Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bristol eliminated! Well about damn time! Update!

Courtesy of Celeb Dirty Laundry:

Bristol Palin, the controversial voting bloc contestant of Dancing with the Stars, was eliminated tonight amid re-firing of voting bloc rumours. The daughter of the outspoken Sarah Palin was wrecked by vote rigging rumours during her 11th season stint on the campy dance extravaganza. Palin and Mark Ballas, her dance partner, scored the lowest points, on six separate occasions, during their notorious run on the 11th season. Gossipmongers pointed the finger at DWTS and made the show one of the most politically charged reality television shows in history. The viewership figures exploded to epic proportions and Palin/Ballas scored an extremely unwelcome third place position during their season’s finale. 

On last night’s show Bristol Palin and Mark Ballas danced a Rock & Roll routine chosen because of being the last style on the list. The judges gave them, once again, great critique. Bruno said that Bristol was “hitting all the steps” and Paula said she did a “good job”. All of the judges gave Bristol and Mark a score of 8, for a total of 32 points, the second lowest score of the night. They are still stuck at the bottom of the overall leader board with 84 points. If Paula Abdul’s scoring were to be removed, Bristol and Mark would have scored 24 points, their highest score of the season. 

Were they eliminated due to loss of interest in the show? Did their voting blocs up and leave? Were they merely used as a ploy by producers? Did their elimination merely cement the fact that the producers were trying to undo past mistakes? Our lips, thoughts and imaginations are sealed, but one thing is for certain, Bristol Palin and Mark Ballas sucked worse than an octopus with anxiety during their second and final run on the campiest reality television show in history.

Gee I wonder if the producers finally realized that they would soon have rioting in the streets if they left this totally untalented loser on the show?

Well all I can say is that it is still too little too late. This train wreck should NEVER have been invited back on a show that featured so many gifted performers.

Please do me a favor and send me the clip of the elimination as soon as it becomes available.

You know, for science.

Update: Here is the elimination clip.  Bristol is NOT a gracious loser!


  1. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Picked last and then booted, damn that has to sting. What show will they crawl to next.

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      I predict The 700 Club.

    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      I voted for everyone but Bristol on the DWTS web site and my extra vote went to Kirstie, soooooo glad I gave my extra vote to the right person and it paid off big time!!!! So long Bristol, good riddance to bad rubbish, now you can rush back to your cosmetic surgeon for another session of CoolSculpting fat removal!! LMAO!!

    3. Anonymous8:19 PM

      This is the SECOND time VFTW has back brittle!

  2. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Finally som justice.

  3. Anonymous5:26 PM


  4. Anonymous5:26 PM

    "Real" America gives the BIG finger to YOU, chin!

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      hey barstool, that you're in SoCal might as well just head up the road a piece to Chatsworth ( it's only about 18 miles from where you're at ) and start your new career in porn


    2. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Hulk Hogan awaits, you crappy dancer you! May Bristol 's ugly bumpers leak their sex tapes. Or Todd's or Sarah's.

    3. I'll be boycotting porn if Bar Stool starts showing up in any scenes. Ugh, what a terrible thought of seeing any of the Palin skanks in the buff!

      Buzz Kill and Instant Erection Eradicator.

    4. Porn is a good line of work if you're a horrible dancer.

  5. Well. . . . I like to think she lost because I voted for Ohno (I think he was in the bottom 2 last week) and then I called both my daughters to have them vote and I voted with my husband's phone and with the landline and my daughter-in-law voted! My 3 y.o. grandson said he wouldn't vote because he's "VOTING FOR OBAMA!" Made my day! and I hope a predictor of next month!

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      '' My 3 y.o. grandson said he wouldn't vote because he's "VOTING FOR OBAMA!"''

      Oh my God..This is SO cute. Thank you for posting it, it cheered me up.

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Love that!!!!

    3. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Bless Her Heart.

      Bristol is such a hard worker and a sweet Christian young lady. I hope she will continue her abstinence even after she corrals another Uncle for Tripp into another Trial Marriage. She lives so vibrantly despite the haters who are always calling her out by telling the truth about her hypocrisy.

      Maybe all of the people that Bristol gave the middle finger to will vote for her for Mayor one day. Or Governor. Or Sheriff. Or Rat Catcher. Or lost dog finder.

      Meanwhile, go to college and learn a little bit, Bristol. It won't kill you to reduce your level of ignorance.

    4. Anonymous6:57 PM

      You and your family obviously raise your kids right!! Great values.

    5. vegaslib7:03 PM

      Somebody knows how to raise a child with some smarts!

    6. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Awesome kid! Good job folks!

    7. Anita Winecooler7:40 PM

      Great snark, there! Anonymous 6:57. I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes!

      Funny Stuff!

    8. I love your grandson!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Someone thought that putting Bristol on DWTS was going to be good for ratings. Their ratings have dropped. Bristol (and Sarah and Trig and Tripp and the whole family) haven't done anything to pep up that show. The voting looked rigged. The dances were lame. And still, they kept Bristol past her allotted 15 minutes.

    Now, we should take a minute and think of some new career options for Bristol since her careers as an author, a spokesperson, a dancer, a model, an actress and a reality show star haven't worked out too well.

    Most parents would tell a kid in her situation to go back to college and learn something about the world and about herself. She has plenty of money to pay for a sitter-- in fact, it's time for Tripp to be in activities, playing and learning with other kids. It's time for Bristol to stop chasing celebrity and start growing up. Unfortunately, she has no good role models to follow in a path to maturity.

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      They did expose DWTS for being cons and ruined the reputation of Ballas. Even Paula Abdul lost credibility. None of those people should work in that town again. I hear Branson, Mo. has cheap entertainers.

