Tuesday, October 30, 2012

More information on that GOP formula to steal votes.

Last Friday I wrote a post titled "Proof that the Republicans are actively stealing our elections, and have been doing so since at least 2008." That post received quite a lot of attention, both from Obama supporters wanting to get that word out, and Romney supporters questioning, and even insulting, the data.

I actually don't think I receive a whole lot of Romney trolls so I was pretty sure we were on to something big when they started showing up in substantial numbers.

Anyhow since that post the information has indeed gone viral and I thought I would provide you with the findings of another progressive blog, Addicting Info: 

When these reports first came out, we went over the numbers instead of just rushing in with the story. The numbers are clear as day. The fix is in all across the country, and it is restricted to states run by Republicans. This kind of manipulation can only be done subtly: votes are not shifted more than 10%. 

The reason why the fraud is so easy to spot when you examine the primaries is because the tampering was not restricted to stealing votes from one specific competitor, but from several, which increased the rate of shift as the voting population increased. The large Republican primary base becomes the scam’s undoing. The computerized manipulation algorithm leaves a fingerprint easy to identify; all such things do…and now we know what to look for. 

To show how the manipulation works, here is a sample of the Ohio primary breakdown: 

  • In Mercer County, a total of 383 people voted in the Republican primary. Of those, 42% voted for Santorum, while 30% voted for Romney. 
  • In Highland County, 5,590 people voted, 39% for Santorum and 31% for Romney. 
  • Now examine the results from larger Ashtabula County, with its 8,932 voter turnout: it shows that Santorum suddenly dropped to 35% while Romney’s votes climbed to 33%. 
  • In the largest, Montgomery County, with its 56,283 voter turnout, Romney’s vote tally suddenly zoomed up to 38%, and Santorum’s tally dropped to a distant 31%. 

These results have been verified by cross-checking with the election results numbers posted on the Ohio Secretary of State‘s website. For the above charts, Choquette and Johnson also used Wisconsin‘s election results information by precinct, district and ward. 

For once, the Tea Party is correct: there is fraud afoot. But it is not dead people voting, it’s not non-citizens voting or people trying to impersonate other voters. It’s not voter fraud, it is election fraud. The election fraud going on is this: votes are being stolen by manipulating electronic voting machines to take votes from one or more candidates to benefit whomever someone (the vote counter?) has decided should win. This lucky candidate is always a Republican. State after state, case after case, the Republicans are clearly committing widespread, systematic election fraud.

I am not a mathematician by any stretch of the imagination, but it seems to me that this is a fairly simple  calculation for somebody with a good head for numbers to work through.

I have sent this to Nate Silver, Alex Wagner, Sam Stein, and a few other Twitter friends, and hopefully SOMEBODY will seriously address this well before next Tuesday.

Though to be honest I actually worry that since many of them think that the President is well ahead of Romney they might put this off until AFTER the election so as not to attract charges of launching a partisan conspiracy theory. Personally I think that would be a mistake.


  1. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Perhaps the worst storm ever to hit the United States is still making its way north, leaving incredible destruction in its path.

    Jeremiad from Sarah Palin about how it's the fault of the Marxist, socialist, European-loving President, plus, also, too, how he's not doing enough to restore electrical services, drain tunnels and subways, part the waters, feed the hungry and heal the sick.

    Coming to you, the ultimate opinion from a bunker somewhere under the melting tundra: Alaska's Miss Runner-Up Beauty Queen of 1984.

  2. Wendy5:01 AM

    The President is not well ahead of Romney. At best polls indicate things are tied up or close to tied up. It doesn't help at all to swagger around with false confidence ....

    1. Anonymous6:33 AM

      Obama has never been behind in this election. Ever.

      Nothing has changed in four years.

      Go to 538.

      Read every single post.

      Hell, I wouldn´t be surprised if Christie suddenly endorsed Obama.

      He is a fucking lock.

    2. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Funny you should say that...


  3. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Gryphen, the Chicago Sun Times had an article in the past few days about how easy it was to tamper with the Diebold voting machines - two scientists at Argonne lab.

