Wednesday, November 14, 2012

This is undoubtedly where America is headed if we don't start removing religion from our politics.

Courtesy of the Irish Times:

Two investigations are under way into the death of a woman who was 17 weeks pregnant, at University Hospital Galway last month. 

Savita Halappanavar (31), a dentist, presented with back pain at the hospital on October 21st, was found to be miscarrying, and died of septicaemia a week later. 

Her husband, Praveen Halappanavar (34), an engineer at Boston Scientific in Galway, says she asked several times over a three-day period that the pregnancy be terminated. He says that, having been told she was miscarrying, and after one day in severe pain, Ms Halappanavar asked for a medical termination. 

This was refused, he says, because the fetal heartbeat was still present and they were told, “this is a Catholic country”. 

She spent a further 2½ days “in agony” until the fetal heartbeat stopped. 

The dead fetus was removed and Savita was taken to the high dependency unit and then the intensive care unit, where she died of septicaemia on the 28th. 

An autopsy carried out by Dr Grace Callagy two days later found she died of septicaemia “documented ante-mortem” and E.coli ESBL.

Before you simply dismiss this as another post "where Gryphen goes off on religion again" let me remind you that since the Teabaggers took center stage in 2010, they have introduced almost 1,000 new bills aimed at restricting a woman's ability to control her own body.

And their argument is based on the ridiculous belief that "life begins at conception" which is itself based on the completely unscientific view that life is a gift from God and that man has no right to interfere with God's will. (That is of course until the fetus is born, at which time it is on its own until it is old enough to enlist in the military and can then be sent to die in a war basically determined by religious conflicts in the Middle East.)

So long as people are unwilling to realize that "life" should be defined by "viability" rather than "possibility" these people will continue to willingly sacrifice the life of the mother at the altar of the unborn fetus.

And if that is not troubling enough, and I cannot imagine why it would NOT be, also let me remind you that this ENTIRE argument is based on the Catholic church's refusal to admit that the Pope is not infallible.

Am I the ONLY one who looks outside and recognizes that we are living in the 21st century? How can a country like Ireland allow this poor woman to die in deference to a primitive religion that was given birth at a time when Hebrews believed the earth was flat, sickness was the result of sin, and that the stars were stuck in a dome of water that encompassed the earth?

And even more troubling, how can America be on the fast track to joining them in their ignorance?

Let's be honest with ourselves, if not for this archaic view of the beginning of life, based SOLELY on ancient religious beliefs, there would be no debate.

Without religious objections, of course we would teach sex education and birth control in our public and private schools.

Without religious objections, of course contraceptive products would be readily available to those that wanted them.

And without religious objections, of COURSE the mother's life would take precedence over the potential for life growing inside of her.

My only question is how much longer will American women allow themselves to be bullied into being relegated to nothing more than breeding stock, by a patriarchal religious viewpoint that was developed at a time when infant mortality was between 20-30 percent and the median lifespan for a woman was not even 30 years old?


  1. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I read this story earlier and was quite outraged. How could supposed medical professionals stand by and basically watch this woman die such a horrible, preventable death?

    This is what the TeaNuts in this country want to see happen here -- until it's their wife, daughter, granddaughter or girlfriend languishing in an emergency situation where doctors' hands are tied due to archaic laws with no basis in medicine. When it affects them, the situation won't seem so black and white. There won't be a need to worry about the fetal heartbeat because if they wait long enough, the mother won't have a heartbeat either.

    1. Anonymous2:02 AM

      "until it's their wife,daughter,granddaughter,girl friend" is the key to all opposition.Then and only then do these(people)? get it.

  2. I agree with you 100%. The only good thing for Mr. Halappanavar is that this tragedy happened in Ireland, where they have "socialized" medicine. If it happened in the US, he'd also get a bill for 100s of thousands of dollars from the hospital that killed his wife.

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Obvously you don't get it. This woman did not die because of "socialized" medicine. THis woman died because of the church interfering in a woman's health issue. STFU.

