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"People are forgetting about me, I have to do something stupid to get their attention!" |
Who is running our country? We've got a CIA Director sharing security info with his mistress using an unsecure gmail account. We've got the delusional Susan Rice blaming the death of an ambassador on a Youtube video. We've got Iran firing on one of our drones a week before the election. We've got the White House either ignorant of or covering up all of this. Who is minding the store? Everywhere we look we see the rank incompetence or corruption of the people who are supposedly running our country and our major institutions. Let's hope that responsible reporters at Obama's press conference today ask the right questions Americans deserve answers to.
Here's my question for the president: As our nation's chief executive you claim to be unaware of the most important and tragic situations we're facing; so, as a former chief executive, I'd like to know how long it takes for your staff to tell you things like: "Sir, your CIA Director is under investigation"?
- Sarah Palin
Seriously? This idiot was not even aware that her daughter was spending the night banging her boyfriend, and then sneaking back into the house before she woke up. And then she attempted to fool people into thinking she was pregnant in the clumsiest manner possible, by stuffing a sofa cushion under her shirt.
Yet SHE feels qualified, as "a former chief executive" to ask the President to explain why the FBI did not see fit to inform him that the CIA director was under investigation?
Perhaps she should call her friends on the FBI and ask them?
Update: BY the way I am watching the President's press conference while typing this and the President is being VERY forthright about a number of issues, however he is not taking the bait of commenting in too much detail about the Petraeus investigation which is still ongoing.
Oddly enough he does not seem to even be aware that the batshit crazy Facebook blogger has a question for him. Go figure.
This can't be: "using an unsecure gmail account."
ReplyDeleteEven a former half a governor knows how risky THAT would be. (Thanks to using a former baggage handler as her IT guru.)
Excellent point!
DeleteI love that coming from the Queen of Unsecure Email Accounts!!!!
DeleteEmailgate and Troopergate are deliciously parallel to the unraveling Patreus Affair.
DeleteComing next week from the WGE. On her fb, or next DWTS visit. All of 'em.
Delete"Securing your families important communications and secrets on the internet. Proper password selection to keep intruders and H8Trz out of your private lives!"
Bravo! I didn't catch that. Thanks for point it out.
DeleteFirst thing I saw - some folks have been known to use unsecure email accounts to carry out state business - using a password that anyone could bypass - without even trying
DeleteHey, Stoopid $carah - why don't you ask Eric Cantor - who knew and said nada?
DeleteYou are a clueless bitch. So's Eric,evidently.
DeleteEven better, the "hacker" probably clicked - "Forget password?"
and the question prompt was:
What was the name of your high school?
And gosh darn it if Columbo didn't crack *that* code!!
Seriously. Her security answer was :Public.Information:
(She *could* have had access to missile codes, people!!)
Get ready for a $creech bash fest, fans!
DeleteRegarding McShame's put down of Susan Rice/Benghazi saying she 'is not very smart' -- Dan Rather tonight on Rachel Maddow said: "This is the man who chose Sarah Palin." And two other pundits on other news talk shows said the exact same thing, adding how McStain put Palin 'a heart beat away from the presidency."
You KNOW that signals that start of a media dump on the Adderall addled, anorexic, word spew,hate filled, half term half wit! Let's hope $he gets to "defend' her$elf on FOX. Bwaaaahahahahhahah......
Frankly, the actions and lifestyle of the delusional Kelley Twins in Tampa remind me of the grifting Palin family. Like informing the police that they are diplomats so they should get extra special protection. Or the FBI guy who sent shirtless pics to Jill Kelley and got frustrated with the pace of the investigation he had to run to Eric Cantor on the hill. Troopergate much?
ReplyDeleteProof that money, fame and social climbing can't buy class.
The nutty twin sis' custody case not only entangled her family but they snagged a couple of Generals and made them look pitiful.
DeleteActually, the generals made themselves look pitiful. They are all nuts.
DeleteI believe there is a particular class of idiot people who feel entitled simply because they exist. The delusion is palpable and people who aren’t deluded in this regard immediately identify these people as idiots extraordinaire. Sarah Palin is one of them.
Deletedayaam, click on the skank scarecrow's pic and you get ;
Delete1. loose loose flesh on blackberry totin' arm
2. belmont's definitely not even close to bein' in sync, one way high, the other way low
3. the quick access, inner thigh zippers .... WTF ?!? ... ( well i guess that's how $he keeps the flies outta her face, crack one-0-those things open and presto )
4. the excess jean material flappin off her skank saggy ass
Did you read The New republic Article - it's a good one.
Somehow the ultimate meritocrat had found a distinctly unqualified candidate to sum up his life’s work.
DeleteHoly crow, this is like John McCain soiling his legacy with Sarah Palin!
She has the gall to squawk about official information being sent via a non-secure email account?
She has always squawked about others doing what she did. It's like she sees "forward" only and does not think anything that she did before the current moment exists. She is not a very bright person. In fact, she is a lunatic.
DeleteRe-posting my comment from the other thread...
ReplyDeleteObviously this Fakebook post was not penned by Baldy...shit she probably never even read it...you know how I know this...because there is no mention of "big dingalings and having balls"! Baldy must still be under sedation or in a drunken stupor...sitting around in the same funky smelling clothes she had on last Tuesday...stuffing her face with smores...taco bell and throwing it all up and starting all over again! LOL!!
What Baldy needs to do is STFU because eventually she is going to have to pay for the deaths of those six people in Arizona and the wounding of Gabby Gifford...any questions that bald headed idiot should be asking is...."Do I get to take all my wigs with me to prison?"
Stupid ass bitch!
Do you really think Sarah Palin is going bald? I sure don't but maybe at one time she was losing some of her hair. Now she looks great with her new slim look and her hair looks great too. Sorry gina but that's some truth you are going to have to deal with soon before it drives you completely up the wall.
