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General Petraeus and General Allen. |
Okay I have been trying to sit down and write about the Petraeus situation since early in the morning yesterday. But I swear that every single time I start to get a few words typed out the damn thing mutates even more, and there are even more twists and turns.
So this morning I watched Alex Wagner, and thought that, as of this post, she had the best take on the story as it stands.
By the way if you are worried about missing your daily soaps, don't bother. THIS thing is MUCH more convoluted and entertaining than those EVER were!
Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
If that was not enough intrigue for you there is even more over at Politico, Salon, and the Daily Beast.I feel I should add my opinion here, but literally I am not sure exactly WHAT to think right now. However I will say that I am pretty certain that, believe it or not, we have not seen the final shocking twist revealed in this unfolding story.
Petraeus should have told Private Johnson to stand down.
Seriously, folks, I hear they're developing a video game about this scandal. It's going to be called "Call Of Booty."
I'll be here all week. Enjoy the buffet :)
kinda has a lisa nowak ( the diaper wearing astronaut ) ring to it eh ?
ReplyDeleteThis crowd is already making Lisa Nowak look sane. They haven't even got to the good parts yet.
DeleteJust a bunch of fuckin' around by a bunch of men and women that thought they wouldn't get caught. It happens to the best of us, sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI am not shocked. After the George W. Bush years, idiocy at the highest levels is a mere commonplace. Compared with the colossal "weapons of mass destruction, oops, not there" blunder, all these overpaid, entitled, egotistic bureaucrats are really going to have up the ante to be shocking.
ReplyDeleteStray penises are only important to their owners.
No, no, no. What you call "the George W. Bush years" has nothing to do with this little dustup.
DeleteThe overpaid, entitled, egotistic bureaucrats have been screwing around and screwing up forever.
It's just that now the intertubes haunt us all with their ineradicable trails.
Dysfunctional General Officers, strong female West Point graduates, and Florida social climbers have always been with us, and will be to the end of the age.
Bemusing to have witnessed the feeding frenzy of the wing nuts who banshee screamed it's a cover story to prevent Petraeus from testifying (he'll testify) yet when it's revealed that Eric Cantor & another GOPer knew about all the boffing months & month ago...they aren't accused of covering up for Obama.
ReplyDeleteTeabagistani FBI agent trying to boff Mrs. Kelly busts Petraeus boffing Mrs. Banshee Broadwell busts General Allen's 20k emails trying to boff Mrs. Kelly.....so just why did Eric Cantor & another GOPer keep it under wraps until the Pres was told on election night?
It was kept under wraps because Petraeus was supposed to play a huge role in a Romney administration.
DeleteCantor kept it under wraps because the Republicans are knee deep in this scandal, and he was hoping Romney would win, and they could make it go away.
DeleteCantor was NOT protecting Pres. Obama, he was watching out for Romney. The entire scandal is full of Republicans, and would have hurt Romney because a lot of this happened in Tampa, site of the Republican Convention. They all partied with the Kelley's.
It is true the Republican exvlusive involvement
Deletewould have hurt Romney if anyone. This is smoke and mirrors to accuse Obama of a coverup.
WTH is an "unpaid social liason" for the military? (Kelly). Bored wealthy people seeking to hook up with powerful people?
I hope all their spouses divorce them and people shun them for their stupidity of emails and the political debacle they have caused. They are a disgrace. Damn, they took my post election glow away!
I suspect there is more to this also.
Coincidentally, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) is located in Tampa, FL.
DeleteThe Kelley's house is a short distance from headquarters. It is common place for elite "socialites" to have parties and do charity events for the troops. It is a great place to solicit money and Tampa also worked for the Clint Eastwood chair performance that upstaged what was to be Mitt Romney's RNC convention.
It sure has distracted the cable news industry and the online news magazines and blogs from just about everything else, hasn't it?
ReplyDeleteCalling on your FBI buddy to "investigate" a private catfight has a whiff of Troopergate about it.
ReplyDeleteyup...FBI doesn't investigate what it could/should be investigating while a shirtless FBI agent gets an investigation rolling for some party planner housewife he's hot for. Protecting America's potential adulteresses are we?
DeleteThese flag waving family values men in heat & their cache of married vixens is all just SOP for the GOP.
Broadwell's talking head stints on FOX news are probably being erased in the archives as we speak. At FOX the "Mrs. Broadwell, who?" is Ailes latest talking points marching orders for the production teams.
Has it been mentioned if the two women ever met? Did they just hear about one another?
DeleteIt wasn't merely one or two General, it was many Generals?
I thought that a General's job was giving affordable quotes on car insurance. Do they do something else?
DeleteI switched over to Fox News to get the real story - so I know that it was
ReplyDeleteall Obama's fault!
President Obama made Petraeus have sex with that lady a BUNCH of times...
And then covered it up until after the election...
simply because he likes lying to the American people.
And WHY would Obama do such a thing you ask?
Wellllll it's because General Petraeus was going to testify about Benghazi and it would have finished Obama!
