I guess in the face of such a situation it can be expected that the campaign might become somewhat desperate, but seriously, this is just fucking pathetic!
Take Romney's
But even as Romney, clad in blue jeans and rolled-up sleeves, hustled around his area of the gym, shaking hands, thanking supporters, and stacking cases of bottled water on top of each other, signs of stagecraft remained.
As supporters lined up to greet the candidate, a young volunteer in a Romney/Ryan T-shirt stood near the tables, his hands cupped around his mouth, shouting, "You need a donation to get in line!"
Empty-handed supporters pled for entrance, with one woman asking, "What if we dropped off our donations up front?"
The volunteer gestured toward a pile of groceries conveniently stacked near the candidate. "Just grab something," he said.
Two teenage boys retrieved a jar of peanut butter each, and got in line. When it was their turn, they handed their "donations" to Romney. He took them, smiled, and offered an earnest "Thank you."
Not only THAT but many of the donations the supporters seemingly provided were not even something that that they themselves brought. This from the Atlantic Wire:
Mitt Romney was really concerned that his "Storm Relief Event" in Kettering, Ohio yesterday would look like a dud, so he and his team stocked their donation tables with $5,000 worth of supplies at Walmart.
And as completely fake as THAT event was his running mate's event in Wisconsin was no less phony.
It was the second of Paul Ryan's photo ops in his home state today where the campaign made a show of helping storm victims however they could. At the first stop in La Crosse, the vice presidential nominee thanked supporters for coming, shaking hands with some standing in front of an American flag, where minutes before, aides arranged boxes of Cheerios and cans of corn in perfect order.
In Hudson, the packing was proceeding too quickly, and the supporters wearing red "Team Wisconsin" t-shirts were given the order to slow down and then to stop to be sure there were still goods to be packed when Ryan entered.
One by one the boxes were filled and loaded into a waiting U-Haul, and then they stopped to wait for the candidate.
"Thanks a lot, thanks for doing all this," Ryan said to the supporters when he arrived.
As Ryan walked back through the office to the motorcade volunteers finished packing the supplies, which are being driven to a Red Cross facility in New Jersey.
As supporters walked out the door they were handed a flier about the GOP's election night party.
This of course should come as no surprise to many of us as Paul Ryan has a history of staging phony, self serving, and completely unhelpful photo ops.
Seriously this just makes me sick to my stomach. Especially since this the campaign of a man who calls federal spending on disaster relief "immoral,"
My personal opinion is that these sad attempts to appear presidential will not fool the majority of the voters, who are probably right now just waiting for their opportunity to vote THIS man back into office.
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H/T to Democratic Underground |
In fact the President is doing such an impressive job of attacking this terrible situation, and keeping politics out of it, that he even made a believer out of this guy.
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Courtesy of the New York Times |
Update: Here is another picture of our President giving to those who are hurting in ways that others simply cannot do.
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Photo courtesy of the Obama Diary |
Fugate may just add the icing to this cake, with his solid, professional performance under the steadfast leadership of our President Obama.
ReplyDeleteWhat a timely reminder of why this election matters!
Is anyone else wondering who paid off Brownie to show up and remind everyone of what an unqualified loser HE was after Katrina as Bush's crony FEMA director? And by criticizing our President at PRECISELY the wrong time (during the crisis) and about PRECISELY the wrong thing (taking to much action too early!) - Brownie gave us yet another reminder of why this election matters. Thank you, Brownie, for reminding us what the choices are!
ReplyDeletei can't even imagine being Brownie and having the gall to speak about anything related to disaster relief. a.m.a.z.i.n.g.ly. wrong
DeleteAnd to make it worse, Brownie 'clarified' his comments by explaining that the President should have waited in order to score more political mileage out of the crisis.
DeleteI'm sure the people who died after Katrina were happy to sacrifice their lives in order to give Brown and the Bush administration more political points.
Simply despicable!