DeleteGina, one mispelled word there... I thought it is more properly "Fecebook"...
DeleteAnon 10:36 a.m.
DeleteYou are a necrophiliac if you think Sarah's look can be labeled as "slim." She looks Holocaust emaciated.
DeleteNope. Fecesbook.
Her new "slim look"? Dear gods, she looks likes a scrawny scarecrow. Which is pretty much the role she plays on Fox News....
DeleteAnon 10:36am:
DeleteThanks for the laugh, $arah! Even though you've lost your mind, glad you haven't lost your sense of humor.
Anonymous10:36 AM
DeleteHey it's the "bald troll"! It really does bother you that Baldy is hanging on to some scraps of hair huh? LMAO!!!
Take it up with the bald idiot...her hairdresser spilled the beans...not me...remember the Beehive lady's interview with the NYTimes!
She's B A L D...deal with it! LOL!!
PS...that "slim look" you're referring to...METH!
And you better hope Baldy doesn't end up doing a Breifart...and that's a "truth you are going to have to deal with soon".
Anonymous11:18 AM
"Fecebook"...good one! LOL!
Yeah, and the stupid ass bitch would have said "boys will be boys" under any other circumstances. Why'd ya change your tune, Sawah??
Delete10:36 a.m.
DeleteIt was THE BEEHIVE, Big Hair Alaska loser, that ratted on Baldy going bald. Not GinaM.
The extensions do look better than scaly scalp but the wigs are mostly hideous. Like you, I too am glad to see the truth that she is emaciated but that is not my idea of "slim."
The Broadwell spy is some competition for old Baldy in the press but they do have some areas where they could bond. Inappropriate dress for one.
The one person who ensures she will never hold political office again - Gabby Giffords.
DeleteAnonymous10:36 AM
DeleteDo you really think Sarah Palin is going bald?
Ya krusty she is on going bald. If you would LOOK at her Wigs and as far as her slimness and FAKE tits...well speed will make ya 89 lbs isn't that what the NE said she weighed?
And it will also BreitFart her out of the world if she isn't careful.
As far as "Driving Gina up the wall"? With Laughter maybe Bwhahahahahaha you dumbshit troll!
The picture of baldy with the tight jeans clearly points out that she has an eating problem. Her legs and arms both show evidence of the loss of muscle mass, most likely the result of purging her food. Since her poor eating habits seem to go as far back to at least when she was running for VP, and probably longer, you have to wonder if her family has even expressed any concern for her, or are they even intelligent enough to recognize a problem exists. On the other hand, maybe they don't want to risk loosing the goose that lays their golden egg should it be discovered that she had entered a rehab program. For a problem as serious as she seems to have would mean entering a rehab program for at least a month, but more likely up to 3 months or longer. After seeing pictures of Bristol recently, she seems to have copied and developed the same sickness as her mother.
DeleteIf it's true, and not another lie to throw off anyone from thinking she doesn't have a serious mental issue, I would love to see the diet book she's claiming to be writing. It probable could be written in just one paragraph or less; Eat what you like, but purge what you have just eaten into a toilet, and then repeat.
Gabby Giffords will always lead a happier life than Sarah Palin.
DeleteI think Sarah Palin is incapable of true happiness.
She is simply full of hate.
Her diet is METH!
DeleteI wonder if she leaves needles laying around like Todd?
Hey, since Sarah obviously knows everything about everything in the world, I hear there's an opening got an ambassador or two. How about N. Korea?
ReplyDeleteThe peoples' Party have a comoplete monopoly on government idiotcy and messmanagement.
DeleteFor that rweason, the entry visa application of Sarah Palin has been REJKECTED.
Dear leader does like the p*rn, so if there is an extra copy of that Gl@n R@ice party, then send send it and a nice fat bribe with your reapplication.
n Korea ... perfect! It is one of her fav allies. ;)
DeleteWe've waited two weeks for a comment from our savior of civil society, and this is what she offers?
ReplyDeleteI'm hereby withholding contributions to SarahPAC until Sarah tells us where she spent $3M in the past two years to "help elect common-sense conservative candidates". It appears that 98%+ of the money is unaccounted for...
I think Steven Colbert addressed that the other night. It seems to be very clear where the money is going.
DeleteWe've got a CIA Director sharing security info with his mistress using an unsecure gmail account????
ReplyDeleteWhat about the Alaskan governor Sarah Palin who shared secrets and had her husband sit in on state official meetings and was posted on all state emails from state employees and he wasn't even an employee of the state.
What about the emails? Sarah Palin used unsecured Yahoo mail for official state email business so that the state of Alaska wouldn't be able to see what she was doing or saying.
Sarah seemed to have forgotten all that but we haven't.
Sarah looks up to Todd Palin who would never share secrets with his girls, not really mistresses. It is great to see she is keeping up to date on CIA matters. Boy is she relevant.
DeleteSarah Palin is next to worthless. Unless you're one of those sorry family members of hers who line up on her back porch to share in her grifting proceeds from the woefully uninformed bots that are on Palin's target lists.
ReplyDeleteDidn't the former half-term QUITTER "former chief executive" use an unsecured yahoo email to conduct state business??? Project much, $arah???
ReplyDeleteYeah... but that's YAHOO, not GMAIL! Apples and oranges! LOL
DeleteI wonder why the Palin Administration (that's a wtf right there!) chose YAHOO? lol.
ReplyDeleteToday, the Senator told CBS News that he would block Ambassador Susan Rice’s confirmation if President Obama nominates her as the next Secretary of State, saying she’s ‘not being very bright’ and ‘not qualified.’
Perhaps, but rumor has it Susan Rice has actual foreign policy experience that expands past what she can see from land here in America....
But see? As U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Susan Rice probably knows that Africa is a continent and not a country, as the Senator’s Vice Presidential pick thought. Qualifications!
