Monday, December 03, 2012

After tragic death of NFL player Bob Costas speaks out on gun control during Sunday Night Football.

Courtesy of Yahoo Sports:

 In the wake of Saturday's horrifying tragedies at Kansas City, you knew the pundits would get their laptops rolling. The first wave involved the decision to play the game; some said it was a terrible idea, while others advocated it as a proper method of healing. Once the game was in the books, talk turned to Bigger Issues, as in How Could This Happen? Concussions and head injuries will come under the microscope, as will the NFL's approaches to counseling depression. Sunday night, NBC commentator Bob Costas, echoing a column by Fox Sports' Jason Whitlock, took on another aspect of the tragedy: gun violence. 

Costas quoted with approval from Whitlock's column, which states, in part: 

Our current gun culture simply ensures that more and more domestic disputes will end in the ultimate tragedy, and that more convenience-store confrontations over loud music coming from a car will leave more teenage boys bloodied and dead. 

In the coming days, Belcher's actions will be analyzed through the lens of concussions and head injuries. Who knows? Maybe brain damage triggered his violent overreaction to a fight with his girlfriend. What I believe is, if he didn't possess/own a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today. 

That is the message I wish Chiefs players, professional athletes and all of us would focus on Sunday and moving forward. Handguns do not enhance our safety. They exacerbate our flaws, tempt us to escalate arguments, and bait us into embracing confrontation rather than avoiding it.

As you might expect such a statement coming from Bob Costa, an icon in the world of sports, in the middle of Sunday Night Football, which millions of Americans tune into like clockwork, has many on the Right in virtual hysterics over the remarks.

So of course the "intellectuals" on Fox and Friends spewed their nonsense this morning.

Followed closely by the Right Wing pundits who threw in their sweaty, beer soaked two cents into the mix:

“Can someone remind me what caliber weapon OJ used on Nicole and Ron Goldman?” Maybe someone should ask Costas. Honestly, he should be taken off the air for such a rant. But he probably won’t be, given his employer.

And of course where there is a mention of possible gun control can Ted Nugent be far behind?

I have to imagine we are only minutes away from having the Lunatic from Lake Lucille babbling incoherently about this as well.

However none of them can negate the truth of what Mr. Whittlock wrote, and Bob Costas so eloquently repeated in his broadcast. If Jovan Belcher had not had access to a handgun, both he and his girlfriend my still be alive today.

Sure he could still have killed her I guess, but it is unlikely he could have taken his own life in that locker room surrounded by burly fast moving NFL players with a simple knife without them stopping him. And then the question is without a gun, would he have even tried?

Let there be no debate, guns are manufactured to take lives. THAT is their sole function.

Comparing them to a car, or a knife, or an ax, or any other item whose primary function is something BESIDES the killing of a human being is ridiculous, and I am goddamn sick and tired of hearing that argument!

Of COURSE they should be kept out of the hands of the criminal and mentally ill, but they should also not be something that every asshole feels is their right as an American, or even their patriotic duty, to possess.

Yes people kill people, but people with guns kill a hell of a lot MORE people, than people without guns.


  1. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I hate to contradict you, but guns are a right as an American we have to possess. However, limits on those rights, such as voting for felons, can be restricted with gentle measures.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Problems with syntax? Yes, a very generous interpretation of the Second Amendment is used as the pretext for gun ownership in this country. I'm willing to accept that but I do not think that people should be allowed to carry loaded guns about. In fact, if someone is going to walk around with a loaded gun, that person should have to wear a day- and night-glow holster that is visible at all times and keep the gun securely locked in it. I'd rather know that an idiot was walking in my direction that simply fear that one might be.

    2. "Let there be no debate, guns are manufactured to take lives. THAT is their sole function."

      Regardless of your so called rights - guns kill as Gryph made clear in the above statement. They are designed to kill, they are manufactured to kill & those who buy them use them to kill - be they felons, insane people or men who argue with their wives. Also too - the military use guns to kill - war overseas or war at home - guns KILL.

  2. Anonymous1:02 PM

    OT - looks like Sarah Palin's recent appearance hurt Greta's ratings.


