Tuesday, October 30, 2012

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie gushes over President Obama's hands on approach to dealing with storm devastation. Update!

Come on! You just KNOW that somewhere Mitt Romney is banging his perfectly coiffed head against the wall.

I understand that in a desperate attempt to appear that he is helping with the relief effort Romney will be holding a "storm relief event" with, get this, race car driver Richard Petty and country music singer Randy Owen. Isn't Ohio one of the few states in the north east NOT affected directly by Sandy?

God this is just getting pathetic.

Update: Oops I stand corrected, it looks like Sandy has now started to impact Ohio and over 250,000 people are without power and hundreds of schools are closed. Hmm, I wonder if Romney will still show up or run for safety?

Update 2: Today Christie is no less impressed by President Obama, and seems substantially UNIMPRESSED by Romney's efforts to campaign during this tragedy.

This from Raw Story:

 “The president was great last night,” Christie continued. “He said he would get it done. At 2 a.m., I got a call from FEMA to answer a couple of final questions and then he signed the declaration this morning. So I have to give the president great credit. He’s been on the phone with me three times in the last 24 hours. He’s been very attentive, and anything that I’ve asked for, he’s gotten to me. So, I thank the president publicly for that. He’s done — as far as I’m concerned — a great job for New Jersey.” 

Fox News co-host Steve Doocy wondered when Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was going to get some of the same benefits from the hurricane with a photo op in disaster-stricken New Jersey towns. 

“Over the last couple of months, you have appeared throughout the country, Governor, on behalf of Mitt Romney,” Doocy remarked to Christie. “[W]e hear that perhaps Mr. Romney may do some storm-related events. Is there any possibility that Gov. Romney may go to New Jersey to tour some of the damage with you?” 

“I have no idea, nor am I the least bit concerned or interested,” Christie replied, immediately shutting down the idea. “I’ve got a job to do here in New Jersey that’s much bigger than presidential politics and I could [sic] care less about any of that stuff.” 

“I have a job to do,” he added. “I’ve got 2.4 million people out of power, I’ve got devastation on the shore, I’ve got floods in the northern part of my state. If you think right now I give a damn about presidential politics then you don’t know me.” 

Oh damn! That's going to lave a mark!

Update 3: Apparently the Romney Ohio "Storm Relief Event" is going on now, and though they were informed that the Red Cross would NOT accept donations that were brought to the event, the campaign is indeed accepting donations on their behalf.

By the way the quick name change for this event did not happen soon enough to affect the already printed press badges.

 "Victory Rally?" What victory is the Romney campaign celebrating? President Obama's?

Reporter Jackie Kucinich tweeted that during this bizarre gathering there was a Romney/Ryan campaign video playing on a giant screen. Gee I wonder how THAT will provide "relief" for the victims of hurricane Sandy?


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    One of the articles linked to in your post said that the Rmoney campaign sent a campaign bus full of supplies to certain states that were affected by the storm. All of the states listed were battleground states! What a bunch of dicks. Obama/Biden 2012!!!

  2. Anonymous6:33 AM

    OT - Thought this was interesting. Romney, your deity is trying to tell you something. Coincidence?? :-)


    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      I woman is dead and her family is grieving. While I can say with a fair degree of certainty that we all dislike Romney, this is not the time for this specific comment. Nor is it cool with the smiley face symbol.

  3. Ohio is on the edge of a snow storm and is dealing with high winds, all courtesy of Sandy.

  4. Boscoe6:39 AM

    Wow... the ROmney Kool-Aid drinkers may actually be more intelligence deprived than the Peebots... Here's one comment left for the CNN article that talks about Romney's "storm relief event" in OHIO and how Obama has canceled events so he can continue monitoring relief efforts:

    So Romney is helping the victims while Obama continues to campaign. Obama is pure slime"

    Maybe it's sarcasm? God, I hope it's sarcasm.


    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Yeah, but the one that got me was the guy talking about why he is voting for romney. Listing things he did at bain and how the company flourished and how he helped MA. This guy doesn't read much.

    2. Leland8:33 AM

      And if he DOES read, it's all the propaganda crap the right is putting out.

      I had a discussion with a new voter yesterday (new this year, even though he is in his 40's!). He was spewing all the usual crap the Rmoney campaign was distributing. I was able to counter (using Google and other sources, including videos) almost everything he was spouting and convince him to actually CHECK FOR HIMSELF instead of believing what he was TOLD!

      He told me this AM he was switching. Can you picture my face? The one with the huge grin on it?

    3. Anonymous9:04 AM

      If nothing else sticks, remind people that MItt couldn't run for re-election in Mass -- his negatives were in the 60%.
      Why isn't he flying into his "adopted" state MA to help sandbag on the Cape, or offer shelter in one of his mansions?
      Because Mormons have a full-years-worth of food in their cupboards. They help their fellow Mormons first. No Christian charity here.

  5. This so-called relief effort is a joke. The Red Cross doesn't want people donating a bunch of stuff - they need cash donations so they can buy standardized relief supplies. How come Romney doesn't know this? Which begs the question - what else doesn't he know??

    1. Romney knows; he just doesn't care. The important thing to him will be the inevitable photo op of selfless Romney bagging up supplies to show how much he cares for those in need.

