Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cute new pro-Obama ad has conservative panties all in a twist.

Cute ad don't you think? Sure it is a little provocative, but Lena Dunham is a HUGE deal to the twenty somethings and I imagine they are going to eat this up with a spoon.

Not surprisingly this ad did NOT go over so well on the conservative side of political divide. IN fact they were dam near apoplectic. 

This from Salon:
Lock up your virgins! There’s a dark-skinned, middle-aged man coming for them! And in other breaking news, archconservatives have absolutely no sense of humor. 

In a completely typical clip from the creator of “Girls,” Lena Dunham winkingly talks to young women about “your first time” and how important it is to do with “a guy who really cares.” Cares about health insurance. Birth control. Ending war. “You don’t want a guy who says, ‘Oh hey, I’m at the library studying’ when really he’s out not signing the Lilly Ledbetter Act,” she explains, “or who thinks that gay people should never have beautiful, complicated weddings of the kind we see on Bravo and TLC all the time.” As Dunham says, it’s “super uncool” not to vote, and that’s why she supports voting for Barack Obama. 

On Twitter, conservative columnist John Podhoretz gently referred to the ad as “an unwise political move,” adding, “I don’t think appealing to undecided voters in the Midwest is in her skill set.” Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, meanwhile, could barely shudder out an “Appropriate?” I just hope none of these twisted-knickered conservatives ever find out what Sarah Silverman’s been doing to raise voter awareness. 

But in the oddest responses of all, RedState’s Breeanne Howe described Dunham as a woman “who was raised in a wealthy, over-sexualized household,” and also evoked the “creepy” Putin ad. The best part, however, is how she declared that Barack Obama, like droit du seigneur-rocking feudal lord or Kurdish chieftain, “has asked for your daughters.” Your innocent, probably white, virgin daughters, ravished by that hymen-lusting brute in the White House. Breitbart’s John Nolte issued a similarly revolted response, bleating that “Obama has young daughters. But that didn’t stop him from releasing this commercial. Because this is what Obama thinks of your daughters.” 

Ah yes, what a perfect opportunity for Right Wing racists to dredge up that old "Ni**er gonna get your white woman" schtick.

After all he is not the erudite, well educated politician you see on TV. In reality he is a swarthy negro buck who wants to plant his seed in as many white Christian wombs as he can until he has bred the white race right out of existence. Or so these inbred morons seem to think.

I actually happened to hear Rush Limbaugh going off on this yesterday, and you could not imagine the amount of indignation this dredged up in that corpulent piece of shit. He was sputtering and spitting out venom like a cobra on methamphetamine. From the sound of his voice it was obvious that he was actively fighting the urge to call her a slut (Shades of Sandra Fluke) with every fiber of his being.

Hey in my opinion, ANY ad that gets the Right Wing THIS freaked out, must be a good ad indeed. Besides as many have already pointed out, Ronald Reagan made a raunchier connection between voting for the first time and losing one's virginity back in 1980.


  1. shughes5:21 AM

    I love the ad - Lena Durham is a great actress and I've always enjoyed watching her show.

    She's funny, she comes across as real and even though I'm in my 50's, I relate to her in so many ways - now and when I was so much younger.

    There's nothing wrong with this ad. She's fresh, she's cute and it's catchy.

    At least she didn't make painful facial expressions while mumbling some incoherant dialogue directed at an empty chair.

    The rethugs are such hypocrites-I can't bring myself to watch a video with rush limpball in it so I'll take your word for it that he vomited his usual crazy ass bullshit. That poor excuse of a man should go back to his pills and leave the rest of us in peace.

  2. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Well I would say that smut is in the eyes of the beholder. The conservatives are imbueing this with their twisted, repressed thinking and then REACTING to that said thinking, when in fact the ad is hardly controversial. We've all had a life changing 'first time' *something*, but of COURSE they have to putrify it with their judgemental and regressive mindset.

    I LOVE THE AD, it made me giggle and feel young again.

