Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Perhaps the best, and certainly cutest, endorsement that President Obama has received this election cycle.

From the YouTube site:

I came home to discover my daughter had voted in preschool. I grabbed the camera and had the following conversation. As near as I can tell, she was not prompted by her teachers or her family (including me). You should listen to what she has to say.

Do you know what? THAT little sweetheart looks fired up, and ready to go!

Oh, if only ALL Obama supporters had her enthusiasm.


  1. Anonymous2:23 PM

    CNN Exits: White & evangelical vote is down from 08 as a % of electorate and young voters same as in 08 and Latino vote up to double digits

  2. Anonymous2:25 PM

    CNN Reporting Record Latino Exit Polls and 2008 style 18-35 Turnout tonight based on Exit Polls. EXCELLENT

    The demographic turnout is a Romney nightmare. Record Latino turnout and same 18-35 Year old turnout as in 08

    18-34 Year Olds are turning out at same level as in 08. Good news for POTUS. Latino Vote up to double digits (1st time ever)


  3. imnofred2:25 PM

    This is O/T but I live in Florida and am sweating this one out. Even with the polls and Nate Silver favoring Obama, I am nervous. Hopefully, this ends early.

  4. Anonymous2:36 PM

    How adorable! You can bet she will take voting seriously when she is of age. Thanks for sharing.

    @Anonymous 2:23 PM
    That's good news about the evangelical vote. My mom is one and she said she wasn't going to vote, so I believe this is true. I also believe that this is exactly why Romney had to get down in the mud with Palin. Sucks to be Romney and Palin!!

  5. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I saw my 97-year-old friend on the bus home today. He said he voted for "that guy that needs to win." I didn't know which race, so asked who. He said, "Obama. I was in the military and get their propaganda to this day. I know who supports our boys..."

    Would have hugged him, had I not thought I might break something!


    1. Anonymous6:08 AM

      Such a cute story. :)

  6. Anonymous2:46 PM

    early indications of higher turnout -- in PA, OHIO and VIRGINIA are mostly good news for O.

  7. Anonymous2:48 PM

    The World We Share


  8. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Vermont called for President Obama!

  9. Anonymous3:30 PM

    My mother, who is raising my 7 year old nephew, just called to report that he decided to take a poll in his elementary school. It was Obama, 37 and Romney, 13. I don't know if he polled just kids or teachers too, but either works for me! (unfortunately, my mother voted for Romney)

    1. Anonymous6:06 AM

      Romney is a tax cheating, job outsourcing, crooked, unethical, pathological liar. Why would anyone want someone like him as the leader of this country?


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