      Do we have pictures of the President doing that? No? Well, there's your proof that the President doesn't care. That is how Romney's goobertastic voters will (be told to) see it.

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      I was wondering the same thing. Who needs a bunch of canned goods if they have no power?? Shouldn't they at least send flashlights, batteries, candles, water. The whole idea is almost as bad as Ryan washing dishes at the soup kitchen. HOLLOW.

    3. Seems a little stupid to propose a "storm relief" event for oyher states while IN a state effected by the storm. I'm in Ohio and we definitely got hit by Sandy too.

  6. Chris is a republican I don’t mind…

    Mitt is a full-blown coward; he’ll run for safety, then snipe from behind a wall.

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      I hate to say it, but damn, Christie's frank attitude is way better than these religious right wingers!!!

  7. Anonymous6:54 AM

    $10,000 Reward for any photo of Mitt or Ann hugging a poor person.

    Reward will be increased by 50% if poor person is either black or brown.

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Mitt will pay a Black person $10 to hug him and pocket the rest. Trickle "down" economics at work.

  8. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Kettering is a 'burb of Dayton. Dayton is west side of Ohio, nowhere near any storm stuff. Up here in Northern Indiana, we have high winds and Lake Michigan beach erosion, but little else. dayotn likely has even less effect. Couple hundred people over two counties without power.
    Confirmed, Mittens is a wuss, who doesn't even care about the state he was once gov of, cause MA is blue.

    1. Dayton is also redneck country. A lot of that mindset seeps up from Cincinnati (remember racist Reds owner Marge Schott?) and across that famous dilapidated bridge from Kentucky.

  9. Anonymous7:12 AM

    My daughter has wind damage due to the storm in the Cleveland area. She lost about a third of the siding on one side. Thankfully the family are all okay and she still has power.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Cleveland is cross state from Dayton.

  10. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Maybe Franklin Graham and Sarah can deliver some 7-11 cookies and pamphlets to the shelters. Some toys and religious coloring books for the kids. Anne can make some tuna and pasta on an ironing board. Get those Mormons and Evangelicals working side-by-side. Chuck, Sally and Chuckie, Jr can go in and shoot some rats and sell their book! Bristol can dance for everyone to cheer them up. TMZ can get some good photos. Ryan and family can scrub the pots and pans!

  11. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I don't think that is sarcasam.

    Lawrence O'Donnel stated the campaign is effectively over. Given the devestation of this storm at best there may be some weekend speeches. Clinton can be a surrogate for Obama. I expect Romney to pull some crap like Obama was playing golf ignoring the citizens.

  12. melissa7:24 AM

    A bit off topic but after supposedly canceling all political campaigning in the wake of the storm Romney has decided to hold a 'storm relief event' in Ohio, at the same place he previously had a campaign event scheduled.


    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      If Rmoney had a single, ethical bone in his body, he would have ceased all campaigning until the president can be back on the trail, too.

    2. Sally in MI11:09 AM

      Now THAT is a pretty large IF.

  13. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio: funny how Mitt Romney's 'storm relief events' are all in pivotal swing states

    As the US Eastern Seaboard struggles to come to terms with the impact of Tropical Storm Sandy, presidential election campaigning has been temporarily suspended. “The election can take of itself,” Barack Obama said yesterday evening.

    At least, I thought it had been suspended. But I was wrong. The election can’t take care of itself after all.

    It’s just been announced that Mitt Romney is to attend a “storm relief event”. His vice presidential running mate Paul Ryan will attend a separate event to “thank volunteers”. And his wife Ann Romney will be appearing at her own separate “storm relief events”.

    All good, non-partisan stuff. Except Paul Ryan isn’t thanking volunteers in New York or Atlantic City. He’s thanking them in the in the pivotal swing state of Wisconsin. And he’s not thanking volunteers actually involved in the relief effort (they’re too busy trying to bring relief to people). He’s thanking people who are collecting supplies for the relief effort. And they, entirely coincidently, happen to be collecting those supplies in one of the “firewall” states he and Mitt Romney have to win next Tuesday.

    And Anne Romney? As I said, she’s attending two “storm relief events” of her own. And where are they being held? Well, knock me down with a feather. Or a hurricane. Anne’s off to Wisconsin and Iowa. Again, neither significantly affected by Sandy. But both vital to her husband's election chances.

    What about Mitt Romney himself? His “relief event” is taking place – again purely by chance – in Ohio. Yes, that just happens to be the same Ohio every commentator acknowledges he has to win if he wants to win the White House. But let me reiterate, it’s not an election rally. The USA Today story reporting his itinerary makes that perfectly clear. “The GOP presidential ticket cancelled its scheduled campaign rallies out of sensitivity for the millions of people in the storm's path,” it takes care to remind us.

    The fact that Romney is being joined by “race car driver Richard Petty and country singer Randy Owen”, is, again, a mere quirk of fate. And were I to find myself coordinating the response to a major natural disaster, the first group I would turn to would be my crack team of rapid-response country and western vocalists.


