Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bristol Palin reality show received $354,348 in state subsidy. Grannie Grifter taught her well! Update!

Courtesy of Fairbanks Newsminer:  

The California company that made Bristol Palin's TV show about raising her child has collected a $354,348 subsidy from the state. 

Unlike nearly all of the other shows and films subsidized so far under the movie incentive program, the salaries paid to Alaska residents on the Palin show account for a majority of the total "Alaska expenses" for the TV show. 

Palin and the five other Alaska residents who participated as "talent" on the show collected close to a half-million in wages.

Five other Alaska residents?

Would that include Willow Palin perhaps?

Her boyfriend Andy?

Bristol's long suffering boyfriend Gino Paoltetti?

We absolutley KNOW that Sarah got her cut, so whose left?

Tripp? Todd? My money's on Todd, because I would imagine that Bristol sold herself and Tripp as a package deal. (You know just in case Levi tried to lay claim to anything Tripp might have received as payment.)

So out of half a million dollars in reality show wages virtually ALL of it goes to the Palin family.

Boy it sure was handy that Granny Grifter signed that Film Tax Incentive bill into law before she quit her job, now isn't it?

By the way this is small potatoes. As you may, or may not, remember "Sarah Palin's Alaska" walked away with a cool 1.2 million in tax credits.

Let's keep our fingers crossed that the Mat Maid investigation breadcrumbs lead right to the Palin's doorstep.

Update: Television news station KTVA has more here: 

The document from the Alaska Film Office says the Helping Hands LLC paid $475,598 to "above the line" people from Alaska. "Above the line" is the term used to denote the stars, director, producer and other key figures in a production. 

The salaries paid to people who worked on the physical production—running cameras and lights, etc.— totaled $32,400 for Alaska residents, according to the form. There were no Alaskans hired as crew for the show. 

The subsidy paperwork says that six Alaskans were part of the "talent" for the show, Bristol Palin et al., and worked an average of 14 weeks.

"There were NO Alaskans hired as crew for the show." THAT pretty much tells you all you need to know about Palin's loyalty to Alaska.


  1. Anonymous1:25 PM

    All that money so we could hear the "f" word on TV..hope Alaska's proud!!!

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      No Alaskans are not proud. So please, quit associating us with anything Palin.

      However I bet the Palins are proud. It's how they are. They shine in negativity and glow in drama.

    2. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Touchy, touchy!
      Well y'all were sure proud when you voted for her and then she was picked for VP?
      And creepy chuckles jr. "made in Alaska" or what ever his stupid book is called.
      And Sarah herself never lets something go by when she is touting moose burgers and Alaskan Salmon bla,bla,bla, to us all in the lower 48?
      Na, She's yours all yours.
      She even made her show "Sarah Palin's Alaska"
      get the 's shows possession? Not a peep from y'all.

    3. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Don't blame the people of Alaska. Do blame the power brokers in the AK GOP and, most of all, John McCain. You might also blame the "rill amuricans" who love to fantasize about all things Palin.

    4. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Don't blame the people of Alaska?


      Who voted that bitch in for gov then?
      Own it. You voted her in.
      If it wasn't for you Alassskans who voted her in the dumbassed "Rill 'murikans" wouldn't of know about this bitch.

    5. The people of Alaska didn't "vote for Sarah Palin."

      They voted for a meticulously crafted, methodically manufactured image projected onto the dim, lumpy canvas of Sarah Palin.

      When polls are rigged, debates are fixed, and political records are completely whitewashed then extravagantly re-purposed, you cannot blame the people of Alaska.

      However- now that they DO KNOW exactly who and what she is, I DO blame any Alaskans who know the truth about babygate and other scandals. . .yet choose to remain silent.

    6. Anonymous5:05 PM

      As an advertisement for Alaska, Bristol's show was a failure from start to finish. I remember seeing Los Angeles, Arizona, hair schools, Willow's apartment in Arizona, a road trip or two with Gino's crocodile tears -- and some running around in the snow and forcing a three-year-old to sit on a snowmobile that he didn't want to ride.
      There was no wider view of Alaska, its beauty, its variety, its attractions for the outside world. Instead, the Palins used legislation signed by a family member to enrich themselves not once but twice -- in most states, benefits cannot accrue to the politician who signed or supported the law.
      Alaska is a corrupt state that its most famous family keeps trying to escape. That was the message of this show, for which the Palins and their pals raked in half a million dollars.

