Tuesday, November 06, 2012

President Obama has won reelection!

Ohio has been called for the President and that was all he needed to clinch this reelection.

They did EVERYTHING in their power to stop us, and yet we still prevailed. Clearly we are unstoppable!

My friends I just want to say thank you for all of your support, for this blog and for our President, and I hope that we can continue our relationship moving forward into the future.

We still have much to do, but damn how good does it feel to know we have this man by our side to help us to do it?

Update: The most popular tweet of the night.

Update: Romney concession speech.

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I have to say I thought that was pretty classy. Where was THAT guy during this campaign?


  1. Anonymous7:27 PM


    1. Anita Winecooler8:41 PM

      LOL She's really getting wiggy with it on Fox News!

    2. She's always wiggin' out.

      I just spent an hour reading C4P. They're still as delusional as always. Lots of teeth-gnashing over there.

      I'm not even going to bother gloating., but if Obama's FL lead holds up, I was the only one at C4P that picked the correct EV with Obama 332- Romney 206. I didn't see my prediction tonight, so I don't know if they came back and deleted it or if I just missed it. Doesn't matter. But I will say that "I told ya so..." lol

      Thank goodness that in the end it was just math and I'm so relieved that Rove wasn't able to cheat/suppress the vote enough to change the outcome.

    3. Anonymous10:45 PM

      Haha, Good one, Anita Winecooler!

  2. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Wahoo! Let's get this party started! Love, love, love! Thank goodness the best man won!! Sylvia from MD

  3. Anonymous7:27 PM


    And thank you Gryphen, for keeping us informed and entertained. :)

    1. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Four more years...I can't even describe how I feel now? such relief!
      Now the icing on the cake would be tomorrow morning Rmoney arrested for all his crimes!

  4. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I cry cry and cry... sigh!! still crying...I'm the happiest person on earth.

    1. You have some competition for that title!

      Ain't it fukkin grand?!?!?!?!

  5. I just turned to Fox to see a clearly disheveled Karl Rove adamantly refusing to admit hat Obama has won Ohio yet.

    Oh this is good!

    I think I need some popcorn.

    1. Anonymous7:38 PM

      I just saw a headline that said that Romney is refusing to concede yet...

    2. Anonymous8:09 PM

      romney has no grace. let's watch florida go for obama. and then that will be that.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:44 PM

      What will we do? No more bindersfull of women, no more horse ballet, no more skin crawling every time he flip flops and no more blinking shifty eyes and heee heee hee laugh.

      The 47 percent have spoken!

  6. Y!E!S! W!O!W!

    the nation kept
    the barbarians
    from entering the gate

  7. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Bye bye Sarah! Good luck selling Tupperware!

  8. Anonymous7:29 PM

    A BIG High Five to all IMer's from Tom in Connecticut!!

    1. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Right back at you!

      I feel good!


    2. Carli8:04 PM

      High five and a hug as well, Tom!

      Carli in Sacramento

    3. Anita Winecooler8:46 PM

      High Fives all around

      from Philadelphia

    4. High-fives, taters, and chest bumps for all!

    5. comeonpeople4:07 AM

      Anita we gotta meet!

    6. AKinPA4:50 AM

      I agree,Comeonpeople, we all gotta meet! We also have to work on making sure that Governor just-close-your-eyes Corbett is a one-term governor.

      also from Philadelphia

  9. Anonymous7:29 PM

    How sweeeeet it is

  10. Anonymous7:29 PM

    I could not resist the temptation to visit the See O' Pee and gloating a bit. They are such pathetic losers.

    1. OMG! So gald yous aid that, cuz i went over there too to witness the communal eye-gouging. Not a pretty sight over there folks. Aside from the pale cries to arms for Palin 2016, there's bitter bitching about how many dead people/illegal immigrants voted in this election-- one person even dissed LEGAL immigrants. There was a post I had to screen-capture featuring reverse-race card; they were saying that in this day and age "it is going to be very hard for white men" to get elected. Boo hoo.
      Also-- I posted earlier that HuffPo had Romeny winning the popular vote, but they're just slow to update-- Obama has won fair and square!

  11. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Palin brought down McCain, Gingrich, Cain and now Romney

  12. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Woot!!!!!!!!! Palin's head just exploded along with her poor fridge.It just got bashed with one too many cans!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      She blew off her hideous wig.

  13. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Whoo HOO!!! The people have spoken!

