Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sarah Palin backpedals on her "Shuck and Jive" comment directed at the President, and throws out Piper as a human shield. Classy! Update!

Courtesy of the Lunatic from Lake Lucille's Facebook page:

For the record, there was nothing remotely racist in my use of the phrase "shuck and jive" – a phrase which many people have used, including Chris Matthews, Andrew Cuomo, and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney to name a few off the top of my head. In fact, Andrew Cuomo also used the phrase in reference to Barack Obama, and the fact that Mr. Cuomo and I used the phrase in relation to President Obama signifies nothing out of the ordinary. I would have used the exact same expression if I had been writing about President Carter, whose foreign policy rivaled Obama’s in its ineptitude, or about the Nixon administration, which was also famously rocked by a cover-up.

I’ve been known to use the phrase most often when chastising my daughter Piper to stop procrastinating and do her homework. As she is part Yup’ik Eskimo, I’m not sure if this term would be deemed offensive when it’s directed at her or if it would be considered benign as in the case of Chris Matthews’ use of it in reference to Rachel Maddow. Just to be careful, from now on I’ll avoid using it with Piper, and I would appreciate it if the media refrained from using words and phrases like igloo, Eskimo Pie, and “when hell freezes over,” as they might be considered offensive by my extended Alaska Native family. 

The outrageously outraged reaction to this expression from perennial hypocrites like Chris Matthews has only made me laugh. Mr. Matthews, let me share with you my favorite Irish toast: “May we always be happy, and may our enemies always know it.”

 - Sarah Palin

Clearly this idiot did not take into account just how much of a backlash her  provocative words would attract. Sure she wanted to get attention, she lives for attention, but much like her "blood libel" comments after the Gabby Giffords shooting, she was unable to recognize just how ugly they would seem when the media shone its light on them for the world to see.

The idea that Palin did not realize that her words were tinged with racism is of course ridiculous, she absolutely did. However the idea that she would get a pass for saying them is completely believable. After all just think of the numerous things she has said that have NOT resulted in the kind of backlash that one might expect if somebody else had said them.

However what Palin seems unable to recognize is that the person who could flash a little leg (accompanied by a flash of panties) and get away with saying truly horrible things, like the woman pictured below....

,,, is no longer the person that we all see.

We now see this nasty bitch...

..and THIS nasty bitch has worn out her welcome and needs to keep her big stupid mouth closed.

Update: For those wondering if that is really Palin in the gif above, I have to say that I am not  exactly positive, though it DOES look quite a lot like her.

It was sent to me by our friend Alaska Dave Down Unda, though he did not identify where he discovered it.

However he also sent along this picture from 2008 for comparison.

I guess you can decide for yourselves. (Update: NOT her, though she undoubtedly wishes it were.)


  1. She knew exactly what she was doing and now she's trying to avoid accountability.

    Also, please note the reinforcement of the Romney talking point that compares President Obama to their lying children.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      At least she is finally admitting that all she does is parrot words.

    2. Anonymous9:53 AM

      That's David Carradine in that pic? RIP BTW.

  2. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Characterizing "hell freezes over" as an ethnic slur, shows the depth of Sarah Palin's ignorance. She is unable to research and organize her thoughts at even the 7th grade level. Furthermore, she either does not listen to her advisers or she has no credible advisers left.

    Sarah Palin's cognitive problems are just one of the many symptoms of her psychosis. She is deteriorating. The restraints of sanity are slipping away.

    Hoping the family intervenes on behalf of the children still under Sarah Palin's control.

    1. comeonpeople7:35 AM

      Has she ever had the restraints of sanity?
      I don't think she has, for a very long time.
      Putting a square pillow in your panties and calling it "Tri-G" is not sane.
      Going from flat to 9 months pregnant with a strap on belly in 5 weeks is not sane.
      Coming up with the tale of the wild ride is not sane.
      Believing god has chosen her to lead the world into the end times is not sane.
      We could literally go on and on for hours with examples of Palin's insanity.

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Palin proving once again, that she doesn't understand the definition of "context."

      Wearing jeans and tight tee at a private family picnic - A-OK

      Wearing jeans and tight tee as a pubic political figure at a public picnic/rally - not OK

      Complaining to your close girlfriends about some old fart moving in next door and claiming he wants to look over the fence at you in shorts - narcissistic (esp when your body is icky) but OK, especially after a few beers, even if you use sexual innuendo/terminology to boot - after a LOT of beers.

      Saying the same on national television - you're a sexually fixated loon.

      Telling your white daughter not to shuck and jive about homework in the privacy of your home - A-OK.

      Saying the same about the first black President of the US whom you have made a career out of hating and doing so on a national TV show? Get a dictionary, you racist bitch.

    3. Anonymous8:21 AM

      What scares me even more than her insanity (and that scares me a LOT) is the insanity of the people who worship her.

    4. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Well said, comeonpeople.

      And why it matters, at this point, is that it's all common knowledge among those who read and write, and yet the GOP VIPs still enables it. Not surprising that Romney demonstrates that it's just fine to lie: Hoax or lie, no problem, no adverse consequences.

  3. I would think the Yup'ik people would be more upset by Sarah using them to get her non-existent ass out of the fire than they would be over the term "when hell freezes over". Could anyone explain to me how that term is offensive to anyone?

    And Sarah? Please, please, please leave us Irish out of it.....we think your a back pocket on a shirt.

    1. sorry - should be You're a back pocket on a shirt.

    2. Anonymous8:23 AM

      That's the phrase that jumped out at me when I read it too. Not offensive at all. She had nothing to say, so was really stretching.

  4. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Don't sweat using "hell freezes over", Sarah. Much finer minds that yours know how to put it to good use.

    A famous use of that handy phrase "hell freezes over" was by Adlai Stevenson at the UN when challenging the Soviets about missiles in Cuba.

    (scroll down for the video)

  5. Anonymous6:18 AM

    don't think that is Palin - she doesn't do pearls AND she's famous for going commando

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      I don't think she'd risk such jerky movements -- the wig might shift.

      The collar of the two pink jackets is different.

  6. Anonymous6:19 AM

    How come Sarah Palin doesn't show rage or come out with examples when people accused Todd Palin of being a pimp? How come the Palins are quiet when the book Boys Will Be Boys came out accusing Todd of having sex with Shailey Tripp and pimping her out to the Secret Service?

    1. Anonymous6:28 AM

      Is Todd a pimp?
      Did Todd have sex with Shailey Tripp?
      Does Todd have a two tone penis like Shailey claims he has?

      Where's your anger against Shailey Tripp and her book?

      When will Todd speak out?

    2. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Yeah, where is the outrage from Toad on his teeny tiny two toned weanie?

    3. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Has she gotten her (blue) panties in a wad over Coulter's use of "retard" yet?

      $carah's scared of Annie, nyah, nyah, nyah, nah nyah nyah.

