Saturday, October 27, 2012


Wow, that actually gave me chills.

And you have to admit it is FAR better than Mitt Romney's recent musical endorsement.


  1. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Thank you for posting this. Wish they'd play it on
    the teevee.....

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I LOVE IT! I have listened to it over and over and over again and can't get enough of it. What an uplifting, positive, hopeful, forward looking and stunningly catchy, message. So exciting that this country is FINALLY moving forward in oh so many ways. We MUST, MUST, MUST get PBO four more years or it's back to the dark ages for all of us.

  3. I loved it! It gets you moving... forward!

  4. Chenagrrl11:17 AM

    Wow. Am tweetin and Facebookin'this. Back under the rock, nasty GOPrs.

  5. Anonymous11:31 AM



  6. Anonymous11:31 AM

    While Romney Runs and Hides, a Confident Obama Takes Media Questions in All Formats

    ...Romney’s fear and loathing of the press goes back to his father’s bad experiences during his run for the White House, but there’s no excuse for avoiding the press and certainly no excuse to avoid direct questions from voters. The fourth estate is an essential part of our democracy. While we might not like what the candidates say or agree with them on everything, it is more important that they are at least willing to subject themselves to the people’s scrutiny and questions. To refuse to do so should be a disqualifier.

    It should trouble all Americans that Romney has this attitude toward the press, and it begs the question, what is he so afraid of?

    1. Sally in MI12:37 PM

      He has already said a couple of times that the media twists his words (kind of hard to do when they are recorded) and the Queen said that we all knwo enough about them already. yes, dear, we do. Enough to send you back to your barn.

  7. Anonymous11:35 AM

    It brought tears for me.

  8. I cried. Then I bought the song on iTunes to show my support for my brother and sister artists and all humans. (Net proceeds will support arts education in schools and benefit foster children through the Compound Foundation.)

    The song is a great reminder that our strength lies in our diversity and that we are all, indeed, in this together.

    I am working to help move everyone forward to equality, justice, peace, health, security and wisdom.

    And yes, I have voted. For President Obama.

  9. Cracklin Charlie11:49 AM

    While most of the country is trying to move forward, there's always those that try to hold up progress. Like the guys who are trying to pass this travesty

    off as a video of the actual birth of the President in Kenya.

    Of course, those that hang around this neighborhood will be familiar with some of the tricks pulled here. Poor Stanley Ann Obama looks to be holding up very well, immediately following the birth of a six month old child!

    1. Sally in MI12:36 PM

      Good Lord...and yet, they didn;t care at all that Sarah looked model thin three days after Trig's arrival, and that a baby with a heart condition and Downs spent his days under his 'mother's' desk. All I can say is, this guy is doing great thins, or the GOP wouldn't be so terrified that their tower of lies is about to come crashing down on their empty heads.

  10. Cracklin Charlie11:52 AM

    Oh, and just one other not so tiny little sign of progress...the Obama administration is soon to announce plans for two publicly run health care plans!

    The Public Option lives.

    1. Sally in MI12:34 PM

      Wow! Now that IS good news! Four More Years without GOP obstructionism. Do you think when we re-elect this great President, Norquist will back off? Me neither, but if we can regain the House and keep the Senate, we will have a fighting chance to move forward.

  11. Anonymous11:52 AM

    My new Life Anthem! FORWARD!

    The talent that comes out for Barack Obama is fascinating. It warms my heart to see how people are donating their time and status to get the message out that it is so essential that he has four more years (I'd vote for 8 more, myself) in the presidency.

  12. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Hmm. Mitten Rmoney's running mate spending millions to keep his old job..wonder why?

  13. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Thank you so much for posting this. Made my day..made me smile, made me believe we can do this..
    Now if Florida can beat Georgia..

  14. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Can you imagine if this had been played at the convention?

  15. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Why Obama Now

  16. Anonymous1:17 PM

    OMG is that good!!! I want a CD of it (don't have an iPOD yet.

  17. Super Fan In Atlanta1:30 PM

    That was pretty awesome!

  18. Anonymous1:36 PM

    U.S. Set to Sponsor Health Insurance

    The Obama administration will soon take on a new role as the sponsor of at least two nationwide health insurance plans to be operated under contract with the federal government and offered to consumers in every state.

    These multistate plans were included in President Obama’s health care law as a substitute for a pure government-run health insurance program — the public option sought by many liberal Democrats and reviled by Republicans. Supporters of the national plans say they will increase competition in state health insurance markets, many of which are dominated by a handful of companies.

    The national plans will compete directly with other private insurers and may have some significant advantages, including a federal seal of approval. Premiums and benefits for the multistate insurance plans will be negotiated by the United States Office of Personnel Management, the agency that arranges health benefits for federal employees.

  19. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Most campaign songs are cheesy and lame. This one is the exception - a good tune, performed well, with a great message.

    Thanks for sharing it.

  20. That Romney "music" was worse than fingernails on a blackboard. Who were all those old drunks anyway? I suppose I should know, but I don't.

  21. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Yes, Jesse, I got chills at around the Two Minute Mark when they use the President's Words:

    We have a long road, but we travel it together

    We pick each other up,

    We leave no one behind.

    OBAMA 2012

  22. laprofesora4:04 PM

    Okay, I admit it, that made me cry.

  23. Sharon7:27 PM

    I felt great voting for this wonderful man in 2008 and feel even better voting for him now, he is our gift. Voting for Robme is a huge statement, it really details how a person thinks...time to lose some friends. It is a given these people only watch Faux and never read...what does that tell you about the rest of their lives? I know he will win, my biggest hope now is a change in congress, I really believe Obama will be tough on this bunch, he has had enough of their obstrucion and will be very vocal about it...I sure hope so. Ryan needs to lose and Grover needs to laughed at...gone and gone.

  24. Anonymous8:32 PM

    A precious "angel" taking care of a Wounded Warrior.!/photo.php?fbid=507381259274846&set=a.175095149170127.42246.174566752556300&type=3&theater

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Ldy Opal Sky7:52 AM

    That was gorgeous - thank you!

  27. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Thank you! This is so uplifting!


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