Tuesday, November 06, 2012

2012 Election Night OpenThread. Updates!

Image courtesy of the Obama Diary
I am setting this up now to serve as our gathering place to share incoming information about election returns, voter fraud, and projections throughout the night.

I may also be tweeting which you can follow by clicking here.

I wish I could tell you all that I am not at all nervous, but that would be a lie.

However I will tell you that if this turns out to be a fair election, and there turns out to be minimal voter fraud, then President Obama has it in the bag. So let us hope that things go smoothly, and that any infractions are dealt with quickly and competently.

Hang on kids, there is NO way this is not going to be a bumpy ride.

Update: Gabby Giffords votes in Tucson.

Update 2: Early reports have Obama up by 3 in Ohio.

Update 3:  This should make you feel pretty good tonight, our pal Geoffrey Dunn has weighed in, and the news is good from his perspective:

Unless Republicans are able to suppress voting across the country, it is now mathematically impossible for Romney to win the election. While many polls are, indeed, close and within the statistical margin of error, the Obama dominance in the significant swing states--Nevada, New Hampshire, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Virginia and, most importantly Ohio and Pennsylvania--renders it all but statistically impossible for Romney to win the Electoral College vote. (It would be like the very best baseball team winning 150 games in a season; not gonna happen). 49 of the 50 states are virtual locks. Anyone can pick 'em. The only real toss-up is Florida, where I predict Obama wins, unless the GOP thugs in the Sunshine State suppress enough voters to pull off yet another coup there. 

In other words, it's all over but the whining and finger-pointing for the Repugs. Obama wins either 303 or 332 electoral votes, depending on the outcome in Florida.

Wow! Well that is certainly some good news to hear.  Let's hope he is right.

Update 4: Oh let's all hope that these are some very disappointed one percenters by the end of the night.  

Private jets were streaming into Boston’s Logan International Airport Tuesday afternoon, officials said, as Mitt Romney’s well-heeled supporters arrived for his post-election party in the Seaport District.

I would LOVE to see the looks on their over fed faces when Romney loses to our President.

Update 5: Gotta love this tweet from political correspondent Tim Dickinson.

Update 6: MSNBC calling Wisconsin, Paul Ryan's home state, for Obama! Oh that is awesome!

Ryan did not do ANYTHING for Romney in the long run except connect him to radical anti-choice Republicans and double the number of lies the campaign was able to tell in any given day.

And they knew it too!  That is why they sent him off to campaign in the sticks and kept him away from reporters for these last few weeks. The guy turned out to be a never ending source of embarrassment. And that was one area where Mitt the Twit did not really need any help.

They say that the first decision by which you can judge a presidential candidate is their choice of a running mate. And it has probably never been more true than it was in this case.

Update 7: Here is Fox contributor Dick Morris desperately clinging to his last shred of hope. 

By the way Morris is the one who just recently predicted a landslide for Romney.

Oh damn, am I loving this!

Update 8: Damn things are moving fast! Dick Morris JUST changed his tune completely and told Newsmax that it is “more likely Obama will win than Romney." And I am watching a number of other conservative pundits pulling back from their previously optimistic opinions of a Romney victory as well.
Screen cap from Buzzfeed with caption that says "Sarah Palin's new hair."

Update 9: Okay I KNOW I said I would not talk about "She Who Must Not be Named" tonight, but I think we can categorize this under the heading of "Republicans freaking out over Obama victory." So I think it's allowable.

Here is Politico covering the lunatic's interview with Greta tonight: 

“I’m crossing my fingers, Greta, and hoping things can turn around in the remaining hours of the evening,” she said, striking a resigned tone. 

Later in the interview, Palin ran through a litany of problems that, she suggested, are associated with Obama— and expressed disbelief that voters would go down that path. 

“I just cannot believe, though, that the majority of Americans would believe that incurring more debt is good for our economy, for our children’s futures, for job creators,” she said. “I cannot believe that the majority of Americans would believe it’s OK not to follow the Constitution and not have a budget. And I can’t believe the majority of Americans say it’s OK to rely on foreign sources of energy instead of drilling and mining our own resources. 