  14. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Romney Campaign Billing Campaign Events as “Storm Relief” Efforts

    This is truly disgusting. As Americans on the east coast are battling to stay safe (and in some cases, alive) in the midst of post-tropical cyclone Sandy, Mitt Romney can’t be bothered to hold off campaigning. His campaign first told us that he’s canceling events tomorrow, but then, they told us, nevermind. Oh, and this time, they are going to insult everybody’s intelligence by holding events in Ohio and Wisconsin, and labeling them ‘storm relief.’…


  15. RickHill7:37 AM

    Don't forget, from Christie's remarks and attitude, he does not want Mitt to win so he can have a shot in 2016.

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      DING DING DING, we have a winner!

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Works for me : )

    3. Indeed, as Anonymous @ 7:41 AM has noted, Chris Christie has been relatively lavish in praising the Federal relief efforts and President Obama.

      This greases the skids for seeming moderate, sane, comforting to his constituents -- and they'll remember. So will anyone else hearing Christie and reading his post-Sandy praise for Big Government In Its Place.

      God help us if Christie turns out to be another patsy for the evangelical wingnuts and privatization profiteers. But he seems a bit more sane, straightforward, and grounded (how could he NOT be, at ~400 lbs?) albeit sometimes crude.

      A Christie vs. Clinton or Christie vs. Grayson Presidential campaign in 2016 would be highly entertaining.

    4. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Christie's dream of 2016 really depends on a major reduction in his weight. His potential for heart failure and other weight-related ailments is unfortunately visible in every personal appearance.

    5. Anonymous12:11 PM

      That's what I was thinking!!

    6. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Would he ever be considered for a cabinet positon under President Obama's new term??

  16. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Mitt Romney attends storm relief event. In Ohio. Sponsored by his campaign.

    Yesterday, Mitt Romney's campaign floated the idea of doing a photo-op with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to survey damage from Hurricane Sandy, but this morning Christie shot down the idea, saying he was not in the "least bit" interested in playing "presidential politics."

    Combine that with Christie's praise for President Obama's hurricane response, and Mitt Romney's relevance just took a one-two punch from none other than his handpicked Republican convention keynote speaker. But if you're a Romney fan, don't give up hope—Mitt thinks he's figured out how to keep his campaign in the headlines:


    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      I don't think the headlines he is getting are exactly what he wanted.

    2. It just floors me sometimes how tone deaf Mitt Romney and/or his campaign staff can be to the mood of the times, or the needs of a given social/economic/environmental situation.

    3. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Yea but people show up at his rally/victory/campaign/relief event...

  17. Anonymous7:45 AM

    The Romney relief effort goes against everything that the Red Cross site sets out in situations such as this.


    "In fact, they warn that such efforts actually “hinder” relief. Had the Romney campaign bothered reading the Red Cross Web site to see WHAT was needed, or even simply asked someone at the Red Cross,they’d have known this.

    Quote from the Red Cross Web site:

    Unfortunately, due to logistical constraints the Red Cross does not accept or solicit individual donations or collections of items. Items such as collected food, used clothing and shoes must be sorted, cleaned, repackaged and transported which impedes the valuable resources of money, time, and personnel.

    It “impedes” relief efforts, it doesn’t help. The Red Cross prefers money because it’s far easier to handle, and can be spent where it’s most needed and on what is most needed.

    Why didn’t the Romney campaign contact the Red Cross? Unless their goal was not to actually help people affected by Hurricane Sandy, but rather to use yet another national tragedy as an “opportunity."

    We all know of the recent tragedy he used as an “opportunity” and how well that worked out for him!! Proceed Governor!!!!

    Notice also the location where the relief collection effort is in an ABC twitter message -- it's the same as the phone calls his campaign made (as you know he sure as hell didn't but will lie & say he did) -- to Christie, Gov Ultrasound, etc -- notice the similarity!!!


    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      And this has been their policy for years. I remember hearing about that a long time ago - and I've never been in a position to need Red Cross Relief. Perhaps in Romney circles there isn't a lot of discussion about relief efforts and the Red Cross.

    2. I'm sure all the collected goods and odds and ends (clothing, blankets, flashlights, etc) will end up at a Dayton Ohio food bank and the local Good Will donation station.

      I hope whoever dumps the stuff doesn't just leave it out sitting in the rain.

    3. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Why didn’t the Romney campaign contact the Red Cross?

      He only wanted to change the "theme" of the rally, so as not to look heartless.

      Didn't work. Neither did Ryan's attempt to look charitable cleaning clean dishes at the soup kitchen.

    4. hedgewytch10:18 AM

      Remember, the common meme among right-wing evangelicals and Mormons, is that there is no need for government intervention - all can be handled by the private charities.

      The problem is, they have no real experience working with actual relief/disaster agencies. They think they can just clean out their closets and pantries of all their kinda old stuff, and they've done their duty and that's all that's needed.

      These people are poster children for cognitive dissonance.

    5. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Romney is probably handling this as they do in the Mormon Church. He really, really goofed in this matter and is going to lose big time to President Obama (for many, many reasons). I see it coming and can hardly wait for 11/6!!!

