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"Yeah, I wasn't stupid, I was Palinized. That's the ticket! |
After getting flamed Lewis decided that he needed to cover his ass with the following statements:
Because conservatives have willfully allowed this to metastasize — liberals have effectively cast Republicans as the anti-science party. For this reason, incidents that seem to confirm this narrative are especially hurtful.
Mark Halperin nailed it on “Morning Joe”:
“There’s one area where Democrats are really far ahead of Republicans right now. Science and technology, no. It’s doing this thing that Democrats failed to do in 2000, to stop George W. Bush, which is really, really early on using the left-wing Freak Show to define anyone who’s thinking of running for President, as quickly as possible, in negative terms on Twitter, on cable, on the Internet. They’re all over this Rubio thing because they want to control his image in a negative way and they did it this cycle too. They went after Romney early, it really hurt him. And they’re doing it now.”
And so, this is a strategy. Like Sarah Palin in 2008, Democrats view Marco Rubio as a major threat — not just for one or two elections — but someone who could undermine their advantage among the college educated, the young, and Latinos.
Like Palin in ’08, he is viewed as an existential threat. And just like Palin — whom they feared — they wan’t to destroy his credibility; to make him a joke.
As one of the people who I am sure would be categorized as having "Palinized" my state's half term ex-Governor, let me just say that NOBODY had to make her a joke.
She did that herself.
All that we did was to point it out and invite everybody to laugh along with us.
And Palin was NEVER considered an "existential threat," She was a very REAL threat.
But really only because she was TOO stupid to do the job of President if by some miracle she had managed to successfully poison John McCain and take his position, and too hateful of a force to be allowed to go around causing strife and turmoil in this country after she lost her VP bid, without being called out over it.
As for Rubio, NOBODY made him say such a stupid thing, they simply reported that he had, in fact, said that stupid thing.
So apparently, if I am reading this correctly, to "Palinize" somebody is to report what they say accurately. In other words, just like with Sarah Palin, their "truth," once reported by the media, becomes a "liberal lie."
Now isn't THAT handy?
Jesus, no wonder they only want to talk to Fox News!
The other stupid thing he says is that Rubio could get the Latino vote. Rubio is a Cuban and the Mexicans and other Central Americans are not going to support him simply because he is from a Spanish-speaking country.
ReplyDeleteNeither will the Puerto Ricans. This follows the typical republican delusion that Blacks will flock to Herman Cain and women to Sarah Palin.
DeleteSooooo, telling the "Truth" about a candidate is "palinizing" them?
DeleteWell...BooFuckingHoo then! Truth hurts!
Telling the truth about dumbfuck republicans and about their lies, flip flops is putting out a "false narrative"? Fuck them!
Read this: There hasn't been a Truthful R election since Eisenhower!
That's the truth and our chickenshit murdoch owned msm is not reporting it!
All IM'rs tweet this out. We must fight for Election reform, if Anon hadn't stepped in...
well read that!
Rove told the world on NPR we would wake up and rMoney would have 300 electoral votes!
And THAT didn't happen.
Exactly. Latinos vote overwhelmingly Democratic, and would not vote for a Repub, because he is a Latino.
DeleteRubio has no pull in the Latino community, he only has supporters in the small Cuban community. He has no supporters among the other Latino groups, and not even all Cubans would ever vote for him. He could not even get Romney to carry Florida.
Just like, the Black electorate would not vote for Cain, Alan Keyes, or any other Black Repub.
I am Black myself, and I know Black Democrats like myself(which is most of the Black electorate), would never vote for a Black Repub.
Yes 10:01, because it doesn't matter if your Black or Latino. It's about the policy and how it affects you in your day to day life as an American. And Americans who vote Democratic, whether they are White, Black or Latino believe in that ideology not the Repuke's idea of how things should be.
DeleteI personally don't give a damn what his nationality or race or skin pigment or how much of a tan the man has. I'd never support Marco Rubio because he supportive of the TeaBagger policies of anti-science and anti-education. That makes him a regressive, back-to-the-50's demagogue, and they will not get a pass with their bullshit disinformation campaign. Call it PALINIZATION or call it "quoting these fuckers verbatim". They are going to OWN the backwards-ass policies they promote, because they are the ones pushing the nonsense anti-women, anti-science, anti-middle class agendas against the American people.
DeleteAs far as I'm concerned, Rubio supports un-American principles and policies. Plus, he's a coward for not even being honest as an educated person that he is, and telling the nutcases in his coalition that they're a bunch of superstitious, magical-thinking imbeciles. Just like Palin and her 300 fans across America. Let those two baggers duke it out for the idiot crowd that will never learn that the world was NEVER flat.
