Monday, December 24, 2012

Hypocrisy alert, Mormon Senator who claims he "abstains from alcohol" arrested for DUI. What? No!

Senator Mike Crapo mugshot.
Courtesy of Politico:

Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) issued a public apology after being arrested for drunken driving in Alexandria, Va., early Sunday morning. 

Jody Donaldson, a spokesperson for the Alexandria Police Department, said in an e-mail that Crapo was arrested at 12:45 a.m. Sunday. An Alexandria police officer noticed Crapo’s vehicle run through a red traffic light, and after the vehicle was stopped, the officer conducted field sobriety tests, which Crapo failed, Donaldson said. Crapo was arrested for driving under the influence, and taken into custody without incident, Donaldson said. 

But hey at least Capo takes responsibility for his poor failings. (Unlike a fellow Mormon of his that I could mention.) 

In a statement, Crapo apologized for his actions. 

“I am deeply sorry for the actions that resulted in this circumstance,” Crapo said. “I made a mistake for which I apologize to my family, my Idaho constituents and any others who have put their trust in me. I accept total responsibility and will deal with whatever penalty comes my way in this matter."

“I will also undertake measures to ensure that this circumstance is never repeated.” 

Police said the senator’s blood-alcohol level was .110. In Virginia, drivers at .08 or higher are considered intoxicated. 

Now this is an unfortunate circumstance and it would not be worthy of discussion if it were not for this last part.

The 61-year-old Republican is serving his third term in the U.S. Senate. Crapo is Mormon, and has said publicly that he abstains from alcohol. 

If you are going to publicly claim that you are holier than thou, than by Thor you better indeed BE holier than thou. That's all that I am saying.


  1. This was taken from the blog: joemygod
    "Crapo has a perfect track record of voting against LGBT rights. In June he cosigned the GOP amicus brief on behalf of the defense of DOMA. He twice voted for a federal constitutional ban on same-sex marriage and he voted against both the Hate Crimes Act and the repeal of DADT. Crapo has a 100% rating from the Christian Coalition and a 0% rating from the Human Rights Campaign."
    Karma can really be nasty......

    1. Balzafiar11:21 AM

      Hmm. Kind of like someone else I remember, Larry Craig.

      Could one suppose Mr. Crapo was headed for the nearest stall or park with the best action, or perhaps had just left one?

      In addition to the field sobriety test, they should have administered a test to detect peter breath and one to detect residual lube on his ass.

      Gotta love these Republican hypocrites!

    2. Anonymous11:56 AM

      He probably figures with a name like Crapo, he gets a pass.

  2. Anonymous10:16 AM

    More GOP hypocrisy. Gotta love the last name though :-)

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      At least you recognize it. Now for the real test. Do you recognize your own hypocrisy or are you hypocritical when it comes to your candidate's lies?

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      @12:40: get over yourself. Try being mature and not so judgmental about people you don't even know. (You forgot that part. You're welcome.)

    3. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Do you andf your right-wing friends recognize hypocrisy? I wish I had a dime for every scripture quote in a comment from "other" sites that said basically, "God Knows we all make mistakes, and he forgives us" or we'are all just human".

      I hated the religious kids in school. They were the worst offenders, but all they had to do was go to confession on Sunday and all was good. Me? My parents made me be good. To everyone. All the time. Just because.

    4. Anonymous1:20 PM

      wallow and barstool look to be tag teamin' the blog


  3. As usual with ANY rethuglicon elected liar, they are 100% duplicitous… OH, and LIARS !!


    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Uhh, maybe you should turn that criticism to the left. It would help this country, and the Benghazi victims a great deal to uncover the shady dealings of this admin.

    2. Anonymous1:01 PM

      @12:40: BENGHAZI! BENGHAZI! Ring those bells!

    3. Anonymous1:14 PM

      benghhazi ?!?

      we know you're mentally challenged $carah but stay the fuk on topic, eh ?

  4. That holier-than thou attitude is what makes them look so hypocritical whenever circumstances prove that they are actually human beings, and make many of the same mistakes that we all do.

    But with their relioiousity providing the umph in their "morals", they just look like fools who lie to others (and themselves!) about who they really are.

    Mike Crapo is just playing the "conservative" game... it's a bunch of Crap(o) with all of the Teavangelicals, and they deserve the ridicule because they claim they're special.

