Monday, October 15, 2012

Sarah Palin asked about becoming Secretary of State, what's up with Trig, and if she would run on a ticket with Condi Rice. Seriously?

Just click Asian Palin to play video
This was supposedly an interview based on questions that Fox receives from viewers to be asked of Palin, so you know they must have thrown out half of them asking why she won't just go away, who gave birth to her last kid, and what the fuck is up with her hair?

Here is a sampling of the ridiculous questions Palin was asked.

The "Blonde who is not Megyn Kelly" showed her a Twitter question asking if she would ever accept the Secretary of State position, because you as you know EVERYBODY respects Palin's knowledge of foreign affairs. (As you know she once spoke with French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Only not really.)

The "Attention Whore of Babble On" responded thusly: "Ooh you know I don't see an offer like that coming, I don't foresee that, know if there's something I can do to help our country, and help a conservative administration that understands what it takes America via being friendly to our allies and being tough with our enemies, I certainly would consider helping in any manner that I could." (Wow, "friendly to allies and tough with our enemies" such a firm grip of what it is that a Secretary of State does all day don't you think?)

The "Blonde who is not Megyn Kelly" asked the Grizzled One if she would take a soldier hunting, but Palin just threw a handful of word salad at that question so we will never know.  However that was then followed up with a question asking how Trig is doing these days?

Attention Whore of Babble On: "Trig is doing absolutely wonderfully! (Of course. Nobody in the Palin household is ever doing less than "wonderfully.") We're heading over to LA tonight to watch Bristol on Dancing with the Stars, and we're actually going to bring Trig with us to the studio to sit through one of Bristol's dances, and we're crossing our fingers that he'll hang in there but he's doing wonderful, Rowdy little healthy four year old. And just the light of our lives." (Who we only see when it is convenient, or when we need him for a photo op.)

(There is a glitch in the video right around here, during which apparently Palin was asked how many situps she does. She sort of looks sort of confused like she doesn't know what a sit up is and then changes the subject.)

The next question is about energy, so Palin falls back into the same old tired platitudes and well rehearsed idiocy,

Then towards the end somebody sent in a question asking if she would consider running in 2016 (If Mitt loses) or 2020 with Condi Rice on the ticket? Which is perhaps the single DUMBEST question ever put to this Wasilla airhead.

AQBO: "Wouldn't that be cool, an all female ticket? Maybe part of the...maybe that's part of  the answer America needs. still thinking about running in the future office that would allow affect the policies America needs. Uh we have a good track record, having served in the past, local, state level of government, really engaging in the relentless reform that's needed (glitch) and reigning in the growth of government, I think I could put some of that experience to good use on a national level, so obviously still thinking about it.'ll see what the future holds."

Yeah, look even this poster child for cognitive dissonance realizes that her political aspirations slammed into an iceberg and sank to the bottom of the icy depths long ago, but she simply HAS to continue pretending that she MIGHT run for office in the future in order to keep those sweaty crumpled bills from her  political pole dancing coming in.

In fact just yesterday Sarah PAC's quarterly federal filings were released.

Here is what Politico gleaned from the data:  

Sarah PAC, Palin’s leadership political action committee, spent more than $774,000 during the year’s third quarter after taking in more than $843,500 — the bulk of it from donors who contributed $200 or less, federal records filed Sunday show. 

Palin’s PAC spent its cash on a variety of political initiatives, ranging from postage (at least $270,000) and direct mail and contact list rentals ($242,087) to tens of thousands of dollars in various travel expenses, such as agent services, airfare, vehicle rentals and operating and repairing a bus, records indicate. The PAC also incurred $18,000 in speechwriting fees. 

The campaigns of 10 political candidates received direct donations from Sarah PAC in the four-figure range. They include Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.); Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), a U.S. Senate candidate; Republican Senate candidate Ted Cruz of Texas; and Republican House candidates Mia Love of Utah and Ted Yoho of Florida. (Totally just under $60,000.)

You know I have to imagine that almost EVERYBODY in the media realizes that this PAC is really nothing more than a money laundering operation for Palin's personal use. Of the $774,000 spent two third of it went toward "postage" and "direct mail." I mean come on, what does Palin have to do, wear a shirt that says "I steal from stupid people?"

I gave the filings a quick once over last night, and it is essential the same old cast of reprobates. There is attorney Thomas Van Flein, the ever faithful RAM,  Tim Crawford, Marilyn Lane, Carol Ryan, various consulting and graphics companies, and of course hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on "postage." (I think you can actually see the results of some of that "postage" in the image up above.)

The only thing newsworthy that I could find is that there was an increase since the last quarter, but that might very well be explained simply because of the political fever sweeping the conservatives right now. They have to waste their money somewhere, why not flush it down the toilet to SarahPAC?

Personally I think Palins' big day in the limelight was during the VP debate, simply because she had once faced off with a carefully muzzled Joe Biden. I don't see too many upcoming opportunities where her opinion will be considered valuable. Though I guess she might still get a handful of opportunities to provide her dipshit brand of "punditry" for Fox, but  I would be kind of surprised if she received a contract anything similar to what she received last time around.

As for SarahPAC? I am past the point of being amazed that people are still giving money to this idiot. Perhaps social scientists can use it, and the ratings for "Honey Boo Boo," as measuring devices to help determine just how low the average intelligence is in America.  (Spoiler alert:  Pretty damn low.)