“It’s a perplexing time for many of us right now, if things continue in this trend that we have seen earlier tonight,” she added. 

Oh yeah! Now THAT'S entertainment!

You have to admit THAT was worth me breaking my word just a little. Right?

Update 10: Obama projected to win Ohio! Obama wins Ohio!

 And that my friends is the election!

Obama just won four more years!

We did it!


  1. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Vermont called for President Obama!

    1. Grayson is leading....WooHooo!
      Joe the plumber got smeared.... :)

    2. Crystalwolf, I would make a joke about "the plumber" getting "smeared"- but I'm too damn nervous.

    3. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Grayson just won!!!!!!!

  2. listening online to live "Calm" Election coverage on http://netrootsradio.blogspot.com/

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      thanks for the link. getting tired of brian williams. where is rachel???

    2. Is that online?
      Why wouldn't they have her on? Crazy!

  3. hedgewytch3:11 PM

    Time to crack open the bottle.

    My prediction is that the election tally should go fairly quickly tonight, if the predictions are true and Obama has a downhill run towards 271 electoral college votes, and Romney's is uphill.

    If this starts to drag on through the evening, that's when I'll start getting worried that the GOP has pulled another Bush/Gore conflicted contest.

    May the Force be With Us Tonight!

    1. Okay, I'm with you. Clink! That was my Coors Light against your glass. I can't drink much liquor or champagne on a week night without waking up with my mouth puckered like Donald Trumps. Salute!

    2. hedgewytch4:26 PM

      It's the 1.5 L bottle of red wine for me. If it was hard liquor, I'd already be under the table. Ack!

    3. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Hey Boney try organic wine - no sulfites no pucker, no headache.

  4. Anonymous3:13 PM

    aaaargh.... I hate this waiting shit

  5. Anonymous3:18 PM

    David Gergen: "The news out of VA is not good for Mitt Romney."

  6. This might be handy. I'm still absorbing it, but it might be more interesting than just watching raw election returns and exit poll data. It has poll closing times by state.

    A Geek's Guide for Election 2012 from Sam Wang at Princeton Election Consortium.


  7. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Barack Obama leads in Virginia 61.2%-38.0% with <1% reporting

  8. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Thanks Gryphen for giving us a place to hang.

    I don't why but I am very optimistic tonight. I will say that I do have good intuition and I am going with it!


    1. Sally in MI4:08 PM

      My mom has great ESP (she once cancelled a flight from Cleveland to LA to visit her brother because she had bad vibes. The plane crashed.) She has been a wreck for weeks, and now feels very calm.

    2. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Sally in MI,
      Wow, that's quite a case for listening to your inner voice, glad she listened to it. Her feeling calm makes me even more optimistic! Thanks for sharing.


  9. Anonymous3:22 PM

    A Shining Star!! on Election Day!!

    Gabby Giffords votes in Tucson - video


  10. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Did you see on MSNBC when Rachel was talking about concession speeches and she asked Steve Schmidt what it was like to tell Sarah she could not give a concession speech. He smiled really big and said he was happy to tell her. Almost laughing...

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      He also said that looking at what has happened, he is glad that he stopped her.

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      AND he also said he would not have had her "debase" that solemn occasion. Steve Schmidt knows Sarah Palin. She debases what she comes to embrace. PS Really like Steve's addition to the msnbc team. A definite asset to an already great team.

    3. Sally in MI4:07 PM

      Yeah, but he still spins for the GOP. I bet he voted for Obama.

    4. Anonymous5:17 PM

      "Debase" is the perfect word.

    5. Anonymous5:51 PM

      desecrate woud be another appropos word when it comes to the Tundra Turd.

  11. “If a play were opening tonight,” Carville wrote, “I think the title should be ‘The Ass-Whuppin’ Cometh.’”

    Killin' time here listening to James Carville from this morning. He's a nut, but I like him. He calls bullshit exactly what it is, bullshit, not a dozen long-stem roses with a malodorous bouquet.