    7. Anonymous5:18 PM

      The reality is that a vote for $creech as governor was a vote AGAINST Frank Murkowski, the most unpopular gov ever, until the true Palin was revealed. Alaska got suckered, that's for sure, but we have learned our lesson the hard way....

    8. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Who were the Dems running or the other R's in the primary?

    9. Anonymous6:07 PM


      Yeah, it was the VERY educated Andrew Halcro.

      So, FUCK. YOU. ALASKANS who don't want to OWN Sarah Fucking Palin.

      YOU had the choice to vote DEM-


      FUCK. YOU.


    10. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Yea, I've heard the "Frank the bank" excuse before.
      I'm sick of the Alassskans making excuses.
      You voted her in.
      You kissed her ass (with the exception of a few like G) you kissed her ass until she didn't win VP and then she quit.
      I'm really sick of hearing the lame excuses.
      What are you doing to hang her azz? Besides reading here? We of the lower 48 have made certain bloggers famous! We helped NA villages! We did more than your so called "gov"!
      And yet until she quit most of you let her do what ever. Only you can stop it! G is doing what he can but what are y'all doing? except bitchin' here how it's not really your fault.
      Until y'all grown some ballz and make AK DEM your screwed and full of corruption!
      G doing his part what are you doing?

    11. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Its a well known fact the dem was not strong so Certain "blogs" advocated as in 2010 to vote for the R in the primary b/c "Joe miller/Sarah Palin" would be so easy to beat.
      Almost backfired of them AGAIN in 2010 except Lisa murkowski whasn't going to take it!
      Twice they did it.
      Not too many brains working up there. No excuses.

    12. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Face it..most Alaskans don't give a shit about Sarah or Parnell or anything else UNLESS it effects them they really care about the tax subsidies on shows filmed in Alaska or the money lost in Dairygate...they don't pay state taxes so I doubt if they care!!! How many of them stood up and told the truth about Sarah when she was lying?

    13. Anonymous8:46 PM

      1:59..sorry Alaska will ALWAYS be associated with the Palins...she's all yours! She and her family brought attention to Alaska alright, just not the kind you all wanted. Whenever someone brings up the subject of Alaska in the lower 48, the next thing that they bring up is SARAH.

    14. Anonymous9:42 PM


      Halcro is not a Democrat. He's a conservative Independent.

  2. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Did Tripp play his part for free, as slave child labor?

  3. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I bet the Valley Trash are busy practicing their Alberto Gonzales impressions. " I don't recall"

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Poor Bristol lives in the outback woods, far from civilizations and phones. What would she know?

  4. Didn't Granny Grifter sign the law which allowed for this?

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Yes. Isn't there a law against that? In Alaska? Maybe not.

  5. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Wow. Sounds like moochin' and takin' to me. That's some serious money for a terrible 'reality' show that only lasted a season.

  6. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Appears the Palins took everything they could from the State of Alaska! Alaska is a corrupt state and the Palins added to it...get the Repubs out of office and Alaskans need to pay strict attention in how they mark their ballots.

    I have questions as to existing Gov Parnell's involvement w/the Palins - coverups - etc.

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      (Sub)Parnell's administration is loaded with Paylin holdovers - Leighow, Nizich, etc. The $tink of $arah is all over the place. Alaska needs to clean house of Capt Zero and all people connected to the world's biggest hypocrite.

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Don't forget Dept. of Corrections Schmidt. How many more officers need to be assaulted in understaffed prisons before we get that Palin buddy out of office?

  7. Anonymous1:56 PM

    The reviews of Bristol's "show" were the lowest ever. What a ripoff to Alaska, just like the entire family!

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      There was much more interest in Who's Nailin' Paylin!

  8. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Gino ain't around The Chin anymore.

    The Chin was totally off the charts after her show because people saw Gino in TV and The Chin didn't like how he got attention from girls.
    The Chin blew a gasket... she was so jealous.

    Nobody wants to be around The Chin. Too bitchy and self centered.
    And yeah, ya watched part of the show... It is obvious in Tripp.

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      And yeah, ya watched part of the show... It is obvious in Tripp.

      What does that mean?

    2. Anonymous2:46 PM

      The only parenting Tripp experiences is from Johnstons ... Or watching the Home Alone movies... is basically what I mean.

