Friday, November 09, 2012

Karl Rove, yes THAT Karl Rove, claims that President Obama won due to voter suppression. WTF?

Courtesy of Think Progress: 

Rove — whose American Crossroads organizations spent $300 million in a mostly unsuccessful effort to defeat Democrats — attempted to diminish Obama’s victory by explaining that the president won less popular votes in 2012 than in 2008, and only “got more votes…among Latinos.” He complained that Obama characterized Romney, a former Bain executive, as “a rich guy who cares about himself” — a message voters largely embraced: 

ROVE: I think the Republicans lost in this election because of two things. One is that the Obama campaign was very effective in keeping roughly 92 percent of the people who voted for President Obama before to vote for him again. But they didn’t do a good job of growing the electorate…The Democrats, the the only group that they got more votes this time around than they got four years ago were among Latinos. About 700,000 more Latinos voted Democratic this year than the year before. But the president succeed by suppressing the vote, by saying to people, ‘you may not like who I am and I know you can’t bring yourself to vote for me, but I’m going to paint this other guy as simply a rich guy who only cares about himself.’

Here is a man who has used EVERY dirty trick imaginable to get his candidates elected in the past, and whose party, this time around, was caught red handed attempting to cut voter hours in Ohio ONLY for those most likely to vote for Obama, had programs installed that flipped votes for Romney, and whose operatives were caught throwing away voter registration forms.

And yet he accuses the President of "suppressing the vote?" What an asshole!

This is just another example of projection from this GOP criminal enterprise. They blame the other side for successfully doing, what they themselves know they tried unsuccessfully to do.

Clearly Rove is simply desperate to find SOME what to justify his humiliating defeat, and in his demented mind he MUST blame it on some kind of cheating. After all HOW could he be beaten fair and square?

However what Rove is purposefully ignoring is that the folks who were first able to "paint this other guy as a rich guy who only cares about himself" were Romney's Republican primary opponents. And some of the most damaging attacks, done on Newt Gingrich's behalf, were funded by GOP sugar daddy Shelden Adelson. You know, the same guy who then tried to buy THIS election for Mittens.

In fact ALL that the Obama campaign had to do was let Mitt's own words speak for themselves, demonstrate his affinity for lying, and then work hard to help get the Obama supporters to the polls.

Essentially the case Rove is making is that the Obama campaign "suppressed the vote" by not allowing the Republicans to steal, discard, or suppress votes from the Democrats. (How dare they?)

So all I have to say is "Fuck Karl Rove!" And let's all hope that this is the LAST time we see his malformed Mr. Potato Head involved in our political system.

He is nothing more than a malignant cancer in American politics, and it is high time we get that tumor removed.

Thankfully we now have Obamacare to help us with that.


  1. Karl Rove's neck comes in handy as a flotation device.

    Rove looks like he's been working out with Beefy Bar Stool and Dean Chambers.

    1. nswfm7:25 AM

      Did you say deformed?

    2. Anita Winecooler7:13 PM

      nswfm - good one! That must be the photo Brissy took to her plastic surgeon!

  2. PollyinAK6:37 AM

    They HAVE to save face!

    Mitt Romney had planned to celebrate his election victory with an eight-minute f
    ireworks display over Boston Harbor, the Boston Globe reports.

    "A permit filed with the City of Boston said the detonation could occur any time between 7 p.m. Tuesday, just after the first polls closed, and 12:30 a.m. Wednesday, which ended up being just before Romney conceded the race."

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      And his own state where our wonderful President kicked his @ss! Fireworks, indeed.

      As Bugs Bunny would say, "what a maroon!"

    2. Anonymous9:22 AM

      How I wish they had set them off by mistake to celebrate President Obama's re-election. HA HA HA
      On the same note as Rove's insanity, the latest one is from a teabagger called Michael Graham. He says President Obama won because he said the GOP was going to force women into rape camps. Huh? First I ever heard of those, so it must be another projection by the GOPpers and Baggers.

    3. Anonymous10:28 AM

      They should have shoved those fireworks up Krazy Karl's @ss!

  3. Anonymous6:43 AM

    That "rich guy that cares about himself" didn't care about his election staff...the second his concession speech was done Romney's staffers had the credit cards cancelled leaving them stuck with Romney's bills at hotels, airports, in taxis

    Forbes magazine explained that this is not normal protocol for political campaigns.

