Saturday, November 03, 2012

D.C. Douglas: Why I'm Voting Republican.

Okay please do us all a favor and make sure you watch until the end. 

Parody only works if you pay attention.


  1. Sharon5:38 PM

    He pretty much nailed it...I just watched a video on Americablog News, it so reminded me of Palin in 2008. This poor guy is interviewing people at an Ohio Robme event asking why they are voting for him and guess what? Clueless, stupid, dumb non answers...just like Palin. You know they are getting all their info from Fox and Mitt and it is so out there, how can these people be functioning at a job everyday? You know how the GOP has to be laughing at how truly dumb these sheep are....amazing.

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Sharon, I see the same thing with the Romney supporters on the blogs. It is all just regurgitated Fox nonsense. They really are just being led around like sheep. Unfortunately for the rest of us, there are millions of them.

    2. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Sharon, I watched that video and thought the same thing as you. Romney and all the republicans must have so much disdain for their supporters, if they only knew. I felt sad watching it, knowing that Fox News is responsible for it, that and no critical thinking skills. I was also disheartened to see young people in the video just as clueless. Sad for America.


  2. Jesse, where DO you find this stuff?

  3. Anonymous7:24 PM

    I knew this was a parody after the 2nd sentence. They guy is articulate. Big give away.

  4. Anita Winecooler7:40 PM

    That was fantastic!

    Thanks for the "satire" caveat - saves a lot of pearl clutching!


    President Obama just knocked it out of the ballpark in Bristow Virginia. THE BEST campaign speech EVER!!
    I had goosebumps on my goosebumps! - check it out- Barack and Bill -

    Look at the enthusiasm of the crowd! What an amazing man!

    Obama 2012! - ain't no stopping us now!!!!!

  5. Anonymous8:24 PM

    oh, does Sarah have the 3rd creepy Chuck's right nut in her purse with her other collection?

    The reason I ask is, she obviously ain't ready for the show, so all she can do is play 'small-ball'.

  6. Anonymous9:36 PM

    OT; I heard, just 2 weeks ago (on good authority), that Scarah's mother is suffering from Alzheimer's and that Chuck now has his hands full. Maybe mom will be the new spokesperson for the clan, since she doesn't 'know' them any longer ?

  7. Anonymous10:10 PM

    From the C4P

    ¨palin45potus Moderator Yesterday 02:12 AM

    What a great interview by Sarah Palin last night!

    The review that Brianus wrote up late last night was superb.

    I stand in awe of her communication skills, and his ability to analyze and dissect her potent messages. As she only has a very limited amount of airtime, she must be brief yet have the message hit home in a memorable way.

    I can only imagine what a force she will someday be, as she has a complete team in place and a well-planned campaign ready to go. It's what I look forward to the most if it is indeed a door that opens to her.

    Everyone have a great day.¨

    Who is this Brian sphincter guy?


    I will never be banned.

    It´s all about the traffic.

    Sarah needs to lose another 30 lbs and bigger boobies.

    Let´s go for it....

  8. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Obama's nearing his peak from Oct. 4th of 87.1% -- he's now at 85.1%.

  9. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Iknow you probably saw this - but just in case I had to share -

    here is an excerpt:

    SarahPac last ditch contribution to Romney campaign - Like everything else in the Palin political repertoire, Palin is still trying to peddle her rancid brand of demagogic snake oil to the American people. Her political action committee is little more than a con job--she has donated merely 1.7 percent of the money she has raised to political candidates across the country. It's a scam from beginning to end.
    Palin's last-ditch grandstanding will not only turn off independents and undecided voters, it will be sure to bring out Democrats in droves. Of all national political figures, Palin is by far the most polarizing (with negatives literally off the charts), and her latest self-serving stunt now seals the deal--Romney will go down on Tuesday.

  10. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Nobody wants to bang poverty chicks, and the phone number ending in U PIG! Great stuff!

  11. Anonymous9:08 AM

    This is awesome - going straght to Facebook!

  12. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Sorry, I don't find this funny. I understand the parody but it just doesn't work for me. And yes, I payed attention through to the end. To me, this sends the wrong message. I feel the only person that can joke about womens rights in this instance and make parody or comedy of it is a female.

    This guy just turns me off.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.