Wednesday, October 31, 2012

In honor of Halloween I thought I would take a moment to frighten the Republicans. Update!


You can read more here 

IF you dare! 
(Click here for maniacal laugh.)

Update: Oops I don't  think the Romney people like this new polling information:
The (Romney) pollster complained broadly about each day bringing another unfavorable public survey. Romney’s campaign and others in the GOP believe the samples in the media polls show a partisan breakdown that is overly favorable to Democrats and is therefore misrepresenting the electorate. Most pollsters don’t weight by party, but rather attempt to gauge partisan identification along with other preferences. The new Quinnipiac Ohio poll was made up by 37% of Democrats, 30% independents and 29% Republicans. That’s comparable to what exit polls showed as the composition of the Ohio electorate in 2008. 

Mitt Romney’s pollster lashed out Wednesday at a new Ohio poll showing President Obama up five in the state, calling the survey “a piece of crap.” 

 Neil Newhouse, in a conversation with Washington supporters, was harshly critical of a Quinnipiac-New York Times-CBS survey that has raised concerns among Republicans about whether Romney can win the crucial state, according to a source familiar with the conversation. 

The poll, which was released Wednesday morning, shows Obama taking 50 percent of the vote to Romney’s 45 in crucial Ohio.

Like I said, BOO!

Update 2: I thought this belonged here.


  1. Anonymous4:18 PM,0,3887446.story

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      They won't win unless they steal it and now too many eyes on them!
      I've a caption for the above:

      "Mr. Romney I'm hear for your Tax Audit..."

    2. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Nate Silver's latest forecast as of 9:14 PM: Obama 78.4% Romney 21.6%;

    3. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Bwhaaaaaa! Polititcususa has this video for Halloween on their site: "Mad Sarah"!

    4. Anonymous8:22 PM

      @Anonymous 6:37 PM

      Thanks for the link, that was hilarious!


    5. Anita Winecooler10:05 PM

      Love it! She's a dead ringer for vintage RNC version Sarah.

  2. hedgewytch4:24 PM

    At this point it's almost cruel to poke at the poor fools.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      they will take food from the mouths of babes, the unwanted "rape"babes they've forced women to gestate, that they won't allow gay couples to parent, all so they can have the males at 18 for cannon fodder.

      Care to reconsider that, hedgewytch?

    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Anon, I'm gonna stick my neck out here and say that I'll bet that hedgewytch is referring to the low-info NON-one-percenters who vote Repug and don't know why they do nor why they shouldn't.

      No 1%er's kids will ever be at risk---daughters won't have to have rape babies and their li'l snot-nosed sons will be protesting the war protesters like Mittens did, but still not sign up to serve. Bunch of chicken hawks.

      But I respect your point nonetheless.

  3. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Make you wonder, when Romney loses Ohio by 5 points, will this asshat call the results "a piece of crap?"

    1. Yeah, they'll be sore losers. They proved that in 2008, which many of the real goofballs are still pouting about 4 years later. (Can you say Surra PAY-lin?)

      When you kick their asses fair and square, they are gonna cry

      "The President wasn't born in Hi-WAH-Yee." or

      "You cheated!" or

      "We weren't really tryin'" or

      "Gimme my ball. I'm going home and I'm gonna TELL on you for playin' too rough!"

  4. Dinty4:41 PM

    Further, there is a likely under-representation of younger voters who do not use traditional home phones in lieu of internet-based lines and cellphones in the phone-based polls. Those voters tend to lean pretty progressive. This will become a bigger problem as more and more people adopt this technology (in many places it's illegal to do unsolicited polling to cell-phone lines).

    This is possibly what is happening in Florida where early and absentee voting is leaning very pro-Obama, and the GOP is freaking out about this:

  5. Caroll Thompson4:49 PM

    I am so hoping and praying that President Obama remains so until President Hillary Clinton takes the oath on January 20, 2017.

    Let's get out all our voters; the old ladies and the 18 year old babies and go together to the polls and vote.

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      2016 - Clinton/Warren
      2020 - again, or Warren/J Castro
      2024 - Warren/J. Castro
      2028 - J Castro/C. Clinton or J/ Castro

      And how about a side of Obama for SCJ?
      Hey, a girl can dream, right?

    2. Otto Katz5:45 PM

      Anon 5:21, you're forgetting O'Malley from Maryland, I really thing that guy is going to go places.

    3. Anonymous7:18 PM

      "18 year old babies"? Really? Way to trivialize people. 18 year olds may not be the most mature people in the world, but they're NOT babies. They're adults.