  1. vegaslib10:08 AM

    I'm not sure how a Pac works, but I wonder if they ever get audited. How in the world can you spend that much money on postage? I really think this her hush fund money.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      The Federal Election Commission is mostly toothless, but they're not idiots down there. This kind of thing shouts "money laundering" and I'd bet they're auditing it right now. The Palin Express might be headed straight for a courtroom sometime in the future.

      Poor Condi -- Ph.D., concert pianist, former Secretary of State --- would have to soldier on without Sarah. Oh, yeah, Rice said she'd never run for anything (probably because of war crimes and whatnot, you know) so I guess that dream ticket 'tis not to be.

      Sarah: destined to be a Desperate Housewife of Wasilla, shivering in her lingerie, waiting for the refrigerator repairman to arrive to "fix" things. She'll pay him with stamps.

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM

      The Repubs dream of crooks that escape the law and become our leaders. YUK. What worse criminals are there?

      There was an interesting topic on The Cycle about who is incarcerated
      On your right click "The age of mass incarceration"
      Becky Pettit is a professor of sociology at the University of Washington

    3. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Does anyone, anywhere have letters, postcards or any other mailers sent out by the Palin PAC? Anyone???

      $creech appears to send most of her 'appeals' and 'news' from the safety of her Facebook bunker or via other social media that is free. Postage? Not so much ...

      Smells like another $ham $cam from the Queen of all Grifters.

  2. Anonymous10:15 AM

    She is SO patriotic that she's helping to keep the entire U.S. Postal Service in business by using so much of her money for postage.

    I say, we should waive all rules against putting the faces of living people on our postage, and immediately issue a stamp featuring Sarah Palin -- oh, circa October 2012, on it. No one would use it, because it would be one of the few that still have to be licked on the back (ewwww). Thus, all sales of the stamps would go right into the Postal Service account, paying to keep open rural post offices in Alaska. She did say three years ago when she retired that she was going to do good things for Alaska. Now we know her canny plan.

    1. I think the Kmart picture would look great on a postage stamp!

    2. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Was the segment above filmed on a 1970s motel studio set? What's with the backdrop? Does anyone have information on this?

    3. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Looks like Sarah stumbled into someone's acid trip.

    4. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Oh, snap!!

  3. jcinco10:19 AM

    I didn't know you could get plastic surgery to make your eyes look Asian.

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      It's the dark and heavy makeup and you're right she looks Asian or maybe she's going for the Latina look with her black wig and heavy dark she trying to look sultry in order to win over more males to donate to her PAC?

    2. Anonymous11:01 AM

      I was wondering about the eyes... They are beginning to change as fast as her boobs.

    3. vegaslib1:31 PM

      She looks like a science experiment gone wrong.

  4. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Speaking as an old lady, I don't want this bitch representing me in any national office.

    Fuck off, you greedy grifter.

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Speaking as another old lady, I totally agree with you.

    2. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Amen from one of the old farts on the other side of the gender spectrum.

  5. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Good lord she needs to back away from the botox and plastic surgery.
    Sarah you need to eat and go see another type of doctor for help.

    Cretin Clampetts go to Hollyweird....

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      I had the very same thought: Her face looks swollen...gone completely body dysmorphic.

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Do you think she is on steroids now?

    3. Anonymous1:53 PM

      I noticed right off that her upper lip didn't move from the git-go. She's probably been "frowning" a lot and had some touch-up Botox around her eyes and mouth.

  6. Anonymous10:34 AM

    How can she be huntin and fillin up her freezer when she has been in LA for dancin with the stars?

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Because she is a drug addicted sociopath.

  7. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Blond not Megyn Kelly: Our next question is from Whiffle Wanksalot. Whiffle asks WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE!!!!

    1. jcinco11:53 AM

      she gets more hideous by the day. I'm a bit older than her but I know I look 10 years younger than her nowadays..

  8. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Pie-Spy LLC
    1140 W Parks Hwy
    Wasilla, Alaska 99654

    Bus Repair, Gas, Lodging, Tolls



    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Interesting, $4559.00 charged back to the LLC with an address in AK, but yet it is for bus repair, gas, lodging, tolls. Why, folks, there are no stinkin' tolls in AK! And lodging? They freakin' live there! Are they driving a bus around?
      Vero Guy

    2. Anonymous1:03 PM

      PieSky LLC is sarah's very own super secret LLC, so she's paying herself.

    3. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Uhh isn't that Sarah's LLC? She does bus repairs now? ROFLMFAO

    4. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Pie (in the) Sky sounds like Palin. Nobody has seen that stinking buss in over a year! Is Todd using it for his R and R?

    5. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Money laundering.

  9. Anonymous10:39 AM

    That pic looks more like Lisa Ann, the Stripper, than Sarah. Really, she looks very masculine. Could it be that Todd is taking a testosterone supplement and it is rubbing off on Sarah?

    1. jcinco11:55 AM

      you know you have to be really careful with that shit. She probably rifles through the medicine cabinet and puts anything and everything in her mouth hoping for a buzz...pretty soon those little baby grandsons will be sporting beards from getting into tawd's testosterone meds...

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      I doubt she rubs up anywhere near the todd.