  12. Heads are already exploding over at the Pee Pond. Apparently, one of their most prolific posters (technopeasant) is being accused of being a traitor to the Queen by suggesting on another forum that Romney has no chance to win. Of course, since he is one of the C4P brain dead, he insists that the race is fixed and has been for the last 3 years. I wonder how those people manage to survive real life!

    Kudos to the Illinois Mom-to-be who took a detour while in labor and on her way to the hospital to cast her vote for President Obama!

    Pregnant with her first child, Malone went into labor four days early. Her water had already broken when she arrived at the aptly named New Life Celebration Church near Chicago around 8:30 a.m. Tuesday. But even hard labor wasn't enough to stop her from voting in her first presidential election.

    "I never voted before so this made a major difference in my life," she told WBBM Newsradio. "And I wanted this to be a stepping-stone for my daughter."

    She went into labor around 3 a.m., she said, but refused to go to the hospital until after the polls opened. As she left her polling place, she was holding her lower back and smiling widely. She drove herself to South Suburban Hospital.

    "The pains are pretty steady, but my doctor says to think of it as getting ready to give life," she told My Fox Chicago. "This is my first baby, a girl, and I wanted to make a good impression. I want to have a story to tell her."

    Malone, who lives in the Chicago suburb of Dalton, said that even though she is against abortion, she believes that women have the right to make their own health-related decisions, so she cast her vote this morning for President Barack Obama.

    "I just agree with more of his policies than with Romney's," she said.

    "I grew up on Sesame Street and PBS," she added. "He wants to cut that. What will my daughter grow up on?"

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Oh, I love that story. What a woman! I'm glad she has a wonderful story to tell her daughter. Thanks for sharing.


    2. Anonymous4:00 PM

      How cool is this!?!

    3. Sally in MI4:06 PM

      Hope the story has a happy ending!

    4. Here's the URL to the article, in case you want to see her picture...


    5. Breaking news: Chris Murphy (D) wins Senate race in Conn.


    6. Anonymous5:52 PM

      been havin' some fun there "liking" every bit of GOP bad news 8-)

  13. Anonymous3:38 PM

    awww...their love bypassing any election returns........

  14. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Remember In VA...rural vote will come in faster and first before large urban cities and districts.

  15. Anonymous3:42 PM

    EXIT POLLS #OHIO: 39% of Voters are DEMS, 30% GOP -- DEMS +9

  16. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I'm having trouble getting MSNBC site for election coverage. Someone please help me! When I enter MSNBC in my browser and click on MSNBC, it only takes me to NBC. Has MSNBC and NBC combined coverage of the election, or I'm missing something. I would appreciate any help anyone who might be able to help me. I would also like to recommend for comic relief tonight, that people switch over and watch FOX every now and then to watch Hannity's head explode, along with others, and to view the horror at FOX. Hopefully, if we're lucky, Palin will also make an appearance and provide additional entertainment. This also might be your last chance to see Sarah on FOX as her contract and usefulness at FOX is about to expire.

    1. I am also being directed to NBC.

      Oh well as long as its accurate.

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      try "msnbctv" (minus quotes).

    3. Anonymous4:03 PM

      MSNBC — Lean Forward: The digital home of MSNBC TV
      tv.msnbc.com/Lean Forward: The digital home of MSNBC TV. ... The Ed Show will be seen tonight so as we can bring you extended election coverage on MSNBC.

    4. G for a while when every I google MSNBC I get NBC. :(
      I don't think they want peeps to watch online.
      I'm listening to stress free Netroots radio.

  17. Toga, Toga3:56 PM

    Party With Richy Rich and Angry Ann! Tagg want's to slug someone! Watch out for plares of rancid butter!~

    Private jets line up at Logan as Romney backers arrive

    "Private jets were streaming into Boston’s Logan International Airport Tuesday afternoon, officials said, as Mitt Romney’s well-heeled supporters arrived for his post-election party in the Seaport District.

    Edward Freni, director of aviation for Logan, said an unusually large number of Gulfstream corporate jets were looking to park at the airport by late afternoon on election day. Logan had accommodated 80 of them by 4:30 p.m., roughly double the 40 to 50 it sees on a typical day, he said."


