Thursday, October 25, 2012

Colin Powell puts country before politics and once again endorses President Obama.

Courtesy of CBS News:  

With 12 days to go before the presidential election, Powell publicly endorsed President Obama for re-election on "CBS This Morning" Thursday. 

"I voted for him in 2008 and I plan to stick with him in 2012 and I'll be voting for he and for Vice President Joe Biden next month." 

Powell explained his choice to Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell: 

"When he took over, the country was in very very difficult straits. We were in the one of the worst recessions we had seen in recent times, close to a depression. The fiscal system was collapsing. Wall Street was in chaos, we had 800,000 jobs lost in that first month of the Obama administration and unemployment peaked a few months later at 10 percent. So we were in real trouble. The auto industry was collapsing, the housing was start[ing] to collapse and we were in very difficult straits. And I saw over the next several years, stabilization come back in the financial community, housing is now starting to pick up after four years, it's starting to pick up. Consumer confidence is rising." 

Summarizing the past four years under Obama, Powell said "Generally we've come out of the dive and we're starting to gain altitude." He acknowledged that problems remain, saying "The unemployment rate is too high, people are still hurting in housing but I see that we're starting to rise up." 

Turning to foreign policy, Powell said he saw "the president get us of one war, start to get us out of a second war and did not get us into any new wars. And finally I think that the actions he has taken with respect to protecting us from terrorism have been very very solid. And so, I think we ought to keep on the track that we are on." 

Powell also did not mince words concerning WHY he is not endorsing the President's opponent and Republican instead:

"The governor who was saying things at the debate on Monday night ... was saying things that were quite different from what he said earlier. I'm not quite sure which Gov. Romney we would be getting with respect to foreign policy." 

"One day he has a certain strong view about staying in Afghanistan but then on Monday night he agrees with the withdrawal, same thing in Iraq. On almost every issue that was discussed on Monday night, Governor Romney agreed with the President with some nuances. But this is quite a different set of foreign policy views than he had earlier in the campaign. And my concern ... is that sometimes I don't sense that he has thought through these issues as thoroughly as he should have." 

Powell also said that he has given close consideration to Romney's domestic policies. "As I listen to what his proposals are especially with respect to dealing with respect to our most significant issue, the economy, it's essentially let's cut taxes and compensate for that with other things but that compensation does not cover all of the cuts intended or the new expenses associated with defense."

Well put.

I have to say that of ALL the members of the Bush administration, I tend to give a Colin Powell the most credit for taking responsibility for his actions and for working hard to make it up to the American people.  He has a unique perspective on the damage that a war mongering GOP administration can cause, and clearly wants to do what he can to prevent another one from taking office.


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Jon Stewart Slams Trump's 'Extortion', Palin's 'Shuck & Jive' & GOP Hypocrisy On Veterans

  2. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Mitt Romney's running mate, FOX NEWS, is banking on the Benghazi emails to be Obama's undoing. They are running their version of the attack and when did Obama know it and when didn't he b.s. non-stop.
    Mother Jones sets the record straight.

    1. Beldar J Conehead3:36 PM

      In Fox's defense, the country should know if it's true that a sitting president has conspired with anti-American Muslim extremists to kill American diplomats. And if President Obama is re-elected, I'm sure we'll have the assurance of Rep. Darrel "Dimebag" Issa to undertake an thorough 4 year investigation to uncover the truth. And if turns out that President Obama DID order the attack on the Libyan embassy, we can count on patriotic Republicans across the country to slither out from beneath wet rocks and rotting garbage to join together with one voice to demand the president promise not to kill any more American diplomats.


  3. Anonymous10:47 AM

    And we can expect Sarah Palin to post on her facebook that Colin Powell is shuckin' and jivin' to the Obama shuffle. Right?

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      No, I believe she'll call him an Uncle Tom or a House N****, then say that's what she calls Piper whenever Piper is trying really hard to do what others want her to do.

    2. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Even Sarah Palin has more clout than this, this "100% black man", in the eyes of the Rethugs.

      These racist fuks couldn't give two shits what Powell has to say, unless it's fanning GWB's skirt.

    3. Anonymous12:03 PM

      I think the racist Sarah Palin will keep her mouth shut as of today regarding racial slurs. The nation is AGAINST her and she finally has figured it out!!

