Monday, October 29, 2012

Mitt Romney: Federal relief spending is "immoral." Filed under things you don't want on the record as a hurricane threatens 50 million voters right before an election.

Yes it certainly is immoral to spend money on disaster relief when you could save all of that money and provide tax breaks to the rich. Don't you agree?

By the way Sandy is currently gaining strength and could impact up to 50 million Americans. Right now President Obama is getting relief efforts underway and has promised to cut through the red tape and get help to those afflicted as quickly as possible.

This is not official but I do believe that Romney's response to the storm was something along the lines of "Well can't those people just leave the area and weather the storm in one of their other houses?"

P.S. On a personal note I hope that all of our IM friends over on the East Coast are able to get someplace safe and please know that our best wishes and thoughts are with you.


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Washington DC and surrounding environs are closed down. We are sitting, watching, and waiting. The wind is blowing quite hard.

  2. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Be safe everyone ....even if you don't have a house in another state to take shelter in. I hope you have all voted. :)

  3. I find it interesting but unsurprising that the people who don't like FEMA have forgotten that it was thanks to George Bush that it performed so badly.

    You did a heck of a job, Brownie.

  4. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Sandy is much stronger than they anticipated.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It's getting angry out there. This camera is on Staten Island and it could take repeated tries to get a feed. Be safe.

  7. Leaving for a Caribbean cruise on Thurs if I survive this mess.So far, still have my electric but the lights are flickering.Just a matter of time.I expect the winds will continue to get stronger overnight so i expect to lose power.

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      May the force be with you. Thinking of you and yours. Let us know how it goes.

  8. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Our family is all in the Philadelphia area. They are hunkered down but expecting power to go out and possibly phones as well. Most of their trees have not yet lost their leaves so there may be a lot of trees down.

    There is a full moon tonight which enhances the deadly tide levels. Here on the Great Lakes we are expecting extremely large waves but that is not for today but tomorrow and/or Wednesday.

    I thank God that President Obama is "on the job." Remember George W. Bush when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. And Mitt Romney would be no better. He'd probably offer those flooded out of house or apartment a Book of Mormon. Republicans simply DO NOT CARE about the fate of ordinary people. Organizations like FEMA are government at its best - helping people when they need it.

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Not at all- he'd tell them to go home and call 211!

  9. Boscoe11:26 AM

    Sigh. I don't know why anyone even bothers to report on anything Romney "said". All that'll matter is what he SAYS tomorrow when he criticizes the President for not getting that federal relief spending out to those people fast enough.

    Just watch how right I am. -Not that it takes more than two functioning braincells to predict that.

    Why, I bet Faux is ALREADY calling Sandy "Obama's Katrina"...

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Truly believe that if the assant Romney badmouths President Obama on his handling of Sandy, it will be be to his detriment.

      We need to be sending positive thoughts (I'm not religious!) to President Obama and the elected officals handling each of the states that is being hit by this horrible storm. I'm watching it on TV and it truly is frightening!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  10. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Information regarding Romney tax returns:

    Please share with everyone you know!

  11. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Obama leads in ttwick (Really cool new kind of instant poll)

    ttwick is a new kind of web site. It uses sofisticated algorithms and massive social media data collection to determine the emotional content among millions of participants instantly.

  12. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I spent 5 hours on line to vote early this past weekend, but I expect some of those on "the other side" did as well.

  13. Anonymous11:39 AM

    This storm is showing Romney for what he is and isn't! Anti FEMA (government spending) and directed to the individual states throughout the nation. The guy is a jerk!!! His statements hopefully will nail his coffin shut!!!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  14. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I've only got one house here in Connecticut and so far it's not too bad.

    Still have power... damn just jinxed myself

  15. Sharon11:47 AM

    My hometown of Point Pleasant Beach has been on the news and pictures sent to me are really bad. The entire downtown area is underwater already and the boardwalk is taking a beating. The Surf Club in Ortley Beach which has been around for 30 years is pretty much destroyed and the storm hasn't even hit yet. My daughter in NY has the day off and says the rain and wind are really bad of the many reasons I moved west, ah mother nature. Who cares about climate change...certainly not Robme or the ignorant GOP. I hope the undecided voters remember Bush and Katrina and how Obama will always care about us first.

  16. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Romney volunteered his campaign bus to bring some supplies. How could a private company handle a natural disaster like this?

    Romney said this morning people on the east coast are "nervous" about the storm. People are busting ass about this storm while Romney bombards Ohio with untruths.

    Disaster relief and aid is "immoral"? The money spent on this election is indecent.

  17. Chenagrrl11:53 AM

    My sister's power is out in Long Island, but she has clean underwear and a hard-line phone. She's Alaskan, she'll be fine.

  18. Otto Katz12:15 PM

    Inland CT here, very blowy, rain, power out 25K. Fortunately we have the woodstove going, freezers full of ice, we should be ok. I hope everyone is safe, (if still wet) south of us in NYC, NJ, Delaware. Thank you for your good thoughts.

  19. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Central planning and deployment for disasters IS essential for a country the size of the United States. FEMA is/wasn't perfect. We could do it cheaper? Probably. Should we privatize it? Of course not.

    But the Republican tactic is to claim overspending on any government agency they think is least likely to them in trouble. Romney's problem is that he isn't even bright enough to understand FEMA wasn't a safe target.