    4. Anonymous8:51 AM

      It's not over with the Palin's business.... The Director of the Secret Service. Mark Sullivan, may be caught in lies and covering for the likes of Todd Palin. That will be huge if they don't let him slip out of this one.
      What spells courruption more than Scarah has the backing of John McCain?

    5. Because her Gift from God means nothing to her. You would think that even if she decided not to mention that "retard" itself is considered a slur against all developmentally disabled people-- that she would at least snap something back about how her retarded baby isn't anything like that rat bastard she thinks we have as a president. And that such a comparison is just (cue word salad).

  7. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Well, at least, she had it together enough to have underwear on.

  8. Anonymous6:20 AM

    She's a dirtbag liar.

  9. jcinco6:22 AM

    she knows she fucked up...faux is supposed to be watching the racist shit per ailes. this may seal the deal regarding no new contract...too bad, so sad.

  10. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Just because you Sarah Palin use Shucking and Jiving in your racist household doesn't make using that expression okay out in the public.

    Just because you Sarah Palin and your family use the word FAGGOT in your homophobic household doesn't make it right for Tripp to use it on Life's A Tripp!

    You gettin my drift ya good fer nuthin Wasilla Hill Billy?

  11. Anonymous6:26 AM

    It's almost miraculous how Palin always reels from one stupid statement to an even bigger stupid statement. Must be a defective defense mechanism.

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Fox and Palin are on the bandwagon of a conspiracy. Last night Bill O'Riley claimed Obama wants us to believe he wiped out or rid all the Al Qaeda by killing Bin Laden.

      The POTUS has never suggested that and has stated the opposite. These extreme distortions annoy me.

    2. Anonymous7:23 AM


  12. Jesse - now you're just being silly. The lady in the gif has better legs, not to mention the late David Carridine up in the left hand corner.

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Yep. Sarah would have been COMMANDO and given a better peek.

  13. Anonymous6:31 AM

    When Hell freezes over is now a slur against people who live in cold climates?

    Is she really that uneducated?

  14. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Palin, as always, dangling the shiny object to distract from the real issue... someone famous just used the word "retard" in the twitter-verse. Palin is terrified she'll be asked why she hasn't reacted with her previous venom. Because Palin just hates knowing people are laughing at her.

  15. Anonymous6:34 AM

    We're still waiting for her to take Coulter to task for her use of the term "retard."

    When Hell freezes over, right Sarah?

  16. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Fox viewer ship is down 25%. Let´s rain rocks down on them for keeping this race baiter on the air.

    Iḿ going to start by sending e-mails to their sponsors!

  17. Anonymous6:34 AM

    The Wasilla sex kitten strikes again.

    1. "sex kitten" she ain't...more like a mangy feral alley cat now.

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Ha Ha! Gina, you make me laugh!

    3. Anonymous10:24 AM

      I love GinaM.

      But, Heavenly Father, I wish she´d cut Bekka some slack and lose the avatar.

      I recommend the third photo of Sarah in this post: Skull with a wig, aka Receding Hairline.

    4. Anonymous11:05 AM

      GinaM7:36 AM

      "sex kitten" she ain't...more like a mangy feral alley cat now."

      Gina, you're slipping. "...more like a rabid, cross-eyed, mangy feral alley cat, now."

      Fixed that for you. You're welcome.

  18. Anonymous6:35 AM

    What? No blood libel video II? I am stunned she closed with mandating no one say "igloo" etc which is nonsensical. WTH does "when hell freezes over" have to do with Eskimo heritage?

    What can we expect from the same woman who put crosshairs on people and claimed to be the victim when mass murder was committed? How dare people object to anything she does or says?

    Palin is emotionally arrested. Chris Matthews long hoped she would capitalize on her ability to whip up a crowd. He was vocal believing her to be a contender if an empty vessel.

    One criticisim indeed morphs into perceived enemies. This rant proves it. Bristol needs dance lessons =enemy=hater.

    Personality disorders do what is called "splitting": things are all bad or all good, hate or love and they make facts fit.

  19. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Does Willow actually have any native blood.

    I thought she had another father like her brothers.

  20. angela6:37 AM

    Palin is a nasty racist sociopath. I'm sick of her silly ass. And you are right Gryphen----she used one of her kids, AGAIN, to try to get her lipo sucked butt out of the fire. It didn't work. She's still ass putrid and smelly as she ever was.

    1. Anonymous7:28 AM

      She needs to liposuction her face. Have you seen the deep lines alongside her mouth and nose?

  21. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Willow looks native, I wonder about Piper.

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      When was she boinking the coward Brad Hanson? Poor Piper is that vicious foul mouth child abuser is her father.

  22. Leland6:38 AM

    I SO look forward to the day when all of us are able to do what President Obama does with this bitch - IGNORE HER!

  23. Anonymous6:38 AM

    I don't think that's her, there are no glasses and the legs are too thin.
    She's such an asshole. She's a vindictive school girl.

  24. Anonymous6:39 AM

    So how much more time are we going to waste on Palin?

    1. You're an ass. Nobody forced you to click on this post.

    2. Yeah, we get it. We spend too much time on Palin. So why are you here? On an Alaskan blog that surprise! keeps an eye on what Alaska's most infamous resident is up to.

      Way to make the comments irritatingly hard to read.

      Gryphen, the comment is not offensive in the slightest, but in the interests of readability/scrollability, it would be nice to see it go.

    3. comeonpeople7:41 AM


    4. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn8:18 AM

      Anon @ 6:39am--

      Oooooohhh, clever. Didja stay up all night in your playpen thinking it up?

    5. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Why allow the space/bandwidth violating hog?
      DELETE, please.

  25. Anonymous6:39 AM

    That's not her in the GIF. Way too pretty and graceful. Can you imagine her trying to pull of that move? Nope. It's from a movie called Big Stan. The actress is Jennifer Morrison, that's David Carradine in the background.

    She knew exactly what she was saying with the "shuck and jive" comment. When she didn't get enough attention for saying it, she took to twitter and facebook to try to escalate it, which she did, successfully. Now she gets to do her "Media Victim" schtick, rally the bots, and pull in some new donations. I also agree with Aunt Snow about the reinforcement of the Romney infantilization of the President. Don't think for a second that this isn't calculated, planned, and paid for.

    1. Disgusted8:45 AM

  26. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Jon Stewart is clearly tired of covering the endless 2012 campaign antics. On Wednesday, while covering Donald Trump’s latest escapade and Sarah Palin decrying President Obama’s “shuck and jive” on Libya, the “Daily Show’ host got his footage confused.

    “I’m sorry, that wasn’t Donald Trump essentially trying to publicly extort the President of the United States. That was a gorilla eating its own shit,” Stewart said.

    And looking at Palin’s statement, Stewart showed an equally crude tape of a hippopotamus.

    “I don’t know how I ended up confusing these images.”

    Watch the video:

  27. That's David Carradine in the upper left, so I guess this is from a movie. Totally thought it was Palin at first, though!

    1. Anonymous7:00 AM

      Thank you!
      That was driving me crazy because I recognized him too but couldn't for the life of me remember his name.