      She will NOT utter one racial slur toward Colin Powell up to the election date!

  4. If the Republicans had run Colin Powell against either Al Gore or John Kerry, he might well have been our first black president.

    He is one of the few Republicans I actually respect.

    1. Anonymous11:41 AM

      I'd respect him even more if he finally saw the writing on the wall and changed his party affiliation to the Dems. There's no room left for reasonable people in the Republican Party any more.

    2. Nikogriego11:03 PM

      Colin Powell is not deserving of respect, as he lied us into Iraq with his tales of weapons of mass destruction, and trailers of chemicals and tubes, and going before the UN to make his case. He is sickening. So many people died due to his lies, including a million Iraqi civilians. Shame on him.

  5. Anonymous10:58 AM

    "...our most significant issue, the economy, ..."

    Well, nice try, Colin Powell, but our MOST significant issue is control of the Supreme Court. The next President will be selecting judges that will affect our lives for the next 25+ years. The battle between rational thought and religious fundamentalist TWATTER will be settled there.

    Anyone who is female, is related to a female, knows a female, encounters females, even sees females will be affected by the Supreme Court's interpretation of liberty as it applies to females. Think that's not true? Well, have a chat will someone that watched women die at the hands of back-alley abortionists.

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      10:58 I was very pleased to see Colin Powell endorse our President AGAIN and it will have an impact. But, you are also correct as to the issues of women in this election. Romney and Ryan are NOT pro women - check the record of Ryan in Congress and vote accordingly. President Obama deserves women coming out in full force FOR him!

  6. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Could my country go to war again on a trumped up cry of "weapons of mass destruction"? You betcha. And Colin Powell has done absolutely zip to make sure it never happens again.

    Colin Powell has pondered the question of the 2012 best choice. And we are supposed to listen. Because Colin Powell's ponderings have such a great track record.

    The man has no self-awareness. His credibility is lower than my 3-year saying they haven't dipped into the Halloween candy stash early.

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      I thought Tripp was 4, Bristol.

    2. It's a great Mother that knows the age of her only child.

      In fact, even a not so great Mother usually knows the age of her only child.

      Then there's Briskett.

  7. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Thank you AGAIN Colin Powell! (John McCain has already come out against this endorsement, of course, of course!)

    I'm delighted that people across the nation are sick and tired of hearing the crap put out there by the Republicans for the past four years. Romney/Ryan are going to lose this election and I suspect the media has been incorrect in this being a close election.

    I'm especially pleased that Trump and Palin are getting the NEGATIVE press they are and they richly deserve it! Palin is really getting it FINALLY for her bullshit racial slur of yesterday. It's about time! Thank you Colbert, Stewart and The View especially!

    President and Mrs. Obama have maintained nothing but steadiness and kindness throughout the past four years (on a personal level - as well as being President and First Lady!). I don't know how they did it - honestly - with all the racist stuff that has been put out there against them.

    I'm pleased to say that I voted absentee and marked my ballot AGAIN for President Obama and VP Biden and I think they are going to be elected.

    The Republican party made a huge mistake in picking Mitt Romney as their candidate. He and Ryan are two very frightening people!!!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    1. Sally in MI2:16 PM

      Their real mistake was embracing the Tea Party and then taking it even further. They truly thought 2010 meant the country was ripe for the picking.

  8. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I would refuse to vote for a man who does not keep his money in the country he wants to be POTUS of.

    Why would you trust a man who values his money over patriotism?

  9. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Can Colin Powell explain how the RWNJ's, including the NRA, tell us it is ok to shoot to kill someone who "is in your space" (e.g.Trayvon Martin) but when a rapist impregnates a woman it is a gift from god and she must bear the child? Maybe a connection to that myth about immaculate conception when "god" invaded "Mary's" vagina?

    How many right wingers whose female relatives are impregnated by a black rapist do you think would be mandated to carry child to birth? BWAWWWHHHAAAAAAhaahaa

    This one is as difficult for me to wrap myself around and believe as it is for me to believe that every good Moron is going to get their own planet of which they will become the god.

    NPR's program this morning had a speaker on who said the Moron church is nervous as all get out due to the media coverage coming out which certainly shows that it is a cult, not a xtian religion as it has its own books etc. One contributor (professional in the education field) said he thinks there are Morons who are xtians but Mormonism is not a christian religion.

