Monday, October 08, 2012

Photographic evidence that even Sarah Palin reads National Enquirer stories about her family. Update!

Courtesy of TMZ:  

It's been 4 years since Katie Couric grilled Sarah Palin about where she gets her news ... and now, we finally know -- the National Enquirer. 

The former Vice Presidential candidate was hangin' out with her daughter Bristol in a Kmart in L.A. this weekend ... when she decided to check out the magazine stand. 

Palin eventually picked up the latest copy of the Enquirer ... possibly because the cover featured a photo of Bristol under the headline, "Plastic Surgery Shockers." 

I cannot imagine that too many of you are surprised by these pictures. After all Palin, and her family, live their lives as if their primary goal in life is to be written about in the National Enquirer and other gossip rags.

In fact I was told by Palin's own head of security that Palin read celebrity gossip magazines on airplanes almost exclusively, whereas other Governors he had worked for (Governors Tony Knowles and Frank Murkowski) read daily briefings and used the time to prepare for meetings and important upcoming votes. I have also heard that before she was tapped as McCain's VP the waiting room of her office was stocked with the most current issues of People and Us magazines. Apparently Palin was ALWAYS more interested in the lives of celebrities than she was in doing her job.

By the way TMZ did get one thing wrong.

They identified that Palin was at the store (Apparently purchasing toilet paper, which is weird since there have GOT to be stacks of the two Chuck's books lying around the compound just waiting for somebody to wipe their ass with them.) with Bristol, when in fact that is Willow standing next to her waiting for Palin to determine if that brand of tissue will prove too rough for her delicate dried up lady parts.

Update: Here is another picture of Willow looking just thrilled to spend time with her mother.

Are they checking my blog again?


  1. Ratfish10:07 AM

    She's actually looking for an ad for a plastic surgeon- check out HER jaw and neckline- looks like a 75 year old.

    ps Check out the shoes. Self-conscious of being short, or what!

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      She can't believe K Katie Couric is front top and Bristol is on the bottom. Another EPIC FAIL for lazy Bristol.

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    If Sarah took off her five-inch weggies and combed her hair flat on top she would be as tall (or short) as Willow, but Willow is twice Sarah's girth. And she has her outer t-shirt pulled over to one side to expose her shoulder. Oh so sexy Sarah.....

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Willow has some kind of condition. Her legs are unusually short.

  3. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Maybe she is dressing up as a scarecrow for Halloween.

  4. Anonymous10:19 AM

    She's looking at her phone. And looking like a woman over fifty that wants to be 18 again. Obviously she gets her fashion advice from someone who lies to her and says it looks good.

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      She's the crazy gravy train. Everyone lies to her.

    2. Anonymous1:33 PM

      I would lie to her and let her die as she pleases.

  5. Here's a close up of the walking gargoyle and Wallow! Look at that NECK! Looks like an old wrinkled up leather purse I just donated to Good Will! Are those straps sticking out the back of her neck? LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous11:20 AM

      That is a sad picture of a humped over Wallow.

      She just realised she also has Chuckies chin. Isn't she old enough to go under the knife and pretend she didn't?

    2. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Is that a white seam we see on one side of the inside of her leg? Almost looks like a zipper.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:45 PM

      Gina, that neck reminds me of the Thanksgiving speech she made at the turkey farm, but the neck was much more attractive on the turkey.
      My, how the mighty have fallen!


      Who knows? Could be a zipper or velcro It could be a visual aid showing she supports the "trickled down" theory.

    4. Palin's need easy access for fumigation and scratch on demand.

    5. Anonymous7:37 PM

      palin has a ring on her middle finger, left hand.

      willow has ring on fourth finger, left hand.

      any ideas?

    6. Anonymous8:31 PM

      They don't know any fucking better?

  6. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Too bad it's not Walmart. She could be on that people of Walmart website....the shoes alone will get her in.

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Just looked for the People of Kmart website, Kmart is so defunct there isn't one!

      What would be the tags? Featured Creature,Hall of Fame, Walmart Fashion,Funny, West Virginia? I can't decide. Sarah: Best never have your picture taken at WalMarts!

  7. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:23 AM

    "...her delicate dried up lady parts."

    Now THAT made me itch! Yeeeow!

  8. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I guarantee that that bag of Chik-fil-A's she and Toad bought to show support for that hate-filled company went straight to the trash after her picture was taken!

    Doesn't look like she's eaten much at all lately.

    1. Anonymous11:20 AM

      She is a vomiter.

    2. Anonymous12:38 PM

      "Faces of METH"!

    3. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Doesn't look like she's eaten much at all lately.

      She is famous for eating junk food. It goes down the toilet and not on the Big Head's skeletal body.

  9. ibwilliamsi10:27 AM

    THAT was going to be our VP? I wouldn't let my DAUGHTER go out dressed like that!

  10. Virginia Voter10:29 AM

    Sarah is suffering from is a new trend among menopausal women who watch too much Real Housewives.

    I know the Palins read this blog. Someone in that family needs to get their meal ticket some help ASAP. Without Sarah, they will have less earning potential than they already have. Sarah is well on her way to being the modern day Karen Carpenter.

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM


      This is not just someone who's's someone who is seriously ill and needs medical and psychiatric intervention QUICKLY!

      Her hair loss, her skin texture, her body shape - all point to a person who's got either a serious eating disorder or a drug problem, or both.

    2. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Just flat looks like a crack ho coming home from the night before...

    3. Anonymous12:57 PM

      First she is a "crack ho". Not unusual for eating disorders to follow that.

    4. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Shhhhhhhhhh......Virginia Voter, shhhhhhh.

