Friday, October 19, 2012

Evangelical who made anti-Obama film loses job at Christian college for suspected adultery. Karma, is that you?

Courtesy of the New York Times:  

While attending a conference last month, the president of the King’s College was spotted in the company of a woman other than his wife. At a typical institution of higher learning, a sighting like that might not have turned into a major controversy. 

But the King’s College is not a typical institution of higher learning. It is a tiny Christian college based in a downtown Manhattan office building, whose mission statement articulates a “commitment to the truths of Christianity and a biblical worldview.” 

Its president was Dinesh D’Souza, better known as the outspoken conservative commentator behind the caustic documentary “2016: Obama’s America.” And the ensuing scandal has cost him his job. 

The King’s College announced Mr. D’Souza’s resignation on Thursday, two days after World Magazine, a Christian-oriented publication, reported that he had checked into a Comfort Suites in South Carolina in September with a woman he introduced as his fiancée, despite the fact that he was already married. The magazine reported that he filed for divorce the same day its reporter called to ask about the situation.

I don't usually take a great deal of  joy at the misery of others, but this is definitely an exception. This D'Souza guy is a REAL douchebag show has spread ton of outrageous lies about  the President, not only in his ridiculous film, but also on Fox News, Right Wing radio, and even on Real Time with Bill Maher.

I actually just heard another advertisement for his nasty little movie on Rush Limbaugh the other day. (Not only that but the piece of obvious propaganda has been playing in MY favorite theater here in Anchorage for the past few months.) Gee I wonder how those assholes on the Right Wing will spin THIS story?

This might be my favorite quote from D'Souza the article: “I had no idea that it is considered wrong in Christian circles to be engaged prior to being divorced."

Yeah, darn those Christians for keeping the fact that they frown on dating while still married a secret.

And if all of THAT was not enough to make this your favorite Right Wing hypocritical fact of the day, there is also this from our friends at Gawker:

Another layer of intrigue has been revealed in the saga of the downfall of conservative academic and rising Evangelical star Dinesh D'Souza, who resigned from his perch atop King's College today after it was revealed that he had a fiancee while also having a wife. Right Wing Watch reports that his mistress/fiancée, Denise Odie Joseph II, was also married, and said in April that she was going to vote for Mitt Romney, "because [her] husband told her to."

You know people are always saying, "you can't make this stuff up." But this time, you REALLY "can't make this stuff up!"


  1. Dis Gusted6:07 AM

    to top it off, his mistress is ALSO MARRIED. She got married 12/30/11 and is STILL married. It hasn't even been one year and she's having an affair with a man that's twice her age.

    Republicans - the party of family values.....BARF

  2. angela6:08 AM

    King's College had no problem with D'Souza being a racist homophobic
    quasi-academic with no integrity. But I guess they became a little more christian and can't countenance his married ass doing the dance with no pants with a married woman who is not his wife. Hypocrites all.

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM


    2. Anita Winecooler8:46 PM

      Angela, I thought the same thing as I read the post, it's what's not said that shows their hypocrisy most.

  3. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Maybe he'll get a job with Glenn Beck, who loves him, fine Christian that he also is.

    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Mormons are a Christian religion, like it or not.

    2. Sally in MI9:18 AM

      They are a cult.

    3. Anonymous9:19 AM

      "christian" is a term freely used by many "religions" where its meaning is whatever is convenient.

      For example, Mormons were "christian" while still promoting polygamy and suppression of blacks. Mormons (and tons of other religions) are "christian" while suppressing political power of women within their hierarchy.

    4. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Mormonism is not Christian. Name one other kind of Christianity that allows you to become a god on your own planet....
      Mormonism is polytheistic not monotheistic and there for is NOT Christian.

    5. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Mormons are definitely not Christian. They believe that Satan and Jesus are brothers. They will all live on their own planets and have multiple wives, etc. etc. The list goes on and on. They baptize the dead. For instance they have baptized Ted bundy into their church and Ann Frank multiple times. I even discovered on a Mormon genealogy site that they had baptized my father's dead family into their church. Its ridiculous.

