey bellowed, "Am I on the right show? I thought this was Dancing with the Stars" and called Palin "a joke." 

Yowch! You know if Lachey was feeling this way, and getting this worked up over the fact this clearly untalented sloth was staying on the show while far more talented and harder working people were being forced off, it stand to reason that he was not alone in that assessment.

So perhaps the reason that Bristol was given the bum's rush is because the producers were trying to head off a mutiny from the other participants. Or were in fear that the next contestants to leave ahead of Bristol would ALSO raise a big enough stink that it made it into the gossip magazines.

Just a theory but it does kind of fit. What do you think?


  1. Anonymous5:08 PM

    None of those shithead Palins are "stars." Being a dumbass with a wine cooler and a scruffy guy doesn't make you a star, unless you are a porn star. (No offense to porn stars shopping at the Sherman Oaks Fashion Square.)

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM must live in the San Fernando Valley.

    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Chatsworth is the porn capital.

    3. Anonymous7:02 PM

      No, I just know people who do live in the SFV and have seen women with giant plastic surgery boobs shopping there. The Palins are giant plastic boobs in their own way. (I haven't really shopped there since before Bloomingdales moved in.)

  2. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Add in the very vocal proclamations of VOTE FOR THE WORST abusing the voting system.

    Voting is currently insane. One vote per person/e-mail account/phone #.


    1. comeonpeople2:57 AM

      How is it abusing the voting system when the system is set up to be abused?? Popularity should have nothing to do with a talent show. DWTS reaped what they sowed. I do believe that they were losing so many viewers and the real stars were going to mutiny that it all came to a head.
      Too late for many viewers.

    2. Anonymous5:07 AM

      I have kept suggesting (and I still do) that votes should have a nominal charge. I seem to remember that once upon a time, this was the way it worked. And you could only vote once per phoneline. Profits would go to a charity of contestants pre-stated choice (this would cut down the VFTW folks) and do some good at the same time.

  3. What you said, heh.

    I don’t blame the true professionals for getting mad.

    I’m not a dancer, but I’ve been there in other environments. If you know what you’re doing, and make it look easy, the question arises: “How hard can it be?” God, I’ve heard that whine a million times! Suddenly, every numbskull with a gift-of-gab wants to have your job. They fail, of course. And I never helped them get back on their feet; just turned my nose into the wind.

  4. WakeUpAmerica5:35 PM

    Your theory totally fits.
    BTW, WTF is Tundra Turd wearing? Is that Bitchtol's sequined flour sack?
    Looks like she has two popsicle sticks poking out of the bottom of it.

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Palin is pulling an old anorexic trick -- wear loose-fitting clothing so no one sees how thin you are. Look at Sarah's legs compared to Bristol's. Bristol's legs actually look pretty slim these days, but Sarah's are half the size.

    2. I'm glad someone else has used the A word.

      I think she is a prime candidate for anorexia nervosa.

    3. Anonymous7:20 PM

      First thing I noticed were those sticks Sarah thinks are sexy legs. Really? She is melting.... before our eyes. And the crazy monkeys are just looking the other way. Really? Wearing your daughter's debut sexy dress? What's that supposed to say? That you still have what it takes to win that beauty contest you lost thirty years ago?

    4. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Twigs. She could be a skeleton for Halloween.

    5. I thought she looks like a tampon.
      big, white block, with two strings.........

    6. Anonymous8:39 PM

      It's called "granorexia" when the olds get it. A lot of the aged ladies on those housewives shows are suffering from it. Granny Palin must want a job on the Real Housewives of Wasilla. She can be the spastic mean granny with anorexia.

    7. Anonymous5:09 AM

      And ook at their body language. Scarah is leaning as far away from Trig as she can. Trying to pull Bitchtol closer so that Bitchtol and Tripp are almost pulled off balance. Todd refuses to move closer. She must really stink.

  5. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I think this isn't the last we've heard in the tabloids about Bristol's ill-fated return to DWTS.

  6. Anonymous5:39 PM

    oh shit! look at her bony knees and legs!

    1. Let's not and say we did okay! LOL!!!

    2. vegaslib6:41 PM

      Is that why she never ever holds Trig, cause her bony ass knees won't hold her and him up? Naw, it's because she doesn't have any maternal instinct for a child that she didn't give birth to, not that she seems to have much for her own kids.

    3. Anonymous7:43 PM

      plus trig likes to punch the fraud whenever he gets within arms length, i'd like to see him knock her on her ass and out

    4. Anonymous7:46 PM

      she never ever holds Trig


      my thought exactly.

    5. Speaking of Trig, it looks like he's throwing a fit that his "Momma" is touching him.

    6. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Speaking of Trig, it looks like he's throwing a fit that his "Momma" is touching him.

      Nah, he's just sticking his tongue out like ma taught him.

  7. Anonymous5:43 PM

    My favorite part of all this is that Sarah had to freeze that smile on her face, knowing the cameras would be on her after the announcement. Glad they had some surprise along with that big old serving of rejection!

  8. angela5:44 PM

    I think Ballas secretly went to the producers and complained about dragging Bristols untalented body around. Sorry Bristol---its just that being born with no rhythm or talent just means Sarah's your mother. Be happy!

    1. He probably complained the minute they announced she was coming back. Begged them please not to pair them up.

    2. Anonymous12:45 AM

      It was a significant advantage for Bristol to be paired with him again. He had two other former partners who had to start anew with people they didn't know, or not like they knew him. The show gave Bristol every chance to succeed but I am sure she isn't giving them any credit.

    3. Anonymous5:17 AM

      Conversation went something like this:
      Prod.: mark we need you to make her look like she's dancing better or you're fired.
      Mark: Look, I'm trying, but I can't make up for it on the dance floor like I did in the last show. People are on to us and my reputation is at stake.
      Prod: Well practice with her more.
      Mark: Uhm, OK.

      Then Mark's brilliant move, he made sure the cameras were there when she pitched the fit - both weeks.

  9. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Is Sarah wearing a flour sack?
    Big head and bony knees..bobble head doll!!
    Bristol looks older than Sarah in that picture.
    Notice how big Tripp is compared to Trig..WOW!

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      "Notice how big Tripp is compared to Trig..WOW!"

      I noticed that too. How old is Tripp?

    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Tripp must be five now.

    3. Anonymous7:37 PM

      According to the Palins, Tripp was born in December of 2008, so he is still a three year old. They have never explained why he looks at least a year older than that.

    4. He was supposedly born in Dec. 2008 after the campaign. My grandson was born three moths later, and looks like a baby compared to this giant. When he loses his first teeth, we'll know. My granddaughter lost her first two at 5 and four months, which is early. SHE doesn't look at tall as Tripp.