    1. Leland7:38 AM

      How many are going to sue?

    2. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Seriously? This is a guy worth millions upon millions and he can't pick up the tab for his staffers? I guess they just wanted handouts.

      What an ass.

    3. "I guess they just wanted handouts."
      Well, after all, they were unemployed (effective that minute), so they must have been lazy slackers, right?

    4. Anonymous9:23 AM

      He would have cut them off even if he had won the election. They were most likely cut off before the final count down began.

    5. Anonymous4:57 PM

      This is how a person gets to be part of the top 0.1 of the 1%: cut-throat a$$h@le at every turn. And this is why nobody from the top 0.1 of the 1% should ever be allowed within 100 miles of the White House.

  4. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Actually it was Romneys primary opponents who first introduced us to Bain and Cayman bank accounts. Rove should take it up with Gingrich and Santorum if he takes issue with the perception of Romney as a rich asshole.

  5. First and only time I ever enjoyed Fox News, and I even left Rachel briefly to share their pain. Loved it!

    1. Anonymous7:21 AM

      We did the same...flipped over to FOX news network & local FOX tv channel. On the local channel their talking heads were verbally claiming various statewide issues got voted down while on the screen the graphs showed the issues were voted in. The blond lady had massive grin on her face as she was announcing the "no vote" ...yet the screen's info was screaming "liar". Maybe she was using voodoo to convince their viewers they had lying eyes.

    2. Anonymous8:27 AM too. We had to look up which channel was Fox News. When we found it, we basked in the joy of watching them implode. Even drank French champagne and toasted to President Obama and his victory. Karma baby, karma.

    3. Anonymous10:32 AM

      I think viewership on Fux News on Tuesday night must have had an momentary uptick from the liberals. I watched it too (had to temp remove my parental controls which blocks it). It gave me tremendous satisfaction to see the fuckin' pain on their faces. Priceless!

  6. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Okay, so now Democrats have to sit back and allow Republican-led states to disenfranchise and otherwise intimidate voters they don't like and also refrain from campaigning. Hmmm. I don't think that Karl Rove's strategy is going to be very popular with Democrats. We're not stupid, Karl, despite what you have been telling yourself for many years. No wonder George Bush called you "Turdblossom."

  7. Cracklin Charlie6:53 AM

    Awww...poor widdle Hammy didn't get his bonus. Waaah!

  8. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Rove, you're a fat delusional fuck. Go back to 2000 where you never belonged.

  9. linda6:59 AM

    the right wingers/tea baggers are just not going to let up. everytime i go on facebook one of my crazy relatives or friends has posted another crazy thing from fox, the blaze, breitbart or someone about the reason they lost (it was rigged!) or the impact of the election (people already being laid off or fired due to obama's election). also, end of the world religious crap. i have tried to respond to them rationally - they are NOT in any way rational. i have stepped back and try to determine if i sound as crazy as them from the other end of the spectrum, but i have concluded that i do not. i don't post insane stuff from the left on my facebook page and i don't bombard any of these people with liberal emails. i hate that it has come to this, but for my own sanity i am going to have to unfriend some of my relatives and friends or i'm just going to have to deactivate my facebook account i thought this would calm down after the election, but it appears that it is going to go on for another 4 years, at least. ARRRRGH!!

    1. Leland7:37 AM

      Linda, I shut down my FB account months ago due to the shit being put out there. I, too, tried at first to show them the facts as stated by the governmental agencies such as the GAO and other groups they, themselves, kept touting.

      I finally lost it when that drawing of Obama as Hitler hit the screen. I let ALL of those A**Holes have both barrels, telling them what I thought of their ignorance and insulting manners towards the presidency of the US - regardless of WHO held it.

      I contacted one of my REAL friends yesterday who is still on FB (and is a Democrat) and asked them to post a message from me: "I TOLD YOU ASSHOLES!"

      He did and is having a great time watching all of his stupid Republican "friends" unfriend him. There a FEW republican friends still willing to talk with him and in fact are actually asking for the info we posted.

      I guess they are trying to learn how to do research and think for themselves.

      The majority? NAH! Not a chance!