    3. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Levi has a new family, Tripp rarely sees the Johnstons. That would mean Tripp is parented about 4 days out of a year. If that were true, Levi would fight like heck for him in court. That is a form of parenting, make sure your child has quality consistent contact with you.

    4. Anonymous3:18 PM

      How much was Gino paid? He was smart to just be a TV boyfriend and get paid. He must be one happy camper now.

    5. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Chin is right --- gawd, that picture of Brisdull looks like a ventriloquist dummy - the lines of her chin implant are SO obvious.

    6. Anonymous6:09 PM


      All i can see is the ACNE.


  9. Anonymous1:59 PM

    The government and other high officials need to clear this up. It makes a mockery of all citizens who could not get away with anything the Palins do, including the Pac as their personal bank account. I truly hope the Palins are getting investigated for all this and they will be held accountable.

    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      We are a Republican state in Alaska currently. Nothing will be changed legally unless and until we get the majority Dems back in office.

      There assuredly are things that need changing beginning w/some currently holding office and in the Alaska Legislature.

  10. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I think all child stars, like Tripp, who earn monies from tv or movies have their money kept till they are 18 and the parents cannot touch it. Am I right?

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Laws are different in different states I think. Who knows what they would pay him for his role? Is he a member of SAG? They may have put $5.00 in a trust for him.

    2. Anonymous7:14 PM

      The Jackie Coogan law applies in California (and a couple other states), but not in Alaska. I don't know if Alaska has their own child actor laws.

      And of course, any of the laws may not apply to kids appearing on reality teevee shows because they aren't actors.

  11. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Well, at least they didn't bring any shame to Alaska.

    Oh, no, wait...

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      More like embarrassment.

    2. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Thank god the chin didn't bring pull out her ak tribe affiliation membership into the show.
      God. That would of pissed the quitter off and the Heaths.

  12. Anonymous2:21 PM

    HBO Developing Game Change Sequel About 2012 Election

  13. Anonymous2:24 PM

    How much of the series was filmed in Alaska? Or doesn't that matter?

  14. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Stephen Baldwin got his news a week ago, and now Sarah Palin is next. Stay tuned.

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Stephen Baldwin?

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM


      Fake Xtian who uses Jeesus to serve his own nasty selfish ways.

      Ya know, the "norm".

      Anyway, this homophobic Asshat has been avoiding paying his PATRIOTIC DUTY of Taxes, so uncle sam is currently inspecting his assssss.

    3. Anonymous6:12 PM

      3:25 PM Tax Evasion.

    4. Anonymous6:19 PM

      So Bristol Palin started her 'CAREER' in a tent with her LEGS SPREAD and drinking Wine Coolers? She should PAY Levi Johnston for getting her pregnant, without her pregnancy, she would be just another Borderline Retard
      with no skills and no Husband.

    5. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Yes, Stephen Baldwin. Non-payment of taxes.

    6. "According to the Rockland County District Attorney, Baldwin has failed to file returns for the years 2008, 2009, and 2010 -- and owes NY state more than $350,000 in back taxes.

      Read more:"

  15. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Yet another reason that the creepy Palin crew makes me want to barf...

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Awww, but doesn't Brisket look Soooo sexy in her Thanksgiving Day boots with her family??


      Why is she orange?

  16. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Pimping, Pimping, Pimping, that is all this family knows how to do. They have no shame, pride, class, or decency. They were bred to be degenerate hustlers.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      You know what a PIMP is???



      THAT. is a Pimp.

      THAT. is a Palin.

      FUCK ganster rap ego shit.

      They are RATS, feasting on GARBAGE, earning NOTHING, contributing NOTHING.


      Pure SCUM!!

    2. Anita Winecooler7:43 PM

      Pimpalicious, isn't it? He's no Xmas Tree Pimp, gotta know about photopimpasis for that!

  17. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Chin up, Bristol. Cashing in on getting knocked up is easy, so why the long face?

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Hey, i paid good money for this chin anvil!

  18. Anonymous3:25 PM

    "about $500,000 of that spending went to on-camera talent for the show. The benefits of the program were not exactly broad, or oriented towards creating a lot of new, long-term Alaska jobs."

    Were any new jobs created in Ak from this mistake of a show? Short-term jobs? Long-term jobs?

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      'Talent' There you go again!

    2. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Jesse's daughter works in TV production in AK.

