Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fox nation does not even TRY to appear non-partisan these days.

Did you catch it?

Here let me help:

Conservative bikers turned out yesterday to protect Newtown mourners from Democrat Fred Phelps and his Westboro cult from protesting. 

Subtle, aren't they?

Yes of course Fred Phelps MUST be a Democrat, because you know hating on the gays is such a Democratic ideal.


By the way, I actually DON'T think that the bikers had anything to do with the failure of the Westboro hate mongers to show up. I think that all of the credit for that probably belongs to the shadowy internet group Anonymous.

But NO way will Fox News give them any credit. Especially since they may very well have been responsible for keeping Karl Rove from stealing the last election.


  1. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Of course it was a non event! (the WBC not the service)

    I'm so sick of everyone making the church into something it isn't. It is almost entirely a media creation; in reality it is one family based in their family home, with only enough money for small things. The media does their bidding by spreading their message and making it seem like it is a real phenomenon. In reality they could have well been there, been missed in the crowd and left. More likely, they didnt bother showing because the media had already given them what they wanted - exposure and ability to spread their hate. Thanks, media!

    As an atheist though, I admit I appreciate the church getting lots and lots and lots of media coverage. It is one church finally being honest and stating their beliefs without slipping in caveats and PC stuff to attempt to make their hate more palatable. Christians hate this church because it makes them ALL look bad, and shows them all up as hate filled brainwashed idiots. It is only xtians that want to silence the church and make it go away. I personally must thank the irresponsible media and the idiocy of the WBC for outing Christianity for the idiocy it truly is!

  2. OverMountainMan5:17 AM

    As usual the Republicans are split 20 ways from hell even on this issue, The Teabaggers are complaining that the Hells Angels " a Notorious bunch of outlaws " ( their words ) were allowed to attend these services instead of asking the Patriot Guard Riders. Unbelieveable !!!

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Finally something that I can agree on with Teabaggers. The Hells Angels are nothing but a criminal gang.
      I wouldn't invite the Guard Riders either...

  3. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Got to disagree with you Gryphen. Those patriot Guard Riders( my husband is a member) are a loose group of bikers that have chased Phelps away from many military funerals. Once confronted the WBC members cut and run. They already got what they wanted, to upset the families and t cause an issue before the funeral.
    While Anonymous is doing their part, please don't disparage these people that volunteer, spend their own money to get to different locations, and take their time to protect these families.
    BTW you do NOT have to be a Patriot Guard Rider to ride along with them. I have seen Angels and Banditos, GOG and hundreds of small clubs colors in these lines. Anyone is welcome to help form a line of protection for these families. IN one military funeral in El Paso Texas, there was a line formed along the WHOLE funeral route, when the Phelps came face to face with hundreds of Americans, they ran like they always do.
    And when you , even you had a picture of the Texas A&M students forming a line protecting a funeral, there were hundreds of bikes in College Station backing them up.
    The Patriot Guard riders aren't a GOP group or a Democratic group, they are mostly ex military, ex cops, but I know of store owners, welders, rough necks, construction workers, teachers( love the teachers who dedicate so much time in the summers)

    1. I am not disparaging anybody, except Fox News and the Westboro Church of course.

      I am simply stating that there were no news reports of the Westboro protesters actually showing up, which tends to make me believe they did not encounter the bikers.

    2. Anonymous6:04 AM

      How is it that Phelps is a Democrat? How does Fox News know that for sure?? Where is the proof that the members of WBC are Democrats? That's beyond believable to me. These people are hard-core anti-gay homophobes. No way Phelps and his fellow haters are Democrats.

    3. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Gryphen, they usually never get close anymore. In El Paso they were stared down 12 blocks away from one funeral and 10 blocks away from another one. Just like most bigots they are chickens at heart.

      ANON at 6:04 what are you talking about? Where in my post did I say the Phelps bigoted Klan were democrats. BTW they are white and from Kansas, they are republicans

  4. Anonymous6:01 AM

    The Phelps are not liberal. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    They are certainly conservative.

    And if Fox does not believe conservatives can be anti-gay, they have not been paying attention to the Wasilla White Trash family, the Palins, with their anti-gay declarations.

  5. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Candy Crowley confronted NRA Program Director and former Congressman Asa Hutchinson Sunday about the gun lobby’s stance on gun control. Crowley repeatedly pressed the politician on whether the NRA would oppose any and all gun control measures and was continually deflected. “To take guns out of the debate is naive,” Crowly said. Hutchinson disagreed and focused instead on “school safety.”

    Hutchinson was recently tapped to lead the NRA’s “National School Shield Program,” an effort to place armed guards in schools across the country. Although Crowley pushed him to uncover the official views of the NRA, Hutchinson claimed he was an “independent consultant” and was not employed by the gun lobby group.

    Crowley asked him, “Will the NRA oppose any attempt to put new gun laws in place?” Hutchinson answered, “That’s a separate debate.” He then went on to describe his new program for school safety. He said, in his view, the debate “shouldn’t be on new legislation,” but should be on “what do we need to do to protect our children” and “school safety.”

    Crowley brought up several possible legislative measures, including a ban on assault weapons, limited clips and closing the gun show loopholes. She asked, “Are any of those acceptable to the NRA?” Hutchinson responded that he didn’t “speak for the NRA,” but again reiterated his view that gun legislation “is the wrong part of the debate.”

    Later, Hutchinson again underscored his belief that he gun legislation “is not the solution.”

    Watch the full clip below, via CNN:

  6. Can we get Anonymous to 'take care' of FOX NEWS?

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Oh boy, that'd be great, wouldn't it??

  7. The Patriot Guard is wonderful. They are respectful and know "their job" They honor the dead by allowing the families peace and the family and friends a proud display of community that encourages community patriotic and family safe turn out. Any protesters are hidden from view by the total community turn out. They are a welcome peaceful force.

  8. OverMountainMan9:45 AM

    They're not a GOP group ? BS !! I know a few of them myself and everyone of them are rightwing faux christian homophobic government hating teabagging gun nuts and yes they are cops ex-cops, Teachers, business owners etc, I fail to see what ones vocation has to do with their political affiliation ? Any group that uses Patriot while acting out against their government is of questionable character period !

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      They aren't acting out against the government , they are protecting funerals from a hate group, the WBC. And many patriot guard members are democrats. Educate yourself, you sound like Sarah Palin.

  9. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I don't care whose who is in the Patriot Guard. I just know they help the families mourn in peace which is all I care about. WBC can go to hell. I wish the media would stop reporting on them, like an exorcism.

  10. Anonymous7:56 AM

    If you Google "Fred Phelps Democrat" you'll find out that he's been a long-time Democrat...yah, I know...
    He even ran for but lost for several offices on the Democrat ticket.

  11. Anonymous7:49 AM

    You libtards are a sick group!


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