I would love for a reporter or citizen of New Jersey to ask Gov Christie who he is voting for now...I would think he's had a change of heart.
ReplyDeleteI would love one of them replay his keynote speech for Romney and ask him what was he thinking?
DeleteI have to believe that at least of few decent people who showed up to these staged acts of desperation, saw up close what a sham these two asshats are, and left early to vote for Obama.
ReplyDeleteMy husband pointed out that unfortunately, some of these low information voters may have already voted for Romney and are now regretting that decision.
There is no bar low enough for these disgusting bastards not to crawl under. Shame on them, calling themselves men of faith. They are snake oil salesmen.
I am a bit more cynical than your husband. I think there are quite a few folks in this country who are willing to believe what the snake oil salesmen are selling.
DeleteDon't you think Sarah Palin's personal bankroll SarahPAC is enough evidence that there are too many gullible fools?
I'm even more cynical. I think some would vote in the devil because they truly believe our President is more dangerous. They will look the other way, they will make excuses and they will swallow their disgust, but they won't vote for the only person in this race that is qualified, and needed by this country right now.
DeleteThese are not Americans in my eyes.
The Republicans are constantly saying that President isn't one of us, but he is.
ReplyDeleteHe didn't grow up wealthy.
He was raised by a single parent.
He borrowed money to go to school.
He worked hard to achieve and gave back to his community.
He obviously values his time spent with his family.
He is visibly moved by others suffering on many occasions.
I think he is a great reflection of the common person. It is Romney who doesn't represent the average citizen, how can he when he has never walked a mile in our shoes?????
Obama embodies the "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" ethos that the republitards are always bleating about. He made a success of himself from very inauspicious beginnings and his detractors are so angry about that.
DeleteI know we're all getting a kick out of Chris Christie's continous public praising of the President but I saw this name that some commenter called Christie and I have not been able to stop laughing everytime I've seen Mr Christie go marching across my tv screen....
ReplyDeleteThe Outlaw Jersey Whale!
Bad GinaM...I know but...LOL!!
I feel slightly guilty for LOLing at that, and for actually Tweeting it, considering how straightforward Christie's been toward POTUS -- but then I reflect back on this nasty rally speech he gave October 19th, and I don't feel guilty at all.
Are you a sociopath or something? Your humor is completely out of place.
DeleteSorry "GarGoyle"...I told you I was being bad!
DeleteHappy Halloween my sweet friend! LOL!!!
Even if Christie hasn't had a change of heart, I have a lot of respect for him for just doing his job during the hurricane disaster, and for recognizing that President Obama is doing his job. Romney doesn't have a job except to try to look presidential. Romney and Ryan look like asshats playing for a camera.
ReplyDeleteI agree.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTypo in last post.....
DeleteThe pictures of the POTUS brought tears to my eyes....I LOVE that guy!
Keep an eye on where those trucks end up. The Red Cross doesn't accept donations of food, w3ater etc. They only accept money and blood. These idiots don't even know that. Honestly, It's like watching Dumb and Dumber.
ReplyDeleteexactly. the romney campaign is the biggest group of losers ever to hit the presidential circuit. they should all be forever unemployable other than stocking shelves at a dollar store.
DeleteThe man has soul.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, Gryphen, Gryph. Please don't think for a moment that any political campaign doesn't orchestrate every single thing we see. It's not a trick of the Republicans or the desperate but of politics demanding visual candy for media purposes, that becomes its own end.
ReplyDeleteOur current president is not above needing to do this as well. Does this make Romney better for doing it? Of course not, but neither does it make him worse. I have dealt with advance people of some nationally prominent politicos and it's always the same -- they must know every single thing is as they wish it to be or no deal for an appearance. It gets down to who needs who.
That Romney is caught out here is only that someone took the effort to disclose it -- his supporters wouldn't, would they? And do you think Obama's will? I have already voted for Obama absentee from London. I don't see why trying to stir up your readers this way is any better than what right-wing media folks do all too often.