    The man is an idiot. His advisers are idiots. His VEEP choice is an idiot.

    Romney is going to have to crawl out from under his rock and at least stand in front of the press and make some kind of "presidential" looking statement about hurricane Sandy. I hope those wimp reporters pound him with questions.

  20. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Coast Guard rescue of Bounty crew:

  21. Anonymous1:03 PM

    The Evangelical

  22. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Moronism Billboard

  23. Anonymous1:40 PM

    What's immoral is going to war with a country on a trumped up tale of weapons of mass destruction. What's immoral is forcing rape victims to bring pregnancies to term. What's immoral is gutting companies while stripping their employees of pensions for personal profit. What's immoral is making up a STUPID reason for getting your rich friend more navy ship-building contracts.

    Romney's sense of morality is a JOKE! If he weren't so rich, even the Mormons would have booted him out.

    Maybe what Romney is hiding in those tax returns that he so coyly drops tidbits about is that Romney got FEMA help once.

  24. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Mitt Romney canceled a planned rally Tuesday in Lima, and his campaign stop in Kettering has been changed to a disaster relief event. Attendees were encouraged to bring disaster relief supplies for donation.

    What an opportunistic POS. Haphazard collection of relief supplies is precisely what FEMA, the Red Cross, other relief groups and state/local governments do NOT want in the case of large scale mess like hurricane Sandy. What is idiot Romney planning on doing, loading some mops and buckets into his campaign bus? Then drive to Atlantic City, NJ to be greeted as the savior.

    I loathe Romney.

  25. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Romney (and Ryan) also said we needed fewer fire fighters right before all the deadly fires we had here in Colorado. I hope people in Colorado Springs and Fort Collins remember that.

  26. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I don't think we need to worry: Todd Akin is saying that God told him He has ways of shutting this whole thing down.

    So go back to your homes, open the windows and breathe in some Fox propaganda.

  27. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I'm on the Canadian border and am expecting this storm to get here in a few days. We expect rain and winds and our night temperatures go below freezing, so power outages can get very uncomfortable at this time of year. I can't imagine what the 50 million easterners are going through, with the heavy populations and traffic all experiencing a variety of disaster at the same time. Hope it isn't as bad as they are predicting, but, thank the Lord, they have President Obama at this time.

    I really think this is going to prove how a Romney administration would be devastating. This unfortunate natural disaster might have a silver lining for President Obama's re-election.

  28. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I'm reading a FB rant about how President Obama left on Air Force One to start a vacation in HI. The impression the FB friend has is that Obama is fleeing the storm here in the DC area. Then I read a report that Michelle and the girls are already there, and that our POTUS had delayed his vacation because of trying to get the tax cut extended through the end of the year.

    *sigh* I don't want to fight with the Fb friend, but didn't W have many more vacations that our current POTUS?

    Anyway, I think God told Romney to say such stupid things so people with brains don't vote for him. I shudder to think he could be elected, but then I have a lot of faith that he won't make it! Thanks, Gryph!

    1. Google

      Obama vacation days vs Bush fact check

      Then pick a dozen or so. There's way too many articles to list. But your friend is wasting your time.

      You might remind your friend that Mr Obama is very intelligent--- way too damn intelligent to go on vacation during the last days of a campaign like this one.

      Does he deserve a few days off after the election has been decided? Yes, in my opinion, he deserves a breather. But he won't take much of a break because he is NEVER out of touch on matters of national security, etc.

  29. It has been raining since last night, but it is NOW intensifying. The next 12 plus hours are going to be something.
    M from MD

  30. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Sandy is coming into Cape May. I am in Virginia, outside of DC. Lots of rain. It is going to be a long night. Everything is shut down tomorrow. Trees are coming down evrywhere.

  31. I'm on the south shore of Long Island, just about 1000 feet from the mandatory evacuation line. I've lived though quite a few LI storms, but this one is bad! We've had intermittent power outages and no cell service for the last few hours. There are some downed tree limbs in my yard, but thankfully, nothing close enough to the house to do any damage. The wind is incredible and with every gust I'm waiting to hear a crash. My 2 dogs are terrified!
    I hope that everyone in the path of the storm stays safe.
    I'm sure that in the next few days we'll see Romney doing photo-ops in hurricane damaged areas. The man is such a lying hypocrite!

    1. Thinking of you all. Hang in there and hug those pups!

  32. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Look for the BITCH Palin to get on Fox and blame it ALL on Obama......if she's not stoned out of her gourd.

    Ahem...........Queen Esther.......tell me again how you AS GOVERNOR helped Alaskan natives in their plight? Oh, yeah, you brought them cookies.

    Uncaring ignorant broad.

  33. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Hey, empty! I'm from Commack! All my family lives on the south shore. I'm in Chicago now where apparently we might get flooding on the lake!

  34. Anonymous6:29 PM

    309: your friend is an idiot. That story about the tax cut is from 2010! Obama goes to Hawaii every year for Xmas -- BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE HE IS FROM AND THAT IS WHERE HIS SISTER LIVES!

  35. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Yo Mittens, take a look at what is left of the hardworking community of Breezy Point off Brooklyn. I guess it would be immoral under your code to give those folks a hand.

  36. Chenagrrl11:02 AM

    Commack lost many big trees, especially in the Birchwood subdivision south of Jericho Turnpike, my sister says. She lost a giant blue spruce that had been on the property for more than 50 years.


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