  14. Anonymous7:36 PM

    I am so glad that President Obama won. Thanks, Gryphen, for this blog and all that you do.

  15. Anonymous7:37 PM

    We have dodged yet another bullet. We are awesome.

  16. Anonymous7:37 PM

    I'll sleep like a baby tonight. Congrats to our wonderful POTUS!

    1. Paul - Minnesota7:55 PM

      I agree. Also I don't feel any urgency to renew my passport which expires in January 2013. As Romney lost. Ha ha, the Bain Vulture and Voucher rAyn lost.


  17. I'm doing The Happy Dance right now!
    A great night for America - FORWARD!


    1. And I am dancing right along with you.Add to the joy list a Dem. controlled Senate,and we just may continue our long road to recovery and sanity.So beyond thrilled to say Barack Obama is our President for another four years:)

  18. Elliegrl/mykidsmom7:38 PM

    Woohoo!!! Taking my 13 yr old to McDonald's to celebrate! He's been patiently waiting while I keep refreshing pages! Yippee skippy!

    We discussed the electoral college and how important this election is for HIS future. My 10 yr old told a classmate that Romney "doesn't care abt people and Pres Obama WILL win." She was right! Still haven't absorbed it yet...!

  19. Anonymous7:40 PM

    I waited all night to hear to results from IM, not the MSM. Thanks for posting the good news G. You're the best. Time to celebrate!

  20. Anonymous7:41 PM

    The repubs can't even rig their voting machines correctly.

  21. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Disappointed Sarah Palin To Greta: ‘I Cannot Believe That The Majority Of Americans’ Would Support Obama


    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      I can't believe now Fox will probably keep Sarah four more years.

      I hope Ted Nugent is pooping in his pants again.

    2. Anonymous7:52 PM

      To the disappointed Palin, the majority of the people have spoken. Obama wins another term.

      Believe it bitch!

    3. Sarah's been in denial for the past 4 years.

      What's 4 more?

    4. comeonpeople4:09 AM

      Believe it bitch.
      Thee ARE smart people outside your insulated Wasilly bubble..and you can't make us dumb, although you sure do try with your screechifying.

  22. AJ Billings7:42 PM

    I'm just hoping that Romney concedes, and we get on to the VICTORY speech soon. A couple of races are still pretty close, and Rove is fuming and sputtering over Ohio

    Congrats to all who have helped defeat the ultra right religious fanatics, and keep the Senate and the White House

    And a special thank you to you Gryphen for the best blog on the 'net, and for reducing Paylin to a grim faced, big hair harpy with no title

    1. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Ditto all around!!

  23. Anonymous7:42 PM

    lmao did Rover seriously just say there was a difference of 991 when right next to him there was a 50k difference?

    Yes, he did.

    And yes, they are that stupid.

  24. Too drunk to comment propoop...er...propeepee...um..properly! Drinking and laughing at that HORRENDOUS picture of Baldy! That wig has got to go to the Smithsonian! See y'all tomorrow!

    Did take a quick peek at the Asylum and fell out of my chair and damn neared peed on myself from laughing at the scriptures writing and the taking up of arms talk!

    Night y'all!

    President Obama and Biden...Congrats and thank you!

  25. Sharon7:44 PM

    I know he won...but how much you wanna bet that creep Robme is gonna conseed with grace? He is gonna hold on, just listen to his team now, it ain't over.
    Jeez...I hate that man.

    1. Anonymous2:57 AM

      Amazingly he did concede with more grace and humility than any other speech he has ever made. I think he was just relieved it was all over and he could go back to counting his millions. Ann, on the other hand, was pretty POed.

  26. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Karl Rove and Carl Cameron furiously trying to get FOX News to retract their call, to the point that they're grabbing people from the decision desk.


    1. SAlly in MI8:40 PM

      But it was staged...Blondie let slip "it didn;t go this way in rehearsal" or something. All an act to keep the people mad at Obama instead of trying to unite the country. Fox is horrible.

  27. Anonymous7:45 PM

    The whole "Republicans refuse to accept reality" this is playing out on a national stage

  28. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Obama now ahead in Virginia. I knew you wouldn't let me down, Nate.

    1. Shari8:13 PM

      Nate kept me sane through all this crap. I trusted his track record and he kept me hopeful.

  29. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Donald Trump crying like a big baby on Twitter.


