Friday, November 30, 2012

Dueling signs.

I think that woman on the right is awesome for taking these yahoos on, and not allowing their intellectually stunted message to stand without opposition.

Everybody wants there to be less abortions in this country, the only difference is that one side wants to force women to breed under penalty of incarceration, and one wants to increase access to birth control and sex education in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place.

Doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist to decide which side is the more reasonable, and the more likely to achieve a successful outcome.


  1. Anonymous10:03 AM

    OT... Did Bristol close down her facebook page?

    1. It's still there...with Krusty the Krazy slobering all over poor Beefy in the's the link...

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Here's a great article I read this morning, courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:

  3. Anonymous10:19 AM

    The guy on the left is definately a yahoo. While the woman on the right is worth (g)oogling!

  4. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Everybody is pro-choice as well. It's just that some nuts want to choose for everyone else.

    And, on top of that, pro-lifers can't prevent wealthy women choosing safe, private abortions in Sweden, Canada etc. because pee-stick tests at airport boarding gates would be laughed out of the Supreme Court. So pro-lifers, whether they will admit or not, are fixated on demanding babies from poor women. And pro-lifers use "god" as an excuse for such pathetic logic.

    Before The Pill and before legal abortions, women DID get abortions but they weren't safe. We can either have "choice" and safe abortions, or we can have unsafe abortions. NO abortions is just not possible.

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      But better sex education and access to contraceptives will prevent many unplanned pregnancies. These idiots don't realize there is a common ground...NO ONE wants abortion.

  5. Anonymous10:27 AM

    The deflated man on the left asked the woman on the right for ¨A date, just some hot cocoa, you know, you´re a hot liberal.¨

    Her response: ¨Thanks for deeming me a ¨hot liberal,¨ but you have no chance.¨

  6. Dan Heynen10:39 AM

    Interesting article by Howard Bess in the Frontiersman this AM on this topic.

    "As a Baptist, I give significant weight to the witnesses of the Bible. When I began my journey on the issue of the beginning of life, I took a good look at my Bible and did not find much. It is very difficult to ask modern questions of ancient writings without a good bit of interpretation and cultural translation. I found only one verse in the whole Bible that might have some relevance.
    In Genesis 2, there is a second account of the creation of human beings. Verse 7 says that God shaped a human being out of the dust of the earth and then breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. With God’s gift of breath, the man became a living being.
    As a working model I concluded that there is no human life until the first breath is taken."

    Howard is an American Baptist preacher - far different than Southern Baptist!

    1. Leland11:22 AM

      Thank you Dan, for pointing out that there ARE other Baptists in the country.

      While I still cannot accept any religion, at least it is nice to hear a sane voice once in a while.

    2. Sally in MI12:29 PM

      That is a great interpretation! Love it, and makes so much sense. Funny how the anti-science GOP is just fine using ultrasound to 'prove' that a nine day embryo has rights, huh?

  7. Leland10:43 AM

    Once again it is the religious right herding the gullible. And I noticed that the other person in the picture is a.) MALE and b.) OLD. It's EASY for him to say "the life you carry - even from rape - is precious". HE doesn't have to carry the thing 9 months!

    I think, though, that those same religious right fanatics are finding out that trying to force this (these) idea(s) on women (well, most women) is like trying to herd cats: Great idea, extremely difficult to accomplish!

    1. Ok, this is catty, but my husband and I have both remarked that ANTI-CHOICE people tend to be unattractive.

    2. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Darlene: It's not's the truth. These people that want so desperately to intrude on other's lives are despicable.

      Here's the deal: No one wants abortion. But as long as it is a constitutional right, let it happen, and let it happen safely.

      Republicans for years and years have railed against abortion, but when they have had the majority in power, did they do anything about it?? No.. Because abortion is a hot button issue that brings out voters.

      It's always the same for Republicans. Guns, God, Gays and Abortion. It brings out their base to vote and they will do nothing about it. They are cowards.

      They preach abstinence but as human beings, we know that's not going to happen. We are born sexual beings. The moral majority right can rail against that, but that cannot change nature. Just say no to sex? Not going to happen. Ask a Catholic priest, and yes, that's a low blow, but true.

      I would rather my teenage daughter know about and use birth control than tell her to "Just don't do IT." It's not going to happen. To me, that's bad parenting.
      Arm our children with knowledge, not ignorance.

      Sorry. I'll get off the soap box and go watch House Hunters or something.
      It just makes me so angry!!!

  8. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Yep. It is easy being ANTI-CHOICE when you're not the one being pregnant.

    1. It's also easy to be a FUCKING EXPERT ON EVERYTHING if you spend your time parroting bumper sticker slogans instead of reading current scientific literature and listening to expert medical professionals as well as real, live human beings that might be affected by an issue (Like, you know, WOMEN. Duh!)

      Yeah, yeah, it's too wordy to be a slogan and I typed a vulgar word, but I'm just sayin' that I've heard enough teabaggers this week talking--- about shit they know very little or nothing about--- to last a lifetime.