  3. Anonymous5:49 AM

    My beautiful 21-year old Aryan looking daughter loves her some milk chocolate. It also helps that the Pres is a super-duper guy. She can actually say that Obama was her first. Stuff that in your GOP windpipe Rushbo and friends. Those morons just can't handle that we are better at everything, including beating them at their own game. Hi Jesse, long time no comment, but still check in every day! Keep up the good work.

  4. Anonymous5:51 AM


    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Love it! Thanks for sharing

    2. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Wish this was out earlier, it's a great song and should be heard by everyone

  5. Anonymous5:56 AM

    The Shrilla from Wasilla was all about a middle-aged woman performing porn star tricks (thrusting tongue, 6" heels, skirts slit up to *there*) to get elected...and the conservatives are outraged at a 20-something actress (I assume she's an actress) being sexily satiric in a couple-minute advertisement?!? What do they do at Superbowl time with the over-the-top slutty ads?

  6. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Yes, the hypocrisy. Can just imagine Rush Limbaugh sputtering and lurching and backfiring like an old engine. He's such a blowhard. That man seems to have a rabid hatred of liberal women. Is it because his Viagra only works when he gets in a frothing rage about them?

  7. Sally in MI6:25 AM

    They are being beaten at their own game, and they know it. RAM is now writing Sarah's indignant response to this, all the while applauding her daughter for not only getting pregnant as a teen, but appearing on TV shows dressed in virtually nothing and grinding her hips against her partnet (evidently the only move she can do with any competence, since we were treated to those gyrating hips whether they did the cha-cha, the waltz, or the sex on the floor dances. You know, Mark had to work with her limited strengths.) Not to mention dressing her pre-teen as a 16 year old while pulling her out of school AGAIN to hang out in LA. But the rant is she scheduled for Faux Outrage Network today?

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Everybody knows how Becky really feels about Bristol thanks to Becky's big mouth. She's been trying to make up for it ever since.

  8. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Redstate's Breeanne Howe's response has got to be the winner here. Holy moly canoli! She really pushes the envelope in distastefully over-analyzing this ad and exposes the source of HER repressed issues here.

    How anyone could draw conclusions like these Repubs do with this ad is unbelievable. They are showing their true colors here. They are projecting their racism and stereotypical bigotry on something so benign. And if the ad were directed toward a white man, it would go unnoticed.

  9. Anonymous6:31 AM

    'I, for one, am outraged over your lack of outrage for outrage. It’s outrageous.'

  10. Anonymous6:47 AM

    This video should be in every "In" box of every undecided voter...

  11. Anonymous7:04 AM

    As a senior citizen white female of the Democratic Party persuasion, I thought the ad was really cute. There are lots of college-aged young men and women, who may have registered to vote, but who will wake up on Election Day and want to roll over and sleep some more or maybe get some coffee and study for the next day's big test or finish the paper due last week. Lena's ad was addressed to them and she did a great job. With humor and with mentions of issues important to young people. No wonder the old and creepy conservatives were distressed!

  12. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Very cute ad and who cares anymore what Rush Limbaugh thinks? I mean, who was president the last time this cocksucker could look down and see his own dick? He's a fucking joke and anyone with an IQ higher than 90 knows it.

  13. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Devastating indictment of the entire GOP in one simple image.

  14. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Unlike all of the GOP candidate's ads that are full of lies about their Democratic opponents, this ad is total honest which is refreshing.

  15. Anonymous7:28 AM

    "You Don't Own Me"

  16. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Lena Dunham Responds To Conservative Critics: ‘Vote For Women’s Rights’

    Lena Dunham, creator and star of the hit HBO series “Girls,” has responded, succinctly, to her detractors who are criticizing her charming ad for Barack Obama.

    Conservatives are calling it overly-sexual, provocative, gross, and un-Biblical, totally missing the point of the ad, which is not sex, but women’s issues. Big surprise, right. conservatives misunderstanding women and women’s issues, right? Well, now Dunham, the filmmaker, actress, and creator and star of the hit HBO series “Girls” — for which she earned four Emmy nominations — has responded, succinctly, to her detractors. Not that they would listen, and not that they care, and not that they’d ever vote for Obama anyway.