    2. Anonymous7:40 AM

      maybe you can hide their posts from your feed, so you don't have to look at them. and give them some time, some may end up becoming more rational. and every once in awhile post a discreet thing that has happened to you or your friends, like someone getting a job, your stocks going up, someone's health insurance rate going down significantly, a tax refund, slowly but surely they may see some positive outcomes of this administration...

    3. “Obama won’t take your guns and won’t put you in FEMA camps.” That’s all I’m going to say to the end time screamers. Who needs the headache?

    4. linda8:55 AM

      good suggestions anonymous 7:40 AM. i have begun hiding their posts from my feed. there used to be a way to hide everything someone said from your feed but, alas, that is no longer an option that i can find. i had done that with a racist cousin a long time ago. i also found a way to hide my posts from them so that they can't come onto my feed and hijack my posts. not sure your idea of posting positive things will ever work -- in the past, they just hijack them by posting negative stuff and calling me and my other liberal friends who post rotten names (libtard for e.g.). the trouble is that if i unfriend some of these people -- my relatives -- i may as well say goodby to them for the rest of my and their lives. some of them are thin-skinned and hold grudges forever.
      i was thinking of starting a new facebook page with an alias and only let my like-minded friends join me on it. i could keep the old facebook page but only go there once a month or so to scan through new posts. i like facebook's ability to keep me in touch with the people i enjoy. would starting a new "elite" facebook page be wrong?? it sounds stupid, but i do struggle with this, thinking i should open myself to everyone's ideas/opinions. but the crazies are making me crazy!!

    5. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Reason #10,245,987 that I'm just not into that site - too many Facebook preachers and politicians.

      I watched the feed on my best friend's FB a while back and had a good laugh at our former high school classmates who were known drinkers, druggers, sexaholics, etc. who are just sooo into Jesus Christ/Republican party now.

      I understand that people change, but these folks are about as genuine as a $4 bill. They seem to have no idea how a true Christian comports him/herself as they are more than happy to wag their self-righteous fingers at those who don't think and believe as they do.

      Sorry to be O/T.

    6. Anonymous11:17 AM

      My story, once again. A couple decades ago I realized my RCC relatives were nuts. I cut ties. Best decision I ever made. Life is good; my friends are my family, so I have a family I LIKE... not telling you what to do, just saying you don't need to be afraid of cutting ties.

  10. Randall7:04 AM

    I've caught some of Fox News the past few days and they are in severe denial over what happened:

    Hurricane Sandy gave the election to Obama...
    Obama lied about Romney being a rich guy that doesn't care...
    Obama spent more money on the election than Romney...
    The POLLS show that Romney won!

    Which brings me to my point:
    The Republicans lost this election because they insisted on denying reality.

    And if they continue to do so, they will continue to lose elections.

    So... keep projecting, Republicans!
    Keep conducting and believing your own polls!
    Rebuild that bubble as quickly as you can!


  11. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I hope the gop keeps using excuses like this since it isn't going to help them in future elections. They still don't get it. I'm so pumped up over the outcome of the election that I'm ready to start pounding the pavement for the 2014 midterms to help get a Democratic majority in the House, too.

  12. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Tell us how you really feel, G.!

    Yes, the excuses Rove makes are totally irrational. He is projecting. He claims President Obama painted Romney as a rich guy who only cared about himself?

    Anyone who paid attention to the Romney campaign machinations saw a rich guy (proven), who only cared about himself (proven). All proven by what came out of the man's mouth and from his record as entrepreneur making profit out of other people's misery. If ads were spent from the Obama campaign to dispel Mitt's saintly image, they probably wasted money, because all they needed to do was sit back and let Romney be his own worst enemy.

    I think these Republicans like Rove, think themselves so intellectually-superior; they look down their noses at the little guy. They think the little guy needs them to rationalize. They think people are SO stupid as to believe their outrageous lies. That has got to be the worst elitist snobbery of the century. Not only do they THINK half the electorate are stupid, they actually treat them as foolish gullible doormats thinking they swayed them to believe the lies.

  13. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Megyn Kelly To Karl Rove: 'You Keep Saying That, But' Obama Won

    Megyn Kelly reminded Karl Rove of what actually happened on Tuesday night.