      The Weekend starts in 2 minutes. I feel better already.

    2. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Thank you, Boney Boo Boo! Let the weekend begin!!

  9. Anonymous10:49 AM

    What pisses me off the most is when the pro-life crowd scream about a liberal "They're for abortion!"
    You hear that a lot. "Obama is for abortion!"
    Let me tell you something right now. No one is FOR abortion. OK?
    It would be fantastic if abortion were never needed or wanted, but that isn't reality. The choice is what people are 'for.'
    No one, not a man anywhere, should tell a woman what to do with her own body. It's a personal decision, but the option for a procedurally safe abortion should exist.
    And another thing: These pro-life people want to interfere with a woman's ability to have a safe abortion, but where are they when a child is born that isn't wanted, loved, fed, cared for, etc? They are no where to be found.

    1. Sally in MI12:27 PM

      And they are ever so eager to send our young people to war, but resist caring for them if they come home 'damaged' in any way. When Keith was still on the air, he pointed out that many of the homeless are vets, which the GOP ignores. Theya re also first in line to vote for capital punishment, think spanking is good parenting, and would let principals smack their kid around if he got out of line at school. Yeah, they are pro-life all right...for about nine months.

  10. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Old white coot hunched over a groundless, outmoded philosophy...that about sums of the Republican Party!

  11. I wish her sign said "anti-choice", because that's what we are.

    We are all pro-life. In fact, in more ways than one, the left is more pro-life than the other side.

    1. Good point, Denise. But she still deserves kudos for making the effort, toughing it out in the cold to balance the public message against the simple-minded screed of the self-righteous who wrongly judge others.

      But I do agree that the argument needs to be framed properly, in order for people to understand the REAL issues, not the bumper-sticker slogans that replace critical-thinking for too many who are easily misinformed.

  12. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I have to admit to getting a very creepy feeling any time I see some weird looking ugly old MALE taking his time to prance around with signs like these.

    NO ONE I know, would EVER even consider doing such a thing.

    So, just what in the hell could be the impetus to get a jerkoff like this off his couch, away from watching wrestling on TV, and out onto the street?

    1. Leland12:51 PM

      Ugly Wife?


    2. Anonymous12:26 PM

      "just what in the hell could be the impetus...?"

      1. A shallow, insincere, self-righteous "Others are bad but I'm godly" attitude"; or
      2. $$$

      Otherwise, it's wrestling and Fox "News" channel.

    3. Anonymous2:21 PM

      So, just what in the hell could be the impetus to get a jerkoff like this off his couch, away from watching wrestling on TV, and out onto the street?

      Easy answer: Internet Porn

      Well, not out of the house, but at least off the couch and into a metal folding chair with a bag of Cheetos.

  13. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Reliiion - and a lot of jealousy and guilt.

  14. It's easy to be ignorant when knowing the truth would force you to think and then, possibly, change your opinion.

  15. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I refuse to call those who oppose "choice" "pro life." They are not "pro life." Unless they are willing to support universal health care, good public education, and help for struggling single moms as well as families, they are NOT pro life. I consider myself to be "pro choice" and "pro life."

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Hear, hear! When we use "pro-life" to describe those who are anti-choice, we're shooting ourselves in the foot because we have adopted their propaganda and are implying that, by extension, we are anti-life. I know no one who is pro-choice who is not also pro-life.

    2. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Beaglemom: I'm with you, 100%. These same so called (Pro-life)people see no wrong with the men, womenm and children killed, left homeless,with schools destroyed,hospitals the same.while the country is destroyed.How can anyone be pro-life and believe in war? wish one of those people would explain.

  16. Anonymous3:25 PM

    These self-righteous folks want...
    "smaller gov'ment"
    "no entitlements"
    "get the terr'ist" and
    "hands off my guns"
    But when it comes to abortion...
    Government step in to stop abortion.
    While collecting S.S., Medicare, Disability from the "gov'ment"
    Send young people to war to be killed or maimed.
    And then say...NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TAKE MY GUN!!!!

  17. Anonymous3:41 PM

    What they are is "MY Choice", not Yours...MY MY MY!

  18. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Here is a wonderfully perfect example of a Republican conservative family values politician:

    Scott Dejarlais from (where else?) Tennessee!

  19. Anita Winecooler7:25 PM

    A picture's worth a thousand words, but how many times have we seen this scenario play out? Some old male sanctimonious yahoo vs a sane female?
    I'm pro choice not because I'm pro abortion (as a means of contraceptive). I'm pro choice for women who chose to carry a fetus and bear a child, and I'm pro choice for women who want a safe, legal abortion.

  20. Hugh G. Rection4:31 PM

    I honestly believe that there is no one that is pro abortion, this decision, is between a woman and her doctor. Family, husband, significant other may be involved, but the ultimate decision is between a woman and her doctor.

    Just my two cents.


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