    2. Anonymous6:24 PM

      I think you misinterpreted what Deni was saying. Socialized medicine was not the reason the woman died. Since Ireland has socialized medicine, Mr Halappanavar won't have to pay for an expensive hospital bill in addition to losing his wife due to the catholic church's archaic beliefs.

    3. Anonymous6:25 PM

      You've missed Deni's point.

    4. Anonymous6:26 PM

      5:48--I think it's you who don't get it. Deni was agreeing with Gryphen. Putting "socialized" in quotes was to emphasize the ridiculousness of those who oppose universal health care, not to blame it for this poor woman's death. Did you even read the last part of the post?

    5. Anonymous6:31 PM

      anon 5:48, I believe you missed Deni's point.

    6. Anita Winecooler7:55 PM

      Yes, Anon 5:48. Deni is one of many posters who's comments I admire. Deni never disagrees with someone then punctuates it with STFU

    7. Anonymous4:17 AM

      Yeah Ms 'STFU' - all you did here was humiliate yourself. Not only are you foolish but the sign off was obnoxious and disgusting. NO ONE here should be saying STFU or have it said to them. Can we agree that people that use such statements are generally pretty undesirable, tiresome bores? Seriously I'm sick of it. If I say something that differs in the slightest from Gryphen (oh except in his atheism posts, then he gets piled on and abused himself!) I always get told STFU or something very similar! So to anon there, just apologise and say what a noob you've been!

  3. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Very sad. A beautiful woman with her whole life ahead of her and she dies because a f'ed up religious belief. i was hoping to chill out on the political angst after Obama won but it doesn't seem that way.

  4. Leland3:23 PM

    To make matters even worse, the country's supreme court already ruled against the idea of NO abortion and in favor of saving the mother's life in cases exactly like this one!

    Gryphen, I have to disagree - slightly - with your assessment of the origins of the non-abortion idea. The primary reason, in my book, is the disgusting idea that Man was made in God's image and that we are DIFFERENT somehow from the rest of the animals.

    Man is not a mineral. He is not a vegetable. He is not a virus. That leaves ANIMAL. Remove a god from the equation and common sense MIGHT prevail.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      abortions were accepted as common practice until the last 50 yr or so all over the world.
      I was handed down the recipe to make an abortive drink from my Mom, she was always afraid that they would ban it again. Most native cultures had such drinks.

    2. SAlly in MI5:25 PM

      Exactly. And women knew of herbs that would act as contraceptives too. And rich white women have ALWAYS had access to abortion. I do wish men would get off their soapboxes and start creating jobs, instead of trying to kill off women under the guise of 'protecting the innocent.' A dead or dying baby puts the woman at risk. Rape is a crime. A rapist should not have more rights than his victim. A 14 year old who is raped should not have her life ruined becuase the right thinks the morning after pill is murder. We get that you hate us, GOP. Loud and clear.

    3. Anonymous6:07 PM

      I would like to postulate that Abortion is and perhaps always been an essential proceedure essentail to safing the wife/mother/woman's life in cases such as this. And that is all it is is a proceedure. It is what the loving male involved does do to save their life partner and mother of their children. Same thing goes for those of us that are impregnated as the result of rape or incest.

      WTF? Why do conservative religios males hate women?

    4. Anonymous4:19 AM

      There are no males against abortion when it suits them. Even a so called Christian conservative will order his mistress to have an abortion to avoid child payments (and thus his wife inevitably discovering the secret). Not one. They all think it's fine for THEM because THEY use it responsibly!

  5. WakeUpAmerica3:34 PM

    So let me get this straight. The powers that be knew the fetus was dying, so the decision was made to let the mother die as well?

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      They refused to stop a beating heart, even thought the fetus was dying, even though the woman was in horrible pain and asked for an abortion over and over again, even though they knew the risks of infection and worse. They cared more about the fetus than they did about the woman carrying it.

  6. WakeUpAmerica3:37 PM

    I do have to say that the E.Coli is a contributing factor. It seems bizarre that they weren't treating that with antibiotics. Were the bacteria to be protected because they were procreating as well? After all, they do say, "ALL life begins at conception."