    2. Anonymous6:58 PM

      "Now, we should take a minute and think of some new career options for Bristol since her careers as an author, a spokesperson, a dancer, a model, an actress and a reality show star haven't worked out too well."

      I agree. Can Bristol skate? Because maybe she could put in an app at Sonic. But she'd have to move her feet a little faster than she did on the dance floor, or she'd get fired her first shift for loafing!

    3. vegaslib7:04 PM

      Maybe her son's namesake can teach her "massage therapy".

    4. Anita Winecooler8:01 PM

      I don't think she could make it into any college, so she should take Romney's advice, get married. The only problem is, not too many men think stupid is attractive. It's a shame Mark's got a girlfriend, they make such a cute couple!

    5. Anonymous8:49 PM

      vegaslib7:04 PM

      Maybe her son's namesake can teach her "massage therapy".
      Educate yourself.
      Massage therapy is a valid career. Pimping is not.
      Blame the person who lured "Namesake" into "The life" but don't judge all MT's.

      It seems so fox news of you. :(

  7. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Let's hope she doesn't return for some bullshit "DWTS - Dancers of the Decade."

    What's up next for Bristol? How will she make easy cash for doing nothing?

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      It is time for Sarah to release Bristol's sex tape.

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Perhaps laying on her back!

    3. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Bristol would go broke trying to sell her body. Anybody who has wanted any milk from that cow has been getting it for free the past 7 years. Who's stupid enough to pay for what was once free before and is now spoiled? I don't see much of a line forming to get any of that. "I would NOT hit that."

      At least Gino was smart enough to get the hell out of their "trial marriage" as soon as the checks cleared!

    4. Anonymous7:15 PM

      ummm~ she's sitting on it...

  8. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I thought the Repubs hated when all kids get trophies just for trying or participating in competitions; and when people are given things the don't earn.

    Seems like the vote for the worst actually bit her in the butt this week!

  9. Oh Thank you for that news. It almost makes me not want to jump in front of a bus listening to this presidential debate.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      WTF? The townhall went very well for President Obama: so I can ony asume that you thought Willard would do better. :) LOL!

  10. Anonymous5:42 PM

    What I found interesting about the show last night was the fact they never announced at the closing of the show that Bristol and Mark were in the bottom two STILL! They talked about Alley and her partner being on the bottom ONLY. That structure of the show was done differently last night to previous ones.

    So glad to hear that Bristol and Mark were bounced out FINALLY! I suspect the producers and directors took too much heat about having them back this particular season when Bristol CANNOT dance and wasn't willing to try. She brought drama to the show and that is all! DWTS has dropped in ratings and they knew she had to go or things would just get worse.

    I'm so glad we don't have to see Sarah and members of their family anymore. Did you notice that the camera didn't focus on Sarah or the family much last night? That was especially nice and perhaps telling as to what would occur tonight. They are probably as sick of her as are the rest of us.

    Good riddance Bristol and Mark!! So sorry Mark, but you are always going to be associated w/the Palins! Don't forget that you are on record for saying you loved them and her! You idiot!

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      How can DWTS ever get their reputation back?

      Look what they did to all the artists and dancers? Everyone who participated looks like a dope or evil scum that was in on the scam. They need to get rid of the stupid judges that went along with fooling loyal fan base. Fire that idiot ring leader host and his chick a doodle. I actually once had respect for him. Shocked to learn he would sink so low. Eliminating Bris is good but it doesn't change what happened.

      They must release all from any no talk contracts and let dancer have a truth out. If not the falsehoods and lies just go on and on.

      If they don't purge they will just leave the door open for the next TV show to do another bunko game. Nothing like treating the people who support you like shit.

    2. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Media insider said shed get kicked to the curb either second week, or after the double elimination.

      It happened according to contract.

    3. Anonymous4:49 AM

      Hi guys,

      Actually what I heard was that the contract was for either three weeks or five weeks, rough estimate. I forget, what week are we on? Seems like that dancing hippo reject from the Fantasia movie was on this season FOREVER. :)

      I will miss Gryphen's frustrated recaps, though! With all the heavy political stuff going on it's nice to have something silly to read about here.

      I think I had written before about how Bristol has burned literally every freakin' bridge she could have possibly made in Hollyweird, from managers to agents to producers to staffers. She was horribly mean to the people low on the totem pole, too, the various staffers and assistants who make a show work. She pulled "rank" from day one with the "Don't you know who I am?" crap typical of all the Paylins. And she can't take instructions to save her life. Major ADHD or drugs or something, it's bad.

      The funniest/saddest time was back before she did the show with the Masseys, between Sarah's reality show about Alaska and the Massey fiasco. They were trying to do a Bachelorette style show featuring Bristol, and they kept auditioning different "unknown" guys (who would actually be paid actors) to star opposite her; she had no chemistry with any of them and chewed her cud the whole time and acted like she was bored out of her mind, talking in that weird, flat monotone. The audition footage was truly terrible.

      After that, Mama Bear must have made a few threatening phone calls to eventuallly get her daughter the Massey show. For a while it definitely wasn't in the cards for there to be any further "entertainment" career for Brisdull, but the "Powers the Be" must have been involved with placing her on her other shows.

      In the end, though, it's all about advertisers, and Bridull's name attached wtih any show means people don't watch and nobody sees the ads being run; this means she won't get any more work in Hollyweird. Remember I told you how they couldn't find any advertisers for her reality show featuring her and Wallow? They ended up running ads for the Army and so on which are the equivalent of PSA's, not money makers for the network. Hollyweird pays attention to the bottom line, and Brisdull doesn't help their bottom line anymore.