  28. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Obviously not written by Palin. Ask her what perennial means.

  29. Anonymous6:43 AM

    The takeaway from this, for me, since I already know Sarah Palin is a racist hasbeen, is that $arah Palin is so pathetic that she actually thinks that anyone would believe she is happy! Even without hearing her screech her vitriol, one look at her fucked up face, emaciated frame, and ratty wigs will tell you she is a sad, angry, tormented soul. And enemies, really? I am sure Chris Matthews is LOLing at the idea of him and this loser ex-politician and current punchline being "enemies." Hahaha!

  30. Crystal Sage6:43 AM

    Eskimo Pie is a brand name; complain to the manufacturer, Sarah. Igloo is, when last I checked, a term used to describe the ice homes of Alaskan natives. I guess that tee-pee is also a racist term to Sarah. "When hell freezes over" has been used for a millennium. What is racist about that?

    "Shuck and Jive" is a racist term. A commentator on MSNBC described its origin to slave days when corn was shucked and the slaves would sign and dance while performing this chore. So, it would seem that it is a direct reference to blacks/slaves.

    Sarah doesn't care enough to remind Piper to do her homework. More along the lines of: "Piper Diaper, bring me another Red Bull, chop-chop."

  31. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Damn you Gryphen. What's the angle, got a friend that handle erectile dyfunctions or what. Well you went to far. You turned my outie into an innie and it may never be seen again. No warning at all at what we will see with this post. That shit will haunt my dreams forever, damn you man I am still shivering.
    You mean this ho has been flashing her drawers at little kids at those rally. Sick Bitch!

  32. You know what's funny- that GIF looks like an exact cross between Fey as Palin and Moore as Palin.

    Although flashing a neon thong at a crowd is SO right up her alley (eeewwww, not THAT alley. although- well, yeah. I guess that one as well given her penchant for skirts that only come down to her navel) I just can't tell if it's her.

    That woman has an incredibly toned looking figure and I am not sure if Palin pulled that off even with all that beautifying RNC cash thrown at her.

    And God, she's so GROSS. Using Piper as her human shield yet again. Whether it's being a literal human shield against boos at a hockey game or just a virtual one against her mother's racism- Piper's the one I actually have sympathy for.

    Also, too- that screed couldn't have RAM all over it more unless it was tattooed on the body of that weasely wordshark. Guess she'll get another $8k check to not cash for this little rant.

  33. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Why is $arah upset over the use of "when Hell freezes over". Because she is Satan's spawn and she don't want her childhood home to change, she wants it to be just as she left it- hot as hell.

  34. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Sarah is going bonkers. Really, her poor reasoning skills in that backpedalled post says it all.

    Comparing using terms like "igloo" and "Eskimo pie" to "shuck and jive" are completely different. First, a noun like igloo or a food product named "Eskimo pie" is not an insult. One is a shelter, which has no negative connotation, and the other is the name of a cold snack. We drink bottled sugared drinks with Hawaiaan labelled on them, and no one from Hawaii, in my experience, has ever complained. Jamaica pie, french toast, chinese fried rice, nor "when hell freezes over" give a sense that they are stinging an ethnic group. But using the term "shuck and jive" was offensive by Palin, because it derives painful memories for African-Americans, and it's not a 'noun', but it was a type of communication that gave relief to those who were enslaved. And, she used the word directed toward an African-American man. She knew how that word would STING, and how it projects her lack of compassion towards the days of slavery. It tells the world she is clueless, bitchy, the fakest christian alive, and a very unpatriotic American, where she can try to use a term directed toward her POTUS in such a cruel manner.

    Her irish toast is a joke. Oh, yes, happy happy happy Sarah, who wants her haters and enemies to know how happy happy happy she is. The Truth, which sets one free, Sarah, does not allow a person's conscience to be happy when they treat others this way. You are NOT a happy woman.

  35. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Wordplay Answers
    The meaning of, and background to, the well-known expression "Till hell freezes over."
    Current Wordplay | Archives
    Jun 13, 2012 Wordplay

    T H F Over

    Till hell freezes over


    This saying appears to have originated around the 1910s and first appeared in print in 1919. It was a favorite expression of both P.G. Wodehouse and F. Scott Fitzgerald - the latter often ended his letters with "Yours till hell freezes over".

    1. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Till hell freezes over is to me the same of 'when pigs fly'.

    2. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Wodehouse and Fitzgerald obviously had it out for Alaskan natives.

  36. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Knew it was too pretty and graceful to be Palin. LOL.

    Actually she isn't that athletic and young. Remember her, huffing and puffing phony mountain climb in her reality show?

    Does she ever open her mouth without sticking her foot in it. Now that is about as athletic as she gets.

  37. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I doubt that Sarah's read either Fitzgerald or the inestimable P.G. Woodhouse.
    In any event, it appears to be an East Coast/Anglican phrase of a hundred years ago, with no reference to Native Americans!

  38. Anonymous7:01 AM

    The term "igloo" isn't a racist term. It is used in 1st people language when referencing a shelter or cover from bad weather.

    For example when Libby riddles won the Iditarod, she traveled out into a storm and camped out using igloo. Basically meaning she curled up in her sled and waited out the storm. A move that have her a winning lead.

    For Palin to vomit out the word as a racist term is a bunch of crap. If she knew anything about those YUPIK inlaws she would know better.

    The word "igloo" is thrown around by racists... "Go home to your igloo salmon cruncher."

    The bitch invokes her YUPIK in laws in so many wrong ways.
    Good god she is stooooooopid.

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Have we ever seen a photo of Sarah with her inlaws (Todd's parents - divorced)? No!!!! From what I hear they have never liked her and Sarah has never done anything to improve the situation!

    2. Anonymous11:33 AM

      The Todd maternal grandmother has posed for pictures with Sarah and others. Don't recall seeing her with Todd.

  39. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I'm guessing if Sarah Palin uses racist comments at home then it would be okay for Piper and Tripp to use them at school.... That's if they go to school.

  40. So, who else is kinda mesmerized by the GIF? It's the repetitive motion, perhaps- but I felt like mowgli looking into the snake's eyes!

  41. Not What You Want to Hear7:11 AM

    I would never use that expression in regards to a black person. I don't care if anyone else before me had, either, that's not an excuse.

    As for the gif image, it's offensive, too. There is a trend in recent years - a disgusting trend - to covertly film women and girls in the hopes of catching a glimpse up their skirts. It is disheartening to see one on this forum. We have no idea, none, if that person deliberately flashed herself or not. We have no idea if she even knew some cretin with a camera was there to film it and then upload it on the Internet.

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      The clip is from a movie. See upthread.

    2. Anonymous7:35 AM

      When you approach the edge of a stage with people in front of you, it's a good bet that SOMEONE might catch a glimpse of your underwear unless you take a certain amount of care in seating yourself. That person in the pink suit plopping herself down? She KNEW she could seat herself with less exposure.