    6. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Todd Akin (raped women don't get pregnant) is a Christian. Brains is not a requirement.

    7. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Many Christians also say that Roman Catholicism is polytheistic.

  4. Oh yes, this is rich.

    This guy is now confirmed as amongst the most hypocritical of the hypocritical of the "family values" right wing crazy.

    This guy is a pig.

    1. Sally in MI9:17 AM

      And just like pig Rush and pig Newt, I'm sure he'll be forgiven and and welcomed onto Fox..maybe he can take Sarah's cold seat.

  5. Anonymous6:51 AM

    The hypocrisy is so out there, that when caught and called out on, other like-minded hypocrites defend the hypocrites. They decide that getting a room with one's fiancee isn't as bad as that, and they also probably make the excuse his old wife was stuck in a "binder"

    It's depressing for us christians. Really it is. And it's not the part where D'Souza plays house with another partner before he's officially divorced, and it's not the part of how it may affect his children, family, friends, himself in the end, it's the fact that he paints another man, POTUS, as a commie socialist dictator, which is not true. . It's the fact he's barking up the wrong tree. He should be rebuking his fellow christians for their treacherous behavior these past years. He obviously didn't read the verses about one cleaning his own house first, how the Church will be judged more harshly because it's supposed to know better, and the bottom line verse, judge not lest ye be judged.

    Yes, of course, we all judge here, but we've opiniating and frustrated at how the mean greedy lying selfish merchants-selling-righteousness for a penny, racist, angry, low-life, two-headed...........I need an aspirin.....hypocrites get away with every unimaginable thing and the world is upside down now. Those who seek good are spurned and called bad and those who seek self gratification and wicked schemes are called good.

    1. All I can say is that you nailed it!

  6. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Hmmmm. I guess they don't teach the Ten Commandments at King's College?

    What a bunch of malarky. At least they could have gone hiking on the Appalachian trail.

    Does this goon have children? What do they think of his escapades?

    1. Dis Gusted7:54 AM

      He has one daughter, Danielle.

  7. The religious right has the most family oriented loving husband and father as their current President - a man who has NEVER had even the thought of a "sex scandal" appear in his life - yet they want more than anything else to remove this man from the white house.

    Their bs about family values is simply that - BS - when it suits them they accept adulterers, wife beaters, bullies, men who desert their wives and children - and anyone else - as long as they are male, white and rich.

    As a white male D’Souza may have survived his "fiance" - good that he is learning that he is no longer one of the privileged - they were just pretending. Any person of color or recent immigrant who supports the tea party, religious right or similar bigots should know that they will be thrown aside when they are no longer of use to these groups.

    1. Not What You Want to Hear7:46 AM

      I share your anger at how the vast majority of the religious right refuses to acknowledge what an incredibly decent family man resides in the White House. However...give them a little credit for being the ones to break this story about D'Souza. Yep, believe it or not, it was two Christian evangelical magazines that brought this hypocrisy to light, one called "World" and then shortly afterward "Christianity Today."

      I don't think they broke this story because he's a person of color either. It was because he was shockingly blatant in parading his mistress at what I believe was a Christian conference of some sort.

    2. Sally in MI9:16 AM

      What? They had a Christian Conference and didn't invite Queen Esther?

    3. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Uhm, before you go giving credit NWYWTH, know that there was pre- exisiting animosity between the publisher Mark Olan(?) and D'scuzza

  8. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Don't forget, Dinesh D'souza was also engaged to Laura Ingraham and ANN COULTER back in the day. (They never married, because both are so repulsive even this asshole wouldn't have them.)
    Soooooo creeeeeeeepy.

    Also, what is it with chinless conservatives? He should go to Bristol's plastic surgeon...

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Chinless wonders and thin lips like Frank Burns, they all are.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:59 PM

      Wow , engaged to Laura Imgraham AND Ann Coulter - almost makes me want to give him a break, if there is a hell, being engaged to those two would qualify, in my book at least.