    They did bring up more than once that it will be interesting to see how many catholics will vote for a cultist rethug when they are so bent on religion in their government. Guess no black Morons may be more important to the catholics than a biblical candidate.

    Spare me the crappy fantasies and let's get on with some sanity for this country's problems.

    Good move, Colin Powell as your reputation was so ruined by your standing with Bushie's lies which you knew at the time. Never too late to make amends. Keep it up but don't sign up for any jobs with Obama as he should know better than to include you.

  10. Thank you, Colin Powell.

    McCain has already blasted Powell. I hope we don't get an equally bitter and stupid tantrum from racist Princess Snagglescreech. Although the bitch has certainly been on a tear lately, hopefully because she sees the end closing in.

  11. He’s a good soldier to the Commander in Chief. I don’t think his values lined up with Bush II, but he went along for the sake of the office. Now his values mirror the Commander in Chief.

  12. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Colin Powell was hung out to dry by the Cheney Administration.* They purposefully sent him to the U.N. with a 'vile' of uranium (not really) to plead the case for an invasion of Iraq. The so-called weapons of mass destruction that Cheney and National Security Advisor Condo Rice knew didn't exist.
    I don't believe Powell was in on most of Cheney's shenanigans. He was used. And when it became obvious, he bailed out on Cheney in 2005. I don't remember the exact reasoning, but I'm sure it was something to the effect, "to spend more time with my family."
    He knew he was made a fool of by Cheney, Rice and Rumsfeld. The real axis of evil.
    He's been trying to redeem his image ever since. I'm glad he's come around and has endorsed Obama (then and now).

    * We all know who really ran the administration 2000-2008.

  13. Anonymous11:44 AM

    lego hair Shuck and Jive Comment on the View

    1. Anita Winecooler8:24 PM

      Whoppie nailed it, as usual. I'd love to watch this show regularly, but I can't stand that Liz hypocrite.

  14. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Breaking: Court Unseals Potentially Devastating Testimony by Mitt Romney in Friend's Divorce Case

    Mitt Romney is being accused of lying under oath to protect the old boys' network--and the documents have just gone public.

    1. Sally in MI2:14 PM

      What he surprise. He lied 20 years ago too. But the 'liberal' media won't touch it..

    2. Anonymous3:05 PM

      He lied under oath, which is PERJURY. That makes him not only ineligble to vote, but disqualifies him from the presidency. Want to bet his magic undies are "in a bunch" right now? That would explain his very strange, mincing walk.

    3. Anonymous4:43 PM

      "Want to bet his magic undies are "in a bunch" right now? That would explain his very strange, mincing walk."

      That how I walk when I wear my Mom's jeans as well. Her ass ain't "Boney Boo Boo SMALL", but it's smaller than mine!

    4. Anita Winecooler8:30 PM

      He's avoiding reporters and not doing interviews until after the election, my guess is he's drowning in flop sweat, perjury is a big fing deal, but this won't get the attention in the media that it deserves.

      That's why Bloggers, especially Gryphen are doing the job that journalists should be doing.

      Ann, drop the nail file and call the laundress! massive skid marks ahead!

  15. Anonymous11:54 AM

    11:28 I think you meant 'has certainly been on a terror lately'! She is a terrorist, racist, liar, cheater, idiot and on and on. The Republican party is embarrassed by her as well as the egomaniac Trump!! She is being put in the same category as him and that is an absolute hoot!!!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  16. The saddest part of today's Republican Party is that it would never recognize Colin Powell as one of their best and brightest. The RP would never get behind Powell running for any office, never mind being President. I would so vote for a Powell/C. Rice ticket, or, for that matter, a Rice/Powell ticket. (As long as they weren't running against Obama, that is.) Despite the disagreements I have with their past policies, I respect both of them for having brains and self-respect, something current Republican candidates in general are missing out on.

  17. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Why is McCain making a fool of himself again? Getting involved with Indiana race, then picking a fight with a 4 STAR GENERAL.

    You are one to talk about FUCKED your LEGACY in the ASS when you cowtowed to the right wing and chose Sarah. Retire old man, you're done.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:33 PM

      well said! History won't be too kind to Senile McCornteeth.

  18. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Looks like the Romney surge was mostly in the media's pants.