  18. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Team Romney trains its poll watchers with bogus information to help suppress the vote in Wisconsin

    Scott Keyes at ThinkProgress has come into possession of documents that show the Romney campaign is training its poll watchers in Wisconsin with false information, some of which could lead to confrontations when citizens come to vote.
    The documents were given to volunteers at a training session Oct. 25 in Racine. It was one of six such training sessions in Wisconsin the past two weeks.

    Some key elements:


  19. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Someone tweeted the sign that says the track is closed for a Campaign Rally lol. It is valid criticism the campaign did not say what to bring. Ann Romney is attending 'relief events' in swing states too.

    Christie has his priorities straight. IMO Romney should have laid low a few days instead of planning smoke and mirrors. The repubs may disagree.

  20. Randall7:57 AM

    The stark difference between the parties is:

    The Democratic Party believes government agencies like FEMA and Fire and Police Departments should be there and be fully funded to help out when disasters happen.

    The Republican Party believes that some of their buddies should profit when disaster strikes people.

    Mitt Romney, speaking of disaster relief: "Every time you have an occasion to take something from the federal government and send it back to the states, that’s the right direction. And if you can go even further and send it back to the private sector, that’s even better."

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Reminds me of the $75 fee people had to pay in Tennessee for firefighters to come to your burning house.

      The story and pictures on Olbermann's & other MSNBC shows showed Mr. Cranick's house destroyed because of the unpaid $75 fee.

    2. Very well and succinctly said.

    3. Anonymous8:53 AM

      So the private sector can make money off the tragedy.

  21. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Romney’s Jeep-to-China lie earns brutal headlines in Ohio

    Flailing in Ohio, Romney rolls out Jeep ploy: editorial

    Mitt Romney is desperate to convince Ohio voters that he's the candidate most committed to the U.S. auto industry -- no matter how much confusion he must sow to do it.


  22. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Romney fundraiser in OH had about 200 people his voice was echoing off empty seats his speech had a pathetic desperate sound.

  23. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Romney's a piece of shit!

  24. Virginia Voter8:05 AM

    We escaped the brunt of the storm, and miraculously never even lost power because the storm was mostly north and east of us. Fortunately my immediately family in NYC and Long Island are fine, but the danger is not over.

    I just hope those voters who are on the fence about giving our President a much deserved four more years, will take Chris Christies words to heart. Do we really want to go back to the terrifying days of Katrina and watch people die before our eyes? Mitt Romney is already an unmitigated disaster, comparing this event to his prep school football field just this morning at his "storm relief event". He really is clueless .

  25. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Atlantic Wire post of Romney's CAMPAIGN rally from this (Tuesday) morning.

    "What's the Difference Between a Romney 'Relief Event' and a Regular Campaign Stop?"

    You'll see pic of the relief table that's not busy.

    "Romney's event it in Kettering Ohio: This photo says it all -- 'Obama: You're Fired an here's some canned goods,'" ABC News' Jonathan Karl tweets from the rally."


    1. Sally in MI11:16 AM

      They could drive all those canned goods up to Youngstown to the soup kitchen Ryan's stunt causes to lose all kinds of backers.
      And I think Ryan should not only deliver them, but volunteer to cook, sefve and clean up for real..Would do him a world of good.

  26. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Listening to Romney he sounds like a stooge. Wonder wth goods people brought displayed on a table behind him. I can't believe he used an analogy of cleaning up after a football game. Don't they pay attention to their briefings? Do they not watch tv?
    He is making a f'ing idiot of himself talking about donating old tv's. Unbelievable!

  27. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Freepers up in arms over Christie praising Obama


  28. Anonymous8:12 AM

    My jaw is still open. I could not believe the tone of that of a Sunday morning low tone minister rallying the parish, he held his Victory/Disaster relief tour in which he compared the relief disaster to picking up trash on a football field. I am looking for the transcript or the video but it was surreal. Trust me on that one.

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      It was surreal. Football game "paper cups" and trash? Aww Mitt was overwhelmed as to how they would clean the field. I doubt he grasps why Christie was not doing photo ops with him. Romney made a fool of himself.

  29. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Romney is flailing right now. He knows he is doomed.

    President Obama is being VERY presidential.

    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Not according to HP polls. Ohio is now even for the first time in months.

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM


      Then people that are that fucking stoooopid deserve what they get!

      Holy fuck!

  30. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Hurricane Sandy a grim reminder of Republican's playing politics with disaster relief


  31. Anonymous8:17 AM

    MSNBC team appears incredulous about Mitt. They reported Mitt called Republican governors only yesterday.

    Hopefully the Red Cross and higher ups can talk some sense to Mitt.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Red Cross has more important issues to deal with than talk to that lying bastard.

      P.S. -- The word 'bastard' was being kind as I call him words and names that would probably blow your monitor up. He's wasting air that we breath. If he croaked today -- I'd celebrate.

    2. Allow me to call Mitt Romney an Extreme Cocksucker on behalf of your extreme politeness.

      This isn't the time to be grandstanding, but if he doesn't know that, then hopefully someone will tell him a week from tomorrow all of the stupid things he's done to prove that he'd be worse than W if he were elected as our POTUS.

  32. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Well of course.Romney gets donations of items because he believes relief efforts should consist of a big truck full of random donated items,used clothes and cans of pork and beans,perhaps,backed up,doors opened,and fought over by the unwashed survivors.The strong get as much as they can carry.The weak die off.