    1. Sally in MI4:05 PM

      Well, I guess we know who got the best private jet parking: Adelson and the Kochs. Have fun, boys. better party early, because it will be pretty sad later when you realize you wasted all that money on this liar.

    2. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Not that he feels it as he is corrupt and being investigated -- Adelson 'shit' his millions away!! Obama will in much nicer, more refined words than I -- "suck eggs you prick!!".

      The Kock dopes will be mega pissed too. Let them smoke Koke!!!

      Just think of Karl Rove and Dick Armey. Can see the smoke blowing out their ears

    3. Anonymous4:33 PM

      YES!! Linda McMahon LOST!!!

      That lying bitch tried to play like the nice neighbor next door. BS.

      Suck it Linda!!!

    4. Anonymous5:20 PM

      I wonder if Romney will start drinking tonight?

    5. Anonymous5:55 PM

      nah,4:32 smokin it is at least a quick pleasure high. I'd rather they do the legal kind, but make it flat, warm and rancid - just like them.

  18. Romney has Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, and South Carolina locked up.

    Obama has only Vermont called in his favor so far.

    Still early. Very early.

  19. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Live Blog: The 2012 Presidential Election



  20. Think Progress has Obama up in Florida by 3% with 37% of precincts reporting.

  21. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I am so nervous. I hate to see the LDSHOLE ahead at all.
    I need xanax tonight.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Me too. I am pessimistic by nature and this is driving me crazy.

    2. Anonymous4:29 PM

      ativan for me.
      on couch, in jammies, fireplace on, ativan on board
      waiting for it to kick in.

    3. Me too, but I got no meds to get me through the ordeal.
      M from MD

    4. God, I wish *I* had calming drugs. All I keep hearing is one state after another for Romney. But you guys gave me an idea at least- I have something in my medicine cabinet left over from a root canal two years ago. I'm sure it's expired, but tonight I am super not giving a damn.

      Menschie says he is about to bust open our engagement gift bottle of courvasier and set me up an IV. I am usually very calm and zen by nature and I don't think he likes seeing me like this.

      I really just wish I could say "Nate Silver is a genius. Believe him and call it a day."

      But knowing the lengths those gutless republicons have gone through to steal an election- I just can't relax.

    5. Anonymous5:25 PM

      I know I shouldn't laugh, but you guys are funny. Do you feel the calm of Ativan/Xanax yet?

      Sending good vibes to you all...
      Breathe! Breathe deeply. PBO has got this one!


    6. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Ativan bottle here I come..can't sit still...

    7. Anonymous5:51 PM

      LOL!Thank you Alicat,I followed your advice to calm down and breathe..feel better now and yes we will have four more years of PBO.

  22. Anonymous4:04 PM

    NPR calls Alabama for Romney; Obama gets Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maryland, DC and Delaware and Illinois.

  23. Anonymous4:06 PM

    CNN has PA exit polls with Obama up by 5

  24. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Exit polls currently show Nate Silver winning this election.

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      yeah. that young man has a lot going on tonight.

    2. hedgewytch4:38 PM

      That's pretty funny.

    3. Anonymous5:26 PM

      I don't know who might be the most nervous tonight, Romney, Obama or Nate?

  25. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Obama ahead by 3% In Popular Vote and Leading in Florida by 2%

  26. Current results are Romney with 82 electoral points and Obama with 64.

  27. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Live-Blogging Election Night


  28. Anonymous4:17 PM

    ORLANDO: Obama winning 60-40% (won 59-40% in '08)

  29. Anonymous4:18 PM


  30. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Ohio exits give Obama 51-48. O'Reilly is talking up Sandy. Not good signs for Romney. Now O'Reilly's blaming Christie.

  31. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Love it -- Romney lost his home state of MA!!

  32. CBS is projecting Obama as winner of New Jersey.

    They saw first hand what a great President we have.