    5. comeonpeople3:00 AM

      They'll just get him a "flipper" or whayever the toddler and tiara kids wear when their teeth fall out. Although it looks phony as shit.....that's what they'll do!!

  10. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Just when I think Sarah can't get anymore hideous freaky she proves me wrong. geeze is she in a bad way in that photo. Bristol sees that as Awesome Hot crap.

  11. Anonymous5:52 PM

    How tall is Tripp? Over 4 feet?

    1. Anonymous4:05 AM

      That's probably why Bristol's holding him- so you can't see how tall he is. I've seen tall kids, but he's not just tall- he's older than they say.

  12. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Bristol claimed to have been invited while her fake reality show was airing. My guess is that DWTS was pressured into taking Bristol, who is clearly not a star. The pressure could have come from Rob Burnett, who arranged for other Palin TV shows (Stars and Stripes and the Alaska show). For the Palins, their theory of a work ethic is to do as little as possible while trying to get the most visibility. Sadly, our current culture of TV so-called reality shows works for them. They are lame, and there are actually people who want to watch lame. That's why Honey Boo Boo is a star. (She should go on DWTS).

    Back to DWTS and Bristol. The last time that Bristol was on, Sarah's fans openly bragged that they voted many more times than they were allowed to. It was not good for the show. They had to change the voting procedure. My guess is that the behind the scenes talk involved realizing that Bristol was nothing more than two years older than her last appearance. A new face did not make Bristol prettier. She is still immature and shallow inside, and it shows. She is not a hard worker, and she has no talent. There's no personality. She is not smart, clever or funny. By the time that Bristol's Life with Tripp show ended, unfortunately for DTWS, the contract had been signed, the non-disclosure forms had been signed, and they were stuck with Bristol. They gambled that Bristol's show would be better than it was. It turned out to be even worse than they could have imagined. Someone bamboozled them into signing Bristol for a comeback appearance. The negative reaction to Bristol, gaming the voting by voting for the worst (an ugly system) and the lower ratings must have made them get rid of Bristol so that the competition would be between good dancers. Somewhere in that contract, a smart lawyer must have written in the disclaimer that the terms and conditions were subject to weekly ratings and review by the producers, and the decision of the show's producers. That's the trouble with contracts. Nobody ever reads the small print.

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Stars and Strips is not a Palin tv show.

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      That makes sense.

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM

      I think you mean Mark burnett and yes he is the producer of all the Palin reality shows.

    4. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Todd Palin was a last minute replacement for Jack Osbourne on that Stars win their Stripes show. Mark Burnett was the producer, and he also arranged for Sarah Palin's Alaska. Todd is no more a star than Bristol is. That is a family that wants to be celebrities, appear on TV and be paid lots of money while they have no special talents. They are not very interesting, either. It must be eating them up that Honey Boo Boo is such a hit.

    5. Anonymous9:10 PM

      I guarantee Drew Lachey would not have lasted long. He is a boy band member and compared to EVERYONE else, he has the least fans. Athletes win for a reason. The bese dancer hardly ever wins. But this isnt a dance contest.

    6. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Kirsties fans brag about staying up all night. Kirstie constantly says she has the best fans. How is THAT different? She isn't a great dancer.

      It's not "illegal."

      Get a life.

    7. Anonymous2:30 AM

      The difference is that both Drew and Kirstie are show biz veterans. Each has a body of work they can show that they have accomplished something in their profession. Bristles is a tramp who got pregnant (at least once) in a TENT, then claimed she was raped. Brandy is another show biz vet. who was sent home early, to accomodate the no talent Bristles. Too bad all the people who were victimized by this show do not get together and tell their stories.

    8. comeonpeople3:03 AM

      MArk Burnett's ex was in People magazine explaining how he cheated on her and left her for his next wife. Isn't he supposed to be all right wing-y christian? lol

    9. Anonymous5:20 AM

      They still bragged about it and those brags got posted on the DWTS/ABC site.

    10. Anonymous5:26 AM

      As everyone said - Kirstie entertains! A 60+ y o woman doing carthweels? There's a long-running and legitimate philosophical controversy about quality in an art being about entertainment or technical perfection. Bitchtol accomplished NEITHER. And she wouldn't even try! which alone can be an interesting story; see Massey, Kyle.

      As for the best dancer winning - tell me that Jen Grey wasn't the best of that group? And Shawn Johnson the best of this?

  13. Anonymous5:53 PM

    O/T. SP on Idaho tv.!

    She is so wired on something...caffeine, amphetamine..etc

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      bwahahahahaha. Reduced to doing local Idaho interviews. Idaho, where the goats fuck the farmers! It doesn't get any sadder than this.

    2. OOOHHH! That video! Baldy had the turkey neck tighened...too bad the big ass pimple distracted from her ironed out neck and chest! LOL!!

      The interview dude kept bringing up her "being on the road"...the road to where you where of course! LOL!! I feel sorry for the camera man/woman! The shots of Baldy from the back was F U C K E D U P! The back of that mile high dirty wig took up half the screen on my monitor! It also looked like a small animal was catching some zzzz's inside that thing!

      And that black biker chick leather jacket looked just fucking ridiculous on that old ass woman! Notice both of her eyes looked crossed? What's up with that!

      Did y'all hear Baldy say that..."another daughter is in London"....WHO??? Why didn't she just say Wallow is in London...because why would Piper be in London when she's suppose to be in school?

      Final thought...why did they do the interview in a deep dark sex dungeon? I expected the Toad to come on camera speaking in his womanish way wearing a diaper holding some whips & chains and saying..."hurry up's getting late"...LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Freak. Dishonest freak. She's done with politics, she's just afraid to tell her gravy train supporters.

    4. vegaslib6:46 PM

      I actually thought it was more like weed or downers, her eyes were red and heavy. I also noticed the bump on her lip they tried to cover up with lip gloss.

    5. Anonymous7:06 PM

      "one of our daughters is in London right now"???
      We should send our apologies right now to the United Kingdom....

      It is hard to listen to her, what an idiot....

    6. Anonymous7:31 PM

      maybe she is vying for the horror movie queen... can't remember her name, but Sarah looks like a good contender.

    7. anon at 6:31 perfect - and whoever is that male interviewer - he needs to get out and meet some women.

    8. comeonpeople3:07 AM

      London, MO?
      London OH?
      London TX,?
      London, AR?
      London WI?
      London, MI?
      London, CA?
      London, IN?
      London, AL?

      My guess is Arizona

    9. Anonymous5:28 AM

      "bwahahahahaha. Reduced to doing local Idaho interviews. Idaho, where the goats fuck the farmers! It doesn't get any sadder than this."

      I never find karma's justice sad. More affirmation that all's right with the world, no afterlife needed.