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Funny how all these Bible literalist zealots are also Darwinists - Social Darwinists.

    2. Mitt's Advice for Relief Efforts:

      These people affected by Hurrican Sandy just need to borrow some money from their parents to repair their home or if it was destroyed, borrow more tp build another house, buy new cars, stock their pantries, send their kids to college, and buy their pets a new food bowl. I sure hope the parents for everyone on the eastern seaboard live far away from their kids and are one-percenters. Otherwise Mitt might need to think of a different plan that sending a few cans of Chef Boyardee to people without power and housing. At least send them a fucking can opener, Mitt. I'll bet you didn't think of that, did you?

      It's no damn wonder you didn't have a clue how to pick up trash after a fucking football game. You just stand around with your dick in your hand waiting for someone to assess the job to be done and then assign you a task.

      Logistics, Mitt. Think, dammit!

  33. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Mitt leaps without looking, ignoring facts.

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      He may not know what he said, but he stands by what he said, no matter what it was.

    2. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Essential qualities in the Leader.of.the.Free.World,



  34. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Gov Chris Christie in one of his numerous interviews this morning, when asked what he and the President discussed -- he pointed out that the President did not mention the election at all and that he (Christie) appreciated that.

    THWACK!!! OUCH!!!! That's gotta hurt!!!

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Got a link to Christie saying that about no mention of the election. I'd like to hear Christie say it.

      Much as I dislike the politics of the man, Christie seems to have blossomed into something human while handling this disaster in his state. The videos I've seen of him today display a thoroughly responsible LEADER with forthright scorn for distractions at this point.

  35. Pat in MA8:27 AM

    We're in this together vs. You're on your own. Choice is pretty clear. Christie can be such a blowhard, but right now it seems he's got his priorities straight, he has no time for bullshit, there are lives and livelihoods at stake.

    1. Anonymous9:00 AM

      It's not the first time Christie has praised Obama.

      That must be a bitch for Romney -- his pal Christie throwing him under the bus!!!

    2. Anonymous12:00 PM

      If I recall correctly, Christie was equally effusive about FEMA and the President's response last year during Hurricane Irene.

      I have no use for Christie most of the time, but I will admit he's giving credit where REAL credit is due, regardless of party politics.

  36. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Our breakfast table discussion this morning was about the President and FEMA.

    We discussed how many times states like LA, FL, OK, TX, IN, MI and the various states in hurricane/tornado alley that have all benefited from the Federal Government and FEMA -- You could call the many GOP voters in those state the "takers", the "moochers" as Romney/Ryan accuse the 47% of being.

  37. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Using others' misfortune to one's political advantage. Hmmmmm.......now where have we seen THAT before????

  38. Anonymous8:48 AM

    When Romney "toured" the fire disaster in Colorado Springs earlier this year, one of his supporters, a woman came up to him, clearly in distress and told him her home had just burned to the ground and she had lost everything & asked Romney what she could do to get help. He told her to return home & call 211, then brushing her off, walked on with the GOPTP rep with him & ignored her further attempts to talk with him.

    Telling a woman who had just lost her home & all her worldly possessions to go back to her ashes-only home & call 211 just continues to reveal the heartless prick he is.

    He'll do the same with anyone who wants help from him if he uses Sandy as a photo op too. Beyond insensitive.

    1. Maybe Mitt might ask Ryan can stop by a year later after she's rebuilt her home to have his photo made with a rake in his hand or maybe wearing some gloves and a hardhat to appear as if he helped, too.

  39. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Some much-needed comic relief.

  40. Anonymous8:50 AM

    It's called a victory rally because they know the "fix" is on in Ohio.

    1. Sally in MI11:19 AM

      He's been calling all his rallies that for weeks. Because, you know, a Romney doesn't lose. Until this one does.

  41. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Planned Parenthood Action Fund released a video titled "Yes We Plan" on Tuesday, inspired by Will.i.am's 2008 Obama video "Yes We Can," urging voters to protect women's health issues by re-electing President Obama. Featuring celebrities Julianne Moore, Mary J. Blige and Q-Tip, the video mimics the original with people in the video repeating Obama's speeches -- except this time words about health care and reproductive issues. The words "plan to vote" appear on the screen at the end of the video.

    "Millions of women rely on Planned Parenthood for their basic health care," Julianne Moore said in a statement provided by Planned Parenthood Action Fund. "And it is up to us—to every woman across the country — to support the only presidential candidate who gets this."

    "When I was a teenager, I don’t know where we would have gone, if Planned Parenthood wasn’t there. Not just for me, for my mother, my sisters, my friends. They’re about preventive care,” Mary J. Blige said in a statement. “As a woman — even as a teenager — where would we be if Planned Parenthood wasn’t there for us?”



  42. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Mitt Romney Hasn't Closed Gender Gap In Final Days Before Election

    On Monday, a fresh Pew poll mirrored Dimock’s prediction. With just eight days remaining before the election, the survey found that 50 percent of likely women voters favor Obama, as opposed to 44 percent who favor Romney.


    1. Sally in MI11:19 AM

      I do not believe 44% of women want anything to do with the GOP.