      Jesse - what did she hear?

  19. Anonymous3:30 PM


    Kind of like welfare? For sure she is a Communist now.

    1. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Thanks. It's good to know it's being covered.

  20. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Bristol is in fine company with the film tax incentive program that seems to be degrading Alaska. The Palin curse is working again.
    The author of the state law creating the film tax incentive program is defending the decision to grant a state subsidy to a major motion picture about Alaska's most notorious serial killer.

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Apparently there will be no State subsidy for the remake of Who's Nailin' Palin.

    2. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Will there be State subsidies for Who's Nailin' Willow Palin? Who's Nailin the recently divorced Trial Bride Bristol?

  21. Anonymous3:54 PM

    The reason that the State of Alaska gives a financial break to film companies is that they hope that the film will act like an advertising magnet for them. In most cases, it might work-- the beautiful scenery, appeal to people who like to fish and hunt, and enjoy outdoors activities. However, the Palin family is one of the worst advertisements for Alaska. While the state is shelling out money for what amounts to free advertising, maybe they had better reconsider the image that the Palins give-- an immature single girl raising a bratty child with a friendly boy friend (trial husband?) hanging around. Unless Alaska wants to be know for the kind of popularity that Honey Boo Boo has, they could do better than financing a show featuring the Palin family.

    1. Anonymous9:06 PM

      Please, let's not insult Honey Boo Boo. HBB and her family are authentic-they do not pretend to be something they're not, unlike Sain't Sarah and her spawn.

  22. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Beyond Sarah Palin 2016... McCain/Palin 2028!

    Palin cursed

  23. Anonymous4:07 PM


    12-12-12 Concert is on for Sandy Relief should you not be aware. It's on TV, livestreaming -- it's playing around the world as US has helped world disasters -- and this is where they can help us and they will!! It started at 7:30 EST to midnight. Opened with Springsteen!!!

    Musicians perform at Madison Square Garden to aid Hurricane Sandy victims; with Bon Jovi, Eric Clapton, Dave Grohl, Billy Joel, Alicia Keys, Chris Martin, Bruce Springsteen, Roger Waters, The Who, Paul McCartney and the Rolling Stones. Don't know the full list of performers.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:38 PM

      It's been fantastic!

      Shop their online store - 100 percent goes to the charity.

  24. Anonymous4:53 PM

    The good news is that the ratings for Bristol's show were so awful that we don't have to worry about her grifting any more money from Alaska for a little while.

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      I can't believe she qualified for anything.

    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      fattest heffer at the county fair,


      "this is sarah"

  25. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Think Bristol knows her new Leno chin looks like a butt?

  26. Anita Winecooler7:53 PM

    Yeah, she got a lot of money pimping her name. It's ok to use other people's money, as long as you depend on your mom for everything.
    The show tanked big time, surprise surprise!!
    Gee first the matsu scandal breaks, then Track gets divorced, and now this gets exposed!!!
    Beefy better find a propp daddy for Tripp (her son, not her Dad's Commare) soon! The Gravy Train has derailed on the bridge to nowhere!

    In other news, Big Pussy is answering phones for the 121212 concert. Bristol, that's called "charity", look it up.

  27. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Governor Sarah Palin sure did set up her family to get rich off of hard working Alaskans and their tax dollars.

    Bunch of high school dropouts, beer guzzling teens, homophobic auntie and foul mouth nephew sure did win the lotto thanks to Sarah and Bristol.

  28. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Someone may have said this above, but wouldn't Tripp had to have received payment for his on air time, by law?

    1. Anonymous2:48 AM

      Tripp would have been negotiated with Bristol. There are very few -- VERY FEW states that have good laws about children working on screen and how their payments are handled into trusts. Think of Kate + 8. It was up to the parents to set up accounts for the kids as the laws in PA do nothing. Chances are those kids don't have a dime with the major spendfest by Kate. The hair, the travel, the plastic surgeries, etc. the ME-ME-ME factor.

    2. Anonymous5:02 AM

      I don't know if there is any protection for children in Alaska or how the filming in the L48 is done. Tripp and other children may just be at the mercy of parents and authorities to look after their needs.

      They basically filmed Tripp getting abuse and with no disciplines or boundaries. What happens to children in an industry like film should not be secret. The potential for abuse is too great. Including financial abuse.