John McCain hasn’t been the same since he sold his soul to the devil only to lose in the end after making an international fool of himself by picking Sarah Palin (and, unwittingly, it seems, her witch doctor) as his VP. Not bright! Anyone would be bitter.
Somebody should tell that bitter old man that there are clouds to wave fists at and kids to order off of his lawn. Assessing intelligence after bringing that idiot Palin into the public eye is really not his thing.
DeleteBitter old man! Go home. No one cares what you think about Susan Rice or anyone else for that matter. SARAH PALIN!? LOL. What a joke he’s become.
DeleteI used to suspect that McCain is in the first stages of dementia, I may have been right. To put Palin a heart beat away from the presidency proves that he is not the sharpest tool in the box!
DeleteWhy doesn't a reporter ask him why he picked Sarah who was ‘not being very bright’ and ‘not qualified.’ ???
DeleteThe projection of these assholes is beyond the pale.
I think that John McCain should have retired from politics after the 2008 campaign. He's just not all there, if he ever was.
I've suspected he has Alzheimer's since the: "I never called myself a maverick" thing.
DeleteI think his melanoma has entered his brain!
Delete"Oddly enough..." hahahhaaaahhahaaaaahhahahaaa oh oh oh oh uh okay oh that made me laugh. Good one.
ReplyDeleteThat woman is certifiably "mental."
ReplyDeleteShe just hasn't been the same since she gave herself that ice pick lobotomy.
DeleteMessage to Sarah:
ReplyDeleteNo one gives a shit what Ram has to say.
Go get more surgery, you need it, you big ASSHOLE!
Oh, Sarah! "THINGS ARE HAPPENING OH MY GOD WHY! THIS IS ALL OBAMA'S FAULT!" Why don't you go take a nap, crazy lady.
ReplyDelete......A dirt nap. fixed it for you
DeleteWhy thank you, lol.
DeleteWhat an uninformed SKANK she is. Hey Sarah, why haven't you commented on the ongoing SEX-TRAFFICKING INVESTIGATION in Alaska? Could it be because Todd is involved? With your 'Chief Executive' experience how did you not know what your Husband was doing while you were Governor? Why were you involved in Trooper Wooten's child custody proceedings? You are just like the Scandalous Fame seeking Whores in the Generals' Scandal.
ReplyDeleteIf she doesn’t start eating, she’s not long for this earth. If she gets sick, for whatever reason, there’s no fat to nourish her until she heals. She’ll also lose the rest of her hair.
DeleteI'll miss her, but the world will be a much better place to live when she's finally gone for good. Say goodnight, Gracie.
DeleteOh, well... surely a fitness expert (sic) knows how to care for her health.
DeleteShe may eat like a pig in the closet. Vomits or is into the laxatives. Do you think she and B do it mother/daughter style?
Deletethe meth head needs to crawl back under her rock..we haven't missed her scrawny lying ass one little bit over the last two weeks...so fuck off sarah, go brush your teeth & wash your hair.
ReplyDeleteAs if PBO doesn't have enough to do, he is now expected to babysit and monitor the behavior of those 'trusted' REPUBLICANS who have been placed in high position in our government services and their party pal friends. One would think by now these alleged grown-ups could serve in their esteemed capacity without requiring a full-time nanny to oversee their daily actions. Short answer to Palin. Expect anything from your kind of peeps --- IOKIYAR covers it all.
ReplyDelete'Former chief executive' my patootie!!! Was, and is, nothing more than a fame-seeking, wannabee somebody, scofflaw masquerading as an elected public servant. STFU Palin, let the grownups try to handle this without more twerp chirps from your peanut gallery.
"Former chief execute who quit halfway through because it was too hard" that is.
DeleteShe should have hired another city manager, or 2 or 3 more plus another decorator. Her life as faux chief executive would have been much easier and not cost her a cent. Her Valley peeps love to pay her bills.
DeleteOh my- the lunatic has spoken. No,wait, she has written another note to the President. Did they pass the note to the President during his press conference? The loons at the pond will be so excited to hear from their leader. They don't know what to think until they see the newest note. They live and breathe with the notes from the Chief Lunatic.
ReplyDeleteShe is a crackup. Still thinks she is relevant!
ReplyDeleteShe is relevant as fodder for mirth. She is the world's most prominent dope.
DeleteSo does that dim witted Manchurian candidate John McCain, who picked that dumb ass, really thinks that anyone cares what he has to say. According to him, Susan Rice, who has a Phd. and is a Rhodes Scholar, and has a boat load of foreign policy experiences, is not qualified to be Secretary of State. But that ignorant, backward, uneducated, racist dumb ass whore Palin, is qualified to be a VP nominee that he chose. These two pathetic ass holes deserve each other.
DeleteI love how she dropped the "lamestream media" bullshit in this mini rant/cesspool. She hopes someone in the media asks the right questions...
DeleteLike "What have you read?"
"Do you agree with the Bush Doctrine?"
"Where's Trig's Birth Certificate?"
"How many calories are in a tic tac?"
"Is denture creme a good wig glue?"
Has anybody seen Todd lately? We haven't seen him in Anchorage since Parnell signed the sex trafficking document.
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah how come Todd hasn't been hanging out with hookers in Anchorage anymore?
Did Todd go to Canada or Russia? Can he be extradited back to the country of Alaska?
DeleteI thought Alaska was a continent.
DeleteTodd is busy with AIP secessionist plans. He is the go to sexpert on all those matters. His shadow services are in demand.
DeleteApparently, we should just ask him.
DeleteI asked him, and he emailed me a photo of his bare chest- not a pretty sight!
DeleteWhat happened to Bristol Palin's 2010 Challenger HEMI on Craigs List?
ReplyDeleteHow many Big Macs did she get for it?
"phoenix craigslist > phx north > for sale / wanted > cars & trucks - by owner"
"This posting has been deleted by its author."