    1. The ass-mouth is funny as hell when he's trying to be serious.

  30. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
    We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!


    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      He ought to be charged with treason or something for calling for revolution.

  31. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Virginia blinked light blue while I was watching. I did a "wow".

  32. Anonymous7:48 PM

    OMG...MSNBC is reporting that Romney is not ready to concede. they think they still have a chance in Ohio. Can you say sore loser?!


  33. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Romney's not ready to concede Ohio yet. They believe they may still win Ohio.

    Let's call the other states like CO etc. Slip that rug right out from under that etch-a-sketch lying asshole and all his billionaires sitting in Boston including Trump who's already trashed the election.

  34. Anonymous7:48 PM

    He's way ahead in Nevada and Colorado anyway, so even without Ohio. he's got 271. Keep reaching for straws Repubs. Going to be 332-206 when it's all said and done !

    1. Anonymous2:58 AM

      You called it, baby!

  35. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Karl Rove's freakout is awesome.

  36. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Donald Trump is literally a 9 year old child.

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      My daughter is nine. She's more mature than Donald Trump. He's closer to a three year old.

  37. Anonymous7:49 PM

    The best thing about this is

    I think of all that SuperPAC money

    and how it didn't make a damn bit of difference.

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      You are right, power to the people!

      Rot in hell Koch bro's, Addelson and all the rest of those assholes.

  38. Anonymous7:50 PM

    i just switched over. watching karl rove stumble over this is...amazing

    is he in denial or engaging in pre-delegitimation? i honestly have no idea

    1. Anonymous2:59 AM

      He'll be lucky if his billionaire pals don't fit him for cement shoes.

  39. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Trump is calling for a 'Revolution'. Really?

    Time to do to Trump what was done to Rush -- a petition and go after sponsors and network on his crap show. We don't need a 'terrorist' on the airwaves.

  40. Carli7:51 PM

    It feels damn good, Gryph! I voted today, for Obama of course. But that bastard Mitt Romney is not yet ready to concede.

    1. I dont' think he will anytime soon-- HuffPo is showing him winning the popular vote. I have a sinking feeling this is going to get dragged out.
      How could anyone vote for Romney??

  41. Paul - Minnesota7:53 PM

    Though it's an inanimate object, I feel sorry for one refrigerator in Wasilla.*

    *Getting dinged with flying object via the Sore Loser otherwise known as Sarah Palin who'll be throwing a tantrum.

    Sigh, I suppose Fox will keep her on so she can whine and rant her USA Taliban delusional crazy for four more years.

    1. Anonymous11:12 PM

      Really? Who gives a shit about what she has to say? The GOP is full of idiots like her who are now out of jobs they held in the Senate! People who actually are in possession of at least half a brain and completed more than half of their elected office.

      Even my horny Repub uncle says she is way past her due date. LOL.

  42. Anonymous7:57 PM

    You know what I can't wait for?? For Ted fucking Nugent to be dead or in jail!!!

  43. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Trump is having a toddler meltdown on twitter.

  44. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Mathews and Maddow talking about those Trump tweets, wait so they were real?

    1. Anonymous8:22 PM



      He really has gone off the cliff.

  45. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Matthews calling Trump a kook, and Maddow making fun of Karl Rove.

  46. Anonymous8:01 PM

    MSNBC are having as much fun laughing at Trump as we are. What a hilarious tool. He keeps spewing crazy nonsense about a revolution.

  47. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Wow, the total meltdown on Fox News may be better than the election itself.

  48. Anonymous8:02 PM

    MSNBC is completely ragging on Fox News and Trump now. This is amazing.

  49. Anonymous8:03 PM

    so pretty much the Romney campaign made literally no dent in Obama's lead he had in June.

  50. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Thank you Sarah Palin for putting your turkey neck into the presidential race.

    You made the difference for PRESIDENT OBAMA

  51. Anonymous8:08 PM

    In other news, authorities responded to a reported terrorist attack in Wasilla this evening. But it turned out to just be Sarah Palin's head exploding.


  52. Virginia Voter8:09 PM

    Hey peeps, looks like VA is in the bag, big numbers in my county:

    97 % of precincts in and Obama leads by over 50,000 votes! Only blue areas left to be counted

    1. Good job VA! Standing O for you folks!!!

  53. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Obama has crossed 50% of the vote in Virginia. Obama now leads by more than 60,000 votes.

    50% Obama 48% Romney

  54. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Never stop talking Karl Rove.