    You just KNOW that somewhere Chris Christie has an ear to ear grin on his face.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Fabulous! Guess that means Pres. Obama's lead is large enough that questions about votes coming from the coast won't hold up the tally. Fox New has also called it for O. I'll feel better when the NYTimes calls it, too.


  33. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Oreilly totally perturbed that the returns are looking good for Obama and blaming the hurricane and Christie. Really Billo?


    1. Anonymous5:50 PM


      You watch O'Really??

      You lay down with dogs...

  34. Okay oddly enough Fox News has Obama with 78 electoral votes to Romeny's 88.

    While NBC still shows Obama with 64 to Romney's 82.

    Not yet sure where the discrepancy lies.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Politico has it at 64/51!


    2. Anonymous5:15 PM

      You can see the discrepancies at NYT--called electoral votes by network.


  35. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Linda McMahan is Toast!!

    Second time she's lost. Spent millions for nada!!

  36. Anonymous4:36 PM

    BREAKING: Democrat Murphy defeats McMahon in Connecticut Senate race

  37. Anonymous4:37 PM

    FL exit poll: Obama winning Jewish vote by 40 points. 40 points.

  38. Anonymous4:37 PM

    National exits show Obama getting 74% of the Asian vote, up from 62% in '08

  39. Anonymous4:38 PM

    CBS News projects: President Obama wins New Jersey

  40. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Roughly 6 in 10 Ohio voters approve of the auto bailout. That group went 75-24 for Obama. Wowza.

  41. Anonymous4:39 PM

    mourdock is getting trounced in indiana. woo wee.

  42. Anonymous4:39 PM

    The rural vote comes in first in VA, FL, OH, NC. Large cities take more time to give data in, expect Romney leads early on.

  43. If things keep going the way they are going right now, Nate Silver is going to live in the Right Wing's nightmares for years to come.

    His predictions so far are spot on.

    Do not, I repeat, do NOT gamble with that man!

    1. hedgewytch4:46 PM

      I'd let him kiss my dice at the crap table! LOL!

    2. Anonymous4:49 PM

      There have been some on MSNBC digging at Nate -- left leaners. I've been disgusted with them. For instance -- Alex Wagner is one.

  44. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Might be time for Romney to start drafting his concession speech

  45. ... found this awesome interactive map on twitter:


    Alas, my beloved Tennessee is in the can for Romney.


    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Thanks for the link; it's great!

  46. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Yup. So far it looks like Nate Silver is winning.

    But it's Obama 65 - Rombot 67!!!!!!

  47. Anonymous4:42 PM

    why do states get called with only 15% reporting? makes me crazy.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Agree. And called while some states are still voting.

  48. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Florida 55% in, Obama +3; Ohio: 20% in, Obama +19

  49. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Record Asian and Latino turnout in 2012 election and 18-35 Vote and black vote exactly as in 2008. WOW. Bad news for ROMNEY

  50. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Just a brief moment to remember Tim Russert and his white board; we would be up to all hours watching him on NBC. The election wasn't over till he called it.

    ...all the intelligence, humour and passion that he brought to his reporting.

    Sorely missed.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM



    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      I agree. It's the same with MTP -- it will never be the same even if Luke took it over. He's not his father.

      Those that are paraded out as the 'experts' these days are crap. They think they're 'all that' but aren't. Brokaw - Halperin - etc. No thanks.

      The other who should retire is Andrea Mitchell. I think of her as I do Barbara Walters -- long past her due date.

  51. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Laura Ingram on Fox already making excuses for a Romney defeat.


  52. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I'm so nervous,never been a nail chewer but getting tempted..

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      You and me both.. I've resorted to watching Storage Wars...

  53. Anonymous5:02 PM

    The 'trees are the right height' voted for Obama!!!

    Romney lost Michigan & Mass!!!

    Now let's take Wisconsin and Ryan's screwed.
    Here's hoping he has a double loss!!
    His State & his Seat!!

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Rmoney's dad was the popular gov of MI - what does THAT say?

  54. Racine, Wisconsin said to have run out of ballots with people still waiting to vote.
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      MSNBC just called WI for Obama!

    2. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Oh. YES!!

