Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Bill Nye calls Congressman out for stating that science is made up of "lies straight from the pit of hell."

On Friday I wrote about Rep. Paul Broun, who unbelievably serves on the House Science Committee, and said the following:

“All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and the Big Bang Theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of Hell,” Broun said. “And it’s lies to try to keep me and all the folks who were taught that from understanding that they need a savior.” 

Since Friday these statements have received a LOT of attention from all kinds of media outlets.

And then finally it came to Bill Nye's attention, who made the following statement:

"Since the economic future of the United States depends on our tradition of technological innovation, Representative Broun's views are not in the national interest," Nye told The Huffington Post in an email. "For example, the Earth is simply not 9,000 years old," he continued, contradicting a remark made by Broun later in the video. "He is, by any measure, unqualified to make decisions about science, space, and technology."

Well Professor Nye is not the ONLY one who feels that way, and to prove it there is now a petition demanding the removal of Broun from that House Science Committee.

As of this writing there are already 44,014 signatures. Won't you take a moment to add your voice to those who want to protect the integrity of American science from these Bible thumping morons?

Perhaps once these superstitions assholes are kept as far away as possible from our ability to conduct scientific research we can start to catch up to the rest of the world who seem to be leaving us in the dust lately.


  1. Years ago, I became a member of the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce. I was invited to serve on one of its committees. After reviewing the list, I asked if I might join the "Base Closure Committee" (sounded good to me -- I was all for closing the military bases around Anchorage).

    But when I asked about the purpose of said committee, I was set right: It was a committee to fight closure of Anchorage's military bases.

    I declined joining that committee; I would ask the good representative to now realize his mistake, and resign from what obviously isn't in his interest to serve.

  2. Anonymous7:15 AM

    i woke up, looked in on immoral minority and signed the petition

  3. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Signatures are now over 60,000

  4. Smirnonn7:39 AM

    This guy should be no where near any committee that has anything to do with science. He can believe whatever he wants but national issues related to science should not be muddled by his beliefs. It'd be like putting an atheist on a religion committee.

  5. hedgewytch7:41 AM

    What really irks me is that I can't tell you how many fairly rabid republicans that I know are saying but "Broun" doesn't represent them. He's a radical. Well, suck it Repubs, YOU voted them in office. YOU sit by quietly while they bull their way through the china shop. Own it Repubs. Own it.

    Signed petition and FB'ed it with a rant of my own.

  6. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Thanks for the heads up. Went and signed the petition.

    As for the Chamber of Commerce, I found out how right wing they were when my husband joined our local one. Finally got him out of there.


  7. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I signed the petition, but I don't see how to submit it.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:49 PM

      After filling out your name and other information, click the red bar with the word "SIGN" to submit it.

  8. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Why should anyone who has a closed mind be able to to sit on a committee. They really want ppl to be stupid. That doesn't even make sense. He's a MD - just think of all the science that goes into that they used to kill lots of ppl by not washing hands between patients. How do you go through highsc, college, med school taking science courses and med classes. Go out make your living at some pointusing science, and then tell others that's all bad. He is telling us His knowledge came from hell! Well mr Braun you believe in God- if God didn't want us using our brain and asking questions he would have created us without that ability. You do not need to anywhere near our government, we don't need stupid ppl there, there is enough now.

  9. Anonymous8:32 AM

    With a head like that Bill could eat the corn right off the stalks through a picket fence. Talk about being narrow minded!

  10. Anonymous9:21 AM

    He must have been one hell of a doctor.

    1. fromthediagonal10:59 AM

      @anon 9:21... he must been one hell of a doctor... or a doctor from hell???
      This blatant hyprocrisy boggles the mind.

  11. Leland9:37 AM

    Signed the petition, which is currently at over 61,000 signatures. I also added a comment about WHY I signed it!

    Unfortunately, I would be willing to bet that NOTHING will happen to him because of this.

    Oh! And I also suggested that since he no longer believes in what he was taught, the AMA should consider removing his MD degree!

  12. Anonymous10:21 AM

    If this eejit so vilifies science, he should be disallowed from seeing a doctor, using the telephone, watching TV, driving a car, etc. He should only be allowed to ride an ass to work, send out all his campaign literature in hand-written form, and actually talk to some of his constituents in person. They might not want to get to close to him, either, 'cause he'll probably smell awful.

    1. Leland12:56 PM

      You forget, 10:21. Paper takes technology to make. Papyrus might be okay, but even that was developed by man through knowledge, That pulpit from which he was speaking had to have science behind it to create the tools needed to MAKE the lumber and then to smooth it and edge it and polish it.

      Even his precious Bible from which he reads is here because of a guy named Gutenberg and guess what? He used SCIENCE to create the printing press!

      Nope. This fool would have NOTHING without his "lies straight from the pits of Hell"!

      Fanatics. They are ALL dangerous! Regardless of the thing(s) for which they are fanatic, they are dangerous!

  13. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Done! Thanks Gryphen.

  14. Anita Winecooler6:56 PM

    Done and shared!

    Words fail, how someone this ill informed got so far in life is beyond me.

  15. Anonymous5:01 AM

    I signed the petition. These crazy GOP Congressmen and women annoy me so much. They've taken an oath to uphold the Constitution. Haven't any of them noticed the clause about separation of church and state? Don't any of them have any operating brain cells?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.