    3. Anonymous7:57 AM

      There's no way I would ever believe that was real (even if David Carradine wasn't in the background). It's from a movie and I'm guessing they practiced the move over and over again to make sure her underwear was showing.

    4. Sally in MI8:39 AM

      I went to a local concert with a current Broadway Tony winner, and we were sitting in the 2nd row. She had on a lovely gauzy gown, and unshaved legs. No lie! When the light hit her right, you could see the hair. I just found it odd. However, she was savvy enough to have a slip unde the dress, AND it was long enough that we could not see up her legs, thank goodness.

  42. Anonymous7:12 AM

    And Sarah claims to be a Christian?

    1. Sally in MI8:36 AM

      She hasn't claimed that since her last foray at the "Happy Women" conference, or whatever they call themselves.

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM

      I think she TWITtered a bible verse a couple days ago.

  43. Anonymous7:15 AM

    TODD!!!! Git your pimpin ass up here and warm up my FOX camera.

    Time for me to make another "I'm The Victim Blood Libel" video.

  44. Anonymous7:17 AM

    There's nothing racist about that statement Sarah Palin used.
    - Archie Bunker

  45. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Sarah Palin is not a racist so stop trying to paint her as one!

    Go ahead Sarah... You tell em Sarah... you like black dick!

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      When asked where Libya is Sarah pointed "down there" and when she hooked up with Glenn Rice in her sister's dorm room everyone could hear her screaming, "Shuck me! Oh shuck me harder, shuck me me meeeee!!!"

  46. Anonymous7:24 AM

    It looks like Sarah Palin hasn't gotten over losing the Miss Alaska title to the African American Alaskan.

  47. So Piper has been "shucking and jiving" in the cotton fields, I see. There is no other possible way Sara would have known that expression.

    Finally, there was "backlash" from something she has spewed.

  48. Anonymous7:28 AM

    An igloo (Inuit language: iglu,[1] ᐃᒡᓗ [iɣ.'lu] (plural: igluit ᐃᒡᓗᐃᑦ [iɣ.lu.'it]) or snowhouse is a type of shelter built of snow, originally built by the Inuit.

    Igloos are usually associated with all Inuit, they were predominantly constructed by people of Canada's Central Arctic and Greenland's Thule area. Other Inuit people tended to use snow to insulate their houses, which were constructed from whalebone and hides. Snow is used because the air pockets trapped in it make it an insulator. On the outside, temperatures may be as low as −45 °C (−49 °F), but on the inside the temperature may range from −7 °C (19 °F) to 16 °C (61 °F) when warmed by body heat alone.

    Doing my research on the Yup'ik people, I discovered that they did not live in igloos. They lived in a quasgiq: -- driftwood houses insulated with sod. Maybe Sarah should be required to hand in a term paper on her husband's heritage.

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      agreed, this family does not seem to be interested in tradition unless it involves money.....

    2. Anonymous9:37 AM

      They, including Todd, don't give a shit about the culture or lineage. They just use it as a get out of jail free card whenever a whiff of racial insensitivity or lack of sensitivity becomes an issue.

      When asked about her record on miniorities, she'd always say, "My husband is Native, my children are Native" to parlay it into some sort of policy helpful to Natives.

      The only thing they care about from Todd's side is that it gave him access to Bristol Bay's rich fishing grounds.

  49. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Totally OT and I feel like a stalker, but it looks like Levi and Sunny are now engaged. I wish them the best.

    1. Sally in MI8:35 AM

      Yeah, well, he was engaged to Bristol once too. Now that they have a baby, shouldn't they just GET MARRIED? Or he is waiting until she's pregnant again? I'm sorry, but I have no respect for these women who let him take advantage of them, nor of a young man who goes around impregnting young women. No self-respect on either side. And by the way, Alaska, birth control IS still available.

    2. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Well, my sister had a baby and then got married (of course, she was in her early 40s at the time), so I'm willing to give Sunny the benefit of the doubt as far as her relationship with Levi. I don't think having a baby that young is a good idea, but hopefully everything will work out for them.

    3. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Where did you see that information?

    4. Anonymous9:49 AM


    5. Anonymous9:57 AM

      It might just as well have been Sunny that did not want to marry until now. Assuming that the MAN is the one calling the shots is really a very dated notion.

    6. Anonymous10:24 AM

      I'm glad they are engaged. Hopefully Bristol will sign the divorce papers then Sunny and Levi can finally get married.

  50. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Also, too, those weren't cross hairs or target markings. They were surveyor's marks.

    1. Yeah, sure. If you actually believe that I have ocean-front property in Nebraska for sale.

  51. Okay so we are all now pretty convinced that the woman in the gif is NOT Palin, right? (I actually was not sure. Though I am embarrassed to admit I did not see David Carradine up at the top, since at one time I was a fan.)

    I think I will leave it up since I feel that it is STILL representative of the image that Palin has desperately tried to portray since bursting onto the national stage.

    1. It doesn't matter Gryphen...the old men from the Asylum will be here shortly to stare and stare and stare (I'm looking at YOU MJ Sheppard) and download this to their computers and put in a secret folder so that their old lady wives won't have a old goats! LOL!!

    2. Anonymous8:05 AM

  52. Come on Gryphen! Baldy is so fucking stupid...she thinks a "backlash" is having her eyelashes applied while she's laying on her back!

    That's not Baldy...that looks like real hair and we all know Baldy hasn't seen her real hair in a LONNGG time! And as far as her dumbass using Piper as a shield...what else is new. She still thinks Piper is 8 years old...nevermind that Piper is taller...bigger and probably meaner than a junk yard dog from being abandoned by that she-devil. Piper should be happy not to be around her retarded ass mama.

    Can't wait to see Baldy end up flashing her smelly coochie to the Viagra crowd...eventually that will be all she'll have left to do to get them to send her their Social Security checks! She's a WHORE...she does what whores do....Creepy Sr and the Toad taught her well.

  53. Of course anything she says/writes/has written for her is horseshit, but the giveaway here is her laughable claim that she tells Piper to stop procrastinating and do her homework.

    Palin doesn't give a damn whether any of her kids has any education at all as education and educators are clearly held in contempt in that household.

    She is a horrible, offensive, racist, dreadful excuse for a human being.

    A simple apology was all that was necessary. But no, true to form, she turns it around, like the five year old that she is, into but ma, he said it! and so wah wah wah you're all mean for picking on me.

  54. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Sarah forgot to tell the media not to use the word "fame whore" or "pimping" because it is insulting to her family.

  55. The crotch shot is certainly something Sarah would do, but I don’t think that’s her.

    Poor Piper, used as a human shield again; you just know that homework crap was made up at the last minute. Who says that to a kid anyway? No one I know.

  56. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Reminds me of the time that Palin just had to announce and point out to the world in July 2010 that Obama was half white and half black. Yup. She's a racist.

  57. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Sarah is an f'ing idiot!!!Since when has "when hell freezes over", "Eskimo Pie" or "igloo" ever been used as a derogatory remark against Eskimos? She's racist and she's using her own daughter to get out of it..FAIL..I can guarantee she heard that phrase from dear ole daddy and doesn't even know the meaning!