  11. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Reminds me of those People of Walmart Photos

  12. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Where's Trig and Piper? I have never seen a Mother abandon her children like Sarah does?

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Piper is skipping school to go to Hollywood parties wearing inappropriately sexy dresses.

      So, even when she's actually with her, Sarah is abandoning Piper.

  13. Anonymous10:38 AM

    fucking low class uneducated bimbo, dresses up and acts low class. she thinks she's some kind of movie star or something. it's disgusting!

  14. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Jeeze Does she ever shower? Ewww!

  15. Anonymous10:47 AM

    She looks like a hooker comin' down on a Sunday morning at Rock & Roll Ralph's in Hollywood.

  16. Anonymous10:48 AM

    So, she is on the panel with Charles Krauthammer in Vegas? Perfect. He has a face like a chicken, and Scarah looks like a PLUCKED chicken. Match made in heaven. Is she buying her jeans to "grow into", so she buys a few sizes too big?

  17. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Extra toilet paper for all those laxatives she ingests??

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      EXACTLY. The tp is the most sensible thing she has done in the years she has been in the public eye.

      For those like Palin, toilet paper is a medical necessity.

    2. Anonymous3:52 PM

      I knew and old gal that needed it to plug her butt. She was a speed freak. She constantly leaked shit. That is real life.

  18. $arah's probably pissed that Bri$tol stole her NE plastic surgery thunder hee hee.

  19. Anonymous10:51 AM

    What's the fuck wrong with Sarah Palin's chin and neck region? She looks like she has been swimming for a year and is wrinkly like an old shriveled prune. I'm afraid to see what the rest of Sarah looks like.

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      As they say, "It don't get any better better, no matter how hard you look."

  20. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Why does she have to wear those tall shoes to buy toilet paper? Her self esteem that low?

    1. Anonymous12:06 PM

      She has no self esteem. Her state of being is delusion without self worth.

  21. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Interesting, Sarah Palin let's her minor child Piper go half topless almost revealing her elementary school chest at DWTS in her blue dress while Sarah wears an under shirt with her top that hangs off her bony shoulder. Why is that Sarah?

  22. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Its not even winter yet in Wasilla, why does Sarah look like a sickly pale ghost?

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Suddenly she stops doing the fake spray tan look. That is weird.

    2. Anonymous12:09 PM

      She had to stop the spray tan or tanning booths b/c it looked like a dirty mess. Not the Hollywood tan she would have liked.

      She has gone back to the winter Alaskan pale.

      How she could be that sickly looking if she runs 6 miles a day in Arizona, California or Alaska ? ? ? Ask a Chuck...

  23. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Did anyone happen to see the "Globe" tabloid from July 16? Sarah was on the cover with the headline "Sarah Palin 98 lbs!" "98-Pound Palin Wasting Away!"
    There are side-by-side photos of Sarah, wearing almost the identical outfit and the difference is striking. I'd guestimate she's lost over 40 lbs. And she wasn't by any means fat to begin with.

    My guess its anorexia, and not bulimia.

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      The Globe blamed the divorce (Shailey Tripp era). The Globe is the only rag that cares for her enough to bring up her shocking problem. Other rags mostly feed the beast of big lies. Poor Sarah's doom.

      Divorce Melts Palin to Shocking 98 Lbs.

      My guess is speed (meth or cocaine). Now anorexia and other mental disorders are showing up. Bulimia means she is doing laxatives and throwing up. It is hard to believe her mother would not know and she would care enough to get her the attention she needs.

      Todd, Chuck, ChuckII, Track, Bristol, Willow are more caring for the gravy train.

  24. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I wear my sunglasses in doors ....

    1. "I Wear My Sunglasses At Night"....

    2. Anonymous6:52 PM

      "I wear my sunglasses while I sleep." Bet you never hear that song...

  25. Anonymous11:02 AM

    KMart? Really? There are approximately 3 of those in Los Angeles, and she's able to hone in on one?

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      There's one really close to CBS studios...if that's where they shoot DWTS.

    2. Anonymous6:54 PM

      The show is on ABC, but I don't really give a damn where THOSE PEOPLE are.

  26. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Why does she dress like she's 14? She's almost 50, and her daughters think she's 'hot.' What does that say about her lack of parenting skills? A mother of ? at 50 is not supposed to be dressing like her daughters. Or allowing her pre-teen to dress like an 18 year old going to prom. This family has major problems. Who will be pregnant next?

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      and her daughters think she's 'hot.'


    2. Anonymous6:55 PM

      It means that she has poor taste and the daughters never learned any better themselves. That's how THEY will dress when they're 60. Does Sally still dress like this?

  27. Anonymous11:04 AM

    How bizarre that both bdull AND katie couric are in that mag.
    Looking at katie probably forced grandmas evil smile.

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      I was thinking the same thing. Look at Sarah's face, she is not doing that good.

  28. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Also, too ~

    Was there a candidate rally there? We know sarah is traveling EXTENSIVELY AND EXHAUSTINGLY by plane, train and moose to support ABO,


  29. Anonymous11:10 AM

    What's on Willow's ring finger? Something new in the works?

  30. jcinco11:11 AM

    wow, she needs to be checked into a facility pronto... I'm her height, 5'4" and weigh 110 lbs. I would look like that if I weighed less than 100 lbs.I think she's dying...

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      I'm trying to be depressed today and you're bringing me out of it. Quit trying to raise my spirits.

  31. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Attention K-mart shoppers! We're talking to you, Palins.

  32. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I have a slightly off topic comment but here goes. The Palins have maintained for, what now, 2 years, that Bristol's surgery was absolutely necessary 'corrective jaw surgery' and not at all plastic surgery to enhance her face.