  19. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Powell is a true American hero who served his country with distinction. He is the polar opposite of that draftdodging manchild of privilege, Willard Chickenhawk Rmoney.

  20. Anonymous12:14 PM

    John McCain Lashes Out At Colin Powell After Obama Endorsement

    1. Sally in MI2:13 PM

      John is a sellout...any of his 'heroism' is now gone. If someone came up to him and said, "But Obama is Arab" today, he'd probably just nod in agreement.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:35 PM

      Poor John McCain-Palin. So glad to see Colin Powell get under his skin.

  21. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Because of Colin Powell a lot of lives were lost in Iraq. He should be given no credibility at all. He lied us into a needless war. Fuck Colon Powell

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      "He should be given no credibility at all."

      You're partially correct.

      "He has no credibility at all."

  22. Anonymous12:21 PM

    How Mitt and Ann Romney made up to $115 million on the auto bailout

    1. Sally in MI2:12 PM

      And no dount paid not a dime in taxes on any of it, those patriotic Amerimormons.

  23. Anonymous12:34 PM

    This is funny, Greta isn't taking Trumps bullshit and he is NOT happy about it!

  24. Anonymous12:46 PM

    This is what desperate spin for setting the media narrative sounds like:

  25. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Hurricane Sandy On Track To Hit East Coast Early Next Week

    Hurricane Sandy is on track to his the U.S. East Coast early next week, according to the National Weather Center’s latest projection

  26. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Colin comes through. Suck on that,Sarah.

  27. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Look how fast McCain sold out. Mourdock never apologized for what he said. This is what McCain DEMANDED of him before he would resume his endorsement/campaigning for Mourdock:

    "If he apologizes and says he misspoke and he was wrong and he asks the people to forgive him, then obviously I’d be the first. ...

    Except he never did any of that, he did the usual GOP bullshit of "I'm sorry that people misunderstood, blah, blah, but he NEVER said he was wrong or misspoke, because of course he didn't, but McCain withdrew his support for what he said, and that remains intact, so McCain SOLD FUCKING OUT, as all the GOP are doing since they have their eye on the prize, the Senate seat, and they can't risk losing Mourdock at this late stage of the game. I promise you, they're all lining up behind him for THAT REASON, they're scared shitless to lose the seat to a Dem.

    McCain Accepts Mourdock’s Apology

    An aide for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said Thursday he hadn't seen Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock's press conference when McCain told CNN Wednesday that Mourdock had to apologize for his statement about rape, conception and God's will in order to keep McCain's endorsement.

    “Senator McCain was traveling yesterday in Florida and did not have an opportunity to see Mr. Mourdock’s full press conference before he taped his CNN interview," McCain spokesperson Brian Rogers said. "Senator McCain is glad that Mr. Mourdock apologized to the people of Indiana and clarified his previous statement. Senator McCain hopes the people of Indiana will elect Mr. Mourdock to the U.S. Senate."

    At his Wednesday press conference, Mourdock stood by his words and accused his opponents of "twisting" them. He said he was **sorry if people had misinterpreted them the wrong way**.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!3:01 PM


    2. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Well, in the repub. world THAT is an apology, that people misunderstood their words. Who gives McCain any heft, after the Palin fiasco, plus the other dumb statements he has made? He is like Palin, desperate to have cameras trained on him while he babbles on.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:58 PM

      Oh, "I'm sorry if people had misinterpreted them the wrong way" is the Mr Clean magic eraser?

      That Senator John McCain-Palin is a real stand up guy!

  28. Anonymous1:07 PM

    So who is up to this in Arizona, somebody associated with Sarah?

    Click here: Arizona Dark Money Group Spends Millions In California

  29. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I think John McCain is bipolar.

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      I think he is senile. One thing for sure, he is on some powerful meds. to keep his explosive temper in check.

  30. Sally in MI2:10 PM

    Not sure why he even calls himslef a Republican, or is he what Republicans USED to be?

  31. Anita Winecooler9:10 PM

    His endorsement of President Obama was eloquent and well-timed. I'm sure Romney thought HE deserved to get his endorsement, you know, because he's got a captial "R" after his name.

    Romney, Dick Cheyney and Glen Beck are fundraising at some speech, he's gotten the endorsement from Condi, I suppose Shrub was busy choking on a pretzel or falling off a segway scooter, or he's surely have show up!


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