      Media Insider aka Jennifer

      PS I'm still utterly confused and consternated about what happened to the newest baby, the DWTS baby. Either it's been adopted out, handed off to a distant family member (that family's collective skeletons would overrun a Halloween factory!) or they've been very clever about it, like passing it off as Track and Britta's baby or something. Wish I knew more. There were definitely reports of an extra baby around back when Bristol was first filming her own reality show with the Massey's, passed off as a godson or goddaughter or something -- I've heard conflicting reports about the sex.

  11. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Chin ALERT. Why didn't she have her doctors get rid of the jowls?


    That show sucks. eliminating Brisdul won't save it. They all must come clean and that ain't happening.

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      the plastic surgeon that did this to her should be shot.Did Bristol go in and ask for a chin like Jay Leno?
      I don't like the Palins, but Bristol looked fine before even if she was a talent-less, entitled brat...

    2. vegaslib7:05 PM

      Looks like the implant is slipping down on one side.

    3. Anonymous7:29 PM

      That is not going to age well. The girl does need a job to keep up all her payments.

    4. Anonymous7:35 PM

      I think Bristol was a hideous, chubby, chinless, moonfaced idiot before her plastic surgery. She's still an idiot, but her looks have improved. She was just fat and gross before, kind of hard to look at, but looking hot still hasn't given her a lick of personality or a lick of talent and pretty girls with trim bodies are a dime a dozen in H'Wood; she has nothing else BUT her looks thus she must do porn or come home and work at the Dr's office...

    5. Anita Winecooler8:32 PM

      It's not the surgeon's fault. I think Bristol obviously didn't do her homework, how's that the surgeon's fault?
      He didn't break any laws. Some ditz came into his office, he gave her options, she picked the biggest one because bigger was too good a deal to pass up! You get what you pay for, caveat emptor.
      Beauty fades, dumb is forever (h/t Judge Judy). She looked perfectly fine with the old chin. It was good enough to attract Levi and produce a baby. She doesn't look like it impaired her from missing any meals.

      She was young, got a bunch of money all at once, and made some bad investments. She bought a house in Arizona at a good price, had it renovated, then sold it a few years later at a loss. That's the kind of mistake you can recover from, but she didn't learn squat.

      I bet with the money she spent, she could have bribed her way into a college and learned a profession. She's insecure, emotionally and physically dependent on her family and lacks the social skills necessary to live independently while providing for her son.

  12. vegaslib5:44 PM

    I wonder where the troll is now that said Bristol was safe and her score was proof the show isn't fixed? BTW, Obama is kicking ass and takin' names!!!

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Yes he did and yes we can....VOTE!

  13. Sally in MI5:45 PM

    The best part was when the teams for next week were being chosen, and no one wanted 'beloved by all" Bristol. Then at the end when they were eliminated, Bristol was on the outside of the circle while everyone hugged Mark. Maybe this will wake the girl up, but I doubt it

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      She won't wake up until there is no more Red Bull or Adderall and all the other she needs for that heathy lifestyle (eating moose poops).

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Not many people enjoy working with spoiled brats.

    3. Anonymous8:03 PM

      She couldn't give one fuuuuck about anyone on the show.

      Shes there to make money, not friends.

    4. Anita Winecooler8:44 PM

      Mark lost a lot of credibility the first time he picked the short straw, and he took a hit again this time because they picked him because they couldn't risk ruining another regular dancer on the show.

      Can anyone imagine Bristol paired with someone like Maks? He wouldn't take shit from her OR her family. He wouldn't have coddled, cajoled, caressed, encourage, support or lie to her to spare her from facing the fact she's a loser.

      I used to love this show early on. It was great seeing people improve from show to show until they danced effectively.

      The show's become a joke, but it's great in foreign countries!

    5. Anonymous4:52 AM

      Mark's a show biz pro, he can't complain about his partners and does a good job putting on his game face to get the job done. Rumor/heinous lie has it that he allegedly, um, has to self-medicate to make it through working with Bristol at this point; this might be why he acts a little ditsy and manic! But by all accounts he's a nice enough guy; try not to blame him for the udder tragedy of the Brisdull cow being forced on us again. Jobs are hard to come by in Hollyweird; you don't piss off management when they tell you you have to drag an inert bovine around again for another season. Paychecks are nice!

      Media Insider aka Jennifer

  14. Anonymous5:46 PM


  15. abbafan5:52 PM

    It's high fuckin' time; one can see this charade would have dragged out longer. When that skank bitch mother of hers sat in that front row, wearing that slit-skirt, it was obvious that the bitch was prick-teasing. Perhaps the producers received too much negative blow-back from the other contestants, who worked their asses off and were disgusted by such blatant laziness and arrogance exhibited by the simple-minded moron. $arah, heed our advice - take your uneducated morons and your stolen millions, and fuck off!!!

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM


    2. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Contract is up.


  16. I agree- too little, too late. It was unforgivable to let her plod along the dance floor while heavily pregnant but inviting her BACK just for the controversy driven ratings? Yeah, I won't be watching DWTS again, ever.

    Maybe now Bristol can go back to her money laundering company- excuse me, lobbying and consulting firm, BSMP LLC

    (to the uninitiated, yes- Bristol actually started a LOBBYING & CONSULTING "firm" at age 19. No word on whether it's just a weigh station for her mother's grifted money or if you can actually hire her to consult about how to be a vapid, vain, lazy, unbelievably entitled baby factory.)

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      It's time she runs for Mayor and has her own PAC.

    2. Anonymous6:24 PM

      "lobbying and consulting firm, BSMP LLC"

      aka = scamming naive Christians out of their hard earned money

      She learned for the best....

    3. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Speaking of weigh stations...