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      E.coli ESBL are antibiotic resistant. The ESBL after the E.coli specifically identifies that they are antibiotic resistant, usually to multiple antibiotics. E.coli ESBL can and does cause septicemia among other conditions. Possibly 20000-30000 cases per year in the UK in humans.

      Of course, a disbelief of Darwin and evolution does not help to deal with this problem.

    2. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Drug resistant bacteria and urinary tract infections in women. A Red State problem. DUH.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:19 PM

      septicaemia caused the e-coli. It can occur many ways, basically it's when either contaminated tissue or fecal matter enters the bloodstream.

      This poor woman had to wait four days for the fetus's heart to stop beating before having the procedure, then died two days later.

      I can't imagine the pain, anguish, and agony she went through.

      What happened to "first do no harm"?

  7. Anonymous3:51 PM

    People that want to control women use religion as their excuse.

  8. I think a charge of murder should be brought against the hospital. If nothing else, it would embroil them in expensive litigation for a long time and bring this travesty the necessary press it deserves.

    1. Leland4:12 PM

      The litigation would never even be accepted by the courts! It is ILLEGAL to perform an abortion in Ireland. Period. No court would allow it.

    2. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Pathetic. Just purely pathetic....

    3. Anonymous6:26 PM

      I believe there is an exception when the mother's life is in imminent danger. The problem is, who makes the decision of when her life is in danger?

    4. Leland2:01 AM

      6:26, I'll try to make this a little more clear than my comment here.

      Abortion in Ireland is STILL illegal. Yes, the Supreme Court there has stated there needs to be a change concerning the protection of the mother, BUT THEIR MAIN GOVERNMENT BODY NEVER ACTED ON THAT DECISION!

      Until they do, there is NO abortion there until the fetus is dead - and not by Man's interference!

      MAYBE this case will help change that. Of course, if Mitt and the Repubes had anything to say about it....

    5. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Thanks for the clarification, Leland

  9. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I will never ever visit Ireland again.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      being a 3rd generation Irish-American you have a very good point. I've seen myself as an Irish-American, now an American.

    2. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Any pregnant or potentially pregnant woman would be foolish to visit Ireland.

  10. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Even the ancient religions that the modern day idiocy the anti-choice movement is based on were much more practical in dealing with such matters. They knew and used birth control, there were skilled herbalists who knew about abortifacients and used them. It was considered "women's business"and men minded their own business.
    Even the RCC church in the heyday of the well-worn path between the rectory and the convent knew and used bc and abortion. To protect the priests from scandal, of course!

    It is only since women have gained power and respect, that men interfere- what does that tell you?

  11. Anonymous4:01 PM

    This exact scenerio could easily happen in the USA. See this article:

  12. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I appreciate the post and warnings about the extremes of the anti-abortion folks.

    I take exception with one part of your argument:


    I'm not sure the argument should be based on "viability" although realize that was Blackmun's test. Babies aren't just a life/fetus/potential in the mother's womb. They suck the energy out of the mother. THey are dependent, 24/7, on the mother. The child's life is at the expense of the mother's freedom. For many people, mothers and fathers, this is agreeable. But anti-abortionist aren't just saving the fetus/life/baby, they are insisting that a 3rd person sacrifice their body for this third fetus/life/baby. A third person can't find anyone else to temporarily help them. I can't think of anywhere else in law that such response to dependence would be required. Even people who care 24/7 for someone who is severely disabled don't generally sacrifice their body, and the government provides support to allow the caregiver some breaks (whether it's enough is another question).

  13. Anonymous4:44 PM

    History of Catholic CHurch & Abortion

    (around 1110) his became part of Catholic canon law in the Decretum Gratiani, which stated that "he is not a murderer who brings about abortion before the soul is in the body.

  14. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Ireland also stops women known to be pregnant from flying out of the country.