    In a bizarre twist, Karl Rove contested his own network's projections on election night. Fox News had called Ohio and the presidency for Obama, but Rove began to argue with the anchors, saying that it was "early" and "premature" for any real decisions. His protests prompted Megyn Kelly to confirm the call with the network's number-crunchers.

    Rove was back on Fox News Thursday, where he alleged that Obama "succeeded by suppressing the vote." He rattled off a bunch of statistics, arguing that Obama's victory this time was less significant than in 2008.

    That's when Kelly said, “You keep saying that, but he won, Karl, he won... and that's what the Republicans care about, what the Democrats care about."

    1. Anonymous11:20 AM

      Shorter Meghan, Karl, snap out of it Karl, slap. Bret, get that ice water, C'mon Karl. Of course, most FAUX watcher simply imagine her doing this in a dominatrix costume and never hear what she is REALLY saying.

  14. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Nobody seems to consider that quite a few people who are eligible to vote don't vote. The voter turnout in Minnesota, a state that historically has a very high voter turnout, was 76%. A key to continue winning elections is to continue the get out the vote efforts to increase the percentage of actual voters. Several states with GOP governors were more concerned with reducing the number of eligible voters instead of increasing that number.

  15. Leland7:28 AM

    Gryphen, I'm sorry, but I feel I MUST call you on something! Please. PLEASE! Do NOT call that idiot Rove "Mr. Potato Head"!

    Mr. Potato Head was one of my favorite toys as a child and a great character in Toy Story!

    How DARE you insult him that way?!!!!!!!!!

    Besides, Mr. Potato Head is FAR more intelligent than Rove.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      True, and I had teh old version, where you used a REAL potato. That spud was better looking than Karl.

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      And if you have ever watched the Toy Story movies, you would know that Mrs. Potato Head bears absolutely NO resemblance to Queen Ann!

  16. Anonymous7:28 AM

    This man, Rove, has always been considered some kind of genius. He manipulated George W. Bush and pulled all the strings. And we know how stupid Bush was, so anyone next to Bush would be looked at like a genius.
    Seriously, what Rove did for Bush was astounding. Think about it. George W. Bush was an alcoholic loser, failed businessman, son of a president. Rove took Bush and changed his image into a 'born-again Christian, ranch-ownin', brush clearin' Reaganite who served his country honorably in the National Guard. All of which were untrue.
    That ranch in Crawford? Bush and Rove came up with that idea and went to the owner of the ranch in 1999 and offered to buy it from him. He was never a rancher before then. But they thought that would make Bush look like Ronald Reagan.
    He went AWOL from the National Guard on numerous occasions. Documented fact. His DUIs were scrubbed and hidden from the public record by his shister lawyer, Alberto Gonzales.
    The point being: Rove knows how to manipulate the general public. That's his so-called genius. But this time around, the American people saw through the lies and smears the right-wing heaped on President Obama and they voted for Obama.
    I've never been so proud to be an American and I'm am so proud of my fellow Americans who voted for the president.

    1. comeonpeople8:49 AM

      Nicely reported!
      Bush was a disaster.
      Rove really spun hay into gold in some people's minds.

    2. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Rove also came up with the rumor in 2000 that McCain was father to a black child to get him out of Bush's path to the presidency. Of course, TurdBlossom left out the little detail that McCain's black daughter was adopted.

  17. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I can't wait for snl

  18. Bullshit Mountain HAS CRUMBLED!!! Send him the memo again - last time...

  19. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Fuck Rove

    Anybody that outs a CIA spy for political points, should be in jail.

  20. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I was incredulous after the first debate that the media, and practically everyone, said Romney "won". I could not believe the about-face he did on issues, completing reversing previous (longstanding) positions. Yet, he got maximum credit that night for "looking presidential" and for being aggressive. What?!!!! Sometimes I think we get what we deserve. Luckily, the American electorate is more aware than I previously thought and they saw through this. The media just wanted a close race for the attention value, so they completely dismissed lies and substance for "performance attributes".

  21. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I've despised this man Rove since 2000. He's a slimeball. He's earned his nickname, Turd Blossom.

  22. Donal7:46 AM

    If the Mafia would whack someone big time for losing $50,000, you can imagine how the billionaire club feels about Rove's $400 million debacle. I hope they act on their baser instincts.

