Friday, October 19, 2012

Just for fun: Maxipad company responds to man's Facebook rant in hilarious fashion.

Apparently a gentleman decided to vent his frustration with misleading Bodyform advertisement on heir Facebook page. Here what he wrote:

 Now rather than become defensive, the company's CEO made a little video in response.

“The blood coursing from our uteri like a crimson landslide.” Now that, that, was funny!

An awesome response to what was clearly a tongue in cheek diatribe in the first place.

However I do have to say, the guy had a point!


  1. Anonymous5:03 AM

    What was that noise she made? It sounded like...
    NO!!! She tooted, Richard. Aghhhh!

    Oh Richard! What will we learn next? I don't even want to try to imagine. Life will never be the same.

  2. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Happy Period? Worst concept for a commercial.

    Oh yeah we FART too..LOL!

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      ALWAYS still has commercials that say:

      "Make it a Happy Period."

      Um, include a bottle of wine with every box of Tampons, and then you might have something, ALWAYS!

    2. hedgewytch7:48 AM

      No you need a trifecta - alcohol, smoke and chocolate. Now you can survive your wife's period - but you better share - generously.

  3. Anonymous5:30 AM

    gryphen honey, if you and richard really feel lied to, imagine how we feel. i still have an attic full of roller-blades, skis, bicycles and sky-diving gear that i can't use during that "lovely time of month".

    1. Anonymous6:31 AM

      I used to think that I didn't have 52 weeks in a year but 40. Those other weeks were spent feeling miserable, running to bathrooms and worrying. I felt so good after my complete hysterectomy many years ago! My husband almost fainted when the surgeon (a woman) told him that each month I bled as if I had two periods at once. It must be so hard to be a man!

    2. Anonymous6:53 AM

      yes, the poor unfortunate fellows!

    3. Anonymous7:15 AM

      When I got my first period - among the tremendous pain and overall Sick feeling - I was told this would happen once a month, for basically, the "rest of my life".

      It was a freaking SENTENCE!


      But I have the most amazing, beautiful daughter and that Crimson tide nourished that egg so,

      C'est La Vie.

      Life is Messy. (No, that's not a translation...)

    4. Anonymous7:16 AM


      "Wings" my ass!

  4. Paul - Minnesota6:05 AM

    Gryphen, I don't in the least way want to sound misogynist, yet I understand the guy's point.

    My way of learning about women's bodies was when a neighbor in the 1960s burned her used tampons in their outdoor fire pit.

    I was still a younger kid and learned about women from dogs.

    Dogs who dug through the ash of the neighbor's trash fire and they found stuff which didn't burn, including, hey Mom, what are these things in the yard with blood on them.

    My family had trash pickup, so I didn't learn this stuff from within my family.

    Though more of the bloody objects mystery was solved when later in the fifth grade, the girls in my classroom all went somewhere else and the boys were jealous as we didn't get out of the class. Also, the boys had the principal teaching us, which was doubly not fun.

    One of my friends, a girl, who was taken away, said she learned what she already knew from her parents. Though she did say some of the girls were almost in shock about their bodies are going to now start to do, WHAT?! I think I was also in a bit of shock from, ah, so that's what those bloody things were in our yard.

    Also, if my friend's going to do it or does it, my Mom does it, my neighbor does it, my teachers do it, the nuns do it, my aunts do it, my grandmothers do it, oh my.

    My much younger sisters will do it also someday. Though as when I found out Santa wasn't real, I didn't want to tell my sisters about reality. Sigh, I hated being the oldest child and having to often not say so much about what I learned. No wonder I'm a lifetime mess of stuffing things deep inside of me. Santa. Tampons. Sex and sexuality and more ... Also why I might be considered a villain. My sisters to me: you knew about Santa and tampons and didn't tell us. Umm, yeah, I learned early on it's better to stay silent or invisible that to face an angry parent who's saying to me, you told your sisters, WHAT?!

    I think we should have single payer and women could have time they need off from work (or school or being a Mom) for that time each month. Though I think I agree with this guy's point. With decades of classmates, others including co-workers, I wish some of them had said to me, stay out of my way and I'll keep my all of my appendages. It's that time of the month.