Did Bristol finally sell her love den on wheels? What about the love stains on the back seat?
Delete"Parted ways with my little car! I feel like I aged a decade. :/"
Bristol only has one picture of brother Track of the Menard line of the family? They sure are not a close family, except in fabricated family legends. She likes her cousins baby better, that poor undocumented grand baby girl is so black balled by the Palins. Sad.
DeleteI think Bristol stay's away from Tracks kid because she is the DWTS baby and it's too hard for Bristol to see her after giving her up.
Track seems to be staying away from the unwanted non certified baby. Britta use to be in pictures with Sarah often. Now she causes or reminds the family of shame it seems. They sure do treat her ugly. Wonder what she did to them? Or is it they fear she will give away Track's secrets?
DeleteHow's that (un)fitness book working out for ya, Sarah?
ReplyDeleteOMG Did you know your husband was running a prostitution ring? How- where- and why?? we want to know. How come your lawyer had Dave Parker sent out a press release saying Todd was not involved? Did You know the fix was on on DWTS??? Your daughter had no business on the show once, let along 2x's. You had to see that, no way could brisdull ever keep up with the rest after she left, and by the way was several weeks too long. You were using a yahoo account to do the state of Alaska's business so no one would know. Just keep your mouth shut No one wants you take on anything. Troopergate look what you and your bunch were doing. Go suceed with the other nuts. How dare you say anything about the president, your not fit to shake his hand.
ReplyDeleteYou were using a yahoo account to do the state of Alaska's business so no one would know.
DeleteAnd when that nice young man tried to help point that out to her for her own good, what went down? Mommy Dearest had her own child lie on a Federal case. Remember the Secret Service was alleged to have shirked their duty, there was no phone service and the sports center house is not near a Best Western hotel way out in the Wasilla out back woods.
There is something memorable about a mother that puts up a child to lie on the witness stand in a Federal case. What a lesson in respect of law and US judicial system.
Sarah you are a skank. The republican's are not going to stop with their bullshit. God, I just can't take it anymore, I wish we could send them all to Gitmo where they belong. Did you see what little bitch Lindsey Graham said about PBO in regards to Susan Rice after it was brought up in the press conference?
ReplyDeleteHere it is...
“Mr. President, don’t think for one minute I don’t hold you ultimately responsible for Benghazi,” Graham said in a statement. “I think you failed as Commander in Chief before, during, and after the attack.”
Fuck you Lindsey.
Lindsey, the closet queen has long been a shill for the neocons. He knows that if he dares cross them, he will be primaried AND outed with incriminating pics and documentation of his cock-sucking, faster than he can say "Hey big guy, I'm a Senator. Wanna come in my face?"
DeleteFear of exposure keeps him in line. It's such a farce, because he acts like people don't know the truth about him and his proclivities. His "bosses" keep it under wraps just so he will be their puppet, but ask anybody on the Hill off-the-record, and you'll hear the same thing--- he's one of the neocon's butt-boys who trades his votes in exchange for not outing him. Crooked and compromised, he ain't worth killing.
Hmmmmm rill Sarah?
ReplyDeleteWhen you were chief executive, of the State of where you were from there, you had a First Dude running around (ahem, behind your back?) harassing staff and the Top Cop about a personal vendetta. You had a hatchet man go after private citizens to handle their perceived slights. You nickel-and-dimed your employer (the State) for high living family PR tricks, shorted the circuits in the Governor's mansion (which was a waste of time because you unilaterally moved the Capitol to your house in Wasilla) for your tanning bed, pretended to sell the People's jet on eBay, said you said "Thanks, but no Thanks" to the bridge to nowhere. You were rarely in Juneau so that lawmakers had "Where's Sarah" buttons made up. You used public money to hire PR companies to tout your energy prowess you didn't have. You had elderly constituents dying due to lack of medicare and families going hungry and cold on your watch. You used public dollars for multiple, multi-million dollar bailouts for your felled Mat-Su dairy farmers and gave a foreign country half a billion dollars to suck air they don't own through too small a straw (AGIA.) The only honest thing you did as Governor is say no to a raise (which you more than made up for in the aforementioned nickel and diming the State for ridiculous reimbursements and per diems.)
Since you quit your one statewide elected job that the people entrusted to you, you formed a PAC that has donated less than 2% of its largess to actual candidates to progress your precious conservative agenda. You utilize crony capitalism to feed your geese and rat chasing parents an income in their golden years. You've shoved you and your family in books and television programming to the saturation point that you are now a has-been-that-never-was and fear being overtaken as the nation's worst train-wreck by the Kelley Twins in Tampa.
You've also aged considerably and carry an alarmingly large head on a scrawny body and call it common sense sensible comfort food living with the promise of a fitness book to come.
So, sit down and shut up by golly, your day in the sun is done.
wonderful comment. I would fan and fave you if it was an option here.
DeleteToday, the Senator told CBS News that he would block Ambassador Susan Rice’s confirmation if President Obama nominates her as the next Secretary of State, saying she’s ‘not being very bright’ and ‘not qualified.’
ReplyDeleteWHO THE FUCK did McCain pick as his vp candidate?
Sarah Palin went to six colleges in 5 years to get one degree!
Sarah Palin couldn't tell you:
1) What a vice president does.
2) What she reads.
3) If Africa is a continent or a country.
4) Can't name a Supreme Court case even though there was an oil spill in Alaska that went to the Supreme Court.
5) Can't say Joe Biden without saying Joe O'Biden.
6) Can't tell you about Paul Revere 5 minutes after hearing a US Park Ranger tell her what happened.
7) Can't tell you who the US allies are and no its not North Korea.
Sarah Palin went into a catatonic state during her debate prep!
Need I go on John McCain?
College degree? No way. It's as fictional as Trig's birth certificate.
DeleteMcCain is a maverick, he doesn't vet a woman that keeps him horny. The less he knows the better. He can get the FBI and others to cover his tracks and fix the messy stuff that comes with his 'miracle' skank.