    1. comeonpeople8:50 AM

      Maybe Rove will be "suicided"

  23. Anonymous7:46 AM

    In the election -- the racists, the bigots, the right wing machine, the upper class welfare receiving tax dodgers, and the hyper-ethnocentric European Americans (who have broad sympathies to their own kind, and deep skepticism of "new" and diverse Americans) -- lost. Emancipated educated women, hard working immigrants, Hispanics, inspired young people, common sense & science won. And by the way, Myth Robmey got less votes than Grandpa McCain.

  24. Anonymous7:47 AM

    O/T: I'm wondering if we'll see Sarah wearing her Star of David necklace anymore? Since the election is over and 70 percent of Jewish voters voted for Obama, I'm wondering if she'll just toss the necklace.
    She only started wearing it after Gabrielle Giffords (A Jew) was shot after Palin posted a bullseye target over Giffords' face. She made a terrifically inept and inane comment about 'blood libel' and after that, just like magic, a Star of David necklace appears on her turkey neck. Transparent much, Sarah??

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      She's not courting the Jews by wearing that garish thing. She's courting Christians who have Israel fetishes (in that Israel plays such an important part in their mythology),

    2. linda8:57 AM

      my hope is that we just don't see sarah. period!

    3. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Consider this, Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel (who up until now, everyone thinks would easily win his next election) had also diminished his standing in his own country, catering to right-wing whack-jobs trying to raise money off of wealthy Jews - freaks like Sarah Palin who believe in the Jewish state for all the wrong and insulting reasons (the End Times that only benefit Christians.)

      It won't escape the American Jew's attention that Bibi put his support on the wrong horse. Just how does he think Obama would let Israel down?

  25. Anonymous7:51 AM

    There Are No “Missing Voters”

    Republican pollster Bill McInturff demolishes an early theory of how Obama won: Voters who didn't show up. In fact, some are still to be counted, and others were affected by Sandy — but swing state turnout was up!

  26. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Really, I expect them next to say that Nate Silver performed voter OPPRESSION by forcing them or tricking them to conform to his predictions!

  27. padoreva7:59 AM

    Rove has some explaining to do to his billionaire donors. He blew through a third of a billion dollars and has nothing to show for it. His career is now in the toilet. He's toast.

  28. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Twisting...twisting...twisting in the wind ...of his own words.
    Anything to say about kharma KKKARL?

  29. WakeUpAmerica7:59 AM

    Good old Turd Blossom! May he rot in hell with Cheney, Bush, and Palin.

  30. hedgewytch7:59 AM

    The only way I want to see Rove in the news again is when he's indicted and wearing an orange jumpsuit and is being waddled off to a cell. That I'll have on play back loop over and over again.

  31. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Hmmmm. Now who is it that is missing from this list? Oh, could it be?

  32. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Six Absurd Republican Excuses for Mitt Romney’s Defeat

    The GOP is predictably casting about for reasons to explain away Mitt Romney’s defeat. From Chris Christie to Hurricane Sandy to a lone Black Panther, see the culprits Republicans are blaming for their loss.

    Nobody likes to be called a loser. And nobody likes to be at fault. So after losing the White House to a supposedly socialist, secret Muslim for the second time in four years, the Grand Old Party started its latest finger-pointing campaign: assigning others the blame for losing the presidential election. Here are their top six culprits.

  33. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Excellent article!

    Conservatives were at a disadvantage because their information elites pandered in the most cynical, self-defeating ways, treating would-be candidates like Sarah Palin and Herman Cain as if they were plausible presidents rather than national jokes who'd lose worse than George McGovern.

    How many months were wasted on them?

    On the biggest political story of the year, the conservative media just got its ass handed to it by the mainstream media. And movement conservatives, who believe the MSM is more biased and less rigorous than their alternatives, have no way to explain how their trusted outlets got it wrong, while the New York Times got it right. Hint: The Times hired the most rigorous forecaster it could find.

    It ought to be an eye-opening moment.

    But I expect that it'll be quickly forgotten, that none of the conservatives who touted a polling conspiracy will be discredited, and that the right will continue to operate at an information disadvantage. After all, it's not like they'll trust the analysis of a non-conservative like me more than the numerous fellow conservatives who constantly tell them things that turn out not to be true.