  17. Anonymous7:49 AM

    “Cam” Surprises “Mitchell” With The Boston Gay Men’s Chorus

  18. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Leslie Gore's 1964 song "You don't own me" in a PSA to get women to vote to defend their right to control their own body

  19. I, for one, immediately e-mailed it to my granddaughter in college.

  20. Anonymous8:08 AM

    It was so enjoyable to watch Limbaugh nearly bust a forehead vein as he talked about this ad.

    I've only recently come to understand that the minute an opponent ceases to argue the actual ISSUE at hand, and resorts to personal attacks instead, is the point where we can tell they've conceded...but not gracefully.

    More like a chickenshit.

  21. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I love Lena Dunham and her HBO show, Girls. The ad...not so much. But it certainly isn't a big deal. How exactly can the GOP continue to justify their criticism in light of Reagan's joke from way back in the days when such jokes were really eyebrow-lifting?

  22. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Huh. Seems to be mostly the old fat guys with a suitcase full of Viagra objecting to this ad--those guys who are fixated on what they ain't got....and want every other person to not have....something. Exactly what the rest can't have is immaterial: rights, access to medical care, power, etc; the point is that they are angry, resentful, selfish, and mostly impotent old guys--sick old codgers who think if they can't have it all (or get it up) that no one else should either.

    Curiously, I'm not hearing their women speaking up about this ad....

  23. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I thought the ad was very cute. And the conservative faction's reaction certainly shows where *their* minds are! lol

  24. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I really liked Chris Hayes when he guest hosted on Rachel and such, but lately he's turning into just another talking head pundit that marches to the corporate beat.

    That video was made for young people, so middle-aged and old CYNICAL people should keep their goddamn mouths shut, since they cannot even begin to fathom the thinking of a youthful, new voter.

    Great, Chris Hayes Panel Also Missing The Point Of The Lena Dunham Virginity Ad

  25. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Lena Dunham was only expressing what she has seen from Sarah Palin for the last 4 years. Sarah Palin 'LUSTS' for attention from PRESIDENT OBAMA, and it shows. Too bad that she has to settle for her PIMP DADDY TWO-TONED 2 INCH TODD. No more Glen Rice for you, ANOREXIC SARAH.

  26. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Not Durham.. Dunham!!
    This is Obama's mother's name too.

  27. Anonymous10:40 AM

    This week in the War on Women: Rape, rape, rape, my period tells me how to vote, rape

    In case you were living under a rock this week—or maybe just busy rushing home to make dinner for your family because that's what we ladies are all about, per the Gospel According To Mitt—you missed an awful lot of sexytime talk. Because Republicans cannot stop talking about sex.
    First up, we've got non-consensual sex, also known as RAPE. This is the kind of sex Republicans don't really have a problem with because, see, most of the time, it's not really rape anyway, and even when it is rape, that's just God's way of saying, "Hey, lady, I like you. You're special. Here, have some rape and also a rape baby."

    What, you think that's a joke? Hyperbole? Exaggeration? Ripped from the pages of The Onion? Alas, no:

  28. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Actually, I hope this ad is Satire and not endorsed or connected to the Obama campaign in any way. This is funny as satire, but as a serious campaign ad, it's unprofessional and does NOTHING to forward the campaign.

    1. Anonymous1:07 PM

      It is directed to young people, the college-student kind who may be registered to vote but who may not be motivated on the important day to get out of bed early enough to go and vote. She's reminding young people of the issues that count for them. I thought it was very funny and, given the target audience, not offensive. And I'm a senior citizen.

  29. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Cobras on Meth????

    You have been reading Bangkok Tattoo ( John Burdett) haven't you. If you haven't go and track it down its a blast.

  30. I finally got around to watching the actual ad. Really? That's what has people upset? It's adorable, sweet, darling. I loved it.

  31. Anonymous8:58 PM

    LOLz. Before I saw it, I read that it was all about wanting to sex Obama. (Which is ok by me anyway. People's fantasies aren't subject to my approval.) What I saw was a cute, humorous, young person's perspective about voting for the first time. It's very exciting and very personal. Yep, I remember well the first time I opened that curtain, stepped inside, and exercised my personal right to choose. Loved it! That ad reminded me of "my first time".


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