    3. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Maybe she has been taking testosterone.... She is looking very masculine these days.

  10. I got dinged for equating rednecks with white trash. I was too dismissive and I apologize, but I always thought of them the same way. Live and learn. I came from rural poverty, but it had a distinctly European aroma (barns and all that).

    My dad would never have given anything to someone like Palin, heck; he made fun of the missionaries when they came around the church with slideshows and collection plates. My mother could be a religious nut, but even she would have seen through Palin.

    What dupes.

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      I live next door to a guy that is 100% redneck...NASCAR lovin,' turkey-shoot going, talks the talk, even walks the walk. His favorite greeting to you is "What's up, cuz?"

      But, believe it or not, he's also 100% Democrat! Cannot stand those Republicans, he or his wife. They are country as the day is long, but they loyal Democrats.

      My son who visits from Southern California absolutely loves the guy. And he can't believe my neighbor is a Democrat. Naturally, we get along very well!

    2. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Give him a big hug from all of us!

  11. Anonymous10:45 AM

    She will pretend she is running as long as she can scam a single dollor out of her poor bot following.

    Let them eat rice. (They scimp meals for her)

    With all that arsenic in all that rice they eat they'll drop dead before her.

  12. Anonymous10:48 AM

    That's first video I pushed play on in a while. Turning the sound down and looking at her assortment of creepy facial expressions I am more convinced than ever that the woman is stark raving mad.

  13. Anonymous10:50 AM

    '''As for SarahPAC? I am past the point of being amazed that people are still giving money to this idiot. Perhaps social scientists can use it, and the ratings for "Honey Boo Boo," as measuring devices to help determine just how low the average intelligence is in America. (Spoiler alert: Pretty damn low.)''


  14. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Wow - She sure is "animated." Batting those oversized false lashes, word salad straight out of the salad shooter, bouncy up and down shoulders, and giant grins that crack her otherwise lackluster face. She looks and sounds high to me.

    1. jcinco11:57 AM

      the sing songy sarcastic tone to her voice always gives away that she's under the influence of something...

    2. vegaslib1:35 PM

      Of course, the subject is her so she is happy to have the conversation revolve around her highness, Princess not so bright. She is insanely egotistical.

  15. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Secretary of State!?!?! We'd be in several simultaneous world wars on day one!

    1. She'd have to get through the confirmation hearings first. Now, that would be a show!!!

    2. jcinco11:57 AM

      more like secretary of the inferior...

    3. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Secretary of the State of Confusion!!

    4. Anonymous3:37 PM

      jcinco-- good one!

  16. Anonymous10:55 AM

    The biggest laugh is being asked if she would like to be Secretary of State.

  17. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I read through Sarah PAC's report as well last night and thought it definitely needed to be audited by the FEC. I agree that postage was too high, but I also found a credit card payment for lodging, rental cars, food, etc., which appeared as if it she was claiming those things twice. For what she took in it seemed that very little of it was being used that she claimed it would be used for in helping out candidates she approved of.

    1. sally in MI12:28 PM

      She's never had the PAC donate more than about 5% to anyone per quarter. Not once. And yet these people are more than happy to keep sending her money for her personal use. Is it any wonder the Mormon Church takes in 8 BILLION a year? Wonder what the Catholic haul is? Sarah has learned to play the game well. Had she declared, that PAC would be run under scrutiny from the FEC. Can;t have that, can we?

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Does anyone know what real candidates pay on average for campaign mailings? That can't be possible when most are sent out by bulk mailings. Is she sending her picture out by priority mail? She isn't running for anything. How does she get away with this? She needs to be audited!

  18. SALLY in MI10:57 AM

    Those are new glasses. Is Bristol still using her old ones?
    And dear 'light of our lives Trig.' Good Lord. These boys, esp. Trig, should be in preschool learning how to be real people instead of pawns for the so-called adults around them. Wonder if he'll have his glasses and his hearing aids? Wonder if he's only being flown in because of blog comments asking what she'd done with him? She certainly is a maternal woman, isn't she? Yup. Mama Earth, our Sarah. Pretty soon those 4-5-6 year olds will be bigger than she is. And like my mom's new Lab, which my GOP sister refuses to train properly, those kids will be telling Sarah what to do. And not politely.

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      If Trig does make an appearance, I'm sure Sarah will be prayin' he doesn't smack the shit out of her on national TV.

    2. main concern is how much drugs are they going to give Trig 7.2 in order to keep him under control? Will his nanny be sitting off camera? Will Tripp be there too?

      Because according to some stupid ass interview Beefy did over the weekend she said she "hopes Tripp can come to the show"...could Baldy and Beefy be talking about the same child? HeHe!

      Stupid ass hillbillies...get your damn stories straight...idiots! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous11:53 AM

      She taking him to DWTS hoping to get some extra TV facetime. Time to bring out the favorite prop!

    4. Anonymous1:58 PM

      I think DWTS will be a bit scimpy on $arah's face time because viewers are so pissed that The Chin is scamming the votes. The cameras only showed her once last week. They don't want to remind viewers about how everything the Paylins touch turns to farce.

    5. Anonymous5:05 PM

      What happened to the "mysterious white powder" threat? I suspected Sarah was behind that and now I'm sure of it since they feel secure enough to bring "God's gift" Tri-G to DWTS.