  34. Projection.

    There are people who believe EVERYONE cheats; it’s just a matter of catching them. They believe it as certainly as sunrise.

    Whatever/whoever derailed his fix this time around, please, please, please show up again.

  35. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Whatever he needs to tell himself so he can fall asleep.
    He has zero credibility AND the millionaire donors. are pissed at him.
    Sucks to be you KKKarl.

  36. Anonymous8:38 AM

    "I don sink that word means what you sink it means"

    Inigo Montoya
    (I do not mean anything racist by the spelling but it is so much funnier with a thick spanish accent)

    1. Leland10:53 AM

      An absolutely fantastic and fun movie. And the actor did a fantastic job. And he had LOTS of really good lines.

      I would love to be able to tell Rove "prepare to die", just to see the look on his face!

  37. evelyn waugh8:44 AM

    I hope the Repubicans with the million-dollar checks are laughing as hard as we are. The emporer has no clothes.

  38. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Hmmm, some of the excuses thrown around.

    Hurricane shortend Repbulican National Convention.
    Hurricane Sandy help Obama.

    Sounds like Gods will to me (and not so subtle will)

  39. honeybabe8:59 AM

    pres. obama won BECAUSE the repubs tried to suppress the vote and it made us, the 98% mad. that with a very long list of other excellent reasons.

  40. Buckeye Bitch9:19 AM

    Actually, he was beaten by the backlash generated by his own attempts to steal another election. It's called Karma, Karl. Deal with it...& stay out of small planes, 'cause when you go down, you're going to a well-deserved hell. Or jail...same thing.

  41. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Fuck Karl Rove, I'll second that. But at least understand what he's doing. There are lots of people talking 'revolution' since Obama's win and Karl is just encouraging it.

    So I'm not predicting it's going to lead to allout revolution but I am predicting that the right is going to rise up with such a voice that it's going to be too disruptive to allow the winning left to accomplish anything. This is going to be the same old tactics by Boenner, McConnell, and company to a degree that we couldn't imagine before. You'll see! So go ahead and fuck Karl Rove. At least writing the word 'fuck' feels good.

  42. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Mitt Romney's defeat will do nothing but encourage them. In their opinions Mitt was never the right person anyway. In their confused and mixed up opinions they still beleive that if they ran Sarah or some other extremist they would have the presidency now. And so the extremist element will be the cream that rises to the top instead of more moderate conservatism. And life goes on.

  43. Rove's behavior and speech are only explained by the fact that he knew his operation was suppressing/switching a significant number of votes in favor of Romney -- he just didn't expect Obama's margin of victory to be so large that 5 million vote changes would not be sufficient to affect the outcome!

    The downside is that we are deprived of the opportunity to see how massive Obama's victory and mandate actually is.

    New mission for Immoral Minority as SP fades into obscurity: uncover the real size of the pro-Obama vote.

  44. All that comes to mind is the Saturday Night Live Skit of "Fox and Friends" blaming hurricane Sandy on the President: “We’re now hearing that Obama knew about this storm days in advance!” a faux Gretchen Carlson added.
    “And he did nothing to stop it!” the faux Doocy screamed.
    It is a sad day when this kind of satire is so close to reality you can't tell the difference. Here is the link to the Raw Story and video:

  45. Chenagrrl9:37 AM

    Karl Rove, who has skated for years as a smart guy "Bush's brain," revealed himself on Election Night as a confabulating bully. He also revealed how easily led the 1% can be. But then we already knew that through our very own confabulating bully.

  46. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Turd Blossom is so full of himself, he believes everything he says!

  47. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I love it when they eat their own...

    It’s been less than 24 hours since the polls closed and already the first shots in an emerging civil war within the conservative movement are being fired. Right-leaning pundits have been taking turns beating up on Mitt Romney and blaming him for the loss last night. Donald Trump just tweeted, “Congrats to @KarlRove on blowing $400 million this cycle. Every race @CrossroadsGPS ran ads in, the Republicans lost. What a waste of money.” And GOP leaders are already taking to the barricades on either side of the divide, which basically comes down to this question: Were Romney and the GOP too conservative or not conservative enough?