  55. hedgewytch5:06 PM

    I love that the Latino's are breaking so hard for Obama in Florida. It's my birth state, born in Dade County General. Remember when the first refuges came onto our shores and the tent cities.

    Mucho Gracias mi Puerto Rican campadres!

  56. Anonymous5:13 PM

    CNN Calls Michigan for Obama

  57. Anonymous5:19 PM

    HuffPo calls PA for Obama

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM


  58. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Elizabeth Warren WINS!

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM


    2. So great!!!

    3. Anonymous5:47 PM


    4. Anonymous5:53 PM

      I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. Anonymous5:54 PM

      this is a fabulous day for all of us - elizabeth warren will be a wonderful and courageous voice in the senate.

  59. Anonymous5:21 PM

    All-Night Election-Watch Party in Obama’s Ancestral Village


  60. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Latinos See Obama as Best to Handle Economy, Deficit and Foreign Crisis


  61. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Alan Grayson projected winner in FL 9th Congressional District

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Oh wow, you know I didn't even know he was running. Thanks for the info.

    2. Anonymous5:45 PM

      I didn't know either.

      Love, Love LOVE me some Grayson!

    3. Anonymous5:45 PM

      A man who doesn't mince his words!!!

      He's a strong lefty!!

  62. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Mitt Romney was elected Governor of Massachusetts in 2002.

    Massachusetts went for President Obama instead of Romney.

    What does that tell you?

  63. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Obama gets Wisconsin, Paul Ryan's home state!

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      What does that tell you?

  64. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Tied 154 according to HP

  65. hedgewytch5:33 PM

    Some tiny heads just exploded with Obama taking the lead in the electoral college!

  66. NO DOUBT: O wins!

    i just want it to be a BIG win, so that these idiots and thugs will get go into a catatonic fit; i want them to become such a national joke that by 2016 they will be totally irrelevant.

  67. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Republicans report first in VA!

    The blue counties are now starting to report in VA.

    Now watch Romney´s lead start to narrow.

    (Nate Silver is a wizard. Sam Wang is a dagger in GOP lies)

  68. AJ Billings5:43 PM

    Right now both the RAPE BROTHERS (Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock) are both losing.

    It's still early in the evening, but you can already hear the sounds of cans bouncing off a refrigerator in Wasilla.

    Losing couldn't happen to a more misogynistic prejudiced pair of asshole cretins.

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      *Blows out the flame*

      Done and Done!

      Bye, Bye, Bastards! It was Divine Will!

  69. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Looks like Elizabeth Warren beat Scott Brown in MA.

    Now the burners are on and we're going to bring this home for President Obama.

  70. Go, go Colorado!

  71. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Richard Murdock goes down!

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Bristol goes down according to the fellas.

  72. Anonymous5:45 PM

    YES! Donelly beats Mourdock for a pickup Dem Senate seat!!!

  73. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Hey, Sarah, How's that Richard Mourdock loss treatin'ya? Alan West is next.

  74. Mourdock is down...good riddance!

  75. Anonymous5:46 PM

    They say that the first decision by which you can judge a presidential candidate is their choice of a running mate. And it has probably never been more true than it was in this case.
    Sorry to disagree there, Gryphen. I would say McCain, '08.

    1. Yeah, Right??

      Sorry I basically said the same thing, downthread.

  76. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Love it!! Warren won in MA.

    First Woman to be elected to a Senate seat in MA!!

    Screw Scott Brown - Kicked him to the curb!!

    1. MA for Warren AND President Obama.

      I think it speaks Volumes.

  77. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Enjoy the Republican tears.


    Panic mode is beginning to set in now.


    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Thanks for the link.

      Dick Morris ‏@DickMorrisTweet
      #election2012 our path to the nomination is not blocked as long as we do not lose Ohio, NC, Fla, and Va


  78. Anonymous5:52 PM

    New Hampshire for BHO :) Nate is still on the money!


    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Yup! Down to the fact that Florida is super close!

      And I think VA is closer to what Nate predicted and not razor thin, because I think people are still supposed to be in line in the NoVa area, which is the most populous area and very, very Democratic.