  55. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Man, Maddow is pissed.

    I love her.

  56. Gryph, and everyone....my note of supreme relief, and not its time to put on our waders to struggle through the pink slime that the reactionaries are going to puke. Thank you for everything and Bless America

  57. Just wanted to thank you, Gryphen, for giving us a place to share, vent, and maintain our sanity. What a glorious night!

  58. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Maddow is calling out the right on their anti-facts bullshit.

  59. Anonymous8:12 PM

    even the fox anchors taking the piss out of karl rove now. glorious.

  60. Colorado just went for Obama.

    Nine more electoral votes.

  61. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Trump/Palin 2016, please.

  62. Anonymous8:12 PM

    CO to Obama.

  63. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Hate to rain on everybody's parade but does this mean Palin may be able to keep her job with FOX since President Obama won?

    Sad to say but a win for Obama is job security for Palin

    1. SAlly in MI8:37 PM

      She was on Gretta when the EC was still tied, moaning about the Bain ads. Gretta kept saying, "but there's still time." Sarah was having none of it. When she started in on her canned "Obama hasn't had a plan. No budget in 4 years...keeps spending us to ruin.." I turned her OFF. She wanted Mitt to lose. Ya think the GOP might find a truthful candidate next time? Is there one in the GOP?

  64. Shari8:16 PM

    Here's a fun little tidbit - a Republican friend (yes it is possible but we have had our moments) always takes her son to the polls with her. This year due to scheduling conflicts she wasn't able to take him. He was upset so she took him to the GOP headquarters and they gave him various goodies - all made in China. Idiots.

  65. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Wow. Maddow just went apeshit and it was awesome.

  66. Anonymous8:19 PM


  67. Anonymous8:20 PM


    Nate Silver continues to own.

  68. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Karl Rove is literally arguing with the entirety of Fox News over the status of the race.


  69. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Sarah Palin maybe you can throw a combo party for Track's wedding and Obama's celebratory party together at your compound?

  70. emrysa8:23 PM

    HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!

    evolution is slow, but inevitable - while many including me thought that 2008 was the turning point, 2012 just may be the REAL turning point! so nice to see!

    1. Carli8:48 PM

      Emrysa, I thought so too. But after the last four years ...

      I honestly think we were lucky enough to witness several transformations in our country. The first black president AND despite the racism, the continued support of him (2012) for the greater good.

      I couldn't be more damn proud.

  71. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Romney HQ doesn´t think they´ve lost yet.


  72. Anonymous8:25 PM


    she's my girlfriend, no matter how homosexual she may be

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      That's weird thing to say.

    2. Anonymous9:03 PM

      Damn, 8:34, get a clue.

    3. Anonymous9:04 PM

      The butthurt on Facebook is so delicious. People are literally arguing with me that the Medicare vouchers are not only a good idea, but that Alabama does a good job managing its budget and providing healthcare to kids. Then getting mad at me when I point out that AL gets more federal aid than they pay in taxes to the government.

      Delicious, delicious tears.

  73. Anonymous8:25 PM

    It feels good, doesn't it?

    If only Romney would admit defeat and concede, then the victory would be complete. What a petty man, Romney is, who refuses to act like an adult.

    Am so thankful we won't see Ann Romney turning her nose down on the little people staffers in the White House.

  74. Anonymous8:26 PM

    At this point, even if Romney got 100% of the popular vote in Ohio there are still 0 paths for him to win this election. Concede you stubborn dumb fuck.

    1. It's a math thing. It takes the Repugs a little longer than us. Be patient with the science-deniers. This one involves a lot of fingers and toes.

  75. Anonymous8:27 PM

    MSNBC implying Romney's a coward if he doesn't give a concession speech soon

    Everything is so awesome tonight, I don't know how to process it

  76. Anonymous8:28 PM

    watch the after glow -


  77. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Goddamn this last hour on FOX News was fucking magical. Karl Rove needs to have more meltdowns.

  78. Anonymous8:30 PM

    The question is who is the Republican leader tomorrow?

    1. SAlly in MI8:34 PM

      Cantor. Or they may try to foist Ryan on us.