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM


      It will not affect the election.

      They will be arrested this time.

      The best minds in the world are on this one.

    2. Anonymous7:59 AM

      And most of all, Obama will not roll over and take it like Gore and Kerry did. He will fight tooth, nail, claw, and talon for what is his.

  4. Anonymous5:40 AM

    With Election Day just around the corner and the world awash in idle banter about “Obama’s broken dream,” his “vanished charm,” and even, while we’re at it, “the assassination of hope,” it is not idle to point out what should be obvious: that in four years the 44th president of the United States has pulled off no fewer than three revolutions.

    First came his reform of health care—an effort no less major for being incomplete. And in the heat of the battle waged against him by the Republicans, unanimously arrayed and aided by a handful of Democrats, he was forced to retreat from many details of his plan. But he saw it through. It was a colossal struggle, but he won. And whatever the nitpickers, faultfinders, and defeatists might say, he has something to show for his trouble: 50 million people previously dispossessed by the American dream will now enjoy—thanks to a president who watched his young mother fight cancer along with a health system that denied her access to care—the right to get sick, to age, and to die with dignity. This revolution, this basic and noble expansion of human rights, others—including Truman, Kennedy, and Clinton—had tried without success to realize. History will remember Obamacare as a considerable triumph.

    Next, Obama revolutionized an economic landscape in the midst of an unprecedented crisis. That revolution, too, was insufficient. Obama took to it in his own way, as a pragmatist, a centrist, a man who believes in compromise. And he did so, remember, in the midst of a storm that, we quickly forget, had the world’s leaders paralyzed with fear, forcing them to steer their ships by instinct, without the aid of instruments, knowing that each and every decision might lead to disaster. But Obama navigated well. He began to bring Wall Street into step. Cautiously but firmly, he tested some initial mechanisms of financial regulation. And through the $800 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, followed by the $447 billion Jobs Act of September 2011, he implemented the largest recovery plan of all time. We all know that history does not generally record disasters avoided. But is it so hard to imagine what the rate of unemployment in the United States might be today in the absence of Obama’s decisions? Without the de facto (if temporary) nationalization of part of the automobile industry, without massive loans for sustainable energy development, without Keynesian reinvestment in infrastructure neglected since the 1930s—in short, without this new New Deal—what would be the state of the country, and thus of the world? The name of Franklin D. Roosevelt, architect of the first New Deal, comes readily to mind, along with that of Lyndon Johnson, author of the Great Society. For a man widely depicted as disappointing, hesitant, and even cowardly, that’s not too bad.

    1. Anonymous6:38 AM

      President Obama has never been behind in this election.

      People see the truth.

      Romney is a liar.

    2. hedgewytch7:31 AM

      I said it before, I'll say it again. This president will go down in U.S. History as one of the greatest Presidents we've ever had.

  5. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Last but not least, Obama profoundly altered the course of American diplomacy and, through it, his country’s image around the world. Here again his achievement was not complete. He did not have the political means necessary to allow him to carry out his decision to close Guantánamo. Moreover, no one acting alone could have toppled—no one acting alone ever will—the idol of anti-Americanism. But ponder the sequence of events that began with his speech in Cairo and the hand that he held out that day to moderate Muslims. Consider the withdrawal from Iraq and the simultaneous intensification of the war against the Taliban. And then, before taking bin Laden out of action, and making that step possible, the reconsideration of the absurd (one might even say unnatural) alliance that his predecessors had forged with the gangster state of Pakistan. Barack Obama broke with the Jacksonian impulse to fight terrorism by firing blindly into the crowd: West against the rest! America versus Islam! On with the clash of civilizations! He chose a more deliberate strategy, a targeted approach in which the concept of just war was allied with a resolute defense of enlightened Islam against barbaric Islam. Obama’s America fights only the neo-Fascist enemies of the people of the world, particularly the enemies of Arabs and Muslims who thirst for freedom.