I know better than posting this. But I'll do it once as I believe you think you're doing good work. Someone needed to say this. You could and need to do better if we as liberals are to show we're better.
Thanks for writing when you're informative. But no thanks when you're only acting as biased as Fox News.
Best to you.
There is no bias in pointing out that the Red Cross and ALL relief agencies can not process this type of random donations during a large scale crisis. Romney was a governor. He knows the Red Cross will have to be bribed to take those 20-pack of 10oz water bottles. Romney is showing people exactly the WRONG thing to do for disaster relief.
DeleteThe problem isn't that the campaign set up a photo op. The problem is that campaign set up a scenario where their candidate looks like an bumbling idiot.
And I say FUCK OFF! You're a cynical asshole that adds nothing to the conversation.
DeleteYes, it's well known that most politicians do some level of "set design" and staging for their rallies. But staging "donations" and misleading people at a rally that is specifically FOR gathering donations for a disaster?
DeleteNo. Not cool. And it does say something about the candidate that needs to.
STAGING photo-ops versus EXPLOITING disasters
DeleteActually, this pales in comparison by a large factor to Romney popping off about the terrorist attach in Benghazi before facts were known.
Politics ain't beanbag.
One man stopped his campaign and did the job he was elected to do.
DeleteOne man said he was going to stop, staged this as a "Disaster Relief" event, when clearly it wasn't.
Believe me, If Romney didn't want this filmed and it was truly altruistic, there wouldn't have been media present. Since
I'd have more than a thread of respect for him if he made a statement about the people affected, then kept on campaigning.
This wound was self inflicted.
Oh lookie, a concerned troll. I never seen you here before, why now? Bug off.
DeleteThere is a difference between doing good things and making the practical decision to get the word out (helping at a food kitchen, coordinating disaster relief contributions, etc.), and pretending to do good and arranging photo ops of staged, fake, useless efforts (Ryan at the food pantry and Romney at the "relief event").
DeleteIn other words, if Ryan had actually shown up and worked at the food pantry, he'd have every right to make sure people knew about it.
Likewise, if Romney had actually held a non-partisan, campaign-free disaster relief event, after checking with the right agencies to find out how to best help out, having his campaign make sure people knew about it would be a smart thing.
They could be actively engaged in doing good deeds and publicizing them, and yes, that would be stagecraft, but acceptable. It is the Romney/Ryan campaign's completely phony staged photo ops that are not acceptable.
An ex-governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts does know that relief agencies (gov and non-gov) can not process haphazard donations during a large scale disaster.
ReplyDeleteTo even pose for such a picture is LYING. Romney glories in his lies. He wallows in deceit.
The quicker Romney disappears from the news cycle, the safer America will be.
If Mitt really gave a shit, he'd cut a check. The guy is worth at least one quarter billion dollars! That could pay for a lot of relief ;)
ReplyDeleteYup..him and the Donald could donate quite a bit of relief money. But they won't.
DeleteFive grand, in this economy, would go a long way. If he had a conscience, he'd donate at least that much, and maybe apologize to the people he used for this staged rally.
DeleteChristie's sorrow at NJ's hurt is genuine. He does a service to his state by merely projecting that for a nation to see.
ReplyDeleteHOWEVER, the man's political flaws are as massive as his body. I d o N O T trust him.
From Salon.com:
ReplyDeleteRomney’s “relief” event outside of Dayton, Ohio, was surreal enough to be a campaign parody, with the candidate comparing the federal government’s hurricane relief efforts to the time he and some friends had to clean up a football field strewn with “rubbish and paper products.” It was supposed to be a parable of how Republicans handle disaster – with private charity, not government intervention – as Romney told his audience, “It’s part of the American spirit, the American way, to give to people in need.” The Republican went on to talk about the time some Hurricane Katrina survivors were rerouted from Houston to Cape Cod and the good people of Cape Cod responded by donating food and, yes, television sets.