      Now that she doesn't have to haul her carcass around the dance floor, Bristol is free to eat herself back to obesity. Thank goodness for spandex, eh?

    4. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Her mother can hire her. It's called money laundering. SarahPAC hires some company, firm, or subsidiary of one or all of her family, and keeps them all in clean underwaar, or whatever they wear.

  17. Good! Throw the damn bitch off the show...
    Good Omen...

  18. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Here's the thing, this whole POS show let the world know about more fakes. Look at all the people and media that lied to keep up this charade for the Palins. Sure they will go on trying to sell their snake oil, sure they will be blasphemous xtains, sure they will lie and say best selling author, reality TV star, sarah is mother of Trig. That is what they do. As painful as it was, the world and viewing public is a little wiser now. Fewer people will tricked.

  19. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy!!!! Goodbye, whore.

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      You make me laugh!


  20. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Hahahahaha and she finally got ousted next to Maks. Sweet revenge for Maks after everything she said about him last time.

  21. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Who watches this crap anyways? Then again, what better stage for some brainless, shit-head grifter spawn than bottom-of-the-barrel, outhouse, hick reality television.

    You're next, Sarah...

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      don't we all hope!!

    2. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Does Sarah still have time to get the GOP nomination and run for President? The election is three whole weeks away!

    3. Sally in MI8:13 PM

      7:11: Yeas, run Sarah run! Take a hike back home now. Bristol's ticket to stardom was just torn in pieces, so you can take your lovely young boys (or hers) and your other daughters back home and back to school.
      Oh, and that cushy Fox job? Now that Romney has lied again in front of America and gotten called out for it, he's about as popular as Brissy, so Fox won't be needing your attack dog services any longer. The crew is on its way to tear out your home studio as we speak. Don't let the door hit your scrawy rear on the way out.

  22. Anonymous6:19 PM

    LMAO, she got picked LAST and KICKED out. Very sweet.

  23. Anita Winecooler6:22 PM

    "You know, for science." LMAO!!! Can't wait for the post mortem!!!!! Now she has to go on the "loser's" tour of daytime shows, so she'll be getting attention and showing off her AWESOME Family Values, and dance MOOOOOOOOves!!

    Who knows? Maybe Mommy will go on tee vee for moral support!

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Doesn't she like to give the middle finger to her "fan base" the "haters" ? if not for them no one would know what a louse she is.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:52 PM

      Yeah, and she taught her son the same gesture and foul language about homosexuals while encouraging it by laughing!

      But the "haters" can't take credit for that, it's a learned behavior.

  24. What a night! Bristol gets dumped and Romney gets dumped on!

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM


    2. Couldn't have said that bettrer - thank you

    3. Anita Winecooler8:52 PM

      Life is good!

  25. Anonymous6:32 PM

    DWTS brought Prissy Brissy on the show to generate ratings through her reliable drama. Well, they got it alright. Good bye DWTPalins.

  26. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Can she finally go away now?

    I know, I know, wishful thinking...

  27. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Too little too late. DWTS is toast. Mark Ballas will wear that Palin stink the rest of his life, just like McCan't. Bristol will have to go home to the drooling doofus Gino. He can be the baby sitter, purse carrier, picture hanger, dog walker, and first stud. Good luck Gino. Gino? gino, are you there?

  28. Anonymous6:45 PM

    No Pain No Gain

    “Whenever you fail, it’s a failure to try,” head judge Len Goodman told Bristol Monday.


    1. Anita Winecooler9:00 PM

      Ouch! That had to hurt! Love the photo they chose for the article, almost as good as Gryphen's choices!

      She's got that "Pet GoldFish sucking the glass" look, complete with the obvious edges of the chin implant exposed, and Mark's trying to do the same to make her look "normal"

      I think the pain is obvious, the gain will be showing up in the weeks to come.

  29. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Bristol and Mark will be on Jimmy Kimmell tonight, GMA in the morning, and The View this week. Do they get PAID for each of these appearances??

    1. Sally in MI8:16 PM

      Oh goody. So they get a free jet trip to NYC...and wanna bet Mama and the family grab some free tickets too? Don't those kids ever attend school for more than a day at a time? And yeah, I bet it's part of the contract they sign...when you;re off, you do our TV shows. Wonder if brave Bristol will cry, or blame the haters, or blame Mark, or blame herself? Nah.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:04 PM

      I think it's pre-arranged in their contracts, the shows probably pay a licensing fee to use clips of the show - the great thing is, they HAVE to appear as part of the contract. I doubt any of them will hit her with hard questions.

    3. Anonymous9:49 PM

      I bet she quits early. No show. I'd say Palins are known for early withdrawls, but I'd be lyin!

    4. I'll bet they show up. It's an excuse for Bristol to pig out in the Big Apple on her birthday now that she doesn't have to Red Bull/Adderall her way skinny any more.

    5. comeonpeople3:16 AM

      OMG who the fuck cares.
      Glad I am working and can remain oblivious to this nonsense today.

    6. Anonymous4:17 AM

      She has been around the business long enough to be trained to suck it up and act appropriate. Will she? If she wants to pretend to run for an office or ever work again in media.

      Palins are quitters. They do come back and expect everyone to send money and forget what piss poor players they are.

    7. Anonymous4:55 AM

      They do get paid to do those shows, not a lot, but they do get paid. Separately from their main contract at DWTS.

      Seeing the pic of Tripp sitting in the audience the other night -- egads, that kid looked like he should be starting the first grade by now! Did anybody else see that? So weird.

      Media Insider aka Jennifer

    8. Oh she was on Kimmel! Looked like a giant Oompa Loompa! She had on a sleeveless black dress that you could see a white line where the spray tan stopped! Totally hilarious! Funny thing though...Kimmel kept plugging that Beefy was there...no mention of Mark...then right before she came out he finally mentioned's Mark!