    Fri, Nov 16
    P2+ (000s) - 1,948
    25-54 (000s) - 326
    35-64 (000s) - 716

    Friday, Nov. 30 (with Sarah Palin)
    P2+ (000s) - 1,301
    25-54 (000s) - 279
    35-64 (000s) - 531

    (couldn't find ratings for Fri, Nov 23)

    1. Well let's hope the Baldy curse continues...the patients at the Asylum are reporting that the ugly tranny man will be on Sean InSannity tonight!

      Oh and they also mad that Joe McGinnis was on Fox and "Fiends" this morning promoting his new book! Some of the nuts are writing the network to complain that having Joe on is a slap in Baldy's mannish face. You just know Baldy is going on InSannity tonight because Joe was on their this morning...she is so transparent and stupid! LOL!!

      In the words of nutballs at the Asylum

      VIVA GLENN RICE Baldy! LOL!!

  3. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Hey... wasn't "oops I crapped my pants" nugent supposed to be in jail or dead by now?

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Yes! He was - and I was really looking forward to the former...
      This is a man who crapped his pants, as you stated, never changed his underwear for one month prior to going before a draft board in order to (BIG OBVIOUS HERE) be deemed unfit for military service, and not have to serve his country.
      And this cretin, this absolute piece of garbage has the nerve to say he and those that serve in the military are his brethren.
      That's what he said on a CBS news interview several months ago. Those that serve in the military are his brothers! Unfuckingbelievable!

    2. Dis Gusted3:02 PM

      if that wasn't bad enough, he smeared feces on his face too. He desperately wanted to avoid the draft, the coward.

  4. Anonymous1:43 PM

    "I'd still be alive if big bad football players we prevented from possessing guns!" Nicole Brown Simpson

    "Me too!" Ron Brown


    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      The two of them were killed with a knife. Is that your point or are you missing that bit of fact?

    2. Anonymous2:57 AM

      That was my point. The problem isn't guns or knives or any other tool. It's idiots who think they can use force, up to and including killing someone, to get their way.


  5. Anonymous1:55 PM

    What level of gun control would be appropriate, Gryphen? Should we ban all guns?

  6. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Big doings over this at the Asylum. They are congratulating one "Virginia Gentleman"' a particularly egregious Palin panty-sniffer, who, along with his neighbors, has been shooting his guns today to piss off a new arrival from " the city"' a woman living alone who doesn't like gunfire. I guess I'm missing the Christian part of this plain old meanness. None of these dunces should be anywhere near a weapon. They think Palin should be President for Gods sake!

    1. I saw that nonsense...first...didn't that old goat have heart problems? So what guns is he shooting when he can barely leave his oxygen tank?

      Every day those nuts over there get nuttier and way will they make it through another election...some of them are literally dropping off like flies...I mean DYING!!!

      BaldyPac is fucked! LOL!!

    2. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Correct. He had a heart attack - undiagnosed by his local horspittle but his wife took him to one o them big city elitist federally funded academic medical centers where they fixed him up and sent him back to frighten and bully neighbor women and contribute to BaldyPAC. Where's the Death Panel when you really need it?
      Damn they are NUTS. I hope you can't catch it by visiting the Asylum.

  7. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I'm sure the Lunatic from Lake Lucille will find a way to blame this on President Obama, even though he actually signed laws favoring gun owners.

  8. Important and thoughtful words from Ted Nugent. He's a fine citizen and a great patriot. I heard that on Fox, and that means that Nugent is relevant in that network's view of our culture.

    And here's another expert view from Fox intelligentsia:

    "O.J. Simpson didn't have a gun and he was still able to commit murder. See, it happens every day."

    It's impossible to have an intelligent conversation with someone like that, because they DON'T FUCKING THINK... ever.

  9. Anonymous2:26 PM

    The right wingnuts won't even concede that last argument Gryph, if the "hands of ....mentally ill," also happen to also be veterans hands.

  10. Randall2:27 PM

    Hey Ted - spoons and forks don't make someone else fat from across the room!

  11. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Well, yeah, they're going to pile on Bob Costas..."Illegal use of common sense."

  12. Dis Gusted3:01 PM

    the real shame is that 2% of NFL players are convicted of domestic violence and abuse.

    That the media refers to this crime as a tragedy is sad. They gloss over the fact that he murdered his girlfriend because they were separated.