Seriously, dude! Who says 'rubbish' in this country? That sounds like something the blue-blooded elites in England would say. Rubbish? That must be something the hired help have to take out...
>>clean up a football field strewn with “rubbish and paper products.”<<
DeleteSounds like one of those MORmON fundraisers.
By the way, non MORmONs should know that the MORmON cult has no more janitors to clean it's temples and other facilities. They have all been fired. Instead the cult's faithful followers are now expected to volunteer to do this. Practices like this let the cult founded by pedophile polygamists
invest billions in such charity ventures as Cherry Creek Shopping Center in Downtown Salt Lake City.
Investments like those made by the Mormon Church, which also include gun businesses, are why churches should pay taxes just like people do. What they do is not charity.
DeleteOh...no, no, no. Enough with the false equivalency. Makes me crazy. I live in NH, I have been to a packed Obama campaign ( I got a handshake and a smile on the rope line!) It was about 90 degrees, in a packed high school gym. About 2000 people, may not seem like a lot, but hey, this is NH! It was a lot. The Obama campaign people made sure everyone had water and that all were ok, because we waited hours. Young to elderly, fainting possible for anyone....and no one left! No one.
ReplyDeleteIt was great energy, you can't fake it. You can't fake the interest of the people, you can't fake the love and you can't fake the sense of the man's integrity and clarity. He has a purpose and he is doing his damndest to be the best public servant he possibly can. He is serving in this office for you and me.
I don't think you'll find too many people saying that about Mitt Romney.
Great comment, so true!
DeleteLucky you.
Sarah Palin's ghost writers have not posted anything since October 26-- not one word of sympathy for the people on the East Coast who have lost so much in the recent storm. They are not all Democrats. Surely Sarah could extend her feelings to the Republicans.
ReplyDeleteShe don't like the east coast elite.
DeleteIsn't it a welcome relief that the Fright Queen hasn't opened her surly mouthy and spewed her venom towards Obama? Frankly, if I never hear anything from that Botox-infected C**T, I will be very happy indeed.
DeleteMaybe Sarah can find a use for those canned goods the Red Cross doesn't need.
DeleteThe people hurt by Sandy aren't "rill" Amurkins, so she doesn't care (not that she cares about "rill" 'murkins, either).
DeleteAlso, maybe she is actually working very hard and has strewn around her the crumpled rough drafts of multiple attempts to come up with a description of the President's "shucking and jiving" handling of Sandy.
Remember, she never, ever, ever, ever, backs off after being criticized. She double, triple, and quadruples down when everyone else has long since forgotten about whatever stupid or vicious thing she did or said (writing on her hand, crosshairs, not using teleprompters, dressing like a whore etc.).
Washington Post poll:
ReplyDelete78% approve of POTUS' handling of Sandy
44% approve of Romney's
Mittens would have been better off staying home than spending $5000 at Walmart for a faux-concerned photo-op.
what in the world could folks "approve" of romney's assistance? there was none. romney should have collected cash and blood for red cross - period.
DeleteShould have donated $5000 to the Red Cross and asked the people who showed up to donate $$$ too. Dumbass!!! It's just comical how Romney his campaign team/advisors can't get anything right.
DeleteArranging for about a dozen of the "Red Cross Blood-Mobiles" to be on-site and setting an example by giving blood first would've been a pretty cool thing to do. Plus taking cash donations in like a big "Romney-Barrell".
DeleteBut Mitt didn't ask me. And of course he didn't ask Red Cross either. Missed an opportunity to do something really helpful for real people AND build some EARNED goodwill.
People want to DO SOMETHING. Why not LEAD them to doing something that REALLY HELPS?
Rant over.
If 78 % approve of President Obama's handling of Hurricane Sandy, how can 44% approve of Romney's handling of it? Mathematically only 22% could approve of Romney on this issue. And how can Romney have handled anything? He has no role in this matter. He's not an elected official. All he's done is given his advice on how cleaning up after a hurricane is like cleaning up a high school football field after a game. I know, his comparison makes absolutely no sense. But then nothing about Mitt Romney makes any sense.