Delete"Hey Johnny Choos McCain. You're in tight with the military, huh? How do I get me one of those social liaison jobs?
DeleteI deserve to be in the news more than those bitches do! I'm way hotter than any of those broads, plus I'm the only whore who has chief executive experience, also, too, ya know. Can ya put in a word with the Pentagon for me, Johnny? I can't even get a returned call.
--- Sarah Palin, Facebook Writer & Former Half-term Governor of AK
And six crappy colleges at that!
DeleteIt's past time the 80 something yr old Senator retire, we thank him for his service but his day in sun is over. He is also still VERY angry about losing in 2008 to the Black Guy.--lol
DeleteTo be technical, 11:47, Trig does have a birth certificate, it just doesn't match up with Sarah's bullshit about birfing him.
DeleteI always laugh remembering when Sarah QQQQQQUIT. As. Elected. Governor. . .
DeleteShe said, somewhere, that she was going to work on her "writings".
And someone wrote (on Twitter? not sure):
Does she mean her tweets?
more like who is running Alaaska? We got me sharing governing duties with an unsecured yahoo email account. We've got delusional me thinking I could run Alaaska. We've got me quitting before my full term is served. We've got me ignorant or covering up who Trig's bio-mom is. Who is minding the store/Alasska? Everywhere we see the rank incompetence or corruption of the people who are supposedly running Alaaska and it's major mental institutions. Let's hope the right journalists ask the right questions Alaaskians deserve the answers to." There more like it.
ReplyDeleteA loser posts what?
ReplyDeleteDidn't the Palins claim/have dogs named
DeleteAGIA and ACES?
No mention of anything happening to either of those dogs.
And no mention of Brisdull's doggie.
Do they have a huuuge compound filled with children/young adults and dogs?
It seems the Palins *only* like things when they are *brand new*,
then they get tired of them...
like babies becoming children becoming young adults becoming adults.
Or puppies that become dogs.
Or elections that become jobs.
sp "I'd like to know how long it takes APD to tell you your husband is s3x traffic-ing and humping Shailey".
ReplyDeleteFBI Chief Division Counsel Eric Gonzalez has always been very, very good to Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteLooking at that top picture of Sarah Palin I would suggest that the retard put her phone in her pocket or in one of those Kmart bags. That way she won't have to hold two bags on one of her frail anorexic arms.
ReplyDeleteIts not like Sarah will be getting a 3am phone call at 12 noon while walking across the Kmart parking lot. Unless of course it is the police department contacting Sarah about another Willow break in or Todd got picked up for pimping or Piper didn't go to school again or Bristol just delivered another baby or Track got another pastor's virgin daughter pregnant. You know, those Palin family emergencies.
Where is Bristol? Haven't seen her since getting her ass kicked off of DWTS All Stars.
DeleteIs Bristol living at her auntie's house again until her 9th month of mono goes away?
Is Bristol losing the weight she gained from her food binge after getting kicked off of DWTS?
The president just said, "Sarah who?"
DeleteAt least President Obama had a good belly laugh if one of his aides read it aloud to him (no doubt, it was punctuated with guffaws).
"Sarah who"? Oh, you mean that skank BITCH.
DeleteThe president just said, "Sarah who?"
I am also disappointed that the APD seems to continue to be unwilling to address the gross miscarriage of justice regarding the allegations of Shailey Tripp against Todd Palin. Let me be clear! It was the APD’s “press release” that was issued to the National Enquirer, at the request of Sarah Palin’s attorney, that was particularly offensive to me. That press release was contrary to your own records, and Dave Parker confirmed that he did not have all the records at his disposal at the time he issued the “press release.” Yet even after bringing all the records to his attention, and in spite of his acknowledgement that the APD had the name of William Fortier as the person who called in the tip, and that it was William Fortier who identified Todd Palin as coming and going from Shailey Tripp’s place of business, the APD was unwilling to issue a retraction or modification of the “press release” previously issued. It was also clear from comments of Dave Parker, and the lack of action taken by the APD, that it is your position that only women are criminally responsible for prostitution. In the case of Shailey Tripp no attempt was ever made to identify, investigate, or arrest a single customer, or pimp that had profited from her prostitution activities.
That ol' harpy knows nothing BUT projection, does she?
ReplyDeleteJohn McCain I'm so happy Sarah Palin lost the elections for you, Gingrich, Cain, O'Donnell, Joe Miller, Romney and the rest of those ass wipes she endorsed with the Sarah Palin Curse.
ReplyDeleteShe looks like an old leathery bag of bones
ReplyDeleteI want to know why my congressman, Dave Reichert, was involved in this.
ReplyDeleteHe's the congressman for the 8th Congressional District in Washington State, not for Florida.
Why did the FBI shirtless guy get in touch with him?
And Cantor. hmmmm. I suppose it all came out before those two could concoct an anti- Obama blackmail scheme.
DeleteI'd like to know the answer to those questions too. So far Reichert is mum.
DeleteReichert is a Republican.
DeletePictures of major players so far.....
How Washington Rep. Dave Reichert got involved in the scandal that ended the CIA director's career became a little clearer Wednesday after the New York Times published a story identifying the FBI agent who played a key role in the case.
DeleteThe agent was identified as Frederick W. Humphries II.
FBI agent in Petraeus scandal was once based in Seattle
Petraeus/Broadwell: I bet it was a flattered old man and his hot lover from the day he set her up in VIP housing, or before. No way did she wait until he was CIA Director.
The officers closest to Petraeus were stumped. Petraeus wasn’t just the Army’s most famous general. He was the military’s best-known and most accomplished intellectual. If he wanted an official biography, he could have had his pick of dozens of scholars and writers. “My gosh, if you are going to have someone interview everyone who has ever touched you in your life, choose someone who has written a biography or at least a history book,” Peter Mansoor, one of the general’s top aides, told The Washington Post.
