Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sarah Palin ghostwriter goes rogue. As "rogue" as one can go while hamstrung by a non-disclosure agreement that is.

Courtesy of Buzzfeed:

Add the ghostwriter of Sarah Palin's 2009 memoir, "Going Rogue" to the already swollen ranks of conservatives still shaking their heads over Palin's vice presidential nomination. 

"Whatever anyone's opinion of her faults and failings, to tap someone to be a Veep candidate a few days before the Convention was really not the best plan," Lynn Vincent, a veteran ghostwriter of Christian memoirs who is credited as a collaborator on Palin's book, told The New Yorker in this week's issue. 

Vincent has been credited as co-author on several bestselling memoirs, but has no formal acknowledgement in Palin's book, and sources told the magazine's Ariel Levy that Palin and her team had "reworked" Vincent's draft because Palin felt it was "too down-homey." 

Vincent, who is prevented by a non-disclosure agreement from discussing her collaboration with the former Alaska governor, is thanked on the second page of the book's acknowledgements for "her indispensible help in getting words on paper." 

This appears not to have gone down well with Vincent. 

"With Sarah Palin, it was, like, 'Thanks, Lynn Vincent, for taking out the trash,'" she said.

Wow! That's last remark is pretty telling. I wonder what kind of "trash" Vincent had to clean up?

By the way how many of us would LOVE to get Vincent alone and ply her with drinks until she starts spouting all of the unseemly truths that she undoubtedly learned while working with the Lunatic from Lake Lucille?

God I hate non-disclosure agreements. If not for them we would know hell of a lot more about the Palin family's dirty little secrets. Not only from the research for THIS book, but also the behind the scenes stories on the reality shows, and DWTS.

Still this should be enough to have a certain refrigerator in Wasilla shuddering in abject terror.


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    You can bet your bottom dollar, Gryphen, that the Palins make anyone who comes in contact with them sign non-disclosure agreements. The nannies, housekeepers, mechanics, blah, blah, blah.
    The Lunatic from Lake Lucille is paranoid like that. That's been obvious for a long time. \
    Thankfully, Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace didn't have to sign anything!

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      You act like there are 37 employees. You sound stupid. They have no eemployees. Sarah has a babysitters as ALL parents do when she's traveling and doesn't take Trig.

    2. Anonymous9:37 AM

      WTF...."37 employees"?? What does that even MEAN?? Where did you come up with that odd number? You are insane! Get some help!

      Baldy is DONE....TOAST...stop defending that crazy ass loon! She is the LAUGHING STOCK of the world...join in the'll do you some good! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Puh-lease, 9:37, Sarah demanded Van Flea draft a non-disclosure agreement for her wigs.

      He humored her.

    4. abbafan10:45 AM

      So $arah, you have multiple sitters for the kid, as in the REAL parents? You just outed yourself - fuckin'liar! Someone will start singing soon; then you and your lying morons are FUCKED!!!

    5. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Did you ever consider who she employs under SarahPAC. Chances are high all of her employees are paid through SarahPAC, including Lynn Vincent. How many employees SarahPAC now has is probably much lower than it has been in the past past since her donations have taken a dive. I read her FEC fillings with particular attention towards expenditures. Another SarahPAC filling should be available very soon, and we will know then how large SarahPAC is and approximately how many employees are still on the payroll.

    6. Pathetic try as usual, Kristy. Bristol has TWO FULLTIME NANNIES for Tripp- and Sarah herself has outed her own dumb ass by saying she has a "lovely girl help out with Trig" even when she is HOME. Of course that was two years ago and I doubt the poor tyke even lives with them any longer.

      The point is, Sarah has a housekeeper, nanny, and while governor she paid someone nearly six figures when they pretty much only functioned as her coffee and snack go-fer.

      And you know all too well, Kristy- the Palins have a fully retained, always on call LEGAL STAFF to do things like send cease and desist letters to obsessive, psychotic, sycophantic "fans" who steal personal family photos and "blog" about them.

    7. Anita Winecooler8:43 PM

      Poor Kristy, it must suck to be the slowest kid on the block.

    8. Anonymous12:20 AM

      I love it! Oh, she's in the very last death throes now...still flopping around on the deck gasping for dear breath, still looking around for help from anyone, anyone, she'll take any help just please, she's desperate! And everyone on deck has now reverted their eyes, they have no more pity for her, for she kicked them when they were down and she was up, and if things had another chance, she'd do it all the same again, just as cruel, just as cool about it. But oh how they wish she'd just shut up and die in peace, show just a little scrap of dignity. It's embarrassing for them, and they wish they'd never pulled her out the water in the first place.

    9. Anonymous12:20 AM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...brilliant! I can picture Baldy laying there with her fish lips gasping for breath! Where's Beefy with the club to put that halibut...uh...I mean Baldy out of her misery! LOL!!!

  2. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Ha! Just think what pressure such a good Christian ghostwriter must be feeling right about now, with Sarah Palin the new normative reference for mad, bad and stupid- as in "not even Sarah Palin would have bungled it as bas as Ryan with the car wreck story while debating a man who lost his wife and daughter in one"

    Now she's trying to get some daylight between her and former bff Sister Sarah.

    Must be the Sister Sarah's new "sluts on speed" look. Too funny!

  3. Anonymous7:10 AM

    She's said just enough to confirm that Sarah Palin is a liar and a fraud with a ton of skeletons in her closet.

    Everything WE already knew.

  4. Anonymous7:40 AM

    "getting words on paper" -- so Sarah droned on and on, with no focus or memory, and Vincent made it into the semblance of a book with what she'd been given.
    It's an insult to treat someone of her standing with that kind of dismissiviness -- as though Sarah were giving a big dinner party (I know, I know, it's never happened) and she thanks the woman who set the table and served the soup course.
    This isn't the way real politicians treat their amanuneses.(sp). Palin clearly isn't familiar with how these things are handled in the real world.

    I guess she figured she gave Vincent a check, and that was all she owed to her.

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Isn't Vincent the one Palin and family stayed with secretly in San Diego or something? It seems it was all a big deal at the time. Weren't they close for a minute?

    2. Anonymous9:40 AM

      It sounds like someone is looking to insert her name into the spotlight. Why can't these idiots who continue to stalk famous people get lives. The Palins are normal people who live normal lives. Why you all stalk, obsess, and make shit up about them is beyond me.

    3. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Anonymous stalker chides others for stalking. Hilarious!

    4. Anonymous9:40 AM you manage to write that without being struck by lightning is incredible!

      You're ARE crazy! LOL!!!