  14. Uh oh...that article in the US Weekly means that Baldy's protection must have taken off to parts unknown! Y'all rememeber before whenever Baldy got bad press...there would be some backtracking the next day! Not happening this time...the fact that they published the info about Beefy not speaking to the press after getting the boot says VOLUMES!

    Not to mention Beefy's vagueness about what she was going to do next...remember after Beefy's stupid ass show ended...days later she announced on her blog that she was praying what to do next when she received a "phone call out of the blue" to be on DWTS! we all saw...Beefy is just as toxic as her mother and everything that Beefy touches ALSO turns to poo...just like her ridiculous mother!

    Someone on the other thread mentioned that one of the patients at the Asylum went to see Baldy's speech in Idaho and was not impressed! Here's what he said about Baldy...

    "I have struggled whether or not to mention this. However, I feel that it needs to be stated. Sarah needs to get rid of the flippen podium and notes when she does conferences like the one that she did in Idaho, especially when much of what she said was a rehashing of previous speeches. There were 9 speakers (including Sarah) at this conference which was done in the round, and Sarah was the only one that needed a podium, while the other speakers used a clip-on mike to wonder around the stage without notes (except for Kristin Armstrong who had note cards). Sarah was one of the last speakers. When the hired help brought up the podium for her, I, more or less, had an epiphany. For her to use a podium and use notes at a motivation conference caused her speech to be underwhelming, in my opinion. Even Rudy did not need notes or a podium. I know that my opinion might not be that popular. However, it is my opinion.
    I tried to write as many notes as possible, but I was there to hear her speak, and it is difficult to write and listen at the same time. LOL".

    He then went and listed ALL the same ole shit Baldy's been saying with nothing new! The hilarious part about use to be if you said ANYTHING negative about Baldy...the other patients would swarm and jump on em and beat the person like they owed them money...errr...not this time...the few patients that are still around were like..."YAWN...okay...thanks for your input"...LOL!!!

    Uh Baldy...YOU'RE DONE! LOL!!!

    PS...that photo! I've already said what I had to say about that in the other thread!

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM


      Thanks for sharing that. I missed it before. Here's what stood out for me.

      "Sarah was one of the last speakers. When the hired help brought up the podium for her, I, more or less, had an epiphany. For her to use a podium and use notes at a motivation conference caused her speech to be underwhelming, in my opinion. Even Rudy did not need notes or a podium."

      I've been to some motivation / sales events like this one.

      A motivational speaker, urging people to take control of their lives and go 'do what needs to be done'...yet she can't take control enough to memorize her boring 4-year-old speech and still can't speak without a podium. Proof that she cannot "do what needs to be done", and shouldn't be talking about it to people who can.

      Motivational speakers seldom use podiums--that's a big part of their schtick--energy! confidence! exuberance! Rah! Rah!

      The people who go to those motivational things expect to be MOTIVATED, not preached at by someone stuck at a podium.

      You can bet that if a C4Per pointed this out that EVERYONE ELSE thinks the same and worse!

      Major. Epic. Fail.

    2. Anonymous7:54 PM

      In the Idaho interview clip above Palin actually says:

      If you think about it, each person in every seat has their own story, their own challenges...


      yeah. It *would* take you this long to realize that, you selfish bitch.

    3. comeonpeople3:10 AM

      That was great!
      I'm guessing that commenter never went to college, since it is so hard for them to listen to Palin speak AND take notes. She isn't spouting physics or anything lol!

    4. Anonymous5:33 AM

      Posts over there have dropped off precipitously. The whole first page is just re-posted canned stuff from "ZH100" and BriANUS.

    5. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Did you see the pictures during an interview with the local TV station? She is again sitting with her skirt hiked up to you know where... What is it with her sitting with her skirt hiked up so far now?

  15. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Maybe they really did fix the voting system. Or Sarah's followers are experiencing Palin-fatigue, you know, with the holidays coming up and all.

  16. angela6:01 PM

    Oh good grief! Sarah has broken into the nearest hospital and cut up a bed sheet to make a dress. She also stole some tongue depressors and stuck then into her shoes------Oops, I guess those are her legs. Eat a sandwich you poor anorexic fool.

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      very funny! a bed sheet

    2. WakeUpAmerica7:45 PM

      Angela, have you been hanging out with Gina? LOL

    3. Anita Winecooler11:36 PM

      LOL Tongue Depressors. Hope they're termite proof!

  17. Andy Berkman6:03 PM

    Who cares about this mickey-mouse show anyway?
    Based purely on Bristol's history with it, it's all bullshit.

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      This family has provided an embarrassment of riches for the next David Simon.

  18. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Tripp, Bristol's 3 year old "toddler", is half as big as her. Notice how she has to lean way over to hitch all his weight & height up on her hip to hold him up because he's more the size of a 4 yr. old or more.

    Look's like Sarah has become the proverbial backstage mom. But to wear your daughter's dress???? Pathetic. She purposely reduced herself to reality tv thinking it was the way to stardom and riches not minding breaking her oath to the people of Alaska or what the consequences would be. I guess the short term goal was worth the money but in my book no amount of money is worth my reputation. My ethics and standards are not for sale. And THAT Sarah (and her cult followers) is why people don't respect you or your family anymore in case you still haven't figured it out. Sold out for Hollywood! You made your bed so now lie in it.

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM


      I'm not sure I can yet put to words what I feel and how much it disturbs me that Sarah had the sick need to actually wear Bristol's "coming out--entry into stardom" dress to Bristol's own event.

      We're not talking: Oh, I can wear my daughter's clothes, I'm so youngish and best friends with a 20-something.

      We're talking about a very sick person, and her mother to boot!, trying to steal Bristol's big moment. Trying to say "I can do Bristol better than Bristol". Trying to say "Look at me, look at me". Trying to steal what emotional reward that Bristol was trying to get from performing.

      It's so sick on so many mental health levels.

      Maybe some of you psychology majors can expand on this.

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      She's looking to one-up her daughter, to slyly show that she (Sarah) looks better in the dress. Sick puppy.

    3. WakeUpAmerica7:44 PM

      Tripp IS supposedly almost 4.

    4. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Very, very disturbed behavior. Competing with and attempting to steal the spotlight from your own child is sick.

    5. comeonpeople3:14 AM

      Many of us for a very long time have been pointing out that Sarah's mental pathology is deep and dangerously complex. Glad that others are seeing it too.

  19. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I feel for Drew Lachey. He is the first hope that there are humans involved with that show. I don't know why Mark and Bristol got the boot when they did but above synopsis is totally plausible.