  19. Anonymous10:59 AM

    LOL I just read your reviews. They are so good that I do not even play the videos. What happened to Gino?

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Brisket's show was not renewed, no more reason to pay the actors from season 1. You really didn't think anyone would date her without getting paid did you?

  20. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Sarah Palin as Secretary of State??? She doesn't know where anything is for goodness sake! Our beagle would make a much better Cabinet member than Sarah Palin. She is intelligent, polite and multi-lingual - beagle, English and some French as well. I bet Sarah Palin can't speak those languages; we know her English is quite limited.

    1. Boscoe11:56 AM

      I think she'd be terrific as Sec of State because she wouldn't come into the job with any preconceptions.... or knowledge. She'd literally be starting with a clean slate! A fresh perspective... like an infant seeing "outside" for the first time!


      Okay, she'd be a nightmare, but A HILARIOUS nightmare!

      Remember this?:

  21. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Her face looks like wax, I've never seen anyone age so fast!

  22. Anonymous11:13 AM

    " know if there's something I can do to help our country...I certainly would consider helping in any manner that I could."

    If you would just STFU you would be doing a far greater service to your country than you can even begin to imagine.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Maybe if she would just go back to Wasilla, close up the little tv studio in her house and catch up on her soap operas. That would be the best thing she could do to "help our country."

    2. Anonymous1:36 PM

      She reminds me some of this character. In her little studio. Not as funny.

  23. She can play coy all she wants about which position she will run for or graciously accept four years down the road, and I'm sure it gave her quite a thrill to be asked (they do want me! they must want me!), but it is abundantly clear that the sun is setting quickly on any political aspirations she might still have.

    She is not aging well, and four years from now she will be nearly 8 years from her half-term abandoned last elected position, without even the alleged "hotness" factor remaining.

    The only reason she is still around and underfoot is because of her over-the-top breathtaking level of narcissism combined with an impressive level of laziness and greed, which clued her in to the money to be had without having to actually work for it.

    But once there is a newer, younger, bright shiny female VP candidate, she will be gone.

    She and her horrid family will be relegated to some sort of speechifying, bible-thumping, fleecing the rubes circuit and no one with an ounce of intelligence, culture, morals, ethics, or common sense will need to hear from her ever again.

    1. Love your comment Nefer! One of the nutty mcnut nuts over at the Aslyum said Baldy should run for her "old position" after Parnell term is up!!

      NUTS...they just aren't hanging on trees anymore...they are walking amongst us folks!


    2. Anonymous11:55 AM

      She has to keep saying she is thinking about it to keep the bots donating to her PAC.

    3. jcinco11:59 AM

      Let's be realistic here in 4 years she'll be 6 feet under or institutionalized...

  24. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Will somebody PLEASE publicly ask Condi Rice that same question. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?
    I don't like Condoleeza Rice, but I do respect her. And no one does a put down like she does - ever hear about the jewelry counter episode?
    Funny, the Pee-ers think it would be a Palin/Rice ticket, but no one's been explicit about that - surely it would be a Rice/Palin ticket? .

  25. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Mitt would not even let Sarah come to convention...

    It will be cold day in hell before she was ever offered any position on any Romney team.

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      My thoughts exactly. Romney hasn't even invited her out on the campaign trail with him, either. So, we're to suddenly believe if Romney wins, she might be in line to be secretary of state? What a joke!

      What moron twitted that ridiculous question in.

    2. Anonymous3:46 PM

      poster from the Pee Pond - any of 'em all of 'em.


    She's the Asian version of Baldy! How cute...she's like a Barbie/Baldy doll that you can change their look when you get tired of looking at the Caribou Baldy version!

    Let's see...we had the Hispanic Baldy...the African-American Baldy and now the latest rollout....Asian Baldy! What's next...the Hindu Baldy...will she put a red dot in the middle of that bulbous forehead of hers? LOL!!!

    She is so obviously two sheets in the wind in this video! I mean look at her! She's hardly coherent...and she looks like she's about to drop off to sleep at a moments notice!

    Even Baldy knows her flat ass will not be running for anything except to the bathroom from when she gets the shits (hence all the toilet paper purchases) from the laxative that she takes to keep her body looking like a malnourished scarecrow!

    The nuts at the Asylum still claim that they are sending her their lunch money and couch cushion change! I saw this comment yesterday about Beefy and made the mistake of drinking while reading it and of course Pepsi came shooting out of my nose...and that shit burned for almost an hour afterwards! You have been warned!

    "SusanWo4p Today 08:13 PM in reply to c4pfan
    I think Bristol should go into politics. Get a law degree (or something) For everything she's been through she'd be tough enough to take it on."

    Hehehehehe...hahahahahahahaha...told ya' the nuts over there are plentiful! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Hold onto your Pepsi:

      do they even comprehend that to become a lawyer means finishing high school, being accepted at a four-year college, which you must complete (hopefuly with distinction), the be accepted at a law school (and not the mail-in-Christian certificate kind that Michele Bachmann specialized in), work HARD for three years, get summer associate jobs or clerkships with judges -- oh, and pass the bar -- your state's and others' if you want to practice there -- and then maybe be able to hang out your shingle?
      Somehow, either either the Palin attorneys skipped some of these steps, so it looks easy enough for Bristol to do, or they're proud graduates of the Oral Roberts "law school"....