  29. Anonymous8:21 PM

    The comments in the ADN about the Palins do not look that good. It appears that they're not popular in Alaska anymore.

    "And if Alaska would stop giving them money they might figure out that the whole clan isn't worth a dime!"

  30. emrysa8:49 PM

    wow alaska taxpayers funded this shit? what a complete waste of money, I can't believe they were granted the subsidy. it was a truly awful program.

    1. Anonymous2:49 AM

      It's not whether it was good or bad -- it was set up so that appears you only had to film something in AK

    2. Anonymous5:09 AM

      Clearly it did not benefit Alaska in any way. Alaska is NOW the state that treats children like garbage and exploits their innocence with pride. The Alaskan subsidy causes every citizen to participate in the decline of the state and it's best resource, it's children.

      Alaska is world famous as Palin's Alaska. Sad. I do wish well to the good people and hope they can find a way to change the reputation that the Palin's have branded on a beautiful place.

  31. Anonymous9:11 PM

    The entire palin kkklan are evil scum who will burn in hell for eternity. Amen.

  32. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Talk about of welfare queens !!!!!!!

  33. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Cold starving Native Alaskans got a sheet of cookies from Gov Sarah Palin while her kids got 1/2 million dollars for making the worst reality show on tv.

    Don't agree with me Alaskans, you dumbfucks paid them for it.

    1. Anonymous2:54 AM

      The law was written while Palin was in office. She signed it. What the hell were the people to do as the bitch yells for transpanency but she was and is anything but.

      The Natives Alaskans are the ones that have been screwed over.

      PS -- As I said, the Native Alaskans are the ones that got screwed over YOU DUMBFUCK. In many ways, she's no different that Walker in WI, and all those other motherf*cker Baggers in office. So put the blame where the blame should be -- not calling the Native Alaskans what you did. That's on you -- not them

    2. Anonymous7:15 AM

      "Don't agree with me Alaskans, you dumbfucks paid them for it."

      Sorry if it appeared that I was calling Native Alaskans dumbfucks. I wasn't. I was calling every Alaskan who voted for Palin as governor "DUMBUCKS"

      The Native Alaskans were screwed over like the Native Americans.

  34. Anonymous5:15 AM

    The document from the Alaska Film Office says the Helping Hands LLC paid $475,598 to "above the line" people from Alaska. "Above the line" is the term used to denote the stars, director, producer and other key figures in a production.

    stars, director, producer and other key figures were paid $475,598 and they also received a state subsidy for the 14 weeks of being filmed?

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Where in hell did Bristol get the name Helping Hands?

      She's just helping herself to OPM!

  35. Anonymous6:21 AM

    And to think she actually CHOSE that chin....poor thing.

    1. Hey, she got a good deal! That was a LOT of chin for the money--- a three-inch entension for the price of a two-inch model. Jay Leno ain't got nuthin' over on Brisket now. She is now THE chin.

  36. Anonymous6:49 AM

    " The Beautiful State of Alaska, " will be known as one family ( The Palin's ) brought shame to The Alaskan People!

  37. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Damn that's an ugly fat flat face. Gryph, did you have to enlarge that picture of Bristol?

  38. Anonymous7:50 AM

    The film subsidy that Sarah Palin set up has zero standards and credibility if they claim a dumb reality failure like Life's a Tripp by Lifetime has any benefit to the state of Alaska. IT ONLY BENEFITS THE PALINS. Will they even answer to how they could possibly think that show of a child abuse example is a benefit to anything Alaskan?

    The Alaska Film Office is a total scam operation and I do wish the good people of Alaska to express outrage at being abused by these scoundrels. What a shame.

    The nightmare is not over.

    by Lifetime

  39. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I haven't read the above comments but as far as I understand the WHOLE idea of a film tax credit is so the production will hire local CREW people!!

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      and line the pockets of the Palins...

  40. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Bristol used "helping hands" because "blue hands" had already been taken.

  41. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I just ran across this old Burma Shave ad:

    "The answer to a maiden's prayer is not a chin of stubby hair!"

    Is that perfect for Bristles or what?

  42. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Is it possible that Kyla is Bristol's DWTS baby? Season 11 ended in Nov 2010 and if Bristol was pregnant then, then she would have had the baby 2 or 3 months later.... maybe Feb of 2011. Kyla was "born" in Aug 2011. Is it possible that Kyla was "born" when she was 6 months old?


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