    So, here's Sarah reading this article about Bristol having had plastic surgery, because, let's face it, no one believed it to be necessary corrective surgery. Now, I haven't read the article, maybe it does mention that Bristol's surgery was medically necessary. I don't know. But is Sarah thinking to herself "Oh shit, they're on to our BS."

    My point being is why can't this family come clean and admit the truth once in awhile?

    They seem hell-bent on creating and maintaining an a facade for the public. They desperately want people to believe that "They are all wonderful, Sarah's a fantastic mother, she was fully prepared to be vice-president, she's more than capable of being the president, Bristol didn't have sex with Levi willingly, ethics charges against her were bogus..." The list goes on and on.

    Keeping up with all these lies is taking a toll on Sarah. It's happening right before the public's eyes.

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

      My point being is why can't this family come clean and admit the truth once in awhile?

      That would unravel all the lies. They cannot admit even the small sh-t.

    2. Anonymous2:59 PM

      >>But is Sarah thinking to herself "Oh shit, they're on to our BS." <<

      Hi Bristol! HI SARAH! Hi Willow!

      Most of IM ('cept for Kristy and a few other trolls) waves! We know you're followin' along with us here!

      21 East Main Street, Alhambra, CA
      5700 Florence Avenue, Bell Gardens, CA
      9255 Winnetka Avenue, Chatsworth, CA

  33. Anonymous11:21 AM

    It's difficult to believe the K-Mart shopper in that picture was actually the Republican Party's choice for being one heartbeat away from the Presidency.

    No disrespect to K-Mart shoppers -- good prices, if you can find one still operating in your area.

    I used to think she was channeling the Kardashians, but now... I see those pictures, and I'm thinking Amy Winehouse.

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      She has certainly channeled Amy Winehouse hair.

  34. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Gryph--who takes care of Trig? And she looks dirty and old.

  35. It turns out that Bristol's surgery was indeed medically necessary. Here is an age-enhanced photograph of what Bristol would have looked like had she not gotten the "corrective" surgery:

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      She looks better natural.

      The wrong size implant is the ugliest.

    2. Anonymous3:44 PM

      That's a goiter.

  36. I thought I had seen it all after the teen slut superman get-up a coupe of months ago. But this aging biker old lady trollop outfit is actually worse.

    Is she hoping for a guest role on Sons of Anarchy as Katey Sagal's long-lost older sister or something?

    Thank goodness she is no longer taken seriously as an actual knowledgeable professional. Sure, she shot off her mouth after the debate, but her voice was just one among many and received almost no attention.

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      She is in the downward spiral.

      That does not mean she can't dress up to look and act the old dirty librarian again at times. It just means that she will keep going back to her crack ho look between other styles.

      They want her for the Johnny Lewis part in Sons of Anarchy. At least her life is more likely to wind up like his.

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      I think Sarah secretly thinks she is the next Courtney Stodden!

      WHITE TRASH WARNING! If you don't recognize that name get brain bleach ready before you google! lol.

      What would Sarah say to movie offers like Courtney? Never mind.

  37. Anonymous11:35 AM

    She checking the National Enquirer if she's been outed as part of the plastic surgery stories. Lord only knows how many times she had skin removed from that turkey neck. She could supply several burn units. In Sarah's mind it's give and take. Graft is giving, grift is taking.

    Compare her hair to Willow's. Unhealthy Sarah's hair grows out in wisps. That's why it looks stringy and unkempt hence the need to wear bumpits, wiglets (per Track) and extensions. What could be causing it? Some say a drug habit. I say full blown alopecia compounded by stress and an unhealthy narcissistic visage of how she ought to look. Age has descended unkindly on Sarah. She has a delusional dream of being a celebrity but she terrified to look anything like her mother. Flab behind her arms, her stomach and her legs. She's been trying to stave off the encroachment of time for many years now. Some you can keep at bay with injections and meds but the rest she decides to starve off. I call bullshit on her being a runner, a hunter, enery expert etc. She's full of lies. Her personality is pretentious. She definitely doesn't want to look anything like her mom who I think doesn't have much of a relationship with Sarah.

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Well, she doesn't look like her mom...

      She's got her father's fat, wrinkly nasty chin/neck.

  38. Anonymous11:41 AM


    (Jennifer Grey and her partner Derek Hough hold the record of the most perfect 30s ever, with a total of six. They won season 11 and maintained an average score of 27.2.)

    Number of Perfect 30s - Celebrities received:

    6: Jennifer Grey (received perfect 30s six times in one season)

    5: Apolo Anton Ohno, Joey Fatone, Mel B, Gilles Marini

    4: Stacy Keibler, Laila Ali, Helio Castroneves, Kristi Yamaguchi, Mýa, Nicole Scherzinger, Hines Ward, J.R. Martinez, William Levy

    3: Drew Lachey, Emmitt Smith, Mario Lopez, Brooke Burke, Shawn Johnson, Chelsea Kane, Katherine Jenkins

    2: Melissa Rycroft, Donny Osmond, Evan Lysacek, Ricki Lake, Rob Kardashian, Maria Menounos, Donald Driver

    1: Kelly Monaco, John O’Hurley, Joey Lawrence, Ian Ziering, Sabrina Bryan, Jennie Garth, Jason Taylor, Brandy, Kirstie Alley

    Are fucking kidding me! Bristol Palin who is competing in the 2012 DWTS All Stars has danced 19 times and has never received a single 10 for any dance in her life?

    The most surprising stat for Bristol Palin is that she has competed in 19 dances in Season 11 and has received the lowest score 12 times and she made it to the All Stars?