    Isn't it funny, creepy is more like it, that producers want drama as long as it is manufactured and they can cheat the hard workers and audience. When it is real they want peeps to shut the F up. Drew is going through his pain and bewilderment and I am sure he could say a lot more. Oh no, DWTS had to make up some shit around Bristol's jealousy and Mark late to a rehearsal.

    The editing was awful and that segment was unclear and chopped liver, IT MADE NO SENSE. DWTS producers hate their audience or they would not treat them that way. And they did all that garbage, for Bristol, why? Some deal with the she-devil? Ratings, money?

    1. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Read the Oct 8th tweet. Bristol is well-liked. You're so hateful you just can't see anything that resembles reality.

    2. DetroitSam10:51 PM

      Anonymous 9:07p You got this from twitter?

      Well liked by whom?

    3. Anita Winecooler11:33 PM

      THANK YOU!

      Nancy French ‏@NancyAFrench
      PHOTO: Thanks, @MelissaRycroft, for being so kind to #PiperPalin, her cousin & my daughter. #AwesomeFallBreak! #DWTS
      Retweeted by Melissa Rycroft
      Expand Reply Retweet Favorite

      Bristol's awesome! And Nancy French knows it!

      Go live vibrantly!

    4. Anonymous12:50 AM

      Obviously, the person who is so very well liked is the person who is not picked and left hanging in a team pick 'em. LOL!

    5. Anonymous2:44 AM

      Bristol is so "well liked" she has Mark go to Ariz. to practice!! Instead of socializing with the rest of the dancers, she has to be miles away - WHY??The entire fam damily is toxic.

  20. hedgewytch6:20 PM

    Looks like Sarah is still going to that same Wasilla Beehive hairdresser.

    1. Anita Winecooler11:19 PM

      LOL that's a good one, unless they do hairpieces

      Here's a clip of her hairdresser

  21. Anonymous6:20 PM

    sarah really looks like a crackhead.

  22. Anonymous6:21 PM

    The tide has turned, and now the Palins - even with supposedly ratings-boosting controversy - are toxic to the DWTS brand...if for no other reason than the complete contrast between Bristol and the other dancers - personality, effort, motivation, talent, work ethic, congeniality, and on and on. She again proved herself to be a lump of snotty bad-tempered entitlement served up with a scoop of sullen stupidity and a dollop of preening belligerence on top. Insufferable! And so they didn't. Suffer her any longer than they had to.Brand salvage, that's all.

    1. Anonymous2:45 AM

      Well stated, could not agree more.

  23. Anonymous6:26 PM

    That picture could be the poster for Season 3 of American Horror Story.

    1. comeonpeople3:16 AM

      You are so right. The Heath/Palins and all their skeletons would make a wonderful season of American Horror story!

  24. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I sent an email to DWTS saying I quit watching because the show was rigged. The ratings did drop and I'm sure other viewers also voiced their opinion. Who likes to watch a rigged show?

    1. It's been rigged since season one.

      I stopped watching when John Hurley was robbed.

    2. A friend of mine who was a regular watcher of the show for years told me that she sent an email to them to let them know that they had lost her when Bristol stayed and Lachey went home. She told them the same thing - the show was rigged if that clod stayed and she was gone.

    3. Anonymous9:02 PM

      The ratings have dropped since season 11.

    4. Anonymous9:04 PM

      How is a show rigged? It's not a dancing competition. There's freaking audiences votes that count 50% of judges votes.

      It's a journey for nondancers who come from different walks of life.

      And it's despicable what USMag did to Drew Lachey. I guarantee that article is as true as Kirstie having kidney failure a week ago. So sad that yellow journalism is alive.

    5. Anita Winecooler11:16 PM

      I know, I sent them e-mails the first time, and they had to change the voting system, which proves it was rigged when Sarah was popular and had people who believed the bullshit lies she tells.
      Bristol hit bottom this time, The real stars are onto her and so is the audience.
      She can't act and she can't dance.

    6. Anonymous2:47 AM

      Incidentaly, did the FBI hunt down the source of the "mysterious white powder" sent to Bristles? Was it her weekly supply of coke??

  25. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Hey Sarah your not a teenager. Grow up and act your age for christsake..You look cheap.You'll never look like you did 4 yrs ago..
    I'm with you Gryph..Either dump barstool or suffer the the consequences.they can't all be paid off..LMAO

  26. Anonymous6:29 PM

    The single best moment ever was Sarah in tears on stage while McCain conceded, choking back tears at her defeat. The next was when Bristol was voted off the other night. There is no comeback for either of these whores, the burned to many bridges. Good Bye you stupid sluts, you better have saved some of that cash for your horrific surgeries that will have to be redone or your faces will fall the fuck off.

    1. Was she crying because McCain lost or because she wasn't allowed to give her concession speech?

    2. Anonymous10:22 PM

      She was crying because she couldn't give her concession speech. She tried so hard but it didn't go the way she planned.

    3. Anita Winecooler11:09 PM

      She had a speech already for the event, but only the losing Presidential Candidate delivers a concession speech. It was the greatest moment of the epic loss. Sarah, as usual, didn't know protocol and thought it was all about her.

      This was Anderson Cooper on sixty minutes- brutal revelations from "Game Change"

    4. comeonpeople3:18 AM

      Palins, always a bridesmaid, never an unpregnant bride.

    5. mlaiuppa7:21 PM
      Was she crying because McCain lost or because she wasn't allowed to give her concession speech?
      mlaiuppa, I think she was crying because she lost. McCain, pffft, just a means to an end. The election was all about her. Oh yeah, and how dare they not let her concede a race that wasn't hers to concede.

    6. Anonymous5:42 AM

      She was crying because she had to go back to Alaska. She really hates it.

  27. Both of those children are way too old to be carried that way - and who other than Bristol Palin would want to dance in gym schools - Sarah in that weird outfit looks more like a dancer

    Seriously dysfunctional

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      You need a dictionary.

    2. Anita Winecooler10:56 PM

      TS needs a dictionary like the Palins need glasses.

  28. Anonymous6:38 PM

    OK that is the WEIRDEST photo I have EVER seen. Look at Sarah!! What year is this? 1970?? Did y'all notice how she knows how to turn her legs to pose. In other photos, all the Palin girls do this.... Its very strange to stand like that unless you are doing it on purpose. Sarah's legs look like chicken legs now. She looks ridiculous in the dress.

    I am someone who never comments on looks, but honestly what are these women doing to themselves! It is really a sign of dysfunction, self-esteem issues and it is pitiful.

    1. In the last few pictures of Palin, she actually appears to be hiding just how skinny her legs have gotten. She used to stand in such a posture that both legs could be easily viewed. Now she seems be keeping one in front of the other. Knees are never that attractive, generally, but hers now look like doorknobs. I've been wondering if she's experiencing health problems as a result of her obvious breast augmentation surgery. The latter is no longer a question. Any woman will tell you that, when we lose weight, the headlights are the first to dim.