    Steve Schmidt, a top Republican strategist who ran John McCain’s 2008 campaign, invoked the term on MSNBC this morning. “When I talk about a civil war in the Republican Party, what I mean is, it’s time for Republican elected leaders to stand up and to repudiate this nonsense [of the extreme right wing], and to repudiate it directly,” he said.

    But on the other side of the fight, Herman Cain, the former presidential candidate who still has a robust following via his popular talk radio program and speaking tours, today suggested the most clear step to open civil war: secession. Appearing on Bryan Fischer’s radio program this afternoon, Cain called for a large faction of Republican Party leaders to desert the party and form a third, more conservative party.

  48. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Karl Rove is an anal cyst on the body politic and needs to be lanced and removed.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Anal cyst! That's funny. That's also the reason Rush Limbaugh avoided military service..

  49. Anonymous9:49 AM

    What happened to our resident delusional troll kristy? Is she still sobbing in the fetal position like Sarah was on election night? Hahahahahaha

  50. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Something about this guy reminds me of Cheney! Both are nasty individuals!

  51. Virginia Voter10:54 AM

    Speaking as a resident of a swing state who suffered through the advertising onslaught, I can say quite frankly that Karl Roves negative ad campaign was lackluster at best. The ads were poorly shot, poorly written, and even worse on the acting. The ads they launched against Tim Kaine had conflicting one they said he overspent, in the next they said he cut government services and education. You can't have it both ways. Same with the ones against Obama ...they said spending and deficits were out of control, but then they railed against the looming cuts coming with the sequester. The ads often featured women saying their number one issue was the debt, when in reality polls showed more women were concerned about abortion .

    These donors better demand an accounting from Rove as to where their money went, because the low budget ads looked like they were made by high school kids...I've seen better shit randomly searching you tube. By contrast the Obama, planned parenthood , and priorities ads were compelling and told a narrative and a story that created an image of what a future would be like under Romney and the GOP. They were mixed positive ads, and they repeatedly used Romneys own words to make their case.

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      You brought up a great point about Republican ads flip flpping their opponents from one extreme to the other. That tactic is to daze and confuse people to plant seeds of doubt, manipulate fear and fosters people to be pitted against one another...divide and conquer.

      The Romney team were convinced etch a sketching, lies, manipulation, oppression and suppression would control a win. Epic fail!

    2. Sally in MI7:12 PM

      The thing is, most people are not watching TV..they may watch cable, but they do not watch ads. They are mot captive like we were 40 years ago. And, they can hop on the laptop and fact check IMMEDIATELY and not wait for some faux newscaster to tell them facts. So lying is not going to work any more. And I have to wonder how much money the rich right is going to me willing to spend next cycle after this total waste of a billion dollars.

  52. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Rove proves that he's read Orwell. Redefine the word, and then accuse your opponent of doing it. Up is down. Lies are facts.

  53. People like Rove view the world through their own conceit. So of course he would think voter suppression, because that's what he's done, voter fraud, because that's what he's done, ballot tampering, because that's what he's done and election fraud, because that's what he's done.

    A person like Rove can't understand why no one would do these things to win because that is exactly what he would do to win.

    This sort of thinking exposes the kind of person Karl Rove is more than anything else.

    The same sort of exposure Willard Rmoney gave us to his character.

    I hope this election is the beginning of the decline of Crossroads and that Rove's hold on politics will finally begin to weaken.

  54. Sally in MI7:10 PM

    I think LAwrence pointed out that the first people to accuse Mitt of being a vulture capitalist were his own GOP opponents in the debates. Not Obama. And frankly, MItt and the entitled Ann were more than capable of screwing their own campaign by looking down their patrician noses at the rest of us. She called us classless. She said Rafalca had more class in her left hoof than anyone daring, daring, to criticze Mitt. SO FU, Rove. The few remaining Fox morons may buy your crap, but we know you're just trying to make up a schtick so Adelson doesn't put a hit on you.

  55. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Oh, right, Karl. There's a name for "saying to people, ‘you may not like who I am and I know you can’t bring yourself to vote for me, but I’m going to paint this other guy as simply a rich guy"

    It's called "campaigning."

    How dare Mr. Obama engage in such nefarious tactics!

    (and let's not forget, Rove and his ilk "campaigned" by distribution DVDs that slandered the President's late mother. Klassy.)


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