    5. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Anon 9:40, is you head in the sand or are you so unaware that the Palin's do not lead normal lives, as you stated. I know of few people who create reality shows for themselves, or try to insert themselves into the news as the Palin's do. Bristol, a high school drop out with very little experience besides getting knock up in high school, has very little reason to be on DWTS. Obviously, her mothers influence on someone who has considerable pull with the producers of this show got her on the show to begin with. How many single mom's who got knocked up in high school could go this long without a real job? This is a family that doesn't put a lot faith in education and it shows in each one. Also, how many families have children got in trouble with the law, or in Willow's case was able to avoid charges because of her mother.

    6. Anonymous11:56 AM

      They called Levi "Ricky Hollywood" now the entire family is trying to gain fame. Sarah Hollywood, Bristol Hollywood, Toad Hollywood and Willow hollywood. Chuckles and Chuckles Jr. are just starting out with their (failed) book tour Not one of them is smart enough to figure out that TALENT is needed to "make it" in Tinseltown.The Kardasians just got lucky.

    7. Anonymous12:11 PM

      I am not famous, according to 940,
      famous = normal. Not being famous I lose my normal status? Or 940 was on a major binge last night.

  5. Anonymous7:43 AM

    The lesson that we learned from the OJ Simpson trial was that if you have enough money, you can hire the best lawyers and get away with murder. (I should write that twice, considering that he got away with two murders).

    That being said, as long as Palin has millions, she can enforce those non-disclosure agreements, beating weaker people up in court as she did with the poor kid in Tennessee who hacked her private email that was being used to conduct government business.

    Somewhere in the law, there should be an argument that if you are forced by a non-disclosure agreement to cover up a crime, you would be an accomplice to that crime. No one wants to break the law, so maybe a good case could be made in court that a non-disclosure contract should not put the signer at risk of committing a crime. In addition, contracts signed under duress or if the person signing was a minor (Hello, Levi) or was not represented by counsel, maybe that could end up in court, too. Maybe all non-disclosure contracts are not as completely totally legally binding as some people think they are.

    The point of all of this is to say that as Palin's funds start to decline, she will not be in as strong a position to keep people quiet as she used to be. There are millions to be made telling the truth about her-- millions that would more than cover the costs of fighting her in court. It's just a suggestion, but that dame is not going to be on Fox forever. Bristol has absolutely no star power, and I can't image her having any more extra minutes on the fifteen-minute-clock. If Lynn Vincent is trying to distance herself from Sarah, RAM has been AOL and other have been thrown under the bus, one day, there is going to be a new best seller, and it ain't gonna be that folks piece of pulp that was "Made in Alaska."

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      If a person like Vincent is aware of criminal activity why would a disclosure agreement keep her from telling the feds the truth? I would think that Palin lied to her and kept anything unsavory from Vincent.

      I don't know how the Palin investments will hold up but I would like to see them unable to pay anyone off to keep them out of prison.

    2. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Investments? Bwah-ha-ha! I doubted they invested a DIME in anything more than plastic surgery and their ugly house -- which no one will ever want to buy, except to turn it into a museum to stupidity.

  6. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Important to get the REAL source of this profile. This is from The New Yorker - buzzfeed, whatever that is, just relays it along.

    Come on. Let's give credit where credit is due, and be attentive to real journalism.

    That said, I was shocked by Vincent's words about Palin. However, elsewhere in the profile, she talks about how truly "beautiful" Palin is and some other more complimentary things.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Yeah, because being beautiful is more important than being ethical or a good person.

    2. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Yes, you see I knew it was from the New Yorker because it says right in the clip from Buzzfeed that Gryphen printed above that the interview was in The New Yorker. Credit has been given. It's not the primary source, but this isn't school and anyone who wants can trace the links back to the original article.

    3. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Oh please, this bitch was never "beautiful" ok? Just let it go...she was an average-looking middle-aged female who has aged 20 years in the past 4 because her constant negativity is eating her alive...rage junkies never age well. She now has a face like a leather boot and runs around in public with her bones poking out of her flaccid skin, dirty, ugly clothes and shoes and greasy filthy hair, not caring one bit about her appearance because her idiot daughters and mouth-breathing fans will tell everyone how "hot" she is whether it's true or not. She is dying by inches and there's nothing sexy about it. Stop enabling this sick person because you aren't helping her.

    4. Anonymous11:08 AM

      In the words of the late great Don Cornelius(Soul Train host)...I say to your whole comment...

      Right on!

    5. Anonymous12:00 PM

      The wonky eye and total lack of intelligence detract from any good looks she once had.

  7. fromthediagonal7:53 AM

    @anon 7:40: amanuensis (singular)
    amanuenses (plural)
    You reversed a couple of letters, but you correctly used the plural for her ghostwriters, whether they be acknowledged or not.

  8. Anonymous8:06 AM

    It is 100% hilarious now, but Going Rogue was supposed to be Sarah's big writing debut, and it was designed to give her credibility in the political arena and endear her to the public like the works of President Obama and dozens of other politicians. She had to downplay her ghostwriter's contribution (likely all of the actual writing) to trick people into believing she could form a proper sentence and had the attention span/work ethic to complete such a project. Sorry ya got screwed there, Lynn, but when your grifter boss wants her bio to be called "Going Rogue," odds are you will eventually find yourself under the Palin Crunchwrapped Bus Supreme.

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      NO public figure writes their own books.

    2. Anonymous10:06 AM

      BullSHIT, anonymous. No public figure with the mental and literacy capabilities of Sarah Palin write their own books. All writers who publish through traditional means have editors. Many public figures have coauthors whether or not they admit it. Sarah Palin wrote down some barely legible stories and talked to Lynn Vincent. Then Vincent wrote the book. Sounds like the same model as Snookie's.

    3. Anonymous10:19 AM


      You are a colossal, uneducated dumbass who has never heard of the word ¨autobiography.¨

      You may start with The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant.

    4. Anonymous12:08 PM

      As just one example, look at the tremendous literary output of Theodore Roosevelt - while he was Police Commissioner, Vice President, Presidnt for four years, and then for the next eleven until he died. Sarah hasn't written as many postcards as this man wrote volumes. All by himself.

  9. Anonymous8:09 AM


    Sarah Palin AND HER PEOPLE rewrote the book. That does nothing to make anyone believe Sarah Palin wrote anything.

    Thanks, "Source."

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Sarah Palin writes at a 6th grade level.

    2. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Baldy Palin is STILL in 6th grade.

    3. Anonymous11:03 AM

      I have a 4th grader who writes and speaks better than Sarah Palin.

  10. Urggggg!!!! I hate those stupid NDAs!

    Lynn and ANYONE ELSE who signed a Palin related NDA (I'm looking at you, DWTS 2010 staff) please loose those damn ties and SING! like a bird.

    The very LAST thing Palin will do is take you to court. She'd have to acknowledge what you said was true, first of all- and we all know that ain't hap'nin.