    2. AJ Billings8:48 PM

      I predict a bony hand may go up in Wasilla, but it will be ignored

    3. Keep your hand up, Sarah. We'll get right back to ya.

    4. AJ, your comment dredged up the ending of Deliverance and I thought I had purged that awful moment from my data bank.

  79. Anonymous8:34 PM

    ‘Four more years’: Obama victory photo is his most re-tweeted post


  80. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Fox news

    "We should have won the Senate this time, there were over a dozen Democratic seats up for vote"

    Cry more you glorious failures

  81. Anonymous8:36 PM

    More bad news. Does this mean the Palins won't be able to get the contract to supply prostitutes to the Romney Secret Service agents?

  82. Anonymous8:38 PM


  83. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Romney said he doesn't have a concession speech. He only wrote a winning speech. Could it be that Romney is on the phone with Palin to see if he could use her concession speech? I heard she has a dandy one nobody has heard yet.

    1. Anonymous11:46 PM

      lol! I was picturing him wiping his tears, ripping his hair out, and scribbling madly on the back of a take out menu, and yelling at Ann, "It's enough to make a Mormon swear, for pete's sake!"

  84. Anonymous8:38 PM


  85. Anita Winecooler8:39 PM

    Thank You, Gryphen and IM'ers, your now defunct blog is the best!

    This election shows that money can't buy the highest office.

    Hey, Mitt, put your man pants on and do the right thing! and make sure you bring Ann along. Seeing you concede is something I've waited a long time to witness. Bye Paul Ryan, Hello Senator Grayson!

    Congratulations to President Obama, First Lady, Sasha and Malia, Mrs Robinson, Vice President Joe Biden, and Dr Jill Biden on your re-election!

    And a special Thank You to every person who got out the vote and voted. You're all my heroes.

  86. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Exhaling...now I can go to sleep with a smile.

  87. Anonymous8:41 PM

    President Obama is about to win Florida AND Virginia!

  88. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Obama won Virginia by about 50,000 voteswhich puts him at 303.

    He's also leading in Florida

    303 -- Nate Silver called it!!!!!!!

  89. AP has called Virgina for Obama.

    Somebody go tell Karl Rove that Ohio just became irrelevant.

    1. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Yes! Ohio is irrelevant.... and go California!

  90. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Maryland -- YES for Same Sex Marriage!!

    Colorado -- Yes for marijana (sp??) LOL
    Oregon -- No

    1. Anonymous9:35 PM

      Colorado - yes
      Washington - yes
      Oregon - no (measure 80 was a problem but pot isn't!)

    2. Washingtonians and Coloradoans will be able to grow HEMP without any red-tape!

  91. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Fox news is an an unbelievable shitshow right now.

  92. AJ Billings8:47 PM

    DAMN, I just listened to Todd Akin's concession, and he said "God makes no mistakes"

    No shit, you misognyistic religious nutcase!

    I guess he must believe that God elected Claire McCaskill because he is such an ignorant, uneducated religious fanatic, and does not deserve to represent Missouri for any elected office.

  93. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Romney has called Obama and conceded!!

    Will speak in about 4 minutes

  94. Anita Winecooler8:51 PM

    Romney to speak at 12:55 ET

    He congratulated POTUS by phone...

    Have a good night all!!!!!

  95. Romney only minutes away from giving concession speech.

    He JUST called and congratulated the President.

    So he has finally faced facts and thrown in the towel

  96. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I am one happy girl! Yesterday I submitted my signed thesis to the grad school and today I went salmon fishing- part in celebration and part as a way too keep from loosing my mind. We tried to listen to election results on the way home but got little reception out in the boonies. Tonight has been amazing listening to Maddow and hearing the battleground states going to Obama one after the other. Before I collapse and dream happy thoughts of tomorrow, I want to thank you Gryphen for keeping me sane, informed, and hopeful! I love this community and I think there is still lots more to do. We may have won the battle... Ha! Romney just conceded!

  97. Anonymous8:54 PM

    romney about to give a speech. he called obama to concede. finally

  98. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Tammy Baldwin beat Tommy Thompson!

  99. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Tammy Baldwin just won Senate seat in Wisconson.

    Tommy Thompson lost -- Good. Now he can teach his 42 year old lawyer son some manners as he's the own that was making racial comments about Obama being sent back to Kenya. He never apologized -- his daddy did it for him. Brung that shitfaced boy up bad and therefore character counts and he didn't deserve the senate seat.

  100. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Romney just mentioned the word 'HONESTY'. Surprised it could pass his lips the lying son of a bitch

  101. sewnup9:01 PM

    The rest of the world is ecstatic, just got emails from friends in Poland, Moldova, and Germany...all deliriously happy the world won't have to cope with "that man". Me too!!