Every 5 days, like clockwork, our emaciated puppet comes out and does a little dance for our amusement. Thanks Sarah. We love the way you dance. Don't you get how it works by now? We pull the strings, and you dance. Too easy.
ReplyDeleteShe does dance better for IM than she ever did for GOP.
DeleteIn response to a question about whether classified documents found leaked in the Gen. Petraeus scandal posed a greater national security threat than the Benghazi attack, McCain quickly responded, "Well I say with great respect, that's one of the dumbest questions I've ever heard."
That old perv creep of a Senator will probably out live Scarah. Sometimes I wish she had been able to carry out her quest to be leader of the free world because he would be gone. But that would not be alright either. But he is going to be so sickening at her funeral.
DeleteSarah Palin's attorney has clout with the APD and the FBI to do the bidding for the Palin Crime Family. Lt. Dave Parker and FBI Chief Division Counsel are soulmates. Btw, what happened to the ATF/FBI keeping everyone up on the arson at Sarah's former church in Wasilla? A million dollars in damages and it was such a big deal to find the arsonist.
ReplyDeleteReal suspect that the whole church arson was dropped so fast.
I think there may have been some records there that a certain someone who currently looks like a skeleton did not want in the public eye.
DeleteSuddenly, Palinbots no longer were in a tizzy to find the arsonist. Why? Eric Gonzalez and the others must have figured out who was behind the arson. The only thing they could do is to drop the investigation and muzzle the whole story.
DeleteThis is the woman who screams about the media 'makin' stuff up' and that others should apply the journalistic test of 'who, what, why, where, when, how'...and then she goes off and gets almost everything wrong.
ReplyDeleteKudos to Palin, however, for her self-defensive consistency in always managing to give herself a pat on the back and making it all about herself. She is the queen of projection who certainly knows her stint as AK CEO wouldn't hold up under scrutiny.
It must be hard for her to know that Alaskans are growing fonder of Pres. Obama while holding her in contempt.
There are several similarities with Palin and the Petraeus/Allen skanks.
The altering/ERASING of Wikipedia is one of my first memories of a McCain/Palin operation.
That seems so benign after learning of how McCain invaded the Johnston home with his band of spies to scrub their personal space and computers. How legal was all that they did to the Johnstons?
Whenever I want to fantasize about fucking a skeleton, Sarah is always there for me.
DeleteShe's starting to resemble Jack in the "Nightmare Before Christmas".
DeleteTrying not to Like this comment.
Delete@ 1:20 PM - hey Jack doesn't deserve that comparison! lol
DeleteHaloween's over.
DeleteGRRR. What a B*tch!
ReplyDeleteHere's what stuck out in my reading. Projection much Ms. Hire My High School Buddies and Hide Out at Home All Day?
"Everywhere we look we see the rank incompetence or corruption of the people who are supposedly running our country and our major institutions."
Substitute "state" for "country" and it pretty much sums up Ms. Quitter's so-called governor-ship.
STFU, Sarah. You only get dumber and more hateful as time goes on. Your own children don't respect or listen to you so what makes you think President Obama needs your advice?
ReplyDeleteI just love the way you describe madbella. Such colorful, lovely language.
Don't stop.
10 cats.
Get over it!
ReplyDeleteYou people are just jealous of Sarah Palin.
She is not a bad looking woman for a 70 year old.
Good one!
DeleteRush read this FB entry on his show today.
Delete(2016 is going to be so easy.)
I don't want to get anybody sick with this image but I betcha Sarah Palin doesn't wear any panties.
DeleteI doubt any of the Palin females wears any panties except for Todd.
Serious question to 1:08pm:
DeleteDoes ANYONE still wear panties?
@at 1:22 God I hope so because it's really just more sanitary. Is that "out" now, or something? lol
DeleteTrack Palin.
DeleteIsn't there a picture of him with his beard and he is in pink panties or something like that?
DeleteI still don't get it. What's the diff between having undies up against your lady parts of just your pants? Why the need to double up? I'm very confused...
Commando Warrior 4 Ever
A twenty year old lady without panties may be sexy but a 70 year old Sarah Palin without panties with her nasty unkept hygiene habits is just plain gross.
DeleteWho does Rush think he is? William Shatner?
DeleteShe's not a quitter!!! She'll never stop fleecing the idiots at the seaofpee.
ReplyDeleteGryphen.... Please, please, please drop Firedoglake from your feed. They are more vile about Obama than the fecking teabaggers. Seriously, have you even read them lately? They are awful.
UKLady, agreed. The only reason to visit FDL is to read the wonderful TBogg. The rest is crap.
DeleteRIGHT?? I wish they would just go join the fucking teabaggers already! Since they both agree that President Barack Obama is history's greatest monster, and all. The worst thing about them is their constant bitching about the drones and how they are somehow the most evil thing ever which makes no sense to me at all. They would gladly let millions of their less-fortunate fellow Americans suffer through a Republican administration because they want to spend all day crying for a terrorist and a traitor to this nation who was killed overseas because his dumb ass was plotting against us. Oh the horror! So somehow because of this we deserve to have a Republican come in and destroy our country so we can just start over. It must be so hard for them, to be so much more moral and righteous than we non-insane leftists. Maybe we can let them go live in the new Confederacy with their teabagging cousins who also have no concern for suffering Americans and love to defend terrorists. They're all scum!
DeleteThey're always whining about that Bradley Manning dude as well. He committed treason and now he's paying for it, simple enough. You just never know which way they are going to go on a subject over there that's for sure. They pretty hyper liberal, though, about as far left as you can get so they tend to not have much in common with those of us that consider ourselves Moderate Democrats. Oh well, it takes all types to keep this great nation interesting!
DeleteAnd so if begins...the wicked witch from Wasilla/Scottsdale has awoken from week-long Adderall overdose/stupor to try and make herself relevant to the conversation, yet again.