    IF YOU COMPARE BRISTOL'S SCORE TO BRANDY'S SCORE (SAME SEASON 11), Bristol only outscored Brandy one time! Bristol had 22 judges points and Brandy had 21 judges points during Week 2! Other than that one week, Bristol never outscored Brandy!

    Kyle Masey (same Season 11 as Bristol) never ever scored lower than Bristol in any dance!

    Kyle was not selected for All Stars and Bristol was?

    Why is that ABC DWTS?



    1. Anonymous1:06 PM


      Yes. They are lying frauds.

    2. Anonymous1:30 PM

      I was a huge fan of this show too, before Bristol showed up. It's really too bad the network has resorted to putting Bristol in the ALL STAR competition when she has not even come close to getting a high score from the judges ever. It's all a ratings ploy at the expense of the fans and a cruel joke on their pro dancers and the stars who are talented and can dance.

      Can't wait to see the most despised family in America tonight standing up in the front row while Bristol gives America "the big middle finger" once again.

      It is sad really.

    3. Anonymous3:30 PM

      ABC is owned by a RePukeliCon. That explains everything.

    4. Anonymous7:05 PM

      All-stars MY ASS! No Stars in that family.

  39. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Attention K-mart shoppers!

    Will the anorexic skinny wrinkly breastless millionaire tranny in Aisle 6 either buy the National Enquirer or put it back?

    1. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Anyone remember announcing bogus Blue Light Specials?

    2. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Bluelight Special for the next 10 minutes...

      A handjob for you and 3 of your friends on aisle 7. Only $5.00 each!

    3. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Except all the band members take a pass on having her go down on them. I understand their lack of interest in a freebee from skankee.

  40. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Sarah Palin wears her prescription glasses outside but wears non prescription sun glasses indoors to read the National Enquirer?

    Maybe Sarah can see without her clear fake prescription glasses?

  41. Anonymous11:50 AM

    OT here, but has anyone seen the latest "2 Chucks" book tour news at the peepond?

    I have never seen anyone try to polish a turd harder than those people. In several posts, they're calling "Our Sarah" a "Best Seller" because after digging far enough into's book sales, they managed to find this:

    Best Sellers:
    Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People > Political

    And even then, both editions of this silly little book are sitting under the #10 spot and sinking fast.

    How sad for them.

  42. Anonymous11:55 AM

    If Sarah is in Los Angeles, why is she buying toilet paper? Doesn't the hotel she is staying at restock toilet paper?

    Could it be that Sarah needs to re-stuff her bra and is looking for the good 4 ply stuff?

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      They have wash clothes from Todd to stuff bras.
      They TP is for the ass. She needs to have her own with her at all times.

      It is hell to take laxatives like a bulimic.

  43. Anonymous11:56 AM


    You look great in that picture. It is you, and you do not need ¨improvements.¨

    We are on your side. We know your mother embarrasses you. Believe me, we do not hold it against you. Instead, our hearts go out to you.

    Just continue to ¨be yourself.¨

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Willow seems to be a mean streak all her own.

      But, she hasn't gone full Bristol yet, so maybe there's still hope.

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      She can get her legs extended. For medical reasons, of course.

  44. Anonymous12:00 PM



    Bristol Palin Brought to Tears at DWTS Rehearsal

    Bristol Palin recently talked to PEOPLE about her newfound confidence this time around on Dancing with the Stars – but when it comes to her partner Mark Ballas, she still has insecurities.

    During a tense rehearsal, she began to cry after getting criticism from Ballas.

    "I know you feel bad you don't have Sabrina [Bryan] or Shawn [Johnson]," Palin, 21, tells Ballas, 26, right after he says, "Your energy is off."

    Palin goes on to say, "I feel like you're just bummed that you have me as a partner."

    When Ballas asks her, "What have I done to make you feel that way?" Palin says, "Just in general. Like, oh, dang, you got paired with Bristol."

    The ballroom pro, who says he always gives 100 percent during the competition, adds, "I'm not dancing around without committing myself. … I can sit here and train you all day. I can give you these choreography steps, but if you don't apply yourself on the floor and give me that personality that I know you can, then I can't force it out of you. I stick up for you through thick and thin – always."

    Palin, wiping away tears at this point, says, "You, like, play this victim role. I know that I'm here, I'm on time, I'm ready to go. I wouldn't be on the show if I wasn't going to take it seriously."

    After calling her partner out for missing a rehearsal, Palin sits down and types on her phone.

    "Can you not be like that?" Ballas asks, putting his hands on her legs. "Don't be like that."

    Palin then gets up and says, "I'm just not doing this anymore," while walking away.,,20637124,00.html

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      No shit, Bristol.

      Somebody told you that you should actually be on an "all star" show. Somebody told you that you actually deserved to being in the final three the last time around. Somebody told you you're "most improved."

      And, you believed them.


    2. Anonymous12:40 PM

      I just read the article and watched the video - all I can say is wow! Mark has a big fan base & from what I have seen on twitter they are not happy with Bristol's tantrum. Loved how she says Mark is acting like a victim. Here is to hoping that Bristol falls on her fake chin during their dance tonight.

    3. Anonymous12:42 PM

      This was one of the comments left there supporting Bristol. Seems Rhonda is giving Krusty a run for her money.

      Rhonda 8 minutes ago
      Bristol was sooo on key with Mark. He gave her no difficulty at all, last week. Compared to how he danced and choreographed last season, he has no confidence in her at all !!
      Mark gave her more of a challenge, last time she was on and we watched a gal, who has no dance experience grow and grow every week. And for anyone that does DWTS with no dance experience, I say cheer them on... don't knock them down. Bristol is far from a brat. I love her confidence, and loveeee watching her grow in dance. Bristol is ready for the challenge, so Mark, I say, do what your paid to do.