Does it look to others as if Mitt and Twit got a spray tan before his photo op with the bottled water above??
ReplyDeleteboth candidates make me cry...Obama makes me cry because his compassion for others is so moving and genuine...Romney makes me cry because the very thought of him as president makes me so angry, the only release is tears...
ReplyDeleteOBAMA 4 MORE YEARS!!!
OT, but this is hilarious.
ReplyDeleteRemember Joe Isuzu? He has made some fantastic Romney ad spoofs.
Long URL: http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2012/10/mitt-romney-joe-isuzu-lying-car-salesman
when i saw this on the intertubes this afternoon, i was aghast that Rmoney spent $5000 at WALMART! why not buy the fake contributions from local small businesses, at least? i cannot, will not, would never shop at a walmart.
ReplyDeleteI thought the same thing about buying from Walmart. I have never shopped there and never will. Romney should have donated much more than 5K and told his supporters he would match theirs. If he was any kind of real man, that's what he would have done. But, fortunately for us, he showed his true colors once again. Loser!
DeleteObama/Biden by a landslide!!
There are plenty of areas where there is nothing left after the Walmart moves in and the local businesses go under.
DeleteMy options are shop at Walmart or shop online. If I shop locally, at least people are employed (and yes, I know Walmart is an awful employer).
The Red Cross does not want contributions of food and/or used clothing. They want money. Romney had no way to distribute the food. He didn't even bother to sort it out. What Romney could have done was to make a big show out of writing his $5,000. check to the Red Cross and asking everyone to donate what they could-- instead of bringing a jar of peanut butter.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree! Said as much earlier in the post. Didn't see your well spoken comment.
ReplyDeletewith a wider shot to add some context
OT: Yikes! Yet another GOP idiot blessed the world with his opinion of how "the rape thing" does not justify abortion.
Yikes is right! He's from my state, not my district, so I can't vote against him. Great comments after the article though. I doubt he is going to win, he's in the suburbs but not far from Seattle, a little too close to normal people to be elected, just my opinion. My idiot B-I-L might vote for him, but I will never know because we don't talk politics, obviously.
DeleteThe President has more compassion in one finger than you'll find in the entire Romney extended family.
ReplyDeleteHis concern for people of all colors, economic classes and political persuasions is genuine and palpable. I cannot imagine finding any comfort from a hug with Romney, but I am sure those people who met the President felt their burdens ease just a bit today.
Romney is shameless.
ReplyDeletewow~ gryph..Our POTUS really get's it..I have never seen one gop show any concern for anyone..I truly love my Pres..and his beautiful family..
ReplyDeleteI could not be more proud of our President at this moment and I'm glad to see another side of Gov. Christie. That being said, the Republicans always blame the liberals (God's punishment for our heathen ways) for natural disasters. The 2008 R Convention was delayed due to a storm, so was the 2012 convention. A financial crisis occurred in 2008 which showed the nation that McCain was not fit to serve. And now another storm proves Romney is a self serving piece of shit. Maybe, just maybe, God is trying to tell these assholes that He is not pleased with their policies. President Obama is a serious man. He is a man of grace (who else could have withstood the crap being thrown at him) a man with true compassion, an intelligent man who knows what the right thing to do is - and he does it.
ReplyDeleteMitt Romney showed us all during the debates what kind of leader he would be: a bully...a swinging d*ck...(I have always thought one problem with the Bush/Cheney years was Viagra...they were all on it; the testosterone made them aggressive...remember it was Bob Dole, R politician who was the first advertising 'model'...)
ReplyDeleteWhereas Pres Obama leads with wisdom, compassion, patience and insight.
May the party of old white rich men finally be given the loss it so truly deserves.
Get all your family and friends out to vote! We can win this one!
I have to give Christie a lot of credit (ok, I choked a little while typing that) but it had to be said.