    2. Beldar J Conehead1:55 PM

      "and then maybe be able to hang out your shingle?"

      Well said. Statistically speaking, she has a vastly better chance of contracting shingles than ever having one to hang out.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:02 PM

      Can't be, must have meant "Jaw Degree" but mis spelled it.

  27. hedgewytch11:32 AM

    I would be interested to see how a similar sized and intent political PAC compares their expenditure line items to Palin's.

    I'd like to see exactly what they are mailing out and their mailing lists too. Bet that's what the FEC's auditor's will be asking.

  28. LisaB259511:37 AM

    So. . . she's buying thousands of dollars of mailing lists and mailing. . . what?

    Seriously, has anyone seen any of this so-called mail?

    1. vegaslib1:43 PM

      I'd like to know if anyone has received one piece of mail from her PAC. Spending that kind of money on postage, there should be plenty of people with whatever it is she is "mailing".

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Doesn't have to be direct "paper" mail, some of the fees could be for generating email for SarahPac Donations. I'm not on her actual mailing list for "snail mail" as I'm not home to collect mail very often, but I am on her email list and I got three money grabs last quarter.

    3. vegaslib2:57 PM

      Postage implies there is a tangible item being mailed.

  29. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Fox is shameless.

    Palin is shameless.

    What a rotten family.

  30. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Gryphen - The thing that amazes me is we are within a month of the election and Sarah hasn't been out to campaign for anyone -- or am I missing something? This, to me, is the surest sign of her diminished star power - when Republicans who are running neck and neck in races around the country - from gov positions, to House, to Senate - apparently want nothing to do with Sarah brining in her "power" to their races. I'm curious what your take is on this...

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      She's been told to stay away from the RNC by some higher ups so she won't taint the party with stupid. I'm sure someone with a big purse is pulling her strings. Sarah, the obedient puppet pouts at first and mouths off on facebook until she's given a firmer command to sit and stay, or else -no kibbles, no treats but a wet newspaper to the snout.

      That's why you don't hear about her aggressively campaigning. Someone's got her name and number. You know she's just fuming at being muzzled for not being allowed fo go rovue.

  31. Anonymous11:45 AM

    is she inner-vueing from a horror chamber? looks dang creepy, the house too!

    1. Anonymous1:07 PM

      To go along with her new look, Palin is broadcasting in front of her new Geisha house backdrop.....

    2. Anita Winecooler7:15 PM

      Las Vegas S and M Bordello, maybe we should call her "MADame Granny Palin"?

  32. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I thought only the Palin family "lived vibrantly"? Maybe she thinks those devices Bristles has are "vibrantly" aides?? What a sick, sick person. I thought it was an Asian impersonator at first, until I heard the screechy voice. Let the investigations begin. Too bad Darryl Issa is so engrossed in investigating the Obama administration, Palins pac is so full of holes.

  33. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I doubt she'll run for POTUS but I think she's waiting for some Hollywood director to 'discover' her and make her over to a movie star...LOL!

    Maybe she'll do a Jane Fonda and come out with an exercise video.

    Really, she's always been a big joke but she's getting boring. People are just plain sick and tired of her and her family.

  34. Next up, Sarah Palin will be writing a book to help you look like you had a shit load of plastic surgery, when in fact it's all due to good eatin' and, um, facial exercises and, um, whatnot.

  35. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Holy CATS! What the heck has she morphed into? There is nothing pretty left of her.

  36. Anonymous12:15 PM

    The Pac supposedly spent approximately 513K to collect 843K?

    The Palins still made a big income this year from their other ventures. We shall see what the Hot Grizzly does next with her new look.

    It is amazing it was so lucrative to be a knocked up teen with so little talent.

  37. Shughes285312:17 PM

    my god her face is creepy! Waxy look with odd lips and way too much botox. There's something very troubling with the condition of her face.

    She's more out of control now than she ever was. Between her and Boo-Boo Brisdull, they're spending a fortune on cosmetic surgery that is clearly not working out well for them. Pathetic.

  38. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Gryph, you never fail to crack me up. Attention Whore of Babble-on!

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      I too am cracking up! This should go viral!

  39. So another quarter has passed, and another HALF MILLION DOLLARS was sent on "postage" and "direct mail". . .by someone who did not actually send out any mailings- direct or otherwise- on behalf of any candidates.

    If this were a male politician, he would have been investigated to the ends of the earth, the very FIRST time he tried that ".005 % on political support, the rest on vaguely worded postage and mail" bullcrap.

    It's just like she does with the obvious switching of the child who "plays" Trig- she knows it's outrageous but so what- she's gotten away with it before, right? Same with these PAC filings. She knows everyone is aware she didn't send out any direct mailings for any candidate or event. But she's gotten away with it before, so what's stopping her now?

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      But she sent 3 email "money grabs" for SarahPac. She's like the snake eating it's own tail, she spends the money to get the money then she spends the money getting more money. She certainly is spending a bunch with her email list generator, I bet that person hope that she keeps on a rollin'!