    Yes, so she might have one of her legal minions issue a "we are so very disappointed. . ." statement but so what!

    To all the people who have signed such documents- there is a reason people say "the truth will set you free." This vacuous, vicious woman has kept a toe hold on her notoriety long enough. People say she will never be in office again but as long as she still has gigs on TV and millions reading her face book rants, she still wields power. Her asinine "death panel" lie is STILL doing damage to this day.

    I implore any of you, all of you, keepers of Palin's secrets- open the floodgates and let the last of her influence drown in the public knowledge of her very own no longer secret words, deeds, and actions.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      None of that drama affects other people though. Other people,esp who dont even see or know SArah, aren't affected by her. I don't understand "the truth will set you free."

      People are SOOOOO nosy is sad. Get lives and stop creating alternate realities.

    2. Anonymous9:45 AM

      *GinaM reaching for a glass of water like Paul Ryan at the VP debate*

      GULP! Uh Krusty....I don't think YOU of all people should be posting comments to Nyah!

      Don't you remember what happened last time? Your mama is still screaming at you about that last phone call she got from the Palin family attorney! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Anon 9:45 Reality like Life's A Shailey Tripp or Dwts? Talentless Palins are laughed at throughout the world. What other WasillaBilly Family would publicize their UNWED Teen Daughters and their LACK of EDUCATION for all to see? What Christian wife would remain married to an UNEDUCATED Pimp Daddy ? Only Drug Addicted Anorexic Harpies.

    4. HA!!!!!!!! Kristy, KRISTY freaking Patullo is calling OTHER PEOPLE...nosy!

      Who was it that said "The Gods of mirth will be the Gods at day's end"?

      Run along now, Krust-acean and frame your latest cease and desist letter.

  11. Anonymous8:37 AM

    No one is their right mind would sign a contract with a Palin. How many people does she betray? Seems like all of them. Even Bristol's projects leave people under the bus. Kyle Massey, and supposedly Mark Ballas, who supposedly wrote on his (facebook?) explaining that the reason he had to cancel dance rehearsal with Bristol was because his mother had an emergency that he needed to attend to. He had already asked his bosses for permission to reschedule for that evening. So, what was Bristol whining about? She can't even accept that others have family crises and one small rehearsal rescheduling throws her into a diva tantrum? Mark was probably the fall guy who had to have Bristol as a dancing partner. He worked hard to achieve his professional dance record, and now he's got to play babysitter for a Palin, complete with non-disclosure contract.

    The Palins are all about themselves, all of the time. Anyone who is foolish enough to have anything to do with them will get thrown under that crowded bus.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Bristol has no beef with Kyle or Mark and is friends with her show staff and dwts crew.. You need to stop lying .

    2. Anonymous9:45 AM said "beef"! LOL!

      NO..."you need to stop lying"...Mark is being PAID to drag that unattractive...non dancing cow around the dance floor and Kyle wishes he had never seen the "two faces of Beefy"...since he is now touched by the Palin curse! FACT! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous10:24 AM

      9:45, explain the Massey lawsuit....

    4. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Anon 9:45, since you accusing 8:37 of lying, why don't tell us where they lied and back up your accusation. Otherwise, you just sound like another Palinbot who knows absolutely what the truth is, but pretend in your own fantasy world that you do.

    5. Anonymous12:07 PM

      Anderson Cooper thought it was hilarious that Bristles was crying but has had so much botox, her face does not move!!!

  12. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Lynn Vincent is a case herself. She and Robert Stacy McCain wrote the book,
    Donkey Cons: Sex, Crime, and Corruption in the Democratic Party

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Grand Wizard Robert Stacy McCain is a colon polyp of a man.

    2. Anonymous11:05 AM

      True. Who else would agree to write Sarah Palin's book? The funny thing is Vincent is surprised she was treated like shit.

    3. Anonymous12:18 PM

      The funny thing is Vincent is surprised she was treated like shit.

      That proves one thing, Vincent fooled others b/c she is clearly an idiot like Sarah. Like a den of thieves they are best buds until they wake up and learn how stupid they were to trust a loser like they are.

      Birds of a feather they are. O how shocking!

  13. Anonymous8:45 AM

    "With Sarah Palin, it was, like, 'Thanks, Lynn Vincent, for taking out the trash,'" she said.

    I think that Vincent is not referring to editing the book for "bad stuff" (which Sarah would never give her in the first place)....but that Sarah gave her such a weak thank you, it was as if she'd just accomplished a very menial chore...instead of writing a whole damn book!

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      I think both apply. We already know that some of the stuff Sarah is the most proud of is actually pretty bad (ex her father lying to get her out of a band performance).

    2. Anonymous10:10 AM

      I agree. That was my take on the comment as well.

      R in NC

    3. Anonymous10:13 AM

      I took it that way, too--treating her like the lowly, hired help.

    4. Anonymous11:30 AM

      How the hell else would you take it?

    5. Anonymous12:26 PM

      "How the hell else would you take it?"

      Well, it could also be taken that Vincent took the trashy parts out (as in crappy writing).

      It is unclear from this small piece of the article just what was meant. Must read this week's New Yorker.......

  14. comeonpeople8:50 AM

    Ms Vincent should do like Nicole Wallace did and write a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people dead or alive being totally coincidental.

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      But Nicholle's book has nothing to do with Sarah. She doesn't know her as a person outside a stressful campaign. And for what we SAW DURING the campaign, things between N's family and herself and Sarah looked peachy.

    2. comeonpeople10:08 AM

      Do you really believe Nicolle's book had nothing? nothing? to do with Sarah Palin?
      I believe she said in an interview that it did in some respects Charlie.

    3. Anonymous10:09 AM


      "But Nicholle's book has nothing to do with Sarah. She doesn't know her as a person outside a stressful campaign."

      Except she explicitly said "Look, I was inspired by her [Palin] to write a book about someone who’s cuckoo-for-Cocoa-Puffs."

      And if you are going to pretend to know what's in Wallace's mind it would help if you spelled her name correctly.

    4. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Nicole knows her a helluva lot better than you.

    5. Anonymous9:47 AM

      "we SAW"?? Oh heavens! Is that YOU Baldy? old crazy bald headed bat...if you're going to post comments on here defending your craziness from the 08 least tell us where you got Trig and when was Tripp really born...all this other stuff about "N's family" is not what we're interested get to posting ya' hillbilly! LOL!!!

      PS...shouldn't your flat ass be in church? bad...I forgot the wife of Satan wouldn't be caught dead in the Lord's House! Nevermind! LOL!!!

    6. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Yeah, that might be Sarah herself instead of Kristy. The grammar is horrendous (Kristy's is usually just bizarre).

