Friday, October 26, 2012

Jon Stewart on the Republican party platform: "If a woman wants to have a baby by in vitro fertilization, she cannot! Rape? She has to!"

I had so much going on today that I almost forgot to post this, which would be too bad, because it is awesome!


  1. Rape was, and always will be a method for men (the rapist ones) to attempt to control women. Forcing women to carry their children simply extends that control.

    Abortion should be easily available for any woman - the whole idea of abandoning the mother after conception and the child after birth is a GOP control mechanism - and has NOTHING to do with God or life or truth or rape.

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      12 year old girl screaming in the labor/delivery room to produce the baby to which some 30+ states will award parental rights to her rapist.

      And Mourdock can say with a straight face that he "struggled".

    2. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Yes, evil men rape women in an effort to punish and control all women. Rape ia an act of violence. period . that is all. Any resulting pregnacy is merely points for the abuser... the rapist. The GOP/TP doen't give a f**sh**t about the children of rape ...all of these mysoginist have in mind is punishing women. No women in her right mind would vote for these "creatures" and any male that does is no better then the mysoginist they voted for.
      "Birds of feather flock together and so do pigs and swine" or rapists support rapists. :)

    3. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Awesome comment.

    4. Anonymous9:48 PM

      Mormanizm is all about subjugating women/girls to the will of men.
      Name one accomplished woman who is Morman.
      Morman = more for the man.

  2. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Its so good when someone can put into very few words, like this, the entire soul of the issue...really helps clear up any grey areas for those bombarded by stuff from both sides.

    I tried to do the same thing, with regard to a California thorny issue, being the upcoming vote on a proposition making labeling food with certain dangerous additives, which is being poo-poo'd by Monsanto as an unnecessary expense that will add to food costs.

    My input: People who want to know if there's shit being put into their food, vs. corporations who put the shit into their food.

    1. You have almost described the election

      People who vote for their President vs Corporations who don't give a shit about people

  3. Anonymous6:29 PM

    New Obama song is simply amazing. I can listen to it all day.

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Thanks! Just downloaded it. Great song.

  4. Anonymous6:42 PM

    "I disagree with your views on rape and incest, but... not a deal breaker"

    Romney lets the endorsement ads continue to air. He refuses to take press questions on his Mourdock endorsement. Just like the tax return non-disclosure, Romney is succeeding in erasing his past. Mormon magic.

    1. Anonymous9:02 PM

      Actually, Romney and Ryan are taking a page from the Sarah Palin play book. After her interview with Katie Couric, Sarah never met a serious press interview again. Fluffy stuff, yes, but a serious interview-- never. Romney ought to remember how well that worked out for Sarah.

      If he is doing so well, why is he avoiding the media? Bill O'Reilly is royally pissed that he asked Romney to appear on his show a number of times-- with no response. Mitt, it's Fox. They are supposed to be your friends.

  5. Anonymous7:02 PM

    The Mormon Church seriously frowns on in vitro fertilization, however three of Mitt's sons have used in vitro. Tagg and his wife, who already had three children, used in vitro to produce another kid and a set a twins. It's OK for the Romney family, who were granted a special right-- but not everyone else.

  6. O/T New PETA Ad

    Attn: NSFW but you shouldn't be working late on a Friday night anyway. If you have to, you deserve a break.

    Even though bikini season is over for most of us, don't ruin your look with a fur trim. Amen to that.

  7. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Y'all remember the GOP uproar when Letterman made the joke about ARod impregnating a Palin?

    Isn't is amazing that a fake "rape" (although, I think the joke insinuated that the Palin girls were sluts - NOT that ARod raped anyone)

    causes more umbrage in the GOP than *actual* rape?

  8. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I just want these Repuglicans to keep their F'n religion out of my life. Period. There is no room for religion in legislation. If you don't believe in abortion don't get one. The Dems have bent over backwards to accomodate any kind of federal funding that may be used for abortion care. That should be the end of the discussion. Trying to calculate how "raped" a woman can be is simply outrageous. If these neanderthals think this is gonna get them votes well my advice is, "keep talking you dumba$$!!"


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