    It's barbaric that this woman was forced to die just because her body didn't evacuate a nonviable fetus.
    It hits close to home, this was me a few decades ago
    and I am only alive today because my doctor performed and abortion to save my life.

    1. Completely untrue. While abortion is not avialble in Ireland it is completely legal for women to travel to other jurisdictions to have one. Most go the UK. However, this is not an ideal situation as it imposes extra stress and cost.

      While the Supreme Court ruled on its legality, successive governments have been to cowardly to draft the primary legislation which would allow women to have the terminations in their own country.

      I am an American who has lived in Ireland for the past 26 years.

  15. Anonymous5:23 PM

    O/T - A Really Good One!

    John McCain just got bitch slapped!!

    Bill Burton, founder of Priorities USA, President Obama's SuperPAC just nailed it on McCain's stand against the possible nomination of Rice for SofS.

    He was on Maddow's show about Obama's presser today where he appeared like he did in the 2nd debate over Bengazi and today hit back on McCain & his bitch Graham. Burton made the statement that McCain is going to question President Obama's possible choice of Rice when he brought us Sarah Palin!


    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      I was stunned when McCain said that Rice wasn't very bright.

      My jaw hit the floor.

    2. Anonymous5:54 PM


      McCain got a double slapdown on Maddow's show tonight.

      In a later segment after what you speak of, Dan Rather spoke of McCain and his stand-off of Susan Rice but how he picked Sarah Palin to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

      He closed saying: "You can't have it both ways"

      Won't be surprised if McCain is calling Morning Joe show or somewhere to get himself in front of a camera.

    3. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Fuck. John. McCain.

    4. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Anon 5:54

      He couldn't wait for Morning Joe. I know he was on Hannity tonight and looking at twitter, he appears to have been on Anderson Cooper's show on CNN. Morning Joe in the morning - probably.

    5. AJ Billings7:23 PM

      Dr Susan Rice attended Stanford University, where she received a Truman Scholarship, and graduated with a B.A. in history in 1986.

      She was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.

      Awarded a Rhodes Scholarship, Rice attended New College, Oxford, where she earned a M.Phil. in 1988 and D.Phil. in 1990.

      (That's a Doctor of Philosopy in case you don't know)

      The Chatham House-British International Studies Association honored her dissertation titled "Commonwealth Initiative in Zimbabwe, 1979-1980: Implication for International Peacekeeping" as the UK's most distinguished in international relations.

      Gee, how does that compare to Granny Grifter who allegedly has a BA in word salad making from 5 different schools?

    6. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Susan Rice might not be white enough for some of the RepubliKKKans. Not to mention her being an educated woman in a position of power that could be occupied by a man.

      Wiki says: "Rice attended Stanford University, where she received a Truman Scholarship, and graduated with a B.A. in history in 1986. She was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.

      Awarded a Rhodes Scholarship, Rice attended New College, Oxford, where she earned a M.Phil. in 1988 and D.Phil. in 1990. The Chatham House-British International Studies Association honored her dissertation titled "Commonwealth Initiative in Zimbabwe, 1979-1980: Implication for International Peacekeeping" as the UK's most distinguished in international relations."

      I expect a former vice presidential candidate with a taste for inappropriate wardrobe choices to break wind soon on this topic. Also, too, wiki says Susan Rice was a point guard on her high school basketball team. Nothing about her losing any beauty contests though.

    7. Anita Winecooler8:30 PM

      LOD did a brilliant smack down, including footage of Bulemic Bulbous bobble head wonk eyed idiot to drive home how feckless and incompetent McCain has been.

  16. AJ Billings5:40 PM

    All religious fanatics consider their own faith and belief system to trump human decency, common sense, human laws or scientific evidence..

    1. Leland2:08 AM

      I agree, but I would modify it a little.

      Fanaticism for ANY reason is dangerous!

  17. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I read about Savita, and I couldn't believe it. I can't imagine what she went through, and what her family is STILL going through. She was told before she died that the child would not live, but they still did nothing for her.