    What Belcher did is sadly all too common. Murder-suicides are the ultimate display of extreme control.

  13. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Good for Bob Costas. Many more commentators, in print and on radio and television, need to get a grip and stop being so afraid of the NRA. Guns are not your friends.

  14. Anonymous5:17 PM

    As a senior citizen living in Arizona I don't go out at night because so many carry guns here. One morning taking my walk a jogger ran by in short and t shirt with his holster and gun.

  15. emrysa5:20 PM

    wow, props to bob costas! he's going to get some shit for sure, but I bet he already knew that and probably doesn't care. maybe he's ready to retire anyways and thought he'd go out with a bang, lol...

  16. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Going by the sound of baby pigs being tortured, across the nation at this time, you'd almost think the subject of Bob Costas' little rant was the taking away of the PENIS of these guys....oh....wait.

  17. Anita Winecooler10:22 PM

    I'm glad he said it and in a timeslot that had a huge, mostly male audience. She was shot with several bullets, which leads me to believe there was a shitload of raging anger in the mix. A gun doesn't solve problems, access makes it easier to act on irrational impulses, and it's usually the woman who loses.
    We need to break up the gun lobby and the NRA. Either that or allow guns but make bullets illegal.

  18. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Hey Ted, Just because somebody has a guitar doesn't automatically make them a "shitty" musician. They have to work at it to reach your level of incompetence. And pants full of shit also too.

  19. Anonymous11:17 AM

    He was right to do this as more gun nuts watch NFL with a huge male following.
    Guns kill and the idiots behind them either take their lives or claim self defense. Now floriduh has 2 stand your ground cases.
    STupid is as stupid does.

  20. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Well, I never knew about Ted's draft dodging. Doesn't make him much of a patriot huh? When I was a teen he had some great music tho. I saw him in concert and he was really good. We all knew he was "wild man" Ted but he sure has gone off the rails in his older years. Shame.

    I'm a lifelong democrat. We've always had guns in our family. My two older brothers hunted, a brother as a cop and uncle as a state trooper. 3 of my 4 brothers were Army. My husband is a Marine (former). We are armed to the teeth. My husband did used to hunt but also likes to target shoot (as does my Mom) with his bro (an ex-warden of DC jails). As a former Paramedic I'm more of a fixer type than hunter type. We live out in the country, in the woods on 7 acres, a good 20 miles from town. Our community is an hour south of DC so it's not like we're way out in the mountains or something. Thing is, I can't imagine not having a gun(s) for protection. Be it a wild dog or animal, or an intruder (we've had a few crazy ass peeps back here) OR a mob of crazy ass people trying to infringe on my rights or impose their beliefs on me. Not to mention zombies. Cause if that shit goes down I wanna be ready!

    But seriously tho, none of us (4 grown sons too) have ever even come close to misusing a gun. Not even amidst fights, evictions, depression and more. There are so many people who have guns that never misuse them. But we hear about the ones that do. If they were banned or severely restricted, there would still be black market access, which is where the ones who misuse them, criminals, will get them. Now, I don't have an answer for when good people go bad. And the damage they leave, with the misuse of a gun, is unarguably greater than it would be with some other use of force. I must say that I feel that those who want to commit harm to others will find a way. It's something that is within them, and any weapon is simply a means to their end. The mass killers could and would still kill, prob as suicide bombers since so many off themselves anyway. The domestic murders would still occur as would suicides, just by different means. And really, what can anyone do if someone has this need to harm within them? I guess what I'm ultimately saying is that of all the people that own guns, very few are used inappropriately. When they are it seems so tragic yet, if u think about it, these types of things are still gonna happen, just by other means. I think about all those bombings in London and elsewhere where they do have more stringent laws. I honestly laugh when I hear these repubs say liberals and dems are against the 2nd amendment. Hah, everyone I know has at least one firearm. And honestly, I don't want to give ours up.

    Just another .02.

    1. elliegrl/mykidsmom6:50 AM

      Point is to make it harder/more work for them to hurt another or themselves. Studies have shown veterans are less likely to commit suicide if they do not have access to a gun. The military wants to restrict gun ownership for depressed veterans but are impeded by the gun lobby.


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