  29. Well, well... NO MORE SWAG, HEY??? WWHHAAaaaa... Back to moose piss for light and whale blubber for midnight snacks... Now that the Monkey Caves are being cemented shut, and the swamps of Wasilly are finally being drained so the bodies can be recovered, the Monkey Queen is finally going to have to go out and fish for a living... Winter's a comin bitch and you sold all your houses in Arizonie, so you'll have to grin and bare it this season.... Har... Har... Har....

    It's cryin time again and your gonna pay.....

    1. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Sarah and Todd still own their home in AZ.

  30. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Why is Bristol holding that 5+ year old? Does he still take a bottle too? weird.

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Tripp is not even technically 4 yet.

    2. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Tripp shares a bed with Bristol or whoever when she is out of town.

  31. That Trig is darling. But he looks nothing like "VBS" Trig- and he also looks about two years old.

    What the hell is WITH these people?

    1. Looks like the regular Trig wasn't available and they're using the first substitute Trig.

    2. Anonymous8:34 PM

      I agree. There are multiple Trigs used for photo ops.

    3. comeonpeople3:21 AM

      I also think this Tri-G looks way too young.

    4. Anonymous5:46 AM

      To be fair, DS kids grow at a much slower rate than their peers. Almost may have none are tall as adults. Think about any obviously DS people you have encountered.

    5. Hi, Nyah -- I totally agree with you. I had mentioned on another thread that this appears to be the book tour Trig, not the VBS/Bristol's blog Trig. (aka the Trig with the hair over his ears....)

  32. Anonymous6:59 PM

    When people comment about people they don't know mostly it is guessing. When they don't know the people means they don't know. Anything. At least the peanut gallery here is not making wild and distasteyeful accusations about drinking and drugs. Everyone knows Bristol just turned 22, and any drinking would have been legal for the last year at least. If she had really wanted to drink legally ( but doubt she did) then she could have married Rick Hollywood or anyone else she was friends with from where she has her home base and everyone likes her. It is obvious that many people here do not know the Palin family because if they were not so private there would be less hate. Really sad to see organized voting used to vote the wrong team off the show. All in the name of political correctness and where is Bristols free speech? perhaps people will begin to move along and the Palins will be able to live their own lives. The only good to come from this shameful episode of DWTS is that the Palins can leave the moneygrubbing Hollywood elites behind as they follow the North Stars guiding light to their true destinies in the land of opportunity.

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA...GASP! Look Everybody! An escaped patient from the Asylum aka C4P!

      MORE...MORE...please...this is just the stupidiest shit I've ever read!

      Meanwhile look at that picture you crazy ass bot? Does that look like a politician to you?

      Nope what you see in that picture is an anorexic...crazy...hump back QUITTER! And you got the nerve to think anyone gives a shit about Beefy's "free speech"...YOU ARE TRULY INSANE....get some help nut! LOL!!!

    2. WakeUpAmerica7:39 PM

      BWAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!!ROFLMFAO! You are factually incorrect in so many ways that I can't even start. Please have the courtesy to issue a spew alert in the future, Dope-On-A-Rope! You are truly hilarious! (wiping eyes, giggling)

    3. Leave Hollywood? Yeah, let's see where they think their 'true destinies' lie? Dollars to donuts they make a quick trip home (Piper needs to show up at school every week or two at least) and then it will be off on another cockeyed reality series. Bristol has no 'job she loves' and she obviously hates Alaska, as she's been commuting to Hollywood from AZ. But good luck with your little fantasy family.

    4. Anonymous7:50 PM

      You need counseling, sweetie.

    5. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Hi Brisket. You stayed on that show a lot longer than you deserved and the pick 'em where you weren't picked was the producers giving you a great big middle finger before they kicked you to the curb. If you don't like being hated, don't go out in public and make enemies. You had tons of sympathy when all anybody knew about you was that you were the stupid pregnant daughter of a stupid evil witch. Now that we have gotten to know you though, well, I am sure you can feel the love. LOL!

    6. Anonymous7:54 PM

      on more than one level you're more than just a dumb fuk, and what the fuk does being underage but "married" have to do with being able to drink legally ? are you fukin' inbred ?

    7. Anonymous7:59 PM

      LOL @ 7:21!



    8. Anonymous8:00 PM

      anon @7:21


    9. Thanks for the best laugh of the day.

    10. Anonymous8:16 PM

      WTF is right! Ummmm, Bristol was on a REALITY show. 3 of them. Not so private.

      And, ummm, Bristol has all of her free speech. The First Amendment protects people from the GOVERNMENT taking away their freedom of speech. People voting on DWTS have absolutely nothing to do with free speech, Bristol's or anyone else's. Idiot.

    11. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Oh BELDAR, I love when you post anonymously!!!!


    12. Anonymous8:48 PM

      I'm sure other people have told you that your nuts but thanks for laughs anyway.

    13. Anonymous9:49 PM

      I'm not Beldar!

    14. Anita Winecooler10:46 PM

      Right ON! Anonymous 6:59, if that's your REAL name, which I dount. But Right ON! Only Flo goes with Dead Fish, do you love your freedom?

      Loved this part the bestest!! :

      "The only good to come from this shameful episode of DWTS is that the Palins can leave the moneygrubbing Hollywood elites behind as they follow the North Stars guiding light to their true destinies in the land of opportunity."

      The land of opportunity? That's great! Can they see Russia from China?

    15. comeonpeople3:26 AM

      Sweetie, grab a pen or a palm and write this down:

      PRIVATE does not =
      Being on reality shows
      Having ghostwritten books and blogs with your name on them
      Going on DWTS TWICE
      Countless magazine articles.

      These things make you VERY PUBLIC and subject to commenting and speculation from the public.

      Go take a rest.

    16. Anonymous6:59 PM

      This is snark, right? If not, you are deranged.

    17. Anonymous5:48 AM

      I think you have a few things mixed up of there, 6:59. Wanting to remain private sort of negates signing up for every reality show possible - It's been what 3 Palins doing 5 reality shows now. Perhaps you have a different definition of privacy?

    18. Anonymous5:51 AM

      Excellent post, 7:52. I remember, as Bristol made the "abstinence is not realistic" speech on Greta - WOW! YOU GO GIRL!

      Now, Fuck off has been Bitchto. Hope you end up in the trailer you deserve.

    19. Anonymous6:03 AM

      7:54 some states use marriage as a trigger for emancipation - Alaska is one of them. However, emancipation does not free you from age-related laws. An emancipated minor cannot vote, cannot buy or use tobacco or alcohol, cannot drop out of school, etc., until they reach the age for which it is legal for a non-emancipated minor to do so.