    7. Anonymous12:47 PM

      "But Nicholle's book has nothing to do with Sarah. She doesn't know her as a person outside a stressful campaign."

      It is when people are under stress that their true character is most clearly revealed. The '08 campaign staff who worked with Palin for weeks saw the real thing. And then, thank heavens, Wallace and Schmidt had the courage to tell the world what they saw.

    8. Nope, y'all. It's kristy. "stressful campaign" is one if her pavlovian buzz terms.

  15. Anonymous9:02 AM

    That's how I took it to mean, too.

  16. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Arlen Specter Dies

    1. Betsy S10:13 AM

      "even now, millions of American women remain furious with him for his aggressive questioning of the law professor Anita Hill" and I am one of them.

    2. comeonpeople11:31 AM

      Also, he was on the Warren commission and is responsible for the single magic bullet theory.

      But, he suffered alot, brain tumor, hodgkins lymphoma, non hodgkins lymphoma. That is sad.

    3. Anonymous1:49 PM

      I didn't agree with the way he handled Anita Hill, but he knew the impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton were bullshit, and he voted in favor of the Investment and Recovery Act.

    4. Anonymous2:03 PM

      That is sad or karmic.

  17. Anonymous9:27 AM

    The chance of the Palins ever suing anyone over breach of a nondisclosure agreement is approximately zero. The suit would be an admission that whatever secret info was leaked was true. The Palins would just go into denial mode and screech 'liar'.

  18. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Just like they 'reworked' the Massey brothers' reality show with Bristol to be solely Bristol's show! They use and exploit people and never want to pay the bill or give credit to anyone else.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      That had nothing to do with Bristol and everything to do with the producer named. Know your facts. Kyle's spoken about it.

    2. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Facts...smacts! You wouldn't know what a fact was if it came to you dressed as Beefy dragging 3 babies behind her while dancing the cha crazy fucking stalker! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Kyle has said very little about it, and none of his minimal explanations have been very convincing.

    4. Anonymous12:13 PM

      A person with any integrity would have insisted that the Massey's be included in any "show" THAT (integrity) excludes any Palin.The Massey family had already shot many scenes. They should thank their lucky stars they were not included in that load of tripe of a "show" It sank like a stone.

  19. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I think by taking out the trash means that Sarah credited Lynn with the bare necessities and nothing more. It sounds like the final product of GR wasn't Lynns book.

    And remember, the family is still friends with all the production team from dwts and the shows. It's hard not to like this family WHEN one meets them.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      You realize, of course, that sociopaths excel in charm and are among the most likable of people. Likability isn't a measure of character.

    2. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Prove it.

    3. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Ummm...can I ask you a question stalker? Have YOU met "this family"...what's that...oh...that's a big fat....NO!!

      Obviously you're speaking out of your bedpan...again! Carry on Krazy! LOL!!!

    4. Anonymous10:41 AM

      And you know this how? Are you a member of the family?

    5. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Wherever the Palins go people laugh behind their backs. This is just a hard, cold fact.

    6. Anonymous12:07 PM

      "And remember, the family is still friends with all the production team from dwts and the shows. It's hard not to like this family WHEN one meets them."

      And remember, in Hollywood, EVERYONE is polite to your face.

    7. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Strange, there are many, many people who know them yet LOATHE them.

  20. Anonymous9:52 AM

    It sounds like Lynn made GR too folksy and country. The printed words are pretty straight forward and accurate for what it was. No one who writes a memoir writes every little thing. Those books would be 1 million pages. Sarah, like all politicos who have people who liek to lie about them, wrote her truth. Aside from "Our sarah", there hasn't been another book that anywhere near unbiased and accurate.

    I think her critics don't want to believe someone CAN have a picturesque childhood, grow up in a lovely, adored family, go on daily adventures, and go on to become someone.

    Journalists know that doesn't sell books and generate page clicks. Why do you think most journalists twist words and make up articles from start to finish, or they just take a simple story and embellish it beyond recogniition.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      All I can think of is Levi's "memoir," which is basically a huge rewrite of his entire dating life and the last 3 years. It's like, dude, you can't call someone else out when you've written a purely fictional tale yourself just for public consumption. At least Bristol was relatively (operative word) honest about your relationship and its ups and down, breakups and stronger moments, and how her family never respected your punkass.

      But, at the end of the day, it is no one's business in terms of another person's past and it is no one's place to judge. I recently met a young woman who is friends with the Palin kids' old babysitter. This young woman has met Sarah multtiple times said Sarah's not that bad at all. People just need to think about WHO is the talker of stories. Too many critics have an agenda and that agenda centers around smallmindedness and monetary greed.

    2. Anonymous9:52 AM

      SHUT UP KRUSTY! Just shut up! Even Baldy would have to disagree with you about her "picturesque childhood"...something happened to Baldy as a child and "picturesque" didn't have shit to do with us all a favor and stop the know that Baldy is one twisted...fucked up in the head...drug addict who should be in a mental institution for the rest of her need to join her! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous10:06 AM
      Levi?? Who the fuck is talking about Levi?'s the crazy stalker Krusty...I should have known!

      Look....stop reading Levi's memoirs and staring at his pictures...nobody is fooled by your lust for him...I can see your drool from my front porch! LOL!!

      And if you "recently met a young woman who is friends with the Palin kids' old babysitter"....was she the one who delivered your "Meals on Wheels" or the pizza delivery gal? LOL!!!

    4. comeonpeople11:34 AM

      I recently met a young woman who is friends with the Palin kids' old babysitter. This young woman has met Sarah multtiple times said Sarah's not that bad at all.

      I'm sure she is really nice to the babysitters because they are doing what she hates to do the most: Be A Mom!!

    5. Anonymous1:04 PM

      ""go on daily adventure""

      I had no idea Scarah plays World of Warcraft!

    6. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Isn't this from Levi's memoir? He was so close to Sarah and the baby.

    7. Anonymous5:36 PM

      HERE YA GO

      Levi Johnston's book confirms that he and Bristol were trying to get pregnant, but there is still something missing.
      Previously unknown pictures of Levi Johnston holding Trig Palin at the Mat-Su Regional Hospital. Update!

    8. That's Levi holding TRIPP.

      Who has that palinproject flicker link? I have it in my old iPad but not this one. But it shows pretty solid proof to me- those photos of Levi provided by Sadie, supposed unseen photos of he and TRIG. . .are most definitely NOT Trig and they certainly weren't taken in May 2008. Levi looks so young I would say more like may 2007- which would make Tripp FIVE. And funnily enough- that's how old everyone says he looks.

  21. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I love how anonymous people here feel justified in commenting about people and fabricate relationships between the Palins and others, INSISTING there's beef or drama when in reality, people just love em.

    1. comeonpeople10:05 AM

      No they don't.
      OK, maybe a few do, but the few that do are not liked either.