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      How come she only refers to Piper as part Eskimo....what about the rest of her off-spring? Different father?

    2. I think Bristol and Willow are Todd’s, but not the others, unless one of the Trigs comes from Todd with another woman. Who knows with a matriarch as crazy as Sarah?

  58. Anonymous7:45 AM

    The moving picture is NOT Palin.
    Better legs, prettier face, younger, and a put-together outfit.

    The collar and neckline of the pink jacket in the lower picture is totally different- it crosses high at the chest, whereas the one in the moving picture is a deep, open "V" that exposes the white shirt underneath.

    Sarah has never actually been pretty per the overall standards of beauty, just by the standards of (Alaskan) politicians.

    She has always looked trashy and manly in the face, with a stubby little frame and legs.

    I know she has starved much of her muscle off her frame, but she is no Ford model.

    1. Disgusted8:51 AM

      agreed - on her good days, she was passably pretty in a porn shot librarian way.

      her good days ended 4 years ago

  59. Anonymous7:46 AM

    1. Those are NOT Sarah's cankles in the top video. Looks like Ms. Hurley if I had to guess.

    2. You'd think Sarah would at least be smart enough to have a ghostwriter who was closer in tone, terminology and sophistication to her own spoken word. She could not be more busted at so blatantly having someone elsewrite her posts if she tried.

    3. Look at some of the other photos of Sarah in those ridiculous "sluts on speed" shoes: they are so cheap and/or so pooorly fitting that her toes extend and curl down over the front edge like some kind of mutant tree sloth.

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      My first thought was Elizabeth Hurley, too.

  60. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Notice how Sarah uses Piper again in the same way she used her in her defense of when tour busses were clogging up the streets near her Governor's mansion, and someone filed a complaint. She put Piper out there as an innocent girl selling lemonade at her lemonade stand for pity. She uses her kids as her shield to gain pity so she, Sarah, can deflect attention from her bad behavior.

    Here again, in her latest post, she's using Piper, the cute innocent Piper who is doing her homework, as a shield to soften people and think 'it's not all that bad'.

    But the truth is, what Sarah printed is bad and she refuses to take responsibility for it. She would never apologize. So, bring in a kid prop to make the dirty deed look cute and make the haters feels guilty. But, it doesn't work.

    Sarah chose to mock a President and use a statement that she knew would hurt others, yet she did it because this is all she is. A vindictive, hateful, unhappy human being.

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Sarah Palin needs to be held accountable for her words. I personally think she should be strung up by her toes and put on display in Washington D.C. for all to see. (I'm not saying kill her - embarrass the hell out of her!)

      She is a racist bitch and her words have been evil since McCain brought her on the stage. What an idiot he was!!!!

    2. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Yup. I thought back to that too. How dare you attack my children! Let me shove them in your face everyday so that you know their menstrual cycle and I can call you a sicko for knowing that.

  61. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Mourdock (rape baby gift from god) said yesterday was a bad day for him.

    A "bad day" is looking at the pregnancy test results and knowing you live in a country that will force you to carry your rapist's baby to term and risk being jailed if the rapist thinks you are not tending the fetus carefully enough. What changes it from a "bad day" to a "terrible day" is knowing it's Mourdock's "god" that decided you should be grateful.

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM


    2. Anonymous9:20 AM

      We will be a sick, sick nation if women vote in ANY Republicans across the nation. I mean specifically in the U.S. Congress and on the state and local levels too.

      Pay attention for whom you mark your ballot - research every candidate!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    3. And that in 31 states, that rapist has parental rights if you have the baby. Sick.

  62. Chenagrrl7:51 AM

    Here's what she forgot to tell you. Andrew Cuomo apologized. Also, I don't think snowdrift snooks could lift and sit like the woman in the gif who is much more toned than SP ever was. Jacket collar is wider than in mug. Compare gif to pix taken of SP "jogging" at Portage.

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      David Carradine is in the background, definitely not Sarah in video.

  63. Anonymous7:51 AM

    sp wrote in her second stupid fb post of yesterday "I’ve been known to use the phrase most often when chastising my daughter Piper to stop procrastinating and do her homework."
    this statement indicates that her using "shuck and jive" is completely normal for her because it is a part of her everyday vocabulary.....soooooooooo.....why hasn't she ever used it before? not once in any other written rant, not once in all of her faux news rants, not once at any of her rallies in 2008. if this is such a common phrase to sp and her family then surely we would have heard her use it before now right?

    liar liar liar!!! btw-alaska is not the only place that "freezes over" you twit. the fact that palin felt the need to try and defend her racial slur against my president only proves she knows she was caught out being racist! idiot liar!

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Maybe she isn't a racist, maybe she is still just mad that Glen Rice never called her back after that one night stand....naaa she is a racist.

    2. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Not to mention Maryline Blackburn beating her out for Miss Alaska. The hatred goes WAY back.

    3. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Palin assuredly is racist and has been for a long, long time. We have stories of her in Alaska being so - to the First People of Alaska as a starter! Go back in her history in Alaska! She didn't credit the black people in Alaska their special day - June (something, I cannot remember) - while she served as quitter governor.

      Using Piper takes the cake in this newest incident, but are we surprised? Those poor kids. She is a horrible mother and example of one!

  64. I don't know about anyone else...but I'm stocking up on popcorn...because for the next few days up to the election Baldy is about to put on a SHOW! She's about to get wilder...and crazier than we have ever SEEN before!

    Her contract will NOT be renewed and she is about to make EVERYBODY pay for this injustice! LOL!

    So Baldy...what you got up that needle tracked bony arm for us next?

    Will it be you saying that bumper sticker that says "Don't Re-Nig"...stay tuned folks!

    She's ready for her close up...Mr Ailes! LOL!

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      To raise a ruckus, Palin need only uncover the BabyHoax: Admit it, explain it. Better to do than to be done to. In the upcoming pissing contest, someone is bound to tell on her in public, in a MSM-sanctioned way. Far better for Palin to take the initiative.

  65. Real quick...I paid a visit to the Asylum and one big glaring thing that I noticed reading the comments...NO one has mentioned that they VOTED! No early voting...nothing!

    Now here...I've been reading since last week all kinds of folks have done early voting...the Asylum...*crickets*...LMAO!!

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      I voted absentee and it was with grreat pride I marked my ballot for President Obama and VP Joe Biden!!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    2. Anonymous10:16 AM


      Good for you!

      It feels great to vote.

      There has never, ever, been a time when I did not smile when voting.

      God Bless President Obama!

  66. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Gryphen should take down the GIF, Sarah would be happy to say that's her in the are making her day with claiming that it is her. Knowing her she'll use it to beg for more money from dirty old eye popping men.

  67. Anonymous8:19 AM

    The ladies on the View blasted Palin for her racist comments. Elizabeth even chimed in and said that it was just wrong. I hope this really shuts Palin down. She knows exactly what she is doing and playing "innocent" has run out for her. Too many people see her for what she is! I don't know what took people so long because I knew it when I first saw her. She is an insult to all really intelligent women.