      Then Mark pretty much did all the talking! Beefy mumbled her usual "Awesome" and whatever else she constantly repeats...I was so distracted by the giant orange legs and giant orange arms...it was hard to follow whatever she did say! LOL!!

      Apparently she'll be on GMA this morning and The View on Thursday! I think her attitude is going to continue to stink...apparently after she got eliminated last night...she wouldn't come out and do interviews with the press! So Mark had to make a bunch of excuses for the untalented tramp! Think I'm kidding...check this out...

      " Snap! We tricked you. The latest eliminated contestant decided she didn’t want to talk to the press tonight. But then, it’s not exactly a surprise that Palin – this week’s booted all-star — stayed hidden in her dressing room. Over the past few weeks, it couldn’t been easy to face the firing line when far more talented all-stars like Drew Lachey, Helio Castroneves, and Joey Fatone were eliminated, instead. Palin had enough, apparently, so she sent partner Mark Ballas to endure the (tough?) questions.
      Here was the first one: So why isn’t she here? “It’s tough man,” Ballas said to reporters. “She’s never been eliminated before. Before she made it the finals so she doesn’t know what this feels like. I remember my first time. It was horrible.”
      So what finally led to Palin’s ouster? It could have been how safe she played it on Monday. During the performance episode, Ballas was shown trying to convince Palin that he should do their rock and roll dance dressed as a rabbit, but Palin poo-pooed the high-concept idea that would have involved an Alice in Wonderland theme.

      Does Ballas regret not pushing her harder? ”You can drag a horse to water but you can’t make it drink,” says Ballas. (Yikes.) “If she wants to do what she wants to do thats totally fine. At the end of the day they have to be comfortable when they walk on stage. But this is an all-star season. All these people have been through the process. We have a lot of champions, a lot of finalists and a lot of people who are really open-minded. Look at Gille Marini’s outfit. [He was dressed like Aladdin on Monday]. That’s called stepping out of the box.”
      And yet, he’s proud of Palin’s progress. “This is someone who, compared to the others, has zero dance experience and zero performing experience,” explained Ballas, who will now root for his old partners Sabrina Bryan and Shawn Johnson. “For someone like that who comes from a normal background, from Alaska where she never performed, I’m proud of her. This is really tough, especially when you come on this big of a platform with all this scrutiny. She’s got thick skin and she pushes on through it. To get past Drew and Helio and Pam … those are people were contenders.”


  30. Anonymous6:49 PM

    It was about time. Now I can watch the show again!

    1. Anonymous8:46 PM


      Rigged is rigged, dumbass!!!!!!

      So you learned absolutely nothing.


      You are exactly their demographic.

    2. Anonymous4:03 AM

      Wow. Way to harsh someone's mellow.

  31. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I'm sure her Dad can turn her into a prostitute for her next career.

  32. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Buh bye now, all things Palin. Aren't there some children to raise somewhere?

  33. Dang it Gryphen DWTS hasn't even started here yet! Now I have to watch it!!

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Jeez...I have been doing IMPORTANT stuff like watching the Pres take Willard to school and now I get the AWESOME news the Brittle got voted off? Some where there is a supreme being. :) Awesome! Good night all from the Land of Enchantment. :)

    2. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Loved the debate!

  34. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Haters gonna hate...your horrendous dancing and horrid attitude.

  35. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:54 PM

    HEY!!! Not only are the wastes of carbon at the Sea having a really bad, terrible, not-so-good night over Bris and Mittens, then there's THIS:

    "Honey Boo Boo' Endorses Barack Obama For President On 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' (VIDEO)"


    Gotta give Mama June credit for raising a smart kid!

  36. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Only one person hugged her after her defeat. Time to go to college, Bristol, or find a trade, and earn your career and success the honest way. Karma's a bitch. Guess mama grizzly wasn't invited to be 'pundant" tonite on the fox teevee.

    1. Anonymous8:58 PM

      College is not going to teach her manners that she should have learned as a toddler, nor will college give her a personality.

      Little Rabbit

    2. Anita Winecooler9:14 PM

      Repeat after me, Bristol-

      "Welcome to Chic fil a, want fries with that? Pull up to the next window, they don't let me count change"

    3. Anonymous9:47 PM

      Yeah Bristol and Chik-fil-A are made for each other. Remember the Ching and Chong Chik-hate-A receipts?


  37. Anonymous6:57 PM

    The Palins play the short game. More more now now me me. But it's all over. Sucks for them, but who better?

  38. Didn't Media Insider say she would be eliminated either in the third or fifth show? Contract up. No more Palins fouling up the TV screens until their next photo op.

    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Yes, she did!

    2. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Wow, almost my comment exactly!


      Great minds

  39. Anonymous7:01 PM

    HA! Because I live on the West Coast, I can watch DWTS KNOWING Brissypants will get her just rewards. HAHAHAHAHHA Glad - actually ecstatic she is gone gone gone! Just go back to Wasilla and raise your babies, you Redneck poser.

  40. Anonymous7:02 PM

    As Brissy would *awsome* bwahahahaa.to bad so sad.(not)

  41. Sally in MI7:04 PM

    So what was wrong with Susan Boyle? She looked terrified. Donny had to hold her hand during her solo section. At the end she just stared. Something was very wrong.

    1. Anjaak7:18 PM

      I think she has a little social anxiety. I remember having a lot of stress after she became famous. Very talented lady.