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM
      There is NO HELP for you. Aren't you talking about YOURSELF...when you write shit like this?

      The Palin family of grifters are the most hated on this planet...obviously you are living on your OWN planet and it's not planet earth! Get some help loon! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Not to be repetitive, but you know this how? Are you a member of the family?

    4. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Please name and specify the people who "love 'em."
      I can say the moon is blue, but, without facts, it's just my opinion.
      After more than four years, very, very few of these wonderful friends have testified to thegoodness that's the Palins. Until you provide sources, you're just blowing smoke.

    5. WakeUpAmerica12:14 PM

      "I love how anonymous people...
      Well, let's see. That would include you, right? Can you spell "hypocrite," Dope-On-A-Rope? Projection much?

  22. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I ambivalent about people like Vincent, Wallace, Schmidt. There is something unseemly about making money inflicting Palin on the world then turning around and trashing her. I'm willing to believe Schmidt and Wallace had a crisis of conscience but this Vincent just seems like HER diva feeling got hurt.

    This is not to say I don't relish her comment about taking out the trash. You know Todd's on the phone this morning ordering a new refrigerator.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      I completely agree.

    2. Anonymous10:15 AM

      It's called exaggeration and profiting off famous people. It will be done for centuries into the future and Palin isn't the first victim. Think about it. Being a part of a campaign is stressful and brings out things in everyone. Meghan Mccain vividly talks about how people evolve and how often people engage in activities like "crazy sex." I think THE story in a Presidential campaign would be to turn a camera on the WORKERS and AIDES. who are ACTUALLY engaging in interesting behavior. Sarah and the politicians are just the faces being told where to stand and how to talk. The story is among the aides and workers.

      And by taking out the trash, I think that means Sarah credited her with the bare minimum, like, give me a base novel and let me complete it. She even says Sarah didnt like her "author spin," that it sounded fake. Well, GR wasn't fake sounding.

    3. Anonymous10:58 AM


      People were calling Palin a whackjob diva long before she schemed and lied her way onto the ticket.

      and make no mistake

      trash = white trash

    4. Anonymous11:09 AM

      "Give me a base novel. Yes, that's exactly what that mess of a book was. It certainly wasn't the truth.

    5. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Oh Lord...I think Baldy is in our mist y'all! This sounds like the thoughts of a mentally ill bald headed drug addict!

      "engage in activities like "crazy sex"....WTF!! What's wrong didn't like it when they told you "where to stand and how to talk"?

      Look you hillbilly...the McCain campaign did your sorry ass a favor...and spent 100's of thousands of dollars doing it and your ungrateful fucking ass is STILL complaining 4 years later!

      The nerve! You are making millions of dollars shoving your ugly mannish face on FAKE News...talking shit about things you don't know about...STFU HO and cash them checks! LOL!!!

    6. Anonymous11:24 AM

      "Palin isn't the first victim."

      Fuck, she sure acts like it. First and last and only.

    7. Anonymous11:24 AM

      I do believe you forgot your anti-convoluted meds today.

    8. Anonymous11:27 AM


    9. Anonymous12:32 PM

      @ 10:15 AM - it's so cute how you keep trying to pretend that Palin's meltdowns and insane behavior are normal on a campaign. Yes, campaigns are stressful, ask someone like President Obama and Michelle and I'm sure they would agree with that, but if you can't handle the pressure of TWO MONTHS of being the running mate on a campaign, then you are most assuredly NOT qualified for the office, and you most definitely aren't qualified to ever be at the top of the ticket. Your girl was not and never will be strong enough or smart enough to be even a state-level politician EVER again. The fact that she became governor of any state was a complete fluke in the first place. But you ARE correct that she has made her money by exaggerating her own abilities and has profited off of famous people who actually have brains and talent and the drive and determination to accomplish their goals. I hope she will one day be a big enough person to thank the Obama and McCain families, but especially the Obamas, since without them she wouldn't have a pot to piss in and neither would her stupid slut daughters. It's so great that you can finally admit it, even if she can't bring herself to do so :)

    10. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Yeah plus doesn't vincent have a connection to white supremacists?

  23. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Keep in mind the people (ie blog hate trolls) who continuously make up trash about them. IM commenters come to mind. It's like your fulltime job to make sure liars are ignored and your anti-palin rhetoric is proffered as THE end all be all, despite none of you anon people knowing the subjects you attack mercilessly and ignorantly. Then there's me who can name names of actual production assts and producers who love them.

    Haters are sad minions of the devil who will never know truth because the hate they feel overwhelms their whole being.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      SP is the Mother of Lies.

    2. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Facts don't lie. Producers and production assts love the Palins because they are keeping the ratings up on DWTS. And the reason why they are keeping the ratings up is because people want to see them. If they weren't popular then they would be gone because obviously Bristol's dancing is doing nothing for her. So too bad, that's the plain truth. Or are any bloggers willing to say that it's Bristol's dancing that keeps her in? LOL Facts just don't lie gina.

    3. Anonymous10:43 AM


    4. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Haters Dislike Pimps and Grifters, but you 10:01AM cannot address the Pimping. The TRUTH hurts too much. Todd Palin is a SEXUAL PREDATOR and you know it. Don't spill the contents of the used washcloths, you might contaminate someone. Go find a peephole in Wasilla.

    5. Anonymous10:01 AM

      "Haters are sad minions of the devil who will never know truth because the hate they feel overwhelms their whole being."

      So is this your sermon for today? Or is that what Satan whispers in your ear? LOL!!

    6. Anonymous10:34 AM

      You mad? LOL!! Fuck you and whatever "production assts" that you've been stalking you loon!

      The facts are...Baldy...doing what Baldy does best (thanks CreepySr) got on her knees with the "production assts" and got Beefy's ugly chin and face on DWTS...those ARE the facts! LOL!!!

    7. Anonymous11:28 AM

      You can't name production who actually likes the palins.


    8. Anonymous11:33 AM

      It looks like the Sea4Pee crowd has come to IM to protect their "gift from God" since a large number of commenters at Sea4Pee have jump ship. There is no where near the number of commenters there were before the Republican Convention. And Anon 9:56, Wallace and Schmidt were the only ones that sounded honest in what they said and in Palin's case, she lost all creditability due to her strong reputation of telling lies. I believe the book and movie "Game Change" was in all likelihood a very accurate journal on what happened on the campaign trail with Palin.

    9. comeonpeople11:36 AM

      Haters are sad minions of the devil who will never know truth because the hate they feel overwhelms their whole being.

      oooga boooga.
      You need to stop drinking the fundie koolaid and get deprogrammed.

    10. comeonpeople11:38 AM

      are any bloggers willing to say that it's Bristol's dancing that keeps her in? LOL Facts just don't lie gina.