      So Laura and Ann "pall around" with philanderers. I'm shocked Ann attracted someone human!

    3. Anonymous6:58 PM

      D'Scuzza is more than a match in prissy, shrill, mean and whiny department.

  9. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Truth is always stranger than fiction. Fiction has to be believable.

  10. Speaking of anti-Obama films, I browsed HuluPlus last night for recently added movies and saw yet another one entitled "The Hope & The Change" listed under the network "Citizens United Productions No. 3" documentaries.

    They have a Facebook page and a webpage

    "The Hope & The Change interviews 40 Democrats and Independents who were onetime supporters and voted for Barack Obama in 2008, but due to runaway spending, unemployment, debt and deficits, can nolonger continue their support of President Obama in 2012."

    1. angela7:51 AM

      Anyone who thinks the economy can be fixed in four years after the slaying Bush gave it are complete idiots. There is no loss where they are concerned.

    2. Sally in MI9:15 AM

      And since Mitt has never mentioned revenue, or bringing DOWN the debt (just not adding to it except through more military spending and another war or two) what do they think is going to happen under another GOP free-spending, no taxes administration? They will make it impossible for any Democrat to ever fix it. Obama needs the House and Senate, and we will get jobs and bring down the debt, and NOT attack Iran. Vote for every Democrat out there...we need the House back (plus it will be awesome to watch Boehner cry when he hands the gavel back to Pelosi in January.)

    3. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Angela -
      Don't forget, it wasn't just the US economy that took a free fall, it was the economy of most of the world that plunged into the abyss. Bush and cronies made it substantially worse, but the President has been fighting an international economic disaster as well. That would have taken a long time to clean up even WITH the support of Congress...and we all know he didn't have THAT for the past 4 years!

    4. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Angela ...its funny that you say "anyone who thinks the economy can be fixed in four years... is an idiot". The one who gave us the idea or hope that it could be was President Obama...he ran his whole campaign on it...even said if he didn't accomplish it, he basically should only do one term. He didn't deliver, however he's running again. If we are going to talk about hypocracy, let's hold everyone accountable (including yourselves) and especially those we voted into office.

      Have a great day.

  11. hedgewytch7:33 AM

    And another ConservoCrit is exposed in his own hypocrisy. If only I could have had $100 bucks for each one of these "little incidents" over the past few decades, I'd have a nice little nest egg by now.

  12. hedgewytch7:34 AM

    Oh, and the extra about the "fiancee" also being married. Love how she'll vote for whom her husband tells her. Guess her husband forgot to tell her not to sleep with anybody but him. LOL.

  13. OT-

    I just watched the President on the Daily Show, and I am taken aback by Jon Stewart - his questions, his posture, his attitude.

    While the President explained WHY the unemployment has been so high (Republicans have stymied EVERY. ATTEMPT. to get our economy moving),

    Stewart acted like, "Enh, like, okay, if you say so..."

    He asked if President Obama has made a GOOD ENOUGH case for himself to seek a second term (HELLO!!),

    or is PBO riding the fact that Romney just sucks more.

    I am sooo scared about people's response to what our President HAS. ACCOMPLISHED. over the last four years,

    and people Do. NOT. CARE.

    They act like it was NOTHING, and "what has he done for ME, ME, ME?"

    If you are middle class, female, LGBT, in the military, on social security, or a minority

    HE. HAS. DONE. A. HELLUVA. LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      this isn't maggie a/k/a 'sconny gal here, not above, so don't email me and ask WTF. I think Jon was playing along to get POTUS to tell his story, I do believe he loves Obama.
      Jon Stewart is awesome.

    2. Sally in MI9:12 AM

      Meanwhile, POTUS hit another one out of the park today: If you tell us you are pro-choice today, but yesterday you were supremely pro-life, you might have Romesia. But don't worry, Obamacare covers pre-existing conditions! We can cure you!!!
      Romnesia...spread it far and wide!