    Thanks to Gryphen and to all the rest who saw the light and stayed the course. All that hard work was worth it.

  102. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I'm so happy that that ugly bitch will not get near the White House as First Lady. She too is arrogant, condescending and a bitch -- and I think racist too.

    She can go home and let her MS take over. I don't give a rat's ass if it enflames itself. She deserves it. Making reference that President Obama acts like a little boy, etc. -- fuck the bitch.

  103. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Obama's leading in the popular vote!!

  104. Anonymous9:08 PM

    It's all happening....It's all really happening. All our wildest dreams are coming true...

  105. Cracklin Charlie9:08 PM

    Yes, we can! And thank you, Gryphen, for all you do, and have done, to enlighten your readers.

    Congratulations to us all!

  106. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Obama is currently up by about 60,000 votes in VA. Only 6 precincts haven't reported so far out of 2,588.

    The networks seriously need to call it.

  107. Anonymous9:09 PM

    I believe that Nate Silver NAILED the prediction on electoral votes.

  108. Just watched Mitt's concession speech and threw up a little in my mouth. Surely I can't be the only one who is aware of the 'problem' with Ohio's voting machines, the very recent revelations of rigging of sorts by Repubs. Of course his campaign was contesting Ohio's results!...they weren't supposed to go to Obama.


    Has Monkey Mountain been permanently sealed yet??

    All the talking is done.

  110. Anonymous9:22 PM

    MSNBC just said it looks like Obama won 8 of the 9 swing states -- only loosing North Carolina.

    Obama's campaign both 2008 and 2012 was like a machine!! A well run one. Too bad the Rethugs didn't read Plouffe's book as he did write about the 2008 campaign. They might have learned something -- then again, that would mean they's have to know how to read and that's questionable!!!

  111. Anonymous9:33 PM

    My kids (aged 32 and 28)and I have been texting. We all thought Romney was robotic and false sounding. He did nothing to create bridges between Dems and his party.

    Gryphen, I found you in your first few months of blogging. Just want to take a minute to thank you for your honesty and passion for the American process. Just look at the community you have created! Sure it is sometimes rude, crude, and unattractive...but it keeps on growing...kind of frontier, as it were.

    I will be here with you, as we work together for the next four years.


  112. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I burst into tears when the First Family walked out!!!!

  113. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Allen West Knocked Out Of House Seat


  114. AJ Billings9:50 PM

    Even the bigoted racist Allen West is losing right now in the Florida 18th district.

    I hope when I wake up tomorrow I can read about his defeat in disgrace, along with Joe Walsh, Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, and Scott Brown.

  115. My Teabagger friends on Facebook are strangely quiet tonight. Why just this morning they were bragging about voting Obama out. I haven't the heart to rub some salt in their open wounds. Just so grateful that we were spared from Romney.

    A clear message was sent: don't f#*k around with the 47% or those who used to be.

  116. Anonymous9:58 PM

    This is big news.

    Tammy Baldwin made history on Tuesday night by becoming the first openly gay woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate.



  117. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Allen West is currently losing in FL

    99% reporting

    West 157,578
    Murphy 159,959

    It hasn't been called yet on the board but it sure looks like it!!

  118. Anonymous10:04 PM

    President Barack Obama is the greatest inspirational leader of our time!


  119. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Alaska went Romney, quite heavily. Gryphen, can you give us a quick lesson as to why?


    1. Sure.

      We suck.

      You're welcome.

    2. Anonymous10:14 PM

      Hahaha Gryphen, you are so damn funny! Thanks for all you do to run this blog and for the all the great belly laughs!


    3. Anonymous11:52 PM

      Alaska hasn't gone Democratic for a president since, I don't know, maybe never.

  120. Allen West loses House seat: http://tinyurl.com/cm2s6dq

    Damn could this night get ANY better?

    1. Anonymous10:18 PM

      That's great news! We really kicked ass. I hope this is the end of the T-baggers and their nut case leader, whom shall not be named.


    2. Bachmann on unemployment would be a nice touch. Guess the odds were there for one nutjob to break thru the fence. Compared to the others who did lose, she's merely a goofy gnat.