    4. Thanks for the video!

      OMGoodness...Beefy is "GINOing" Mark Ballas!!

      Beefy (while chomping on gum says) "You're playing this victim role"...umm...didn't she say that same shit to Gino when she left him on the side of the road and they met up later at some picnic tables and she shitted on him some more!

      Oh dear...he called her a HORSE!

      "Apply yourself" says Mark which I'm sure she's been hearing that since 1st grade!

      What is the purpose of this video? Beefy did her ugly crying class...chomping on gum and then walked out of rehearsal!

      Meanwhile Baldy posted on FB to vote for Beefy and some other stupid is this it for Beefy? I hope so.

    5. Anonymous1:11 PM

      newfound confidence this time around on Dancing with the Stars –

      She is on speed, also, too. It gives them fake confidence.

    6. Anonymous1:12 PM

      "Your energy is off."

      Drugs are like that.

    7. Anonymous1:51 PM

      More fucking drama from Bristol. Anything to stay relevant. This is a reality show meme. She's learned that when everyone's a hatin' throw in some tears and a little drama. Makes for an interesting show, gets the ratings up.

      Poor me Bristol. No matter what, you still don't know how to dance. Like your mother, quit chasing fame, go home and go back to school.

    8. Anonymous1:53 PM

      I hope she stays on. The show was rigged to put her in with ALL STARS. She deserves to win to prove what a fake DWTS actually is.

      Ballas must hate her but this is probably an exaggerated ploy get more viewers and votes for victim accuser Bristol (projection).

      She will be most improved or some bull shit by show time. She and Mark will have made up like lovers and he will go back to lying about her.

      I am convinced the script was pretty much written before the ink was dry on the contracts. If DWTS planned on her to be gone by this week then she will go. If not she will stay according to how it was rigged.

    9. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Bristol is a wuss. Lazy arse wuss.

    10. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Brisdull is wearing the exact same shoes that willow is wearing in kmart,

      and Sarah's wedges are the same ugly shoe, except in a disgusting, PEE color and wedge.

      pathetic and ugly.

  45. The change in 4 short years is amazing. This is what was always underneath the polished image that the RNC and FOX put forward. Left to her own devices she reveals herself as a middle aged woman who never really got out of the adolescent stage.

    But hey, Gryph - the unneccessary comment about "dried up lady parts", is beneath you. That sort of talk will prevent some people from taking you seriously.

    1. vegaslib2:22 PM

      I thought it was funny as hell, but I have a wicked sense of humor. I come here to see how the mighty have fallen, and I don't feel bad at all. Every time she attacked Obama, or Biden, or anyone of her hundreds of enemies, I thought that one day her star will fall and I'll be there to see it.

      Now I don't wish for anyone's harm, but when you throw shit around when you are on top, you WILL hit bottom and no one will feel sorry for you.

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM

      4 years for an addict is like 40 years.

      Think of her as 88 years old.

  46. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Sarah looks fat because she is fat. Losing another 30lbs will do wonders for her. Sarah will be able to toss those ridiculous high heels and look as fresh and young as Willow.

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      I agree. She needs to lose another 30 or 50 pounds. But Willow looks like an old lady.

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Willow is not willowy. She is the frump of the family. How could she fail and quit that high end Beauty School? Her mother would have paid anything to keep her there.

  47. Anonymous12:07 PM

    "I know you feel bad you don't have Sabrina [Bryan] or Shawn [Johnson]," Palin, 21, tells Ballas, 26,

    Palin goes on to say, "I feel like you're just bummed that you have me as a partner."


    CissyRenee 2 minutes ago
    As an Alaskan I just have to say it.......... when her errors are pointed out and the going gets rough, she quits like a Palin always does.

  48. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Bristol is upset and crying at DWTS

    Somebody call the Cheesecake Factory and tell them to stock up on To Go boxes and To Go bags for the cry baby victim.

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Bristol will be just fine. All she needs is a piece of ass and the tears will go away.

    2. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Is the Wasilla trial wedding back on?

      What are the odds that Bristol will call Gino after her break up with Mark and Gino will take Bristol back?

    3. Anonymous1:58 PM

      I think they have a corner of a warehouse in Pasadena pre-stocked.

  49. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Is that why Sarah Palin is at Kmart buying toilet paper?

    Bristol is having another one of her pity party at DWTS and needs toilet paper to wipe her tears?

  50. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Who's the "skinny little Hollywood starlet" now Sarah? Next thing ya know you'll wake up and be a liberal, all that time in Hollywood can do that to a person.

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Bristol has already turned librul. She is a health eater now. No junk food for her. She also hikes and does hot yoga.



  51. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Will tears at DWTS equate to more votes for Bristol Palin?

    Will the judges and ABC cave in and pass her on to the next level like the Palin kids were advanced to the next grade even though they didn't deserve to?

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      The paid pro dancer, Mark, is the most evil person to ever be on that show. DWTS fire him for what he did to Bristol.

  52. Anonymous12:23 PM

    What happened to Willow's breast? They're missing like Sarah's are missing. Are they shopping for toilet paper to increase Willow's cup size?

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      They went to her chin.

  53. Anonymous12:26 PM

    How sad for her children who have a mother who looks like that.

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Her kids think she is HOT! What else matters? Did you see Piper in the purple sexed up dress for an eleven yr old? They are happy like that. It pleases Todd and Chucks. they don't have to care about being political now. They are all HOT! celebrity skanks. You are never too young for that.