  14. Karma is a bitch. Nice to see it kick this asshat in the butt.

  15. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Not Snark. The "fiancee" used to have a blog. It had things like this posted. Always remember that delete does not remove on the internet. After reading some of the posts, she and D'Souza might have been made for each other. It could have been true love after all. How sad.

    From the post "It’s A Secret, But I’ll Tell You (About Me)."
    :My name is Denise Odie Joseph II and I am a twenty-something currently residing in Washington, DC. Languishing, longing, and lusting are all capital “L” words for me as long as the attendant luxury comes with a heavy dose of God, Flag, and Country. For you math people out there, this means that the 2nd Amendment is more precious to me than 5th Avenue. Though a lawyer by training, I am now a maven of the museum at twp particularly charming DC Art Galleries. This blog was born out of a desire to share with like-minded folk, my obsession with objets d’arte and their trappings—wherever and whenever they strike me.

    From time to time, this conservative bloggette will also be addressing socio-political issues under the category of women’s issues. Because it is this blogette’s sincere belief that women should be the moral guardians of their homes, these posts will span the socio-political-economic gamut.

    The blog is intended to be a fashion, lifestyle, and socio-political humor blog. I want a space to discuss socio-political issues in a casual and fun environment. Whenever possible, I attempt to employ satire and humor as well. I include the fashion and lifestyle aspects because they appeal to me personally but more importantly, because I am strong believer in the concept of Republican Motherhood. I think it is one of America’s greatest inventions and the most vital of its lost philosophies. I try to abide by it whenever possible and therefore know women’s relationships with socio-politics, economics, lifestyle and fashion to be inextricably and naturally linked. Basically, I will be covering issues from consumer complaints to the elections, from the organic food movement to teenager’s clothing trends, from religion to Ralph Lauren. And frankly, I’ll be covering all three at once because our lives do.

    This liberty-loving blogette urges all readers to engage the in healthy discussion of such issues and to avoid counter-productive commentary. Posts featuring unnecessary expletives will be removed. I look forward to hearing from all of you!

    Happy Hunting My Lovelies, until the next post.

    1. Sally in MI9:09 AM

      So now America 'invented' motherhood too? And to think, before Columbus invaded this land, there were actually a number of thriving cultures here, and they regularly created children too! But I forgot, only Christian white people who are married are worth anything in God's eyes.
      The GOP evangelical movement is so full of itself it is ready to burst with the hubris. And when they are sent to the dustheap, it will not be a pleasant sight. But oh, so welcome.

    2. Beldar J. Conehead10:07 AM

      I just like to read her blog for its titillating overuse of the word "blogette".

      She's a keeper, D'inesh!

    3. Anonymous12:11 PM

      More Denise Odie Joseph II. "I Am Not a Womyn, Please Don’t Ever Treat Me Like One, Pretty Please!"

      Watch how she deftly makes the transition from food fetish to b*stiality. (She does admit she's "hung up on the s*domy.")

      "Hello My Lovelies,

      In this section you will find regular posts on how Femynysm and Womyns Lib continue to culturally (and otherwise) impoverish women and accordingly, Western society. Though other pages will feature recommended reading and viewing, the selections on this page will pertain specifically to women’s issues.

      I am particularly interested in how post-1960s women are used by a small, self-interested elite consisting of liberals, homonormative homosexuals, and other enemies of traditional society as self-perpetuating pawns in the struggle to deprive women, first and foremost, of the natural rights bestowed upon them by God. Because I believe in the promotion of a casual, common-person’s societal dialogue as the best way to combat the myth of elite intellectual superiority on such matters, I offer the following conversation which engages commentary from 3 readers of my work from this website and The I ask that you mind quotations so as not to confuse the meaning of the dialogue."

      Whew. No wonder the locals in River City can a disturbing decline in moral values! Skipped some so the comment is not too long to post. On to the food and sex.