    4. Anonymous8:53 PM

      I nominate MN Senator Amy Klobuchar for the 2016 Democratic Presidential nominee. She has reached across the aisle many times, even working with batshit crazy Michele Bachmann on the Stillwater bridge project. She also has an excellent record as Hennepin County prosecutor. Even MN Republicans admit she isn't bad.

      The Daily Caller tried to smear her by linking her to Tom Petters, it was so bad the MN media didn't even touch it.

    5. Anonymous9:01 PM

      If Hillary runs I'll eat my hat. Not that I wouldn't love it, to see Barack pass the presidency to Hills. But I just don't think she will do it. I think she's ready to retire.

    6. Anita Winecooler10:00 PM

      My eighteen year old is voting for the first time, she's an Obama Girl.

      I know she's an adult and treat her as such, but she'll always be a "baby" to me.

  6. Sharon4:57 PM

    Poor Nate Silver was on Charlie Rose last night (love PBS) and Charlie threw every kind of question at this 22 year old kid....sorry, but the kid is brilliant. He is a data nerd and he follows history, trends and lots and lots of data. His model is not as complicated as they think and he is really accurate, so this sends a jolt of terror up their spines. Its soooooo great, even with the Super Pac Billionaire donors, voter suppression, cheating in every way you can imagine...Obama is gonna wipe the floor with this asswipe. I think congress is gonna find a ninja prez this time around....he is fed up with these jerks. Having Christie his new BFF shows the country what a true leader looks like, even makes Christie looks good. He is no dummy, he knows Robme is gonna lose and he needs Obama for the next few years to have NJ love him...he plans to keep going up, there is no doubt.

    1. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Nate Silver is 34...but he is smart, and I hope he is will make the Rs heads explode.

    2. Anonymous8:37 PM

      Great comment! I only look at Nate's polls, I trust him the most.

      Voted today! I really feel President Obama's going to win. Happy!


  7. Gryphen, I'm in absolute tears right now. Have you seen the photos of our President comforting hurricane victims? Oh, my God- the pure emotion on his face is amazing. Trying to imagine Romney embracing someone with that much honest compassion is literally unfathomable.

    Halloween related:
    I saw some adorable photos of Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon's babies dressed up in their costumes- and guess what? Little Monroe Cannon was ACTUALLY WEARING HER GLASSES.

    As was she when photographed with Mariah last week for a mom & daughter date.

    And in a recent photo Mariah twittered.

    Hey, Sarah- that's what you can dress Trig up for today (if he'll let you near him without left hooking your ass)- a kid who ACTUALLY WEARS APPROPRIATELY FITTING PRESCRIBED GLASSES *every* day.

  8. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Ground game!!!!!! vote early so you can GOTV Nov. 6!

  9. Otto Katz5:40 PM

    Tonight I had the election for President of my drive way. I print up ballots with the two candidates, hand the kids (and parents!) a ballot, crayon, direct them to the Privacy Booth (box) with instructions to mark in the box next to the candidate they'd like, and then fold the ballot in half, and slip it into the ballot box. At that point they'd get candy, instead of a sticker. We had 158 people vote, with the following results : Romney-31, Obama -127. Felt good, but I feel it's not enough of a lead in this blue, blue state. I'm still nervous.

    1. What a great neighborhood! Smart li'l goblins!

    2. Anonymous8:48 PM

      What a great idea!. Yes, get the kids involved in voting. When I was a kid I went with my parents to vote. It was social thing, everyone knew everyone type of thing. Anyway, I believe being involved like that from an early age had an effect on me as I have always taken voting seriously and have voted since I was 18.

      FWIW, I'm feeling really good about Obama's relection. Be calm, my friend, he's got it handled...LOL.

  10. Super Fan In Atlanta5:52 PM

    Hey Uncle Gryphen,

    This article is absolutely delicious!!!

    October 31, 2012 06:00 AM
    Leaked Florida GOP Memo: Dems are 'Cleaning our Clock'
    By Diane Sweet @ Crooks & Liars

  11. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Question....I just found out my boyfriend(don't like the word but we are not married so there) of 12 years is a birther! WTF? I knew he was an R but most times middle of the road. I never thought to even engage in a conversation about this ridiculious theory. I am dumbfounded! I love him but damn!...I did go off on him about it and now we are not speaking much. Sheesh!

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      This is why I only date liberals! You should dump him. He's an idiot.

    2. Hmmm. I better bite my tongue here, because 12 years is long enough for somebody to decide "if they can live with a crazy person" (yes, pun intended "live with").