  54. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Looking at the new posted picture of Willow, I think she needs a chin implant. Maybe Bristol can remove half of her implant and share it with Willow?

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Bristol likes the Jay Leno look and is not about to share.

  55. Anonymous12:27 PM

    she looks rough, like a strung out biker chic

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      STRUNG OUT FOR SURE. Wannabe biker chics are a dime a dozen. The cheapest of skanks. That is the real Sarah. She aimed low so she could make it.

  56. Anonymous12:28 PM

    She's so Vice-Presidential doncha think?

    It is so pathetic when you see anyone trying to regain their own impaired view of a style that they mistakenly perceive as youthful and sexy. Another excellent example would be the Trump comb-over.

    The only women that I ever see dressed like Sarah, are the ones that close down the bar at 2am. They think they are all that, and cannot comprehend why the guys prefer the younger.....gasp....even heavier women over her.

    Beauty comes from within. People that are comfortable with themselves and their age are far more attractive than a silicone enhanced, lipo-reduced, meth addicted moron.

  57. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Peg Bundy called, she wants her shoes back.

    PS Where's the big ass Star of David, Sarah? What a fucking hypocrite, you leave the religious and flag bling home when you don't expect to be on camera.

  58. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I have never seen anyone her age, much less who has ever come close to a position of social importance, dress like this.

    She looks cheap and tacky, and while that is who she is, it is still surprising that she has no more taste or self-awareness to at least put on a better show.

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      It is surprising that no one can communicate some social grace and importance to her. Her family sucks and they are destroying her.

      You would think her employer would and could make some step toward helping the poor thing. It is not good for them for the public to see her deteriorate in public view. Does Fox want her dead?

  59. physicsmom12:34 PM

    What the hell is she wearing? It looks like some 1980's Flashdance reject. She is pathetic for any number of reasons, including the fact that she clearly has an eating disorder. I almost feel sorry for her.

  60. Anonymous12:37 PM

    She is cheap looking and dirty and disheveled.

    Just what was needed in the Washington as a VP.

  61. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Oh so vice-presidential Sarah is. And she still has a PAC. Her brother and dad have to convince her followers she's still that tundra heroine.

    Yet she's in Hollyweird living the lifestyle of the rich and famous. No mind that she wants the papparazzi to see her in a K-Mart. That's just to promote her down-home average American role. When she's not seen in public, she's secretly living a double life.

    Why doesn't someone in her family get her serious medical and psychiatric help?

  62. Anonymous12:38 PM

    The only reason Brisdull is still on the show is because the Vote for the Worst group is generating thousands of votes for her.

    Just think: every check out stand in every grocery store in the US is featuring The Chin on the front page. Bwaaahhhahhhahhhhaaaa. That's probably why Bdull is really crying.

  63. Anonymous12:42 PM


    Is Sarah on Meth now?

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Wasilla is the Meth capitol of Alaska. She started on Meth and Cocaine. She is no doubt a poly-drug abuser by now. Only those closest to her know can know what she is on at any particular time. There are so many new and self manufactured drugs that are easily available. She and her kids can order most anything on the internet. Plus doctors that give out prescriptions like candy.

      She has the identical signs and look of Meth.

  64. shughes285312:46 PM

    Palin's outfit must be embarassing to Willow. OMG!
    She's 50 yrs old and that outfit looks ridiculous on her. Doesn't anyone talk to her in that crazy household?? And where's Trig, where's Tripp? My god these palins are such trash.

    Here's hoping the mini-me of the skank leaves DWTS today!!

  65. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Willow flunked her hair class?

    She has the eyes of an internet addicted kid.

    Can any of the Palins stand up straight?

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM


    2. Anonymous2:54 PM

      They have no spine. What they get from dope does not count. They all hunch over in shame.
      Body language says it all.

    3. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Ditto on that last one: the girls hunch over and will look like question marks in not too long a while. Very unattractive.

  66. Anonymous1:16 PM

    White. Fucking. Trash.

  67. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Here's another pic from yesterday... hair extensions?!?

    1. Wow! That's one scary shot. Unfortunate lighting? If anyone ever doubted this woman is sick, sick, sick.......

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Now I know where she shops for hooker clothes. At the blue light special in Kmart. This picture is pathetic. Blue toenail polish? How fucking tacky is that for an almost 50 year old grandma trying to dress and look like a teenager. Yeah she looks gaunt. Are those track (needle) marks on her arm?? What happened to the hollywood tan? She obviously had a boob job cause those things are way too big for a body that skinny.

    3. Anonymous1:18 PM
      Here's another pic from yesterday... hair extensions?!?

      Now THAT'S what "walking death" looks like!

    4. Anonymous2:40 PM

      If any of you have software to raise the gamma on that shot, it is quite revealing. She's had a huge boob job!! They're way too big for her and she's trying to hide the by wearing all black!

    5. jcinco3:10 PM

      she's wearing that big breathing apparatus on her chest in that picture...

    6. Anonymous7:39 PM

      That picture is one of 'death warmed over'...

  68. Anonymous1:19 PM

    She is probably at the Kmart near the Farmer's Market and The Grove (a popular shopping and dining center). I live near this area. Do you know how many photographers wait near the Kmart for a glimpse at a celebrity? ZERO. She called one in. Pathetic. If she is here in L.A., she either is staying at a hotel or a friend's house. Why then would she need toilet paper? If she is trying to be like the "common man" she is at the wrong place. People here shop at Target (which is not even that far away). NO ONE shops at Kmart - especially that Kmart. It's a total dump. That would just be embarrassing.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      DWTS provides pretty nice housing for the guest "stars". Could it, possibly, be where the family is staying, another freebie for sp/clan?