  121. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Sarah Palin Shows Up In 80s Hair, Frosted Lipgloss For Fox News Election Day Appearance


    1. Big ole bobble-headed bitch.

    2. Anonymous10:52 PM

      and her putative partner in those C4P dreams, Allen West, LOST:

  122. That was quite a hike on bullshit mountain. Congrats to all!

  123. I wept like Oprah--no other simile fits as well--as I did last year, when I saw on HP that President Obama had acquired the necessary 270 electoral votes.

    A few minutes ago I heard President Obama use the word "grace" in his acceptance speech. It's a simple and beautiful word which is probably misunderstood and underrated by the atheists who often post on this blog. It's a word of infinite blessings, intended to be freely given to all.

    We dodged a bullet this day, and kept ourselves on the path of goodness.

    1. BabyRaptor12:32 AM

      Grace is not solely a religious concept. Don't assume you have it on lock-down just because your religion claims it's important. And stop implying that athiests are stupid.

      Have a nice day! :)

  124. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Gabby Giffords seat in AZ

    97% reporting
    Ron Barber is behind by 127 -so little- 104,315
    McSally - 104,442

    Barber is also one of the gentlemen that was shot.

  125. Tough day to be a Bagger! Allen West lost. Joe Walsh lost. Alan Grayson won. Looks like MBachmann pulled it out for a narrow win. That would've been TOO sweet if Crazy Eyes had lost, too. Her career is toast.

  126. An European Viewpoint10:40 PM

    I'm so very relieved Obama won.

    Four years ago I was glad he did, because his not being white was history in the making, and I took an instant distaste to one Palin Sarah - that's when I started informing myself about her and her deeds.

    But now, having daily read Gryphen's blog for years, and having read the comments and felt close to the commenters, I was really hoping sanity would prevail - and that you all would not be sold out, by the voting of your fellow citizens, to billionaire vultures.

    Congratulations !

    1. Anonymous11:29 PM

      Your comment is much appreciated.

  127. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Boney Boo Boo:

    You do know that Alan Grayson is a very progressive Democrat?

    1. No doubt. Sorry, but my sentences running together with too many thoughts would lead you to believe otherwise, huh? Drinking and commenting here at IM go hand-in-hand.

      I hated it when he lost to the Teabagger in 2010. Grayson helped big time in getting ACA passed in 2008-2010 when he first served. I'm glad he's back in the House in Jan-2013 b/c he's relentless, and will tell the Bachmann type fools that they are crazy as hell.

  128. Anonymous10:57 PM

    The only thing missing from Mitch McConnell's statement was to begin it with:

    "Hey Boy"

  129. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Full text and video of President Obama's VICTORY speech


  130. Anonymous11:02 PM

    You do realize that as much as we're happy the election is over -- we will go into withdrawal as it is a day after day slog that draws you in!

    Oh those dust bunnies should be afraid -- be very afraid. I won't have an election to blame it on that I couldn't get all the housework done!!

    1. Anonymous11:38 PM

      An Obama Presidency insures that I can still afford to have my "house cleaning Angel" come in twice a week!

  131. Anonymous11:03 PM


    Nate Silver is on The Daily Show Wednesday night.

  132. Anonymous11:09 PM

    I've been following blogs all day. At times it sounded like a war out there in some of the states. The Republicans were throwing everything they had at the voters who were pushing back and insisting on their right to vote. Some people went to incredible lengths to vote. Everybody was watching the machines and defying those who would intimidate. Reading about Karl Rove's melt-down I realize, it was a war out there. The fix was in in Fl, OH, and possibly PA. Rove expected to win those states as he had in 2000, 2004. But this time, the American people stood up and said, "NO!". They deserve this victory. They should stand talk with pride.

    Elizabeth 44

  133. Anonymous11:44 PM

    It was good to see McCaskill win, as it must have been difficult this week as her mother passed away this past week.

  134. Anonymous12:07 AM

    from Italy my congratulations to all Americans with a working heart who didn't forget that America's blessing its diversity. Gryphen,great blog!

  135. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Congratulations! I'm very happy that Obama has been reelected. :) Thank you Gryphen for your blog, which is informative and funny. I have been reading it for the past year or so; the only thing I wish for is that you make it more easily accessible for Internet Explorer users; every day I have to wait patiently for a couple of minutes for the blog to load! But it's worth it!! Greetings to you, Gryphen and to all IM readers from Sanne in France.

  136. Randall3:31 AM

    Any news from the "Harpy of the Hinterlands"?


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