    2. jcinco2:52 PM

      emails don't require "postage". she needs to be investigated. her stupid ass pac is as illegal as a pyramid scheme...she's bilking gullible folks out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    3. Wouldn't someone in Wasilla be aware of large mailings coming from that tiny post office? With that kind of money spent, there would be a noticeable uptick in postage sales at that P.O. Old trick: declare postage as an expense. It is seldom challenged by auditors. (Saw it being done once a long time ago to cover expenses not sanctioned by an organization.)

  40. Blue Girl Liz12:41 PM

    Secretary of state? Seriously?

    In 2008, the McCain people had to scramble after her interview with Katie Couric and do something quick to prove she had foreign policy experience.

    What did they do? They arranged a photo-op with her and Henry Kissinger.


    1. Beldar J Conehead4:24 PM

      Good point, Blue. Now sing it in a song parody, please.

  41. Anonymous12:56 PM


  42. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Sarah is getting nervous about people catching onto her adderall habit so she's trying to cool it and decided to smoke some weed for this interview instead of her usual dose. She didn't think she needed visine but now fox probably wants to drug test her! Unless fox is not a drug-free workplace? That would explain hannity.

  43. Anonymous12:57 PM


  44. Anonymous12:59 PM

    There's the favorite TROLL words describing babies:
    "ROWDY" and "HEALTHY"
    PROOF our troll is SARAH. I knew it all along.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Healthy? She conveniently stole that word from Michelle Obama.

  45. Anonymous1:03 PM

    LOL! Since we caught on to the "postage" lie (it's for sarah's drug habits) she's now come up with a new excuse and called it "contact list rentals".
    WTF? Who "rents" a contact list? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Once you have a contact list, you have it, you can't rent it. Stupid Sarah.
    SarahPAC= Palin family slush fund for bribes and illegal narcotics and anyone who donates to it is supporting a lying grifter drug addicted fraud.

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Businesses "rent" contact lists all the time, it's pretty standard practice these days. It's a bit different wording that we used in the past as people would "buy" a contact list, but technically you weren't purchasing the list, merely using it once for a fee, ie, renting it, so the nomenclature has evolved to reflect that. Big money in renting lists, but the person renting the list needs to have good idea of what they want and who they want or it is money down the drain.

    2. Anonymous2:26 PM

      I made a donation to a Democratic candidate and next thing I knew I was getting mail and emails from two dozen different organizations. Selling/buying and renting contact lists is big business.

      Mailing list rental:

      email list rental:

      SarahPAC uses HSP Direct. They call their contact list rental service 'List Acquisition and Management".

  46. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Trivial point: She's looking more like that porn star who played her every day.

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      I think she is going for the Lisa Ann look. Might as well considering all the "porn" her family, especially Sarah, puts out.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:37 PM

      I just don't see it. Lisa Ann is a young Professional Porn Star. She's got the standard issue oversized surgically enhanced upper frontals, and her body is proportioned and curvy. She knows how to use makeup properly and dress to impress, and she actually "works" for a living.

      Sarah's just faking it till she makes it.

  47. Anonymous1:23 PM

    She obviously still has a few people willing to subsidize her lifestyle. Statistically only .4% of Americans donate $200 or higher to political activities. Given this, very little of SarahPac's $843,500 total came from that level donor, $3374 or let's say $3400 from only 17 people based on the math.

    That leaves $840,100 to split amongst the <$200 donors. That means she has anywhere from 840,100 supporters sending her a dollar or 4220 supporters sending her $199. So basically there are between 840,100 and 4220 people still providing this unemployed hockey mom with a paycheck.

    Given her demographic and the fact that most of her money grab letters begin with a recommended $25 donation amount, we could use $25 to divide the total by and arrive at 33,604 poor dumb souls that sent SarahPac $25 each this quarter. That seems about right, thats roughly .015% of the adult American population that financially supports this woman. Point Oh One Five Percent of Adult Amercans are sending Silly Sarah $25 bucks per quarter. While that's not enough support to get her elected POTUS it sure is enough to keep her in air travel and second homes.

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      I like this...I think. But even 4220 is a helluva a lot of morons.

  48. Secretary of State? Jeebus-tapdancing-Christ that's insane, even for faux. Even Wa$hilla DeVile must know that's preposterous. And her PAC? I can explain the "postage:"


  49. Anonymous1:38 PM

    SECRETARY of what STATE? Hee HAW?

    In a horror movie by some idiot director of the caliber of the film Desert Warrior.

  50. Beldar J Conehead1:51 PM

    Wow. She looks awful pretty in that screen cap!

    Gryphen - if that's really your name, which it doesnt take a geenyus to study it out and realize it isnt - can you confirm or refudiate this crazy rumor flying around today that The Screechy Wretch(tm) has been offered up to THREE simultaneous cabinet positions in the Rmoney business administration?

    The smart money is claiming she is SERIOUSLY considering Interior, State and Defense because "she can kill animals and befoul natural resources at Interior, fly the whole fam damily around the world in Air Force Three for nothing at State and get great deals on military surplus weapons and ammo for Todd at Defense".

    This would be unprecedented in modern times, although President Alexander Hamilton allegedly filled the entire cabinet with members of his college field hockey team in the late 1700s.

    And President Octavio "Taffy" Taft in the late 1800s briefly appointed his miniature Russian mastiff pony, Estrella, as the Commander of The National Exchequer as a semi-humorous prank at the expense of his opponents in the short-lived Wiggly Party.