    This should be called medical malpractice and gross negligence, at the very least. I personally would call it manslaughter for Savita. I don't understand how anyone would be opposed to taking out the fetus in this particular case. The doctors KNEW she was miscarrying, they KNEW that the baby would not make it! Yet they showed no concern for Savita, the life that they could have saved. Sickening.

  18. This is disgusting and tragic.

  19. Anonymous7:12 PM

    First, my sympathy to Savita's family. How horrible to go through that! Second, welcome to the new USA world if crazy teabag GOPers get their way!

  20. Anonymous7:41 PM

    I haven't had a chance to read the comments so if this has already been stated that's why.

    Any loss of life is grievous. Letting a woman die in pain because of an unviable pregnancy is criminal. This is a human rights issue. And I honestly can't help but to wonder if her race had something to do with this.

  21. Anonymous7:53 PM

    And then there is this:

    This is personal. I was born in 1950. In the early 1890's my great-grandmother and her cousin left Ireland and came to America when they were teenagers. They worked as maids near Boston, saved up enough money, sailed to Panama, WALKED across to the Pacific Coast because the Canal wasn't open yet, sailed up to San Francisco and here we are.

    The ability of the Irish, both men and women to endure physical suffering is legendary. But explains so much of the attitude I was trained up in: suffer in silence, offer it up, never discuss it.

    So much sorrow. So much strength.

  22. AJ Billings7:55 PM

    This is not just medical malpractice, it's tantamount to murder.

    This poor woman was in extreme agony over 3 days while the doctors and nurses knew she would die.

    It's just hearbreaking to think that this could happen in the 21st century in a modern hospital, with every resource to save the mother's life.

    This is what religion, superstition, and Bronze age mythology leads to, and there could not be a more profoundly illustrative example of why government needs to keep it's filthy depraved hands out of the Dr's office and the operating room.

    I'm sure when Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, and Joe Walsh hear about Savita's death they'll stand up and cheer, because they finally found some good news this week.

  23. That we all begin inside a woman and must emerge from her body is something that the male theologians of the world's religions have yet to forgive us for.

    from "The Cloister Walk" by Kathleen Norris

  24. Anita Winecooler8:40 PM

    I'm a hundred percent with you on this one, Gryphen. "This is a Catholic Country" said it all.
    I wouldn't wish the torture and inhumane way this woman died, for no reason at all, on anyone. What a senseless, archaic and blatant denial of science and medicine.
    This family was completely destroyed when she died. Wouldn't saving her ensure that future fetuses could be viable and carried full term?

    I see nothing "moral" in denying someone treatment and doing nothing but hastening her demise.

    If men carried babies, Abortion would not only be legal, but Planned Parenthood would be a chain bigger than Starbucks.

    1. Leland6:31 AM

      Anita, you hit the nail on the head with that last sentence! I, as one male, am so very grateful every morning I wake up that I was not born female!

      My hat is off to all females who have their monthly visits, bear children, have any of the more difficult things women suffer from etc. etc.

      I am too much of a coward.

  25. Anonymous2:22 AM

    A Catholic friend of mine, living in N.CA had her fetus die inside her when she was 5 mo. pregnant with the baby they very much wanted & had planned for.

    Her Catholic Dr. & her priest convinced her that she could not have surgery to remove it. She had to wait until her delivery date & her body would take care of it, & if it didn't he'd operate then. Her delivery date came & went, & still she was refused permission for surgery. She then, went to another Dr. who immediately operated on her & told her she was lucky she didn't die because of their actions. Can you imagine the horror of having to carry a dead "child" inside you for 4 months? She left the Church, and still has never gotten over the trauma they inflicted on her. They also decided not to have another child - ever.

    Religious fanatics - go f*c k yourselves.

  26. Anonymous3:31 AM

    The scary thing is that there are a bunch of politicians in office right now that believe that "the only medically necessary abortion is for an ectopic pregnancy, that there are no other possible pregnancy related risks of death".