      Willow's checkin to see if her hair school scores have been posted. An-tic-i-pa-tion!!

  69. Anonymous1:33 PM

    This is just so sad and frankly, predictable. It is amazing that she goes out of her way to look trashy.

  70. Anonymous1:37 PM

    There's Trader Joe's across the street, they have quality toilet paper. Anon 1:19 PM you were right that Kmart is fucking dump and trashy store. Kmart is a trash! no one shops at Kmart.

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      She is running out off Pac $

  71. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Wow, when I first saw the picture of her reading the label on the package of TP, I did a double-take, thinking she looks like Michael Jackson in that photo!
    Vero Guy

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Hahaha. And who reads a toilet paper label anyway? You'd think by Sarah's advanced age she would know the brand she likes by now. More proof she doesn't shop for herself. She has caregivers in wasilla do it for her or she sends out Todd

    2. Anonymous4:07 PM

      And who reads a toilet paper label anyway?

      You can't believe the things a drug addled brain will zone out with.

  72. Anonymous1:46 PM

    shes not anorexic. She is probably doing meth and ketamine, with a side of steroid, which has increased the size of her chin. I bet she thinks that the steroids will give her muscles, without doing the exercise.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      meth and ketamine, with a side of steroid

      That makes total sense.

  73. Anonymous1:54 PM


  74. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Michelle Obama shopping at Target she is not. More like meth mouth momma picking up some TP for her old man who hasn't left the trailer since Easter.

  75. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Supposedly the FBI is looking at that "suspicious" white powder sent to DWTS. Well, it must have a Palin's fingerprints on it or some other markers tying the package to them. Who else cares at this point to do anything so dramatic? Pleae all you FBIers reading this blog, take the family's fingerprints and match them up.

  76. Anonymous2:10 PM

    WTF is up with the Flash Dance outfit? Is she trying to convince DWTS should pick her next?

    Where's Trig? I think you should do a post about him not being around so granny has to bring him out.

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      If people knew the truth about what is wrong with her they would see it as a good thing that Trig is spared from her insanity.

      As the pretend mother of DS kid she is failing him. A good mother would be with and involved with kid.

      As a sick drug addict she is keeping Trig away from her walking death. That is the best a sick person can do.

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Tri-G is not her child. He comes in for a photo-op every 3 or 4 months.

  77. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Did anyone else notice the line on the cover for Bristol: "Bristol Palin from gawky to glam." Urgh.

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Bristol's diet is no better than Sarah. Those rags are doing their part to see these two cons die. Best they can do is the denial thing.

      There is nothing glamorous about watching these two do a slow death.

  78. vegaslib2:13 PM

    I'm not sure if anyone else has commented about this since I haven't read them all, but don't these two look like they should change outfits?

    Sarah is wearing clothes that would be suitable for a teen and Willow looks like an old lady. Boy this is one mixed up family.

    Also, too, I want my hair to look just like Willow's. NOT.

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Wallow has that polished beauty school charm.

    2. Anonymous7:00 PM

      I just betcha there's not a one of you ugly librul trolls that wouldn't sell your panties to the first nigger if you could look just like our Sarah.

    3. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Oh dear...our resident KKK troll has clearly lost their mind from smelling the filthy nasty panties of Baldy! Those things are toxic...especially with all the chemicals that she has ingested into her emaciated skeleton body! one here wants to look like "walking death"...except for Baldy Palin! LOL!!!

    4. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Anonymous 7:00 PM

      Big troll with short dick fantasizing about the blah man again. You're just another perpetual bottom like your buddy, Toddy, who believed someone long ago who convinced him that taking it up his ass everyday would make his manhood grow. I hear Toddy's up to 2.5 inches. How's that working out for you?

      One day if you're lucky, you'll be on top, and it will be someone with a figure that smells and looks a corpse, just like Baldy Palin.

  79. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Oh look! Bristol made the "9 Hollywood Moms Who Pimp Their Kids" list. Number 4! Her mom must be so proud of her, taught her everything she knows LOL.


  80. Anonymous2:16 PM

    RE: Moms who pimp out their kids... just noticed this is from June. Oops. Still sad!

  81. Anonymous2:19 PM


  82. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Scarah needs to take a bath and wash that greasy mop on her head, or put on a different one. Is that a turkey neck I see.
    John McCain - this is what you wanted in the White House???? Granny Grifter! A heartbeat away from the presidency! Shame on you, John McCain! You should be whipped!

  83. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Gryphen, check radaronline theynhave more walmart pic , she making weird faces, all bones

  84. erica from dallas2:50 PM

    Sarah is looking more and more like an over the hill speed freak rock and roll groupie.

  85. Anonymous2:50 PM

    WTF she iswearing sunglasses inside a store, its sunny in LA but not iside an AC store.

  86. Anonymous2:54 PM

    It so sucks to be a Palin. Short tree trunk legged girls with cankles lol.
    Sarah looks ridiculous in those shoes and that outfit. The saddest part though, is they love the sick attention. Willow probably thought, I'[ll wear a ring and see how many people comment on it. WHO CARES WILLOW? however, I will say that you also too need some jaw realignment surgery and limb lengthening surgery.

  87. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Bristol Palin Brought to Tears at DWTS Rehearsal

    Bristol Palin recently talked to PEOPLE about her newfound confidence this time around on Dancing with the Stars – but when it comes to her partner Mark Ballas, she still has insecurities.

    During a tense rehearsal, she began to cry after getting criticism from Ballas.

    "I know you feel bad you don't have Sabrina [Bryan] or Shawn [Johnson]," Palin, 21, tells Ballas, 26, right after he says, "Your energy is off."