ReplyDeleteNice try, skank. Ain't gonna work! STFU about things you have no idea or clue about.
McCain and Sarah are both bitter losers. Now McCain is challenging Obama. Who cares, they are both losers. Like in the past, I don't see Sarah's FB post on Huffington or others yet. Maybe they are finished with Sarah and Bristol news.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Huff'nPost will escape the Palin curse. Bristol will soon be on 'Politic' page with some idiot scheme.
DeleteI don't see President Obama's crazy Fecebook rant either!
DeleteOh, wait.
He is not crazy,
and he is Waaaaay toooo Busy saving America to give a single. rat's. ass.
about what some two-bit, backwoods, racist, uneducated, greedy, narcisstic, vindictive, nasty and messy cluster-fuck named Sarah Palin has to say about him.
A talking ass pimple would merit more attention,
and make more sense.
It may even be more attractive than Sarah Palin, at this point.
Notice how Skeleta tries to elevate herself by referring to the President AND herself as chief executives? Shitty Palin was governor in name only. She came in late and left early to watch soap operas. When that became too difficult, she quit. Shitty, STFU. EVERYBODY is sick of you.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see her get to ask her little question of the President, just so I could watch as what little bit of light is left in her eyes died as he laughed and laughed and laughed at this ridiculous bitch and she FINALLY realized that yes, she really is so far beneath him that the only time he thinks about her is when it's deliberately brought to his attention that she is a stupid crazy bitch who still spends every day all day thinking about HIM and why he won't JUST CALL HER. Then hopefully she would do the world a favor and go somewhere and end her sorry life. Sorry I know that's mean but oh well, if mean and hateful is all you put out there, that's all you'll get back! For spending years trying to get our President hurt, I have no sympathy for her whatsoever.
DeleteMaybe she can use that journalism degree of hers and get a job as a Whitehouse Correspondent. Then and only then will POTUS recognize and answer her questions.
DeleteShe made her way every day to Nordstrom’s — everybody knew her there!
DeleteShe was a mall walker from the get go. Now she looks like a street walker.
@2:18- I can see where you are going, but personally, I think it is absolutely *DELICIOUS* that Sarah Palin has never, ever spoken to or met President Obama.
DeleteNever. Not once.
There is picture from a White House Dinner where Sarah Palin is literally a few feet from the President - and Lieberman INTERCEPTS Palin. That was it, she was done. she never, ever got that close to President Obama again.
And she really, really, REALLY wanted to meet President Obama.
(Did Sarah Palin actually *MEET* any living President? She met Barbara Bush - Did she meet George H.W. Bush or GWB?)
2:51- Insult the Comic Dog has a better chance at becoming a White House Correspondent than does S. palin.
She's STILL waiting for him to call her or pay ANY attention to her like a lovesick teenager.
ReplyDeleteWhat a SKANK!
She could made it with a General. I take that back but someone on a mission would have done her.
DeleteGotta love that the MSM is not hanging on her FB post (not yet anyway). As of this writing, not even Politico has given her a mention. Could this really be the end? Could we really be free of this horrible person? Could Fox News see the writing on the wall about her popularity plunge and decide to cut her loose? Are we finally waking up from such a frightening nightmare?
ReplyDeleteIt is my belief that when the MSM starts ignoring her, she will go off the deepend - hospitalized within 6 months.
DeleteI have reason to hope that Sarah's 15 minutes might finally be over. I have not seen her on FOX news since the election. The election was over eight days ago - quite a long time for a pundit not to be doing any pontificating on TV.
ReplyDeleteAs to Sarah's appearance. I think only she thinks she look good. She looks like a speed addict to me and I have known more than my share over the years. I think she is also having a crisis of sorts because her looks are fading. Sarah has gotten by on her looks for her entire life and with those now gone, she certainly cannot get by on her brain - what's left of it after all the drugs she takes to look like a very skinny skeleton.
As to her executive skills, I can only say that when she left office, the per capita debt for Alaska was the highest in the nation and still is ($31,141). So, just like in Wasilla, she left the State much deeper in debt than when she began her term. She is also responsible for the reduction in oil production in Alaska with the high taxes she imposed on the oil companies. Not a great success for someone who claims to be(but is not) a fiscal conservative.
Hey Sarah, why don't you just fuck off already? America has turned the corner...away from the likes of you.
ReplyDeleteSarah who?
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is too stupid to avoid mentioning the use of non-government e-mail accounts. There was legal action about the use of such accounts by Palin and others in her administration. And yet, she has to blurt out a rant about it from her bunker in facebook.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin survives by dangling shiny objects to distract from her stupidity. But her shiny objects are getting less effective. I'm thinking she'll soon try to recover her old glory with something like another "blood libel" episode to get herself back in the news.
and less shiny,
Delete"rank incompetence" thy name is Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteDear Sarah Palin,
ReplyDeleteI think that President Obama is aware of more information than he is willing to share with you. He is also aware of more information than he needs to share with the American Public, for security reasons. As I remember, you conducted business on a private email account, one that was easily hacked.
Track, who looks like close neighbor Menard, and has an undocumented alleged marriage and a daughter with no legal public identity. Now Bristol repeats like a robot the military meme about Iraq and Afghanistan. Don't you think if Track did anything worthwhile in Iraq, if he was ever there out of a stockade, there would be one picture by now of his time in Iraq?
ReplyDeleteThat pack of lying Palins,
I can't make myself believe a word they say.
Palins hate the fans that send them money and they will not even bother to document anything for them. It is just lie after lie and fools send her money.
Are marriage licenses public domain?
DeleteSarah, where is your quotation from the Bible?
ReplyDeleteGood lord....she looks like a zipper
ReplyDeletemore like a slapper
DeleteShe looked like a muttering Tenderloin crackhead tranny on election night. That is how America is going to remember her.