Because no embassy was ever attacked under a Republican administration. As a matter of fact - America has never been attacked anywhere during a Republican administration.
Because John Wayne was a Republican and John Wayne never took any shit from anybody by God!
I should watch Fox News more often!
I learned a LOT!
You didn't build that snatch, Mister Obama!
DeleteI haven't written 20,000 or 30,000 emails in my lifetime. What did these people do, sit at their computers all day writing? When did they have time to work. I would deduct this time of hours from their paychecks.
ReplyDeleteWe need tax cuts for the rich and more money for military spending. good to know what our Generals do on our time. The Kelly woman works for free, she deserves a medal.
DeleteBetter yet,when did they have time to do the boinking this scandal is supposedly about?
DeleteSome addicts prefer phone or text sex. Not to have to bother with germs and physical contact. Also it is not unfaithful in their mind, they just don't tell the wife. Only swingers tell wife.
DeleteIf these guys and gals worked in the private sector, and they wanted to have affairs, flirt in emails or doing anything else that was reckless and thoughtless, that would be their business. However, the two generals are on the public payroll. They are in charge of troops, equipment and they were supposed to be conducting our operations in Iraq or Afghanistan-- in spite of the fact that they seem to exercise very poor judgement. They sought favorable publicity as a way to convince the Pentagon to award them more and more funds.
ReplyDeleteMeh... that's only if you think poor judgment in the boinking department=poor judgment in the rest of one's life.
DeleteFrankly, I know a lot of people who have made very poor romantic choices- up to and including marriage, yet they are quite competent in other pursuits.
Adults accept that.
The Pentagon spends bundles of Benjamins to praise and create mythologies for our military.
DeleteThe reverence for the former CIA Director is part of a wider religious-like worship of the national security state.
I'm thinking along the same lines as the commenters above and now I realize why people join the military...sex, that's it. Join the military and get hot chicks! Well, not these two ladies involved in the scandal but perhaps you as a member of an armed forces unit might actually get attractive chicks who are under 45 and don't look like men or hairy Kardashian sisters...join at your own risk. Yea, you'll get laid, but sometimes it might not be pretty!
DeleteI look around at my friends and more than a couple are having affairs/laisons. In our daily lives, we aren't surprised anymore. President Obama will not let this distract him. It's news for The Enquirer.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if anyone else out there has the stomach to watch Imus in the morning. He's a cretin and foul looking one at that, but he and his underling, Bernie McGuirk, (the one that helped get Imus fired from MSNBC goading him to make the nappy-headed ho' comment) are convinced there's a coverup and it's going to be bigger than Watergate and it will bring Barack Obama down..(impeachment)
ReplyDeleteBut the whole Fox News cabal is on to that too. They get their Talking Points Memo early every morning and away they go...
Where were these conspiracy theorists when Rove/Cheney were outing Valerie Plame and endangering CIA operatives' lives???
God, I hate these people.
There is a cover up,
Deletebut it is not what Idiot Imus wants. They are trying to cover up (for one thing) how call girls operate at that level of the military. Kelley girl is working the Generals. Broad(not so)well was jealous as hell over territorial matters.
Jill Kelley (the Florida Socialite) lives in TAMPA, people!
DeleteWhere did the Republicans have their Convention in August? Oh, that's right, TAMPA!
Did Jill Kelley host any Convention parties that high level Republicans attended? Of course.
Republicans are angry that the FBI did not tip them off about this investigation. Hmmmm.....perhaps they had no time to stop it or interfere in the investigation?
This entire sordid episode is on the Repubblicans....Pres. Obama has nothing to do with it. Republicans partied with the Kelley's and they are all tainted in this.
I was probably surprised as you were that your previous post on Parker fizzled out, so maybe this will help to fill your daily quota? But you know that some pictures of your queer dotter would be a big hit so why not that?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous2:46 PM
DeleteAren't you a nasty little troll. Still mad about the election eh'?
Poor Baldy...nobody gives a shit about her ugly ass anymore except for the nuts at the Asylum...she has to come here looking for attention...and then to find out that she can't even get a mention on Gryphen's blog must have the rest of her hair falling out! LOL!
Fizzled out?
DeleteAs in put the washcloth in his pocket after he fizzled out in it? So there would not be any evidence left by his two toned
EWWW, that "person" at 2:46pm is really creepy. I use person lightly as it seems not really human. Sociopathic borderline psychopath for certain, and as I always respond to its posts, I really hope it doesn't live in Alaska. There aren't many people that give me that chill up my spine but this one does. It has a past of rejection possibly due to physical or mental deformity and strikes out against others in social situations. The only thing that would put me at ease is to see you in a white coat with your arms firmly secured behind you back. Jeepers, Creepers...not to egg you on but you are a basket case.
DeleteI hope that Kantor has to testify about what he knew and when. I suspect the GOP was trying to orchestrate a big problem for Obama over this and Benghazi. I think President Obama will be able to ride this storm with no repercussion. Not so sure about the shirtless FBI agent and his friend Kantor.