    Bob Bell was one of several local politicians that answered the abortion question with the fact that he would ban abortion with No Exceptions, then came back with a change of heart saying that he would allow an abortion in the case of an ectopic pregnancy.

    I don't know where these guys have been their whole lives, but they obviously don't get out much if they think that an ectopic pregnancy is the only thing that can go seriously wrong with pregnancy. I'v known several women who either died or almost died for a variety of pregnancy related reasons, and I'm only in my forties!

    1. Leland6:37 AM

      When I read the Republican Platform this year, I didn't see ANY exceptions in their plank about abortion. While I may have missed it, I doubt it since I read it three times!

  27. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Hello Gryphen
    As a Brit female I felt outrage and sadness that this happened. I was bad enough that the poor woman had to suffer (unnecessarily to my mind), but then to die from septicaemia......

    I am an agnostic who happily thinks for those that believe and get some sort of succour from it then good for them. But, I question the lack of humanity in the decision taken.
    Cosidering the outcome there was ertainly no kudos for morality.There was nothing moral about this at all.

    The trouble is that the doctors have such rigid guidelines about abortion in Ireland ( as I understand, it is allowed, but only if it means the mother could die without this procedure, even then few Dr's will do the procedure).
    Would this have been the case for this woman? Maybe. But one would have to prove this was so, and there we are into the grey area. It matters not that she was not an Irish Catholic. Another hospital may have helped her. As I said it all depends on the Dr at the time.

    Catholicism is hard for women, whether it is due to a need for an abortion or divorce from a cruel spouse. In both cases the Preist will say, if she should die how saintly she was to bear her suffering and god will now take care of her.
    If she should get an abortion elsewhere or divorce her husband she faces excommunication, and for a religious woman that is hard to take.


  28. Anonymous5:04 AM

    The more horror stories I read and hear the more pro choice I become. A woman recently shared with me her MD feared she would die due to bleeding during early pregnancy. She said it was a heartbreaking decision given she wanted her child to chose her life and her living daughter to keep her mom. The anesthesiologist refused to put her to sleep screaming "baby killer" at her.

    Choice also means that those with religious convictions may chose to die in extraordinary medical circumstances that their fetus might be viable, or carry a dead or known non viable fetus or die with their fetus.

    1. Leland6:40 AM

      So why did the jackass even go into the operating room? He must have known what they were there for.

      Had it been MY wife exposed to that crap I would have sued his ass off and gone straight to the medical board!

  29. In the movie "Aliens" an astronaut is impregnated against their will, after which the alien fetus rips it's way out, killing it's host.

    That's the nightmare vision I see when religious zealots talk about birthing rape babies.

    After reading this article, I can add a new vision to my nightmares.

  30. Anonymous9:58 AM

    It just occurred to me...remember the fictional story of Sarah Palin's Wild Ride? She supposedly awoke at 4 am with a fluid leak, but not only didn't she go to the hospital like Ms. Halappanavar, but she fiddle-farted around in public all day, then got on a series of airplanes for a multi-thousand-mile trek back to Alaska, where she circumvented a huge city hospital to drive an hour and have the baby at a tiny, unequipped local hospital.

    The danger of an amniotic fluid leak is precisely that it lets in the natural bacteria in a woman's womb in addition to any nasty pathogens from outside her body. As we've seen illustrated to horrifically, that can lead to death.

    Palin not only roamed the countryside using public bathrooms (questionable cleanliness), but also took several airplane flights--from Dallas to Seattle, then Seattle to Anchorage. Each time an airplane lifts off and lands, the human body goes through several pressure changes. This is why your ears pop and it's why doctors don't want women flying late in pregnancy--the changing pressure can cause blood clots or bring forth labor. It can also force bacterial infections up and down the body. Ms. Halappanavar, a younger woman than Palin, rode in a car from her home to the hospital and remained there and still she couldn't fight off the infection any more and died of it.

    The more you think about Palin's Wild Ride, the less likely it seems.

  31. Anonymous8:11 PM

    This story is so sad. I hate to think of that poor woman and the agony she experienced, and the grief of her family.


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