      Umm... it's the Vote for the Worst (VFTW) group and those of us who joined their cause that are keeping Bristle on the show.

    11. Anonymous11:52 AM

      I don't hate anyone, 10:01.
      I don't hate any or all of the Palins. Frankly, in most contexts, i"d either pity or ignore them.
      But Sarah Palin may, just may, still have some polical sway, so it's vial to keep on top of what she's doing. Michele Bachmann's kids aren't on reality shows and Rich Santorum's teenage daughters don't get pregnant and then go on nationwide speaking tours.
      Some of this is to divert our attention from the real puppetmasters == tne Kochs and Murdoch and the newcons -- but the Palins are still getting headlines and stealing money from those who can't afford it.

      Hate dosn't "overwhelm my whole being" and I don't believe any of us will see a non-existent devil. The Hell you speak of is what you'll reap on this earth when the poor and ignorant finally understand that you have been a carnival barker and have fleeced them of their good sense and their money with your lies. You've lied, cheated, stolen, erected false gods, etc. You are the one who might read the New Testament every night and find out the truth.

    12. WakeUpAmerica12:09 PM

      Everybody loves a train wreck. This one has been going on for years. Hard to tear your eyes away, isn't it? Otherwise, you wouldn't be hanging out here, would you?

    13. WakeUpAmerica12:10 PM

      Yeah? I call bullshit, Dope-On-A-Rope.

    14. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Hey, idiot! Sarah Palin does nothing but talk shit about her betters! It's her reason for living! She has never met the Obama family but that has never stopped her from lying, slandering, insulting and defaming them at every opportunity! This stupid bitch never gets tired of assigning the worst possible motives to our wonderful President... yet she seems to consider herself his equal when she isn't fit to scrub his toilets! What a fucking LOSER she is! LOL

    15. Anonymous12:43 PM

      SP is Archfiend.

    16. Anonymous12:57 PM

      10:34 AM
      If you haven't you must spend more time in Hollywood and other areas where the staff dwells. I doubt you would be meeting or hanging around producers, they are too busy with Todd's contacts. Almost everybody loves everybody and that is how it looks 95% of the time where the Palins are taking up space now. So what? It is a business and a game. People don't say or act like they really think or feel. Many are robots and speak like the Palins, reality show (politically) correct, mumble jumble.

      If crap is what you base your opinions, so what?

  24. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I don't understand who would be under NDA. Most people aren't stalkerish ahole. They treat the Palins as the normal people they are.

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Says the "stalkerish ahole"....LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous11:29 AM

    3. Anonymous12:03 PM

      The Palins are "normal" people, as in Not Exceptional! There is no reason that books needed to be written by them, for them or about them because they are AVERAGE and except for their exploits there is nothing interesting about them. Normal people, not book worthy. The only smidgen of interest observing these "normal people" in a fish-out-of-water sort of manner, i.e., the talentless daughter attempting to dance, or the intellectual lightweight of a mother attempting to run for the second highest office in the land. I realize that a certain segment of our population identifies with them because of their absolute normality but this does not make them newsworthy or role models for the rest of the country, the segment of the population that would like to be a little more than just average.

    4. WakeUpAmerica12:07 PM

      "Normal people..."
      Saying it over and over, Sweetie, will never make it true. Perhaps a proctologist could unwedge your head. Worth a try, don't you think?

  25. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Looks like Kristy is back licking the Palin boots.

  26. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Vincent's comment was brutal. She basically called Palin white trash.

  27. Anonymous10:17 AM

    You're still stalking shit that doesn't matter and talking about shit that affects no one. THERES A MAN WHOIS SKYDIVING FROM THE STRATOSPHERE TODAY.


    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Oh my DAMN! Krusty done lost the last of her marbles y'all! Say it with me y'all...



    2. comeonpeople11:41 AM

      While the stratosphere jump is interesting and is being done for scientific reasons, persuing Palin and all her lies is equally important to humanity.

    3. Anonymous11:56 AM

      There are also people who climb skyscrapers without any ropes. There was a boy who went up in a balloon-- ooops, no he really didn't but it was a good story. Our media has little to report, so they pick a sensational story. How many of us are going to be jumping to Earth from that height?

      There are some very good comments about Wallace and Schmidt who knew how unqualified Sarah was to be VP, yet they worked to get her elected, while scheming how to keep her out of sight. Traitors to their country to put a woman like that anywhere near the White House.

      Sarah wrote a book which was supposed to make her sound like the most qualified candidate since George Washington-- and shame on the MSM and the McCain people for conspiring behind her back. She should never have been chosen, and anyone who writes about her is aiding her lie. Vincent's comment is telling. Maybe she finally had a moment of truth or a visit to the confessional booth, but she helped to write a best seller to keep the myth of Sarah alive. She helped generate funds for Sarah's PAC and turn her into a loved voice on Fox, spreading lies. She could have become a presidential candidate. Instead of being exposed for the fraud that she was, Sarah's myth was kept alive longer than she deserved.

      You keep your eyes on some guy who wants to risk his life in a daredevil stunt. Most of us are watching out to make sure that the crazies don't get elected to office and do something even more dangerous and foolish.

    4. WakeUpAmerica12:03 PM

      Seriously? Then why are you here? Is it your sworn duty to chastise us? We've all seen the news on the jump. Seems you came late to the party. BWAAHAAHAAHAA! Poor Dope-On-A-Rope fails again!

    5. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Why do peeps feed the troll?

    6. Anonymous1:17 PM


      why do you care?

    7. Anonymous2:31 PM

      1:17 PM

      I care because trolls are VIP.

    8. Anonymous2:58 PM


      You make as much sense as the trolls.

    9. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Stalkers gonna stalk. Trollers gonna troll. FEED THEM.

    10. Anonymous6:43 PM


      Will do.

  28. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Uncle Gryph, I love ya. I come here at least twice a day, but let's just call it. After all these years PayMeNow is not going to have to answer for anything she's done. Sorry to sound so glum, but I'm old enough to know that crap always rises to the top.

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      They went after her mentor in graft Ted Stevens when he was in his 80's. Of course the Bushies at DOJ purposely botched the case. If I were SP, I would be saving my pennies.

    2. comeonpeople11:42 AM

      It's moving at glacial speed, but she will be outed. Never give up.

    3. Anonymous1:00 PM

      The Palins will eat shit one day. This we do know. Only wish it was sooner than later.

  29. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I'd like to see HBO develop a show about a dysfunction family of money grubbing white trash that are suddenly thrown on the national stage. It could follow their long, painful, self-inflicted fall from being America's Family to failed reality TV stars to becoming bitter drug addled recluses in a white supremacist compound in North Idaho.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      The Ballad of Midget Pimp and Crazy Lou - A Trailer Park Tale of Woe

  30. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Sarah is crying like a baby over yet another public spanking. Hence, the troll comments. When Sarah rears hear head over Alaskan air space where does it go? Over the knee, with pants pulled down, and publicly spanked.