    But, no, she'd be terrible in any government position outside of a very small remote rural post office and even then, probably not so good...

    ps, I hit Publish before realizing I'd made a mistake in the first line. It should read "Wow. She looks awful in that screen cap." Thanks.

  51. What's with the Suspiria decor?Lol she really IS an evil pointy nosed scrawny WITCH.

  52. Anonymous2:14 PM

    jesuseffinchrist..what a effin dingbat

  53. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Gryphen, you'll probably like this:

    1. Anita Winecooler7:43 PM

      Love It!

  54. Anonymous2:27 PM

    A longtime aide to George W. Romney issued a harshly worded critique of Mitt Romney, accusing him of shifting political positions in “erratic and startling ways” and failing to live up to the distinguished record of his father, the former governor of Michigan.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:50 PM

      That's truly worth a post of it's own.

      Someone on MSNBC or the Obama Campaign needs to interview this guy!

      Thanks for the link, I'll be passing it along.

  55. Anonymous2:36 PM

    This is a very interesting article that puts a new view on the debate...but right in line with how Obama plays chess and the others play checkers:

    ...Obama in debate #1 set up for the whole series. Not just visibly looking down, he was visibly listening, he was visibly taking copious notes. He set a baseline that reprised 4 years of being respectful, conciliatory, a really good listener, and even one who will repeatedly "turn the other cheek". Plus, he gave Rmoney all the rope he could pull (and R pulled it all the way to Sesame Street and beyond). Obama non-verbally put Rmoney on notice: even tho you've flipflopped tons of times before now, from here on out this is all on the record.

    Obama stress tested his entire team and infrastructure -- and a week later, not only is he winning a healthy balance of swing states, and winning the electoral college majority..... But the narrative is that Obama is somehow behind, which is exactly the dynamic he leveraged in 2008 -- underdog, coming from behind McCain into the final stretch, building into a tsunami that peaked right at election day.

    @LaughinJoeBiden totally #pwnd @LyinPaulRyan, relentlessly calling him out on his #malarkey --- giving the twitterverse what it wanted, giving the base what we wanted, smacking down the smarmy vampire faux-wonk 6 ways to sunday. But he did far more than that -- because last night team Obama-Biden deprived team Romney-Ryan of their last and final chance to upset the underlying dynamics.

    Look, Citizens United isn't panning out as the plutocrats planned. Voter ID and other suppression tactics are being competently uncovered and nipped and outflanked. Mitt's World Tour gave him less than zero joy. Announcing Ryan barely got him his base back. The promised 11-point GOP convention bounce was completely Eastwooddied. He failed miserably at aikidoing his missing tax returns or his 47% hubris or any of his other negatives into positives. He even smirked his way out of getting the benefit he was so excited about from the deaths in Libya, which was his last chance to harness some exogenous game changer. And then came the debates -- the final remaining opportunities for any endogenous game change.

    Halfway thru the series of 4, here's were we stand. Obama forced Rmoney to peak at debate #1, and its all downhill for R from there. Obama is ahead by almost every measure, yet he has reclaimed the mantle of underdog... and Americans just love to ride an ascending underdog. Meanwhile, Obama sandbagged and rope-a-doped to the point where 3rd parties jumped in to fill-in the fact-checking and the callout of Romney flip-flops and bald face lies that Obama "failed" to beat back "during" the debate (but you and I and Barack know that it's really all one big debate that ends on Nov 6th). Obama didn't yield a single soundbite or a single second of video from which an attack ad could have been made, yet harvested plenty off of sugar-high-daddy Mitt, including the Martyrdom of BigBird. Obama was so polite and boring and deferential that he provoked a nationwide outcry for exactly the kind of Scranton streetfight that Joe Biden dealt out and rained down upon poor little Lyin Ryan last night.

    And, most importantly, after last night there is nothing that is within Romney's power to dramatically or discontinuously or decisively improve his lot; even if Romney is brilliant in the next 2 debates that would just be more status quo. Same-ole same-ole, while hungry media wants something new and improved. R shot his wad at #1, the rest of R's shots were duds, and bottom line, R's ammo belt of potential game changers is spent.

    R has no headroom to improve off of debate #1, while O set the bar so low that even a mediocre debate #3 performance could be seen as a win. But Obama will not be mediocre in debate #3. He has full permission now to hit R hard,

    more...and it's great!

    1. Boscoe3:27 PM

      Well, I guess the beautiful thing about this theory is that we will see whether it's true or not in the coming debates. :)

      I personally hope it's true, but damn... if it IS, then our president is vastly more crafty and brilliant than I ever suspected...

      I've already voted for Mr. Obama, if for no other reason than I simply cannot bring myself to vote for anyone who believes that "corporations are people" and should have the same rights as citizens.

      The coming weeks will simply determine how good I feel about that vote.

  56. jcinco2:39 PM

    her face is so swollen it looks like she's having some sort of severe allergic reaction...

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Her face is swollen from getting it filled in as a response to comments from IM readers that her dramatic weight loss made her look gaunt and malnourished. See, if you pull the string hard enough, you can get her to move. We, I, own this bitch. She is a shared puppet, a drug addicted marionette. Haven't quite got the mouth parts wired correctly but it's just a matter of going rogue on this uncooperative bitch.