  43. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Romney’s Misleading Ad Causes Auto Workers To Think They’re Losing Their Jobs

    Mitt Romney’s misleading new advertisement is causing auto workers to fear they’re losing their jobs.

    The ad falsely claims car company Chrysler is moving its Jeep production to China, when in fact the company is opening up additional production there, not shutting down jobs. But some auto workers have been calling their union, worried that they’re about to be out of work:

    Bruce Baumhower, the president of the United Auto Workers local that oversees the major Jeep plant here, said Mr. Romney’s initial comments on moving production to China drew a rash of calls from members concerned about their jobs. When he informed them Chrysler was, in fact, is expanding its Jeep operation here, he said in an interview, “The response has been, ‘That’s pretty pitiful.’ ”

    The Romney campaign has repeatedly insisted that they are “not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers,” and this ad seems to be an example with consequences. It has been widely panned as a blatant falsehood thrown out in the final days before the election.

    But the ad is clearly part of the candidate’s attempt — no matter the facts — to recover his reputation in the auto industry, which is still suffering after Romney published his now-infamous op-ed titled, “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.”


  44. Anonymous9:00 AM

    1.7 Million Early Voters In #NorthCarolina DEMS: 49.2% GOP 31.2% ---DEMS +18%

    Early Voters: DEMS: 44.2% GOP: 32.1% ---- DEMS +12.1%

    2.2 Million Early Votes DEMS: 42.4% GOP: 41.0% --- DEMS: +1.4%


  45. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Democrats Hold Early-Voting Advantage Over Republicans


    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      I will be such a landslide for Obama thatwhatever % the Rethugs manage to steal will mean nothing.

  46. Does anyone know if steps are being taken to deal with the election fraud potential and these riggable voting machines? That worries me more than anything with regard to the election. There's only a week left. I don't believe there is any other way Romney could win.

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      My reply to 9:05 meant to go to you, Lynne.

    2. I sure hope you are right!

  47. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Don't worry about Christie, he just had an extra two big macs for breakfast and he's feeling charitable. Instead, worry about Ohio because this has them even now. http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/2012/romney-vs-obama-electoral-map
    The agony and gnashing of teeth is not going to pretty at this site come tuesday eve.

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM


    2. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Anon 9:52

      Don't concern yourself about Anon 9:09. If you could see their bed -- it's yellow stained and stinks like hell from all the wet dreams -- many self inflicted!!

    3. hedgewytch10:28 AM


      Try looking here. Huffpo is not what I would rely on for accurate polling crunching.

      Ohio is running about 76% chance of going blue right now.

    4. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Wet dreams turn my bed crusty and white. Yellow is the color of your pants when you start pissing yourelf on tuesday evening.

    5. http://gifrific.com/boy-that-escalated-quickly-anchorman/

    6. Go back to bed, Sarah and try to sleep it off, but not until after you take a shower and brush your teeth. You smell like puke and piss. Seriously, it's much worse than your usual, everyday stench.


      Your Family.

    7. Sally in MI11:23 AM

      Which reminds me: when will Sarah make her disaster appearance on Hannity and turn it into another hatefest of the President? Surely the quitter Governor had to deal with one or two weather disasters up there in rugged Alaska? Did she call for fed help, or did she buckle down, get out her shovel, and get to work?
      Oh, I vaguely remember, when the native people were freezing and starving, she called her buddy Franklin the millionaire and they arrived with cookies and goody boxes.

  48. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Chrysler Slams Romney with Facts, ‘U.S. production of our Jeep models has nearly tripled’

    How do you know when your lie is so big it won’t be allowed to stand? Maybe it’s when President Clinton said yesterday that Jeep has called Romney’s claim “the biggest load of bull in the world.” Maybe it’s when Vice President Biden asks if you have any shame. Or maybe it’s when the CEO of a major corporation takes to newspapers repeatedly to correct you in no uncertain terms, even though they know they risk alienating the frothing Republican base.

    Chrysler isn’t taking Mitt Romney’s lies about Jeep moving production to China lying down. Just to be sure everyone has it right, Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne has written a letter published in the Detroit News restating the truth for those who have difficulties with reality.

    Sadly for Mitt Romney, Chrysler’s side of reality is backed up by numbers and it tells of huge success – another fact Romney wants to pretend isn’t happening.

    I feel obliged to unambiguously restate our position: Jeep production will not be moved from the United States to China.

    North American production is critical to achieving our goal of selling 800,000 Jeep vehicles by 2014. In fact, U.S. production of our Jeep models has nearly tripled (it is expected to be up 185%) since 2009 in order to keep up with global demand.

    Marchionne goes on to rub salt in the wound by pointing out how their success (thank you President Obama) has added jobs and will continue to do so, “With the increase in demand for our vehicles, especially Jeep branded vehicles, we have added more than 11,200 U.S. jobs since 2009. Plants producing Jeep branded vehicles alone have seen the number of people invested in the success of the Jeep brand grow to more than 9,300 hourly jobs from 4,700. This will increase by an additional 1,100 as the Liberty successor, which will be produced in Toledo, is introduced for global distribution in the second quarter of 2013.”


    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      If I were Chrysler, I woud sue Rmoney for defamation..