    By the way, I should say it might have not been only dogs who dug through the neighbor's trash fire ash, it could have been raccoons. Yet there were several neighborhood (other neighbor's dogs) who were always getting into things and getting into trouble, so they seemed to be the most likely culprits.

    Okay kids, story time is over. Seriously, sorry for the long ramble, yet this video brought up stuff I'd repressed until now. My neighbor and my experience of the girls going elsewhere in school and me not telling my sister's truth and having to hold it in or lie about what I learned or knew.

    1. hedgewytch7:50 AM

      Santa and tampons. Two nouns that shouldn't be in the same sentence together unless you are in a South Park episode. Just saying....

    2. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Oh my.............

  5. ThanksABunchJohn6:21 AM

    Both Richard's post and Bodyform's response were comic gold. Thanks Gryphen!

  6. WalterNeff6:33 AM

    You understand, don't you, that Bodyform wrote Richard's post, yes?

    1. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Nawwwwwwww... Really?

      Then why did did they include the flatulence at the end. I've never heard a girl fart in person. Well, my sister have might have "pooted" one time because she was laughing so hard before it happened, so I'm not sure if I remember that correctly. Any way, she was my SISTER, not a regular girl. There's a difference, you know.

  7. Anonymous6:34 AM

    I think this belongs elsewhere.

    1. Oh, lighten UP. Gryphen has an adult daughter and has been married once or twice. I'm pretty sure the words "maxi pad" didn't de-virginize his ears.

      As to YOUR apparently snow pure ears:


      You're welcome.

    2. Nyah...LOL!!! Poor thing...oh the humanity...we're talking about PERIODS! Something the Palins believe come at the end of a sentence! LOL!

      I remember seeing those commercials when I was real young and wondering...WOW all that looks like fun!

      Four kids ain't fun no more! Let's just say that hubby knows...when it's "That time"...stock up on the chocolates...chips and caffeine and then....RUUNNNNNN! LOL!!!

    3. Anita Winecooler7:45 PM

      Oh, Dear!

      I laughed so hard I almost fell off my menstrual cycle!

      Someone get Anonymous 6:34 a fainting couch!

  8. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I thought that was hilarious!

    A sage woman...

  9. Now THIS woman could have only made me laugh harder had she actually leapt from a binder.

    Like many black girls I was an early developer and my mother, usually SO forthcoming with me, elected to leave my sex and biology education to a thirty minute opt-in class during fourth grade.

    I vividly recall walking into the room, my permission slip in my hand- expecting to cross the threshold and somehow know more. Not happening!

    We had a filmstrip (on actual FILM, you younguns with your VHS players in your schools) which gleefully informed me that should I choose tampons over pads, I would be able to SWIM!

    I remember as it were yesterday, running inside and telling my mother "if I use pam-pons, I get to SWIM!"

    My mother unsuccessfully tried stifling laughter as she told me "no, baby. . .you gots to know how ta swim A'READY before that."

    See, my never had swim lessons self thought- they say use these and you can swim. Rad! I thought they were like magic internal flotation devices.

    But give me a break. It was the late 70s and trippy cartoons had set me up for failure, obviously.

    PS- I finally learned to swim. In college.

    1. LMAO @ Nyah!

      I still don't use "pam-pons"...Toxic shock syndrome took care of that for me!

    2. hedgewytch7:55 AM

      Giggling....I remember those films. And going to the class the boys didn't go to. We all pretended we had learned something really amazing and boys weren't allowed to know. And going what the heck does cartoon flowers and bees have to do with this?

      My poor mother, bless her repressed heart, tried to tell me about the joys of becoming a woman. I remember a book being thrust at me with a red face and a pointed finger. My older sister took pity on my and filled me in with the facts that my Mom could hardly articulate. Sister is pragmatic and cynically funny. She told it like it is so I didn't have any illusions to be shattered. Thanks Sis!

    3. Anita Winecooler7:57 PM

      Thanks, Nyah, for the memories! I remember those films, funny as hell!!

      Look Familiar????? LMAO!!!!!

      When we got to "the birds and bees", the health class nun put the film on and warned us not to laugh or we'd be in group detention.