    20. Nefer, I'm thinking snark.

      "...if they were not so private there would be less hate."

      Well, I hope it's snark!

    21. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Bristol said people would get to know the real Bristol in her show with Tripp and Willow.

      She failed in that show but true people knew her more so after that. She is a public person, it is absurd to say that anyone who promotes themself isn't known. She is promoting and making money from a persona. When she is in the privacy of her bathroom she may have another personality that no one knows. So what? So do people like Jerry Sandusty. He was the greatest and an wonderful family man for self promotion public life. His private life, that few knew was another story.

    22. Chenagrrl8:12 AM

      Oh dear, the Wasilla education really comes through.

  33. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Who dresses these people? Todd has a plaid day shirt on with a suit. Sarah has a party dress on with what looks like sandal shoes. Sarah is wearing a very mini dress for her age. Maybe she wants to be the next Pam Anderson. Todds shirt and Sarah's party dress are not the right mixture for a couple stepping out. And what about Sarah's hair. Oh, yes, Sarah, that short skirt showing everying underneath probably looks straight into the judges face. Sarah probably is not wearing underpants either. Oh, Tripp has a suit on and Trig has a plaid play shirt. Looks like the Beverly Hillbillies came to town.

    1. Anonymous7:53 PM

      They dress themselves, obviously. :)

    2. nswfm7:57 PM

      That's what these Waahhhsillabillies look like. Can't dress themselves without $150,000 of RNC clothes. Then hair, makeup and clothing stylists because you know damn well the can't put themselves together.

    3. I'm wondering if SP's seriously sick. She looks very, very thin.

    4. Anonymous2:54 AM

      It has been obvious for a long time that $carah is sick - in the HEAD.

    5. comeonpeople3:27 AM

      Sarah has been seriously sick for probably most of her life.
      She is a mentally ill person!!!!

    6. Anonymous6:09 AM

      No, Tripp doesn't have a suit on. Look at the rolled up cuffs on his jeans. It's just a casual long sleeved shirt.
      And I don't care how poor you are. Even if we buy them from Goodwill, my kids have appropriate clothes. Nice dress pants and a decent shirt, maybe even a clip on tie. If the Palins really were churchgoers, they would have this attire as the kid would wear it weekly.

    7. Anonymous6:22 AM

      I observe that the Palins will not learn anything
      about style or dressing for occasions nor proper fit of clothes despite hands on professionals in 2008. Of course no one can please everyone but Palin must dismiss constructive criticism and take it as controlling her instead of teaching her for her choices and benefit. They react with defense mechanisms perceiving "haters" to domination. It is their loss.

      When I see Palin in a suit wearing four inch wedge sandals I cringe. They seem dependent on plastic surgery instead of learning how to put outfits together and appropriate attire. They have no class or decorum parading an item, "hot shoes" thinking they are "hot". Alas they wear outfits that do not go with the hot and frankly cheap looking shoes.

      Palin catapulted with grooming and styling attractive to masses. She seems not right in the head since.

      Bristol would have benefited from classes in acting, dance (confidence,poise, presence, musicality), a stylist and parenting classes all to her growth. Looks are not everything especially hiding beliefs of entitlement. Hence they blame others as if they were victims powerless to self improve.

      Shit, I doubt Palin cracked a book on history post election blaming Couric and others. I doubt Bristol has been working out or doing Bikram for the flexibility is not there. Before getting a new face Bristol could have applied her self, cultivated discipline (she abhors) and accepted gaining 40 pounds makes a chubby round face. It would not surprise me if they use drugs to fix their weight.

  34. Sorry I don't have time to read all the comments at the moment but I'll bet someone has already commented about the dress that Sarah Lou is wearing in the B/W pic above. If not, I will...


    Omigod, this is just too rich! That wench has lost her fucking mind.

    Next time, the hemline will be above her cooch. If someone suggested to her that this is a good look for her... Sarah obviously wasn't in on the joke!

  35. Anonymous7:48 PM

    The ratings for Season 11 (see figure below) is why BP was invited back.
    It sort of made sense for a reality show looking to take advantage of the Palin controversy. Pissed me off so much I stopped watching. But for them to try this tactic again was just stupid. Everyone but the truly deranged see right through these losers have no interest in wanting the spoiled brat clomp across the dance floor. The ratings for this season started off lower than any other season and continue to fall though there was a very slight increase this week; (week1) 18.8, (week2) 18.0, (week3) 16.9, (week4) 16.4, (week5) 16.6. So there you have it... Bristol was ruining the show so they gave her the boot. It was no accident that the producers highlighted Bristol's dumbed down routine while showing the very challenging routines the other teams were risking. Work ethics my ass. I think I'll go back to recording the show again cuz I kinda have a thing for Val ;)

    Oh- so what's this new Palin project? Healthy eating? Exercising? Is this an excuse for Scarah to wear skimpy short shorts for the camera? Eeeks! Who would want to see that?

    1. Anonymous8:44 PM

      While I don't think there is a pre-signed contract determining what week constants will be "voted off", I think the show does have ways of influencing the votes. Judges comment impact voting in a big way as do the clips they show before the dances. I think the judges comments are influenced by the producers. I imagine they promised mommy dearest that they would be kind to baby Bristol. Mark spent more time this last couple of weeks criticizing Bristol than complimenting her. That fight was not pro-Palin. I think she stayed longer then anyone anticipated because VFTW focused on her.

  36. Anonymous8:12 PM

    However DWTS works, the Palins weren't expecting Bristol to go home this week. This makes me think the show may NOT be rigged. Maybe the producers' control ends with the judges scores. Certainly, Lachey could have been frustrated and angry about Bristol's programmed, inflated scores. And, seriously, who would sign up for something knowing they'd be embarrassed by an early departure? And why would most contestants work their butts off? I think you're giving Palin way too much power and credit if you think Bristol is the only one who got a contract promising an extended stay.

    I like to think Bristol's departure is proof that Palin has very few supporters left and that the media will wise up soon. The only negative is that they're going out with a whimper instead of the explosion I'd hoped would wake up a bunch of people.

    1. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Look at the potential fanbases of the remaining 8 people. Those are popular stars. Boybanders, a foreigner and Pamela, not so much. Also remember, given this is everyone's second time, the voting is more spread out.

      It is not shocking Bristol went home.

      Here's hoping Kelly and Kirstie are next.

    2. Anonymous6:14 AM

      Kirstie I get. Her fan base is older women who vote just for her chutzpah and inspiration, but she simply isn't in shape enough for this level of competition - kudos still, but even the old ladies get it.

      But why Kelly? That last dance was good and she does at attract the 35+ soap opera watching women.