ReplyDeleteLet it fly.....all of it, everything you have learned about the Palins. Start at the beginning. Chapter 1. No one else will do it. Do it for country, do it for us. Do it to the evil that is Sarah Palin. Do it to the hypocrite that is John McCain.
Please just do it.
DeleteFor Rill!!!
From a Sarah Palin video.
This will make the cut in her new fitness book, have you ever seen abs like that before?
Anonymous12:40 PM
ReplyDeleteIt's past time the 80 something yr old Senator retire, we thank him for his service but his day in sun is over. He is also still VERY angry about losing in 2008 to the Black Guy.
Sarah Palin hasn't gotten over loosing to the black guy.
Sarah Palin hasn't gotten over loosing to the black gal who won Miss Alaska.
Sarah Palin hasn't gotten over her one night stand to the black guy who never came back to her after banging Sarah in her sister's college dorm room.
I think this explains the hate Sarah has for the POTUS and FLOTUS.
How come I don't see a camel toe in Sarah's Kmart picture? Looks more like Vienna sausage.
ReplyDeleteBill Burton plays Palin card in dinging McCain
ReplyDelete"That whole McCain interview this morning was to attack Susan Rice on Benghazi and I think, from the guy who brought us Sarah Palin, he doesn't have a lot of room to attack on qualifications on foreign policy," the pro-President Obama Super PAC co-founder said.
John McCain of Palin Infamy Dares to Question Susan Rice’s Qualifications
ReplyDeleteMcCain tried all of the Fox talking points about Rice (which aren’t worth repeating), and then suggested that perhaps she could be cleared via a select investigative committee for “misleading” the American people. No word yet on whether McCain regrets picking a secessionist supporter as his VP, or if he thinks perhaps he should be investigated for recklessly misleading the American people that his pick was qualified and/or mentally capable of being a Vice President. From many accounts, she was neither.
McCain also said at minimum Rice was “not being very bright.” We are unclear what the problem is, if indeed the Senator does think this, unless the Senator has buried the painful memories of his Vice Presidential pick Sarah Palin. Palin thought a VP got to tell the Senate what to do, thought we shared a border with Iraq, and didn’t know the difference between North and South Korea. Sarah Palin was stumped by Katie Couric when asked what she read to keep informed. Palin never got over that “gotcha”.
But McCain should take great comfort in the knowledge that in Republican circles, being bright is only a detriment to service as a puppet to the elite. Furthermore, as he set about trying to prove in 2008, being bright isn’t a qualification for being a heartbeat away from the Presidency in the GOP.
Seriously, palin fanatics, look at her. Does that look like someone capable of running the Free World?
ReplyDeleteNo really. Look closely.
Idiot Republican Says Conservatives Are the New N-words
ReplyDeleteThis is something that can come only from the pages of World Net Daily: Former Reagan-era Justice Department prosecutor Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, writes that America has been “taken over largely by uneducated and lazy morons, goons and thugs who want to dismantle all our Founding Fathers conceived of and fought for.”
Remember, Larry Klayman is saying this to the audience of World Net Daily, a gathering place of lazy morons, goons and thugs.
Klayman really likes the “thug” thing, by the way, having previously referred to President Obama as a “ruthless Bolshevik thug” and “Muslim in chief,” which in the conservative lexicon amounts to about the same thing.
Oh, and while we are on the subject of thugs, Klayman is not only the attorney for Minnesota’s resident loon, Bradlee Dean, he also allegedly sexually abused his own children.
Klayman, apparently dissatisfied with only seeming to be totally unhinged, now claims that conservatives “will soon become the ‘new ni**ers,’ relegated to the back of the bus” and that conservatives are “right to feel the same way today” African Americans once felt.
He says that is why white people “need to fight back and fight back hard – with no further time to waste.”
The movement to impeach President Barack Obama has been launched, just days after he won a second term in the White House.
ReplyDeleteThe Conservative Majority Fund, a conservative group known primarily for its birther conspiracy spreading, has launched a robocall campaign to gin up support for the president's impeachment.
The call, emailed to The Huffington Post by Shaun Dakin of StopPoliticalCalls.org, reads in part as follows:
Our only recourse now is to move forward with the full impeachment of President Obama. We suspect that Obama is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and that there may be grounds for impeachment as is laid out in the constitution. Further, he may not even be a U.S. citizen because nobody, I mean no one, has seen an actual physical copy of his birth certificate. Impeachment is our only option. And Republicans are already considering Obama investigations. As the nation's most effective conservative group we are launching the official impeach Obama campaign.
Now, this is where we can see donations going from SarahPac...
DeleteTop Georgia GOP Lawmakers Host Briefing on Secret Obama Mind-Control Plot
ReplyDeletePresident Obama is using a Cold War-era mind-control technique known as "Delphi" to coerce Americans into accepting his plan for a United Nations-run communist dictatorship in which suburbanites will be forcibly relocated to cities. That's according to a four-hour briefing delivered to Republican state senators at the Georgia state Capitol last month.
Jon Stewart Tears Into Melodramatic Post-Election Whining About Obama’s Second Term
"Who is running this country" Sarah asks in her first line.
ReplyDeleteThat would be President Barack Hussein Obama, you know, "that guy" who won the election that you sank for John McCain. Remember him? He's the old dude that smells like moth balls and ear wax, who has your knee impressions on his penny loafers.
OT Larry ODonnel just did a great smack down of Lindsey Graham and John Mc Cain and even had footage of Sarah Palin making an ass of herself.
Fekking Brilliant!!
Ambassador Rice's high school basketball picture can be viewed at the White House website. Celebrate title 9.
ReplyDeleteSarah "The Barracuda" Palin's high school basket ball picture? At the White House website? I'm still looking. BWAHAHAHAH!
No one is listening to Sarah anymore. The press find her old news.
ReplyDeleteAbout time.....