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Pick a fight with Whoopie and Barbara, Palin. I'd love to see it!

    2. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Sarah will never go near the view. Bristol and Willow may need to sell another show. We know no one will mention their homophobia rants.

  68. Anonymous8:29 AM

    So, I'm assuming it's OK to use the term 'retard' in reference to people with Down syndrome, right?
    In the future if anyone wants to refer to Trig Palin, just say 'the retard.' And if you get the chance to ask Sarah in person about Trig, ask her 'how's the retard?' She can't possibly get offended by that, right?

    1. Certainly not now that Ann Coulter has deemed it appropriate for public consumption as a perfectly acceptable noun. We can also refer to palin as a terrorist since it's a word she uses so frequently to describe others.

    2. OverMountainMan9:24 AM

      Go ask Ann Coulter

  69. Anonymous8:40 AM

    It's all about keeping herself in the news, narcissitic ignorant bitch that she is.

  70. Anonymous8:46 AM

    He's one to talk:

    McCain: Powell ‘harmed’ his legacy by endorsing Obama

    By picking the twit from Wasilla, he all but trashed his entire legacy BIGTIME! What is with these Republicans and their PROJECTION issues, are they all mentally unbalanced?

    1. Cracklin Charlie11:40 AM

      Why yes, yes they are.

      Powell harmed his legacy by picking a winner, instead of a loser?

      Whatever, John.

  71. Anonymous8:47 AM

    O/T: Utah GOP activist, fundraiser and photo buddy of Mittens Romney found dead of an apparent suicide. He'd been charged with rape, sexual assault.

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Suicide? Are they sure no one did him in? He may have had connections like with an operation like Todd Palin. It would be time to make sure he couldn't talk.

  72. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Sarah Palin is the Chief of the Word Police. Seriously, that woman can hardly string together enough words to form a complete thought or sentence. When she does, it is filled with hate.

    So far, Sarah has yet to denounce Ann Coulter for using the "R" word. And, Sarah jumps all over anyone who does use that word, no matter what the reference. (And, no, Sarah, they are not talking about Trig).

    Sarah would have a full time job looking at all of the sports teams in high school, college and pro sports that use some kind of Native American name or reference. Then, she will have to scour the dictionary and spoken speech for any references to Native People as well. She can hardly read. She can't understand things when they are explained to her. (Ringing those bells and firing those warning shots).

    It doesn't matter what other people say. Sarah uses racially charged language. She also uses sexually charged language, big stick, grow a pair and violent language, cross hairs, targeting candidates, reloading, blood libel. \

    There are several reasons why Sarah uses this kind of language: To get attention, and because she cannot express herself any other way. Until Sarah denounces Ann Coulter, she will have to hand in her badge as a member of the Word Police.

  73. Anonymous8:48 AM

    That woman in the Gif sure looks like Tina Fey.

  74. Anonymous8:55 AM

    What's next, Queen Esther? "Blazing Saddles" quotes? Your whole fam damily are racists fom WAY back. Shall I share truths for the IM audience?

  75. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Sarah Palin: ‘Nothing Remotely Racist’ About ‘Obama’s Shuck And Jive’ Because… Piper Is Part Eskimo?

    Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has responded to critics who objected to the racial connotations of her use of the phrase “Obama’s shuck and jive” by assuring them that, despite the phrase’s clearly racial origins, there was “nothing remotely racist” about her use of it on our first black president. Rather than chalk it up to an innocent ignorance of those connotations, Palin claims they simply don’t exist because Andrew Cuomo deployed the phrase (in equally loaded fashion) against then-Sen. Barack Obama during the 2008 campaign, and because she uses the phrase on her own part-Eskimo daughter, Piper Palin, and Eskimos are just like black people, right?

    From Palin’s Facebook page:

    For the record, there was nothing remotely racist in my use of the phrase “shuck and jive” – a phrase which many people have used, including Chris Matthews, Andrew Cuomo, and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney to name a few off the top of my head. In fact, Andrew Cuomo also used the phrase in reference to Barack Obama, and the fact that Mr. Cuomo and I used the phrase in relation to President Obama signifies nothing out of the ordinary. I would have used the exact same expression if I had been writing about President Carter, whose foreign policy rivaled Obama’s in its ineptitude, or about the Nixon administration, which was also famously rocked by a cover-up.

    I’ve been known to use the phrase most often when chastising my daughter Piper to stop procrastinating and do her homework. As she is part Yup’ik Eskimo, I’m not sure if this term would be deemed offensive when it’s directed at her or if it would be considered benign as in the case of Chris Matthews’ use of it in reference to Rachel Maddow.

    Palin is correct that there are certain racialized insults that don’t generate outrage when deployed by a white person, when the target is white, or even part Eskimo. For example, if Palin chastised Piper for “tap-dancing around” a question about her homework, that wouldn’t be offensive, because white people never thought up a stereotype about tap-dancing to marginalize Eskimos. Ditto Rachel Maddow.

    However, deploy that same phrase against our first black president, Barack Obama, and you’d get a different result, as Andrew Cuomo did when he used “shuck and jive” in reference to then-Sen. Obama’s 2008 campaign, when CNN’s Roland Martin said this:

    “Shucking and jiving” have long been words used as a negative assessment of African Americans, along the lines of a “foot shufflin’ Negro.” In fact, I don’t recall ever hearing the phrase used in reference to anyone white.

    According to a story in Newsday, “The 1994 book ‘Juba to Jive, a Dictionary of African-American Slang,’ says ‘shuck and jive’ dates back to the 1870s and was an ‘originally southern ‘Negro’ expression for clowning, lying, pretense.’”

    There is a such thing as political correctness gone mad, with folks being too sensitive. But it’s also about respect. And America’s long racial and sordid history still has ramifications today.

    Now, the phrase is common enough in the American lexicon that Cuomo, and Palin, could easily say “Sorry, I didn’t realize it had that connotation, I didn’t mean it that way” (which is pretty much what Cuomo did), at which point the reader could judge the credibility of that apology for themselves. Palin offers no such apology, and simply reserves the right to call President Obama a jive turkey in perpetuity. The reader is then left to judge Palin’s credibility when it comes to divining the racism in certain phrases. On that count, Palin was unable to muster a scintilla of outrage over 11 consecutive uses of the n-word (uncensored) during a live radio broadcast. Maybe she calls Piper that, too.

    (h/t Jesse Taylor)

  76. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Hmmm...since she ONLY said Piper is part eskimo then how about her other kids, aren't they?

  77. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Jon Stewart Slams Trump's 'Extortion', Palin's 'Shuck & Jive' & GOP Hypocrisy On Veterans (VIDEO)

  78. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Obama Rally in Las Vegas 10/24 With Katy Perry

    2012 Katy Perry at President Obama grassroots rally Las Vegas

    1. vegaslib10:15 AM

      The local news here covered this live last night and said over 13,000 showed up. R&R's rally only pulled in around 6,000. You betcha!!! Also too, the dems are totally kicking butt on early voting here. Go VEGAS!