  37. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Larry Odonnell goes after Romneys. Another episode of Romneymen!

    Epic takedown. Calls them Chickenhawks. Challenges Tagg to a fight. Goes there with the Romney ancestors flight from prosecution for polygamy.

    Lots of video of the asshhole Romneymen.

    1. Anonymous8:37 PM

      I forgot. Whoopi was loaded for entitled socialite when she asked Ann the military service/mormon religion questions. Also in the O'Donnell clip.

    2. Anita Winecooler10:30 PM

      Wow, Larry was on FIRE! Thanks for the link!!

      (movie night and forgot to record it)

  38. Anonymous8:20 PM

    So funny how these Palins LOVE to have their pictures taken ALL the time. Having had the last 4 years being constantly photographed, why would they share their personal family photos too?

    Real celebrities covet private time; they probably hate their pictures being taken on 'off' times, and keep their families as far away from cameras as possible. How many of these post personal pictures again and again on Facebook, and every entertainment rag? They, as normal people, get sick of all the attention and love privacy.

    But the Palins? Nooooooooooooo. Not them. They live for the cameras. They can't get enough. Do we see Mark Ballas' mom with Mark all the time, or following him everywhere he performs or works? Is Bristol EVER going to decompress from this crazy ride she's been on for the last 4 years? Her frenzied attention-addicted mom won't leave her alone. She's got to steal the spotlight, attend the parties and hone in on Bristol's life and friends. She encouraged her family to itch for publicity at every turn. How long can they physically burn both ends of the candle? Something's got to give. Sarah practically lives in the air, jetting back and forth. All that cabin pressure and stale air and running to and fro has to be catching up to this family at some point. Most people would not choose this lifestyle. They have the option to settle down, but no, they need the constant thrill or dose of attention to thrive and live vibrantly. If they can't live vibrantly without all the attention, how are they ever going to handle growing old and frail?

    They try so hard to remind people they are just like regular folks, and that's the biggest lie they'll ever perpetuate. Most average American women prefer their kids to sleep in the same bed every night, and prefer their kids to feel secure and established, making little friendships with playmates, and having mom and dad both home (if possible) on weekends, not jetting from the State of Alaska to the lower 48 back and forth and back and forth. It's abusive, IMO.

    1. Anonymous4:52 AM

      Glad as I am that Bristol's gone from DWTS, she didn't bug me nearly as much as the obligatory shots of Sarah out in the audience--during Bristol's dance, after Bristol's dance, during or after any segment that had anything to do with Bristol. I had begun to wonder if there was a clause in Bristol's contract demanding x number of seconds of Sarah screen time per episode.

    2. Anonymous6:17 AM

      Yeah - remember Garbo? But the Palins are like Kardashians, even walkin' down Main Street nekkid to keep their name out there. Yes, $carah and Bitchtol, that's what it takes for the untalented, today. Kim was willing, (and body ready) for it. You two....well, don't go gettin' any wardrobe MALfunction ideas - 'kay?

  39. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I like the photo used for this post. It gives us an idea of how well Trig is doing. Why isn't that kid wearing his glasses? They wanted to bring Trig to see "how he would handle it." The photo shows that he doesn't like posing for the picture, and he couldn't see Bristol dance without his glasses.

    Here is a photo of Trig attending Bible Camp, in an empty auditorium. His glasses look too big for him. We know that he is supposed to wear glasses from previous photos. As for his hearing, Gryphen saw Trig at a basketball game, and Trig did not react to the loud cheers of the crowd. It's hard to watch someone dance without glasses, and if you can't hear the music. No wonder he isn't enjoying the photo op.

    1. Anonymous9:16 PM

      I do not believe that Bible school Trig is the same boy presented as Trig at DWTS.

    2. Anita Winecooler10:28 PM

      It's kind of cruel to let him see his mom get booted, so in a way, I'm glad he didn't have his glasses this time.
      I've always been concerned for this little boy. He deserved better.

    3. Anonymous7:56 AM

      What other medical issues are being neglected for Trig so he can be the right prop for that failing family?

  40. Anonymous8:43 PM

    I think the scrawy bitch is secretly wanting to be asked to participate in DWTS....seeee, I can wear the dress as well as Bitchdull can. Dream on! Hopefully the DWTS producers have learned from this last fiasco. I haven't watched since the first time the clod hopping cow was on.

    1. Anonymous3:01 AM

      Me also, too! Have not watched, except for clips since the first Bristles fiasco. If any more of this grifting family are on the show, it will be the END of the show.

  41. Anonymous8:45 PM

    When Media Insider posted last week she said something about either a 3 or a 5 week contract was the most likely. And this is week 4. So maybe the contract was for 5 weeks, but the producers got so much flak that they had to cut her loose.

  42. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Bristol and Grifticia Alopecia knew from the getgo that DWTS was bringing her back to introduce some drama into the show. Controversy is what raises the ratings hence a monetary and length of stay deal was cut most likely by the greedy skin flint herself. Remember that lying waste of oxygen is not only ruthless, she's cunning. She can tell if a dime is heads or tails from two miles away. She knows full well her daughter has no talent and can't dance. Don't think so? It's supposed to be Todd that was signed on to the first DWTS but backed out. Not to be denied some fame and mostly fortune, Scaramanga reaches into her bag of tricks and pulls out the dimwit chin up and brainwashes her to take one for the team. Unshackle those thunder thighs she lectures and strike while the iron is hot! Think about it: money! fame! fortune! Money for your implant! Honey I'm sorry your chin got that way but that's what you get when you go around circumcising all the boys in high school. Think about it, as Scarah slowly closes the door and walks down the hall with a coy smile leaving mini-me borderline slacked jawed staring at her grampappy's picture while rubbing the nub under her lips.

    Once inducted into DWTS, she loses confidence and realizes she didn't know what she got herself into. Is the ridicule worth the money? She gets depressed, starts slogging down wine coolers and whoppers with cheese and gets pregnant again. After Mama Minoxidil rigs the voting, Mad Cow starts believing she can really pull off this Hollywood thing... "but not till I'm ready with my implant...they'll fully accept me then". As soon as the cash register rings, it's off to the plastic surgeon in AZ. What can I do for you Bristol, he says. Extend it!! Nothing cutesy, I want full blown Jay Leno in case it decides to recede back into my face, I'll have some left over.

    I'm in total agreement that had the producers not cut the dancing uterus, they would have had a mutiny on their hands. In contrast, I wouldn't have gone after the daughter though. I would have gone after the source and have her walk the plank.

    1. WakeUpAmerica9:31 PM

      ROFLMAO!!! That was beyond great! I love the descriptive names.

    2. Anonymous10:17 PM


    3. Anita Winecooler10:23 PM

      Ditto, "Mad Cow" - Priceless!!!