  49. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Two days ago, I fled the D.C. area just ahead of what has been dubbed the “Frankenstorm” by some; a hybrid and a storm of historic proportions by others. Media hysteria was impossible to escape. But there was reason for the hype, intentional and otherwise. As a National Weather Service meteorologist said on Facebook as the storm surged northward, “I’ve never seen anything like this and I’m at a loss for expletives to describe what this storm could do.”

    It has been argued that Hurricane Sandy is the result of man’s interference with his environment. In other words, it is perhaps only the first monster storm of many that we shall be seeing in the coming years as the planet warms.

    Sandy is the largest storm of ever hit the U.S. mainland. Over and over meteorologists on the Weather Channel expressed awe over its size, one of them assuring viewers that in 20 years of experience he had never seen anything like it. It was being called a superstorm, or another perfect storm, like that of 1991.

    My path of flight took me through the mountains of West Virginia. After I got through, those mountains filled with snow. A day more in D.C. and I would not have been able to get through the one to three feet of snow brought by a Sandy-spawned blizzard.

    As some on Twitter are saying, Sandy is Mother Nature’s revenge.


  50. Anonymous9:38 AM

    "Romney will be holding a "storm relief event" with, get this, race car driver Richard Petty and country music singer Randy Owen."
    And FOX News will sniff this out for the propaganda event that it is, right? FOX will call Romney out for taking advantage of this horrible situation and using it as a campaign ad, right?? Right??

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      FOX News to Romney: "And Mittens, you're doing a heckva job!"

  51. Anonymous9:45 AM

    See the nervous smirk on Mitt? He's afraid he might pass out if he has to actually SEE any people that were in the disaster-


    Ann dating others put him in the hospital-


    I really wouldn't want this poser to be MY President, much less leader of the free world. Leader of the free world, that makes me laugh.

  52. Romney's actions absolutely disgust me! Governor Christie, on the other hand, has behaved like a leader. Like him or not, I truly believe that he cares about the residents of his state. During a news broadcast this morning, Christie was asked about one particularly hard-hit area and his concern was very clear. He choked up and had a difficult time finishing the interview. I'm pretty sure that Christie has political aspirations, and many times he has seemed like the typical politician, but today I believe he was sincerely concerned and only interested in helping the people in his state.
    Romney is only interested in helping himself.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      I don't want to see a leader choked up. I want him calm and confident like BO. Bigger than the task at hand. Cristie always has an ulterior political motive, but that's fine if he wants to give praise where praise is due.

    2. I'm OK with a good leader showing emotion in this case. Christie was no doubt up all night, incredibly stressed and worried about not only all of the residents of his state, but probably friends and family, too. NJ is absolutely devastated!
      From what I can see, Christie has been strong when necessary, and seems to be providing good leadership and that's what counts - and believe me, I am NOT a Chris Christie fan!
      I would venture to guess, however, that when the waters recede and the cleanup begins, it will be politics as usual, but hopefully Christie will still remember that President Obama put politics aside and handled this crisis like a true leader should.

  53. Crystal Sage9:48 AM

    I think that it's time for me to replay DVDs of Tremé to remind myself about how a former governor/businessman handled Hurricane Katrina. Although it is tragic that lives were lost, if the president and the governors of states affected had not worked together in anticipation of the storm, the loss of life would have been far higher. These states are not out of the woods by any means. They need our prayers and financial support to the Red Cross. One can set up a special a
    link for on-line banking/credit card donations through the Red Cross. I had a job that put me in direct contact to Katrina survivors. The stories I heard were gut-wrenching. Thank God that Obama is our president. May he be kept in the White House another four years.

  54. Anonymous9:58 AM

    The majority of polls that we are all being force fed ad nauseam by MSM -- THEY DON'T INCLUDE CALLS TO CELL PHONES. The fact they don't include cell calls hardly warrants a mention by those considered 'the experts' spewing the results. They're so deep in the 'old elections' woods, they still compare this election to the '80s & '90s.

    The 80s & 90s was the time everyone still had land lines -- not now. They also didn't have or was relatively small the 24/7 coverage of so many networks/cable stations, computers & search engines, blogs, etc. that is the norm today. The MSM 'experts' & the pollsters are like dinosaurs now.

    The majority of polls are calling land lines -- remember those old ancient pieces of plastic with a long rope you plug into a little box on the wall.

    I don't believe the polls as they are missing whole generations of people old enough to vote.

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Actually I have been called three times for political polls and each time, when the caller realized that I was talking on a land line, the call ended abruptly. They were trying to reach cell phones. I guess my political preference (straight Democratic ticket) wasn't important . . . .

  55. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I think President Obama is going to win this election in a landslide and I've not believed the media's slant on this upcoming election for a long time. All they've been going for is ratings and money!!!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  56. DaleSanAngelo11:02 AM

    Mitt could pull a million out of his wallet and donate it anonymously to the Red Cross. That wouldn't fulfill his need to be praised, so it won't happen. Instead he is going to have his picture taken loading bottles of water that will probably end up sitting in trucks for weeks. Ryan will be having his picture taken holding a mop and bucket at the entrance to one of New York's subways.