  79. Anonymous9:05 AM

    And in other news, Bristol Palin has asked Mark Ballas to teach her how to "shuck and jive" because "I think it sounds fun". Mr. Ballas has yet to return her text message.

  80. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Ohhh, $arah is so brave when she is bunkered down behind her Facebook page!

    $he only pulls out the Native connection as a prop. I recall when $he visited one of Todd's relatives during the 2008 campaign who has a Down's kid. In the clip it was mentioned that $arah had not visited the family for over 10 years - but all of a sudden, there she was all huggin' and smoochin' and actin' all cozy with 'family' that didn't even know her. Too bad the 'news' folks at FOX are given their orders by $creech as to what may/may not be asked. Gag me...

  81. Grrrr!9:09 AM

    Your "explanation" is just more hippopotamus shit, Sarah.

    Based on Willow's homophobic comments on Facebook and Bristol's anti-gay rant to the guy in the CW bar, it's obvious you did a great job of teaching your worthless kids to practice prejudice and hate.

  82. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I used the word retard toward Sarah Palin yesterday and could care less about doing so. She is one evil, nasty bitch. You cannot tell me she used those words on Piper. I'll wager she didn't even know of the words until someone gave them to her to use toward President Obama.

    No doubt she is going to hell and I cannot wait until we hear the last of her FOREVER.

  83. Anonymous9:13 AM

    "I’ve been known to use the phrase most often when chastising my daughter Piper to stop procrastinating and do her homework." I don't believe a word of that. I don't believe she comes up with anything on her own. She isn't intelligent enough to put a sentence together.
    I also don't believe she ever heard of any of the incidents she mentions. Those were told to her by her advisers or assistants. I double seriously if she's ever heard of Andrew Cuomo.
    Things like that are sent to her by Fox News I'm sure of it.
    Like 'blood libel.' She never had a clue what it meant. Please!
    Like when she mentioned Dick Cheney's misfiring incident. She never heard of that. Someone told her about it.
    She's a lowlife, pathetic unintelligent poor excuse for a woman and human being. An attention-seeking fame whore who cannot stay out of the limelight.
    I wish a massive sinkhole would swallow the whole entire family, wherever it is they actually live now.

  84. The full-motion video of a mama hippo flipping s*** off of it's backside is a better shot of the Monkey Queen in real life than any any photo-shopped garbage cut that could be produced by the Monkey Shoppe....

    It's time for this thing to VANISH.

  85. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Hey Sarah, what do you have to say about Mourdock and his justification for rape in the name of God? Well, this is what our president has to say, you know, that guy that won't give you a second of his time, the one you froth at the mouth over trying to get his attention...yeah, that one.

    PRESIDENT OBAMA: Rape is rape. It is a crime. And so, these various distinctions about rape and, you know — don’t make too much sense to me. Don’t make any sense to me. The second thing this underscores, though, this is exactly why you don’t want a bunch of politicians — mostly male — making decisions about women’s health care decisions. I — women are capable of making these decisions in consultation with their partners, with their doctors. And, you know, for politicians to want to intrude in this stuff, often times without any information, is a huge problem. And this is obviously a part of what’s at stake in this election. You’ve got a Supreme Court that — you know, typically a president is gonna have probably another couple of appointments during the course of his term. And, you know, Roe vs. Wade is probably hanging in the balance. You’ve got issues like Planned Parenthood where, you know, that organization provides millions of women cervical cancer screenings, mammograms — all kinds of basic healthcare.

    Here's the entire interview. Skip to 10:00 if you want to miss Leno the Lame.

  86. Anonymous9:24 AM

    OMG, I just spit my coffee out over my keyboard...wait until you see the way Jon Stewart nails SARAH!

  87. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Electoral Math Not Adding Up to Republican-Run Senate

    The election-year arithmetic in U.S. Senate races is growing increasingly complicated for Republicans, diminishing the party’s prospects of winning a majority that earlier this year was seen as within its grasp.

  88. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Doesn't it become more obvious to all of us as to why the Republican Party wants nothing to do with the bitch i.e. not inviting her to the Republican Convention? She is nothing more than an embarrassment to them as she is to the State of Alaska and the USA!!!

    I have friends in Europe too and they indicate people over there also think she is a retard/idiot with no class at all!

  89. Anonymous9:36 AM

    ROFLMFAO She is a pathetic racist loser and is mad because she was called out on it. First of all she is not even a native alaskan, second how is igloo equivalent to "shuck and jive"? Third, Piper doesn't do homework and if she did, Sarah wouldn't be involved. Is she really that astoundingly ignorant? She thinks the words "igloo" and "Eskimo pie" are offensive? Uhhh how you stupid moron? "Hell freezes over" ?? WTF How is that even eskimo related? That doesn't even make sense. This is a new low for Sarah. She is totally unraveling from the drug abuse and starving herself. Her downward spiral is hysterical to watch. Her lies are even more over the top than usual. Everything she says is a lie now. EVERYTHING.
    She is just so desperate for attention. She got a whiff of the media spotlight from her racist spew, so she decided to completely go overboard with the attention whoring. I hope she is ignored like she deserves to be. She is a worthless nobody.

  90. I am.... SO SO SO confused... What the hell was Scarah saying in that post???? Jesus, girl, I know you like to toss a good word salad (yes scarah, sometimes i wonder if you don't get sexual satisfaction from hearing yourself talk), but I'm not even sure I could paraphrase whatever the fuck you just wrote. Is that like.... "chill out?" because somehow you're clinging to this concept that you're in a minority faction and that excuses you from all forms of offensive speak? If your kids had sooooo much Native Alaskan blood, wouldn't they get a pretty nice discount on college? I wonder what box they check?

    notes for potential troll-lol-ers:
    (note 1: I am part Comanche Indian, don't give me that bullshit that I'm so insensitive to the plight of the native people)
    (note 2: while word salad has a nonsexual connotation, tossing one's salad does. Look it up.)

  91. That's Tina Fey in the moving doubt about it, definitely NOT Sarah Palin.

  92. I know I used my 140 twitter characters to tell that racist ignorant bitch off. I agree G, she knew damn well it's a racist term that's why she used it.

    she is hell bent on revenge no matter the slight. she has a serious mental condition that she can't see. They usually don't see themselves as what they are. Neither can her sillyass hillbilly uneducated useless, immature family.

    Yep, she used her daughter and other people like a whining ignorant preteen who got caught saying "homo" or a brat saying "faggot." Palin's excuse, "But they do it too." She is pathetic. The whole damn family is an embarrassment to the United States.

    she is using the msm to gauge her usefulness to faux news. she will always crash in on somebody else's news day/event. Sure faux will use her for wayyy less money. her money sources are drying up. she is beat.

    She also used Toad's ethnicity, as if that excuses her from all ignorant, derogatory words. she is a very ill woman. A douche bag.