  43. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Sarah Palin has a lot invested in Bristol since her own star burned out. They are symbiotic and bound forever by deceit.

  44. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Do the Palins even have furniture in their Arizona house?

  45. Anonymous10:17 PM

    I looked at photos of Sarah's Arizona home and I don't think they ever lived there as a family. The kitchen is massive with granite everywhere, a huge staircase in the foyer and a swimming pool. I have never seen any family photos of the Palins taken inside this house. I think it is empty and they just use it for dancing practices, etc.

  46. Anita Winecooler10:20 PM

    I honestly think you're right on this one. This wasn't just a regular "DWTS" show, it was an "All Stars" special with a unique glitterball trophy to mark the event.

    After watching the view, and how they left the losing couple up on stage as people picked their team, something they've never done publicly before, is what set "Boney Boo Boo" into "Mama Grizzly" mode. Not only were they publicly shamed, but they were voted off AFTER the public shaming.

    I was pissed the last time that Brandy got booted, when she showed much better form and improvement from show to show. She blossomed into a graceful dancer who deserved a fair shot.

    Maybe they didn't have a "non disclosure" clause this time, and they couldn't risk MORE lost ratings and MORE deserving people voicing their anger by walking off the show.

    Nobody puts Karma in the corner!

    1. Boney Boo Boo --- Haha! ding! ding! ding!

      Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

      Anita, you have had the hot hand as of late!!! Way to go, girl!

      P.S. Please tell me I can use that as my nick at least until Sarah loses her Fox contract or gains 20 lbs. I'm struggling with an identity crisis here since I traded in my "She's Toast" avatar.

    2. HEY She's Toast! I thought that was you! How's it hanging? Glad you're your Blogger Profile! LOL!!!

  47. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Is the Internal Revenue or FEC going to investigate Sarah's Pac? From what she took in and spent the last quarter, mostly of mailings, etc., hundreds of thousands, how can this be. How can they get by with this when the average person cannot. What is their proof. This is outragious. They have a half million dollar RV which they used a couple times, plus staying in hotels on the tours, and not it sits in their home for personal use. How can they pay a driver to drive the RV and they take planes back and forth? Something is fishy that they are getting by with all this. I hope the IRS is silently investigating. What Christine O'Donnell did with her money is nothing compared to the millions Sarah milked from her Pac.

    1. Anonymous10:31 PM

      Todd's money laundering.....

  48. it stand to reason that he was not alone in that assessment.They have a half million dollar RV which they used a couple times, plus staying in hotels on the tours, and not it sits in their home for personal use.

  49. Anonymous11:22 PM

    I think Mark is the one that said he could not take another week. He was thrilled when they were voted off and he was not surprised.

  50. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Brittle looks like she is holding a 7 year old why is no one comforting trig? Since b's first dwts she opened her blog where she has bashed gay marriage and president obama could explain why the cast was so cold to her i didnt see louis near her once

  51. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Looks like Sarah has successfully completed her transition from the "slutty librarian" look to her new improved "skank on speed" vision of loveliness.

  52. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Geeez Louise, I heard that they were getting ready to do a reboot of The Munsters, but I didn't realize it was going to feature the Paylins! That photo is terrifying. Sarah would make a great Lily Munster.

    Some clarification: what I had heard is that, the way these things work for Bristol is that she gets a guarantee of a certain amount of weeks and then she may or may NOT continue on, that part isn't set in stone. So I think what we have here is her thinking that she genuinely is great and beloved so of course she would just stay on and go onto the finals like before, then reality caught up with her and gave her a bite in the ass. Kind of like entering the beauty pageant being absolutely sure you're going to win and then you don't so you cry yourself silly. You'll never see bigger floods of tears than those from a narcissist who gets a rare glimpse of the fact that, actually, the universe does NOT revolve around her. It can lead to complete breakdowns for some.

    It also sounds like on an IT level they put some mechanism in place restricting the Palinbots from voting thousands of times and so they were only allowed to vote dozens or hundreds of times, which would have made a huge difference in the results, too.

    By the way, the poses the Paylin women use are straight out of cheapo modelling classes or basic level "beauty pageant" type training. It's like they've all been taught to do that even though it looks bizarre just to be posing like that all the time.

    Media Insider aka Jennifer

    1. Barbizon!'re talking about Barbizon Modeling School! Baldy and Beefy need to get their money back! LOL!!

      And you're right about the votes...the patients at the Asylum were complaining on Monday night that they weren't able to vote as much as before!

    2. Anonymous6:19 AM


    3. Anonymous6:20 AM

      Hi Jen! I admire you for not blog whoring but in your coming out post you mentioned it. I checked it out and liked it but forgot to bookmark and now can't find it. Thanks for all your insider info, I love your posts!

    4. Anonymous6:22 AM

      Your comment addresses why I came back on this article. Many have commented on how thin Sarah's legs are - but I was intrigued with her pose - knee bent. I believe she and Willow did the same thing in the picture of them with Bristol in her trailer. Someone must have told them that is how stars pose???
      Pat Padrnos

    5. Anonymous6:24 AM

      Nada, Lily was class, calm and camp. $carah is all screech.

    6. Anonymous6:42 AM

      OK, some thoughts (and a little research).

      average 4 y o is 43 inches. Yes 1/2 of kids are taller - assuming "taller" genes.

      Bristol is not over 5'3" (63") $carah is 5'5" or 6". Her beauty pageant entry would have required it.

      Todd is 5'8". No height gene there. Chuckles is a dwarf - @ $carah's height. And Sally is shorter than Chuck.

      Levi is 5 11". Sheri Johnston isn't tall from pics I've seen.

      Looking at the photo, if Tripp extended his legs, he would be an inch or two taller than Bristol as she holds him, and his feet would come to her knees. 63-16= 47 + 3 = 50 inches - a 4 foot 2 inch almost 4 y o with short to average genes?

      Unless Levi's dad is a seven footer, this makes no sense. Anyone who may know Papa Johnston?

    7. Chenagrrl8:13 AM

      Yes! This has been Sarah's MO since the beginning. You can see the Miss Alaska training in all of her stage presentations. So glllllaaad someone else noticed. That said, Kay Linton was not fooled.

  53. Hey you know me; my theory is that she got knocked up again, again, and the costume people refused to cover up for her this time.

  54. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Wtf? Did scara just crawl out of bed with her sheets?

  55. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I was thinking earlier in the season that the other dancers should have protested when the good dancers were sent home and Bristol stayed. I feel sure at some point that they let the producers know what the felt about the Palin invasion. Why should the other dancers work hard week after week when the person with the least ability remains. Sarah Palin has no right to be upset. Bristol cannot dance and is not a star.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.