ReplyDeleteI'm most proud of our President. "The election will take care of itself" must have been seven of the hardest words to say, but it's not in his character to turn away from helping people.
When the storm hit, all that went through my mind were the images of Katrina, the loss of life, the suffering, the bumbling idiocy of how it wasn't handled and the anger I felt while watching it unfold.
President Obama took the wheel of the ship and from jump street he's been stellar.
Mitt - there is no word to adequately describe this unscrupulous entitled one percenter.
You should mention that the Red Cross doesn't WANT food, which Romney was well aware of. I can almost hear my mother's voice saying "You'll take what you get and you'll like it!" This is the kind of assistance we can expect from a Romney presidency.
ReplyDeleteRomney was staging a "victory" party. Are we paying attention to that? Does he thinks he's already bought up the election perhaps. I find this man galling to the extreme but this takes it all. Then maybe he is just following the example of Bush on the aircraft carrier. Sometimes it seems like Romney assumes he's won so he can say whatever he wants. He sure doesn't put ANY effort into really thinking. I hope the hackers who are monitoring for vote rigging on the machines get solid evidence they can use. Then maybe we can have genuine elections again.
ReplyDeleteIt really irked me in the debates to hear him say "when I am President...". I suppose it was meant to show confidence, but what it sounded like to me was overwhelming ego from someone who couldn't even be bothered to pretend that my opinion and vote would have anything to do with the election result.
DeleteEven Palin four years ago would at least yammer on about how "if we are so blessed that the American people should entrust us blah blah blah... or words to that effect.
Why in the heck didn't they send money? Oh yes, money doesn't make for good photos ops for either Vulture Rmoney or Voucher rAyn. Pathetic men. In a time of crisis and catastrophe, it's still only and all about these two USA GOP/tea men making sure they're in the news.
ReplyDeleteI watched a video of Romney explaining how cleaning up after a hurricane is just like cleaning up Cranbrook's (his private school) football field after a football game. Each of the clean-up kids was given a segment of the field and told to pick of the trash. First of all, why did these rich kids dump so much litter on a football field?
ReplyDeleteI watched this clip just after seeing scenes of the devastation along the New Jersey shore. This isn't a matter of bending down and picking up some scraps of paper and pop bottles. There are several feet of contaminated sea water all over these towns. Most people can still get nowhere near their homes. There is no electricity. It's one thing to pick up some small debris from your front or back yard after a rainstorm or to clear your driveway after a snowstorm but the destruction left by this storm will take weeks and months to clear, by bulldozers and huge trucks. Remember how long it took to clear New Orleans or even Joplin (without the sea water)?
Mitt Romney is a joke. The whole Republican Party is a joke. One that we cannot afford any more in this country.
Obama/Biden/Democratic Congress 2012
Let's not forget that all the "charitable contributions" Romney cites are technically his tithing to his own church. In the same way he is not a "pastor" as he described himself, his tithing is not his donation to a charity as the term is commonly applied.
ReplyDeleteAnd requesting the precise kind of donation which is unusable by the Red Cross - the lead charity organization in disaster recover like this - Romney and apparently his entire campaign staff displayed the kind of arrogance and/or ignorance that characterize him.
But the best part? Spending $5000 of campaign funds to buy FROM WALMART, not a local small business, these unusable items in order to stage a successful event.
Do you know what $5000 to the Red Cross could accomplish? All he had to do was encourage people to donate cash on the spot, or write a check.
What an arrogant, stupid ass.
damn it, thst little dick showed up in Hudson and I was out cutting wood to save on heating costs, because I jut got 'BAINED" and my job was sent out of town.
ReplyDeleteI wodda, cudda, shudda, given that little MF from 'sconny a reason to need the Red Cross.
nice how he slips in to town, and no one really knows, except the teenie tiny rethug office, located next to a liquor store. The newspaper I 'WORKED' at only found out that day. And they just did an endorsement of the R squared team.
.....bastards, no wonder they cut me loose.