    For the most part, then, Barack Obama has kept his promises. To allow him to keep them fully, Americans need only offer him a second term—the second term that, from the first, he said he would need to carry out his program.

    I do not regret having sensed, in 2004, four years before his election, the tremendous destiny of the man whom I called the black Kennedy. There is no reason to be disappointed. The hope is still there, stronger than ever. And the struggle continues.


  6. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Gryphen, I grow to despise this man more and more.

    Video Shows Romney’s 2005 Disdain For Same Sex Parenting


  7. I'm from Ohio and a lifelong Democrat, and I have some skepticism about that article. Mercer and Highland counties are very rural farming areas where people are extremely conservative. The biggest town in either county probably doesn't exceed 20,000 people. Ashtabula and Montgomery counties are home to suburbs and urban areas and would tend to be less conservative I grew up in the county next to Montgomery county, and it is a pretty even split between Democrats and Republicans and always has been. In other words, the statistics presented here don't really mean much as the areas they are comparing are as different as night and day!

  8. Anonymous6:19 AM

    This may be why Republican Gov. John Kasich of Ohio is confident Romney has his state "in the bag"...

  9. London Bridges6:21 AM

    Let me explain it here:

    My opinion is that Obama, despite his popularity in 2008 only won the election because Mike Connell was called to testify before Congress the day before the election and got cold feet. Otherwise the fix was used in most elections since 2004. When Connell was scheduled to testify to spill the beans after the 2008 election, the repugnants assassinated him by plane. Connell was a “good” Catholic and he only fixed elections to “save the babies.” The Repugs who came to the crash scene took his Blackberry in which he kept all his election stealing secrets. It was never found, but the Blackberry’s case was left intact at the scene. This same fix was also used to put Scott Brown in the Senate. A similar analysis was down on that election, and the most likely possibility was electronic vote flipping.

    The repugnants have Connell’s Blackberry and they use it.

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      My concern is, with the superstorm having shut down so much early voting and the likelihood of decreased turnout on November 6th, it will make the conditions to get away with vote rigging even more ripe.

    2. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Wrong 7:32.

      50 million people feel the brunt of this Frankenstorm.

      Obama looks Presidential. Romney looks like the wannabe he is.

      Normally, national disasters have zero effect on elections. Unless the POTUS botches the clean-up (Ain´t happening here.).

      What makes this disaster different? Romney´s antipathy about FEMA is on the record. Play that baby. Then play it again.

      And who is in the heart of this storm?

      Can you say,¨Doug Christie?¨

    3. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Don't dismiss the concern 8:25.

      The concern is not about affecting one's decision, it is about affecting voting logistics. The storm has eliminated early voting in key states. The storm isn't expected to be over until Sunday - a lot more places will be closed. Even when the storm has passed and something is set up for voting on Tuesday, a lot of people will be unable to vote - homes and property flooded or destroyed and no transportation. When recovering from a disaster, immediate concerns take precedence and voting moves a little lower down the list. New polling locations will have to be set up in some areas and new information dispersed.

      Of course a major storm affecting several states will have an affect on voter turnout.

  10. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Don't you think the Obama campaign would look into this? Random checks of voting machine software? Plus, the video from Anonymous warning Karl Rove not to tamper with the election.

    I've worked too hard in the cold and rain to let this thing get stolen.

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      JeeeZussssss, Man!

      Did you not see Romney sweat like a pussy in the third debate?

      We are on top of this chit.

  11. hedgewytch7:39 AM

    I have been chewing my tail for over 10 years since I realized that the Republicans were fixing the elections. My tail is about to fall off. I won't stop chewing until I start to see people indicted. Praying daily for that to happen, but it won't ever happen unless President Obama is re-elected.

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      Do not chew your Lemur tail off.

      It is glorious!

      The days of being caught off-guard by Republican lies are over. Over.

      God Bless America!

  12. Anonymous9:10 AM

    The Liberty Tree Foundation is working to protect our vote and is one way to get involved. (One of LTF's founders is AK's very impressive Riki Ott.)



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