      Love makes us all crazy in certain ways. Hopefully, he loves you enough to listen to reason from you and will respect your superior critical thinking ability.

      If not, cut your losses and call me. You sound like one of the "good" smart gals.

      Either way, Best of luck.

    3. Anonymous7:40 PM

      I had the same reaction when I found out that my husband of 33 years voted for Romney . He doesn't get why I am so mad. I think it's bc I have to admit that I am married to one of those low information old guys. So disappointed in him!

    4. Anonymous7:59 PM

      I'm sorry, but there is something else there.
      He is either not very bright, or a racist or both.

      Seems you may need to talk more...

  12. Sally in MI6:03 PM

    I know they are terrified..they are running all kinds of slime ads here in MI, AND hitting Debbie Stabenow hard too. We aren't falling for it. It was actually kind of ironic. We'd see a ad calling Obama uncaring and out of touch, then the news would come back on with sound bytes and pix of him in NJ. Notice, GOP, he got right down with the people instead of doing a flyover? I do not like Christie, but he has my admiration today. And I wish all the devastated communities a speedy recovery.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:52 PM

      We're getting the same "treatment" in Pennsylvania - the stench of desperation is palpable.

  13. Anonymous6:30 PM

    I pray this is right and there is no hanky panky by the Romney campaign.

  14. Before I did all of my Halloween preparations this afternoon, Mom and I went to early vote this morning. Because the storm, the Governor of Maryland is having the voting stations open an hour earlier and close and hour later the rest of the week, as well as being open on Friday now too. We got there right at opening time at 8 AM and THERE WAS A LINE ALREADY. Two hours later and Mom and I had both voted...wait for it...FOR OBAMA/BIDEN! They had reporters there interviewing people and reporting on the lines. Everyone was in good spirits and really determined to vote for our President. I am so hoping we get to keep Obama in office for another four years!
    M from MD

    1. M from MD,

      Glad you & mom are safe! So happy to hear there was a line! I early voted at Randall's in Houston and in the middle of a weekday there was over 50 people!

    2. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Thanks for the good news report!

    3. Anita Winecooler9:51 PM

      That's great news! So glad you're all safe.

      I wish they'd do the same in Pennsylvania (extending the hours at the polls and early voting).

  15. If anybody is curious about the prediction markets at inTrade, here's the link:

    Romney continues to surge... to the bottom.

    Obama still at better than 2 to 1 as of this post.

  16. WakeUpAmerica7:42 PM

    The laugh was a nice touch.

  17. While that is encouraging, I rely on RealClearPolitics and they have it 201 to 191. Very close.

    I don't think any of the pollsters can predict anything. First, they don't poll non-English speakers or cell phone users.

    Second, we have no idea how Sandy is going to effect voting. People have more important things on their minds right now than voting.

  18. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Geraldo Slams GOP (and Fox News?) ‘Bloodlust’ On Benghazi: ‘Life Is Not An Action Movie’

    Geraldo Rivera is bucking the Fox News trend on criticizing the Obama administration’s handling of the death of four Americans at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and is criticizing the criticism. Fox News has been keeping focus on the story, and some of the network’s personalities have taken to criticize the media for ignoring the story. Rivera rebutted the criticism, arguing that it is a “cruel myth” to suggest the deaths of the four Americans killed might have been prevented, and said, “Life is not an action movie.”

    Rivera tweeted his thoughts out tonight. He first compared the conservative outrage over Benghazi to similar outrage churned up in the wake of the Fast & Furious ATF gunrunning scandal, saying of House Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa, “if [he's] in charge truth [is] not the goal.”

    Rivera followed up

  19. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Stewart: Chris Christie ‘Kicked Crazy Ass’ Working With Obama On Hurricane Relief

  20. Anita Winecooler10:10 PM

    Nate always makes my day.

    That cartoon is funny as hell. We had "trunk or treat"- it's not the same, but the roads aren't cleared up, so we parked along two cleared cul de sacs and the kids went from car trunk to car trunk for their goodies.

    no romney's or fact checkers, though.

  21. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Don't you wonder how even 22% of Americans could vote for Romney?

  22. The right wingers in Delaware are verklempt...their rabid anti-equality bible thumping candidate Eric Bodenweiser for state Senator, was indicted on 113 felony counts of raping a 10-year old boy. In his election propaganda he claimed he was a child mentor at local schools (schools deny he was) & with Big Brother org (Big Brother deny he was affiliations)

    Since time was short, the GOP only has a write in candidate up against the Dem contender.

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