    I love watching Sarah get put in her proper place: Nowhere.

  31. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I can't believe what I'm reading. Palin's likability, or niceness, or normalness, or any other positive attributes (or lack of them) has ZERO to do with why Palin is being followed by bloggers on this site and elsewhere.

    It has everything to do with the fact that she hoaxed the electorate in 2008 for political gain, aiming to sway a presidential election. This is a matter that is huge, serious, and the business of every citizen.

    If anyone can explain to me how the Mar 14 photo can possibly fit with SP's claim to being pregnant with Trig, I will back off. Here's another comparison, for reference. The various photos from unquestionable sources, plus a ton of circumstantial data, tell anyone who is willing to pay attention that Palin hoaxed us.

    As usual, it's not so much the act, it's the cover-up. Palin could have explained truthfully, or she could have kept Trig and her other children out of the public eye -- or far less in the public eye. But she did not. She used a disabled child to promote her "family values" stance. She lied, repeatedly. She hoaxed the electorate. This is a big problem for some of us, whether SP is a peachy-keen lovely person or whether she is involved in other criminal activities or not.

    In addition, SP's hoax was enabled by GOP VIPs, starting with the folks who promoted and picked her, McCain and senior staff, and others. It continues to be enabled by the MSM, because to reveal the hoax would be to reveal the GOP's dishonesty and dirty tricks, and the role of VIP individuals in the hoax.

    If well-connected media experts like Christopher Hitchens and Bill Maher claim the hoax is common knowledge among the media elite, and if no one can explain the Mar 14 photo, then I say the hoax needs to be exposed to sunlight -- to be proved or disproved.

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Your problem is, nobody really cares about the hoax. Many people still love Palin and if they have any notion that it was a hoax, they see it as a plus for her in that she saved a DS child. You all need to get over it now because no amount of fretting about it is going to change things. Sarah wins, you losers lose.

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Holy shit, where you been? I needed to be reminded not of the hoax but that I for one could all too easily let it go just because Palin is that unimportant now. And even if the hoax is made known she won't do time for's not a crime as far as I know... which makes it a little less worth the effort. I still do imagine the day when CBJ's conscience compels her to come forward. But the older Trig gets, the less likely she is to make him the center of a big story again.

    3. Anonymous11:20 AM

      And notice how Maher keeps it safe for himself so he won't be facing a lawsuit. No one of any consequence is willing to just say that Palin faked it. And for what it's worth, and that's not a hell of a lot, this blog hasn't even been able to stick with the real story of Bristol being the mother. If there is doubt and indecisiveness here then just think how it must be in the real world!
      love, gina.

    4. comeonpeople11:43 AM

      Amen, thank you. Well said.

    5. Anonymous11:46 AM

      From Anon 10:53:
      Thx for your responses.

      I see no one is interested in explaining the too-flat Mar 14 photo. Of course not.

      So, it sounds like you acknowledge it was a hoax but think no one will care.

      I hope there are still people who care about a hoax meant to sway an election. I don't care much about SP. I do care about the GOP stooping to such dishonest and unethical strategy, both in 2008 and now.

      I care that there is a MSM blackout on this story -- or on any story of importance re our ethical health as a nation.

      I don't think Maher fears a lawsuit. I think he knows he would be fired if he violates the MSM blackout imposed by the far-right owners of his employer. Outing Palin is just not worth anyone's job. (Remember Dan Rather?) That in itself is a huge scandal.

    6. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Sorry folks, but we had better be concerned about hoaxes. We have a presidential candidate who won't reveal his past tax returns because he is hiding something. Some of his money is working in other countries instead of being invested here in the U.S. That's unpatriotic. I don't care where it is or how he gets away with paying so little in taxes. He is just not being a good citizen. That's fine if he wants to be the president of Bain, but not OK if he wants to represent our country.

      Ryan lied about his marathon score. That's a hoax, too. So, if Palin lied, it is equally important. She lied. I don't care if she "saved a DS child," she used him as a badge of her "right to life" credentials when, in fact, Palin's only interest was saving her own political life. She toted that baby around through crowds, germs, lights, noise, late night and hectic travel. That was no way to treat any child, especially a special needs baby. She used Trig as a political prop-- as a political lie. We don't see her toting him around unless there is an outcry from the blogs, "Where's Trig?" Then, we see a child, sitting alone in an auditorium called "Bible Camp." Her life is a lie.

      Bush lied us into a war in Iraq, scaring us about WMD when there were none. Iraq did not attack us on 9/11. That lie cost billions of dollars of debt that he never put in the budget, thousands of lives, ruined a country, killing and injuring countless numbers. Lies matter. So, if Palin lied about Trig, she could lie about anything. False in one, false in all.

      Oh, and as far as all those death threats go, those are probably lies, too, meant to get attention. She lied about Bristol and Willow being threatened with rape in Juneau, while she never reported the threats to the school or the police. Lies. Palin has millions. Let her hire a body guard.

    7. Anonymous11:55 AM


      You got that backwards. Nobody cares about Cuckoo anymore, but they will care about the hoax when the cat's fully out of the bag.

    8. Anonymous11:12 AM


      "Many people still love Palin"


      Let me read that again....

      "Many people still love Palin"

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WHO?? Give me names troll!

      WHO still loves that mentally insane bald headed...drug addict...scarecrow...with the face of a man...loves Baldy!

      I need names...dates...and phone numbers NOW! LOL!!!

    9. WakeUpAmerica12:01 PM

      Time will tell.
      The fact is, the people who don't really know the Tundra Turd are the ones infatuated with her. The hoax may in time cause little notice only because she is so irrelevant now. Time to go endorse your SSI check and send it to SarahPac, Dope-On-A-Rope.

    10. Anonymous12:06 PM

      And, Palin is stuck with Trig forever! That can't make her too happy....a few moments of pro-life cred on the political trail and a lifetime of caring for a dependent that will never leave home. She made her bed, wherever Trig came from, and she now is in charge of his care forever!

    11. comeonpeople1:09 PM

      Also, we do not know if a crime was committed or not. There is the outlying possibility of insurance fraud if Tri-G was never legally adopted...if MatSu charged for anything on 4/17-18, if he is covered under Sarah's policy as her kid when he is not her bio child. I say outlying possibility because McCain et al maybe made that whole messy situation go away.

    12. Anonymous1:18 PM

      What does defrauding and stealing from the public have to do with Palin being unimportant now. Charles Manson is unimportant now but he caused what he caused. No one was even saying he physically committed any murders. How does a criminals importance or unimportance have any thing to do with their transgressions?

