Friday, November 09, 2012

President Obama becomes emotional thanking his campaign staff. "I'm really proud of all of you."

Such a great man, and we are SO lucky to have him.


  1. Dis Gusted4:55 AM

    such a difference between this man and Rmoney

    Romney cancelled the credit cards of his staff before he made his concession speech.

    1. Anonymous5:04 AM

      I read somewhere - that he bought pizzas for $5/each and sold them for a dollar a slice, to make a profit. I forget the context, but you would think with the size of his wallet, he could actually be generous and "give" once in awhile.

    2. Anonymous5:05 AM

      I read that after this speech, he went around and hugged every single staffer.

    3. Anonymous6:14 AM

      Yep, and they didn't find out until they tried to use them to take a cab home. Romney is disgusting.

  2. Anonymous5:20 AM

    I don't get it, not once did he ask us if we loved our freedom, bragged about how much we were real Americans and patriots and that the constitution is our time tested truths to our First Amendment rights that our brave hero's risk and sacrifice for even haters?

    That's a statesmen? Oh yeah. You are damn right it is. Four more years, and with Hillary R. Clinton appointed to the Supreme Court, who shall be our next champion?

    1. Oh, I like that idea for Hilary. I also think Bill Clinton would be a great choice for Secretary of State this coming term.

      And, thank you, Jesse, for find this video and posting it. You are an awesome source for good stuff! It just made my morning to watch it.

      Oh, yeah, my birthday was the 7th. Did I get a great present or what?

  3. Anonymous5:21 AM

    All that,. . .authentic verbiage, without a teleprompter.

    Find a new joke you sore loser neocons.

  4. Anonymous6:39 AM

    obama as a man is heartfelt and deep.

  5. Anonymous6:54 AM

    And he must have been so exhausting after a grueling two weeks - first the hurricane and then the intense campaigning at the end. And then the watch through Tuesday. I do so respect and admire President Obama.

  6. Anonymous9:41 AM

    The Man is truly a Class Act.

  7. Chenagrrl9:45 AM

    Don't think Mittens had anything good to say to his folk. He just cut off their credit cards in the middle of the night so they couldn't pay hotel bills. And he wonders why he lost.

  8. Anita Winecooler7:10 PM

    I'm so proud of Our President. With humility and gratitude, he's passed the gauntlet to the next generation. He's fought hard, endured ridicule with quiet determination, and never wavered. His humanity and passion knows no bounds.

    Mitt doesn't get it and never will. How he can look himself in the eye when he shaves is beyond me. He has no conscience, no empathy, and no soul.


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