  57. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:42 PM

    Pretty soon she's gonna look like one of those plush suction cup toys that you stick to a car window, what with all the B-tox and collagen shots. If only--then she'd shut the fuck up!

    1. Anonymous2:54 PM

      I think she looks like one of those bobble-headed stick figures people put on their dash board.

  58. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I personally think Todd is laundering his pimp money through SarahPAC.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:57 PM


      I thought the same thing, plus possibly militia/aig money laundering, when I looked at the PAC set-up.

  59. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Another photo of her that is ugly. The face and shape of it appear so differently especially when compared to photos of her taken in 2008. Doesn't even look like the same woman!

  60. Anonymous3:06 PM

    What has happened to Scarah's face? It is swollen and waxy looking and the only think moving are her lips.She looks deformed. She doesn't need a scary mask for Halloween.She is scary looking.I've seen her thru many "mutations" but this is the Worst!!

  61. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Someone is all puffed up with injectables!

  62. lostinmn3:12 PM

    Run Sara Run - please throw your wig back in the political ring. I can hardly wait for you to be chopped up. People won't be nearly as kind to you as they were the first time. So RUN! I'm 100% behind you.

  63. Anonymous3:35 PM

    That's not Asian Palin - that visit to whatever spa with Willer - the owner was quoted as "Sarah got lashed," so those are just ultra heavy false eyelashes.

    And another lip botox and maybe lift around mouth? Cause words are coming out, but her lips aren't moving.

    Evidently, this is the look $carah's going for:

  64. Anonymous3:38 PM

    The only state she should be secretary of is a catatonic state.

  65. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Starting about 6:40 on the clip of Sarah's interview, she winks. She was asked how she'd like to run with Condi Rice, and Sarah does her demure kittinish look and winks.

    She can't say anything significant, so has to resort to the old tricks.

  66. Anonymous3:55 PM

    You know the Fox folks were having a laugh. Secretary of State? Condi Rice's running mate? Sit-ups? Even the interviewer had a bit of a smirk on her face.

  67. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Money well-spent, eh Baggers?

  68. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Sarah is ONLY taking Trig to DWTS because we have commented about it. And I'm betting Tawd will be holding him because he hates Sarah.

    When we say dance, Sarah dances!

  69. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Awful lot of "postage", with no evidence of any mailings. Eliot Spitzer bought tens of thousands of dollars worth of Postal Money Orders to pay for his prostitutes. Perhaps SarahPAC's "postage" is really for money orders. They're not traceable and you fill in the payee info yourself. Toad probably is very familiar with this form of payment.

  70. Anonymous4:50 PM

  71. Hi Everyone. Its been a while since I felt the NEED to post. I visit often. So much enjoy all of yous! Now... Im not religious, but God understands this, and knows that I am so tired of BasketHead bouncing into the middle of EVERYTHING! My goodness... go home and stay. You hate the media. you're on foxx talking as if you were ever smart enought to ever meet up to even wearing the combat boots of that hyped version of what was passed off as the rill you.

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Hi, Teal. She most likely thinks "Secretary Of State" means she has to write minutes and is headed to Walmart for the 64 Crayon pack so she's ready to "serve my country in any way I'm asked."

      NO ONE is asking.

  72. Anonymous6:01 PM

    3:15 of that video is that drugged up fetid skank lyin' her uneducated flat ass off...again..

  73. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Sarah has got her money on this asshole. He's poison to veterans. All her talk about supporting vets and she promotes this loser. If you can throw a few bucks to VoteVets, it would be a good thing.


    Rep. Jeff Flake. He is one of the most extreme conservatives ever to run for the Senate. The people in Arizona know it.

    What the people may not know is how Flake has already and plans to hurt veterans. That changes today. We’ve put another $315,000 behind this ad, in addition to the $550,000 we put behind it last month.

    Now, we need you to help us raise another $10,000, to get it even more exposure on the internet.

    Flake One of Three Members to Vote Against Providing On-Job and Vocational Training for Post 9/11 Veterans.

    Flake One Of Twelve Members To Vote Against New GI Bill, Increased Education Benefits For Veterans.

    Flake Voted for Budget That Cut Veterans Benefits. In 2003, Congressman Jeff Flake voted for a budget that called for cutting $15 billion from veterans' benefits, including veterans' pensions, compensation, education and other benefits, over 10 years.

  74. Anonymous7:59 PM

    For laughs, I think Fox News is fucking with the nitwit from Wasilla. They know damn well the nitwit is an international joke.

  75. Anonymous3:58 AM

    I've given up asking WTF's she's done to her"self" this time...her body's gotten really bizarre...but now WTF's she done to her "world"?! Where in the hell is she?

  76. Anonymous4:01 AM

    I've given up asking WTF's she's done to her"self" this time...her body's gotten really bizarre...but now WTF's she done to her "world"?! Where in the hell is she?

  77. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Asian Skank!

  78. Anonymous6:51 AM

    What a ridiculous family.

    Bristol can't dance, or won't even try. America's most well known single mom, raped? she claimed by the guy she stole from her bestest friend , lost her precious virginity, and later a well paid abstinence advocate while shagging more of the hockey team... Modesty personified while raking in every spare bit of change, because God wants it so.

    Sarah preens, and coasts on being Alaskas hottest Governor. God wants her in power. Which is why she depends on plastic surgeons and the wig makers.



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.