    13. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Lynn Vincent has not recovered from her hedonistic and permissive childhood. (drugs) Is it any wonder that she would be attracted to Palin? Even if it is subconscious ppl will repeat patterns. Like women that leave an alcoholic wife beater only to find another one down the road.

      I find it incredulous that Vincent would not have noticed the March 14 (@10:53 AM) and other give aways in 2008. She believed the "wild ride" story? Where was her head, up Robert Stacy McCain's back end hole? All she had to do was learn about John McCain and know he is the kind of politician that would move agents into someones house to steal and gut their computer.

      The religious right’s leading ghostwriter.

    14. Anonymous2:54 PM

      It's not just Trig -- it's the dairy-- where did all that money go? It's the church fire, the nurses death, the building materials for the house that "Todd and a few friends" built. There's the cover up of the prostitution ring. There's the drugs -- and usually when there's drugs there's some other money problems.

  32. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Well Mr G, if you hate non-disclosure agreements, then why not do some disclosing of your own???

    Someone, somewhere, can provide one more piece of data that will break the MSM boycott on Palin's BabyHoax. Why can't you lead the way for us?

    This remains so important to us now, before the election, because the GOP dirty tricks are so much in play. Just the lying alone. Breaking open the BabyHoax would open discussion of the enablers, and what their role in this current election has been.

    Please G, do your own disclosure thing.

  33. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Find a great write up about the half term half wit at the Jezebel site link:

    $arah will get hers in the end. We must be patient awhile longer - but $he will soon be taken down by her endless lies and hypocricy. Karma ....

  34. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Sarah was on Fox this afternoon doing a small question/answer stint from Fox viewers, with Shannon something, and was e-mailed these questions, of which some Ron Devito guy asked how Trig was; her reply was that she and Todd were taking him to see Bristol at the DWTS performance tomorrow night - she didn't know how it would go since he's 4 and may get restless.

    There's more, but it would take a whole page to write down the oddities from her interview.

    1. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Anon. 11:48 here - am trying to find that video from Fox News HQ Today that had Shannon Bream do Sarah's interview. Am not sure if that twitter questionner was named was Ron DeVito (a fan of SP's or it could have been someone else by that name) so until I see the released video, I'll retract the name until said video is shows the name. In the meantime, that video sure divulged some interesting news, Sarah was asked if she'd consider 2016, and she didn't rule it out. It's not over, folks! Accccckkkkkk!!!!!

    2. Video of Baldy...haven't watch it it from the Asylum...

    3. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Well, anon at 12?43 pm, it can't be over for Palin can it? She needs the PAC money to keep coming in for another four years. I can see her in 2055 saying that she might run the next time!

    4. Anonymous2:41 PM

      12:43 PM

      Which Party will invite her to their convention?

    5. jcinco2:55 PM

      replying to Gina. I watched the clip & at around the 3:57 mark the question shannon, or whatever her name is, asks palin gets cut off. palin in turn gets flustered and uncomfortable and shannon talks over her when the feeb fumbles around with a non-answer..

    6. jcinco2:55 PM

      I saw that blip's what a pro-Baldy website said about that...

      "Gov. Palin was amused by one viewer's question asking if she would take him hunting and another one inquiring how many situps she could do. She said she didn't know."

      Here's the link to the website...

  35. Anonymous12:31 PM

    You nailed that! Absolutely spot-on. Thanks.

  36. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Please dera troll,you know you are just upset because Toadnever came to you and asked you to be a hooker for him.Thats right,Sarah's cheating,pimping husband does not want you.He does want Sarah for her money,though.

  37. Anonymous1:12 PM


    Yes they did!

  38. Anonymous1:42 PM

    It seems that Lynn Vincent and Sarah Palin had an awkward parting of the ways long ago. Is it re-emerging now? Why?

    I recall something about Sarah and post-it notes and/or catch phrases from her refrigerator magnets. I don't get why anyone would want to claim any association with a con artist or that poor excuse of a book. If Lynn Vincent is a Christian, as she claims, why didn't she vet a potential employer before signing on? She didn't know what a fixer that John McCain is? She is surprised she got the typical Palin treatment? What kind of a numbskull is Lynn Vincent? With Sarah there is no place to go but as her trash collector.

  39. Anonymous1:43 PM

    NDA's are for cowards with something to hide unless you're talking about protecting intellectual property. Something Palin certainly has none of.

  40. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:09 PM

    My dad was a wise man. His reactions and demeanor remind me a lot of our President's, in fact. He was completely cool and never let anything ruffle him. When he was speaking to an loudmouth/asshole/idiot (sometimes that meant me), he spoke slowly and quietly. All his words had weight. The most important thing he taught me, besides respect, was that shit eventually catches up to you, and this type of karmic payoff is a dish best served cold.

    Believe me when I tell you that on a carefree, sunny AK/AZ day sometime in the future, the huge ball of whirling cosmic horseshit WILL catch up with "our" gal. It'll come out of nowhere, slapping her across that smirking face like a wet salmon. And to everyone's delighted surprise, it'll finally stick. PS--A note to the invading Bots: this is a metaphor, savvy? No one is gonna smack your precious Princess upside the head with a fish. But I bet she'll wish they did.

    1. Be-you-tiful. Thanks for posting it.

  41. Anonymous4:37 PM


    Does anyone know why Levi has quit posting on his open FB page? Just wondering how Breeze and Sunny are doing post-birth. Wish them all well.

    1. Anonymous2:58 AM

      Not sure, but Sunny had posted that someone had made a page about Breeze, someone she didn't know. Well, the first person that came to my mind who would do that is Krusty. So maybe Levi closed his page so stalker can't get pictures or info. Sunny was working to get the Breeze page closed down.

  42. Anonymous7:42 PM

    What's going on with Levi and his fight for custody these days? His mom quit posting open letters to Bristol on FB about visitation with Tripp too. Also, what happened to Gino?? Bristol did say in radio interview today that she hopes Tripp will be at DWTS Monday night to watch her. Also, I heard that Sunny wants to be an Alaskan state trooper. Isn't that dangerous for a young mother?

  43. Anita Winecooler8:52 PM

    Yeah, I'd like to pick her brain. I can see why is she's pissed that Sarah didn't give her full credit, like Nancy French did in the equally facetious book known as "Bristol Palin, My Life So Far With Nancy Frency".

    Hey, Sarah, Vincent's been through your purse, she knows where you live, and has a better plastic surgeon than you do. "Helping get words on paper" LMAO, what a maroon!!!!

  44. Anita Winecooler8:56 PM

    I relish the idea of Sunny being a police officer, wonder if she'll join the Anchorage Police Department?

    Smart move, if true!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.