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Romney donating anonymously?? You were kidding!!! Won't happen.

      Add the fact -- President Obama has 'trumped' Romney this afternoon by going to the Red Cross headquarters in DC and doing a press conference advising Americans to come together and donate -- to advise the situation and to praise Cuomo, Christie & Bloomberg for their work!

      Check MATE!!!

  57. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I have a landline still because I live in a rural area without good mobile phone service. I haven't gotten called to ask about my voting preference. Too bad, because I would have replied that my husband and I have already exercised our right to vote, and that President Obama received both votes.

    Archie Butt

  58. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I heard a clip with Romney speaking to the crowd and thanking them for the donations, and saying that he felt they should be sent to New Jersey, as they had the biggest need. I think Mitt was competing with President Obama.

  59. Anonymous11:35 AM

    From Cleveland, OH - Lots of flooding, lots of electricity out, trees down & over 30 foot waves on Lake Erie (even at lunch time today). The wind last night sounded like you were sitting between two busy freeways with trains coming in & out every once-in-a-while. It was horrid!

    So thankful that I don't have a basement.

  60. Anonymous11:36 AM

    A former Governor of a state (commonwealth) has surely got to be aware that a canned goods collection is the LAST thing an over-worked relief agency (govt and non-govt) needs when faced with the immediate needs of victims in a major disaster that encompasses a good chunk of the United States.

    Romney is getting a free ride on this blunder by the main stream media. This "relief event" is the epitome of stupidity, yet Romney's idiocy is buried by the press.

    I am sickened by Romney's opportunism. I am devastated by the complicity of the press.

    And kudos to Gov. Christi of NJ for tell those fox news morons that he could care less right now about what the Lord High ex-gov Willard of Mittens does for the Sandy super-storm relief effort.

  61. Anonymous12:14 PM

    If Romney/Ryan TRULY wanted to help instead of making cheap political points, they would cancel ALL campaign events instead of pasting new titles on a few signs to pretend they're something else.

    They would also film an ad asking for the country to rally in support of the victims of Sandy by making CASH donations to the Red Cross or other relief organizations. This ad would be broadcast in place of all the regular campaign ads currently running for the next couple of days.

    They would NOT try to make appearances (otherwise known as cheap photo ops) in places that need to focus on recovery instead of the extra security concerns that their presence requires.

    But then again, that would only happen if they TRULY wanted to help. That, however, would require a heart and a conscience, which both men are clearly lacking.

  62. Anonymous12:28 PM

    This is sorta silly and light-hearted and I'm not an egomaniac or insensitive to the suffering folks are enduring along the east coast. But my name is Sandi and for the past month I have been praying (if that's what you'd call it) for a shift in political energy particularly along the southeast and midwest. I don't associate with any religion, but I believe there is power in energy and intention and that we have the ability to tap into and influence universal energy. I took a class in meditation and practiced a ritual of lifting the energy from the earth and channeling it with good intent. This is meant to increase interconnections and awareness. I've (with a happy playfulness) been encouraging this energy towards the midwest and southeast. So today with coworkers and family members mocking me for being a big windbag and wrecking havoc (something I am very capable of on smaller scales) I've been denying it was me; wrong spelling; it's some other blowhard named SandY. But with this story and others like it... maybe? So I thought I'd share the ritual with you all just in case. It's simple, just scoop your hands in an upward motion from the earth as if lifting water towards the sky. Be clear with your intent. I focus my thoughts on enlightenment, love, compassion, and congruency. I sorta give it a shove toward the geographical areas that concern me the most. I'm not saying that this storm is god's wrath for whatever, or politicizing this tragedy for my favored candidate, or that I know what's best for anyone else. But when a candidate says he thinks that aid for people in need is immoral, those voting for him do need to be enlightened as to what that really means. I am very glad that the people of New Jersey seem to be getting the attention needed to deal with the aftermath of this huge storm. I’ve not delved into the details, but it seems it could have been more like a Katrina had there not been strong early warnings to evacuate. Be safe people and take care.

  63. Just got home from a 36 hour trip to the Front Range. Holy cow I thought I lived in the most conservative, redneckish, backwoods part of the WEst (that would be southwestern rural Wyoming--and no offense to rednecks)...but the preponderance of Romney/Ryan signs had my almost 6 year old daughter almost in tears. So then when we did see an Obama Biden sign (mostly down in Wash Park area of Denver) she cheered loudly!
    Anyway...when I heard about Romney's Disaster Relief Rally (what a joke) I was, for some reason, reminded immediately of the movie Clueless when Alicia Silverstone's character is seen hauling skis/boots/poles off to the Pismo Beach Disaster Relief charity thing. When questioned, she says "but daddy...these people lost everything..." totally clueless to what one of the 99% would actually need in time of disaster. Only difference I see between her and the Mittster is that she was pretty cute, you know?
    She could get away with it. He really can't.

  64. Anonymous5:06 AM

    was inspired by Republican Presidential Nominee Mitt Romney's story about how he helped clean a football field 10 yard width area. So after Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey I went over to where the New York Giants play to volunteer my help to clean up their football field and they just laughed at me.

    Mitt Romney what did I do wrong? How come the New York Giants did not want my help during a crisis?


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