      One of the things I find most fascinating about Western Society today is it’s obsession with what it calls “a healthy lifestyle.” I cannot walk down the block without hearing two self-professed “health nuts” talk about the new seaweed-mango cleanse they’ve been imbibing or, to my horror of all horrors, shame of all shames (being of Indian descent) their newest “yoga” routine. I have actually considered conjuring up a lawsuit against the thousands of studios in the U.S. offering the “ancient religious art of yoga” through which, they advertise, spiritual enlightenment can be sought simply by contorting oneself into various poses. Indeed, I’m now fantasizing about seeking jurisdiction under international law to sue by way of some corruption/perversion of intellectual property or discrimination claim though I suspect that the UN establishment would have little sympathy for me. But I digress.

      In any case, these self-proclaimed and spiritually enlightened “health nuts” have completely inundated our vernacular and grocery store to the point where, living in DC, I can’t find any edible item for purchase that doesn’t have “ORGANIC” or “ETHICALLY CODDLED (alright, so the labels don’t say “coddled” but you get my drift) plastered all over it, and that attempts to make me feel like Amy Winehouse for ever having wrapped my lips around a Ho Ho. “They try to make me go to Whole Foods but I said No, No No.” And SMOKING?? Hell, it trumps bestiality. Somehow Ke$ha’s homage to bestiality, “Blow” becomes a chart-topping hit and Herman Cain’s (admittedly strange) campaign commercial featuring the smoking gun is just, well, SICK. Don’t worry, smoking is getting its own post.

      This is why it is so curious to me that these incredible super people are constantly engaging in, and encouraging, the most depraved and unhealthy acts on a regular basis. Somehow, I’m still hung up on the sodomy while these brilliantines (brilliant libertines) are able to look past it to the cleanse. I guess that’s why they’re called progressive and I’m just a fat, diseased, slob, right?

      Here are a few books on the psychological and pathological side of modern sexual behaviour.",+Please+Don’t+Ever+Treat+Me+Like+One&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a

    4. Lidia4:50 PM

      "my obsession with objets d’arte and their trappings—wherever and whenever they strike me."

      objêts d'arte AND THEIR TRAPPINGS!?!?

      WTF does that mean?

      Objêts d'arte (note the required circonflex) ARE trappings!

      This woman is a lawyer? She doesn't know what words MEAN.

      "Attendant luxury" has to come with a dose of guns and God? And we are supposed to use MATH to figure out that her devotion to the 2nd amendment trumps her devotion to 5th avenue. Where does math come into this, exactly??

      There is a serious disease rampaging throughout the US: the disease of illiteracy and incoherence. This strange "Denise Odie Joseph II" (is SHE a "II" or is her husband? If the latter, her name makes no sense, seeing as there's no "Denise Odie Joseph I") is just another victim.

      I bought a bunch of celery at the supermarket yesterday, and the package said "ONE STALK of celery"!! AFAIK, a "stalk" is ONE stem, not the whole plant with multiple stems. The world is truly going to hell.

    5. Anonymous7:52 PM

      "She doesn't know what words MEAN."

      She's just like her fiancee who doesn't understand words like marriage, divorce, and hypocrisy.

  16. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I wish Hitch were alive to see this...

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Yeah. X2. He is missed.

  17. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Ich bin ein Mormon?
    Wie sein das Worlde!

  18. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I'll bet some of his hang-ups with colonialism (and Obama) is that he was born in a colony, and, no matter what, will always be looked down upon by his former rulers, the Brits. I've seen it time and time again -- peoples who had once been conquered, and who can win on their own merits now, are still saddled with an inferiority complex. I'm not explaining this well, but I'll bet Mr. D could.

  19. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Correcting myself: Goa was occupied by the Portuguese. Still, European overlords who took away the raw materials and the dignity of the people they conqured.

  20. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Oh this one is really good, Gryphen!


    Trending WORLDWIDE!

  21. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Forget the polls, Obama is winning!

    Economist and Microsoft researcher David Rothschild of says the polls are misleading and that President Obama is not now, nor has he ever been, behind Mitt Romney in the race for the White House.