    2. Sally in MI8:18 PM

      Yeah, I remember the breakdown thing, but she has been touring a bit and she was on DWTS before. I wonder if maybe her prompter was off, or her earpiece was out. That could be terrifying not to hear the orchestra and your cue. She did sing well.

    3. Anonymous8:24 PM

      She hasn't been singing as much publicly as it's been some time since her last album came one.

      It's also that Donny is her 'idol' and I think that makes her nervous too along with what Anjaak said.

    4. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Jet lag?

    5. Anita Winecooler9:21 PM

      She has some "issues" and seems fragile, but I feel she deserves a lot of credit. That innate talent is rare. I got goosebumps when she appeared on X Factor and heard her sing. I hope she succeeds and fame doesn't ruin her.

    6. Anonymous4:58 AM

      Susan Boyle I believe also has some minor hearing problems and might in fact be wearing a hearing aid; feedback from the stereo sounds on the show might have been blasting her the wrong way, throwing her off; rumor has it that she's a little bit maybe on the autistic spectrum but SUCH an amazing talent and really sweet person. I'm glad she's doing some performing again.

      Media Insider aka Jennifer

  42. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Wow! Kirstie Alley, Apollo, etc., etc., each, individually have more dedicated fans than Sarah Palin. It's been clear for a long time that Palin didn't have many fans left but I thought she had more than this. I hope tv producers everywhere and Fox News, in particular, are taking notes.

    1. Sally in MI8:19 PM

      I find it hilarious that the folks from Vote For The Worst couldn't even bring themselves to support that trainwreck from Monday night!

  43. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I find it so "telling" that Sarah is wearing Bristol's debut dress. That woman is over the hill crazy.

    1. Sally in MI8:19 PM

      OMG...you're right!

    2. comeonpeople3:11 AM

      OK so NOW I think one of Sarah's dissociative personalities is "Bristol". Since Sarah took possession of Bristle's Tri-G, she dissocates into Bristle sometimes.

  44. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I feel really badly for TriG. He seems to be suffering with all the lights and noise. The Palins don't seem to care. Afterall TriG will play on the heartstrings of their enablers. Send mo money to the ho. I'm suree (?) TriG will get over the trauma of bring dragged out once again for publicity. Disgusting fame hos -- all of them. Except TriG.

    1. Anonymous9:52 PM

      I didn't see DWTS. Was Trig wearing his glasses? If not, how does he appreciate the dancing? Gryphen described seeing Trig at a basketball game, and the little boy did not react to the loud cheers of the crowd. Unless Trig has had implants, can he hear? Does he wear hearing aids? (I don't think that we have every seen Trig wear any kind of hearing device, and he only wears glasses when he is posing for a Palin photo).

    2. comeonpeople3:10 AM

      No glasses, no hearing aides and he seemed really younger than fist pump Tri-G in his actions and demeanor/

    3. Anonymous4:22 AM

      Props don't need glasses or hearing aids. They just need to be handled. It looks like the Palins can manage that. Which trig was this one?

    4. Dis Gusted6:20 AM

      "No glasses, no hearing aides and he seemed really younger than fist pump Tri-G in his actions and demeanor/"

      exactly, because 'fist pump' TriG was somebody else.

  45. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I'm still in shocked the bitch didn't get pregnant at DWTS.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      It's still too early to tell. Hmmm. Sarah did say that Mark was family....

    2. Anita Winecooler9:24 PM

      Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. (bad analogy) Has willow, the EPT sniffing palin find the pee stick yet?

    3. comeonpeople3:08 AM

      Anita!! I wonder if Willow could make a living sniffin our pregnanccies...you know how some dogs are trained to sniff out cancers in people or if their owners are going to have a seizure??

  46. Anonymous7:21 PM

    While Mark went to hug the "safe" couple, Prissy Brissy just stood there with her fake smile. The Safe dancer went to her to hug her - No response. Mark looks ashamed and embarrassed. Good. He slept with that dog.... he deserves the fleas.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:27 PM

      Kirsty showed a lot of grace, er, intestinal fortitude, er pity to hug Bristol. I'm sure she raced to the decontamination room at the nearest hospital after the show.

      Go Kirstie!

  47. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Sally in MI: I alos noticed that Susan Boyle seemed terrified and stared into space. She looked like she was having terrible anxiety, and Donny Osmond was comforting her. Poor thing.

    1. Anonymous7:56 PM

      I thought Susan Boyle sang beautifully, as she always does. It's her gift but she always seemed not at ease in the spotlight. I think she did just fine! And the hand holding was really for me a touching exhibit of compassion and love. We need more of that, and actually that alone would have given me goose pimples if it weren't for her exquisite voice.

    2. Anonymous8:00 PM

      I thought too that Susan was not singing in key, was a bit off with her harmony with Donnie Osmond. It was pretty distinctive.

    3. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Well, that was definitely worth while... seeing Prissy Brissy last chosen dancer partner and then losing.... I am soooo relieved, but not enough to give DWTS as pass. Still want to hear about the real reasons Bristol is gone.

  48. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Tonight's elimination clip:


  49. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I can honestly see Bristol and Sarah ending up like White Goodman in the end of Dodgeball.

  50. Anonymous7:31 PM

    I was tickled to see that the other couples when they came to the center of the floor, they hugged Mark and left Bristol standing there for 'minutes'. Ignored her and left her to hang out to dry before someone engaged her and hugged her.

    Ding, dong, the witch is dead, the wicked witch...........

    (I'm skipping down the Yellow Brick Road!!!)

    I'm surprised with the look on her face that she didn't make a comment into the microphone that the 'haters' voted for Kirstie & Max to save them. It would be something the bitch would do.

    Yea -- we don't have to suffer anymore fact time by Skarah and Pimp

    1. Anonymous10:40 PM

      Yep, I noticed they ignored her too. It was pretty obvious that she made no friends there and they didn't like her.