ReplyDeleteThis will all go away. No one wants the truth to come out about any of this. Gen Patraeus did not quit over a little affair while he was head of the CIA. That was a lesser problem and they hope enough to end problems.
DeleteCantor would lie like Bristol Palin did in Federal Court in Tennessee.
DeleteDid Marilyn overdose or was she murdered for what she might say? Didn't Eisenhauer have a fwb during his military service during ww2? This shit has been going on forever.
ReplyDeleteIT IS NOT ABOUT SEX OR AN AFFAIR OR TWO. It is about business and a whole operation of happy endings for high up military persons. The Secret Service have their sex /business/play and so do other agencies and the military.
DeleteIn Colombia you don't want to under pay a working girl. Here the system is different. Married women would never have sex liaisons. Married hostesses just have social connections and a grand time with parties and charity events. All very innocent for the church peoples.
Have to say that this scandal reveals the true nature of the right-wing machine, and how conservatives lift up their men and women as idols. Their self-made foundations are crumbling like sand, because their foundations were built from hatred and hypocrisy.
ReplyDeleteTrue. I can't wait for justice and when they are more than embarrassed... like when the go to prison for a long, long time.
DeleteGen. McChrystal ? Was he the one that covered up in the Pat Tillman death ? Seriously, some of these people we spend millions or billions on public relations to make them super human... seriously there are those that must be tried for murder.
Quite gobsmackingly, we know Ms Kranz from West Point.
ReplyDeleteAll I'm going to say is it doesn't surprise many of us at all.
Write a book.
DeleteThis General sex business is all too convoluted and the nerdy yuk factor doesn't help. No one is interested is something they can't make sense or keep up with. Dianne Feinstein will huff and puff a little about security and answers but they will drop this as soon as they can. Why would anyone want to know how awful this really is? It makes our country look bad. It makes conservatives despicable losers.
Did the FBI scour the Kelley's house and computers?
ReplyDeleteIf not, why?
The Pentagon is investigating. That means they will squash most everything. It is over before it begins. Too crazy to get any of the madness. Just forget this one.
ReplyDeleteBLAME Mercury Retrograde.
Jill Kelley--'hostess,' 'social liaison to the military,' 'social ambassador', and 'Honorary Consul' (which is emblazoned on her license plate)
ReplyDeleteShe made a recent 911 call about a trespasser in which she suggested the police might want to get diplomatic protection involved since she and her property--(much like an embassy)--was involuable.
(h/t for 911 calls audio to Steven Portnoy, commenting at Mother Jones)
MSNBC obtained the letters Gen. Petraeus and Gen. Allen wrote to the judge in Jill Kelley's sister's custody case. The letters are dated Sept. 20, less than 2 months ago. Somehow, I doubt the judge will be impressed.
At this point, General Petreaus is the sanest one of the bunch. He cheated, owned up to it, and stepped down.
ReplyDeleteThis Kelley "neo-socialite" bimbo has WAYY too much time on her hands. And this Allen guy, who has time to write 20 to 30 thousand emails with attachments of his hot rocking old man shirtless chest, without some bimbo egging him on? "Ohhhh that looks Hawt! You're such a studmuffin, what I wouldn't do with a man like you! Pls send More!"
And Fox is linking this to Ben Ghazi and Obama being coplicit- oh puleeese!
When the smoke clears, can we have Anthony Weiner back?
" He cheated, owned up to it, and stepped down. "
DeleteI don't buy that. He did cheat but his step down was not with honor. It was b/c there is much more to cover up. His tawdry sexual life is not all there is. He knows how sex in the military goes and he knows about "liaisons" and all the BS terms. Is his wife an ignoramus or was she mad at how he got caught and that he brought in their family with this public humiliation? Many wives are okay with don't bring it home and don't get caught.
Patraeus sucks. The letter for the crazy twin [ who a judge knew was unstable and worse ] is further proof that the General is not what they claim. He has truly pathological and pitiful judgement. He should not have been near any kind of leadership position. General Allen, the same.
How did these men get into positions where US taxpayers are paying for their seriously bad job performances and all the lies?
Two exalted and glorified United States leaders write letters of support for the "psychologically unstable person" and close friend, Natalie Khawam. Twisted sister of "liaison" Jill Kelley. Seriously, the head of the CIA and ret General would do that?
ReplyDeleteA judge in November 2011 gave Wolfe sole custody of the couple’s son after finding that Khawam, a lawyer, repeatedly lied under oath and filed bogus domestic-violence and child-abuse claims against her husband after their one-year marriage began crumbling in 2009.
That judge also found that Khawam routinely defied court orders to let the child see his dad and sent harassing e-mails to Wolfe’s friends and business partners that “excoriated Mr. Wolfe for being a horrible father and husband.”
The judge blasted Khawam for giving false evidence, and noted that a court-ordered shrink had found her domestic-violence allegations to be “part of an ever-expanding set of sensational accusations . . . that are so numerous, so extraordinary and [so] distorted that they defy any common-sense view of reality.”
The judge also noted that she “is a psychologically unstable person.”