Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The "Explainer-in-Chief" explains the Mitt Romney 5 trillion dollar tax cut for us.

Nobody does it better.


  1. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Just FYI --

    Massachusetts had three Republican governors immediately preceding Mitt Romney:
    William Weld, who quit thinking that Clinton would appoint him Ambassador to Mexico. That was held up in the Senate so he moved to NYC and became a Democratic lawyer;
    his lieutenant, Paul Celluci, took over, won election in his own right, but resigned so Bush would appoint him Ambassador to Canada;
    that left his lieutenant governor, Jane Swift (a woman!) as "acting governor" -- you don't become a full governor until you're elected in your own right.
    Swift had several problems, two of which is that she lived at the farthest end of the state from Boston, and had a 3 hour commute each way each day, unless she stayed with her brother in a Boston suburb. Massachusetts doesn't provide housing for its governor. Second, she had one small child and gave birth to twins while in office.
    To the rescue of the Republican Party came Mitt Romney, who saw his opportunity and he took it. He and the good old boys of the GOP, who were uncomfortable with a woman in charge, swept in and took over the nomination. You'll find one picture of Jane Swift in tears. She'd been Romneyed, with no advance warning.
    In 2008, she strongly supported John McCain.
    I doubt she'd offer an opinion now, but you won't see any Romney lawn signs at her place.
    Romney didn't need any foolish binder. Jane Swift was already in office. For good or bad, he took over the nomination by fiat. "It was his turn."

  2. A. J. Billings3:47 AM

    Here's the Romney face that reveals JUST how petulant and nasty he can be if someone dares to disagree with the Mormon in Chief.

    Who would dare to challenge his Royal self!???

    We can only hope that he really loses his cool at the next debate and goes off his rocker shouting and screaming.

    Every time Paylin was challenged by O'Reilly in the "interview" about the BP oil spill I knew she wanted to scream and swear at Bill-O

  3. Simple but brilliant.

  4. The Big Dog says, "Choose Arithmetic Over Illusion By Re-Electing Barack Obama"

  5. Anonymous6:06 AM

    What federal funding would Mitt slash to equal 5 trillion? What other federal funding or jobs would he reduce or slash to reduce the deficit?

    My intuition about Romney and Ryan is that they intend to kill funding and programs that they idealogicly oppose: social security, medicare, medicaid, federal health care reform, arts and

    culture, public education, unemployment, subsidized
    housing, maybe veteran care/benefits, And now credits and deductions including mortgages.

    Upward mobility and opportunity in America shall cease to exist.

  6. Cracklin Charlie6:12 AM

    My little brother and I went to California once to meet my big brother's new wife and in-laws. His new wife was an American of Filipino descent, and she had a huge family of aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. in California.

    We went to a barbecue one night, and I overheard one of the cute little aunts say to another about my brother..."Heeee's so cute...and he sounds just like Beeel Cleeenton! There was a band playing, and the little aunts made him dance with them all night!

    It's true, my brother looks and sounds like Bill Clinton. When I watch video of Bill, it's almost like watching my brother. If only he had Bill's brain.

  7. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Barack Obama on his even temper

  8. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Am so enjoying Bill Clinton's help in this election cycle. He is a standout there is no doubt!

    President Obama obviously won the debate/town hall meeting last night even though the Republicans totally disagree! Romney looked like an asshole throughout...especially enjoyed him being caught in the Libya 'act of terrorism' issue. MSNBA played the video after the debate - showing President Obama and Hillary Clinton in the Rose Garden and he assuredly did say it was an 'act of terrorism'! He did NOT use the term 14 days later as Romney said!

    Why anyone would vote for Romney/Ryan - is beyond me - especially women! They are so anti women issues - from work, to pay, to abortions, to contraception and as to the gay issue.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  9. Anita Winecooler1:01 PM

    Bill and Hillary Clinton are two amazing people! I honestly think the history books will call Bill one of the best President's of all time. Yeah, I was embarrassed with the Lewinsky thing, and mad that our tax money went to the witch hunts of the starr report and blackwater, among other things. Yet he fought and gave our country one of the best economies with a historic surplus.

    President Obama and Hillary Clinton fought a contentious race for the White House, I'm sure the Clinton's felt a lot of animus and tension, yet when push came to shove, they both proved to be his best ally and fervent supporters. Hillary has been an excellent Secretary of State and Bill is still active in the Obama Campaign and the Clinton Global Initiative.

    I sometimes wonder if Al Gore were President instead of GWBush, if they'd be just as active and supportive. Seeing all your hard work squandered on two wars for eight years, an economy that screwed the poor and middle class, and watching the country's stance in the world sink must be hard to take.

    Thanks Bill and Hillary! Your hard work is appreciated by this fifty something middle class liberal woman and her family.

    Obama/Biden 2012

    OT Joe Biden in a stump speech (paraphrased) "If Romney needed to find competent women, he didn't need a binder, he needed to come to my house!"

    Go Joe!!!!

  10. Anonymous11:48 AM

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