    Oh yeah the gif: Not the insufferable bitch. moldy oldy isn't cute or shapely. Also the woman is wearing sensible shoes.

    As usual President Obama handles himself very well. He was funny, mature, smooth on leno. President Obama doesn't know who the crazy lady is.

    I love our President. I am very proud of him. President Obama deserves 8 more years.

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Being 'raised' BY UNEDUCATED WASILLABILLY WOMEN AND A PIMPING 'girly man', Tripp's use of the 'FAGGOT' word might just come back to bite him in the ass. Toad only uses his Fraction of Inuit Heritage when convenient.

  93. Anonymous9:56 AM

    You just know Uncle Rupert called her up and told her to knock it off and therefore the lame attempt to backpedal on her fb rant. Next thing we know, she'll claim a blood libel because of the backlash. She's a freak.

  94. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Oct. 24: In Polls, Romney’s Momentum Seems to Have Stopped

    Take Wednesday’s national tracking polls, for instance. (There are now eight of them published each day.) Mr. Romney gained ground in just one of the polls, an online poll conducted for Reuters by the polling organization Ipsos. He lost ground in five others, with President Obama improving his standing instead in those surveys. On average, Mr. Obama gained about one point between the eight polls.

  95. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Romney's testimony in Stemberg case, with blunt talk of "liquidating" & "harvesting" companies.

  96. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Almost 1 million Early Voters in North Carolina So Far (25% of all votes): Democrats: 50.7% vs GOP 30.5% +20.2%

  97. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Remember when that hirsute mountain of self-hate Becky Mansour went on Tammy Bruce's radio show and claimed the crosshairs were surveyors symbols?

    These people are beneath contempt.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      ROFLMAO! I had to look up the word "hirsute" moutain and this is the first thing to come up..

      "Bigfoot, AKA Sasquatch, Oman, Skunk Ape, etc., is a wild, hairy, apelike creature who's been sighted sporadically in the forests and mountains of North ..."


  98. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Actress Tina Fey Trashes Akin And Mourdock: ‘Grey-Faced’ Men With ‘$2 Haircuts’ Explaining Rape To Women

  99. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Let's remember it was Sarah who said'Black Sambo beat the bitch' in reference to Obama beating Hillary in 2008.

  100. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Check out what Wonkette has to say about Palin:
    P.S. They clarify what Cuomo actually said, as opposed to what the wicked witch from Wasilla/Arizona thinks he said...

  101. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I grow to abhor this man more and more every day. I can not wait for him to drop out of the news...FOREVER.

    Mitt Romney blocked routine birth certificates for children of gay parents

    1. Cracklin Charlie11:25 AM

      Wonder if he had any control over Trig Palin and Tripp Johnston's certificate?

      And I agree completely with your opinion of Mitt Romney. I can't wait until November 7.

  102. Anonymous10:34 AM

    What does "when hell freezes over" have to do with eskimos? She is so infantile.

  103. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Look at that crowd, Sarah. Spin all you want and throw your hippo feces, but Barack still has it, and YOU DON'T. You're a has been, a fraud, a joke and a blight on this country.

  104. Anonymous11:00 AM

    " ... chastising my daughter Piper to stop procrastinating and do her homework. As she is part Yup’ik Eskimo .."

    Sarah says she chastises her daughter because she is part Yup’ik Eskimo. She thinks Eskimo's are procrastinators that don't work. How does that help her recover from her recent public "shuck and jive" remark? Sarah probably blames all her children's (the ones with Todd Palin) flaws on being part Eskimo. What a horrible parent. When Piper makes mistakes or fails it is in the news that her part Eskimo heritage is her problem.

  105. I do not believe the gif is Palin.

    Scarah needs to untwist those panties and learn what context means. She obviously slept through those classes on her way to that bachelors degree in communication. (Personally, I think she slept her way TO get the degree, but that is only my personal opinion.)

    What part Yup'ik is Piper anyway? 1/8th? 1/16th? At what point to they stop getting their socialist free healthcare?

  106. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Wisconsin - 2012 President - Obama 51%, Romney 45% (Public Policy Polling 10/23-10/24)

  107. Anonymous11:04 AM

    One-third of Iowans have already voted. 67% for Obama, 32% for Mitt. Those are not likely votes. Those are cast votes.

  108. Anonymous11:04 AM

    North Carolina: One million votes cast by day 7. Obama up 100,000 votes - Democratic Underground

  109. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Obama leads 53/43 with women, 88/11 with African Americans, and 58/40 with young voters in NC:

  110. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Obama's up 57/42 among early voters in NC, Romney leads 50/45 with those who have yet to vote:

  111. Anonymous11:15 AM

    How long til she issues a fatwa on these guys?

  112. Jeebus, warn a person before you make them look at that swamp. What year was the flash?

  113. Anonymous11:21 AM

    is there anyway to freeze that gif ?


  114. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Sarah, you ignorant harpy, you better check in with Condi as to how ludicrous and outrageous your accusations are. You REALLY have to get your head out of your Right Wing bubble of talking points aka YOUR ASS.

    Condi Rice Pours Cold Water On ‘Benghazi-Gate’

    Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice broke with the majority of her party last night on Fox News, as she tried to hit the brakes on the right wing’s politicization of the recent attack in Libya.

    Host Greta Van Susteren asked Rice directly and repeatedly about a set of emails uncovered by Reuters. In what has been dubbed “Benghazi-Gate,” the conservative media has jumped on the emails as definitive proof that the Obama administration has been lying about what it knew and when in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attack on a diplomatic mission in Benghazi. Rice’s response was likely not what Van Susteren expected:

    RICE: But when things are unfolding very, very quickly, it’s not always easy to know what is really going on on the ground. And to my mind, the really important questions here are about how information was collected. Did the various agencies really coordinate and share intelligence in the way that we had hoped, with the reforms that were made after 9/11?

    So there’s a big picture to be examined here. But we don’t have all of the pieces, and I think it’s easy to try and jump to conclusions about what might have happened here. It’s probably better to let the relevant bodies do their work.'

    Watch Rice’s full interview here:

  115. Anonymous11:32 AM

    In His Own Words: Special Olympian's Open Letter to Ann Coulter

  116. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Simple Sarah did not write that FB comment; Man Sour did.

    BUT Silly Sarah did use the phrase "shuck and jive" in describing our President - and she did it on purpose, AS a racist slur.

    Sexy Sarah is the consummate prick tease. She goes up to and beyond the bounds of decency and when she gets the attention she wants she retreats and hides behind her "innocent self" blaming the prick who was interested in what she was suggesting.... Tease and then cry rape.

    She gets away with that every time. It's her schtick.

  117. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Piper doing homework? hahahahahah.

    Todd and his offspring are as much Eskimo as I am. A drop of native blood does not made an "Eskimo."

  118. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I think "shuck and jive" describes Bristol's performance on DWTS. She learned and performed the easy steps and then complained how she was treated....


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