      Hard not to laugh when little sperm, in tophats, tails, hats, gloves and canes popped out single file from an obscure hole at the bottom of the frame... and egg cells magically appeared, out of nowhere, as fat pink blobs with "sperm magnet" superher properties....

      Needless to say, we had a great time in group detention!

  10. hedgewytch7:47 AM

    God I loved that! Her voice was just perfect - those soothing well rounded tones. And the sip from the blue water glass. LMAO!! Gotta share this with other half....giggle snort...

  11. Anonymous7:54 AM

    That was the funniest thing ever. So well done!

  12. "magic internal flotation devices"

    Nyah, you just so fabulous! I love, love, love your posts. :-)

    1. Pol,

      You're my muse, boo. ;-)

    2. Nyah, I hated when those metaphors weren't true about the toys that were free inside the boxes of cereal, too. They were supposed to be FUN.

      --- Forever a victim

  13. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Boo hoo hoo,poor widdle man with a penis.I went through puberty early,had my first period at ten,narrowly escaped being sexually assaulted at 11,and at 38 I'm dealing with irregular cycles and DUB,was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure at 32,can't take the pill because it spikes my bp and makes my depression unbearable.And forget about a sex life.So if you want to feel sorry for yourself and your poor little peen,walk a mile in my shoes,Richard.


  14. Chella2:29 PM

    I was blessed by the Time Of The Month Fairy. I do not have cramps, I do not PMS. I am simply inconvienanced for four days out of the month. Or at least I was until I started on the BC shot. Now I get a visit from Aunt Flo for a week, one every three months.

    I'm sorry ladies, I wish I could say I know how you feel...

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      I don't know whether to call you a chauvinist pig or just an unsympathetic mean-girl cunt.

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Don't count your chickens so soon.Those BC shots can work dandy for a while,then your hair falls out,you gain weight and have month-long periods every other month.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:38 PM

      I wasn't offended in the least by Chella's comment, it's her experience, her choice and more power to her.

      I don't know her, but I'm sure she's smart enough to know the possible side effects of the BC shots. That's between her and her doctor. But then, I'm not looking for other people to define me or validate my feelings.

    4. Chella6:26 AM

      To call me an unsympathetic mean girl cunt over the fact that I have light periods seems really silly. And the fact that I have been on various forms of hormonal birth control since I was 18, I am pretty sure that, like Anita said, my doctor and I know what's best when it comes to my body.

      And a chauvist pig? Really? Because I, by definition, can not empathetic to the plight of women with a heavy flow? Sympathetic, yes, but empathetic, no.

      I am a champion of women, and their rights to do whatever they want to do with their unique bodies. Would a chauvinist pig donate their free time escorting women to planned parenthood to discuss/have an abortion? Would they give these women support, and use their bodies as a human shield against protestors who want to deny them their right to choose? I had an abortion at 22, and I will defend every single women their right to make the choice of what they want to do with their lives, and with their bodies.

      I'm not sorry that you seem to hate me because of my flow, or my choice of birth control. The shot works wonderfully for me. Do you hate me that I am okay with gaining the extra five pounds over having an unplanned pregnancy? My hair hasn't been falling out, and if it did, again, I would rather be loosing my hair rather than my right to plan my future the way I seem fit.

  15. Anita Winecooler8:26 PM

    Poor Richard (Mind if I call you Dick?)... where to start. Does Dick buy his woman's tampons for her? Or does she have to buy her own? Dick seems like one of those macho guys who make their girlfriend buy condoms for him.
    I just LOVED the rebuttal video, I lost it when she drank the blue water.

    My husband was in for a rude awakening when he first moved in with me, but luckily, he's smart and a quick learner. When we were expecting our first daughter, I insisted that since he was there when the bundle of joy was ordered, he'd be there when the bundle of joy was delivered.
    Once he saw the "other function" of "lady parts", he eagerly tended to my every need. Chocolate, flowers, foot and back massages, and actively listening became his tokens of respect, and I've always appreciated him for it.

    1. Chella6:28 AM

      You sound like you have yourself a keeper Anita! :)


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