    1. Dis Gusted10:21 AM

      we can only hope - VOTE

  22. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I've been getting suspicious right off the bat, whenever I hear of ANYone loudly claiming to be a Christian, or possessing "family values."

    It has come to signify someone who plans on cashing in on the gullibility of those who actually ARE people who try to live exemplary lives.

    That such people had to PAY to go see a "movie" so seam-splittingly chock full of lies, distortions, and blatant propaganda (when all you need do is tune into Fox "news" for FREE) is nothing short of criminal.

  23. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Hah! The dirty, lying sob!

  24. imnofred9:54 AM


    You were too kind calling this guy a douchebag. He is a piece of shit. And he calls himself a Christian.

  25. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Ken Burns: Why I am voting for Barack Obama

    ...Like FDR, Obama has walked us back from the brink. He averted a depression, ended one war and put us on the path ending the other, rescued the auto industry, slowly building the sound footing necessary to have a sustained recovery — better, smarter regulation of those that brought this upon us, tax breaks to save a dwindling middle class, and a request that the very super rich, folks like Gov. Romney who have taken advantage of loopholes and deductions and off-shore accounts to amass their fortunes, pay their fair share. (Like FDR's hero, Theodore Roosevelt — also part of the new series we're making — Obama has deployed the shrewd combination of speaking softly and using a big stick. Ask Bin Laden.)

  26. Beldar J. Conehead10:02 AM

    “I had no idea that it is considered wrong in Christian circles to be engaged prior to being divorced."

    In some Xtian (and non-xtian) circles it's apparently considered gauche and even offensive NOT to be engaged prior to being divorced unless you're divorcing a first cousin or third spouse in order to marry a sibling, stepchild, step-parent, aunt or uncle or member of the clergy except in cases where children of indeterminate parentage arose from illicit couplings involving drug-fueled group sex orgies or underage prostitution. At least, that's what a recent guest on Jerry Springer's show discloses in a new book entitled "You May Be A Low-Life, Lying Hypocrite If...".

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Kinfucky is highly correlated with regular church attendance, also, too.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:17 PM

      Yes, Pumpkin is a noun and a verb in some areas, but not all people actually buy it.

  27. Anonymous12:22 PM

    As an academic, I have always despised D'Souza. Illogical, biased, aping of Americans. Note the e blond wives and ex-girlfriends - Coulter, Ingraham - yet he also wants to be seen as "better than" or apart from.

    And yeah - what a poseur - Prez of a Christian College, but doesn't know basic Christian mores. Like I said, logic challenged self-important, Napolean-complex douchebag.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Strange that the fiancee apparently claimed to be of Indian descent and a woman of color.

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      she is indian...dyes her hair.

    3. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Here are photos of all four. I was referring to his ex wife, Dixie - another bottle blond California type. Yeah, he has some huge inferiority problems.

  28. Anonymous12:38 PM

    A few years ago, Dan Dennett mopped the floor with the dirty, limp rag that is D'Souza. Here's the assessment and a link to the video:

  29. Anonymous1:51 PM

    It's about time this hypocrite is outed. What? Did he think no one would notice and question his behavior. What a dumb fuck. In this day and age where you can be verified in real time, there's no way to hide. Loser. He deserves it. Karma 1. D'Souza 0.

  30. Anonymous3:21 PM

    He said, "I had no idea it was not accepted Christian doctrine to have a fiance while having a wife."

    Hello? It's called the 'JUDEO-CHRISTIAN' philosophy for a reason. Has he bothered to read the OLD Testament from which the New was derived?

    Guess not.

  31. Anita Winecooler9:30 PM

    I think he's a closet Mormon. Love the "I didn't realize..." excuse. It's like the killer who says "But I didn't know the gun was loaded!"

    And the "Christian themed" publications were fine with his film about the President, but felt compelled to expose him for his extra marital "youthful indiscretions"?

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      at 51, that ain't gonna fly


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