  51. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I think the host just made a big telling goof. Talking about the ones in jeopardy, one of whom was on stage, he said Bristol and Mark.... awkward pause. then he said, someting to the effect "i'll read whatever you put in front of me. It's like a game show (?)." Didn't catch the last word as I was aghast, wondering what the glitch was all about.... expecting an appearance from Mark and Bristol.

    NOthing. Switch to commercial.

  52. Anonymous7:36 PM

    ALL the contestants are being featured with personal videos.... hugging each other in wins and losses... but so far Bristol and Mark have failed to make an appearance.

  53. Anonymous7:38 PM

    What a night on the c4p open thread! It is to laugh. Obama nails, trunk legs fails!

  54. Anonymous7:40 PM

    So bringing TriG for the sympathy vote didn't work?

    Where is this family of lepers going to show up next?

  55. Anonymous7:41 PM

    This is the picture you should change the thread with...lol, looks like she was taking a dump.



    1. Anonymous9:21 PM

      She looks the same as before..... did she gain weight ??? knocked up again ??

      Piper at dance event

    2. Anonymous10:37 PM

      Wow Piper is really a mini-Sarah. How old is she to be dressed like that?


    3. Anonymous12:11 AM

      OMG! That is Piper in high heels? She is 11 going on 21? Incredible, but it's true.

    4. Dis Gusted6:23 AM

      very inappropriate, but when have any of the Palins worn appropriate clothing?

  56. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Anyone else see that in the tapes of Monday's dances that showed cast member reactions to others' dances, Mark enthusiastically congratulated both of his former partners Shawn and Sabrina. He even picked up Shawn and seemed genuinely happy for her. You just knew that he wished he could have been partnered with anyone else but Lazy Crazy Daze-y Girl!

    1. Sally in MI8:22 PM

      When they showed Shawn's clip tonight, after her final pose they went to the balcony, where Mark gave a leap and said clearly, "That's my girl!" He was NOT pleased to be paired with Bristol this time.

    2. Anonymous8:35 PM

      So much for the trolls here saying Bristol was well-liked on DWTS. This show proved she wasn't. At ALL.

  57. Anonymous7:44 PM

    She refused to talk to the press sent mark to do all the taling. A looser.

    1. Bristol is a loose loser.

    2. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Did you see Esther's face? LOL

    3. Sally in MI8:23 PM

      I'm sure she was stunned. She thinks she can dance. She thinks the criticism was due to her mother, not her lack of talent. DWTS did her no favors bringing her back.

  58. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Palins and Mitt get their ass kicked today. Gt. day. Pack bags Palins .

  59. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Bristol was cold tonight towards Mark. After or during or before their elimination, he would put his arms around her and she'd just stand there like a stump and wouldn't reciprocate. I'll bet there'll be some interview next week with People with Bristol dissing Mark and blaming him for her low scores. Or blaming haters for influencing her fans.....or any excuse that blames everything, everyone else.

    And now mom won't be able to show off her legs any more at Bristol performances. Will Willow be next at DWTS, or Sarah? She wants to, we know she does.

  60. lostinmn8:26 PM

    Guess the contract was up so it was time to send Brisket home. Coming up next? American Idol? Maybe she can get some dead body gig in the opening scene of some CSI series.

  61. In my world ballroom dancing is women wearing ball dresses and tiny high shoes and gliterati - Bristol never looked anything like a dancer - who dances in gym shoes?

  62. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I'm glad every ones happy that ole beefcakes got the boot but can we get down to the real issues which ensuring that President Obama gets re-elected and we give him a majority in the house.I hate brisdull too but she's a gnat in the grand scheme of things.It's much more important to keep this country moving forward.

  63. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Here's where all the comments are. Have fun!


    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      'You can drag a horse to water...'


  64. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I think Bristol handled herself well. I'm worried, though, about how Sarah will take the loss and the possible badgering Bristol may receive from Mommy Dearest. If Sarah dares to suggest 'if only you had blah-blah-blah, then people would have voted for you,' I hope Bristol will make her sit down and shut up. She doesn't need to prove anything to her mother's fans or to the general public.

    1. Anonymous1:26 AM

      ""The latest eliminated contestant decided she didn’t want to talk to the press tonight. But then, it’s not exactly a surprise that Palin – this week’s booted all-star — stayed hidden in her dressing room. Over the past few weeks, it couldn’t been easy to face the firing line when far more talented all-stars like Drew Lachey, Helio Castroneves, and Joey Fatone were eliminated, instead. Palin had enough, apparently, so she sent partner Mark Ballas to endure the (tough?) questions.""

  65. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I love how Melissa is the only one to hug her at the end. They piled on Mark, but Bitchall was standing awkwardly on the edge of her own farewell group hug. I guess we aren't the only ones who can't stand her. teehee.

  66. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Where's Krusty?

  67. Anonymous10:11 PM

    "Update: Here is the elimination clip. Bristol is NOT a gracious loser!"
    Huh?? She was just fine. No whining or such. Smiles all around.

    1. Anonymous10:23 PM

      Smile????wtf her face does not move thanks tomher pastic surgon

    2. Anonymous1:26 AM

      ""The latest eliminated contestant decided she didn’t want to talk to the press tonight. But then, it’s not exactly a surprise that Palin – this week’s booted all-star — stayed hidden in her dressing room. Over the past few weeks, it couldn’t been easy to face the firing line when far more talented all-stars like Drew Lachey, Helio Castroneves, and Joey Fatone were eliminated, instead. Palin had enough, apparently, so she sent partner Mark Ballas to endure the (tough?) questions.""