    Palin goes on to say, "I feel like you're just bummed that you have me as a partner."

    RELATED: Bristol Palin: My Mom Is 'Way Hotter' than Julianne Moore

    When Ballas asks her, "What have I done to make you feel that way?" Palin says, "Just in general. Like, oh, dang, you got paired with Bristol."

    The ballroom pro, who says he always gives 100 percent during the competition, adds, "I'm not dancing around without committing myself. … I can sit here and train you all day. I can give you these choreography steps, but if you don't apply yourself on the floor and give me that personality that I know you can, then I can't force it out of you. I stick up for you through thick and thin – always."

    Palin, wiping away tears at this point, says, "You, like, play this victim role. I know that I'm here, I'm on time, I'm ready to go. I wouldn't be on the show if I wasn't going to take it seriously."

    After calling her partner out for missing a rehearsal, Palin sits down and types on her phone.

    "Can you not be like that?" Ballas asks, putting his hands on her legs. "Don't be like that."

    Palin then gets up and says, "I'm just not doing this anymore," while walking away.,,20637124,00.html

  88. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Sarah Palin Slams ‘Naysayers’ In Light Of Threat Sent To Bristol At DWTS

    Sarah Palin took to Facebook today to wish everyone a happy Columbus Day — also going on to respond to the threats recently made against her daughter Bristol Palin who is currently on the all-star season of Dancing with the Stars.

    Earlier today, TMZ reported that the “FBI and the LAPD have launched a joint investigation into the suspicious package” sent to CBS — and was addressed to Bristol Palin. The package reportedly contained a “white powdery substance” and a threatening note demanding she be taken off the show. She received a similar package back in 2010, the first time she was on the show.

    Sarah Palin responded on Facebook, noting that she’s in California to support her daughter:

    I’m in California today to support Bristol. I’m sorry to see that she’s again getting those annoying death threats and more “mysterious white powder” sent to her while on DWTS this All-Star season. These threats sure waste a lot of time, production and public resources; but do the haters really think this will stop Bristol and Mark and the show’s producers from keepin’ on keepin’ on? Silly critics — after all these years of goofy antics like this we find these efforts are actually quite motivating! Bristol’s not letting this get her down. Anyway, tonight is a “double elimination” night, so hopefully everyone who has supported her so far will do so again! I’ll be sure to post the call in number and voting instructions later today before the event. Thank you again to everyone. It means a great deal during this fun and highly competitive event, and it’s sure appreciated!

    As Bristol shares with anyone targeted by the naysayers in life: “Hey, the haters will hate anyway; the critics will criticize, so you might as well dance!”

    It’s true, Bristol. Haters gonna hate.

  89. Anonymous3:33 PM

    this girl has borderline personality disorder. read the book, I Hate You, Dont Leave Me. its so obvious the way she treated levi, gino and even this mark ballas guy. now that i think about it, also the way she treated willow. people with BPD are fucking nuts. there are some coping strategies out there for their friends and families, but no treatment or cure. anyone who has anything to do with her, RUN AWAY!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      You dumb cunts have to take the prize for stupid it you think this isn't staged for public consumption. You been hanging around with dirty hookers like Gina for too long maybe?

    2. Anonymous6:57 PM

      LMAO! YEEHAWWWW! "dirty hookers" that what the Toad calls Baldy when he gets mad!

    3. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Anonymous6:57 PM

      Calm down, Todd! This ain't Alaska so you can't talk big here or you'll get your ass stomped.

    4. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Anonymous 6:57 PM

      "Staged for public consumption?


      Are we gonna to watch Baldy eat something in front of a crowd? Beignets and Latte', perhaps?

      You stupid fuck, you're a sorry excuse for a troll. Probably a pencil-dick like your idol, Tiny Toddy. Don't try to tell us any different, shorty. You're obviously trying to make up for your deficiency. It ain't working, needle-pecker.

  90. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Bristol walked out on Mark and now wants to quit? Why? Is it because Mark didn't bring her a couple of wine coolers or was it because Mark wanted to wear a condom?

  91. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Oh God, the sunglasses and outfit are ridiculous beyond belief. I would be so embarrassed if this woman was my mom. What an attention whore.

  92. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Now that's presidential material, I tell ya!!

  93. Anonymous6:51 PM

    And how old is Sarah? Damn, if she really is 50 plus then she sure does know how to look after herself!

    Sorry kids, but I have to believe my lying eyes when it comes to judging women's looks.

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Of course you would say are part of Baldy's Base...old...white...half blind...old...did I say old...racist men! LOL!

    2. Anonymous8:29 PM

      She's 48 but looks 15 yrs older than most women her same age, especially her skin texture and her hands.

      Plus, her face is that of a tranny who just ain't there yet. But if you like fucking a swath of skin stretched around a couple of pelvis bones, Baldy's your guy.

  94. Anita Winecooler7:06 PM

    Seriously messed up! Who goes shopping for toilet paper and brings one of those baskets?

    She doesn't read the enquirer, she looks at the "before" pictures for inspiration.

    The female offspring of Chuck and Sally aren't "attractive" looking women, Sarah was once the exception, but now, age, gravity, hard living, insomnia from reading your blog, drugs, bile running through her veins, bulemia and living a lie have taken their toll.
    Willow's following the program. She was once the stunningly beautiful one and now she's stuck with babysitting mom and Bristol's old chin.

    Karma can be cruel.

  95. emrysa8:49 PM

    doesn't everybody wear 6 inch wedges when they shop at kmart?

    I see willow is the next palin practicing lipo. how in the hell can the quitter claim to be a good mother.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.