And the Republican Party still wonders why they just had their asses handed to them in the election? Slow learners, aren't they?
I love how they say we see her and other strong conservative 'minorities,' (cause she's a woman, not because she's special needs) as a threat, therefore must manufacture a harmful narrative.
ReplyDeleteAny strengths Sarah had was designed by her PR machine to play up her presumed strengths, which was essentially to take credit for everything and anything happening around her all these years she was an elected official or political appointee.
We only ran with her glaring deficiencies and flimsy record.
Women are not a minority in this country.
DeleteWait, Sarah Palin and Marco Rubio can appeal to young, college-educated Democrats and Latinos? In what alternate reality is that?
ReplyDelete"Bizarro World."
DeleteSouthern Christian college-educated
DeleteSouthern Christian Christian educated?
DeleteYeppers. Superstitious, un-educated, low-information voters comprise the RW nuts that will never support a progressive candidate. I pity the people themselves b/c some will always vote against their own interests because they don't know any better and don't care to learn. But these wingnuts are a ball and chain around the ankle of the candidates that pander to their "conservative" political ideals.
Bless their hearts.
Wow. So we'll have another 4 years of a Democratic presidency to look forward to in 2016.
DeleteWhat really bothers me is that Palin was NEVER vetted, never investigated to find her college transcripts (they did not exist is my guess)Her association with the secessionist group was not exposed, her many, many failures in office were covered up. Why? Her lie about the pregnancy was just glossed over. Now, McCain is calling Susan Rice, who is a very well educated, accomplished woman, not smart enough for a job the President is nominating her for!! There should be a special committee formed to investigate McCain's choice of a barely educated flake to be VP. The only fear we had of Palin was that Rove would fix the vote again, and little Johnny would be in the WH, with a VP who is not even capable of dressing herself in appropriate clothing. Imagine her meeting heads of state wearing a superwoman shirt, dirty pedal pushers and hooker shoes?? Classless, barely above average in intelligence thinking she is qualified to lead this country!! What a joke.
ReplyDeleteI read an article at Crooks and Liars detailing how every single GOP President cheated to gain office, which is obviously why Rove was so irate on Election Night, and it made me think that McCain was never supposed to win. They knew the deficit was climbing, the two wars were deadly and off the books, the automakers were in trouble, and so much more. They WANTED a Dem to take over and start to right the ship, the plan being that they would swoop in again in 2012 to 'save the US from socialism!' Nice work, GOP. We get four more years to try to save the US from the GOP.
DeleteYes, remember when the right-wing and Palin herself viciously criticised Tina Fey for
ReplyDeleterepeating Sarah Palin's words verbatim?
Did you see the 30 Rock episode about this???? It was AWESOME! Romney, on the show, ends up picking someone who looks like Tracy as his running mate and he's a total doof. Liz promises Jack NOT to write any sketches about the new VP...so...THEY DO A SKETCH WHERE THEY REPEAT EVERYTHING HE SAYS...then Liz finds out that her sketches are actually making the Tracy lookalike more popular, despite all of his negative qualities, and is, thus, conflicted about doing any more sketches!
DeleteHow about Sarah and Rubio running together for 2016?
ReplyDeletePro: Sarah loves to take minority men to her sister's Alaska college dorm room.
Con: Who is going to be on top? Sarah loves being on top if you know what I mean.
She also likes using her fingers. I mean, nearly every photograph of her features her pointing at something or another...
Delete"Sarah loves being on top if you know what I mean."
DeleteIt runs in the Palin family. Bristol loves being on top too.
The Palins and Heath females are all excellent experienced riders.
Alaska, that's your idiotic quitter dumbass Sarah Palin:
ReplyDelete"While many had recently learned that Palin could be unpredictable -- even a maverick, perhaps -- Americans couldn't have foreseen her conducting a lengthy on-camera interview while live birds were being fed into a machine of mass turkey murder mere feet behind her."
I'm puzzled how McCain tried to pass off Sarah Palin as vp material / energy expert when Sarah Palin never worked for an energy company, never took college-high school-trade school courses in that subject? Sarah Palin's only expertise in the energy field was being a half term quitter governor of a oil producing state.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt Sarah Palin is unquestionably the best at running scams and con jobs as seen by her resume loaded with her deceits and lies. Most notably her SarahPAC scam.
Now, don't forget her stint as an appointed "citizen watchdog" on the Oil & Gas commission.
DeleteImagine... appointed *specifically* BECAUSE she had no insider knowledge, and now she uses that as "credentials" for being an "energy expert".
And I'm still waiting for proof that she actually graduated college. Any of 'em.