    Thanks for posting. Have a great holiday season everyone and be safe!

  5. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Does this dude have a WONKY EYE or is he just drunk again? Maybe it runs in the tea-bagger ranks... Crapo, Palin, Bachmann, ...

  6. Anonymous10:43 AM

    There went his personal planet.

  7. WakeUpAmerica10:46 AM

    Is he actually one who claims to be holier than thou, or are you assuming it? I don't know anything about him, but it is possible that he is a fallen Mormon, and not a politician who imposes his beliefs on others. It is, of course, always snicker worthy when a Mormon is arrested for DUI.

  8. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Now we know the real reason why he wanted to cut taxes on breweries.

  9. London Bridges11:23 AM

    "Officer I can't understand it! I just paid $3,000 to attend the Bristol Palin school of abstinence and she told me it worked every time!"

    "I also thought Everclear was pure bottled water from frackin' country."

    "I swear on my magic underwear!"

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      That school would help you. The one lesson is, "sleep in the same bed as your baby until he's 5." Literally. It has worked perfectly for her. Though she hasn't had a live-in bf ever, so that works too.

  10. He deeply regrets the circumstances that brought this to the public's attention. Namely, that he got caught.


    No way a life-long teetotaler got the blood alcohol level the first imbibe out the gate. He's a long time drinker.

    I guess the Mormon's won't be fronting him for president in 2016.

  11. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Same old story: Crapo doesn't drink, Sarah doesn't lie, Mitt doesn't cheat, Newt is brilliant... and so on and so on. That's a republican for you!

  12. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Dude, it's xmas eve. Go enjoy your precious family.

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Dude @12:38: xmas eve, wow! For some of us it's just another Monday. Why aren't YOU enjoying YOUR precious family?

    2. BabyRaptor3:23 PM

      Not everyone celebrates Christmas. Or has a "precious" family. Mine (hardcore Republican, and hardcore Christian) disowned me when I "chose my perverted sexual sin over Jesus."

      So it's just another day for me. And seriously, if you hold it in such high regards, why are you too lazy to type the name out?

  13. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Wow, Idaho's great conservative senators: Larry (I not gay, I have a side stance) Craig and Mike (I'm a Mormon, I don't consume alcohol) Crapo.

  14. Anonymous1:03 PM

    What is it w/these Republicans always professing good, solid families, ideals and their religions or being 'christians'? I call bullshit!

    Let us review a few of them -

    Palin - proven affairs on both sides, husband Todd is a proven pimp, marriage is a farce, constatntly push God but don't attend church and have raised uneducated kids that also have broken the law numerous times. Sarah is also a proven racist, liar and fraud. Proven 'unethical' by the Alaska Legislature and quit her term as governor (I will not even give her that title!) mid-way through the term to make money!

    McCain - called his wife the 'c' word that is on video, is nasty and mean spirited, is suppose to have had affairs, picked Sarah Palin (the idiot!) as his running mate w/o major vetting and a man who thinks he is more important than he actually is! He has a horrible potty mouth, was at the bottom of his class military academy, crashed more than one plane in the military, etc.

    Gingrich - affairs and multiple marriages. Mean spirited and nasty. Huge, huge ego!

    Boehner - alcoholic - supposed affairs even though in long-time marriage. Nasty and mean spirited. A horrible leader in the U.S. Congress (House) too.

    Mitt Romney - liar and fraud - Mormon - has no clue how to associate with others 'beneath' him. Who knows if his marriage is solid or if it is a hoax too - living up to the teachings of their faith?

    I could go on and on! Basically, don't trust a Republican/Tea Bagger as far as I can throw them. We need to vote as many of them out of office as possible in the next election cycle...especially in the U.S. Congress!

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Boy, do I agree with you!!

  15. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I'll bet he crapo'd his pants when he got pulled over!

  16. Anonymous2:01 PM

    You're right: It IS a crapo mugshot!

  17. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Diaper Dave to the Senate Chambers, Diaper Dave to the Senate Chambers STAT! Another crisis in conservatard land!~

  18. Anonymous4:40 PM

    At least he doesn't have a "Nick Nolte " mugshot. With plenty of practice a person can fool most of the people most of the time. That is until you run a red light or something!

  19. Anonymous3:33 AM

    This is why they say, if you go fishing with a Mormon you should always take two, otherwise he'll drink all your beer.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.