  79. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Race called for Elizabeth Warren!


  80. Anonymous5:55 PM

    158 Obama
    154 Romney


  81. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Voting in Miami-Dade for another hour.

    303 or 332?

  82. Pat in MA5:57 PM

    Hey Scott Brown, pack up your pick up truck and ride off into the sunset!!

    Also, neither Romney or Ryan carry their home states - what does that tell ya?

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      A lot!
      I am having a good time tonight.

  83. Anonymous5:58 PM



    Elizabeth Warren Election Results: Consumer Advocate Unseats Scott Brown

    Clinton/Warren 2016!!!! (Sorry Joe)

  84. Anonymous6:00 PM

    My sweetie is working the O rally in Chi town. Says he's bitten his nails to the quick. Also said that the mood is quite upbeat.

  85. Anonymous6:02 PM

    ¨On The Wall, The Writing.¨

    Nate Silver

  86. Mitt is a bargain at $.99 (99 cents) at inTrade u can make better than 10 to 1. Plus, I'll buy you a happy meal.

    Oh shit, it's down to 60 cents. 56 cents. I need to set my beer down and hit "publish" before it goes to zero.

  87. Anonymous6:06 PM

    McCaskill Wins!!

  88. Pat in MA6:08 PM

    Todd Akin loses! - you can shut that whole campaign down now!

  89. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Paul Ryan just lost his 'legitimate rape' buddy!!!

    Now let's get rid of Ryan. Come on Wisconsin -- throw the douchebag under the bus. Lose as VP and lose his seat. Now that would be kewl!!!

  90. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Akin Lost!!!

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      minnesota and new mexico go for obama !!!

  91. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Israel owns all candidates, wake up. They are occupiers in foreign land, we must stop the killing and occupation of Palestine. That is the most important issue in this world.

  92. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Linda McMahon tried to BUY a Senate seat, and LOST.

  93. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Duckworth Beats Joe Walsh!!!

    Right Wing Nut Jobs Falling Left and Right!!!

    Eat that Ms Palin!!!

  94. loved this HUFFPO comment:

    Byron Sarge Watson: That big flushing sound that you hear is billions of republican's dollars being flushed down the drain..............

  95. Anonymous6:15 PM

    BREAKING: CBSNews projects that Claire McCaskill (D) defeats Todd Akin for MO Senate seat http://CBSNews.com

  96. from NATE SILVER:

    More than two-thirds of the vote has been reported in Virginia. At the moment, Mitt Romney leads President Obama by four percentage points, 51 percent to 47 percent.

    But keep an eye on the Washington suburbs: Fairfax County, Loudoun County and Prince William County, where only a tenth of the vote has been reported so far.

  97. emrysa6:15 PM

    bwaaa haaa!~ dick morris is a dumbass.


    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Yes he is, here is his latest tweet...

      Dick Morris ‏@DickMorrisTweet
      #election2012 watch Colorado. If we win Fla and Ohio and Va it will come down to Colorado

      In you big fat faced dreams, DICK

  98. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Romney is tapped out in Florida for heavy red counties. Time for the blue to start rolling in.

    332 looking good.

  99. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Looking good in Ohio for Obama.


    Barack Obama 1,640,568 50.7%
    Mitt Romney 1,541,769 47.6%
    49% reporting


  100. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Debbie Wasserman won

  101. They say that the first decision by which you can judge a presidential candidate is their choice of a running mate. And it has probably never been more true than it was in this case.


    never been more true than it was in this case.


    Gryphen -

    You are *Kidding*, right?


    You? Of *ALL* people are going to suggest that Paul Ryan is the WORST VP pick in history???


    The booze is making you mad, sir!

  102. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Sarah coming up on FOX next. She´s all they got now.

    This is so funny.

  103. AJ Billings6:24 PM

    As I discussed with my friends today at work, if President Obama is re-elected, and the Dems keep the Senate,we may see some serious and significant trouble from the radical ultra right

    By trouble, I mean uprisings, violent demonstrations, threats to Mr Obama and Congress people, and even armed insurrection and conflict.