Yeah, Trump was willing to pay millions for Obama's transcripts, but Sarah skated right by on that one. And the woman can't put two thoughts together and make sense.
DeleteSince Monkey Mountain has been officially SEALED with spent nuclear material and blow torches, Gryoh, can you start us a NEW one?? It’ll look like a two-fer grave site where the Monkey Queen and the sludge collector of south florida can be PERMANENTLY laid to rest…. POOF!!!
ReplyDeleteThey’ll be GONE !!!
Halperin is a GOP Hack if there ever was one. He is looking for any kind of excuse of victimhood for the GOP's lame roster of candidates. That he even has a soapbox is a reflection of how pathetic our media is.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone else noticed that Miss THANG has not been on Fox spewing her garbage since election night? She must be fighting off all that FBI activity around the Dead Lake abode.
ReplyDeleteLOOK at her in this picture! Wearing the stolen clothes from the campaign...looking like she's saying..."FUCK YOU....and YOU...and YOU" with that pointy claw finger of hers!
ReplyDeleteSo now we wait....to see what shoe is about to drop...if she shows up on FAKE News in the next couple of days then we know she's escaped the net...AGAIN! Because the longer she stays off tv the better it looks that she really is going down (and not on Glen "baby oil" Rice!)along with that pimp of a husband...hey...where is the Toad?
Heck Old Granny lulu can't even garner many comments on this site. But I hope Rubio ties his wagon to this has been. And no hispanic I know would vote for Mr "dry feet" Cuban. Thats what we need to change in our immigration policies, these Cubans need to start going by the same rules as every body else.
DeleteYou know what galls me is that the GOP continues to run these fools as candidates. Is there really no one left in their party that can rub 2 brain cells together? As an American, I was furious that the GOP felt they could run that string of losers against the President and be anything but the laughingstock of the world. It's really unfortunate that we have to discuss science and politics with half the country as though we're teaching a kindergarten class.
ReplyDeleteThanksgivings of Palin’s Past
Remember in 2008, when an award winning makeup artist made her look so pretty?
ReplyDeleteDoesn’t she look like a chipmunk in this photo? And no insult to chipmunks, but Palin is just a chirpy.
ReplyDeleteRick Santorum explained perfectly why the Republican party is so dumb, and he is one of their own... http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/419126/september-17-2012/values-voter-summit-gaffe
ReplyDeleteThe problem the GOP has is that they'll chase down a "token" member of a minority group and pander to them. Bush injected himself in the right to life with Terry Schiavo, trotted out his "latino" nephew at the convention, injected himself in the Elian Gonzalez case, giving him legal status, and now we have Marco Rubio. Latinos are not one homogeneous group and neither do they vote on one issue. Marco Rubio embellished his Cuban roots, but that didn't speak to all latinos.
ReplyDeleteI like the term "Palinize" being equated with dumbing down, it's so appropriate and it sticks like superglue.
ReplyDeleteThat's some embarrassing shit. The GOP had to buy Sarah Palin and her family clothes... including grandparents and the baby's daddy.
ReplyDeleteThen we started to see their shit posted on EBay. Can't get any trashy than that.
Somebody buys you shoes and the next time we see them they're being sold on EBay and it comes with autographed pictures and if you want the shoes autographed by Sarah, no problem.
Fucking white trash.
Yeah, it's the media's fault Romney lied day after day. It's the media's fault Paul Ryan said he wanted to ban contraception. It's the media's fault
ReplyDeleteneither could connect with women and youth and the elderly and Hispanics. Right. When I said something to my Texa s brother about the real aims of Mormonism and the media's lack of attention to that, he accused me of 'watching The View too much.' Honey, I don't watch the View. I look things up and decide for myself when someone is a threat. Love how the right is NEVER responsible for their words and actions. Just like they cannot bring it upon themselves to blame Bush for 9-11 and six embassy bombing and torture, but Obama shoud somehow be impeached because he failed to protect four Americans in Benghazi. I mean geex, he KNEW it was Sept. 11. Why didn;t he use his magic decoder ring and save them? Or something.
Why do Republicans always accuse Democrats of making their candidates look bad? The candidates do that by themselves! No Democrat forced Mitt Romney to make his millions doing in companies, some already struggling before he got involved and some not already struggling at that point. No Democrat made him choose a career in "harvesting" businesses. And no Democrat forced Marco Rubbio to make that stupid comment. He did it all by himself. Just as words were not put in Sarah Palin's mouth by Democrats and stupid ideas were not put into her head by Democrats. She really thought and said those incredibly stupid things. And Sarah Palin really cannot put together a coherent sentence with more than four words. When Republican candidates think and say and espouse ridiculous notions, why are Democrats not allowed to point them out?