    3. Anonymous4:03 AM

      She was just fine, hahahahahaha...Sarah looked like she shit her pants when Bristol was kicked off. Bristol refused to come out of her trailer to talk to press. Mark did though and said some truths about Bristol being a little bitch who cannot dance.

      BTW, did you see Mark's face when his co-workers were hugging him after elimination? There were some words there exchanged that must have been awesome, most likely congratulations at being rid of the slut.

      Sarah cannot spin Bristol's pissy attitude. Thank God these creeps 15 minutes are finally up.

    4. Anonymous6:12 AM


  68. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Her face look plump compared to the promo,pic.

  69. Anonymous10:53 PM

    And let the Monkey Kingdom go nuts.... The sea of pee will be whining in glorius harmony now for days...NO MORE SWAG-HAGGING FOR THE QUEENS TROOPE.


  70. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Gee Sarah, which kid are you going to whore out now to stay in the spotlight? Then again, who cares: You're all washed-up now anyways...and it'll only get worse when FOX cans your sorry, ignorant ass. Maybe you can hold out for Secretary of State

    Obama/Biden 2012
    Hillary 2016

  71. Anonymous11:57 PM

    The Voice is a much better show. DWTS is BORING.

  72. Anonymous12:40 AM

    My inner lie detector not only swung wildly into the red area, but the glass covering shattered, tonight:

    They showed a clip of Bristol rationalizing her being dumped tonight, which was recorded, obviously, before it happened.

    I didn't want to think the show was rigged, as I hate to admit I enjoy watching it...but now I feel "punked."

    1. 12:40, DWTS has those interviews ready for every contestant, every week. Ita a standard feature of elimination night and there is a farewell speech in the can for each star.

  73. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Mark my words: Sarah will be the next "star" on the dance floor. The money's too good to pass up.

  74. comeonpeople3:03 AM

    It seems the other contestants were only interesting in consoling Mark, Bristle was just there and they are thrilled that she is gone. i can just imagine what real Olympic athletes like Apollo and SHaen think of Bristle's "work ethic" lol
    Well, I am grateful that next monday I will not have to waste an hour VFTW Bristle. Buh bye.I don't watch DWTS nor will I.

    1. Anonymous6:09 AM

      They were all happy they weren't going to get eliminated in the name of the Palin cult of "personality," despite being better dancers.

  75. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Mark did not want to dance with Bristol this season and is thrilled they were eliminated. Mark's true love is singing. He does DWTS for the paycheck and Bristol did this gig again for a paycheck. We will be voting for Val and Kelly. They are heating up the floor.

  76. Well, good! I still can’t believe how much money that family drags in because some dupes think Sarah will bring on the Rapture.

  77. "Bristol, you lost, hon. Now get in my binder."
    --- Mitt Romney (soon-to-be former GOP candidate)

  78. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Lose the gum, hick!! You're on TeeVee!

  79. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Season 15 Recap: Bristol Palin kicked off and loses the vote
    Sarah Palin's daughter is out in Week Four on DWTS!

  80. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Granny had tears in her eyes. Noy because Brissy lost, but because HER time in the spotlight will lessen without the weekly show and she can't pretend to be a tiny Hollywood star anymore.

    1. Anonymous6:24 AM

      That mean old President took votes from the golden child. There are people who actually tuned into the debate and left Bristled high and dry. That had to hurt.

  81. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Granny's visibility is fading fast. If her Fox contract isn't renewed, it will be very interesting to see what she does for attention. I think she'll throw Brissy under the bus and write a book about Trig's true parentage. She'll get tons and tons of attention and sympathy for choosing life and helping her young daughter and then she can give him back to Brissy because she's older and more mature now.

    She gets the spotlight and no longer has to take care of Trig (not that she does now).

  82. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Bristol is upset because she actually thought she was better than the lady (literally) old enough to be her great grandma. She was also happy that other chick fell during her dance. Bristol didn't believe she would be sent home because she's a hard assworker and whatnot and obviously she's a good dancer because otherwise she wouldn't be on the all star show.

  83. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Obama destroys Romney in debate and Briscow is eliminated. All is right with the world.

  84. Dis Gusted6:15 AM

    "Seeing the pic of Tripp sitting in the audience the other night -- egads, that kid looked like he should be starting the first grade by now! Did anybody else see that? So weird."

    he looks like any other 3 year old - bwahahahahaha

  85. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Will Bristroll finally get a real job now? She's never worked a day in her life so it might be a good idea to start now. The last she can do is take care of her many children. They need a mother. She hasn't been one so far.

  86. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Bristol has a hard time with humility. She said in her elimination video that she thinks it takes a lot of courage for someone to sign up for DWTS and a LOT more more courage to sign up a second time. And she referred to Mark as her security blanket. Everyone seems to have a purpose for a Palin. But little is said how they are a comfort, aide, help for others. How many people have written wonderful revues about the generosity and support that mom Palin or daughter Bristol has shown towards others with the working peers. It seems always to be about how others make them feel special. Poor Mark, I'll bet he's relieved.

    The courage that propelled Bristol to dance without any dancing expertise was the money and Sarah standing behind her saying, "Obey".

  87. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Glen Beck's faux university would accept Bristol and cover for her. She wouldn't have to do anymore than she did on DWTS and she could pretend she had an education. Hollyweird is weird and there is a big world of religious cons who are into television. I don't know why the Palins can't find somewhere to "work" and keep filling up their resumes.

  88. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Jimmy Kimmel told Bristol and Mark that now one likes to see him because they just got eliminated. Mark spoke up and said, "Jimmy I am HAPPY to see you.
    " Mark is so glad he's done dancing with Bristol.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.