    The fierce racist and divisive rabble rousing that Limbaugh/Levin/Palin have been doing may well bear bitter fruit.

  104. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Ted Nugent must be eating his guns now.

  105. Anonymous6:25 PM

    From Stephanie Miller's producer Chris Lavoie a few minutes ago: "Aieeeeee!!! Jesus fuck! What the hell happened to Sarah Palin on Fox News?!?" - https://twitter.com/RadioGuyChris/status/266016186096037888

  106. Anonymous6:26 PM

    92% in -- too close to call

    R - Alan West 50% - 148,027
    D -Patrick Murphy 50% - 146,114

    Come on Patrick!!!!!!!!!

  107. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Erection Night for the Obamabots & Palinbots

  108. Elliegrl/mykidsmom6:29 PM


    Gr8 FLA info

    Fla page B.O. up!!! Wine w/hubby 2nite!

  109. AJ Billings6:31 PM

    Over at C4Pee, they are down in the mouth, and whining that Romney may lose because he didn't ask Granny Grifter to the convention or the campaign trail.

    They are especially in the dumper over the RAPE BROTHERS (Mourdock and Akin) both losing.

    Yep, $arah would have made all the difference, right Pee people?

  110. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Fox is desperately trying to find a road to victory for Romney. This is priceless.

  111. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Anon 5:13

    Duckworth won!! Yea!!

    Let the 'deadbeat' Dad go flip burgers!!

    Love it!!

    The Ladies are slammin' it tonight!!

  112. Tammy Baldwin!!

  113. Anonymous6:34 PM

    The twitter feed for repugs...

    Tucker Carlson ‏@TuckerCarlson
    Two obvious lessons so far: it's a different country demographically. And mediocre candidates lose elections.

    Laura Ingraham ‏@IngrahamAngle
    Tonight should mark the death of the GOP consultancy class...Millions upon millions of $ funneled to people who haven't a blasted clue.


  114. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I work for a small, rural New Mexico county as a precinct Election Judge, and even though our President only received 4 of 25 votes, I knew that he will win our state. Romney will win the rural districts, but Democrats will win the urban districts. It turns out there are more "real" Mericans in the cities than in the country.

    My precinct had 27 registered voters, and 25 people voted. Turnout will e the key to this election, and the more populated precincts in New Mexico had between a 2 to 4 hour wait to vote. And that is after nearly 40% of New Mexico voted early. Thank you to all my fellow liberals and moderates who worked hard to return our President to DC, and kept the Senate in the hands of Deocrats

  115. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Watching Fox News....
    It's all over but the crying, they know they lost.

    I could not be happier!


  116. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I don't know who this is from the GOP_tears twitter but it's telling.

    John Nolte ‏@NolteNC
    Just got off the phone with Nate Silver. He said my chances of seeing a Chuck Todd SadFace tonight is .004765%.

  117. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Sarah Palin: Second term for Obama ‘catastrophic’ - Katie Glueck - POLITICO.com


  118. Anita Winecooler6:40 PM

    Things are looking good!

    Funniest thing I heard all day -

    Santorum: Romney wrote one speech!
    Obama wrote two!

    What a Snob!

    Liz Warren is prepared to give her victory speech, waiting to see Scott Brown concede.

  119. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Gryphen, check Buzzfeed they have Palin pic posted she was just few sec ago on Fox, they are making fun of her new wig saying she is real housewife complete. LOL

  120. AJ Billings6:41 PM

    I heard on PBS today that Romney is considering the ultra neocon John Bolton for either Sec of State or Defense.

    If nothing else, at least the Dems will likely hold the Senate as a bulwark against the tide of war that Romney and the ultra hawks would try to foist on us.

  121. Not sure what is going on but my twitter feed says that ABC has called Ohio for Obama.

    However a visit to their site (http://abcnews.go.com/) does not confirm that.

    Stay tuned.

  122. Whoo Hooo !!! Congratulations to Senator Elizabeth Warren !!!! (yay)


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